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Fresh plot to kill Jonathan uncovered *2 ministers, 2 ex-govs implicated *Misguided elements want to pull me down - Acting President

THE Federal Government, on Wednesday, uncovered a plot against Acting President Goodluck Jonathan by some elements said to be aggrieved about his emergence.


The office of the Acting President has confirmed that there is, indeed, a plot to discredit the acting president and pull down his administration.

Besides the anger in some quarters over his emergence, some forces were also said to be aggrieved about the decision of the acting president to cancel the proposed sale of oil wells, in another oil bid round that would have empowered some key figures in the polity.

Sources in Abuja told the Nigerian Tribune that some top security operatives had uncovered a plot by a group said to be "utterly disturbed and bitter" by the acting president's resolve to cancel the oil bid round.

The bidding was to take place last week, but the acting president stopped it.

Sources said that some of those who lost out in the bidding round were already being investigated to know their involvement in the alleged plot.

A source said that some of those who lost out in the planned oil well deal included two former governors, who had planned to take one oil well each, two ministers and a presidential aide, who is said to be interested in three oil wells and fronting for three foreign interests: a Taiwanese, a Chinese and a Middle East company.

It was gathered that some highly connected persons had concluded arrangements to ensure that certain persons grab some lucrative oil wells through the bid round and that those who had already targeted some wells were bitter that Dr. Jonathan cancelled the bid.

Sources said that a group working in and outside the government met on Monday night at a location in Abuja and resolved to deal with the acting president for "daring to cancel the oil bid round."

It was gathered that a tape recording of the discussions at the said meeting was already in possession of the government, which is already investigating those linked to the plot.

Sources said that the discussion at the said meeting dwelt on the anger of the group and the ways by which it planned to deal with the acting president.

One of those involved in the meeting was said to have said in exasperation: "We have to deal with him; we have to kill him."

It was gathered that one of the decisions was to deliberately distort information about the emerging administration of the acting president in a way that would portray him as a spendthrift and an administrator who was eager to loot the treasury.

A source said that the group plotting against the acting president had been linked with unfounded allegations that the acting president had spent N300 billion since November 23, 2009, when President Yar'Adua travelled out of Nigeria for medical treatment.

A source said that the group had also been spreading rumours that the lawmakers, who facilitated the passage of the motion that empowered the vice-president as acting president, were financially mobilised.

"We have watched these people and we have to allow the operatives to do their work. They are responsible for the lot of distortions in the land. Whereas the information we have is that those opposed to the emergence of the acting president were mounting pressures on senators not to budge and were making promises of huge financial rewards, they want to turn the information around and turn things on their heads.

"The government cannot go to sleep over this," a source said on Wednesday.

'Misguided elements want to pull me down'

The office of the acting president, Dr. Jonathan, has alerted the nation to a grand plan by some people to pull his government down.

In a statement, on Wednesday, the spokesman of the acting president, Mr. Ima Niboro, said the enemies of Jonathan had voted billions of naira to fight the acting president.

The statement entitled "of N300 Billion and other absurd tales!", read: "Today, the first instalment of the planned and well coordinated media onslaught against the Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, was published in a national newspaper" [not the Nigerian Tribune], "alleging that he (the Acting President) approved the expenditure of a whopping N300 billion, for both pro-Yar'Adua rallies and those that were in his interest." The report also claimed that members of the National Assembly were bribed to do their patriotic duty to save the nation from drift.

"It can be recalled that a few days ago, there was an allegation of a purported release of two billion US dollars from the Excess Crude Account to governors to facilitate their endorsement of Jonathan as Acting President.

"While we commend the Chairman of the Governor's Forum, Dr. Bukola Saraki, for dealing satisfactorily with that allegation in a rejoinder, it is interesting to note that two billion dollars translate to roughly N300 billion. There is, therefore, no question that both allegations emanate from the same source.

"We know those behind these publications. Nigerians have come to know them as careerists in power. But we see them as misguided elements determined to exceed their call of duty and play God over the affairs of the Nation.

"They are wicked and ungodly and their time is up! Never, again, must we allow our nation to be strangulated by a privileged few who will rather fiddle with our common wealth while the nation burns.

"We are aware that they have set aside a huge war chest in billions of naira to bring the Jonathan Acting Presidency to disrepute by any means possible. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that as cunny as these allegations obviously sound, they still get mention in our media space. We are fully on the tracks of this so-called group; this unfortunate band of liars. In the fullness of time, they shall be brought to book.

"We find no need to dignify the N300 billion allegation with a response. What is more, those selling this lie are careful to state that the money was procured from a certain businessman, who is to be settled in a matter of weeks by "a huge oil contract."

"Three hundred billion naira sourced from one man at a go? We demand to know who this businessman is. Anyone that keeps liquid cash of N2 billion dollars to bribe people belongs only in jail! Huge oil contract? Maybe Nigerians need to ask those who have been involved in handing out such contracts how such quid pro quo deals are done.

"Let me use this medium to reiterate that we shall not be deterred by campaigns of calumny or any other method whatsoever in our collective efforts to reform this nation, and change our ways of doing things once and for all. The acting president is determined, and he is counting on the total support of all Nigerians", the statement concluded.

culled from the Nigerian Tribune
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After the recent launching of the multi million dollar satellite and its eventual succesful failure to stay in the earths orbit , maybe Pluto will accept it some industry pundits say . So we can browse the internet and maybe an MTN base station in Mars ! .Now, Some brainiacs and original Naija Rocket Scientists have come up with another brilliant masterplan ! Let us make Handsets !

The Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT), plans to start producing handsets and computer hardware in the country in less than two years.


To this end, the company has completed and commissioned a locally made Printed Circuit Board Micro Electronics Centre, manned by NIGCOMSAT engineers.

The centre will focus mainly on the production of printed circuit board - which is the basis for electronic systems - for computers and handsets.

The Managing Director of the company, Ahmed Rufai, who disclosed this at the commissioning of the centre on Tuesday in Abuja, said it will have diverse implications on the electronic industry. "Imagine if all the basic electronics we use are produced in Nigeria. Everything you are holding today is imported. But our projection is that in less than two years, we will have standard handsets produced locally. We are also talking to some local computer assembly companies to use our mother boards produced here."

Manufacturing capacity

Mr. Rufai said that at the moment, the centre has the capacity to produce 500 handsets a day and can also produce good quality mother boards for computers. He added that within the next two years they will be able to perfect the products. "What we have here is the prototype. We just want to show the concept that it can be done," he said.

He explained that NIGCOMSAT engineers have been trained to produce these boards, utilising the best international standard to bridge the gap in the Information Communication Technology industry in Nigeria and Africa at large.

He also said that the technology is a spin off from the Know-How Technology Transfer and Training of over 100 Nigerian engineers in China, UK, US and the United Arab Emirates, adding that the satellite technology encompasses all engineering aspects. "It therefore affords these talented engineers the opportunity to look at this aspect of engineering, which is rare on this continent," he said.Mr. Rufai explained that this technological intervention is crucial in the achievement of Nigeria's vision to be amongst the top 20 economies of the world in the year 2020, and the realisation of the present administration's seven-point agenda since technology is the driver of every economy.

Furthermore, he said the revenue prospect for printed circuit board is high, as China has an annual production capacity of six million valued at $80billion (N12trillion), which if replicated in Nigeria will have a great impact on the socio-economic life of the nation.

Technological revolution

Alhassan Bako Zaku, the Minister of Science and Technology, while commissioning the project said the project has marked the onset of a technological revolution in Nigeria.

