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Gunmen kidnap five from Afren oil rig in Nigeria

Gunmen in Nigeria have attacked an offshore oil rig operated by exploration firm Afren, kidnapping five crew members including foreigners and injuring two others, the company said on Monday.

Nigeria's main militant group, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), made no immediate claim of responsibility but threatened to carry out new attacks on oil infrastructure in Africa's biggest oil and gas industry.

The attack took place on Sunday in the shallow-water Okoro oilfield off the Obolo local government area of Akwa Ibom.

"Two crew members are stable after receiving wounds to the leg, and have been evacuated by helicopter to a shore-based clinic. It is believed that five crew members have been taken hostage," Afren said in a statement.

A security source in Nigeria said those kidnapped were believed to be two French nationals, two U.S. citizens and one Canadian national, though there was no confirmation of this from the security services or Afren.

Afren said the High Island VII jackup rig had recently arrived in the Okoro field and was preparing to begin drilling. It said drilling activities were temporarily suspended. Afren shares were down more than 8 percent in London.

The company said there had been a second security breach at a support vessel but that both the rig and the vessel were now under its control.

Akwa Ibom lies on the edge of the Niger Delta, a vast wetlands region home to foreign oil firms whose infrastructure had been repeatedly attacked for years until an amnesty was agreed last year.

MEND said in a statement emailed to media on Monday that it would launch a series of attacks on oil infrastructure in the coming days. It also said it was holding one Thai and three French nationals who were kidnapped several weeks ago and had since been transferred to its custody.

Thousands of gunmen laid down their weapons under the amnesty deal brokered by President Goodluck Jonathan last year, including the main known field commanders of MEND.

But the militants were always highly factionalised and some armed gangs with grievances against foreign oil firms remain active, security sources say.

A resurgence of violence in the Niger Delta would be an embarrassment for Jonathan, who is the first Nigerian head of state from the Niger Delta and who faces a tough battle in presidential elections expected next April.

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By Chidi Nkwopara....

The origin of this piece will certainly read like a fairy tale. A young man walked into the Vanguard Office, Owerri, to discuss placement of 15 full pages of colour advertisement. After discussing with our Correspondent, Chidi Nkwopara, the potential client left but promised that he would call to confirm the next line of action.
About four days after the visit, a call came through an MTN number. The message was simple: “We have accepted to place the advert in Vanguard. You have to come to Aba and pick the money”.
For the reporter, Aba was a no-go area and the caller was told so. A deal was struck that the reporter should come to a place close to Osisioma. He thereafter left Owerri for the designated place on the appointed day.
Locating the “advertiser” was not difficult but the only shock was that they were a group of youngsters! Our reporter’s expectation that he would just collect the manuscripts and cash and return safely to Owerri, was not to be. He instead got the shock of his life as it turned out that he had been talking to the dreaded and wanted militant leader and alleged kidnapper, Osisi Ka Nkwu!
During the encounter, the militant leader decided to break his long-drawn silence on the unrest in Aba, Abia State. And in a discussion which lasted for about 20 minutes, he gave account of why he took up arms and vowed to continue with the struggle until Ngwaland is liberated.

Why did you take up arms ?..
We became militants because of the failure of government to live up to its responsibilities towards us. Many of us are graduates. Some are university drop-outs,who could not continue for want of fund or sponsors. There are secondary school leavers without a future in school or jobs. Many are skilled workers from all walks of life, who are partially on the job or were forced out by lack of fund to buy tools and start their business. Others are apprentices and persons wrongfully and unlawfully put out of job without means to litigate on the injustices meted against them, and a lot more who suffered sub-human treatment, degradation, torture, victimization and unjust imprisonment in the hands of Abia State Government, and its agencies from the traditional village setting up to Government House, Umuahia.

Are there other reasons?
Yes. There are some of us who chose militancy because of the rape of their wives and sisters, ritual killing of innocent persons in the guise of security by mainly the Bakassi Boys, used by the state administration as a security outfit. I must also talk about the corrupt segment of the Nigeria Police unleashed on Abia people. They extort money at check points, police stations and even in people’s homes, thus impoverishing the citizens.

All these pains and suffering are inflicted on the poor masses while the few privileged and untouchable rich move freely to continue their looting. These human beings have relations and friends who make much money from Ngwa land without ploughing back their profit to develop the area and her people.
Are you sincere that Aba is neglected?

Honestly, successive governments in Umuahia have refused, failed and neglected to provide for the many that are poor. We took up arms to expel the few that are rich, who today, have no protection in Aba.

The neglect of Ngwaland by government is borne out of lack of patriotism by stranger elements in and around the corridors of power. How else can one explain the utter neglect of Ngwaland to its present lowest degree of absurdity?

Any proof?
Yes. Since the creation of Abia State in 1991, no Ngwa man has been governor of the state and all main markets in Aba, including Ariaria Market in Osisioma Ngwa, Cemetery Market, Ngwa Road Market and Shopping Centre, are all controlled by stranger elements, who have no interest of Ngwaland at heart.


Aba remains the commercial nerve centre of Abia State. Internally generated revenue of the state comes from this town, but there are no good road network in this town and the adjoining Osisioma area. Articulated vehicles fall or get stuck at the Osisioma Ngwa-Ekeakpara Market road. The story is worse in the hinterland. It makes us wonder if we are in modern day Nigeria or pre-historic Nigeria. This has been the state of affairs in this area for years and government pretends it does not know about it and have not heard the cry of the common man.
How can you say there are no jobs in Aba when there are factories in the town?

In all honesty, there are no job opportunities in Aba and I can tell you that there are no functional factories in the town. We have been lacking jobs even before the much orchestrated kidnap began. Government policies and programmes do not favour job creation. It does not favour industrial growth and expansion where our teeming unemployed but employable hands could have been engaged. So, why would these set of citizens not employ themselves?
Like commercial motorcycling?

