9gerian (7)

9gerian shot dead, 32 arrested in Poland

A yet-to-be-identified Nigerian was shot dead in the Polish capital of Warsaw yesterday after a struggle with policemen who chased him through a crowded open-air market.

Traders pelted officers with bricks, in the process, police said after making 32 arrests.According to the Polish police, 32 other Nigerians are under detention following the development. The 36-year-old man took flight when a police patrol entered the market in the central Praga district, Police Spokesman Mariusz Sokolowski told AFP.

Traders threw bricks and other objects at police when they began to pursue him, Sokolowski said..

“According to certain witnesses, the man tried to wrestle a gun away from a policeman,” when it went off, he said.

“A police officer was wounded and hospitalised. Thirty-two people were detained, most likely all Nigerians, but we are still checking their identities,” Sokolowski added.

Investigators have opened an inquiry into the circumstances of the man's death. A similar case in Greece, another European country in 2007, had led to a massive protest by African immigrants.

The Nigerian in his 20s had died after he jumped from a building where he was selling pirated DVDs in a café in the Northern city of Thessaloniki..

He had fled when he believed police in the cafe were trying to arrest him.

The prefect of the region of Greece, Panayiotis Psomiadis, had condemned the action stating: “The tragic death of the young man from Nigeria reminds us all of the difficult days we Greeks experienced a few decades ago when we emigrated to make a living.”

The protest that ensued attracted immigrants from all over Africa while the police had a tough time trying to restore peace and order.

They fired tear gas while the crowd threw stone at them outside the police station holding up photographs of the dead man.

According to the prefect, it is the duty of the Greek state, whose development was influenced by emigration, to show sensitivity and attribute blame where necessary. Poland has diplomatic relations with Nigeria with its embassy in Abuja and that of Nigeria situated in Warsaw.

Many Nigerians had travelled to the European country on scholarship in the last three decades especially in the area of medicine and pharmacy. Intermarriages between them and Nigerians have led to the formation of Nigerwives, an association of foreign women married to Nigerian men.
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ON Monday, May 10, 2010, the Africa Independent Television (AIT) ran a feature on how a hostile policy put in place by the government of the Republic of Ghana has led to the closure of Nigerian businesses in that country.
Photo: John Attah Mills President of Ghana a known member of Synagogoue Church of all nations with Prophet TB Joshua as General Overseer.
Maybe if TB stopped him from coming he might change his mind on naija must go .
Shops were seen placed under lock and key, while their owners were sitting, idly, outside hoping against hope that something would happen to change the minds of their host government. But from all indications, nothing like that is likely to happen.

As soon as he received the mandate of his people, President John Atta-Mills prodded the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Protection Council (GIPC), Mr George Aboagye, to swing into action and strictly implement the GIPC Act of 1994, which demands that any foreign business based in Ghana must pay $300,000 or 48 million Naira into the coffers of the GIPC before it is allowed to open shop or continue to operate.

Way back in 2007, Nigerian businesses in Ghana were closed down as a result of this law. There are indications that the Act is being upgraded to ensure that only foreign businesses that have not less than one million US$ will be allowed to operate in Ghana. Ghana has decided to press ahead with this rather atrocious regulation in spite of the ECOWAS Protocol on Free Trade and efforts by the West African regional body to move its member states towards economic unification....

Ghana decided to impose this protectionist measure in line with popular agitations among indigenous business owners, who feel that the influx of people from highly populous countries of the world, such as Nigeria, China and India are crowding them out of competition. A recent forum Aboagye had with Ghanaian business owners in Kumasi focused on ways of protecting the local entrepreneurs from their foreign counterparts and keeping the foreigners under strict control.

From their online responses, it is clear that Ghanaians are hugely in support of the measure. They have obviously not forgotten how they were shabbily treated when they flocked to Nigeria when the Ghanaian economy collapsed in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. In the name of getting rid of “illegal aliens”, Ghanaians were bundled into lorries and shipped across the borders by the Alhaji Shehu Shagari’s government in 1981.