"It will not only impact on our technological advancement, but also, the socio-economic effect will be positively felt especially in the area of job creation for the youth. In the area of education, the microelectronic centre will also serve as a learning ground for our undergraduates to receive hands-on training and firsthand experience in electronics manufacturing, as the centre is fully equipped to meet their educational needs," he said.

The minister said the centre will also serve local manufacturers and reduce production time and costs - as before now, they had to import the circuit boards for the manufacture and assembling of local electronic products - thereby moving Nigeria from a resource to knowledge based economy.

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American varsity expels Musa Yar’Adua, 9 others Ten students of the Atiku Abubakar-owned American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola have been expelled for their involvement in clandestine and anti social acts. AUN is rated as the first University in sub Saharan Africa to introduce American style of education. Among those rusticated by the university is a family member of President Umaru Yar’Adua named Akilu Musa Yar’Adua. David Kosoko, the Director of Students’ Affairs of the American University of Nigeria, while briefing journalists on the school campus at the weekend the decision was informed by the university’s hard stance and none tolerance of unscrupulous behaviours by students. Kosoko confirmed that Akilu Musa Yar’Adua and nine others were expelled for indulging in drugs and other related offences. The Director of Student Affairs said: “It is the responsibility of the school to ensure safety of students on campus because if anything happens to them, we are accountable to their parents. “Therefore, we have put in place rules and regulations that will be an excuse in terms of what the institution is required to do. “If any students is involved in theft, drug related cases and fighting, the offence attracts outright dismissal and this forms the core of our zero tolerance for anti-social vices.” He further stated that in accordance with AUN’s policy, the affected students had been ordered to leave the school campus. The expulsion was the main highlight of activities marking the university’s orientation for its freshmen for the 2010 spring and the student affairs director added that 300 new students were to be enrolled for studies in the 2010 spring semester. He other serious misdemeanors such as unwarranted visitation, dormitory visitations, late night crawling in and outside the campus were punishable, warning the students to desist from any acts that could cause them to be punished. Similarly, the Academic Vice President of the institution, Bayo Lawal who also confirmed the expulsions decried the rising fears over rampant cases of laptop theft in the school. Lawal announced that 10 percent of the entire students’ enrolment into the institution every semester was on scholarship in line with the philosophy of the founder and former vice president Atiku Abubakar..
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Some quotes from this controversial book which are often cited in discussions about Khomeini's work:

  • "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man’s four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl’s sister.” - Ayatollah Khomeini, “Tahrir- ol-vasyleh”, Volume 4, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990, p. 221.

  • "If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed." - Ayatollah Khomeini, "Tozih-ol-Masael".

  • "During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform their ablutions." - Ayatollah Khomeini, "Tozih-ol-Masael".

  • “A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” - Ayatollah Khomeini, “Tahrir- ol-vasyleh”, Volume 4, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990.
Brief Profile :

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed[citation needed] Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini (Persian: روح الله موسوی خمینی, pronounced [ruːhollɑːhe muːsæviːje xomejniː] ( listen)[add stress]; 24 September 1902[1][2] – 3 June 1989) was an Iranian religious leader and politician, and leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. Following the revolution and a national referendum, Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leader—a position created in the constitution as the highest ranking political and religious authority of the nation—until his death.

Khomeini was a marja or marja al-taqlid ("source of emulation", also known as a Grand Ayatollah) in Twelver Shi'a Islam, but is most famous for his political role. In his writings and preachings he expanded the Shi'a Usuli theory of velayat-e faqih, the "guardianship of the jurisconsult (clerical authority)" to include theocratic political rule by Islamic jurists.

Beloved by millions of Iranians [3] he was "the Imam, an ascetic spiritual leader whose teachings are unquestioned."[4] Both his return from exile and his funeral were occasions of great emotional outpouring for millions.

In the non-Muslim world abroad he was described as the "virtual face of Islam in Western popular culture," [5] known for his support of the hostage takers during the Iranian hostage crisis [6] and his fatwa calling for the death of British citizen Salman Rushdie.[7] TIME magazine described him as "a fanatic whose judgments are harsh, reasoning bizarre and conclusions surreal,"[4] and Iranian American scholar Vali Nasr as one who inculcated "fear and distrust towards Islam.[5]

Named Man of the Year in 1979 by American newsmagazine TIME[4], Khomeini has been referred to as a "charismatic leader of immense popularity," [8] considered a "champion of Islamic revival" by both Shia and Sunni scholars.[5]

Khomeini is usually known as Imam Khomeini inside Iran[9] and amongst his followers internationally, and Ayatollah Khomeini outside of the country.[10]