There you come again. Okada riders were used for election purposes and sadly dumped after the polls. Their only reward was the blanket banning and burning of their motorcycles by the police and Bakassi Boys, at the instance of the state government. Nothing was put in place to take care of those who lost their means of livelihood and this helped in increasing the ranks of the militants in the area. Those who managed to purchase tricycles were subjected to paying N100 tax daily to the state government as rehabilitation fee.
What is the position of the petroleum depot in Aba?

You are living behind time. The depot stopped functioning long ago and no government is interested in looking into the matter. The result is that those who earned the livelihood from the depot have since lost the opportunity. They can no longer support themselves and their dependants. Again, this has rightly increased the number of angry people in the area and the option naturally is militancy.
Ngwaland is an oil producing area. Has it not impacted positively on the lives of the people?
Ngwaland is in the Niger Delta region. The truth is that no town or village is presently enjoying the dividends of oil exploration and exploitation. Owaza is a typical example of gross neglect by government. There are no roads, good and functional schools, electricity, potable water, modern markets and health centres. The sad thing is that some of our sons have allowed themselves to be bought over by government to the detriment of the hapless and helpless citizens.

Are you indicting your prominent sons and daughters?
Good question! A lot of them live outside the impoverished area. They should start preparing their burial places in Abuja and other lands because they have willingly sabotaged their native land. Their children are schooling or working abroad. They hardly touch base and cannot tell the real feeling of their kith and kin.
We are told that education is still regarded as a top priority in Abia State

I don’t know who told you that. High cost of education has sadly put the facility out of the reach of the common man. It has become very elusive for children from poor homes. Our girls, who are desirous to get education but are from poor background, get messed up in the process. Some even died of deadly sexually transmitted diseases. Public schools in Abia State is a mockery of education. This is why the rich and wealthy have transferred their children to private schools, which charge exorbitant fees.

What is your take on the controversial kidnap of school children?
Nigeria shook and quaked because children from a private school were kidnapped. They were children of the rich, wealthy and powerful. If children from public schools were picked up, nobody would have even heard about it because they are children from poor homes. Nobody speaks for them and this is the irony of the ugly situation we have found ourselves in Ngwaland. I must say that the children were released unconditionally by my men.

Did your group kidnap the school children?
One of the camps seized the bus conveying the children to their school. It was a private school. It attracted worldwide reaction and to this extent, it served its purpose. l personally found out the camp that carried out the operation and moved the kids for immediate release.
Government House, Umuahia, was impatient, despite my firm promise that the children would be released unharmed. Similarly, my lawyer mounted pressure on me. He threatened to abandon my brief if the school children were not released September 29, 2010.
Despite heavy military presence, I brought out the school children from the camp of the group that held them hostage and directly called the office of Abia State Deputy Governor and also through my lawyer, asked government to send people to Ngwa Iyiekwe Junction, along Aba_Port Harcourt express way to pick the children. That was how the children regained their freedom.
We were told that the soldiers rescued the children. Is your account not strange?

I was surprised to hear that the soldiers claimed credit for the release of the school children. I would have roundly dealt with the soldiers if that was the mission of my teeming followers. People should learn to tell Nigerians the truth at all times.
What truth are you now telling?

Apart from the total neglect of Ngwaland, there are other issues to recall. Aba has been an important city in the political, economic and social life of Nigeria. Major reforms in Nigeria started in Aba and spread to other parts of Nigeria. All Nigerians are today reaping from the effects of the Aba Women Riot of 1929. All sorts of bad names were given to the protagonist of that necessary riot.
Today, the White colonialists are gone and Black colonialists have since taken over. The state is set again at Ngwaland for a fight to either make government provide for the teeming poor masses and also protect the rich few. Government should make the area a free zone for the poor and a war zone for the rich criminals. Ours is a struggle, a commitment borne out of patriotism. The side effect is what people call kidnapping and armed robbery.
How many militant groups were actually operating in Ngwaland?

There were more than nine militant groups in various camps and locations scattered in the area. I can honestly tell you that the smallest militant group had not less than 250 persons at the time Governor Theodore Orji announced his amnesty programme. I led the largest group, which had over 3,000 men. Although these militant groups were autonomous, they were however very loyal to me.
After due consultation with the various groups, I was given the mandate to negotiate with government on the amnesty details and how to surrender our arms and ammunition. I also sought services of a lawyer in this regard, especially as I was skeptical about government’s sincerity

Why did the amnesty promised by Governor Theodore Orji fail?
I hate to recall this aspect. Government House Umuahia was still discussing with my lawyer on ways to put a permanent end to the problem before September 30, 2010. The amnesty was planned to lapse October 7, 2010.
To assure government of our sincerity, journalists were scheduled to visit the militant camps and take photographs of the armoury, so that government can match what we will eventually surrender with the items in the photograph. The press was to visit September 30, 2010, while we were to surrender our arms on October 4, 2010. Although the school children were seized within this time frame, I still assured government of the safety and subsequent release of the children.

So, what happened?
In the early hours of September 30, the Abia State Government in conjunction with the Federal Government, declared military action in Ngwaland. Tension was high. Buildings were destroyed. Properties were damaged and lost. Women and girls raped. Livestock were stolen and eaten by the invading soldiers, who came in trucks and tanks of war.
With heavy military presence, the visit of the press failed and consequently, the amnesty programme collapsed. The military struck eight clear days ahead of the expiration of the amnesty deadline.
With the military in combat readiness and with the actual bombardment of Ugwuati and some other parts of Ngwaland, the various militant groups and camps dispersed without surrendering.
How many of your men have been arrested?

The soldiers are jokers. The killing, arrest, detention and trial of innocent citizens, who were branded kidnappers, have not and would not help matters. Of over 3,000 men in my camp, who were ready to surrender their arms before the military arrived, none has been identified or touched by any soldier or police man. The figure of arrests announced by the security agencies is a figment of their imagination and a cheap propaganda to score cheap political marks. The military presence has not solved the inherent issues that ignited the problem.
How do you escape from these security men?
It is very simple. We know them but they do not know us. Recently, a photograph of my father was published as my own. I had a good laugh. We pass through their supposed check points daily. They ask us to place our hands on our head as we pass through their check points. We even passed through their barricades as we came to see you here today. The soldiers just don’t know who they are looking for and that makes their task crazy.

