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Kanye West grabs mike from Taylor Swift at VMAs

Kanye spoils country star's big moment by grabbing the mic to tell crowd 'Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!'Kanye West has apologised for interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for best female video at the MTV VMA awards in New York last night. The rapper rushed the stage while the 19-year-old country singer accepted an award for her song You Belong With Me, telling the audience that Beyonce should have won for her video Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It). "Taylor, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time," said West, as an embarrassed Beyonce looked on from the audience."I was standing on the stage and I was really excited because I had just won the award," Swift said after the awards. "And then I was really excited because Kanye West was on the stage. And then I wasn't so excited anymore after that."West offered an apology on his blog, but still wrote "Beyonce's video was the best of this decade!!! I'm Still Happy for Taylor!!!!" It seems he isn't the only one carrying this sentiment, as Beyonce actually did win the video of the year for Single Ladies, and promptly invited Swift to join her on stage during her acceptance speech. Swift said afterwards "I thought I couldn't love Beyonce more and then tonight happened."It's not the first time West has rushed the stage at an awards ceremony to protest over an award's recipient. During the MTV Europe Music awards in 2006, the rapper lost it after Justice v Simian's We Are Your Friends scooped best video instead of his own Touch the Sky. Just as he did last night, West grabbed the mic and said: "Oh hell no, you guys already won. This video cost a million dollars and Pamela Anderson was in it."But the rapper seems to have gone too far for MTV this time. While Beyonce and Taylor Swift put on a show of solidarity, West was booed off the stage and subsequently asked to leave the show. Numerous attendees tweeted their disapproval during the awards: Katy Perry tweeted "F*** Kanye, it's like you stepped on a kitten" while Pink wrote "Kanye West is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote Me."
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lagos..Port-Harcourt..Abuja..Kaduna.. Owerri..Edo.. AkwaIbom..Ibadan..Enugu
Nollywood actor, Pete Edochie has been kidnapped. The veteran actor was kidnapped less than three hours ago on his way to an event in Anambra State.Speaking in a telephone interview , the actor's son, Uche Edochie confirmed that the actor was being driven from his country home in Enugu in the company of his family members when armed men stopped the car he was travelling in.Only Mr. Edochie was kidnapped.Uche Edochie disclosed that though the incident was obviously financially-motivated and one of many in a string of recent kidnappings of influential Nigerians, the kidnappers were yet to get in touch with the family, much less demand a ransom.Sounding very upset, the younger Mr. Edochie said; "our family is still in shock, and making attempts to contact the police; there is no handbook on what to do when your father is kidnapped."
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The Bible says, “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5:17). Yet he was mightily used of God. This reference is talking about the time Elijah became so despondent that he asked God to kill him (1 Kin. 19:4). Elijah wasn’t perfect; yet he called fire down from heaven three times; he was the first person to raise someone from the dead; he caused the greatest revival in history up to that point; his word started and ended a three-year drought; he multiplied food miraculously; and he is one of only two men who never died—he was caught up alive into heaven. There is a lot we can learn from a man like this, both positive and negative. The Bible gives little background on Elijah. It wasn’t his pedigree or education that brought him into a position of influence and power. Elijah was nobody until he received a word from God. It was the revelation God gave him that put him into a position of leadership. Likewise, anyone who is born again, or baptized in the Holy Spirit, or has a good relationship with the Lord, has a revelation from God too. Just as Elijah’s revelation from God put him into a position of influence, anyone who has a revelation of God has the potential to influence others also. The only difference is that Elijah knew what he had and was bold enough to speak. Many of us have been intimidated by the ungodly. We aren’t boldly speaking the truth we have from the Lord. What if Elijah hadn’t spoken that prophecy to King Ahab? The drought may have occurred anyway, but Elijah wouldn’t have been able to use it to affect the nation. The