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Breaking News ! Shoprite Mall Staff Food Centre is on strike they went on strike about 2pm and suddenly on the intercom requested all Staff to the Gates ! Like Clockwork ?The tills were shut and immediately solidarity songs began . Their bone of contention is the Firing of Mrs Ekpo whom they claim did nothing to warrant the sack. This reporter and many other customers were kept hostage for 45minutes before senior management manned the tills amidst ALuta war songs on the intercom and by the mass of junior staff .We got some videos but were almost manhandled by Shoprite security .Videos will be posted as soon as possible .To this moment customers are restrcited frm entering the food centre while All Staff are barred from leaving .
Find more videos like this on Re-braining 9geria
Find more videos like this on Re-braining 9geria
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A high-ranking Nigerian lawmaker, Tuggar Yusuf Maitama, this week became the first major casualty of Nigeria’s new inclusion by the United States among 14 nations allegedly with terrorist links. Hon. Maitama, who represents Gamawa federal constituency of Bauchi State, is the Chairman of the Committee on Public Procurement in the House of Representatives. Mr. Maitama was traveling to New York on a KLM flight on Monday when the US Immigrations and Customs agents in Amsterdam pulled him aside and told him that he could not fly to the United States, having been found to have “terrorist tendencies”. His visa was immediately revoked and the lawmaker was deported to Nigeria. But Saharareporters quick search through US no-fly list and terrorism-related databases did not yield Maitama’s name. It is not yet known if Maitama was coming to New York as part of an official delegation sent by the crumbling Yar’Adua regime to meet with UK and US officials over the inclusion of Nigeria in the terror watch list. The group, which includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ojo Maduekwe; the Senate Chairman on Foreign Relations, Jubril Aminu; his counterpart in the House of Representatives, Umar Bature, as well as the chairperson of the EFCC, Farida Waziri, made a stop-over in London yesterday, and is expected to arrive in New York later today. They are to be lodged at the Millennium UN Plaza Hotel New York. That means it will be an interesting visit, as they will be welcomed tomorrow morning by Nigerian protesters who are getting ready for a Save Nigeria Group "Enough Is Enough" rally at Nigeria House on the other side of the same block. The cumbersome delegation is unlikely to meet with much success in the US. The US state department has already dispatched to Nigeria a delegation, led by US Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Africa, Johnnie Carson. It is expected to leave for a crucial three-day trip to meet with Goodluck Jonathan. Mrs. Waziri's inclusion in the delegation is a surprise. Owing to the poor work of the EFCC, she is highly unpopular with the US government, and the EFCC was singled out for criticism last year when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Nigeria. In addition, Mrs. Waziri's first visit to the US a few months ago ended with her being heckled and chased out of an official function in New York by Nigerian demonstrators. That encounter could be repeated tomorrow.
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Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- Earthquake victims, writhing in pain and grasping at life, watched doctors and nurses walk away from a field hospital Friday night after United Nations officials ordered a medical team to evacuate the area out of security concerns. The only doctor left was CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. He assessed the needs of the 25 patients, but with no supplies there was little he could do. And more people, some in critical condition, were trickling in late Friday. "I've never been in a situation like this. This is quite ridiculous," Gupta said. With a dearth of medical facilities in Haiti's capital, ambulances had nowhere else to take patients, some who had suffered severe trauma -- amputations and head injuries. Others had suffered a great deal of blood loss, but there were no blood supplies left at the clinic. Search and rescue must trump security. ... They need to man up and get back in there. --Retired Army Lt. Gen. Russell Honoré Gupta said some might not survive the night. He said the Belgian doctors did not want to leave their patients behind but were ordered out by the United Nations, which sent buses to transport them. "There is concern about riots not far from here -- and this is part of the problem," Gupta said. There have been scattered reports of violence throughout the capital. "What is striking to me as a physician is that patients who just had surgery, patients who are critically ill are essentially being left here, nobody to care for them," Gupta said. Sandra Pierre, a Haitian who has been helping at the makeshift hospital, said the medical staff took most of the supplies with them. Port-au-Prince "All the doctors, all the nurses are gone," she said. "They are expected to be back tomorrow. They had no plan on leaving tonight. It was an order that came suddenly." She told Gupta, "It's just you." A 7.0 magnitude earthquake flattened Haiti's capital city Tuesday afternoon, affecting as many as 3 million people. Tens of thousands of people are feared dead. Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, lacked adequate medical resources even before the disaster and has been struggling this week to tend to huge numbers of injured. The U.N. clinic, set up under several tents, was a godsend to the few who were lucky to have been brought there. It was not known whether the medical team would return in daylight. Retired Army Lt. Gen. Russell Honoré, who led relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina in 2005, said the evacuation of the clinic's medical staff was unforgivable. "Search and rescue must trump security," Honoré said. "I've never seen anything like this before in my life. They need to man up and get back in there." Honoré drew parallels between the tragedy in New Orleans and in Port-au-Prince. But even in the chaos of Katrina, he said, he had never seen medical staff walk away. "I find this astonishing these doctors left," he said. "People are scared of the poor."
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The Lagos State House of Assembly on Tuesday commended the executive government and unanimously adopted a motion ratifying the $1 million donation by the state government to Haiti, after last week's devastating earthquake. The state governor, Babatunde Fashola, wrote a letter to the House, following the decision of the state executive council during its weekly meeting on Monday, to adopt a "resolution recognising this humanitarian service". Although the motion was passed with relative ease, a few lawmakers raised concerns about the source of the donation, wondering if it would be taken from the 2009 budget or the yet-to-be-passed 2010 budget. However, the magnitude and urgency of the Haitian need, coupled with the fact that Nigeria, as a nation, has been absent on the list of donating nations, helped douse the concerns. "The governor has the right to spend up to 25 per cent of (money voted for) donation in the 2009 budget," said the Speaker, Adeyemi Ikuforiji, as a reminder to the lawmakers, and consequently, the motion was moved by the majority leader, Kolawole Taiwo. An example The Lagos Assembly also called on other Nigerian states to help the needy Haitians. "The federal government should have done this but there is a vacuum at the top and there is no response from Nigeria," said Ahmed Omisiore, chairman of the House committee on information. Adefunmilayo Tejuosho, representing Mushin I, was also worried that the federal government, which was unable to respond to the case of the suspected bomber, Farouk Mutallab, is "still not available to respond to the need of the Haiti people. "The donation should be stressed as coming from the Lagos State government and not from Nigeria because we cannot continue to shoulder the responsibility of the entire country," she said. While it was not part of the adopted motion, the majority leader, Lola Akande, representing Ikeja II, suggested that a minimum amount of N50,000 should be made compulsory for each lawmaker as their contribution, which was supported by Babatunde Ogala, who also suggested that the contribution should be deducted "immediately from source". In response, the speaker said anybody who wants to contribute to the state's donation can walk into any branch of Skye Bank where an account has already been opened. Bringing the discussion home, Sanai Agunbiade said "while we are thinking of Haiti there are some communities in Lagos suffering from serious environmental degradation. The rains will soon be here and something must be done." NEMA responds Also in its response to the disaster, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has said it plans to send cash donation. Speaking to reporters in Abuja yesterday on the role of the agency regarding the incident in Haiti, the Director General of the organisation, Mohammed Audu Bida, explained that the enormity of the incident is so great that instead of moving relief materials through the seas, which are already congested as a result of massive goods coming from other countries, sending cash right away makes more sense. Mr. Bida who declined to disclose the exact amount earmarked for the people of Haiti, said Vice President Goodluck Jonathan who is the chairman of agency's board has already said that the government will come to the aid of the country. He criticised those condemning the perceived slow response of the Nigerian governme