So, where do we go from here?
Dialogue is the thing and not brute force. There has to be serious arrangements to change the ugly face of Ngwaland. My promise is that this struggle and war of good over evil will continue in many ways until the day our problems are addressed by government.

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Naija Dog show in Photos

This little boy and his dogs stole the show. The kid is barely taller than the dogs but he exercised perfect control over them. They obeyed his every command and even when walking them a little tug on their chains was all it took to stop them straying. Those are perfectly trained dogs, imagine some fool trying to harm or kidnap the boy with those dogs around. The dogs are South African Boerboels. Notice the eyes of the dog on the left of the picture, thats a sign of albinism...
Find more photos like this on Re-braining 9geria
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Oct 26, 2010 – FEDDIE GIRL the international adventure/thriller detailing the experiences of an American teenager in a Nigerian (West Africa) boarding school has been presented two Best Books 2010 Finalist Awards sponsored by USA Book News., the premiere online magazine and review website for mainstream and independent publishing houses, announced the winners and finalists of THE “BEST BOOKS 2010” AWARDS (BBA) on October 26, 2010. Over 500 winners and finalists were announced in over 140 categories covering print and audio books. Awards were presented for titles published in 2010 and late 2009, and Feddie Girl by Nona David was honored emerged as Finalist in two categories. ..

Winners and finalists traversed the publishing landscape: Simon & Schuster, Penguin/Putnum, Rodale, McGraw-Hill, John Wiley & Sons, Moody Publishers, American Cancer Society, Sourcebooks, Bernard Books Publishing & hundreds of independent houses.

FEDDIE GIRL - The recent double Award-Winning Finalist by author Nona David published in February of 2010 - Tells the tale of thirteen year old Carlotta Ikedi who didn't like attending her American schools, and gets into constant trouble leading to two expulsions as a result of her behavior. Seeking a solution to Carlotta's problems, her parents enroll her in a private girls school in Nigeria. Carlotta faces a culture shock unlike any that she has ever known, and faces the challenge of succeeding on her own in a strange environment. In this wonderful coming of age novel, author Nona David weaves a fine story of character, friendship, and triumph over adversity...

Nona David, the celebrated author of this Award-Winning novel, currently lives with her husband in Cincinnati Ohio. She has a passion for foreign cultures and zeal to visit new places, learn new languages, and experience new things. Her background, friends, and experiences in Nigeria, West Africa is the major influence for her debut novel, FEDDIE GIRL.

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Today, Anthony Adeyemi is a shadow of himself. He lives in depression and pain as a result of partial paralysis that he suffers. But as if that was not enough a burden for him, he has compounded his trouble by allegedly involving himself in immorality. Rather than living his life as a respectable father, he chose a path of dishonour by defiling his stepdaughter.

On Sunday, October 17, while Christian worshippers were on their way to church, Adeyemi was busy scheming for the forbidden fruit that landed him in police custody. The 55-year-old man was caught making love with an 11-year-old girl in his shop.

It was some minutes past 10am and the church bell just chimed to remind worshippers that it was time for church. But Adeyemi, a pool collector living at Unlce Joe, Mokola area of Ibadan, was busy with other things in his shop. With his libido going haywire he eagerly longed for his stepdaughter that he sent on errand to buy food for him. But on her arrival, a drama of the absurd happened and they were caught in the act.

Adeyemi, who had his game to his chest, told the girl to put the food on the table and keep him company in the shop. She obliged. After the breakfast, the seducer pounced on the young girl with the gait of a possessed man who was ready to go all hug to have his way. Before long, he had his way with his stepdaughter. But the bubble burst before the sex bout was over between father and the underage stepdaughter as a neighbour caught them in the heat of emotion.

The neighbour (name not given) raised the alarm and, in a jiffy, a mob gathered at the scene to behold the show of shame that happened on a holy day. They later whisked the suspect to a nearby police station from where he was transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, Iyaganku, Ibadan.

The man was said to have confessed to the crime. But, our correspondent noted that he was not consistent in his response as he denied some of the claims made against him. Asked what led him to it, the suspect, who explained that he had two failed marriages, said he was sex-starved because he had no woman (wife) in the house. He told our correspondent that it was not the first time they were having an affair but said he did not pull the girl‘s pant. Interestingly also, he denied his neighbour‘s allegation that he was caught pants down with the teenager.

During an interview with our correspondent, Adeyemi said he had sex with the girl on five occasions. He added that he was not the first man to have canal knowledge of the victim with an explanation that he was not the one that broke her hymen. He said, “I did not meet her intact. She had been doing it before I started meeting her. It all started this year. I did it because I could not get a mature woman to make love to. I had been down with a stroke for some time and my wives had divorced me.”

The suspect, who said he was formerly a carpenter, explained that his wives eloped when things became rough for him. Adeyemi, a native of Abeokuta in Ogun State, said he went into the pool business some years ago when he went bankrupt and took ill.

His estranged second wife left Tinu in her mother‘s care. Adeyemi said the girl‘s grandmother was unable to meet Tinu‘s needs. As a result, Tinu and her half sister called Imole usually go to Adeyemi for money for their upkeep.

The man said, ”I am responsible for the girl‘s upkeep. The girls live with their grandmother but they come to me for money from time to time. My estranged wife had Tinu for the man he married before we met. She had a girl for me (Itunu, an eight-year-old girl).

”The girl and my own daughter came for money that Sunday. My daughter was in the bedroom upstairs while the girl was with me at the shop on the ground floor. The door was not locked, so a neighbour burst in and exclaimed that he saw us having fun.”

He said he was sorry for what he did and asked God to forgive him. The Investigating Police Officer (name not mentioned) said findings showed that the man and the girl had for long been engaged in the act. He said that the police noted that the man robbed cream on his manhood and on the girl‘s private part before forcing himself into her.

