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Lolita is from Nigeria and at only 26 years of age her testimony seems almost unbelievable. Her story perfectly illustrates some of the hardships thousands of African women go through. Prostitution has reduced her to a drug addict and an alcoholic with aids pulling her into the doomed path of the grim reaper.

Prostitution among African women is snowballing in Europe. Amely-James Bela, a business school graduate, has a long history of humanitarian and community work. She has been fighting to stop the traffic of women and children for prostitution. Her book La prostitution africaine en Occident sounds an alarm on this phenomenon. has also decided to follow her example by bringing this trend to light.

“If only I knew what was in store for me here, in this crazy place, this place that so many people admire, this place they all want to come to (…) a place where we, Africans, are considered as good for nothing, slaves who are made to eat human excrement and drink their urine. Some find it normal that sick people, perverts, rich people… use their money and influence to gravely abuse other humans.

They say that we are adults and therefore consenting, but this is not true because no one asked for my consent before throwing me into this hell hole. I was forced and threatened… and if we are adults, what about the kids who find themselves in this milieu? Those people pay a lot to abuse the youngest ones. Poor people do not pay such ludicrous amounts of money for such things, simply because all their money will still not be enough to buy these…

"I am not afraid anymore"

I am disgusted and no more afraid, and by the way, who cares? My days are numbered anyway. My aids is in its final stages. They have more respect for dogs than for us. I know that not all the girls go through what I have been through. But I know what goes on in this milieu and why the girls deny all those horrendous things so as not to fall victim to their anger. Their riches give them the right over our lives… If their drugs, their aids and alcohol had not brought me to my death bed, their filth and the filth of their dogs that I was made to swallow as well as their violence would have done it anyway.

I have prayed to God to forgive me and take me back. No human being can live with what I have in my head. I only have to close my eyes for a few seconds for all the horrors to come rushing back. Everyday and every night I go through the same torture. I need someone to help me end it all, I have no energy in me to even try it. My God! I want just a moment of silence to rest. I just want it over and done with and just go, go, go…

Recruited via the Internet

My troubles began in Lagos. I came across an internet announcement, which said that a businessman was looking for women who wanted to get married for his dating agency. There were photos and stories of happy and successful marriages. Apart from the internet announcement, I also answered to announcements posted in these magazines that we find everywhere now. It all went very fast. The man contacted me and we started communicating via the Internet. He promised me things that no woman would refuse. A dream. In a matter of three months, I had every single paper needed to leave for London. He also gave me the names of persons I had to meet and everything went well. I also had to go to Benin City (a city in Nigeria, ndlr) to collect a small parcel for him. I was a bit taken aback when I realized that the little parcel he was talking about were three young boys between the ages of eight and twelve. Their passports and visas were ready. Everything was ok. I went to see a guy called “wizard” for instructions.

Our trip took us through Ghana where someone provided us with Liberian passports with which we traveled to London. This was to help us obtain refugee status with ease. We left after spending three days in a shantytown in Accra where we were hidden to “avoid being spotted by jealous people who were not as lucky as us!” hmmm… The youngest boy was gripped by fear. He cried a lot, his whole body shook and could not utter a word. His only refuge were my arms and the only moment he left my arms was to allow me to go to the bathroom...

Defenseless children

At the airport, my fiancé and the person who was to collect the children were waiting. The separation was very painful. A lot of force was needed to tear the little boy from me. I never heard of those children again. I followed this man whom I knew nothing about apart from the fact that he called himself “Bryan”. We barely got to his house when the nightmare began. First of all, he wanted us to do it right away. But I told him that I needed a some time as it is not too easy to open up to someone I did not know, just like that. But his violent grip made me give in immediately. My first hours on the English soil were marked with rape and violence on somebody’s living room floor. He took a rest, drank whiskey and came back to do those horrible and painful things that I didn’t even know existed, again and again. I thought I was going to die.

I was forced to do what he wanted, I knew only him and he had kept all my papers. After sexually abusing me, he asked me to watch films in which girls were having sex with animals. He said to study what the girls were doing because I was going to do the same soon. He said that my arrival had cost him a lot of money and I was going to have to pay him back. He also said that because he is a very nice man, he would find good business and film contracts and split the money between the two of us. He gave me a little something to give me courage, but not to worry because there was a lot of money to be made. Lots of money. That little something to give me courage was, in fact, drugs. This is how, three weeks after my arrival in England, I became a bestial porn star addicted to drugs and traveling through eruopean capitals; Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and London, my residence.