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The web of secrecy woven around ailing President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua might have been thicker than many Nigerians envisaged and dated far back than now as it has been revealed that First Lady, Hajia Turai Yar’Adua even barred highly favoured individuals, including the Chairman of the Governors’ Forum, Dr. Bukola Saraki together with a governor–in-law, Isa Yuguda of Bauchi and Katsina State governor, Ibrahim Shema from seeing him when they visited Jeddah late November, 2009. A highly placed source revealed that the First Lady just refused to bend the rules in favour of anybody to stave off any attempt to exploit the situation on ground to the detriment of the family. The tension generated by the sudden movement of the president to the Arabian country and his condition, even in those early days were said to have made the first family to decide on strigent measures to keep away prying eyes at bay. According to the source, " Even those governors who rushed to Saudi Arabia with the intention to see Mr. President were barred by the First Lady from seeing him. It could have been because of the state of the president, which then was considered pretty frightening and she did not want to expose it for anybody to use the condition of the president against him." Besides, the source revealed that part of the reasons the First Lady acted the way she did was because of a conspiracy theory even within the inner caucus to the effect that she had gotten wind of the immediate actions of some political figures back home in the first four days of the president’s departure to Saudi Arabia. "You will not believe this, but she was actually warned to be wary of visitors from Nigeria, especially political figures, irrespective of their position and status. And she did just that; whatever you heard after that was just part of the game to make people believe that we are the ones there and try to take credit for what they never did," the source revealed. Yar’Adua left for Saudi Arabia on Friday, November 23, 2009 for a medical check-up, having suffered acute pericarditis (inflammation of the covering of the heart) after a Jumat service. The President has since then been receiving treatment at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Jeddah. Saraki, the other governors and some members of the kitchen cabinet had left for Saudi Arabia to see the president in what was supposed to be a get-well visit and to have first hand information on the state of health of the President.
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America, al-Qaeda and home-made bombs From shoes to soft drinks to underpants was culled and rewriteen from the Economist Magazine . The attempted bombing of an airliner highlights gaps in intelligence-sharing and airport security THE charred underpants of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tell the story of a terrorist attack averted only by luck. The 23-year-old son of a prominent Nigerian banker had hidden a fistful of high explosive in a package sewed into the crotch of his underwear. As Northwest Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam prepared to land in Detroit on Christmas Day, with 290 people on board, he covered himself with a blanket and injected a chemical to detonate the explosive. Mr Abdulmutallab succeeded only in starting a fire, which was put out by passengers and the cabin crew as they wrestled him down. Al-Qaeda’s latest attempt to blow up an America-bound airliner—after Richard Reid’s failed shoe-bomb in 2001, and the arrest in 2006 of Britons planning to destroy several aircraft with liquid explosives in soft-drink bottles—will bring yet more misery for travellers. Security queues immediately lengthened. Despite worries about privacy, there were calls for the introduction of full-body scanners to identify items under clothing that cannot be found with metal-detectors. Some passengers were even being told to stay in their seats, without blankets or even books on their laps, for the last hour of their flight. Click here to find out more! Al-Qaeda’s branch in Yemen quickly took the credit, hailing Mr Abdulmutallab as a “brother hero” for evading security screening and intelligence monitoring. More attacks were in the works: “With Allah’s permission, we will come to you from where you do not expect.” Yet the attack should not have been unexpected. Al-Qaeda’s Yemeni branch has been resurgent since it merged a year ago with the remnants of the decimated Saudi franchise to relaunch “al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula”, boosted by the influx of several veterans of Guantánamo Bay. It has moved from attacks against targets in Yemen to a regional agenda, and now to global jihad. A Yemeni preacher, Anwar al-Awlaki, exchanged e-mails with Major Nidal Hasan, the American army psychiatrist who killed 13 people in November at a base in Fort Hood, Texas. The Yemeni branch seems to have pioneered the underpants-bomb in August, when it nearly killed Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, Saudi Arabia’s deputy interior minister. Mr Abdulmutallab is said to have obtained the same explosive, known as PETN, in Yemen and carried it undetected as he travelled through Ethiopia, Ghana and Nigeria to Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, where he boarded flight 253. Other chances to foil the attack were missed. Nigerian authorities, and the American embassy in Abuja, were told in November by Mr Abdulmutallab’s father that his son had become an extremist and had disappeared, maybe to Yemen. The younger Mr Abdulmutallab was placed on the least important of America’s four terrorism watch-lists, and he kept his multiple-entry visa to the United States. In Britain, though, officials said Mr Abdulmutallab had “crossed the radar screen” of MI5, the domestic intelligence service, for radical links during his time as a mechanical-engineering student (and at one point president of the Islamic Society) at University College London between 2005 and 2008. He was placed on an immigration watch-list in May 2009, after he was denied another student visa for applying to a bogus college. Why nobody linked all these danger signals is the subject of urgent investigation, and the cause of growing embarrassment for the Obama administration. Janet Napolitano, the homeland-security secretary, declared initially on December 27th that “the system has worked really very, very smoothly”, only to accept the next day that the system had in fact “failed miserably”. Then Barack Obama twice broke away from his holiday in Hawaii to speak in increasingly blunt terms about the “mix of human and systemic failures that contributed to this potential catastrophic breach of security”. Mr Abdulmutallab was a “known extremist”. The warning from his father had not been effectively distributed in the intelligence system; even without it there were other “bits of information” that should have raised red flags and kept him off planes flying to America. Officials say these “bits” included reports that an unnamed Nigerian was being prepared for an attack, and that al-Qaeda wanted to strike over Christmas. Mr Obama promised “accountability at every level”, and ordered that a preliminary review be completed by December 31st. The blame game Many Republicans already argue that Mr Obama is soft on terrorism; he prefers to denounce “violent extremists” than to refer to George Bush’s “war on terror”. Ms Napolitano has been mocked for talking of “man-caused” disasters—in order, she says, to avoid the politics of fear. The loudest complaints have been prompted by Mr Obama’s promise to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay (where nearly half the remaining detainees are Yemeni) and the decision to try five suspected terrorists (including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged September 11th mastermind) in civilian courts. It is difficult, though, for Mr Obama’s opponents to make a persuasive case so soon after he decided to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. On his watch American drones and special forces have been busier than ever, not only in Afghanistan and Pakistan but also, it is reported, in Somalia and Yemen. Mr Obama restated that every element of America’s power would be used “to disrupt, to dismantle, and defeat the violent extremists who threaten us—whether they are from Afghanistan or Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia, or anywhere where they are plotting attacks against the US homeland.” Intelligence analysts reckon that strikes have weakened al-Qaeda’s “core” leadership in Pakistan’s lawless border region. Perhaps so. But al-Qaeda is adaptable, inventive and is seeking new bases. Joe Lieberman, the hawkish independent senator, says he was warned by an American official in Yemen: “Iraq was yesterday’s war. Afghanistan is today’s war. If we don’t act pre-emptively, Yemen will be tomorrow’s war.”
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Are You Feeding Your Soul? Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? And I’m not talking about your physical body when I ask this question — I’m talking about your spiritual body. Has your soul been getting the nourishment it needs to grow in health and strength, or have you deprived it from the Word it so desperately needs? If what you see in the mirror doesn’t even begin to reflect what you know you can be, it’s time to make a change, time to dive into God’s Word and receive all the love and forgiveness He has been waiting to give you . . . a time to release your life into God’s hands. The Word tells us, But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT). You may not like what you see now, but just wait. Rely on God’s faithfulness and perfect timing and begin to make changes when God shows you it is necessary. And soon, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Look where God moved me from. Look what He saved me from. I stand blessed where I am all because of the transforming grace of God.” An Evangelistic Tool The following is an evangelistic tool. Feel free to use this tool to lead someone to the Savior. It can also be used in your church. Tony lead the members of our church through this process, and then commissioned them to offer the good news to those they come in contact with in the course of their day. This is one of our outreach programs for this year. OPENING QUESTION: Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can be sure you are on your way to heaven? Would you allow me to show you? I. First the Bad News a. The Problem: Every person is a sinner before a Holy God and unable to save themselves (Romans 3:10, 23). b. The Penalty: Every person is under the sentence of death and will be forever separated from God because of their sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23). I. Now the Good News a. The Provision: Through the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ, God has addressed the sin problem for us (Romans 5:8, 17-21). b. The Pardon: God offers a free pardon and eternal life to all who place faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10; 4:4-5). CLOSING QUESTION: Would you like to trust the Lord Jesus Christ right now as your personal Savior? PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead to save me. By transferring my total trust to You alone as my Savior, I now receive the forgiveness for my sins and the free gift of eternal life that You offered me.
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Kaka back to Real Madrid from Injury

