Shall (3)

12166298090?profile=originalwhat if my girl was called aharit instead of arit

My girl has always been my closest friend but not one day has she ever told me her

real name . She said her name is arit and many times i go Aight ? and she says Right

. Not one day has she dared to put it all together and say AHARIT !

I wondered why she would never tell me her real name . I wondered not for long as I

asked her to marry me . to which she immediately agreed . She had been waiting for

this for ages .

Now we are about to get married it is just a few days or even weeks away .

And I asked her for the last time What is your name Arit

And she said AHARIT and I looked at her and understood . AHA RIGHT !

He sold his birthright for a meal of porridge He ignored the 'Aharit' . That which

comes After . Show me Temptations and I will ask for the AHARIT .

Now we shall soon be together for ever even after the AHARIT !


Happy Valentine


Ephesians 4:2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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Movie name : shall we race

These days you see movies like "Shall We dance ? "
"Are we there yet ? " or simply "hitched "
Today I ask Shall we race so you can get hitched and know that you sure are there !

“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of my saviour Jesus, to testify the gospel of the free gift of God.”
THOUGHT: Have you ever seen a triathlon? I saw the finish of an Ironman competition on television, which involved 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and 26.2 miles of running. There was a young lady leading the pack, but suddenly within just a few feet of the finish line, she fell. Her legs were like noodles. She tried to get up and walk, but fell again. I wept as I watched her end the race in agony. She literally clawed her way to the finish line and sadly did not finish first. If these men and women put themselves through this grueling race for a corruptible crown, God forbid that we should be any less the strong, spiritual athletes to which God is calling us. We’re dealing with life and death, heaven and hell, and the glory of God!
ACTION POINT: How are you doing in the race? Are you faithful to run when the going gets tough? Will you join with Paul in saying Philippians 3:13-14? Ask for Him to make you strong and faithful to the end.m
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Ray C. Stedman in his book Understanding Man has analyzed the meaning of the names of the descendants in the line of Seth to Noah and gives the following explanation:.

"a way of escape [for man] is indicated again in a most fascinating way in this chapter by the meaning of the names listed. There is some difference among authorities as to the meaning of these names, depending upon the root from which they are judged to be taken. But one authority gives a most interesting sequence of meanings. The list begins with Seth, which means 'Appointed.' Enosh, his son, means 'Mortal;' and his son, Kenan, means 'Sorrow.' His son Mahalalel, means 'The Blessed God.' He named his boy Jared which means 'Came Down,' and his boy, Enoch, means 'Teaching.' Methuselah, as we saw, means 'His death shall bring;' Lamech means 'Strength,' and Noah, 'Comfort.' Now put that all together: :

God has Appointed that Mortal man shall Sorrow;
but The Blessed God, Came Down,
Teaching, that His Death Shall Bring,
Strength and Comfort.

"Is this book (Genesis) from God? God has given you and me a life to watch just as Methuselah's generation watched his. It is your own life. God has written "Methuselah" on each one of us. "His death shall bring it," or "When he dies, it will come." How far is it till the end of the world for you? When you die. That is the end of the world. That is the end of man's day. Is it fifty years from now, ten, tomorrow? Who knows? But at any moment, when he dies, it will come."

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