people would have dismissed the drought as a natural occurrence. Elijah was bold enough to speak before there was any proof that what he was saying would come to pass. That took faith and great courage. When the drought came as promised, Elijah became the most sought after man in the nation: “As the LORD thy God liveth, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee: and when they said, He is not there; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee not” (1 Kin. 18:10). If we would speak forth the truths God has shown us, just like Elijah, the truths we speak would ultimately prevail. Elijah didn’t have all the answers or know what would happen next when he spoke the prophecy to King Ahab (1 Kin. 17:1). Ahab had forbidden worship of the true God, instituting Baal worship. He killed the prophets of the Lord, and Elijah was putting himself in harm’s way by obeying the Lord. It wasn’t until after Elijah delivered the word of the Lord, that God spoke to him about how He would protect and sustain him. First Kings 17:2-4 says, “And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.” One of the great lessons we can learn here is that God doesn’t reveal His complete plan immediately. He reveals His will to us one step at a time. After we obey the first step, He shows us the next. Why should the Lord show us step two or ten if we haven’t obeyed step one? That would just make us more accountable. So, don’t try to figure out the next step until you have acted on what you know to do now. That’s a powerful truth. The Lord told Elijah to go to the Brook Cherith. He had already commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat “THERE” every morning and evening. This was miraculous! What a provision during a terrible time! But notice this: The Lord didn’t send Elijah’s provision to where he was. A quarterback doesn’t throw the football to where the receiver is, but where the receiver is going. Elijah’s miracle wasn’t where he was but where the Lord was sending him. That’s awesome! Each of us has a place called “THERE,” where the blessings of the Lord are waiting. The Lord never fails to provide, but people often fail to receive because they aren’t all “THERE.” If Elijah had not gone to his place called “THERE,” his disobedience would not have stopped God’s faithfulness; however, he would not have received the provision; it was over “THERE,” by the Brook Cherith. This is exactly what is happening to many of us. The Lord has placed something on our hearts to say or do. But, if we haven’t obeyed, we aren’t in our place of “THERE.” We aren’t seeing God’s provision, because we aren’t in that place of obedience. I’ve heard many people say the Lord told them to attend Charis Bible College. But they just can’t see how it could happen. They want to see the Lord’s provision before they go “THERE.” That’s not how it works. Some of you are not seeing God’s provision because you aren’t doing what He has told you to do. This doesn’t mean the Lord is punishing you. If Elijah hadn’t gone “THERE,” he would have lost his provision. The Lord has provision for you too, but it’s “THERE.” This place called “THERE” changes. God changed the place and method of Elijah’s provision: “And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee” (1 Kin. 17:8-9). You can’t just seek the Lord once, hear His voice, step out in faith, and then stop listening. The Lord brings us into His perfect will step by step. Elijah moved when the Lord told him to move. This led Elijah to the city of Zarephath where he asked a widow to give him the last of her food. It looked like he was taking from this woman, but he was actually giving to her. Instead of this being her last meal before dying, the Lord multiplied this woman’s supplies, which kept her, her son, and Elijah alive for about three years (1 Kin. 17:15-16). What a great miracle! That wasn’t all the widow received. Her faithfulness in giving caused her son to be raised from the dead (1 Kin. 17:17-23). She had been operating in faith every day. She would use the last bit of oil and meal for Elijah and then find that there was always enough to make a cake for herself and her son. This was a great faith builder, which I’m sure figured into the miracle of her son. Elijah went on to call fire down from heaven and consume a sacrifice in the sight of all of the people of Israel (1 Kin. 18:36-38). The people who saw it cried out, “The Lord, He is the God. The Lord, He is the God.” They killed all the prophets of Baal, and the whole nation turned to the Lord. That same day, Elijah prayed and ended the drought by a great rain storm (1 Kin. 18:41-45). He was so pumped, he outran Ahab’s chariot in a twenty-mile race after Ahab had a head start. Elijah was excited! Here is a very important lesson: After great victories come great temptations. This is primarily