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today It’s do or die time, Bafana!

It’s do or die time, Bafana!

steveToday, Wednesday, is a special day with a special moment when Bafana Bafana take on Uruguay in a Group AWorld Cup match at Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Pretoria at 8.30pm, writesMonwabisi Jimlongo..

It is the 34th anniversary of the June 16 uprisings, when schoolchildren in Soweto revolted against the use of Afrikaans as amedium of instruction at school in 1976.

But all eyes will be fixed on Bafana as they seek to make history by advancing to the second round of the World Cup finals since their firstattempt during the 1998 tournament, hosted and won by France.

The air in Pretoria is thick with anticipation as fans in South Africa’s administrative capital gather for do-or-die match for coachCarlos Alberto Parreira’s men.

After failing to make it to the knockout stages during the 1998 and 2002 World Cup tournaments, Bafana are being willed by fans to advancefurther in this tournament.

The interest shown in Bafana’s training sessions this week says one thing – do us proud when you face Uruguay.

“Uruguay are a very good team and they showed that when they played against France last week,” Parreira said “It’s very clear that we needto win one game, but that won’t mean that we have qualified for the last16.

“Our approach will be a little bit different to the one we used against Mexico. Uruguay have a different approach to the game and thisis going to be a more challenging match for us.”

The Brazilian-born coach has indicated he might change his team for the Uruguay showdown.
Parreira was forced to pull out Lucas Thwala for Tsepo Masilela afterthe Orlando Pirates player struggled to contain the Mexicans.

Meanwhile, Bafana captain Aaron Mokoena has agreed with Parreira that Bafana must make South Africans proud tonight.

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Strange Strange Strange ? what are we celebrating at 50years to deserve any celebrations of such magnitude ?

The Federal Government's 2010 budget proposals submitted by the late President Umaru Musa Yar'adua to the National Assembly last November proposed to spend only N62 million to celebrate this country's 50th Independence anniversary in October but President Goodluck Jonathan's administration later hiked it to N10 billion, Daily Trust's checks revealed. The N10 billion proposal is contained in the 2010 Supplementary Budget proposals sent to the National Assembly by President Jonathan two weeks ago.

In the original 2010 budget proposal, N7.4 million was requested for the Information and
Communication Ministry to celebrate Independence Day, while N52 million was requested for the Interior Ministry and another N2.9 million was voted for the Police Affairs Ministry.

Yar'adua did not plan a lavish 50th anniversary as there were no budget provisions for the Presidency, the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) or any other ministries that are now to spend billions of naira for the October party.

Last week, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) reacted to the proposed expenditure, describing it as "wasteful." NLC's acting spokesman Onah Iduh said, "We are of the view that the details of the over N10 billion independence anniversary expenditure in the supplementary appropriation bill submitted by the President to the National Assembly contain very frivolous and extravagant items in the context of the mass misery and poverty in the land, particularly under the prevailing cash squeeze due to the global economic crisis which government uses to deny labouring people their legitimate rights."

Daily Trust gathered that soon after the death of Yar'adua, top officials met at the Presidency and decided to mark the 50th anniversary in "a big way." Various ministries and agencies were asked to make submissions, which were then packaged in the supplementary budget bill.

President Jonathan sought the National Assembly's approval for the N10 billion expenditure in the same letter in which he requested the Legislature to make a 40 percent across-the-board but in capital expenditure provisions in the 2010 budget, due to falling oil revenue.

A breakdown of the N10 billion proposals for the anniversary party include N950 million naira for the anniversary parade including march past, fleet review and aerial display, while another N350 million naira will be expended on national unity torch and tour.

First Lady Mrs. Patience Goodluck Jonathan will spend N50 million naira on visits to special homes, orphanages, prisons and selected hospitals, while N20 million will be used in sponsoring a special session of the National Children's Parliament and another N20 million naira will be used to organise a party for 1000 children.

The government will further spend N40 million to organise a Presidential banquet; N50 million for calisthenics performance; N310m for cultural, historical and military exhibitions while N40 million naira will go for what the government called 'food week.' Similarly N320 million naira will be spent on secretariat equipment, accommodation, logistics and utilities while N30 million naira is budgeted for the designing and unveiling of the 50th anniversary logo.

In the same vein, the Ministry of Information and Communications will get N1.2 billion naira for insertion of special reports on Nigeria in both local and international media, whereas another N320 million naira will be spent on jingles, adverts, billboards, documentary and publicity. The Foreign Affairs Ministry will receive N105 million for undisclosed expenditure, later said to be anniversary parties by Nigerian missions abroad.

To mark the 50th independence anniversary of the nation, the government has also budgeted N700 million naira to accommodate and transport special guests both from within and outside the country. Another N450 million naira will be used to finance the production of branded souvenir, gift items for foreign heads of state and personalities and the placing of a large and coat of arms on Aso Rock. Variety Gala night and fireworks will gulp N210 million naira, an international friendly football match and local competition will also gulp N200 million naira while event managers and producers will take home N120 million naira.