Bags made from a tough polyethylene fabric were derisively named: Ghana-Must-Go, a term that rankles with Ghanaians who retort: Nigeria-Must-Die.

It is clear that relations between the two former sister countries have changed for the worse. In those days, Ghana was like an offshore territory of Nigeria, and people from both countries freely came, settled and went. Those Nigerian traders who are now marooned in Ghana went there in that old spirit of regarding Ghana as a friendly nation of Nigeria across the West Coast.

From the way Ghanaians are booing Nigerians in their country, it will not surprise anyone if, like in South Africa, we begin to see gangs of organised youths perpetrating violence against foreigners, especially Nigerians.

We must allow incidents like these to teach us a thing or two about the need to repair our own country and encourage our fleeing people to come back and join the effort to rebuild Nigeria. We should also come to terms with the fact that every country is defying globalisation and taking steps to protect their own citizens.

Nigeria is still a country where foreigners, such as Chinese, Indians, Lebanese, people of the Sahara and Sahelian region and even Ghanaians freely come and settle and carry on their economic activities without much regulation. In fact, in some parts of the country, Lebanese and other Arabs are far more welcome and are more at home than Nigerians from other parts of Nigeria.

Nigerians are hunted both in their country and abroad, and the Nigerian government is not concerned in the least. This is no longer acceptable. The presidency and the National Assembly must wake up and act to protect the interests and well being of Nigerians and encourage our people to stay in Nigeria and actualise the Nigerian dream.
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Man guilty of killing Nigerian in London


A 22-year-old man, Chrisdian Johnson, has been found guilty of murdering a 16-year-old Nigerian, Oluwaseyi Ogunyemi, who was mauled by a dog before being stabbed in south London, the British Broadcasting Corporation reports.


Johnson used his dog as a weapon on Ogunyemi before stabbing him in an attack in a park in Stockwell, the Old Bailey heard.

Oluwaseyi was brought down by one of the dogs as he tried to jump over a fence. He was then stabbed six times.

Johnson's brother Shane, 20, was cleared of murder.

The murder was described in court as unique because dangerous dogs were used as weapons to savage their victims before they were knifed.

Brian Altman QC, prosecuting, told jurors, "At the time of the attack, both dogs were unleashed, and chased and then brought down and savaged their victims, giving their human masters an advantage, enabling them then to access their victims in order to stab them with knives."

One witness said the behaviour of the youths in the attack was "vicious" and "mirrored the behaviour of a pack of wild animals," Mr. Altman told jurors.

Johnson was arrested as he fled from the scene of the murder in Larkhall Park bare-chested and covered in blood.

Johnson, of South Lambeth, south London, had been allowed to keep the animal only when a court imposed strict conditions on his ownership in late 2007.

He was also convicted of the attempted murder of the victim's 17-year-old friend, Hurui Hiyabu, said to have been lucky to survive after he was knifed nine times.

Detective Inspector Mick Norman said, "Seyi Ogunyemi was a young man of slight stature, suffering from Crohn's Disease.

"He was attacked by a dog released by Chrisdian Johnson and taken to the ground. While on the ground, he was stabbed where he lay. He didn't stand a chance."

Johnson was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on Friday (today).
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A low budget Mutallab has struck in canada .

A man held a Calgary school secretary at knifepoint for two hours, police have announced charges against a suspect.thumbnail.php?file=Mathew_Akanni_Adeniran_687043813.jpeg&size=article_medium

Police said Friday that a Nigerian, Matthew Akani Adeniran, 25, has been charged with several offences, including forcible confinement, assault
with a weapon, uttering threats, criminal harassment and possession of
a weapon in connection to Thursday's hostage-taking at A.E. Cross
Junior High School..

No one was injured in the incident, which happened just before 2 p.m. in the school office, as students filled the main gym for a pep rally
featuring Olympic silver medallist Carolyn Darbyshire.

Contacted Friday, Adeniran's father said his son has been acting erratically for some time.

"At night he was talking to himself and mumbling," said Gabriel Adeniran. "He needs help, to be honest."

Darbyshire, a member of the Canadian women's curling team, has a son who attends the school and was about to go into the assembly when an agitated man
entered the office.

