long (5)

12166298090?profile=originalwhat if my girl was called aharit instead of arit

My girl has always been my closest friend but not one day has she ever told me her

real name . She said her name is arit and many times i go Aight ? and she says Right

. Not one day has she dared to put it all together and say AHARIT !

I wondered why she would never tell me her real name . I wondered not for long as I

asked her to marry me . to which she immediately agreed . She had been waiting for

this for ages .

Now we are about to get married it is just a few days or even weeks away .

And I asked her for the last time What is your name Arit

And she said AHARIT and I looked at her and understood . AHA RIGHT !

He sold his birthright for a meal of porridge He ignored the 'Aharit' . That which

comes After . Show me Temptations and I will ask for the AHARIT .

Now we shall soon be together for ever even after the AHARIT !


Happy Valentine


Ephesians 4:2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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1O 9jabook/ facebook tips for long term thinking individuals
  1. Please let people know what you do. Opportunities come to those who present themselves to receive them. If I see examples of your fantastic art I
    might buy some or recommend you to who will.
  2. Do not write on facebook/9jabook when you are drunk, high or exhausted. (of course I’m not implying you ever get drunk or high so exhausted it isJ)
  3. Consider getting help or at least a second opinion when you decide to create and manage a facebook profile for business.
  4. Your personal profiles and business profiles do affect each other. You shouldn’t be a tattooed Mohawk sporting person in one and a spokesperson
    for nun’s habits in the other. Let’s say Id trust a tattooed Mohawk
    sporting person selling me the kind of clothes they actually wear.
  5. If you don’t feel comfortable having certain people on your friends list then don’t.
  6. Learn to let go. Vicious long running fights on 9jabook/facebook are draining and not a good look.
  7. Expand your real life network. Facebook is global. Enjoy perspectives from all over the world without buying a plane ticket or dreading a visa
  8. Be spontaneous but remember if it’s on the internet its forever.
  9. Relationship updates on highs and lows, quarrels with exes... NO
  10. For those who must share erotic pictures, videos via internet or even phones... DONT. It as good as walking on the streets nude
thanks to enhance academy for this writeup.


  1. Many prospective employers check facebook profiles before the interview. Would you want them to?

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Friday, September 17, 2010
Pretty Jennifer has been married to Stanley Jumbo since 1999. Few months after their wedding, Stanley returned to the United States where he has been staying for more than 10 years now. Stanley who claims to be a medical doctor in the US has not returned to his wife till date, neither has he communicated with childless Jennifer, who, despite pressures from friends and family members to remarry, has remained committed to her marital vows.

She is at the verge of giving up as her husband’s absence seems to be unending. Stanley, she has confirmed, is healthy but has no proof if he is in another relationship. Even her family members have given up on her. Do you think she’ll be making a mistake if she decides to give another relationship a shot? Should she keep waiting for him? What if he returns with another wife and children someday? All these and more are some of the questions bothering Jennifer, and as usual, we have been able to do justice on the subject.

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Move on and forget him …. Etcetera, Musician

In trying to wait for this spouse, there are certain things that should be ascertained. We need to know if he is alive or dead. We need to know if he’s in jail, healthy or if he is suffering from amnesia (a health condition that makes one forget everything about his past). I wouldn’t mind arranging a trip for my sister to go and make all these enquiries to know his true state. If it is confirmed that he’s alive and sound, then my sister will have to move on with her life.

I want you to understand that ten years is not the same as ten days. We’re talking about ten seasons here. It is very obvious that by this time, the man may have built another relationship and my sister cannot continue to wait for him. What if she continues to wait and in the process gets to the age of menopause? My sister becomes the fool because this guy may have fathered children somewhere.

The best thing to do is for her to move on in life. Don’t forget that every human being once in a while feels horny and I wouldn’t want my sister to flirt around while waiting for one guy who’s having a field day somewhere.