Designing and publication of compendium on Nigeria gets N400 million, one on the legislature gets N150 million and another one on the judiciary gets N50 million naira, while commissioning of golden jubilee plaza gets N10 million naira and designing, construction and mounting of Tower of Unity in the 36 states of the Federation gets N540 million naira.

Debates, essays, conferences, lectures and colloquium will gulp N150 million naira, even as musical concerts and carnival in the 6 geo-political zones will cost N60 million naira. Durbar, masquerades and cultural dances will consume N100 million naira and designing and construction of 10 symbolic monuments of founding fathers of Nigeria will cost N80 million naira.

A memory tone at the Tafawa Balewa Square Lagos will consume N40 million, security and protocol will cost N500 million while only N25 million is budgeted for medicals during the anniversary.
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GHANIANS woke up yester day morning with a happy hangover after celebrating their 1-0victory over Serbia – the first win by an African team at the WorldCup in South Africa.

The streets of Accra were thronged on Sunday evening as fans milled around, waving the red, gold and green nationalflag .

When man of the match Asamoah Gyan drilled home a late penalty, fans exploded from Duncan’s bar on the side streets ofAccra, blowing whistles, cheering and dancing.

Elsewhere, African media reported brass bands and taxi drivers blowing their respective horns noisily through thecapital, while motorcyclists risked life and limb by driving aroundwhile waving the country’s colourful flag.

In one scene of jubilation, wedding guests abandoned a wedding ceremony to take part in the street celebrations,according to reports.

Fans poured hundreds of congratulatory messages onto the websites of news portals, although some were miffed thatGhana’s Serbian coach Milovan Rajevac had not celebrated the victoryover his countrymen as wildly as his players.

Gyan was quick to devote the victory to fans in Ghana and elsewhere in the continent.

“Everyone is happy for us, not only in Ghana.

“Everyone in Africa will be behind us..

“I thank everyone for supporting the Black Stars,” he said.

Fans were confident of qualification, although they are wary of Germany after watching the 4-0 thumping Joachim Loew’smen handed out to Australia in the other Group D match. — Sapa-DPA

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A FIFA post-match analysis ruled that there was a foul in the build-up to Gabriel Heinze's stunning header, and that Stark should never have allowed the goal.

The FIFA referees' committee released their findings on Tuesday, as a guide for future judgements in this year's tournament. And amongst other rulings, they made it clear to referees that they must watch for infractions at corners and free-kicks -- specifically attacking players blocking markers, as happened on Saturday.

As Juan Sebastian Veron's cross floated over Walter, Samuel enveloped Chinedu Obasi and stopped him from moving, thereby giving Heinze all the space he needed to propel the ball home. Stark should have therefore penalised Samuel for obstruction and awarded a free-kick to the Super Eagles -- a judgement that could have changed the course of the whole game for Argentina..

Although the ruling comes too late for Nigeria, it has interesting implications for the rest of the tournament; a sign that FIFA will not tolerate the pushing, shoving and holding commonplace on both sides at dead-ball situations, and that in future such offences will be punished with either disallowed goals or penalties in the case of the defence committing an infraction.
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Twitter users know that the service goes down fairly often, but thatdoesn't seem to alienate them. While Twitter has certainly had its issues with user retention in the past, itcontinues to grow. Last month, the site grew by nearly 10% (over the previous month) by ourestimates, with total registered users estimated at 122 million. That'snot Facebook-like numbers, but it's pretty significant. One almost hasto wonder if those numbers would be higher if the "Fail Whale" didn't make so many appearances. Twitterusers, for the most part, don't seem to mind him too much though. .

What makes you keep coming backto Twitter, despite frequent downtime? Tell us.

The Downtime

Frequent downtime is nothing new for Twitter. It's been going on prettymuch as long as Twitter's been around. You would think that by now,they'd have it under control, but no such luck.

The latest post on the Twitter status blog from just today says, "We'recurrently experiencing a high rate of errors (whales) on infrastructure and operations engineers are responding to theincident. One from Monday night talks about site availability issues.This is a pretty common theme on the blog. June 9th..."site availabilityissues". June availability issues...May 5th..."site largelyunavailable. April 22nd..."elevated errors." April 20th..."high errorrate." April 12th...."high error rate." April 5th..."general siteoutage." March 25th..."high error rate." You get the idea. This is allscattered among posts about missing tweets, missing follower counts, andother issues. And I'm pretty sure there has not been a correspondingupdate every time I've personally seen the Fail Whale.

Is it the Features?What do you think?

Twitter continues to put out new features. Is it the increasedusefulness of the service that keeps people coming back? Most recently,they launched Twitter Places for location-sharing (a very popularphenomenon these days). This will keep that crowd coming back, althoughtoo much Foursquare could alienate others (or at least reduce somefollower counts).

Twitter Places

Businesses are expecting more features specifically for them. Twitter bought an analytics company recently, and more business account-related goodies are expected tocome. As we've discussed repeatedly, there are plenty of opportunitiesfor businesses to take advantage of Twitter, but what about regularusers?