However, the man said that he did not force himself on the girl. He said, “I did not remove her pant. I robbed cream on my manhood and the girl’s private part but I did not remove the pant and we did not do it.”

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Policemen attached to Shasha division in Lagos have begun investigation into the discovery of the lifeless body of a 17-year-old girl, Peace Asukwo, dangling from the ceiling fan of an apartment in Shasha area of Lagos.

Already, the dead girl’s boyfriend, a 300 Level Law student of University of Lagos, Akoka, in whose apartment the lifeless body was found, has been arrested.

Controversy is however trailing the teenager’s death as her 23-year-old boyfriend, Fisayo Tifase, was alleged to have a hand in her death.

However, Police hinted yesterday that it was too early to form any opinion as investigation would at the end determine whether the case was that of homicide or suicidal.

Residents of 10 Kalejaye Street were thrown into pandemonium last Friday, following the starling discovery, as some of them have reportedly fled their homes for fear of being arrested in connection with the incident.

Although there was no suicide note found in the room by Policemen, a version of the report said deceased could have committed suicide because she was jilted by her boyfriend.

Versions of same story
The late Peace, an orphan, according to a version of the report, arrived her boyfriend’s apartment at about 7p.m. But another version claimed she had been living with her 23-year-old boyfriend, until the relationship turned sour following his refusal to continue with the relationship.

Trouble started at about 8p.m. when the door of the apartment was reportedly discovered to have been locked from inside with no one responding to knocks. Sensing danger, the door was reportedly forced opened, only to discover Peace’s body dangling from the the ceiling fan.

Spokesman for the Lagos State Police Command, Mr Frank Mba, said: “Detectives who visited the scene met the body stark naked. Investigations are being carried out by policemen at Shasha Police Division preparatory to the case being transferred to the Homicide section of the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID.”

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Queen to launch Facebook page

Britain - The Queen is set to have an official presence on Facebook when a British Monarchy page launches on the internet-based social networking site, the British Broadcasting Corporation reports.

Buckingham Palace says it is not a personal profile page, but users can ”like” the service and receive updates on their news feed.

The Queen has reportedly embraced the web and sends e-mails. A British Monarchy Twitter feed is also available

The Facebook page is due to go live from Monday morning...

The page will also feature the Court Circular, recording the previous day‘s official engagements.

Also featured will be information about royal events and ceremonies, searchable on a UK map.

Its creation is a collaboration between Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and the Royal Collection.

Although users of the social networking site will be unable to add The Queen as a ”friend” or attempt to virtually ”poke” her as they would with anyone with a personal profile, they will be able to find out what royal events are happening nearby.

The launch of the Facebook page follows the introduction of the Monarchy‘s Flickr account earlier this year

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Nigeria’s Super Falcons yesterday continued their march to re-capture the title they lost in 2008 to Equatorial Guinea. The Falcons faced the Twiga Stars of Tanzania with a chance to cement top spot in the group. And it was another great performance from Perpetua Nkwocha as she confirmed the Nigerian team’s superiority and inched closer to achieving her target of scoring 15 goals in the championship.

The match was largely played in the half of the Twig Stars, who tried to defend their goal with two banks of five players but Nigeria was on the front foot as early as the first minute when Francisca Ordega was caught offside marginally. A minute later, Ordega went on another rampaging run down the left flank and earned a corner kick.

Two minutes later, Nkwocha crossed from the right with Ebere Orji lurking to score. It caused the goalkeeper to panic and palm the ball across the goal. A header from Ordega followed but it went wide.

The Falcons did not play with a lot of imagination and wide players were squeezing into the middle with Nkwocha dropping off the front to join a congested midfield.

Nkwocha’s sixth and seventh goals..

But they got the first goal in the 10th minute, when a cross by Ulunma Jerome was squeezed into goal from a tight angle to give the Falcons the lead. That was the sixth goal for master poacher, Nkwocha.

The match then sparked to life and in the 21st minute, Jerome’s cross cum shot hit the cross bar and out of play. The Tanzanian team were now really working hard to deny the Falcons any more scoring chances.

Nonetheless, Nkwocha scored the second goal of the match and her seventh in the 32nd minute when a defensive error involving Twiga Stars’ captain Sophie Mwaskili presented the Nigerian striker with a sight on goal - and she duly converted the chance.

The Twiga Stars tried to cut the lead with long range shots but Precious Dede easily gathered the efforts.

The first half should have ended with a third goal for the Falcons but Ordega was in an offside position when she took the ball off Orji’s toes after she had dribbled the keeper and was ready to score.

The second half was very disjointed with the Stars raising their game through Aisha Sada, who was changing from the right to the left flanks throughout the game.

The half witnessed another barrage of shots from distance with Sada hitting the cross bar in the 55th minute and Dede getting injured in the process of making the save. Gloria Akpa came on for Jerome and Desire Oparanozie came in for Nkwocha. The changes disrupted the Falcons game but the team finally scored the third goal in the 82nd minute when a spilled shot by the Tanzanian keeper was tapped in by Oparanozie - it was her first goal of the championship.

In yesterday’s other match, South Africa walloped the Malian team 4-0 to join the Falcons in the semi-finals. Their likely opponents will be defending champions, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon, who have four points each in Group B.

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The Nigerian government will investigate allegations of fraudulent claims levelled against Nigerian United States-based scientist, Philip Emeagwali, the Minister of Information and Communication, Dora Akunyili, has said.

NEXT had in a report on Sunday quoted some leading American scientists as describing Mr. Emeagwali’s claim that he was a father of the Internet as misleading.

In a telephone interview yesterday, Mrs. Akunyili said the allegations against Mr Emeagwali were weighty and disturbing and would have to be thoroughly investigated.

Mr. Emeagwali is among Nigerians that Mrs. Akunyili showcased to the world in the government’s effort to improve the country’s image.

The Nigeria Postal Service, which is directly under the minister’s supervision, has also put the embattled scientist on the Nigerian stamp.