Women and animals

Once or twice a week, I was sent to film sets or individual homes to tape these nasty pornographic videos. Sometimes the master and his dogs would join in. It gave me nausea. His wife would look on, amused, while mixing herself cocktails. I took drugs and drunk before doing those scenes, because without getting high on drugs, I just couldn’t do it. These animals in me, their slaver, their hairs, their bad breathe, the scratches from their claws, while obeying their masters who would order them to go slow or use violence with me under them, forced to obey. I cried, I screamed, I prayed for the good lord to take me away. What was I doing? My poor mother would die if she knew. To prevent her from asking too many questions, I sent her money along with carefully staged photographs Bryan and I made.

The worst moment came was when I was made to perform oral sex on these animals. Sex with the animals were unprotected and the man told me that I was not at risk since God had made sure that animals could not impregnate humans. For years I did only that. Litres of animal sperm in my stomach. My body is so filthy that not a single child could possibly be conceived in it. One day, to spice up the scenes, the producer’s wife went and fetched puppies to suck my breasts. It was very painful because they sucked violently as there was no milk. The professionals sell these films across the world while others watch them during parties.

My family lives well and I live with aids

I have to confess that I made a lot of money. I had a house built back home and my family lives well. I pay the school fees for the young ones and I am respected and adored. My family is very proud of me because they know nothing about what I do. Out of greed, I worked more to get more money, which also meant more drugs and alcohol. Sometimes Bryan rented me out to a friend of his in the south of France, because in summer, the arrival of a number of yachts and celebrities at the côte d’azur means a big market for prostitutes and drug dealers. There are all night long orgies and they pay a lot. It is a change from the usual work and brings in a lot of money.

I think that is where I was infected with aids… and because I did not have regular medical check ups the disease was discovered too late. I was abandoned on the beaches of Saint Tropez. Bryan disappeared and changed his address. A prostitute from Poland came to my aid but since she was not able to cater for my drug needs as well as all she was doing for me, she introduced me to an African girl who was also involved in the same line of work, who introduced me to an association that takes care of African women with aids…

My disease is in its terminal stage. I won’t live past thirty. My body is covered with leeches, I am a drug addict, anorexic, alcoholic… I still work as a prostitute, but I am careful not to put my clients, who know nothing about my situation, at risk. I do it to help me buy drugs and alcohol. I take those things to speed things up, you know, my death. The images torture me and it is like a poison killing me in small doses. It is the worst kind of death. I regret so much for coming to Europe. Back home, I would be healthy, married and by now a mother…”