Is it the Apps?What do you think?

The Twitter ecosystem is possible because of Twitter's API. Thanks tothis, many apps have been created that make Twitter more useful topeople, catering to their specific preferences. If you don't likeTwitter, you can probably find an app out there that makes you like it more.

Is it Search?What do you think?

Twitter is probably the leading source of real-time information, whichis becoming a greater factor in how people search. People searchTwitter for the latest updates on topics, and they search Google, whichwill also bring up real-time results, heavily saturated with tweets. Isthis why people keep using Twitter?

Is it News?
What do you think?

Beyond just search, Twitter provides up to the second news. Itprovides trending topics where users can see what is being talked aboutheavily at any given time. It gives users RSS-style, personalized newsorganization. Twitter put this kind of functionality in the mainstream,and got users reading news this way that never knew what RSS was orunderstood the concept - the news you care about coming right to you inone place.

It also provides a very easy format for creating the news. If you'reon the scene, it's easy to push out a quick tweet. Is this why peoplekeep coming back?

Is it the Name?What do you think?

It seems that people (at least in the media) just can't get enough oftalking about Twitter. You know you've heard countless mentions andsarcastic jabs at the use of "Twitter" and "tweeting" on TV news, on theradio, in the newspapers, during sporting events, late night talkshows, etc. Does the constant exposure of Twitter contribute to whypeople won't put it down?

Some Answers

I asked a number of people why they think people keep coming back toTwitter, even though the service is frequently on the fritz. Answersvary, but they are probably all spot on.

Starting in-house, our own Mike McDonald says, "Because at the end ofthe day, nobody loses any sleep over not being able to tweet. It'ssomething done in passing for the bulk of their user base. If it's down,there is Facebook or 50 other ways they can broadcast some idea, andit'll be back up at some point...Twitter is easier."

A couple good answers came from our Facebook fans. Gary Spencer says, "It's the funnywhale picture, gotta love that."

Fail Whale

Tom Bill simply says, "It's free."

Siok Siok Tan, who's making a documentary about Twitter (which she tellsme should be done in August or our intreview with herabout that here) says, "Because Twitter's main attraction isn'tits flawless technology. It is the unique catchment of people that ithas managed to aggregate."

Jason Falls, who runs Social Media Explorer, says, "Why will Twitter userstolerate downtime from the service? Because they probably need a breakfrom it anyway."

"Seriously, though, Twitter is a conversation place," he adds. "There'sno network or platform out there right now with as large a user base andan already established network of contacts where you can just go andchat with people. Twitter has the market on open-forum, groupconversation enabling. Until there is a better option, people will putup with it."

Alternatives?What do you think?

"To clarify the answer: Our instant messaging platforms are mostlyclosed and don't allow for open/public conversation among large groups,"Falls continues. "Facebook isn't real-time enough from auser-experience perspective. The other microblogging platforms (yeah, afew still exist) don't have YOUR network of friends already built in.And even if they did, none of them have the variety of third party appsand add-ons that Twitter does. They've got a monopoly on the onlineuser's desire to chitter chatter. Sad but true."

Michael Gray of AtlasWebService, who is a frequent user, says, "Inmy opinion is has to do with where your friends are. No one likesFacebook's crazy privacy settings and there are lots of other socialnetworks where you have more control, but none of your friends arethere. Jaiku offered a very similar service to twitter, but they wherenever able to get that critical mass of users. As long a Twitter has theconcentration of people you want to share things with people will putup with downtime."

Mike Stelzner, founder of, has a slightly differentperspective, however. He says, "They are moving to Facebook more andmore. Keeping Twitter because everyone they trust is there, but movingto FB."

Will Google Buzz creep its way into the fold? Some think it's on the way up, and while Google hasnever presented Buzz as a replacement for Twitter or Facebook, it couldhappen with the users' help. It's already got the retweet-like feature,the retweet button-like buttons, the early adopters (many of the sameones that Twitter had), and now the API to get developers creating andintegrating the apps (not to mention all of the other Google propertiesto integrate if they so choose). What it doesn't have is the downtime(Gmail fails every once in a while, but it is nothing like the rate ofthe Fail Whale).

However, Google Buzz also doesn't have the Oprahs and the JustinBiebers making it appealing to the masses. Sadly, this could be one ofthe biggest things holding it back. Time will tell if that changes.

But for now, people seem content to stick with Twitter and cut theFail Whale some slack. It is clear that people love Twitter (maybe weshould turn to the one-word answers people gave about Twitter lastyear). They love it so much, they will put up with frequent downtime,and hardly think twice about it. But Twitter might want to get thisunder control before it's too late, because there are alternatives outthere, and this Fail Whale tolerance might not last forever.

Do you use Twitter? We want to hear from you. What makes youkeep using it despite the frequent fail whales? Comment here.
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Brazil 2-1 North Korea

Maicon produced a moment of pure Brazilian magic to set thefive-time champions on their way to victory in their opening gameagainst North Korea in Johannesburg.