The man demanded to see the school principal — then brandished a knife when he was told the principal wasn't available.

Darbyshire raced to the gymnasium to alert school authorities, while her husband stayed back to monitor the situation.

Darbyshire and the teachers started the pep rally as planned, trying to keep the students calm until police arrived.

As the tactical team entered the school and patrol officers surrounded the building, a staff member abruptly ended the rally. After a few minutes,
officials evacuated the gym and bused the students to another nearby

Meanwhile, a tactical team member had entered the office, where he saw a man holding the secretary, Bonnie Grainger, at knifepoint.

The officer began talking to the man. Police said the hostage-taker was a former student at A.E. Cross who blames the principal for a sports
injury he suffered 10 years ago.

What nobody knew in those first minutes was there was a student in the office when the hostage taking began: a 13-year-old boy who managed to
hide in an inner office.

The boy's mother called 911 after he reached her using a phone inside the office. The boy was safe, but police had no way of phoning him back
without alerting the hostage taker and putting him in danger.

After two hours, however, police negotiators convinced the man to free Grainger in exchange for a bottle of water.

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The Vatican has been thrown into chaos by reports that one of the Pope's ceremonial ushers, as well as a member of the elite Vatican choir, were involved in a homosexual prostitution ring.

The allegations came to light after Italian newspapers published transcripts of phone calls recorded by police, who had been conducting an unrelated corruption investigation.


The tapes appear to record Angelo Balducci, a Gentleman of His Holiness, negotiating with Thomas Chinedu Ehiem, a 29-year-old Nigerian Vatican chorister, about men he wanted brought to him for sexual purposes. Balducci was allegedly paying 2,000 euros ($2,714) for each man he met, according to the Irish Times.

Balducci is recorded describing precise physical details of the men he wanted. The transcripts record that during five months in 2008, Ehiem procured for Balducci at least 10 contacts with, among others, "two black Cuban lads," a former male model from Naples, and a rugby player from Rome.

A report by the Italian Carabinieri on the case said: "In order to organize casual encounters of a sexual nature, he availed himself of the intercession of two individuals who, it is maintained, may form part of an organized network, especially active in [Rome], of exploiters or at least facilitators of male prostitution."

The police probe into corruption resulted in Balducci and 4 others being arrested. Allegations of prostitution were only revealed later, and have resulted in Ehiem's dismissal from the Vatican choir.

Balducci held a high position within the Vatican and carried the coffin of Pope John Paul at his 2005 funeral. He has now lost his position as a Gentleman of the Holiness. His trial for corruption is still pending.

The Catholic Church has weathered a storm of controversy in recent years over allegations of sexual abuse by its members. Whilst homosexuality is not outright condemned within the Church, it is taught that homosexual acts are "are intrinsically disordered."