“The allegations are unbelievable, but we cannot jump to conclusion,” the minister said. “Our government is a responsible one and so, we cannot disregard what has been published. We will pierce information together and if necessary, we will invite him to say his own side of the story. He is our son. When they tell you your child is a thief, you can’t just jump up and start celebrating. You will have to find out and establish the truth.”

Mrs. Akunyili said the government cannot afford to make mistakes on such a sensitive issue and would therefore take its time to do a thorough investigation.

She said once the investigation is completed, the government will issue a final statement, and then decide whether to remove him from the Nigerian stamp...

She did not say how long the investigation would last, saying it was not a decision she could unilaterally take.

Erroneous celebration

Meanwhile, a graduate student of journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Adekunle Yusuf, on Sunday apologized for erroneously celebrating Mr. Emeagwali at an event in his university four days ago.

In a telephone interview with NEXT, Mr. Yusuf said at a “Taste of Nigeria” event, organized by the university to celebrate the culture and people of Nigeria, Nigerian students showcased Mr. Emeagwali alongside the likes of Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe as their country’s great human exports dazzling the world.

He said he became sad after reading the report of Mr. Emeagwali’s fraudulent claims in NEXT.

“We didn’t know he was just deceiving the world. I’m really depressed that he was among those we celebrated,” said Mr. Yusuf, a Senior Writer with TELL and Ford Foundation scholar at Wisconsin.

In 1989, Mr. Emeagwali won the $1,000 Gordon Bell Prize, which is awarded each year to recognise outstanding achievement in high-performance computing.

His award was for an application of the CM-2 massively parallel computer for oil reservoir modelling. Following the feat, Mr. Emeagwali proceeded to claim, for several years, that he was a father of the Internet; that he improved upon Isaac Newton’s laws of motion; that he owned the world’s first personal website; that American computer giant, Apple, uses the microprocessor technology he pioneered in its Power Mac G4 model, among many other claims.

But leading American and Nigerian scientists have faulted the claim, saying Mr. Emeagwali made no contribution to the evolution of the Internet as he had over the years made the world to believe.

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The heart of man is desperately wicked.” This Biblical expression came to the fore once again recently as a 16-year-old boy (name withheld) defiled a nine-year-old school girl, who was on her way home from school in company with her friends at Adekile area of Ibadan, Oyo State.

That fateful Friday, Victoria, and two other friends, Mariam and Rukayat, dropped their school bags on their playing field as they played a ‘hide and seek’ game.

The children were enjoying their game until the suspect came like a wolf to attack them. But his approach did not suggest that he contemplated any evil. He took the girls’ bags and left for the mission house, where he lives with his mother and elder brother.

Since he was home alone, he was able to hatch his plan without any hindrance. The girls ran down to the suspect’s house, asking for their bags. The youngster insisted that one of them must come into the room to collect the bags.

But the girls would not play along easily. They insisted that he should bring out their bags so that they could go home. As the plea degenerated into confusion, the boy released two bags. But he still held Victoria’s bag.

The hapless young girl begged and prayed, but his assailant would not let go. She pleaded that her parents would be mad at her if she got home late, but all the pleas fell on the suspect’s deaf ears. At last, she obliged and went into the room with him..

It was already too late before help came her way. The desperate boy had his way as the girl struggled and writhed in pain. She was drenched with blood. Victoria was deflowered at a tender age of nine by the young rapist. As she walked out of the mission house sobbing, a woman walked up to her. She recounted her story to the woman with tears rolling down her cheeks. The woman eventually took her home and broke the sad news to her parents.

Nothing could console the poor girl and her family. They reported the case at the Agugu Police Station and the suspect was arrested. He was later transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, Iyaganku, Ibadan, for further interrogation.

The doctor’s report indicated that the victim suffered some lacerations on her private part and her hymen was broken. The report reads, “Patient brought in by her parents. Hymen just broken – newly bleeding. There are areas of abrasions. She appeared dusty and anxious. Sticky substance found around her private part.”

The boy confessed that he lured the girl into the room in order to rape her. He, however, said he could not penetrate the minor and therefore, ejaculated on her waist. He said, “It was the work of the devil; the devil used me.”
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Was favoured singer, D'banj truly beaten blue black by rapper, Ikechukwu Onunaku? This is the question music lovers and fans of the artistes are asking. They should know, however, that the veracity or otherwise of this allegation is akin to the archetype fart in a masquerade garb that must be borne by its bearer, no matter how putrid and pungent.

Some are postulating that if indeed Ikechukwu did not beat up D'banj, what led to his sudden ouster from Mo'Hits with whose members he hitherto enjoyed a cordial relationship?

Since his days as a Storm Records ensign, the 36-year-old rapper had always been a constant fixture in all Mo'Hits musical and social endeavours. When he officially disengaged from Storm, it was assumed that Mo'Hits, helmed by Don Jazzy and D'banj, would be his next label.

This assumption gained grounds when the braggadocious lyricist and founder of World Famous Academy featured the duo in a couple of his songs especially Wind Am Well in his last album. Even his current rave song, Critical, has the lyrical imprimatur of D'banj and the production aplomb of Don Jazzy. So, what went wrong between the two parties? Neither party was ready to go into details but there are undertones of girl-friend snatching among other details.

However, sources close to the label say the issue is far more fundamental and profound than that. Issues got to a head recently when the wave-making label denied that Ikechukwu was their artiste, affirming that he was only a friend of the house. And that set the rumour mill in auto drive.

E-Punch sources disclosed that indeed there was a face-off between the rapper and D'banj but it did not degenerate into fisticuffs...

It could not have because sinewy Ikechukwu is a black belt holder in karate with further expertise in Shotokan, aikido and tai chi. In fact, Ikechukwu was quoted as saying that the closest he got to being physical with his former collaborator was when he used to take him in karate lessons.

