ask (5)

12166298090?profile=originalwhat if my girl was called aharit instead of arit

My girl has always been my closest friend but not one day has she ever told me her

real name . She said her name is arit and many times i go Aight ? and she says Right

. Not one day has she dared to put it all together and say AHARIT !

I wondered why she would never tell me her real name . I wondered not for long as I

asked her to marry me . to which she immediately agreed . She had been waiting for

this for ages .

Now we are about to get married it is just a few days or even weeks away .

And I asked her for the last time What is your name Arit

And she said AHARIT and I looked at her and understood . AHA RIGHT !

He sold his birthright for a meal of porridge He ignored the 'Aharit' . That which

comes After . Show me Temptations and I will ask for the AHARIT .

Now we shall soon be together for ever even after the AHARIT !


Happy Valentine


Ephesians 4:2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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April 28, 2010. We here at are 100% supporters of President Obama. At first we thought about SUPPRESSING this new report . . . but we figure that it would be better to know about what Republicans are trying to do to the prez.. Photo Alleged Obama Lover

According to a new report, Republican operatives are looking to pay as much as $1 million to anyone willing to discuss the president's relationship with a 35 year old woman named Vera Baker..

And according to one weekly tabloid, Vera's limo driver is SNITCHING!!! Here's what Vera's limo driver is saying:
"I took [President Obama] to various locations while he was looking for campaign funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

"About 10:30 pm, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. She didn't ask me to wait or to be taken back to her friend's home - or to her home"

Well .. . . we ain't gonna believe NOTHING about the prez unless we have more solid evidence.
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Minister justifies N138billion loan

The federal government yesterday strived to explain away its determination to borrow $915m from the World Bank. The Minister of Finance, Olusegun Aganga, who was speaking at the presidential villa shortly after the signing of the 2010 budget said the loan will be spent wisely. "The most important thing for us is to make sure that in spending we get good value for the money spent, that it is spent in areas where we generate both social and economic returns; that is what is critical.".

He refuted speculations that the money will be used to finance the 2010 budget saying the administration was planning to raise a bond of about $5oo million from the international market for that. Mr Aganga who said the entire deal has been misrepresented, sought to clarify the matter: "This is absolutely wrong. We are not borrowing a billion [US dollars] to fund the budget. I think what they are referring to is something which we are working with the World Bank on. The World Bank, as you know, helps a number of developing countries and that [amount] is just a quantification of the work they are doing - which is broken down to quite a few segments. So, it is not one billion dollars borrowing up front; it doesn't work like that. It has nothing to do with the budget."

He also explained that government was looking at securing other sources of revenue, which could include sales of some assets and the possibility of raising a bond. However, he down-played fears about the potential for waste in the nation's spending plan.

He said, "I think the most important thing we should understand is that in a recession, there is nothing wrong about spending. In fact, if you look at any of the Western world they all have deficit[s].

Spending wisely

Mr. Aganga said all sectors of the government will be held accountable for its spending and promised that the new administration would be heavily focused on the proper execution of the budget. He announced that the Minister of Special Duties, Ernest Olubolade, had been mandated to handle the issue.

"It is ok to spend but it is important that you spend wisely and people are held accountable," he said. Mr. Aganga assured the nation that the creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund to replace the old Excess Crude Account was a step in the right direction.

"As you know, the budget is based on benchmark of $67 per barrel - where oil is trading today. So obviously, over time, we will hopefully accumulate some excess reserve and the idea is how we build some fiscal policy around it or prudential guideline[s] around it to make sure that that is properly managed."

A reluctant support

At yesterday's sitting of the House of Representatives, a motion moved by the deputy leader, Baba Shehu Agaie, urging the lawmakers to approve the World Bank loan to fund the nation's "infrastructural deficit" was vehemently opposed by members of the minority parties. Although the session degenerated into rowdiness, the opposition could not stop the over 270 members of the Peoples Democratic Party, from approving Mr. Jonathan's request.

The approval followed a discussion that the leaderships of the Senate and the House had with the executive on Tuesday night.