because we lose our sense of humility and dependence upon God (1 Kin. 19:4). Elijah had successfully defied the king, his armies, his prophets, and all the people in the nation. But the next day, a note from a woman caused him to run in terror (1 Kin. 19:2-3). The Lord appeared to Elijah and asked, “What are you doing HERE, Elijah?” (1 Kin. 19:9). Elijah wasn’t “THERE” anymore. His place called “THERE” was back in Samaria. People were now worshiping the true God, but Elijah had run away in fear, leaving the people without a leader. This resulted in the Lord replacing Elijah with Elisha. Elijah’s ministry fell short of what it could have been. The Lord actually spoke to Elijah in an audible voice. He told him to do three things, one of which was to anoint Elisha to replace him (1 Kin. 19:15-16). Elijah anointed Elisha (1 Kin. 19:19), but didn’t do the other two things. That means Elijah failed in two-thirds of the things the Lord told him to do. That’s amazing. You might think this meant Elijah was washed up and was never used of God again. That’s not the case. Elijah went on to prophesy (1 Kin. 21:17-24), and he called the fire of God down two more times (2 Kin. 1:9-12). And most impressive of all, Elijah never died; he was caught up into heaven by a whirlwind (2 Kin. 2:11). This man, who failed miserably, still walked so closely with God that he never died. This speaks volumes to us. The Lord has never had anyone working for Him yet who was qualified. He uses us in spite of what we do, and not because of what we do. If we will hold on to our faith, we can still experience wonderful things from the Lord even after failing BIG TIME. What powerful truths.
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Chinese government had agreed to issue exit visas to Nigerians resident in China illegally, to enable them leave the country without molestation, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.The development is coming on the heels of street protests last week, over the death of two Nigerians who jumped out of a window to escape police clampdown of illegal migrants in Guangzhou Province.This is as Chinese Embassy in Abuja, has said it was yet to receive detailed information on the alleged death of a Nigerian, Emmanuel Egisimba, in the Chinese town of Guangzhou last Wednesday.The Embassy’s Spokesman, Mr Peng Yijun, said they are still waiting for confirmation and approval from Beijing before any reaction could be sent to that effect."There is an agreement in principle with the Chinese authority to issue exit visas to Nigerians who have overstayed without arresting and clamping them into jail,'' Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Ayo Olukanni, told NAN yesterday in Abuja.'This is what the Nigerian mission in China is currently negotiating. The mission is working with the Nigerian community to ensure that the list of those affected is compiled for necessary issuing of the visas,'' he said.Olukanni denied that two Nigerians died after jumping through a window.'No Nigerian died. The two people, Mr Ndubusisi Ohaneme sustained some injuries and had been discharged from the hospital, while Emmanuel Okoro, who was in intensive care, is now out and is in stable condition in the hospital,'' he said.According to Olukanni, nearly 20,000 Africans, including 5,000 Nigerians, reside in the Guangzhou Province, adding that in recent times, the Chinese had embarked on an exercise to `flush' out those staying illegally.He advised Nigerians against overstaying their visas to avoid harassment from the security personnel of their host countries.What nigerians face as written from ucboboy in chinaOver the years, Nigerians in China have been suffering untold hardship in the hands of the communist police of China,notwithstanding the deplomatic and trade relations between Nigeria and China.While other smaller african country's citizens are treated fairly one wonders why the citizens from the most populous nation in africa is being treated with levity in China.For example the Chinese authorities has been very considerate in renewin the visas of other african countries with the exception of Nigeria.Other african countries have been getting their resident permit with ease but the case of Nigerians is different.Even when a Nigerian is married to a Chinese Citizens according to the Chinese law the person is still being denied the one year resident permit that the Chinese government give to people in that category rather they will be renewing the person's visa every three months in the case of Nigerian Citizens.One therefore is pushed to ask if the then president Olusegun Obassanjo just signed a bi- lateral relation with Chinese government just to give millions of Chinese citizens free accsess to enter Nigeria so that they help and send our half dead industries to their