The Brazilians, ranked number one in the Fifa rankings, were expected to cruise past the team in 105th place in theirGroup G encounter.

But on a difficult evening they had to wait until the 55th minute to break the deadlock as the NorthKoreans proved more than capable opponents.

It fell to right-back Maicon to settle Brazil's nerves with a goal of typicalbeauty.

Latching on to a pass down the right from Elano but at a seemingly impossible angle trapped against the byeline,he produced a swerving screamer that bent in with goalkeeper RiMyong-guk standing a fraction too far off his post.

The goal composed Dunga's previously erratic side and they doubled the leadwith 18 minutes left when Robinho slid a fabulous pass in for Elano toslot home from inside the area.

But North Korea gave them a much harder game than they were expecting and Kim Jong-Hun's sidegot a goal their endeavour deserved when Ji Yun-nam fired in superblyin the closing stages.

Brazil deserved the victory for their dominance in possession, especially in the second half, butNorth Korea's previously unknown players can hold their heads high aftera display full of passion and no little skill either.

In fact, playing their in their first World Cup since 1966, the Chollima - before they tired after the break - threatened to causean almighty upset.

With star striker Jong Tae-se - who cried during their national anthem - leading the line magnificently,they were giving Brazil as good as they got in a first half that swungfrom end to end in hugely entertaining fashion.

Indeed as Elano, Robinho and Michel Bastos all sprayed long-range shots widefrom outside the box, it was the little-fancied North Koreans who beganto test the Brazilian keeper as they proved that had not come to theWorld Cup simply to defend.

Jong was causing the usually unflappable Lucio all kinds of problems with his movement andpace and he turned sharply before firing straight at Julio Cesar, beforeRi Kwang-chon dragged wide from a good position on the edge of theBrazil box after they had failed to clear a corner.

Brazil were lethargic, with their best moments coming down the flanks asMaicon on the right and Michel Bastos - who had a 20-yard sizzlerdeflected over - got forward time and time again to support theirstruggling team-mates..

As the game wore on there was a sense that a major upset could be in the offing, but Maicon's devilishdrifter put paid to that and soon Brazil were controlling the game inthe manner with which their World Cup opponents have become accustomed.

Striker Luis Fabiano, without a goal in his last six Brazil games now, was desperate to get on the scoresheet, but he couldonly turn and blaze over, before Robinho wonderfully found Elano to makethe game safe.

Brazil still had a scare when Ji Yun-nam's brilliant first touch controlled a high ball and took him intospace in the Brazil box and he made no mistake with an unerring finishpast Julio Cesar.

There was no time for them to conjure the most unlikely of all equalisers, but their heroic displayfinally brought the World Cup to life and warmed the hearts of the crowdon a freezing night at Ellis Park.

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BENIN—FEAR has gripped armed robbers and kidnappers in Edo State, following the curse placed on evil doers in the state, by the Benin monarch, Oba Erediauwa, as Vanguard was reliably informed that hundreds of them have stormed the Palace of the Oba to plead for forgiveness, so as to escape the wrath of the gods.

Meanwhile, thousands of women from the seven local government areas in Edo South Senatorial District of the state, thronged the traditional Urhokpota ground, weekend, to place curses on those involved in the endless cases of kidnappings, armed robberies and other violent crime in the state..

Vanguard learnt that the alleged criminals, who stormed the Palace to ask for forgiveness have been parading the Palace without getting any answer to their problem. They were, however, advised to change from their ways or die.

Vanguard learnt that they were still scared, whether the curse will affect them since they were yet to receive any assurance of forgiveness. Some bankers who leak information to kidnappers about their customers, have also fled the ancient city for the fear of death.

The women in the kingdom, led by Chief Isekhure, followed suit, weekend. The women dressed in red attires, had several ritual materials, which include dogs, fowls, rams which were slaughtered and their blood splashed on the ground, symbolizing death that was expected to visit those behind the robbery and kidnaping activities in the city.

President, Market Women Association of Nigeria, Madam Amalawa Edebiri, explained that the ceremony was to lay curse on the kidnappers and criminals in the state.

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BENIN—FEAR has gripped armed robbers and kidnappers in Edo State, following the curse placed on evil doers in the state, by the Benin monarch, Oba Erediauwa, as Vanguard was reliably informed that hundreds of them have stormed the Palace of the Oba to plead for forgiveness, so as to escape the wrath of the gods.

Meanwhile, thousands of women from the seven local government areas in Edo South Senatorial District of the state, thronged the traditional Urhokpota ground, weekend, to place curses on those involved in the endless cases of kidnappings, armed robberies and other violent crime in the state..

Vanguard learnt that the alleged criminals, who stormed the Palace to ask for forgiveness have been parading the Palace without getting any answer to their problem. They were, however, advised to change from their ways or die.

Vanguard learnt that they were still scared, whether the curse will affect them since they were yet to receive any assurance of forgiveness. Some bankers who leak information to kidnappers about their customers, have also fled the ancient city for the fear of death.