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Chinese government had agreed to issue exit visas to Nigerians resident in China illegally, to enable them leave the country without molestation, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.The development is coming on the heels of street protests last week, over the death of two Nigerians who jumped out of a window to escape police clampdown of illegal migrants in Guangzhou Province.This is as Chinese Embassy in Abuja, has said it was yet to receive detailed information on the alleged death of a Nigerian, Emmanuel Egisimba, in the Chinese town of Guangzhou last Wednesday.The Embassy’s Spokesman, Mr Peng Yijun, said they are still waiting for confirmation and approval from Beijing before any reaction could be sent to that effect."There is an agreement in principle with the Chinese authority to issue exit visas to Nigerians who have overstayed without arresting and clamping them into jail,'' Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Ayo Olukanni, told NAN yesterday in Abuja.'This is what the Nigerian mission in China is currently negotiating. The mission is working with the Nigerian community to ensure that the list of those affected is compiled for necessary issuing of the visas,'' he said.Olukanni denied that two Nigerians died after jumping through a window.'No Nigerian died. The two people, Mr Ndubusisi Ohaneme sustained some injuries and had been discharged from the hospital, while Emmanuel Okoro, who was in intensive care, is now out and is in stable condition in the hospital,'' he said.According to Olukanni, nearly 20,000 Africans, including 5,000 Nigerians, reside in the Guangzhou Province, adding that in recent times, the Chinese had embarked on an exercise to `flush' out those staying illegally.He advised Nigerians against overstaying their visas to avoid harassment from the security personnel of their host countries.What nigerians face as written from ucboboy in chinaOver the years, Nigerians in China have been suffering untold hardship in the hands of the communist police of China,notwithstanding the deplomatic and trade relations between Nigeria and China.While other smaller african country's citizens are treated fairly one wonders why the citizens from the most populous nation in africa is being treated with levity in China.For example the Chinese authorities has been very considerate in renewin the visas of other african countries with the exception of Nigeria.Other african countries have been getting their resident permit with ease but the case of Nigerians is different.Even when a Nigerian is married to a Chinese Citizens according to the Chinese law the person is still being denied the one year resident permit that the Chinese government give to people in that category rather they will be renewing the person's visa every three months in the case of Nigerian Citizens.One therefore is pushed to ask if the then president Olusegun Obassanjo just signed a bi- lateral relation with Chinese government just to give millions of Chinese citizens free accsess to enter Nigeria so that they help and send our half dead industries to their graves. It is supprising that these Chinese citizens scattered all over Nigeria enjoy their freedom and carry on their businesses without any interference.It is absurd to hear that Nigerians in China do not enjoy any freedom at all and that there are many Nigerians that are being detained by the communist police in an underground cell.It is too bad that while many Nigerians wish to go about their legal businesses that the Chinese communist police are trying their best to frustrate their efforts especially in the commercial city of Guangzhou.The police in the commercial city of Gunagzhou is a carbon copy of Nigerian police in corruption.The difference is that while the Nigerian police collect a pea nut as bribe their Chinese counterpart collect a furtune.Right now in Gunagzhou Nigerians are paying between 10,000 to 13,000 RMB that is 175,000naira to 227,500 naira bribe just to get themselves released as soon they are arrested to avoid being thrown into the underground cell.Even as the Chinese government says that anybody that overstayed should pay a fine of 5000RMB they still cannot not allow Nigerians to pay the fine with ease and go home if they wish to go,rather they will handcuff the person and make him to suffer in the cell and still pay the fine.The wife of a Nigerian who have a resident permit can never claim through her husband's residency, rather if she wish to come to China she will apply and get a one month visiting visa within which she will leave. If not she will be there as illegal allien.Many Nigerian wives are in these category right now.The most annoying thing is that these Nigerians that are being denied the legal stay in China employ Chinese Citizens in their various offices and shops, where they pay them a huge sum ranging from 2000 to 3000RMB monthly that is 35,000 - 52,500 naira. An amount that most Nigerian graduates are not receiving as minimum wage. I was recently informed that among the multinational companies in Nigeria that Chinese are the least paid workers. It is disheartening that these Chinese will cheat us in their country and rob us of our due at home.In Nigeria Chinese are importers, hawkers, clearing agents even visa vendors. In China, most Nigerians hardly see breathing space to carry out their legitimate businesses. A situation that most Nigerians have been helpless about.I need a general advice on how to get this problem solved.Since Nigeria have her own laws, is there any means that we can get Mr Ude the boss of Nigerian immigeration to try and enforce our own laws?Can we unanimousely in this discussion group write pettition to Mr president about this situation.