With a tone of finality, he says, "Ok, all you rumour mongers, false prophets and bearers of fake gist, I'm gonna say this once, I did not beat up D'Banj, case closed." Even Don Jazzy who is typically taciturn on such matters denied the allegation, saying it could never have happened.
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Prostitution. It is one of the oldest professions and the practitioners can hardly own up or tell the real reasons they are into it. However, OJO MADUEKWE tries to find out why some ladies who go into prostitution sometimes remain prostitutes

Ask them why they do what they do, and the answer is the same; and just as they, readily available, "there is no job and man must eat. Or what do you think" Both prostitutes and their sympathisers, hurriedly and constantly cite unemployment and poverty as reasons why the female child gets into prostitution.

Making it sound like all prostitutes are poor and all poor are prostitutes waiting to happen. Counting both years and a bank account huge enough to show for 'back-work' and start a petty trade, it seems like poverty is not just the only reason a lady takes to prostitution as a profession.

Going through various definitions of prostitution, like the one found in Wikipedia's site that describes it as "the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment" the two main and constant features you will come to observe are money and sex. Money either because people are poor (which like was stated above is the most common excuse) or just love for free money to lust after and sex for the love of it, as testified by some prostitutes.

"I love sex and have been in the business for four years. I make hundreds of naira in one night and enjoy rounds of sex. I can't seem to break away; it's like a bad drug habit. I want to stop and live a normal life but the sex and money always draw me back." Linda has passed from the stage where money is no more a concern for her because right now she can boast of a good account, because she's been able to save, but then like she said, the sex and greed for more money always makes her want to continue.

This is not to rule out the fact that the twin of poverty and unemployment are major causes. With the majority of the world's country living from foreign aid, countries from mostly the African continent and Southern America are known to have high rate of prostitutes. Based on moral, health or religious grounds like in most Islamic nations, the legal status of prostitution varies from country to country, from being a punishable crime to a regulated profession. But with the annual revenue generation from the global prostitution industry estimated to be over $100 billion, it is not surprising when some countries make it a legal trade.

Marian's own reason for going into prostitution was more on the 'sex side'; she loved sex a lot and couldn't seem to get enough of it from her boyfriend who had a regular job as a factory worker. "Apart from the money, I enjoy sex so much. I have a boyfriend, John, but he comes back from work and most times is not able to satisfy me...

"I became a prostitute at age 11. It was my choice, it was my ambition and it is my career. I enjoy what I do I will not lie. I do not feel exploited at all. I do not hide who I am or what I do, my friends all accept this is who I am and are cool with it. Anyone who isn't can move on down the road," she said.

Because of the assumptions of the society as to the true reasons some ladies engage in prostitution, narrowing it down to money, necessitated by poverty, it is now constant to have people come up to offer one succour or the other. The promises have now taken the form of a cliché, with everybody touting one solution to another, claiming that if only there can be jobs for the prostitutes (this is minus the teeming number of other class of jobless people like armed robbers, unemployed graduates); if only the people can stop living under the one dollar a day situation, the oldest career in the world will be pronounced dead and buried for the good of all forever.

Good thought though, but like it is a thought, could only be imagined. Why do you think it's called the oldest profession in the world? Because solutions like the ones we are having today have been the same ones since the time of Solomon, Sodom and Gomorrah yet there have been no serious record to scrap the job. Even in places where the law seem to be strict; where you have both spiritual and political rules guiding their conduct, prostitution still strive there a lot.

Like in Kaduna, where a group of prostitutes operating in a region called Obalande in the state, last year November 1 to December 31, 2009 had a two months sex freebie for their customers. Obalande, which has been addressed as Sodom and Gomorra in Kaduna State originated in 1980s, the region operates from 7pm to 4am featuring high-class prostitutes along with different kinds of assorted bars in every nook and cranny.

The group head, nicknamed 'Presido' as reported by Victor Ulasi, writing for Article Base, an online magazine, said "Nigerian economy is getting worse on a daily basis and the government does not give a shit about the situation. This is what we do to survive; this is where we make our daily bread. Also am proud of my job, and to keep the business going on there is the need to step up the price with a bonanza to please the customers," the Presido was quoted as saying. Like sellers of products, prostitutes want to start giving out bonanza and then to protect themselves, form an association that can table their case before relevant authorities.

She categorically stated to love what she does to the point of thinking of giving bonanza to clients, in a way to boost clients craving for more. Such a person would obviously mock peoples pledge to assist her. People like Navy Captain Caleb Olubolade, who said "I will just urge them to do something else and assist them as much as possible so that they can lead a happier life" when she and her co-prostitutes, in a way of protecting themselves from security agencies harassments and exploitation, have decided to register an association.

That's with a capital IF, because before he might think of popping the champagne, he needs to hear this. "The sex bonanza should have started before now but the police constant patrol in the region could not allow us to hold the rarely, but that will soon come to an end. We want to form a union which will be known as Nigerian Association of Prostitutes because the same people who arrest us are the same people who patronise us."

It is this kind of statement by Minister of State for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT); Navy Captain Caleb Olubolade (Rtd) that makes them appear like people who are in dire need of assistance. He goes on to say that he will just urge them to do something else and also assist them as much as possible so that they can lead a better and happier life. Its like telling the touts who for just chasing after bus drivers make an average of five thousand naira a day to quit their very lucrative job, bagged a degree after years of waiting for JAMB and strikes in school to go and work for a bank at fifty thousand as a front desk officer. How is this possible, of "urging them to do something else" after they have had a feel of what good money taste like.

Statements like this, made from assumptions are the ones that assume ladies take onto prostitution solely because they are poor and in need to eke out a living. Fine, we can choose to help the prostitutes collaborate their excuses of poverty as to why they went into it in the first place. But then you'd think that after a while, when they must have made a substantial amount of start-up capital that they will resign and live a normal life.

How many of them get to resign is the question to ask. As we can see above, the story of Linda and Marian means that the love of money and not the lack thereof is the strong reason behind their entering into the trade in the first instance.