The women in the kingdom, led by Chief Isekhure, followed suit, weekend. The women dressed in red attires, had several ritual materials, which include dogs, fowls, rams which were slaughtered and their blood splashed on the ground, symbolizing death that was expected to visit those behind the robbery and kidnaping activities in the city.

President, Market Women Association of Nigeria, Madam Amalawa Edebiri, explained that the ceremony was to lay curse on the kidnappers and criminals in the state.

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We sincerely hope James Ibori aka Ogidigborigbo did not have a hand in this ! Sorry we couldnt get a photo of the jailed damsel .if anyone has it pls send it to us !

Temmy who was jailed for multiple crimes in the United Arab Emirate, Dubai almost a year now is said to have been delivered of a bundle of joy, a baby girl, in Dubai prison if information at our disposal is anything to go by. The Yoruba actress who was arrested last year over drug trafficking has kept mum on the paternity of the baby.
Sources who know the high flying actress confirmed to us that shortly before her arrest in Dubai, she was seen around with a top baron in Dubai, and that it’s likely that the top Naija in Dubai is responsible for the pregnancy which has produced a girl. Another source also told us that it’s likely that Temmy got impregnated inside Dubai prison, the reason is because she was arrested last year July and from that period till about three weeks ago she put to bed, she was supposed to have been delivered of whatever pregnancy she’s carrying by March/April.
Having a baby, traditionally, is a thing of joy but for the beautiful Nigerian actress it’s a sad tale to have her first baby in a gas chamber and worst of it all, far from her fatherland, Nigeria. “Nigerians in Dubai have neglected Temmy like bad habit for fear of arrest. All her effort to reach her close pals in Dubai to come to her aid shortly after she was delivered of the baby proved abortive as friends and business associates have all avoided her like a plague.” A source from Dubai told
Though, Temmy initially bagged 21-year jail term, her condition as a pregnant woman then, was said to have made them reduced it to 10 years. It will be recall that when Temmy was arrested last year for drug, she was not lucky enough when the custodians of UAE law and constitution found her wanting aside the drub issue. Temmy, we learnt, had police cases of stealing and forgery inside Dubai major markets and had been warned severally never to return to that land of gold and opportunities again. But as fate has designed it for her, she was said to have used another forged names and documents to enter Dubai while she was trafficking drugs.
Left with no choice of curbing her excesses, the UAE authorities gave her two options. Firstly, to be amputated on her left arm and right leg or face 21 years imprisonment. She later fell for the latter and today she has become a mother inside the prison yard with no hope of getting amnesty.
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After a six-year hia-tus, Nigeria's flagship beauty pageant, ‘Miss Nigeria,' is set to return to the country's social calendar. And for the first time in the history of the pageant, it will be activat-ed in three continents; Africa, Europe and North America.Photo:

Miss Nigeria organiser Nike Oshinowo-Soleye, flanked by past miss Nigeria winners. Binta Sukai,Vien Tetsola and Ms Lawani


executive officer, and creative director of the pageant, Nike Oshinowo-Soleye, disclosed this at a media parley which held at Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos. According to her, that the new ‘Miss Nigeria Pageant' will once again showcase positive attributes of the Nigerian woman, namely - elegance, poise, talent, intelligence and as well as beauty.She noted that ‘Miss Nigeria' historically has been a role model to the Nigerian society at large, and a spokesperson for national volunteerism and charity, while using her title to educate millions of Nigerians on issues of importance to herself and the society.

Mrs Oshinowo-Soleye added that in years past, pageantry was a family affair, and promised to bring back the family friendly pageant, reminiscent of a time when opportunity came with responsibility, and womanhood was held in the highest regard.Miss Nigeria returns after six yearsFellaz are the 2010 Malta Guiness street dance winnersCast members Montego Glover, David Bryan and Chad Kimball perform after their play Memphis won best musical at the American Theatre Wing's 64th annual Tony Awards ceremony in New YorkMiss Nigeria organiser Nike Oshinowo-Soleye, flanked by past miss Nigeria winnersShe further disclosed that unlike other pageants, the new ‘Miss Nigeria Pageant' will have no swim wear segment, as the contestants would be judged on poise, intelligence, cultural values as well as beauty.

She restated Miss Nigeria's is commitment to empowering young women. This year's winner, she said would win a full scholarship to be educated in any institute of higher learning of her choice, anywhere in the world; a luxury car, one year's salary and accommodation in Lagos, a year's wardrobe from leading Nigerian designers, as well as gifts from sponsors.The winner of the pageant will also spend her year in office working for the Miss Nigeria Foundation. She will also work with federal and state governments' ministries of culture, tourism, health and women affairs.

In addition, she will also work on special projects on behalf of international NGOs like the World Health Organisation and UNESCO. Call for entries into the pageant is expected to last between June and July, with zonal castings in five Nigerian cities, New York and London between July and August. The final event comes up on September 25 in Abuja where the new queen will be crowned.