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My new tall, dark and handsome boyfriend was standing across the room looking so fine in his shirt; I couldn't take my eyes off him. It was my pal's birthday party and the first time I had ever dragged my latest man-friend out with my buddies. I wasn't sure how it would go, yet there he was, charming the pants off them all by himself, busting out his A-material small talk with some friends in a corner. He was doing his best to impress. It was very sweet. He was going all out for me. Meanwhile, I was at the snack table and before I could curse myself for leaving him to go in for another cheesy cracker, I was accosted by a buddy's wife I barely knew, a nasty woman named Sue. "How old is he?" she pried. After politely playing 20 questions with Sue about my new boyfriend, I knew this was the one she was getting at. I wanted to say something like, "He's not as old as those frown lines make you look!" Anything that would shut her up and let me enjoy my prized romance. Instead I shoved a cracker in my mouth and mulled over her question as I pretended it was hard to chew. It was more like her question was hard to swallow. Yes, my new man was older than me, much older than me. But I wasn't some gold digger trying to claw at his cash account, or even a woman with daddy issues. I just thought he was the hottest, funniest man I'd ever met. He was more exciting to be with than any of the 20-something guys I knew. I was smitten with his wit and the way he filled out a pair of pants. Really, are there better reasons to date someone? Should I seriously have let 15 years come between me and happiness, just so I could avoid judgment from girls like Sue? I really should have answered her question with the long list of truly great things about dating an older man. The Frisky: 9 inexcusable excuses for breaking up He knows cool stuff you never heard of: Generation gaps can be a good thing culture-wise. He can introduce you to music and movies that are totally awesome classics. The Frisky: 5 ways women try to impress men (and why they don't work) He's super supportive: He's got a career and is secure in his work life, so he's totally supportive of your ambitions. And probs full of good advice! Not to mention the quarter-life crisis is kinda like the mid-life one. The Frisky: Maybe its time to rethink your dating strategy? Someone has already "fixed him up": That relationship didn't work out. And now you can reap the benefits of nice shoes and hand towels in the bathroom. The Frisky: Factors in making love last (or not) He doesn't stay out late: He might be a ladies' man, but after a certain age, he's not out on the prowl every night in da club lookin' for a fresh piece. He just wants to hang with you. The Frisky: 6 heartwarming stories of old love He knows himself: Nobody's perfect, and by now, he understands his main foibles. So, he can even communicate them to you to prevent friction. The Frisky: The 10 best short hair moments of the decade You're the pretty one: It's shallow, but it's always nice to feel extra sexy. He doesn't want to be alone: He's already hit that point when men realize they don't want to be all by themselves. Even if they intend to stay confirmed bachelors, they still want company. Salt n' pepper hair: So hot. Sure, not every middle-aged guy has got it, but it certainly ups your chances. No more going Dutch: There won't be that awkward pause when the check comes; he'll always take it because a man of his years makes more money. You won't even feel the slightest bit guilty. He is going to be this rad forever: Some peeps just lose their lust for life at a certain age, but your dude has still got it! He can not only keep up with your young butt, but he piques your interest. You know for sure that time doesn't slow him down. He's always willing to try new things. He's not going to turn into some couch potato all of a sudden. In another 20 years, he'll still be l-i-v-i-n'.
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(Memphis Egypt) Famed egyptologist Dr. Zany Hogwash announced to a stunned world that King Tutankhamun owned an Ipod and a cell phone. The items were discovered in 1922 by the Carter expedition but were misidentified as kitchen utensils. King Tut lived from 1341 BC to 1323 BC.Dr. Hogwash said the Ipod was damaged with age but the song selections were readable. It appears King Tut was like any normal teenager and loved rock music. His favorite song was Pyramid to Heaven by Ded Zeppelin. The young king was also very fond of the Dark Side of the Tomb album by Rosetta Floyd.The Rolling Stones were alive back then but no selections were on the Ipod. The same can be said for The Dung Beatles. The king didn't seem interested in the Hittite Invasion bands of the early 1330's BC.King Tut was fond of 'The Pharaoh of Ra and Roll'; probably because they both lived in Memphis. The recording of You Ain't Nothing but a Jackal was played numerous times.King Tut's cell phone also yielded much information. According to Dr. Hogwash the young king liked text messaging. The messages are very hard to read because they are abbreviated hieroglyphics; only a teenage egyptologist would be able to decipher them. The king had Queen Nefertiti and Queen Neferriti on speed dial so he wouldn't mix them up. He had Cleopatra on speed dial also but dropped her after a recent spat.Dr. Hogwash says they are looking at other items in King Tut's tomb more closely and hope to find his laptop or his Iphone.Nigerian AmeboIn futher confirmation of this strange occurence A renowned babalawo Baba Lamidi Egunjemide has claimed that The ancestor of the yoruba's, King Oduduwa had a microwave oven and a binatone blender used for preparing gbegiri and amala for the great king ! This came in very handy as he was migrating from Egypt ! possibly given to him by King Tut himself also a known gbegiri man but our sources claim he preffered poundy not amala .Also you can add your amebo gist and other more strange reports like this can be found at ERR is human but to gossip takes great skillby anonymous ancient amebo