Who says prostitutes are not busy people; who say they do not have an option of other means of living? A look at 'Presido' can tell you that although she may be a prostitute, she is not a dunce. As you can read, she likes her job. A shift of perspective to discover the exact reasons that people enter into the act of prostitution instead of assuming for them is the basic step the authorities must take if they are really serious about limiting prostitution to its barest minimal.
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Jonathan at Silverbird at 30: N200m lifeline for entertainment industry

For the first time in the history of Nigeria, a direct investment intervention has been made by the Federal Government into the entertainment industry.

Announcing this lifeline yesterday at the Eko Hotel and Suites venue of the Silverbird Group 3oth anniversary, President Goodluck Jonathan disclosed that N200 million has been set aside by the finance ministry for direct investment into the Nigerian entertainment industry...

Jonathan acknowledged that the Nigerian entertainment industry currently makes an annual turn over of over 250 million Dollars. He said his administration was determined to change the era when the entertainment was viewed as an informal sector and practitioners in the creative industry were exploited.

The president stated that he has directed the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Finance Minister to be at the event so that they could participate in the process that would lead to a structured intervention by government to create jobs and give hope to the people in the creative industry.

Through a programme called Growth and Empowerment Pact, the president said government would encourage public private partnership in the tourism, entertainment industry to strengthen the ability of the entertainment industry to promote high growth.

Jonathan’s speech followed a passionate plea from Mr. Ben Murray-Bruce asking for a presidential support for the entertainment industry.

The event was spiced with musical performances by Nigerian artistes including the Sharpe Band which did a rendition tracing 25 years of Nigerian music, D’Banj and Sound Sultan. An American Band, Party on the Moon, got a standing ovation for rendering many popular songs by American artistes.

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Volcanic eruption in Benue, one person feared dead

By Peter Duru, Makurdi..
A volcanic eruption has occurred at the mountainous Mkomon district of Kwande Local government of Benue State with one person feared dead while properties worth millions of Naira have also been destroyed.

Residents of the affected community have deserted their homes in search of safer place. Sources of portable water have been polluted by the heavy magma emitted from the eruption.

Vanguard gathered from eye witnesses that there were heavy vibrations around the mountains at the border with Cameroun Republic, followed by eruptions at six points on the mountainous terrain.

The vibrations spewed magma which covered streams and hand dug wells and the entire community leaving the people without portable water...

At the moment, there is panic amongst the people who are said to be cut off completely from the rest of the world as a result of the occurrence and damages to roads and bridges which was occasioned by the heavy vibration.

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FATAL VOYAGE! 18 cultists sailed into troubled waters

The suspects being paraded at Navy base, Apapa.

By Albert AKPOR
STRATEGICALLY located at the nation’s territorial water way, the Atlas Cove oil facility, a major distributive channel of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), has for sometime now, elicited security alerts, following the July 12, 2009 attack, allegedly by a group operating under the aegis of the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND).

After the attack, which led to the death of about four persons, including a senior navy personnel, it became clear to the relevant authorities that there was dire need to provide maximum security in and around the oil installation.

Consequently, a combined team of armed soldiers and policemen were drafted to the area to beef up an already existing security arrangement; especially when the group which claimed responsibility for the attack threatened to launch a repeated one. It was on this premise that movement around the oil facility was restricted and a dusk to dawn patrol intensified.

Perhaps, these arrangements may not be known to 18 persons who were rounded up in a boat near the facility by naval personnel. They were said to be members of a militant group on a vision to vandalize oil installations. But the suspects flatly denied the allegation, insisting that they belong to a dreaded campus cult known as the Supreme Vikings, saying that they were innocently sailing when security agents swooped on them.

Reports say the suspects, who were spotted on a speed boat with red band tide around their heads, were surreptitiously moving towards the oil facility, chanting war songs when they were rounded up. They were promptly taken into custody.

Earlier, the porosity of the Atlas Cove and the need to beef up security has been raised by the manager of the depot, Engineer Anthony Onwuka. Engineer Onwuka had amongst other things raised security alarm on the urgent need to erect perimeter fencing and emergency take off and landing jetty when both the Chief of Defence and Naval Staff, Air Chief Marshal O. O. Petririn and Vice Admiral O. S. Ibrahim visited the oil facility on October 11, 2010.

He had said, “There is urgent need to construct additional observation post both within depot premises and along some strategically identified spots, along the sea side to check vandals’ activities through sea shore lines and creeks. As a matter of security, the Atlas Cove depot has no take-off and landing jetty. We presently operate at the absolute mercy and kindness of the army officers’ jetty opposite Onikan stadium..

But when the 18 suspected militants were paraded before pressmen by the Flag Officer Commanding (FOC) Western Navy Command, Apapa Lagos, Rear Admiral E.O Ogbor, some of them who volunteered information claimed that they were neither members of MEND nor Niger Delta militants, stressing, however, that they belong to a dreaded university cult known as the ‘Supreme Vikings.’

They claimed that they were ‘sailing’ as is the custom after the initiation of new members into the confraternity. Said one them who gave his name as David and who also claimed that he was newly initiated into the confraternity, “I do not even know why we were in the sea because I was only initiated into the group just last week somewhere in Mushin area of Lagos. However, I paid N5,000 for this trip. Please do not reveal my identity because if they get to know, they will kill me and members of my family...

The only thing I was told was that we, the newly initiated members, were going on a trip on the sea to get acclimatized, learn signs and songs of the confraternity and become ‘hard men.’ It was in the process that we were arrested by the navy.”

The suspects being paraded

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John 3:7 and Football: The Story of Frank Hogan the Fanatic of Two FAITHS

A sign with the legend "John 3:7" is often seen at Gaelic games stadiums in Ireland. The sign refers to a verse

in the Gospel of John and has been displayed by fan Frank Hogan at matches for at least two decades. It featured in the national media in August 2009 following its disappearance: Hogan launched an extensive, and ultimately successful, media campaign for its return before the next match. During that brief disappearance, the sign's second, bookmakers offered odds as to where it might next reappear and Paddy Power offered to purchase a replacement. The sign is so recognisable that, according to Hogan, "everybody wants to steal it or buy it. People regard it as a trophy."[1] However, this recognition would also make it difficult for anyone else to display the sign in the event of its theft.[1]....