graves. It is supprising that these Chinese citizens scattered all over Nigeria enjoy their freedom and carry on their businesses without any interference.It is absurd to hear that Nigerians in China do not enjoy any freedom at all and that there are many Nigerians that are being detained by the communist police in an underground cell.It is too bad that while many Nigerians wish to go about their legal businesses that the Chinese communist police are trying their best to frustrate their efforts especially in the commercial city of Guangzhou.The police in the commercial city of Gunagzhou is a carbon copy of Nigerian police in corruption.The difference is that while the Nigerian police collect a pea nut as bribe their Chinese counterpart collect a furtune.Right now in Gunagzhou Nigerians are paying between 10,000 to 13,000 RMB that is 175,000naira to 227,500 naira bribe just to get themselves released as soon they are arrested to avoid being thrown into the underground cell.Even as the Chinese government says that anybody that overstayed should pay a fine of 5000RMB they still cannot not allow Nigerians to pay the fine with ease and go home if they wish to go,rather they will handcuff the person and make him to suffer in the cell and still pay the fine.The wife of a Nigerian who have a resident permit can never claim through her husband's residency, rather if she wish to come to China she will apply and get a one month visiting visa within which she will leave. If not she will be there as illegal allien.Many Nigerian wives are in these category right now.The most annoying thing is that these Nigerians that are being denied the legal stay in China employ Chinese Citizens in their various offices and shops, where they pay them a huge sum ranging from 2000 to 3000RMB monthly that is 35,000 - 52,500 naira. An amount that most Nigerian graduates are not receiving as minimum wage. I was recently informed that among the multinational companies in Nigeria that Chinese are the least paid workers. It is disheartening that these Chinese will cheat us in their country and rob us of our due at home.In Nigeria Chinese are importers, hawkers, clearing agents even visa vendors. In China, most Nigerians hardly see breathing space to carry out their legitimate businesses. A situation that most Nigerians have been helpless about.I need a general advice on how to get this problem solved.Since Nigeria have her own laws, is there any means that we can get Mr Ude the boss of Nigerian immigeration to try and enforce our own laws?Can we unanimousely in this discussion group write pettition to Mr president about this situation.
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According to details received, Michael Jackson’s will states that if Katherine died before him or couldn’t serve as his children’s guardian,Diana Ross would be nominated to care for them.The will leaves everything to the Michael Jackson Family Trust, stating, “I give my entire estate to the Trustee or Trustees...”In other news Ola Ray, remember her? ?She was Michaels "girlfriend" in the Thriller videoNot only did she sue Michael last month for royalties from the thriller video. She made an appearance in front of her home in Sacramento saying how sad she is that she has lost her “HERO”.
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102 Nigerians arrested in Libya BENIN—ADDITIONAL 102 Nigerians, forty five of them from Edo state, were arrested weekend by the Libyan authorities while trying to travel to Europe with fake documents. advertisement NOLLYWOOD MOVIES ONLINE The weekend arrest would increase the number of Edo state natives in Libyan under ground prison to almost two thousand. It would be recalled that over one thousand five hundred natives of Edo state have been languishing in an under ground jail in Libya since March this year for committing the same offence. The Special Adviser to Governor Adams Oshiomohle on Foreign Matters/Diaspora, Mr. Ehiozuwa Agbonayinma, had last week expressed frustrations over the attitude of the Libyan officials towards the efforts being made by both the state government and the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in seeking the release of the Nigerians. One of the prisoners from Edo state, Charles Erawuyi, who spoke to Vanguard on telephone, disclosed that additional 102 Nigerians were arrested weekend and that forty-five of them are from Edo state. He added: “The problem we are having too is that the officials in the Nigerian Embassy here are making matters worse for us. What they do is to collect money individually from our relations before they will go and ask for the release of anyone instead of seeking for the release of all of us like the Kenyan Government and others did. “They will ask for up to one fifty to two hundred dollars and most of us cannot afford it.