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Nollywood Smokers and many more gossip

•Toun Oni: She made her debut in acting with a stage drama entitled Be Mighty, Be Mine, written by the late Wale Ogunyemi. An outstanding role model to a lot of upcoming actresses, she tends to feature more in soap operas than movies and her most prominent soap is Fuji House of Commotion, a production of Amaka Igwe. Toun Oni’s career dates back to the 70s and though not one of the biggest stars around financially, she is undoubtedly a respected figure in the industry. She is hooked onto tobacco.

•Olu Jacobs: Uncle Olu Jacobs, as he is fondly called, is one of the biggest actors Nollywood can boast of right now. This is not only because he has become a legend in the industry, but because he is creative and he is a godfather to the younger generation of actors. Married to a veteran actress, Joke Silva-Jacobs, he owns a production outfit called Lufodo Productions. He also smokes cigarette passionately. Joke, who also smoked cigarette stopped the habit recently.

•Ayo Mogaji: This is a very talented and versatile actress, who is also a role model to a lot of upcoming actresses. Ayo Mogaji, who has lost count of the number of Yoruba flicks she has featured in, is a chain smoker. She is also a movie producer. Married to white-bearded Mr. Dabo, a fellow actor, her favourite

•Hanks Anuku: Hanks is inarguably the best action-driven actor in Nollywood. No wonder, some people see him as the baddest boy of the industry. This huge-frame actor, who has acted in a lot of English and Yoruba films including Ogidan, once told NollywoodReel that most ladies are scared of him, probably because of his physique or the wild roles he plays in movies. He is addicted to cigarette.

•Sam Loco-Efe: Talk of somebody, who has really paid his dues in the movie industry, then you are certainly talking about Uncle Sam Loco. Unlike every other actor, Sam started his acting career from the grassroots many years ago. But thank God, the sacrifices he made in the industry then did not go in vain as he is now reaping the fruits of his hard labour. Part of what he loves doing on a daily basis, however, is smoking.

•Rita Dominic: There is no way one will talk of most consistent and successful Nollywood stars without mentioning her name. The unassuming actress has suddenly caught the smoking bug. Although she prefers not to make much noise about her smoking habit, her choice of cigarette is London (Menthol), commonly called White London.

•Bayo Bankole: If you are meeting this Obafemi Awolowo University graduate for the first time, you will agree that smoking is part and parcel of him. Hardly will you meet Bayo, who was the former Boy Alinco in Wale Adenuga’s TV comedy serial, Papa Ajasco, without a stick of cigarette and a bottle of lager beer in his hand. He has also proved his dexterity with roles he has acted in other movies.

•Iyabo Ojo: This mother of two is no push over among the Yoruba actresses. Aside acting, she has also produced some movies that are doing well in the market. She is regarded as one of the wildest actresses because she is a club freak and she loves smoking too.

•Clem Ohameze: Clem, an honourable in the making, come 2007, has become a household name in the movie circuit. His contribution to the development of Nollywood is immeasurable. But when you talk of actors who have passion for cigarette, his name will definitely not be left out.

•Stella Idika: Is obviously one of the most promising actresses in the industry right now. Her roles in movies like Empire, Soldier Boy, Woman In Me and Descendants of Jezebel, show that the sky is her starting point. But those close to her said a day hardly passes without Stella lighting a cigarette.; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; background-position: -10px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">Controversial Nollywoodstars

The widow of Jaiyejeje Aboderin is on the long-list of actresses that are trailed by controversies.Since the death of her husband who was the leader of the defunct Synergy Musical Group,Stella had been in and out of controversies.Although not confirmed,gist-bearers still allege that she had a swell-time dating gospel artiste and ace sound track performer,Sammy Okposo for a long time.Apart from that, there are indications that she's set to sign the dotted lines with model and Gulder Ultimate Search II contestant,Lanre Oluborode.However,the most disturbing of all the controversies was that occassioned by a movie in which she featured barely six months before the death of her husband.The controversy,it was gathered portrayed a wrong impression about to her in-laws.

Jim Iyke:
One of the most loved Nollywood actors popularly perceived as a sex-symbol,he has a spectacular way of delivering his roles especially when it has to do with love or emotion.Despite this versatility,he has disappointed his teeming fans several times by getting enmeshed in some avoidable controversies.Apart from the rumour that he was dating Halima,daughter of former vice-president and actress Rita Dominic,Jim was also banned alongside Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde and Genevieve Nnaji by the movie marketers in 2005.There was a time he was reported to have engaged a commercial taxi driver in a brawl under Ojuelegba bridge.He also engaged Victor Obodo,a journalist working with the now rested Fame weekly magazine in fisticuffs and currently involve in Adultery scandal.

Opeyemi Ayeola:
Until she exchanged marital vows with her UK-based boyfriend,Olayiwola Babatunde, star actress,Opeyemi Ayeola had been enmeshed in controversies.The pretty actress of the Accountancy graduate’s status is believed to have attained the peak of her career through the help of some successful practitioners in the movie industry.
The controversy over her alleged affair with celebrated Corporate Pictures boss, Rasaq Abdullahi,however became rife when she disclosed to a soft sell magazine that she regretted dating Abdullahi.She is currently facing a tough-time from her in-laws because of the Interview she granted on her relationship with a promoter.