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Rescuing 9geria is not simply a choice but the only choice we must make as 9gerians and friends of 9geria if this largest black nation on earth will not sink under the yoke of ignorance, waste, corruption, and poverty. What you must know: DID YOU KNOW… 1. that over N6.5 trillion was spent to pay salaries and allowances of 9geria’s 18,000 [s]elected public officials between 1999 and 2009 while 9gerian workers receive peanuts as salaries? 2. that about half of 9geria’s annual revenue is spent to maintain the lifestyle of 9geria’s 18,000 [s]elected public officials while national minimum wage remains at N7, 500? 3. that in section 16 (2) (d) of 9geria’s Constitution it is stated as follows: “The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, and unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of the disabled are provided for all citizens”? 4. that because of the outrageous salaries and allowances paid 9geria’s public officials and their corrupt lifestyle 9gerians have been deprived of the benefits accorded them by section 16 (2) (d) of the Constitution? 5. that the 150 million 9gerians, of whom you are an important family member, are expected by the fortunate 18,000 officials to do nothing about this? 6. that our public schools will continue to deteriorate if you do nothing? 7. that the children of the 18,000 officials don’t attend the public schools you or your children attend? 8. that the children of the 18,000 officials shall come back to rule over your less and under educated children if you do nothing? 9. that graduates of public schools stand little chance of getting good jobs in 9geria compared to those of better funded private schools both within and outside 9geria which neither you nor your children can afford except family members of the 18,000 officials? 10. that 9geria’s bad roads, poor electricity, collapsed health system, neglected agriculture and industrial sectors like her public education will not improve if you do nothing? 11. that “vision 2020” shall go the way of “vision 2000” and “vision 2010” if you do nothing? 12. that those [s]elected public officials who may have employed you as a thug send their children to expensive private schools both within and outside 9geria, and your children shall become thugs to their children in the future should you do nothing? 13. that in section 17 (2) (d) it is stated that: “In furtherance of the state social order, exploitation of human or natural resources in any form whatsoever for reasons other than the good of the community shall be prevented”, yet the government of 9geria has allowed oil companies to destroy our environment, destroy our water resources and thus the livelihood of many 9gerians? 14. that 9geria’s Constitution requires in section 17 (3) (d) that: “The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are adequate medical and health facilities for all persons”, yet even our public officials have to seek health care overseas at great national cost? 15. that the option of doing nothing is too costly and not a good option for you to even consider? What you can do: 1. Make a copy or copies of this message according to your ability and give to other 9gerians and friends of 9geria. 2. Get copies of this message and help distribute at mosques, churches, market places, and at other public places, and also through e-mails to 9gerians and friends of 9geria. 3. Organize 9gerian students in schools, colleges, and Universities to form 9geria Rally Movements. 4. Arrange and invite us to give talks to those groups you have helped form. 5. Study and discuss in groups the second chapter of the 9gerian Constitution entitled, FUNDAMENTAL OBJECTIVES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY. 6. Write, sign, and send letters of protest to the National Assembly, State Assemblies, the President, Governors, Local government Chairmen, Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission demanding urgent constitutional (including appropriate review of section 84 (3) and section 124 (3) of 9geria’s Constitution) downward review of salaries of 9geria’s public officials. 7. Demand for the scrapping of the Senate and putting of the House of Representatives and State Houses of Assembly on per diem (part time) basis. 8. Demand for the collapse of the 9gerian federation into 6 states according to the six geopolitical regions. 9. Demand for a constitutional requirement of at most 13 federal Ministers and at most 8 state Commissioners, respectively and pegging of Advisers at both national and state levels to the number of federal Ministers and Commissioners, accordingly in order to free resources for investment in the people and avoidance of unnecessary duplication of responsibilities. 10. Organize peaceful processions at public places such as Aso Rock, National and State Assemblies, Local government council offices, offices of the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission, and at offices of popular contractors in 9geria who collaborate with government officials to loot our commonwealth through inflated contract sums, and yet do poor jobs or at worst abandon the project without any consequences. 11. Refuse to give up even if you don’t see immediate results. 12. Refuse to quit even if you encounter persecution, whether from government or neighbors. The desired change we seek can only happen through organized revolutionary action. But for too long, 9geria’s rulers have urged them to “pray” while they prey on the hapless masses. Yes, we believe in divine intervention; but faith without works is dead. God has always worked with and through men and women who match their faith with necessary action. God will pull down our walls of Jericho, but He MUST have us walk round them 13 times. Are we ready for the WALK-LONG WALK TO FREEDOM? http://www.9jabook.com/page/nigeria-rally-movement Contact: quote http://www.9jabook.com as the source E-mail: shilgba@nigeriarally.org, cliffedo@nigeriarally.org, natapir@nigeriarally.org , nigeriarallyeurope@gmail.com TEL: 08055024356
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