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Many still trapped click to join 9jabook Monday, June 29, 2009 LAGOS — RESIDENTS of Oyingbo and environs in Ebute-metta, Lagos Mainland Local Government woke up yesterday to the sight of a two-storey building, reportedly built about 45 years ago, reduced to rubble after a downpour on Saturday night. Rubble of the collapsed 2-storey building at the Iddo Lagos Terminus As at the time of filing this report, 13 persons were confirmed dead while 30 others were said to have been rescued from the rubble through the combined efforts of rescue workers which include officials of the Lagos State Traffic Authority (LASTMA), Red Cross and the police. The injured persons are presently at the Lagos Island General hospital where doctors are said to be battling to save their lives. Victims were said to be mainly children and residents who were fast asleep during the downpour. The cause of the building collapse was not clear but sources said a ‘terrifying noise’ was heard after a thunder storm while it was raining. According to sources, the collapsed building was originally planned and erected as a warehouse, but was converted to a two-storey residential building later. Rescue operation at the collapse building site Many people still feared trapped The ground floor was still used as a warehouse while the top floor was residential quarters for workers of the Nigerian Railways. Electronic equipment, sources said, used to be stored in the warehouse. When Vanguard got to the scene yesterday, rescue work was still ongoing with a view to ascertaining whether people were still trapped in the debris. A member of the Nigerian Red Cross rescue team who did not want his name in print told Vanguard that thirteen dead bodies were pulled out of the rubble while fifteen others who were rescued alive but were in critical conditions have been taken to the hospital. Chairman of the Lagos State Red Cross Society, Deacon Timothy told Vanguard that they had to remain at the scene to provide medical assistance to the injured persons, most of who have been rushed to the hospital for better attention. He added that an information centre has been opened for collation of data for those still looking for their missing relations. A source at the site of the collapsed building said many other people were still trapped in the debris adding that the building actually collapsed around 3.00am during the heavy downpour. “We heard a loud noise after a thunderstorm during the rain and later discovered that it was a building in the Iddo- terminus. Some of us rushed there because it was still raining heavily and discovered that many people have been trapped. We could hear people screaming for help but we were helpless because the time was still past 3.00am. So we contacted the police.” Lagos state Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Frank Mba, said he could not confirm any casualty figure yet as he was still expecting more information from the policemen on the ground. click to join 9jabook He however said that immediately the report of the collapsed building got to the police, they moved to the scene and cordoned off the whole area to ward off people who might capitalise on the situation to loot.
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advertisement here free classifieds ! The police at the weekend, rescued a three-year-old boy from a robbery gang which was tutoring him on how to go about robbery operations. The gang was being led by the child’s father, Olumide Joseph. He was arrested in company of his child and other gang member, Temidayo Akindekan at the Ikorodu area of Lagos. advertisement here free classifieds ! The police said the modus operandi of the two-man gang was to go for robbery in company with the little child so as to deceive the crime fighters each time they were accosted during and after operations. However, luck ran out on them when, at the weekend, the police refused to be deceived. Initially, the police had suspecting that the little boy may have been kidnapped by the gang, which had earlier snatched a bus. Parading the suspects at the state command headquarters, Ikeja, the Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Frank Mba, who described the two man-gang as notorious said: “It was quite abnormal and shameful that a father could be tutoring his under-aged child how to be a robber. It was unheard of and unbelievable that a father could debase himself to such a despicable standard.” He said God had redeemed the little boy from the hands of “this gang which should have turned him to a Frankinstein monster. It will be unimaginable the type of person the boy would have been turned into. Infact, it would have been a devil let loose. We thank God for his mercy towards this angel.” He said the gang was responsible for so many car snatching and theft in Lagos and Ogun states. Mba said the gang specialized in stealing buses which they would refurbish and paint to commercial colour which they would give to drivers for commercial purposes. He revealed that five buses have been recovered from them while detectives were on trail of other buses. Speaking with Joseph, he said: “Yes, the boy in question is my son. I take him along when I am going to steal buses because I have no other person to leave him with at home because the mother is no longer with me.” On whether he did not know that the child would take after him. he said: “Well, I knew but I was hoping to quit crime before he will become an adult.” He said he hated what he was doing but owing to the economic hardship in the country and family pressure, he had no alternative. advertisement here free classifieds !