While Frank brought the sign to the GAA games, Shane O'Brien took it to various events around Ireland like the Rose of Tralee, Galway Races, Cork Jazz Festival etc.... After about 25 years of doing this he started recruiting a team to work with him on the streets at these festivals, and at weekends in Dublin. Some of this team also bring signs to GAA games which Frank can't make it to. Since 2008 this team has been spreading to other cities in Ireland and Britain. They just stand there on the streets with the signs ready to talk with anyone who stops to ask.

In June 2010, Frank was banned from displaying the sign in Croke Park. However stadium Peter McKenna said this was a mistake and Frank and the sign would be welcome in Croke Park any time [2]

Dear John GAA logo

John 3:7. You’ve probably seen a banner with these words being held up amongst the crowd at a hurling or football match. Or maybe you’ve seen it on TV. This banner is brought along to the matches by a man from Limerick called Frank Hogan. Are you puzzled about what it means? Then read on and you will find out what it’s all about.
John 3:7” has to do with the Bible verse found in the Gospel of St. John chapter 3 verse 7. This verse reads, “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN”. Earlier in verse 3 of the same chapter Jesus had stated the same thing in a bit more detail, “I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, NO-ONE CAN SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD UNLESS HE IS BORN AGAIN”. These two verses were part of a conversation between Jesus and a very religious man called Nicodemus.
You see, even though this Nicodemus was a very religious man he didn’t know the true and only way to heaven. Jesus therefore told him that it was essential for him to be born again in order to go to heaven. A New Birth or a New Start is vital for all of us; without it no-one can see the Kingdom of God (heaven). So whether you are religious or not, Frank Hogan’s banner confronts you with the same crucial question, ARE YOU BORN AGAIN?Surely you have felt the need for a new start in life. Perhaps you have come to realise that there is no real purpose, direction or meaning in your life? Perhaps you have tried some sort of religion but only found it to be a burdensome set of rules and regulations? Maybe you are still weighed down with fear and insecurity about your future destiny? Possibly you can remember many of those New Year resolutions that you have made and failed to keep.
I’m sure that you find that making any kind of new start is very difficult. You do your best to change things (e.g. in your family relationships), maybe you succeed for a short time, and then fall back into the old ways. As the poet Edward Young put it, “ At thirty a man suspects himself a fool; knows it at forty and reforms his plan; resolves; and re-resolves; then dies the same”.

Why is it that we find it so difficult to make real changes in our lives? The Bible tells us why. It tells us there is a problem deep down in every human heart. It is called “sin”. This is not a trendy word today. But it does describe what we are really like if we are honest enough to admit it. Look in the Bible at the words of the prophet Jeremiah, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil”.
Sin has such a grip on us that neither human effort, nor man-made religion, can set us free from it.
“John 3:7” brings us GOOD NEWS! It tells us that a new start is wonderfully possible. God can bring about a change of heart in men and women. They can have a new start in this life and a sure hope of heaven. Jesus can give YOU a new birth, a new start and a new life! He died on the cross to make the new start possible. He is alive today and can deal with your sin and give you a new start if you will admit your need and seek after Him.
No wonder Frank Hogan is eager to make known to you and many others that it is possible to be born again. Next time you see his banner I hope you will understand it better..

Will you bring the banner of John 3:7 to your next Soccer "Church" Service

GAA Players and Crowd

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Globacomm Fires Dbanj PSquare takes over !

Finally the fairy tale romance between the man the music industry has come to know as the Koko
master and telecoms giants, GLO is over.

Although no official statement has been issued by the Dr. Mike Adenuga led company, D’Banj’s contract as GLO ambassador has been terminated.

And not only has the contract been terminated, he has been allegedly paid off.
As at the time of filing in our report, there were conflicting reports about the real reason, the Koko master who emerged as highest paid branded musician in the country was dropped.

Our investigation however revealed that D’Banj may have been dropped after he refused to put pen to a new contract extension that was less attractive financially.

According to our source, the musician who signed an initial two year contract worth N70million but was allegedly paid for a year, felt insulted at the new sign on fee the telecom giants were offering.


“He was pissed that apart from being a far contrast from his initial sign on fee, it was far less than what was offered P_Square.

Instead he opted out rather than accept what he called a ridiculous and humiliating fee” our source disclosed.
This development puts to an end, the long running battle between the musician’s management team and GLO officials over sign on fee...

Two years ago, the embattled musician had incurred the wrath of GLO chairman, Dr Mike Adenuga, when he demanded an upward review of his N70million annual sign fee.

In addition, D’Banj wanted an upward review of the N2million per GLO campus show deal, that would have taken him to 36 locations. The request back fired, with GLO replacing him with P_Square.

It took the intervention of some prominent persons for GLO management to give him a second chance.
What happens to all the branded recharge cards and promotion materials that have D’Banj’s photographs, Showtime sought to know?

“They are our property and will remain so until his initial contract finally elapses” GLO sources told us.

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There are strong indications that Ghanaian film makers have decided to sheathetheir swords and embrace peace with their Nigerian counterparts.

Recalledthat the face-off between Ghanaian movie practitioners and their Nigeriancounterparts started few months ago when the former demanded $1,000 from thelatter, compelling the latter to rise to the occasion by paying introducing ahigher fee for their Ghanaian counterparts.

Inside sources revealed thatafter series of consultations with Ghanaian film makers, the two countries haveagreed to make amends by signing an MoU. The ceremony is billed to take place inAccra soon.

Confirming the development, Actor Guild of Nigeria president,Mr Segun Arinze was recently quoted as saying that plans are far advanced forboth parties to have a final decisive meeting either in Lagos or inAccra.

“We are brothers and we will forever remain brothers. It is a freeenterprise; we just need to sort a few things out.”Arinze said.....

Thispeace talk followed after a Ghanaian actor, John Dumelo was allegedly arrestedin Nigeria a few days ago for refusing to pay a certain amount foreign actorsand producers are supposed to pay before they are permitted to act inNigeria.
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