Kaka has told Real Madrid is he raring to go in the New Year after a month's absence through injury.The attacking midfielder has been sidelined with a pelvis problem since Real's defeat at Barcelona in late November, but the 27-year-old was back in training on Monday as the first team returned to duty from the winter break.Kaka, who moved to the Santiago Bernabeu in a £59 million move, has failed to hit the heights expected of him since his summer move to Spain from Italy.But with Sunday's clash with Osasuna on the horizon, the former AC Milan maestro has declared himself fit for the weekend fixture and keen to prove his worth to Real in the second half of the season as they look to close the gap on Barca at the top of the Primera Division.Cured"I am totally cured," said the Brazilian. "I am good, I don't have any more pain in the pubis."I hope to work with the group at my top this week and get myself good physically."Real have won all four of their matches in Kaka's absence and it remains to be seen if Manuel Pellegrini will shuffle his pack to accommodate the former world player of the year for the trip to Osasuna.Kaka's spell on the sidelines has allowed the midfielder to look ahead to the 2010 World Cup where Brazil are bidding to win an unprecedented sixth trophy.But the playmaker called on his team-mates to have extra focus in their preparation for the South Africa tournament after off-field issues aided their early exit to France in the quarter-finals of the 2006 World Cup."We will need to use the two weeks we will have before the World Cup to practice properly, to gain tranquillity and to think about getting focused," Kaka told the Estado de S. Paulo."It's going to be key for the team to arrive with winning chances."
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A woman suspected to be a child-trafficker was yesterday caught in a Chanchangi flight 137 from Owerri to Lagos, by passengers who became suspicious when they noticed the lack of bonding and hostility of a five-month-old baby boy to the woman who was pretending to be its mother. The behaviour of the woman aroused suspicion of the passengers when she could not breastfeed the child or provide a feeding bottle which she was supposed to be feeding it with; rather, she tried to spoon-feed it amid the child's resistance, which heightened the passengers' suspicion that the child might have been stolen. According to eye-witness account, when the now infuriated passengers literally bombarded her with questions, she confessed that the baby was not hers and admitted that she was into child trafficking racket. “This baby was stolen by a woman who confessed openly she was into the racket and was identified by Chachangi airline officials. On landing, the woman further confessed she had a man as an accomplice but the man could not be found even after all the passengers had been identified”, an eye-witness told THISDAY. The flight left Owerri, Imo State at about 3.00 pm and landed at the new domestic terminal of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, MMA2, at about 4.00 pm. Spokesman of the airline, Ibrahim Adamu, confirmed the attempted kidnapping and according to the senior cabin crew on board the aircraft, Mr. Suma Inyang, the baby was crying profusely throughout the flight and after disembarkation, prompting the passengers to continue harassing the woman who later confessed to the crime. The baby, on arrival in Lagos, was handed over to a Chanchangi crew member, Anwal Rufai. But Adamu later explained to THISDAY, “A female lawyer from the United States wanted to adopt the child and asked the younger sister to bring the baby from Owerri to Lagos, but the girl did not know how to handle it and when she was arrested at arrival in Lagos, her sister came with all necessary adoption documents. The matter was handed over to the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN).” But the General Manager, Public Affairs, FAAN, Akin Olukunle could not confirm that the baby was handed over to the agency and the management of Bi-Courtney, the operators of MMA2 refused to comment on the matter as its head of communications, Olugbenga Adegbesan told THISDAY he was on leave.
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JAY-Z at 40 !