Remarry after 5yrs … Portia Yamahan,


Why on earth will I be waiting for a man who left me 10 years ago? What becomes of me if this man decides to remain abroad for the rest of his life? Any woman waiting for a man (husband) who’s been in-communicado for 10 years truly needs some kind of deliverance. Five to 10 years is too much a wait. I mean, even if she has no head, her family members should talk some sense into her, or maybe, she needs to go for medical check up to certify she’s okay. After three to five years of waiting, I should be able to decide what I want to do with my life. I can’t wait forever. I’ll surely start a new relationship and remarry in due time because it is obvious that he doesn’t remember I still exist. Even if we communicate and he still doesn’t come back in about 10 years, I won’t continue waiting for him, especially where there’s no child from the relationship. At least, the child would have served as my consolation prize. What on earth should we be discussing on phone? No, my dear phone calls will not do.

Wait if you love him … Yinka Davies, Entertainer

The first question any woman in this condition must answer is whether she’s still in love with the man or not. And if she’s able to tell herself the truth, she’ll know whether to continue or not. If he’s not been communicating with her but she’s still in love with him, she can keep waiting.

I’ve seen a woman who waited for 18 years and another one who waited for 25 years and later got their husbands back. In marriage, no other person has a right to come between the parties involved. If she’s been able to survive all these years, then I can’t advise her to quit now. She’s the only one that can make up her mind on what she really wants because she has to follow her instinct. We can only pray for her to be able to take the right decision because some of these things happen in a way that we cannot explain.

Seek the face of God … Tiwa, Artiste

If I were in her shoes, I would just keep praying and fasting for it. When things like this happens, the only thing that is appropriate for us to do is to keep seeking the face of God.

I know that most of our men can’t wait for their women in matters like this but we should not judge with that because we are different from them. We are more emotional and soft and there are certain things men can take emotionally that we can’t absorb.
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thumbnail.php?file=PRESIDENT_GOODLUCK_AND_MUBARAK_714449394.jpg&size=article_mediumNigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday made a stop in Saudi Arabia to thank the King Abdullah led government for the first class medical attention it rendered the late Nigerian President Musa Yar’Adua while he was hospitalized at the Kind Faisal Specialist Hospital in the Islamic nation.

A report in Thisday, a Nigerian newspaper said the President and some members of his entourage including Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Odein Ajumogobia (SAN) left France on Tuesday morning at the conclusion of the 25th Africa-France Summit in Nice for Nigeria and made a stop in Riyadh before returning to Abuja on Tuesday night.

We could not reach presidential spokesman, Mr. Ima Niboro for further details on the stopover before going to press..

The President is expected to preside over the weekly Federal Executive Council meeting at the Presidential Villa on Wednesday..