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It has been revealed how Super Eagles striker, Obafemi Martins, extranvagantly squandered about N3.1 trillions while a player of Newcastle.MartinsadvertisementHis former management company, NVA Management Limited who has dragged the player to court over breach of contarct, told the jury how the player’s account almost went red because of his lifestyle.Obafemi Martins was paid £75,000, but allegedly squandered the earnings on an extravagant lifestyleA former Premiership footballer routinely blew his £75,000 a week wages in a matter of days and was constantly overdrawn, a court was told yesterday.Obafemi, ex-Newcastle striker 25, was paid the handsome salary after he joined the club for a £10million fee in August 2006.But despite his extraordinary earnings, his former management team yesterday claimed they repeatedly bailed him out after his bank account continually slipped into the red.The High Court heard that the Nigerian international player would withdraw £40,000 in cash from his bank account at the end of the week.But that would only last him two days, the court heard, as he topped up with a further £25,000 on the Monday morning.He was always overdrawn and repeatedly relied upon NVA Management Limited to ‘manage his life’, the High Court was told.Martins, who owned several fast cars including a top of the range Porsche 4X4, spent the money funding an extravagant lifestyle of luxurious penthouse homes and fine dining.He is now being sued by his former management company which claims that he still owes them 300,000 for sorting out his finances.He told the court that Martins would withdraw £40,000 for the weekend, followed by another £25,000 on the Monday.‘Despite earning these vast sums of money he was constantly overdrawn,’ added Mr Tennink.He said the firm, which looks after the affairs of several footballers, film and music stars, said that Martins had agreed to pay them for simply managing his life.It was under their stewardship that Martins agreed a £2million image rights deal ‘simply for being Mr Martins’.It’s claimed Martins was constantly overdrawn despite earning £75,000-a-weekHe also had lucrative sponsorship deals with various companies including Pepsi and Nike but had not been paid.When the company stepped in to run his affairs they sorted the unpaid contracts, bringing in thousands of pounds.They also organised visas when he travelled to Italy, where he once played for Inter Milan, and sorted out his passport, his mortgage and property valuations.They even arranged critical illness cover and were constantly running up and down the motorway from their London offices to Newcastle in a bid to do all that he required.‘But surely these were things a secretary could do?’ asked Judge Richard Seymour QC, referring to the size of fees charged.‘It was a Jeeves-type of role that they performed.’Mr Tennink protested that managing every aspect of his life was just part of what they did, and asked the judge to bear in mind the sort of figures these players earned.He said Martins had come to them in July 2007 and had agreed a fee of around £300,000 plus 20 per cent of any sponsorship monies they managed to acquire on his behalf.“He asked for these services to be carried out,” Mr Tennink told the court.Before they managed his affairs, Martins had not been paid a penny for his image rights for the use of his name on Newcastle shirts and mugs and had received nothing from his sponsorship deals.He could not even find the contracts he had originally signed, Mr Tennink added.Martins paid the company £67,500 in January last year and another £25,000 in April last year.But the question for the court to decide, said Mr Tennink, was whether there was a ‘binding obligation’ for him to pay the outstanding bill of over £300,000.After Newcastle were relegated from the Premiership last summer Martins was sold for £9million to German Bundesliga Champions Wolfsburg.Martins, who once owned a penthouse apartment overlooking Newcastle’s exclusive Quayside, is fighting the claim.The hearing is scheduled to last for three days.
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The Rebirth album by Obiwon is an eclectic mix ofcontemporary gospel and RnB as earlier indicated by Obiwonwho granted us an exclusive session months beforethe release of this wonderful album.Click Obiwon's rebirth album to read the interview.The Rebirth features 10 tracks1. Lift Your Hands feat Niyola2. Victorious3. Na U4. Obi Mu O feat Guchi Young5. Bless U Lady6. Birthday7. Obi Mu O the Remix feat Guchi Young, Blaise, M.i, Illbliss8. F.A.T.H.E.R9. Hold On10.The Rebirth (Kene Gi)all beautifully arranged and delivered.I'll let the songs do the talking.Some of these tracks have been featured on this page,just type obiwon in the search box to find them.What I love about "The Rebirth (Kene Gi)"is the way Obiwon infused the ibo language with beautiful!+ he sings like an angelClick play to listen to the 10th track off Obiwon's album. Enjoy!!