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WE ALL WANT HIM OUT ! Friday, Sep. 20, 1963 Time magazine Our Reporter pimpmynaija Frank Adeche The conscience of 9geria Have you joined the 9gerian Online Political party ? Join now ! HOW EASY CAN IT BE TODAY ! As governor oshiomole was recently arranged to take an all expense paid trip to heaven .Word is out that President Yardy is planning a security shakeup as the Revolution looms within the Nigerian Airwaves and the internet ! REVOLUTION NIGERIA ! It was shock enough to learn of the conspiracy to overthrow the government of Nigeria by violence, for Nigeria has been one of the most stable of Africa's new nations. But it seemed almost incredible that the ringleader could have been the bespectacled chief prisoner in the dock of a Lagos courtroom last week—the respected Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Educated by Protestant missionaries and still a nonsmoking teetotaler, Awolowo worked his way to a London University law degree, served five years as the solid, efficient Prime Minister of his native Western Region and headed Nigeria's opposition party, the Action Group. Before independence in 1960, he was influential in drawing up Nigeria's constitution. Would Awolowo, a masterful organizer, really get mixed up in a half-baked, amateurish plot to wipe out his nation's top leadership with a handful of explosives, arms, and rebels trained in nearby Ghana? Winks from the Dock. Indeed he would—and did—insisted Nigeria's federal prosecutor in the marathon, ten-month trial that filled 1,400 pages of testimony. Witness after witness—53 in all—came into court to testify that Awolowo planned to topple federal Prime Minister Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa last Sept. 21 with the help of 200 trained men, on the eve of a state visit by India's Jawaharlal Nehru. A government witness testified that on Awolowo's instructions he had carried a check to purchase arms in Ghana. Police claimed that they had dug up four cartridges hidden in Awolowo's backyard. Although conducted with grave decorum, the trial had its interruptions. One prosecution witness complained that some of the accused in the dock were giving him the juju version of the evil eye—a wink. Awolowo, denying all the accusations, said there was insufficient evidence to prove the case, and declared that some of the testimony was obtained under duress. In a half-hour closing oration, Awolowo frankly lamented that "the invaluable services which . . . I can still render will be lost to the country." The judge, George Sowemimo, who was openly distressed by the entire proceeding, said he had no choice but to convict. In a nine-hour decision delivered last week, he gave Awolowo ten years in prison for treasonable felony, just a bit milder than the 15-year prison term meted out to Awolowo's crony, Politico Tony Enahoro, a few days earlier. Headless Opposition. With the convictions of Awolowo and Enahoro, the opposition Action Group is virtually decapitated. But the party still enjoys the loyal backing of Western Nigeria's predominant, advanced Yoruba tribe. The clannish Yorubas will almost certainly reorganize to challenge the North and East once more. At week's end many a Nigerian was wondering how long his country's delicate balance of regional rivalries, which has been the key to Africa's most admired democracy, could last. Unperturbed, Sir Abubakar, a Moslem from the North, went ahead with plans to convert Nigeria on Oct. 1 from a British dominion to a republic within the British Commonwealth. Sir Abubakar will remain the real boss. The changeover will merely install a ceremonial President as head of state to replace Queen Elizabeth, who is now sovereign. Accusations and Fingers pointing everywhere that Yaradua is to be toppled soon by a conspiracy being planned by the Nations Brightest politicians.Speculations are increasing about this unpopular democracy that has reeked of corruption military pomposity and a indiscriminate disregard for Human Life by the political 300 over ruling the persian hordes We decry this outrage and ask for Yaradua to step down ! Signed NOPP HQ Imagine a country where the word (N.IG.ERI.A) is treated by spam by most of the spam filters on the internet today ! STOP SLEEPING AND WAKE UP ! Have you joined the 9gerian Online Political party ? (NOPP) Join now !,9171,870529,00.html