The chairman of the House finance committee, John Eno, said members had to approve the request since the executive had complied with the relevant laws requiring it to forward such requests to the legislature for approval.

He recalled that the executive had in the past ignored this law and praised the acting president for not just forwarding a request for approval of the fresh loan, but also formally submitting the external borrowing plan of the government.

He also argued that since the money being requested for was already factored into the budget as a funding item, it was only right to approve the request.

The chairman of the committee on rules and business, Ita Enang, who also spoke in favour of the motion, said the acting president complied with Section 21 of the Debt Management Office Act, which he said allows the government to borrow upon the approval of the National Assembly.

Mr Enang, a PDP member from Akwa Ibom, reminded his colleagues that in the 2010 Budget passed by the National Assembly, there was a provision for borrowing to fund the document, adding that the legislature has already committed itself.

Those who opposed

But the deputy minority leader, Abdulrahman Kawu opposed Mr Jonathan's request, although he said he was one of the leaders of the legislature that met with Mr. Jonathan on Tuesday night on the plan to take a fresh loan. A member of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) from Kano State, Mr Kawu said history will not forgive the lawmakers who approved the loan. He faulted the procedure for considering the request for the loan, regretting that members were only given the 235-page external borrowing plan just before the plenary commenced. He argued that the lawmakers would have no time to read it before voting on the request.

Also, the Minority leader, Mohammed Ali Ndume, who also objected to the request, said it would not only amount to mortgaging the future of Nigerians,

it may also return the country to another era of huge indebtedness from which it came out only few years ago when its debt was forgiven by the external creditors.

He recalled that at the meeting with Mr Jonathan, the acting president merely said that the World Bank was willing to give Nigeria $915 million, but did not clearly seek for approval.

Mr Ndume, who is also the ANPP leader in the House, said "There was no opportunity for me to say our mind. That does not mean we (minority parties) are in support. It is not fair. We have just been given this voluminous borrowing plan and you want us to read it now before we approve. It is not fair. Those people that want us to borrow must come here to explain," he said.

Despite the opposition, members voted overwhelmingly for the approval of the acting president's request when it was put to vote, forcing Messrs Ndume, Kawu and other members of the ANPP to leave the chamber.

Unnecessary loan

At a press conference, Mr. Ndume explained that the country does not need to obtain the fresh loan since, according to him, it makes about $800 million daily from oil.

"As at today they are telling us that we are producing 1.02 million barrels of crude a day and the market price is about $80. If you can make that money one day why should you need the loan? If you multiply that, you get more than $800 million," he said. "Why would you go and mortgage the future of our children?"

The minority leader, who admitted that the opposition had already lost the battle to stop the loan, lamented that members of the House approved it without knowing the implication of doing so. He added that they may have done so because certain things, which he did not disclose, were dangled before them by the government.

Mr. Ndume also revealed that Mr. Jonathan and Mr. Aganga also discussed the plan to increase Value Added Tax (VAT) from five percent to 10 percent and also bring two bills to the legislature.

Throwing more light on why he could not object to Mr. Jonathan's request for the loan during the Tuesday night meeting, Mr. Ndume explained "We (members of the leadership) went in a bus and when we got there we ate food first and the acting president said the finance minister will brief us. The minister said we had problems with some sections of the budget. He said they selected nine critical ministries (to review).

"But after that I was the one who complained that how can one man (finance minister) review what (budget) 469 members (of the National Assembly) did? After that the chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriation (Iyiola Omisore) was also hard on them."

Also speaking at the press conference, the chairman of Public Accounts Committee, Usman Adamu, who is also a member of the ANPP, wondered if Nigeria could manage the loan since it could not manage its own resources efficiently.