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The NHS is telling school pupils they have a 'right' to an enjoyable sex life and that it is good for their health. A Health Service leaflet says experts concentrate too much on the need for safe sex and loving relationships, and not enough on the pleasure it can bring. But family campaigners last night condemned the guidance, saying it encouraged underage sex and could increase rates of sexually-transmitted diseases. Under the heading 'an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away', the leaflet says: 'Health promotion experts advocate five portions of fruit and veg a day and 30 minutes physical activity three times a week. What about sex or masturbation twice a week?' The advice, which also claims regular sex is good for cardiovascular health, has been circulated to parents, teachers and youth workers. It came to light just a week after it emerged that teenagers who took part in a £6million Government initiative to reduce teenage pregnancies were more than twice as likely to fall pregnant as other girls. The scheme tried to persuade girls not to get pregnant by handing out condoms and teaching them about sex. The NHS leaflet has been drawn up by Sheffield primary care trust and is entitled Pleasure. Its author, Steve Slack, director of the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health at NHS Sheffield, defended it by saying the advice could encourage young people to delay losing their virginity until they are sure they will enjoy the experience. He added that as long as teenagers are fully informed about sex and making decisions free of peer pressure as part of a caring relationship, they have as much right as an adult to a good sex life. Anthony Seldon Anthony Seldon, master of Wellington College, said the NHS's approach was 'deplorable' But Anthony Seldon, master of Wellington College, Berkshire, who introduced classes in emotional well-being at the public school, described the approach as 'deplorable'. Dr Trevor Stammers, of the pressure group Family and Youth Concern, said the leaflet would encourage 'risky' behaviour and an increase in sexually transmitted diseases. 'It is unbelievable that this is being sent to schools', he said. 'I'd like to know what scientific evidence there is to back this up. There are an awful lot of overpaid and under-occupied health promotion officers around who are obsessed with sex.' He added that inciting underage sex was 'nothing less than encouraging child abuse'. 'If the NHS wants to promote a healthy heart, as it says it does in this leaflet, it should put the money into reducing smoking and alcohol,' he said. 'Underage sex is as dangerous as underage drink and usually leads to sexual ill-health.' About 40,000 teenagers become pregnant every year in the UK - the highest level in western Europe. More than half end in abortion.
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This writer’s meeting with Agomoh Paul, a former junior prophet in the Synagogue Church of All Nation, Lagos had to take place in a secret location because of several alleged attempts by Pastor T.B. Joshua’s to kill him. Paul, who was Joshua’s deputy for several years, was brought out of hiding by a Pentecostal pastor, who has been giving him refuge for several months.Paul was cool and calm when this writer met him. He did not show any sign of a man being hunted. He came for the appointment with his wife who was also a former devotee of Joshua’s Church, looking fulfilled. For years, he says he was part of the alleged torture, rape, hypnotism, murder, deceit and occultism in the church. But now, he says he has found Christ; He’s now a true born again and wants to fully expose Pastor Joshua, to put an end to the “deceit called Synagogue Church of all Nation.” Everything about Pastor Joshua is fake, he tells this writer, with so much venom.This decision must have influenced Paul’s key role in the home video, ‘The Rise of the Nigerian Antichrist’, which has been circulating for a couple of weeks. He was one of the ex-devotees who “exposed Joshua’s atrocities.” Paul wants the police to quickly arrest Joshua to save the lives of thousands of people in bondage in the church. In fact, he has sent a petition to the police, detailing Joshua’s alleged atrocities.“Joshua is involved in alarming and horrific activities that require the intervention of the police. Devotees are hypnotized, canned with horse whip and humiliated. Disciples are not allowed any contact with the outside world – no newspapers, radio or television. I lived with the prophet for more than ten years, rising from the position of a disciple before I was eventually made a prophet. We lived under dehumanising conditions before we are finally confirmed as prophets. We are dehumanised, threatened and incarcerated most of the time. In fact, Joshua is running a concentration camp and not a discipleship quarters.