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The search for survivors from a migrant boat that sank off Libya has been called off with more than 230 people presumed dead, an official has said.Michele Bombassei, a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), also said about 100 bodies had been recovered.Twenty-one migrants were rescued from the boat, which sank early on Sunday.The survivors said it had capsized because of bad weather and people panicking when the boat began to leak.Another boat carrying 357 people was rescued by Italian authorities and towed back to the Libyan capital, Tripoli.The boats were on the route used by smugglers to bring mainly African migrants illegally from Libya to Italy.See map of main migrant routes to EuropeMore than 31,000 people attempted the perilous crossing last year, a sharp increase from 2007.The journey is often made in ill-equipped, overcrowded boats, and many would-be migrants die.The boat that sank on Sunday capsized about 15km (9 miles) west of Tripoli."Unfortunately we have been told that the search operation has been stopped," Mr Bombassei told the BBC.Survivors said the smuggler, an Egyptian, was among those who drowned.Mr Bombassei, who visited the survivors at a centre near Tripoli on Wednesday, said the amount they were charged for making the journey depended on the nationality of the migrant."There were some guys who said they paid the equivalent of 300 euros (£270) and others who paid 1,000 [euros]," he told the BBC."The smugglers want to make as much as they can so they are very flexible."Some survivors the capsized and rescued boats were quoted as saying they had paid even more.Many of those rescued from the boat that sank have kidney problems after drinking large quantities of sea water, the IOM said.Italy is to start joint sea patrols with Libya aimed at stemming the influx of migrants in May.But the patrols have long been delayed for political reasons, including negotiations over compensation demanded by Tripoli for Italy's colonisation of Libya.

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you can separate audio from YouTube Vidieos The step by step instruction in this brief video my friend Jenny sent me is very good and I hope you enjoy it. Did you know you can separate audio from YouTube Vidieos and listen to that audio on your mp3 player? Well you can and here is how you do it.
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out of 9ja ! Straight from 9ja

fellow 9jabookers, we are growing ! 3235 members today ! The 9jabook promise still stands . "kini big deal 9jabook ? Each user gets equal share of 49percent of site advert revenue.Plus a piece of our sister sites a google approach to nige.rian search " 9ja has come of age for a democratic "revolution" and what better way than through the internet.We are collaborating with students,workers,the unemployed,internet bloggers,musicians and people from all works of life to bring an internet virtual presence that will affect our daily physical lives for the better.We are proud to be 9ja, like 9ice said, this is strictly "out of 9ja straight from 9ja " It is the most incredible thing we can give the world and that 9ja credibility will be ours one day .YES WE FIT ! headline 9jaNews from where we find news from 9ja bloggers in the diaspora and discuss issues to wake our dear president yaradua up ! contrary to what the SSS thinks we know it is not easy to rule a country like 9ja : Uzoma Okere is back in hospital ! Nig.eria seeks 500million dollars for another satellite ! post your underground gist and discuss and much much more . ps: Internet bloggers recently arrested by the SSS like Emeka Asiwe , jonathan elendu have been freed but latest news tells us Asiwe has not been allowed to leave 9ja ! haba,shuo ! If Fela was alive na only God know wetin e go call this democracy of craze ! Have a great weekend. out of 9ja ! Straight from 9ja complement your facebook ,hi5,myspace experience. join 9jabook team .
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