Four fours from forty-fourOn the track, "44 4s", Jay-Z showed off his lyrical prowess when he used variables of four, for, fore and forever forty-four times in a song.In four years, the man born Shawn Corey Carter in Brooklyn, New York will be 44 years old but today, he is 40 and below are 40 reasons to love - or loathe - him.STYLE1. TrendsettingRising from humble beginnings to the top of the charts, Jay-Z sets trends with virtually every move he makes. Rocking hood sweats or tuxedos, he blends in and stands out wherever he goes. He killed the throwback jersey movement and had thugs wearing button up shirts and tailored suits. He once famously rapped "we don't drive X5's, we give those to baby mamas', thus costing BMW some male support.RELATIONSHIPS2. Memphis BleekSince Jay's debut in 1996, Bleek has been riding shotgun, enjoying the benefits of loyalty and friendship. Though his career has not taken off like Jay-Z predicted, his lieutenant remains his right-hand man on stages across the world. On the "Diamonds from Sierra Leone (Remix)", Jay rapped, "Bleek can be a hit away his whole career/but as long as I'm alive, he's a millionaire/and even if I die, he's in my will somewhere."3. Damon DashBefore the acrimonious split and jabs in interviews, Harlem's Dash and Brooklyn's Carter were an unstoppable force in Hip-Hop. A Jay-Z video seemed incomplete without Damon's champagne popping and crazy dancing. They "Lost One".4. The Notorious B.I.G.Jay and the fallen rap legend were actual friends who collaborated on the hood classic "Brooklyn's Finest" and "I Love the Dough" before Biggie's demise. Ever since his murder in 1997, Jay-Z has kept Biggie's name alive in his music, helping immortalise the "livest one from Bedford-Stuyvesant".5. Kanye WestSince his work on The Dynasty: Roc La Familia album, Mr. West has been a regular Jay-Z collaborator and protégé, helping craft the soundscape for the classic Blueprint album, alongside Just Blaze. West has openly documented his quest to do it like "Big Brother" does.6. Michael JacksonBefore the King of Pop died, he was a bit of a recluse but at Hot 97's annual Summer Jam concert in 2001, Jay-Z brought Michael Jackson onstage and in that moment, two of the best that ever did it held the crowd spellbound. Jay also popped up on a remix of the King's comeback single "You Rock My World" and this year revealed to NME that "(Jackson) was on my song ‘Girls, Girls, Girls', singing these background vocals and I didn't even put his name on it."7. NasTheir 2001 battle remains one of the biggest in Hip-Hop as two of New York's best MCs went at each other. When the dust finally settled, with both parties still standing, Jay signed Nas to Def Jam in 2006. They have since collaborated on Nas' "Black Republican", Jay-Z's "Success" and Ludacris' "I Do it for Hip-Hop".8. The RootsHip-Hop's foremost rap band got more mainstream exposure when they backed Hov up during his MTV Unplugged set and the Fade to Black concert, amongst other performances. They rose from the underground to international acclaim off of that Jay-Z co-sign.9. BeyoncéThe first couple in music has been able to keep fans interested by keeping their affairs public as much as they can. According to Gotham Magazine, the most important thing on the horizon seems to be a plan to have children with Knowles, whom he wedded on the roof of their Tribeca building last year.10. Barack ObamaThe Jigga Man came out strong in support of the first black president during his campaign. He played free concerts in a bid to urge young people to vote for Obama. He popped up Young Jeezy's "My President" remix and more recently alluded to being "a small part of the reason the president is black/I told him I got him, when he hit me on the jack" on "What We Talkin' Bout" off of The Blueprint 3.11. Oprah WinfreyThe talk show queen had publicly spoken out on her aversion to rappers who use the "N" word, amongst other things, but in his own words, "had Oprah chilling in the projects/had her out in Bedstuy, chilling on the steps/drinking quarter waters, gotta be the best." The biggest star in TV couldn't resist the biggest star in Hip-Hop, it seems.12. CollabosThere are too many to mention but chances are, put Jay on a track, and it's a hit. The list includes names as diverse as The Notorious B.I.G., Mary J. Blige, Coldplay, OutKast, Linkin Park, Mariah Carey, Rihanna, BlackStreet, Changing Faces, Amy Winehouse, Dead Prez, Faith Evans, DMX, Sean Paul, Busta Rhymes, Mya, Lenny Kravitz, Juvenile, Punjabi MC, Mavado, Missy Elliott, R. Kelly, Paul McCartney usual suspects Kanye West and, of course, Beyoncé.13. GhostwritingTouted as one of the best female rappers ever, Foxy Brown's first (and most successful) album, Ill Na Na, was almost exclusively written by Jay-Z. Dr. Dre's comeback single, "Still D.R.E." is another writing credit for Young Hova, as is former protégé, Amil's "I Got That". He is also believed to have written for Diddy, Queen Pen and bizarrely enough, Nas, whose "Braveheart Party" features an S. Carter writer credit.BUSINESS14. Roc-A-FellaWhen no one would sign him, Jay-Z, along with Damon Dash and Kareem "Biggs" Burke joined to form Roc-A-Fella Records. Distributing Reasonable Doubt through Priority Records, the trio "switched factories" for Def Jam and went on to become a Hip-Hop powerhouse before they went their separate ways in 2004.15. RocawearThe clothing label he co-founded with Damon dash in 1999 has grown into a multimillion dollar empire. In 2007, Jay-Z sold the brand to Iconix Brand Group Inc. for $204 million (approx. N30.3 billion) but retained his stake in the company as well as his status as chief executive officer.16. 40/40 ClubHe co-owns The 40/40 Club, an upscale sports bar that By Chinedu iroCheLEGEND In Hip-Hop circles, no name sparks conversation - good or bad - like Jay-Z's. Today, Brooklyn's favourite son is 40Four fours from forty-four started in New York City and has since expanded to Atlantic City and Chicago. In 2008, the 40/40club in Las Vegas was closed down and bought back by the hotel after attendance steadily declined. Future plans will see 40/40 Clubs in Tokyo and Singapore.17. Reebok S. CarterIn 2003, Reebok announced collaboration with Jay-Z to create the S. Carter tennis shoe, making him the first non-athlete with his own signature shoe. The shoes went on to become the fastest selling Reebok shoes of all time. Maybe that's why he bought a stake in the NBA's New Jersey Nets.18. Def JamJay-Z was appointed president of Def Jam in 2004 and held the position until he stepped down at the end of 2007. As president, his major moves include bringing Nas and Fabolous to the label and the signings ofR & B p o w e r houses, Ne-Yo and Rihanna.19. Roc NationEarlier this year, he signed a multi-million dollar deal with Live Nation to start his Roc Nation imprint, which would serve as a record label, talent/management agency, and music publishing company and also partnered up with production team, Stargate to start a record label called StarRoc.20. Fela!Along with Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, Jay-Z helped produce the play Fela!, a musical celebrating the work of the late Nigerian legend, Fela Anikulapo Kuti. Jay-Z said he was inspired by the power of Kuti's work and his life story, which resulted in his interest to help produce the musical.THE LIVE EXPERIENCE21. Backstage: Hard Knock Life TourIn 1998, Jay-Z's Roc-A-Fella Records partnered with Ruff Ryders and Def Jam for Hip- Hop's most successful nationwide tour at the time. Sharing the stage with fellow powerhouses DMX, Method Man and Redman, alongside up and coming stars, Ja Rule, Eve, Memphis Bleek and Beanie Sigel, it re - opened the door for rap concerts which had been marred by violence in the past.22. Jay-Z... MTV UnpluggedMTV's intimate jam session regularly reserved for rock stars opened its door to the Hip-Hop sensibilities of Jay-Z one night in 2001. With The Roots backing him up, and several celeb friends dropping by, S Dot vibed (and almost cried) with the crowd at one of the more popular unplugged sessions.23. I Declare WarIn September 2005, Jay announced that the theme for his October show at radio station Power 105.1's annual concert was "I Declare War" and he would take shots at all artists that opposed him. Instead, he brought out several feuding acts including The LOX and Diddy, Jadakiss and Beanie Sigel and officially ended his longstanding beef with Nas when he brought him out on stage for a merged performance of "Dead Presidents" and "The World is Yours".24. GlastonburyControversy ensued in 2008 when Jay-Z was announced as the headliner for the annual British rock festival. Noel Gallagher of Oasis was the most vocal opposition to Jay- Z's selection and he in turn, comically began his set with a mockery of the Oasis hit "Wonderwall". Jay went on to have a very successful performance.25. YankeesOn hit record, "Empire State of Mind", Jay declared he "made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can" then went on to deliver unprecedented performances at the World Series and the New York Yankees' victory parade last month. What more can I say?26. South Africa 2010 World CupAlongside his wife, Beyoncé and other international music stars, Jay-Z is set for a pre-World Cup concert to launch the greatest show on earth.CHARITY27. Fade to BlackIn 2003, Jay-Z announced that The Black Album would be his last and the "retirement" concert at Madison Square Garden in New York, would serve as the premise for his movie, Fade to Black. With The Roots backing him up once more, Hov produced an electrifying night of lights and love as the biggest names in entertainment and thousands of fans came out to share in his swan song. Proceeds from the concert went to charity.28. Water for LifeNearly 2 million children die each year due to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation. In a partnership with MTV and the UN, Jay-Z toured several developing countries in 2006, meeting with young people who do not have access to safe water. Nigeria was one of his stops, where he commissioned a bore hole in Kwara State. MTV released the Diary of Jay-Z: Water for Life, where the rapper declared, "we say we're from the hood but we're not by a long shot."29. Answer the CallTo celebrate the coinciding 8th anniversaries of the World Trade Centre disaster and his first Blueprint, Jay held a charity concert at Madison Square Garden for theNew York Police and Fire Widows' & Children's Benefit Fund, letting them know that their tough times had not been forgotten.MUSIC30. Summer AnthemsOften releasing albums at the end of the year, Jay-Z has still managed to create hits summer after summer. There is a long list to pick from including "Ain't No N!gg@" featuring Foxy Brown, "The City is Mine" featuring BlackStreet, "Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)", "Can I Get A..." featuring Amil & Ja Rule, "Big Pimpin'" featuring UGK, "I Just Wanna Love U (Give it 2 Me)", "Izzo (H.O.V.A.)", "Takeover", "Excuse Me Miss", "La La La (Excuse Me Again)", "Dirt off your Shoulders", "Numb/Encore", "Show Me What You Got", "Roc Boys (And the Winner is...)", "Run this Town" and a whole lot more.31. Reasonable DoubtThe debut classic that formally introduced the world to Jay-Z is a timeless collection of songs. Thirteen years later, it still comes off as relevant, supporting the notion that it was way ahead of its