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Are You Feeding Your Soul? Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? And I’m not talking about your physical body when I ask this question — I’m talking about your spiritual body. Has your soul been getting the nourishment it needs to grow in health and strength, or have you deprived it from the Word it so desperately needs? If what you see in the mirror doesn’t even begin to reflect what you know you can be, it’s time to make a change, time to dive into God’s Word and receive all the love and forgiveness He has been waiting to give you . . . a time to release your life into God’s hands. The Word tells us, But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT). You may not like what you see now, but just wait. Rely on God’s faithfulness and perfect timing and begin to make changes when God shows you it is necessary. And soon, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Look where God moved me from. Look what He saved me from. I stand blessed where I am all because of the transforming grace of God.” An Evangelistic Tool The following is an evangelistic tool. Feel free to use this tool to lead someone to the Savior. It can also be used in your church. Tony lead the members of our church through this process, and then commissioned them to offer the good news to those they come in contact with in the course of their day. This is one of our outreach programs for this year. OPENING QUESTION: Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can be sure you are on your way to heaven? Would you allow me to show you? I. First the Bad News a. The Problem: Every person is a sinner before a Holy God and unable to save themselves (Romans 3:10, 23). b. The Penalty: Every person is under the sentence of death and will be forever separated from God because of their sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23). I. Now the Good News a. The Provision: Through the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ, God has addressed the sin problem for us (Romans 5:8, 17-21). b. The Pardon: God offers a free pardon and eternal life to all who place faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10; 4:4-5). CLOSING QUESTION: Would you like to trust the Lord Jesus Christ right now as your personal Savior? PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead to save me. By transferring my total trust to You alone as my Savior, I now receive the forgiveness for my sins and the free gift of eternal life that You offered me.
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"It is vey pathetic that law makers would call for robbers to cease operations whilst the under 17 world cup is going on in Nigeria so that foreigners don't have a bad impression of Nigeria, how ludicrous. People like the Hon member Edward Ayo Odugbesan , represent the decay that is in our nation and has permeated all sphere of socio-political and economic fabric. What utter rubbish. what about the lives of thousands of Nigerians that are lost every year because of armed robbery and a very ineffective government that cannot provide security for its citizen. To even have the temerity to suggest they can continue after is enough grounds for him to lose his seat. What hope is there for our nation if people like this seat as law makers over us ?" The Ogun State House of Assembly on Wednesday appealed to armed robbers operating in the state and neighbouring ones to suspend their activities in the light of the junior World Cup going on in the country. The Assembly reminded the robbers that any of their operations during the period of the tournament will give the country a bad name, as several foreign visitors are in the country now. Ogun is one of the states hosting teams in the competition. The lawmakers agreed to beg the bandits during deliberations on the floor of the House, at their Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta complex. A member, Edward Ayo Odugbesan had raised an alarm that the Isheri bridge, which links Ogun with Lagos State, has become a den of bandits. Mr. Odugbesan said there is a need for the men of the underworld to suspend their operations in the interim, because of the on-going mundial. The Ijebu-Ode International Stadium is one of the centres being used for the competition. "I want to appeal to the men of the underworld to suspend their actions and operations in the interim because of our foreign visitors currently in the state," he said. "Then they can resume thereafter, because there is nowhere in the world where robbers and robberies could be stopped from their work." He then called on his colleagues to support his call on the armed bandits to soft-pedal because the situation is becoming worrisome. "If foreigners witness the robbers' attacks at this point, it would send a bad signal to other nations," he said. Police wake up Reacting to Mr. Odugbesan's call, the Speaker, Tunji Egbetokun, called on the police leadership to intensify efforts in ensuring that security is maintained in the state. "I want to use the opportunity to call on the police to intensify efforts in checkmating criminals. They should please not relent in the efforts," he said. In a related development, the Assembly ordered the head of the Local Government Administration of Obafemi-Owode to appear before it next Wednesday for clarification on the budget and expenditure of the council. The local government official was said to have dodged previous invitations over the past three months - a development which the Assembly faulted at its session yesterday. The lawmakers, therefore, directed the Clerk of the House, Demola Badejo, to write the official on the matter and direct him to report before it. We regret that as at press Time The Chairman of The Robbers Association of Nigeria, Ogun State chapter could not be reached for comments . O What a Gun filled State ! O GUN !
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