“We lived in fear and agony and afraid to leave because those who escaped were either brought back with mysterious sicknesses or end up with bizarre ailments outside the Synagogue. We were brainwashed to deny our parents and relatives and most of us changed our surnames to Joshua. Joshua has committed so much crime against God and humanity. In the beginning, he taught us how to arrange miracles through brainwashing people to accept what they are not.”Paul says Joshua is also responsible for the death of many HIV/AIDS patients who he allegedly stopped from taking medications, with the promise to heal them without the aid of any medication. “A footballer from Liberia who plays in Scotland once brought a sister who is HIV positive, but was on drugs which made her strong. Once in the Synagogue, she was asked to stop her drugs. Soon, her situation became worse and Joshua sent her back to die in her country. When she got home, she died. One prince came to the Synagogue HIV positive, but he was very strong. When Joshua asked the man to discontinue his drugs, his situation became worse and the man died. There are more than a thousand of such cases that I witnessed. I know if an advert is placed in newspapers, calling for the families of those who died through Joshua's spiritual advice to come forward, it will be amazing the number that will turn up,” Paul alleged.Paul is also worried about the Europeans and other foreigners who flock to Joshua’s church. “We enter their rooms with spare keys, search their bags and get their personal details and problems, while they are on tour of the church. We then pass this information to Joshua, which he uses during services to bemuse them. They think he gets these details about them because of his spiritual power. It’s all lies. We steal the information for him.”This ex-devotee also claimed that Joshua consistently abused women and even minors sexually in the church. “Most of the big girls you see around him today came as virgins. They have all been sexually abused by Joshua. None of these girls has been allowed to marry by Joshua and some of them are in their mid or late thirties.”Paul claimed that Joshua often kill disciples who rebel or try to leave the church. “Death means nothing to Joshua,” he alleged, as he (Joshua) “has the machinery to cover up deaths.” Joshua, Paul claimed, maintains a killer squad which he uses to eliminate enemies. “Apart from people who died mysteriously, there are others beaten to death by the squad on Joshua’s instruction. Even Chris Okotie was lucky to escape Joshua's hit men. When Okotie exposed him, I overheard Joshua complaining to some people. After that occasion, Okotie began to complain that Joshua was after his life. Now that I have finally decided to expose this antichrist who parades himself as a man of God, he has left no stone unturned to eliminate me.”Paul alleges that Joshua's philanthropic strides shown on television are deceptive and deliberately done “to court public goodwill and not necessarily as a humane gesture.” Marriage by disciples was also strictly prohibited by Joshua, so says Paul and “Joshua always ensures he stops any blossoming relationship amongst his disciples.” The ex-devotee alleged that Joshua poisoned one prophet Benson who informed Joshua of his proposed wedding. He said his own attempt to marry a Ghanaian lady and Joshua’s opposition eventually opened his eyes to the atrocities in the church and led to his departure. “After a lot of argument over my plans to marry after I had passed 40 years, Joshua eventually asked me to bring the lady to him. She died mysteriously two weeks after she returned to Ghana.”Another ex-devotee that featured in the “The Rise of the “Nigerian Antichrist,” was one Bisola Johnson, who did the voice over in Joshua’s television programmes. Bisola claimed she joined the church at 14 and that she was also sexually abused by Joshua. She also alleges that Joshua practices occultism and bizarre initiation. “We were made to drink strange water during initiation as disciples,” she claimed. She also accused Joshua of false miracles, deceit and fraud.A website, has also been opened by “concerned Christians” to “expose” the purported atrocities of Pastor Joshua. The website is flooded daily with confessions of Joshua’s ex-devotees. Comments and articles of other pastors, criticising Joshua abound on the website. The promoters of the website say they are out to destroy “the antichrist called Joshua.”Pastor Joshua has since responded to the allegations contained in the video and the antichrist website, describing them as false. In fact, he has done a counter-video, tilted’ “Beware of Blasphemers,” which is now being widely circulated free of charge, to douse the tension raised by the “The Rise of the Nigerian Antichrist” video. In it, Joshua accused Paul and Bisola of falsehood purportedly aimed at making money. “Don’t just sit down and come to hasty conclusions. What they have produced and packaged are all falsehood,” the synagogue pastor maintained.Joshua claimed Paul left the church because of his misconduct. “He’s another blasphemer. Paul abused his position by getting involved with one of the female members of the church in Ghana,” claimed Joshua. In Joshua’s video, (from the church’s video archive) Paul was shown in the church, in abject poverty and asking for Joshua’s help. He was also shown in another section, begging for forgiveness and apologising to Joshua after his recall from Ghana. In another section, Paul was shown in Ghana, confessing to Joshua’s healing power and claiming that the Synagogue pastor healed his sister. When confronted, Paul claimed he was hypnotized into doing all these. He also disputed allegations that he was a poor man when he joined the church.Bisola was also shown in a video from the church’s archive, claiming to be a witch and tormented by evil spirits. She desperately asked Joshua for help and deliverance. Bisola was shown confessing to all sorts of atrocities, including setting her husband’s home on fire. In another section, she was seen begging Joshua for forgiveness. “It was after