time.32. "Can't Knock the Hustle"Repeatedly, Jay-Z has referred to himself as a hustler and no one song better typifies that fact than this. Both the original version and the Meli'sa Morgan Fool's Paradise remix preach tales of an understanding of both the rap game and crack game, that it could be said to be the blueprint to The Blueprint.33. The BlueprintWidely touted to be his second classic, some will argue that there have been others before. Either way, this soulful gem ushered in two of Hip-Hop's most respected producers in Kanye West and Just Blaze. From the intro to the hidden bonus tracks, it is the perfect marriage of lyrics and beats like only jay-Z could have carried out.34. The Best of Both WorldsWhen the top Hip-Hop performer and the top R&B performer, R. Kelly, announced that they were releasing this collaborative effort, the world rejoiced. However, Kelly's child pornography allegations marred the promotion of this monumental occasion but the ill-fated disc still enjoyed platinum success.35. The Black AlbumThe "retirement" album also garnered classic status. Arguably, his most personal set to date, Jay chronicled his life so far and what music had meant to him, even bringing his mother on board to tell his story. With hits like "PSA", "Dirt off your Shoulder", "Change Clothes " and "Encore" coming off of that album, not much more needs to be said.36. American GangsterAfter criticism for his return disc, Kingdom Come, claiming that he'd sold out, Jay channeled inspiration from the Frank Lucas biopic, American Gangster to release an album of the same name, chronicling his relationship with drugs and the streets. He reunited with Diddy for the project, to create the old school vibe that silenced the critics.37. "Mr. Carter"With Lil Wayne, regarded as the new figure head in Hip-Hop, the man born Dwayne Carter featured Shawn Carter on this song, with the latter rapping, "I share/mic time, with my heir/ Young Carter, go farther/go further/go hard!" It was the perfect way to pass the baton to the future... but not just yet because...38. ..."D.O.A (Death of Autotune)"...signaled a warning shot to young artists that have overused the pitch correcting device made prominent by T-Pain. Without naming names, he launched a scathing attack against the entire landscape advising artists to get their creativity up and stop relying on technology for hits.39. "Empire State of Mind"Surprisingly, this is his first Billboard Hot 100 number one single. The Alicia Keys featured song seems to have reinvigorated the patriotic spirit of New Yorkers, especially with its release around 9/11. He recently said, "I guess I was just really centered with my birthplace while I was making the record because it wasn't a conscious thing at all. New York is alive, real people, it never shuts down, the honesty of it, the variety of it. It makes you look forward to every single season. When it gets too hot, you look forward to fall. When it's fall, you look forward to seeing the snow. It's just the most beautiful place in the world to me."40. Mr. BillboardWith the release of The Blueprint 3, Jay-Z scored his 11th number one album on Billboard, giving him the record for most number ones by a solo artist, with only the Beetles having more at 19. The albums are:Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life (1998) Vol. 3... Life and Times of S. Carter (1999) The Dynasty: Roc La Familia (2000) The Blueprint (2001) The Blueprint2: The Gift & the Curse (2002) The Black Album (2003) Unfinished Business (2004) - with R. Kelly Collision Course (2004) - with Linkin Park, Kingdom Come (2006) American Gangster (2007) The Blueprint 3 (2009)
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It has been revealed how Super Eagles striker, Obafemi Martins, extranvagantly squandered about N3.1 trillions while a player of Newcastle.MartinsadvertisementHis former management company, NVA Management Limited who has dragged the player to court over breach of contarct, told the jury how the player’s account almost went red because of his lifestyle.Obafemi Martins was paid £75,000, but allegedly squandered the earnings on an extravagant lifestyleA former Premiership footballer routinely blew his £75,000 a week wages in a matter of days and was constantly overdrawn, a court was told yesterday.Obafemi, ex-Newcastle striker 25, was paid the handsome salary after he joined the club for a £10million fee in August 2006.But despite his extraordinary earnings, his former management team yesterday claimed they repeatedly bailed him out after his bank account continually slipped into the red.The High Court heard that the Nigerian international player would withdraw £40,000 in cash from his bank account at the end of the week.But that would only last him two days, the court heard, as he topped up with a further £25,000 on the Monday morning.He was always overdrawn and repeatedly relied upon NVA Management Limited to ‘manage his life’, the High Court was told.Martins, who owned several fast cars including a top of the range Porsche 4X4, spent the money funding an extravagant lifestyle of luxurious penthouse homes and fine dining.He is now being sued by his former management company which claims that he still owes them 300,000 for sorting out his finances.He told the court that Martins would withdraw £40,000 for the weekend, followed by another £25,000 on the Monday.‘Despite earning these vast sums of money he was constantly overdrawn,’ added Mr Tennink.He said the firm, which looks after the affairs of several footballers, film and music stars, said that Martins had agreed to pay them for simply managing his life.It was under their stewardship that Martins agreed a £2million image rights deal ‘simply for being Mr Martins’.It’s claimed Martins was constantly overdrawn despite earning £75,000-a-weekHe also had lucrative sponsorship deals with various companies including Pepsi and Nike but had not been paid.When the company stepped in to run his affairs they sorted the unpaid contracts, bringing in thousands of pounds.They also organised visas when he travelled to Italy, where he once played for Inter Milan, and sorted out his passport, his mortgage and property valuations.They even arranged critical illness cover and were constantly running up and down the motorway from their London offices to Newcastle in a bid to do all that he required.‘But surely these were things a secretary could do?’ asked Judge Richard Seymour QC, referring to the size of fees charged.‘It was a Jeeves-type of role that they performed.’Mr Tennink protested that managing every aspect of his life was just part of what they did, and asked the judge to bear in mind the sort of figures these players earned.He said Martins had come to them in July 2007 and had agreed a fee of around £300,000 plus 20 per cent of any sponsorship monies they managed to acquire on his behalf.“He asked for these services to be carried out,” Mr Tennink told the court.Before they managed his affairs, Martins had not been paid a penny for his image rights for the use of his name on Newcastle shirts and mugs and had received nothing from his sponsorship deals.He could not even find the contracts he had originally signed, Mr Tennink added.Martins paid the company £67,500 in January last year and another £25,000 in April last year.But the question for the court to decide, said Mr Tennink, was whether there was a ‘binding obligation’ for him to pay the outstanding bill of over £300,000.After Newcastle were relegated from the Premiership last summer Martins was sold for £9million to German Bundesliga Champions Wolfsburg.Martins, who once owned a penthouse apartment overlooking Newcastle’s exclusive Quayside, is fighting the claim.The hearing is scheduled to last for three days.
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A new study suggests that lonely people attract fellow "lonelies" and influence others to feel lonely, too. "Loneliness can spread from person to person to person -- up to three degrees of separation," said James H. Fowler, co-author of the study published in the December issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. The study says that not only is loneliness contagious, but lonely people tend to isolate themselves in small groups that somehow compound or increase those feelings of solitude. According to Fowler, the data suggests that the average person feels lonely about 48 days a year, but for the lonely, that feeling can be ever-present. In addition, the study indicated that people who felt lonely were more likely to be friendless, or constantly shedding friends, a few years later: Compared with those who are never lonely, lonely people can lose about 8 % of their friends over a four-year period, for instance. The researchers worked with more than 5,100 participants. The team constructed graphs tracking the participants' ongoing friendship patterns over two to four years. They found that, among neighbors, an increase of loneliness of just one day per week triggered a rise in loneliness among neighbor-friends, as well. And that loneliness actually spread throughout the community as affected neighbors saw each other less, the researchers said. Women appeared more vulnerable than men to "catching" loneliness, the researchers found. Mark R. Leary, professor and director of the social psychology program at Duke University, whose work zeroes in on the need for social acceptance, called the study impressive in its sample, analysis and conclusion. He added that the contagion of loneliness could be, to some degree, a situation of people mimicking the styles of those around them. So what can be done to help the lonely, to integrate them better with others? Leary suggested that those who interact with lonely people recognize that their tendency to pull inward emotionally and be less outgoing is a trait of loneliness, not of something else. "It reflects loneliness and a need for connection, rather than indifference, dislike or rejection. People can reach out to their lonely loved one rather than withdraw themselves," he said.