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Courtship is the traditional dating period before engagement and marriage. During a courtship couples date to get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement and marriage. Usually courtship is a public affair, done in public and with family approval. Stephanie Oforka: advertisementadvertisement
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It includes activities such as dating where couple go out together for dinner, movie, dance parties, picnic, shopping or general “hanging out”, along other activities. With all these activities in place, the question today is whether lengthy period of courtship guarantees a successful marriage? As usual Bridget Amaraegbu has all the answers. Read on: Successful marriage has no formula — Stephanie Oforka, MBGN Universe 08 Whether the period of courtship is long or short doesn’t really matter. What matters is that both parties are able to know themselves very well within the period of courtship. I think it is wrong for people to court for a short period as it may imply that the people involved are in a rush. This may lead to certain arguments in the future because they didn’t take time to study themselves. But courting for a long period does not also mean that the marriage will eventually be successful because we have actually seen people who courted for several years get divorced. Long period of courtship also has its advantages and disadvantages. One of those disadvantages include not having much respect for each other (in pidgin English, you can say it is see finish) because it gives the people involved the opportunity of knowing each other in and out. That is when you’ll find out that there is nothing any of them can tell each other anymore that will sound new. Sometimes too, long period of courtship has been responsible for a lot of break ups in relationships. What can you say about a situation where people court for seven years only for one party to discover that they’re no longer compatible and that becomes the end of the relationship. You know, I call that madness. Why did it have to take them so long to realise they’re not compatible. For Christ sake, it doesn’t have to take a decade before you can know that he or she is not good enough for you. Even three months is enough for you to start seeing symptoms of a bad relationship if you’re very observant. At that point you should have defined what you really want and if it’s not there, back out at that point instead of wasting several years in a relationship that won’t work out in the name of courtship. Some people have made several mistakes of marrying the wrong persons because even while they were courting, they saw some of those symptoms that indicates the marriage won’t work but they just thought it will get better. But I tell you that there are certain characters people have that can’t change. That is why you still see people who court for so long break up after sometime. Both those who courted for short and long period experience break ups so the solution is not with how long. Instead invite God to open your eyes to the right person he created for you because if you refuse to invite him, you’ll have problems. The only advantage with long courtship is that it helps you know your partner better than you would in a shorter period. Also remember that people pretend so you may only find out those qualities the person wants you to know in some cases no matter how long. I know that some people will want to refer us back to our forefathers who didn’t know what it meant to court a woman and yet they didn’t experience divorce. My sister such actions lead to a lot of polygamy, disunity and things like that and I don’t blame them at all. What else do you expect of a marriage where the parties involved never got to be friends not to talk of courting each other. Days have gone when such actions were applicable. Today it’s most appropriate for a man and woman who intends leaving together till death do them part to really get to know themselves well. That is not to say that there’s any particular formula to a successful marriage. What worked smoothly in the house of Mr A may not work for Mr B so don’t compare any two relationships together. Can guarantee success — Sapphire Obi, Actress I think I still prefer the long period of courtship despite the fact that it’s very possible for people to hide their bad character for a long time. I know very well that if you have to court someone for a short period, there are certain things you may not find out about that person. But with time, you’ll get to discover those things that he or she has been hiding. It’s even possible for the person to portray such character unconsciously not even taking cognisance of your presence when both of you are very close. By this time you should be able to capture certain about that person that you’re likely to cope with and those you can’t so I think that long courtship will go along way to guarantee success in marriage. Only God can guarantee success — Moses Efret, Actor I don’t think it’s wise for any courtship to last for too long or too short. The most important thing here is that you take time to know whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. If you think it must have a specific period, then two years may not even be enough. The major thing most people fail to realise is that it’s only God that can direct you to the right man or woman. Therefore it’s important that you invite him into that courtship because he has the final say. If you ask me how long people can court, I’ll say six months to one year is alright after which the relationship becomes suspicious so I don’t think the length of courtship can determine a successful marriage. Lengthy period not the solution — Sound Sultan, Musician The length of courtship is not where the issue lies because many times we have seen people who courted for several years still divorce after all. And amazingly some others who courted for short term live successfully. I think the most important thing is just for you to let God direct you and nothing more because if you to rely on your personal analysis , you may get it all wrong and at the end you still have to suffer break up. No guarantee to successful marriage — Djinee, Musician My dear, whether the period of courtship is long or short doesn’t matter. The fact remains that there is no guarantee to a successful marriage, unless God gives it to you. It’s possible for you to have known someone for several years without really knowing that person, people live in so much pretense. Over the years, research has shown that people can hide some ugly characters in them which they don’t want you to know about. So no matter how long you court such person, you’ll only get to see those ugly things after both of you are married. The fact that you’ve courted for a long time doesn’t mean you’ve known him or her in and out. If am allowed to choose from long and short term courtship, I’ll still prefer it a bit long because it gives you the opportunity to know your partner very well. Atleast it’ll give both of us the benefit of doubt that you’ve known each others families. Within this period, if any of us finds anything about ourselves that we may not be able to cope with, it’ll be better for us to forgo the relationship than get married and begin to have problems because of an issue that could have been avoided long time ago. Marriage is not a sympathetic institution so make sure you go into one that you must enjoy.
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