this that she left and started spreading falsehood about the church,” said Joshua. Bisola also claims to have been hypnotized when she was made to confess to being evil at the church.However, Joshua’s video failed to answer many critical question raised by Paul and other former devotees concerning alleged occultism, murder, hypnotism, sexual abuse, torture, slavery and deceit. This is not the first time Joshua will be accused of being an antichrist by his former followers. A few years ago, Pastor Chris Okotie of the Household of God waged an all out war with him for several weeks over his deeds, calling him a phony man of God and a dupe.Okotie said: “Joshua is involved in satanic manipulation of adherents and has transferred the same evil power to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, hence the similarities in their ministries and the emergence of a fake healing ministry for both pastors. Joshua is a practitioner of Shamanism.”Okotie continued: “Joshua is involved in Docetic Gnosticism. I have studied the Bible for over 14 years and I know what I am saying. Joshua is not qualified to talk about Jesus Christ and the Bible. The Bible is also very clear when it said that I should have nothing to do with a person like Joshua.“No one knows his (Joshua) past. All the stories he tells are not verifiable. Joshua claimed that his birth was prophesied, and that he quoted from the scriptures at a very tender age before knowing the Bible. The only way that can happen is by spiritual impartation. So, he is claiming equality with Jesus Christ. There is no way we are going to sit back and allow him to carry on. We don’t want what he is doing to this country. He is more dangerous than Abacha was.”Wale Adefarasin, another Pentecostal preacher said during Joshua’s crisis with Okotie: “On TB Joshua, the PFN makes it clear that any member who fraternises with TB Joshua will be suspended until they repent. We do not believe at this point in time that it is a Ministry of God. What we want people to know and find out is that when somebody says he is as Christian, pastor/minister, you ask him when he became born-again. Most people know when they get born again. But T B Joshua said he was converted from his mother’s womb. We know that is not possible.”Bishop Abraham Olaleye, President, Abraham Evangelistic World Outreach, Lagos also added to the controversy when he said: “I have taken time to watch many of Joshua’s TV programmes and came to the conclusion that there is something not clear, something about him is not clear. I kept watching, so that I can be sure before I make my opinion known. Having watched him over the years, I have no doubt, not even an iota of doubt left in me that this man called T.B. Joshua is not a man of God.”“Due to my personal encounter with T.B. Joshua and my involvement with Bayo Ajede (an ex-devotee) I knew without a shred of doubt that the ministry was diabolical but the actual magnitude of the deception far exceeded my thoughts. Joshua has successfully undermined the Nigerian Church,” said Ladi Thompson, another Pentecostal preacher.Clearly, Joshua has his hands full. Devotees are absconding by the day and “exposing” him. The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria thinks no genuine Christian should have anything to do with him. He would need more than videos to prove that he’s not an antichrist. He would need to show by his deeds that he’s a true Christian.
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The search for survivors from a migrant boat that sank off Libya has been called off with more than 230 people presumed dead, an official has said.Michele Bombassei, a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), also said about 100 bodies had been recovered.Twenty-one migrants were rescued from the boat, which sank early on Sunday.The survivors said it had capsized because of bad weather and people panicking when the boat began to leak.Another boat carrying 357 people was rescued by Italian authorities and towed back to the Libyan capital, Tripoli.The boats were on the route used by smugglers to bring mainly African migrants illegally from Libya to Italy.See map of main migrant routes to EuropeMore than 31,000 people attempted the perilous crossing last year, a sharp increase from 2007.The journey is often made in ill-equipped, overcrowded boats, and many would-be migrants die.The boat that sank on Sunday capsized about 15km (9 miles) west of Tripoli."Unfortunately we have been told that the search operation has been stopped," Mr Bombassei told the BBC.Survivors said the smuggler, an Egyptian, was among those who drowned.Mr Bombassei, who visited the survivors at a centre near Tripoli on Wednesday, said the amount they were charged for making the journey depended on the nationality of the migrant."There were some guys who said they paid the equivalent of 300 euros (£270) and others who paid 1,000 [euros]," he told the BBC."The smugglers want to make as much as they can so they are very flexible."Some survivors the capsized and rescued boats were quoted as saying they had paid even more.Many of those rescued from the boat that sank have kidney problems after drinking large quantities of sea water, the IOM said.Italy is to start joint sea patrols with Libya aimed at stemming the influx of migrants in May.But the patrols have long been delayed for political reasons, including negotiations over compensation demanded by Tripoli for Italy's colonisation of Libya.

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