Bisi Ibidapo-Obe:
The light complexion, beautifully endowed actress is always in and out of controversies on men issue.Not toolong ago,Bisi was said to be romantically linked with revolutionary rap artiste,Ruggedman.

Fathia Balogun:
Apart from the fact that she is the estranged wife of Saheed Balogun,she is yet to extricate herself from some controversies trailing her breakup with the actor.According to what gist-bearers,Fathia’s sudden seperation from Saheed may not be unconnected with an alleged romance between her and Rasaq Abdullahi,he boss of Corporate Pictures.Even her newly produced film is said to have been shot amid controversy.Meanwhile,it is being alleged in some quarters that Fathia’s current residence was acquired through the help of Rasaq Abdullahi.

Baba Suwe: Having received many laurels through his comic roles in movies,Babatunde Omodina a.k.a Baba Suwe needs no formal introduction in Nollywood, as he is always in the news.The Igbogbo-Ife-Ikorodu-born comedian has not only earned fame through his style of comedy but has also ruled the comedy genre of moviedom for many years. However, despite his success in the make-believe industry, the current National Treasurer of the Association of Nigeria Theatre-Art Practitioners (ANTP)has always received bad press here in Nigeria each time he travelled out of the country.He has travelled far and wide in Europe and has a hectic task denying his involvement in the illegal business and alleged arrest as reported in the media.The vile and unsubstanciated rumour still persists because Baba Suwe often eulogises suspected notorious drug barons in his movies.

Empress Njamah:
She started her acting career in Nollywood with the movie,Girl's Hostel and now she is ranked among the most talented actresses in the industry.This beautiful gal in her 20s, has obviously had her fair share of controversies in the industry. She has been romantically linked with one man or the other at different times and allegation of fast fingers.

Cossy Orjiakor:
Although Cossy seems to have kept a very low profile lately, she was inarguably the most controversial actress,following her seductive roles in Abass Akande Obesere’s musical video,Apple Juice among others-that was the genesis of her controversies.
Apart from being romantically linked with the likes of Ola Kukoyi and Obesere,this University of Lagos graduate was also alleged to be suffering from breast cancer. However,the naturally endowed Cossy recently moved to her Lekki home and has found a new love in music.

Eucharia Anunobi:
Since this talented actress featured in the flick,Glamour Girls,she has always been enmeshed in controversies.Even with the recent disappearance of her husband from home,Eucharia has gradually learnt to move on with her life.

Hanks Anuku:
This is a fantastic actor with a spectacular sense of interpreting roles,especially when it has to do with interpreting his roles in action movies.He is being perceived as one of the most dangerous guys while acting roles in Nollywood,he has been enmeshed in many controversies.Many believe he is naturally erratic.

Iyabo Ojo:
No doubt,Iyabo is quite talented and towers above some of her peers in the Yoruba movie industry and if she continues like that,the sky may actually be her starting point but she needs to avoid some unnecessary controversies that have been trailing her on runs.She is one of the actresses who loves night clubbing with a passion and the mother of two has also been widely reported in the media that she date Muka Ray and Kunle Afolayan.

Ernest Asuzu:
The name Ernest Asuzu surely needs no further introduction among Nigerians.Not only because he is an actor of note but because since last year, he has constantly been in the news. And this cannot be unconnected with the fact that he was suffering from a mental disorder and just released from prison.

Genevieve Nnaji:
One of the controversies that this star actress has encountered in her career is about her alleged relationship with a former Vice President.The former Face of Lux, who has lost count of movies she has acted in was also rumoured to have dated actor Pat Attah.

Yewande Akinwande:
Popularly known as Yetunde Wunmi,this Yoruba actress has always been in the limelight but her arrest at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport by officials of the National Drug and Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for drug trafficking made her one of the controversial movie stars in Nigeria

As the show enters week two with pulsating drumbeats synchronizing with the rhythm of sound,the opening movements of an energetic dance full of flair and verve,the fantastic presentation by musician Sound Sultan and instructor Lilian Yeri for the first stage of Spirit of David’s ongoing dance competition.Viwers were entranced by the introductory episode of the show but the second was even more intriguing!

Ten couples showcase one-minute dance routines appraised by a live audience and a panel of three judges; who are seasoned performers in their own right.

Lilian Yeri and Sound Sultan, dressed in traditional African costumes, thrilled everyone with their rhythmic interpretation of Jeremiah Gyang’s Na Barka.

The next couple was even more astounding! It was a delight seeing Pasuma Wonder, Nigeria’s Otunba of Fuji music, do the Rhumba with his partner, Funke Iroko.The couple was resplendent in complementary white costumes which dazzled as Pasuma whirled and twirled,gracefully lifting his partner in a slow,intense dance which ended as gracefully as it began.It was a dance which made up for what it lacked in message and content with a display of Waltz technique unusual for a beginner like Pasuma.Obviously, he had an outstanding instructor!