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In a sign of increased uncertainty about Umaru Yar'adua's ability to return to Nigeria's presidency, his wife, Turai is anxiously moving to protect her most prized possession from the presidential lodge in Abuja also known as Aso Rock Villa. Saharareporters learnt that the Turai Yar’adua has commenced the removal of a cache of gold and diamond kept in the inner recesses of the presidential villa. The precious metals, described by our sources as “large in quantity,” are tied to a business co-owned by Turai and her daughter, Nafisat Yuguda, but run on their behalf by a Lebanese businessman Joseph Zeitoun and his Nigerian wife, Zainab Zeitoun. “The fact that the First Lady is removing the jewelry from Aso Rock shows that the president’s condition may not be that good,” said one of our sources. Nafisat, Yar'adua's daughter who is married to Governor Isah Yuguda of Bauchi, recently arrived in the US to give birth to their first baby. The Zeitouns operate the jewelry business for the Yar’aduas out of the pricey shopping mall called Dunes Center. The jewelry shop, named Nafeez, is located in Suite 105 at the Dunes Center on 44 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja. General Jeremiah Useni (ret.) allocated the land to Zainab when he was the minister of the Federal Capital Territory under the Sani Abacha regime. Mr. Useni briefly dated Zainab. Our sources said that Zainab was then also dating Joseph at the time, but introduced the Lebanese to Useni as her business partner. The sources revealed that Zainab hit it big when she was introduced to Turai and “the First Lady found her partnership very rewarding.” One of our sources said the Zeitouns helped open Turai’s eyes to the tremendous profits that she could reap from the jewelry business. The sources said Turai had used “First Lady” pressure to force male and female government officials as well as business owners to purchase expensive gold and diamond from her front jewelry business. Saharareporters has reported on Turai’s extensive business deals, making her one of Nigeria's sleaziest First Ladies. A source close to the Yar’aduas said that Turai “exploits every opportunity to make money – through kickbacks, the charging of $30,000 fee for anybody who wishes to see her, and establishment of phony foundations through which unscrupulous businessmen are forced to make donations that are then rerouted into her personal accounts.” Our sources further revealed that the m=Minister of Agriculture, Abba Ruma, maintains an apartment at the Dunes center and holds business consultations in the building. The Zeitouns have received huge contracts to construct "Agricultural Storage Silos" and have helped the Yar'adua family developed properties acquired in Abuja. Saharareporters also learnt that Zainab and Joseph Zeitoun were responsible for planning and executing the “Arabian Nights” theme for the gaudy and opulent weeklong wedding of Nafisat Yar'adua and Governor Yuguda. The wedding featured Senegalese music sensation, Youssou n'Dour, who performed alongside imported Lebanese belly dancers. When our reporter called the telephone numbers on the Nafeez business card obtained exclusively by Saharareporters, the lines had become inactive. Dunes Center
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14 Wraps of heroin sniffed out from lady’s hair By CHRIS ANUCHA It is said that a woman’s beauty is her hair. But that can no longer be said of Angela Okiri, who was arrested recently at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport(MMIA), Ikeja, Lagos, over hard drug. Angela advertisement According to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA), she concealed fourteen wraps on her well braided hair. The 31 years old suspect from Edo State, also swallowed fifty-six wraps of heroin and packed twenty-two wraps inside sanitary pad in her handbag. Angela was among the four suspects nabbed recently by the narcotic agents. One of the suspects was attempting to smuggle narcotics into the country from Brazil, while the other three suspects were arrested on their way out of the country to Europe. Other suspects were, Anekwe Ugochukwu, 28, who ingested eighty-one wraps of cocaine weighing 1.285kg, Anisiebo Arinze, 45, who ingested sixty-eight wraps of cocaine and Esimone Amanchukwu, 33, that ingested eighty-two wraps of cocaine weighing 988 grammes. The suspects were detected with the assistance of scanning machine donated to the Agency by the United States of America. Impressed by the arrest and seizures, the Chairman/Chief Executive of NDLEA, Ahmadu Giade, called for more public support for the Agency. While reaffirming the commitment of the Nigerian government to the anti-narcotic crusade, he vowed that all drug trafficking syndicates would be brought to book. Giade stressed that the Agency would leave no stone unturned in the fight against illicit drugs, adding that intense undercover operations were going on to dismantle more illegal drug cartels. Arinze, who had lived in Germany for the past nineteen years was nabbed while on his way to London. He ingested the drug for a fee of 5,000 pounds. He said: “I live in Stuttgart, Germany, where I work as a labourer, but I lost my job in August last year. I came to Nigeria in November 2, 2009, to attend a burial ceremony. It was in the village that I met an old friend, who asked me to traffick drugs to London. I agreed because of the money involved, because I needed to complete the traditional marriage ceremony of my wife. I only did the introduction in January and there is pressure on me. I ingested sixty-eight pieces of the drug in my village, Umuoji in Anambra State.” Ananchukwu was to board KLM flight to Amsterdam, on his way to Hamburg, Germany, when he tested positive to drug ingestion. The suspect said he decided to smuggle drugs to settle his creditors. “I am heavily indebted and my dad is sick. I swallowed eighty-two pieces of drugs and would have been given 3,500 Euros.” Anthony, who was smuggling the illicit drugs into Nigeria was apprehended in a South African Airline from Sao-Paulo Brazil, through South Africa. According to him, he went to Brazil five months ago and was stranded. “I was stranded in Brazil. Though, I was working in a restaurant, the salary could not pay my rent. When I got the offer to send the drugs to Togo, I was happy, because I saw hell these five months in Brazil,” he stated. Angela, had lived 11 years in Bergmo, Italy, where she worked as a labourer in factories. She was arrested during screening of passengers on Alitalia flight. The suspect, whose final destination was Torino, stated that some friends introduced her into the drug business, after being jobless for several months due to the economic recession. “Having lost my job for some months, I am now into trading but things are difficult. I wanted some money to expand my business. They gave me ninety-two wraps out of which, I could only swallow 56. So, I hid some in my handbag and some in my hair. I thought that they would not see them. They would have paid me 4,000 Euros,” she lamented. According to the NDLEA spokesman, Mr. Mitchell Ofoyeju, all the suspects would appear in Court soon.
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resurrected by Tony Award winning director, Bill T. Jones in a manner that makes the legend more accessible to Western audiences. For those who are unacquainted with his music or reputation for being a thorn in the flesh of military rulers and despots in Africa and around the world, this production does a lot to educate while entertaining with memorable beats and the signatory blare of the saxophone.Fela! takes the audience into the legendary nightclub “African Shrine” where the musical icon and political activist played for several years, perfecting his music and criticism of the military junta in his homeland. A biography ensues as Fela takes the crowd through his life story, his relationship with his mother, his rebellion against zombie soldiers and the origin of his style of music, Afro-beat. The performance is quite interactive with the hip-gyrating dancers filing through the theatre and Fela’s insistence of crowd participation. Brooklyn-based Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra, who has been performing Fela’s music since his death in 1997, also does not disappoint.Fela! is an explosive, awe-inspiring show and perhaps the best and most original part of the production is when it explores the relationship between the musician and his accomplished mother with a backdrop of African rituals and egungun spirits. It is not too often that a musical depicting an African character makes it to Broadway and Anikulapo-Kuti comes across as a champion for the rights of his people, music as his weapon, fighting till the very end.-- Osahon Akpata (Monday, Oct. 19, 2009)Fela!, Contains spirituality and brief smoking. In English, Pidgin English and Yoruba with subtitles. At the Eugene O’Neil Theatre in previews with the official opening date set for November 23rd, 2009.
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More outrage greets Ojukwu’s war threat BY OUR REPORTER More Nigerians have continued to express their disgust over the comment credited to Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu that there would be war in the country if the Appeal Court rules in favour of Andy Uba. Uba, the 2007 governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), had approached the court to seek a validation of the mandate handed to him in the April 14, 2007 election on the strength of which he was sworn in as the governor of Anambra State. Ruling on the matter has been reserved for today. Ojukwu, who was the presidential flagbearer of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in the 2007 election, had, in what many had criticised as potentially treasonable and threat to national peace, warned the court not to grant the petition of Uba. The threat had since sparked off a flurry of open rebuke from eminent Nigerians, particularly sons and daughters of Anambra who feared such remark from a man who spearheaded a civil war in the country that claimed millions of lives was capable of inciting the public and consequently create an atmosphere of chaos to undermine the democratic process. advertisement The latest of such rebuke came yesterday from Anambra True Democrats (ATD), a group of progressives from across the various political parties in the state. In a statement signed by its National Co-ordinator, Chief Bernard Odenigbo, the group said it was riled by the chants of war from the man who allowed his ego and personal ambition to rule his head and in the process dragged the Igbo people into war against a country their sons and daughters laboured so hard to build. The group also warned those who predicted that victory for Andy Uba would create constitutional crisis to have a rethink, stressing that Nigerians should start imbibing the virtue of respecting judgement of courts even when it hurts them. “To say that victory for Uba would create constitutional crisis is tantamount to judicial ambush and intimidation and we urge the court to do what it considers the right thing. In any sane society, the law is not interpreted to suit the caprice of an individual or group of individuals who think they have the machinery for propaganda; the law is as spelt out by the court of law. To do otherwise, amounts to judicial thuggery and this is what Ojukwu and his tribe of war-mongers and violence brewers are trying to do. We condemn it,” the statement said. “The case of Anambra is very tricky because politicians of lewd moral values have succeeded in fouling up the environment. It is, therefore, in the interest of Anambra people that a bit of judicial activism is deployed to stave off the crisis which the likes of Ojukwu and a few other politicians in the state are plotting to forment during the February 6, 2010 governorship election. We believe the judiciary can help clean up the mess by giving the judgement that is both expedient and logical,” the statement said. In a veiled response to the Soludo Campaign Organisation and the Coalition of Human Rights Organisations in Anambra State, the group said as true democrats we have no choice but to obey the decision of the court, adding that it was the same court of law that made Peter Obi governor. “If Peter Obi became governor on the strength of pronouncement by a court, why can’t the same Peter Obi and his supporters believe in the ruling of the same court of law when it hurts them? “Selective obedience to the ruling of a court is not acceptable to the people of Anambra State and to all true democrats in the country”, the statement said
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