Omotola ‘Omosexy’ Jalade-Ekeinde was another star of the evening who benefited tremendously from having a good dance instructor.She and Buddy Ageda chose a fast-paced,cheerful dance using steps typical of the hip hop movement and the catchy rhythm of a techno song to entertain the ecstatic audience.From the opening ‘moonwalk’ slide showing fantastic footwork to the crisp articulation of his break dance moves,Buddy outshone Omotola who capitalised on the danceability of their song to maintain an interactive flow with her partner.Though most of her moves were out of synchrony with the music and appeared to be initiated by her partner, Omotola’s earnestness, her self-expression, and the vibrancy of her dance made their performance most refreshing.

Fashion designer Zizi Cardow and her partner Ice, were more intense.Theirs was a passionate ballroom dance. Zizi was dressed in a black-tie affair, dazzling gown with a sequined bodice. It was a beautiful dance. Zizi posed as model for Ice’s on-stage painting, her portrait on a canvas which caught the spotlights as the words ...”If I were a painting...” filled the opening strains of their classical selection. It was an intense, passionate dance with a vivid concept and clearly executed unison movement, Zizi maintaining eye contact in graceful moves with her partner who sang throughout the dance.It was breathtakingly beautiful.

The performance of Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2007, Omawunmi Akinnifesi and Wale Sodade were also dazzling.Their fantastic presentation began when Omawunmi clad in white began intricate contortions to the engaging music of their contemporary dance piece which showed Omawunmi seeking a loved one, (her partner Wale) being found by him and enduring periods of separation with eventual reconciliation in a sophisticated dance comprising elements of ballet, hip hop and Afro-Caribbean dance forms.

Their performance was astonishing for its accuracy and flow, with fantastic gestures and flying leaps which kept the audience riveted to their seats; a remarkable presentation with a clear theme of love and friendship.

A sensational Nollywood actress haunted by many scandals,every step of the sexy eyeball’s march through moviedom seems to have been trailed by one controversy or the other.Born to a Nigerian father and a Cameroonian mother,Empress exploded into the showbiz industry in the mid 90’s with the movie ‘Girls Hostel’where she played a major role (Tunika),her profile has steadily risen from the upcoming actress to ‘Nollywood”star and has remained relevant,holding her turf,scandals or no scandal.

She comes from a family of artistes,her elder brothers-John and Aquila have made a mark in the industry as well.They are five in number and three of them are into acting.Her brothers were into it before her-She went out with her brothers one day to a rehearsal in Surulere and the girl that was supposed to play a particular role did not come and was asked to stand in for her.After,the director called her and asked if she was interested in acting but said yes and got the role.Her foray into the Nigerian home video was first met with stiff opposition by her Mother who had some reservations about all her children taking a particular line of career but when she saw the movie she did,she liked it and felt she had what it takes to be a good actress and she encouraged her to go into it.

The dark skinned delectable actress currently combines acting with a degree programme at the Olabisi Onabanjo University,Ogun State where she is studying English.She love wearing simple clothes that would make my skin breathe,not to reveal her skin,cleavage or show her flat tummy but her love to wear things that she is very comfortable with.She love to dance as a form of exercise.With stardom comes fame and money but Empress does not see herself being in the Nigerian movie industry for life.

Nollywood actress Shan George has joined the fray of reality television producers as she begins a tour of Nigeria to choose the best Nigerian in T 36,a tourism based reality television show which comprises of contestants from every state of the nation.Speaking with media people on her plans for the reality show,Shan says T36 will be a far cry from all the others we have seen in Nigeria since the issue became a fad.In her words,“The contestants would take a tour around the nation’s thirty-six states (including FCT) in eight weeks.

Their mission is to learn as much as possible the History, beliefs, and general way of life of the Nigeria people.The contestants would visit specific locations of Political, cultural, economic, and tourism relevance.At the end of a visit to each geopolitical zone, Contestants would be subjected to oral test, where two contestants with the lowest scores would be eliminated.Its organized by SHANDEL PRODUCTION an outfit that is run by Shan George,the show would kick-off in Lagos and end in Abuja for the grand finale after a complete tour of the six geo-political zones.

The programme is designed to rekindle national consciousness and stir a whole new band of patriots to the Nigerian dream. The show will go a long way to prove the general Nigerian thought right. The thought that ‘we are better together’.
The team’s primary function is to amongst others, expose and celebrate known tourism locations as well as uncover the unknown ones.

Shan George:
This light-skin actress came out hot when she started out in the movie industry. Before her entry into the industry, Shan George was living in her home town. There, she had a forced marriage at a much younger age of 17. The marriage did not last. That marriage produced two grown up boys who are now schooling abroad. After that she tried to go into two other relationships, which did not last

Ann Njamanze:
Before the fatal accident that almost claimed her life, Ann was a prominent actress in the movie industry. She lost her visible presence due to the accident, which restricted her to the sick bed for a long time.Then her celebrated relationship with fellow actor Segun Arinze was cemented with the birth of her daughter Morenike. The union didn’t however survive the test of time. Today Ann Njaminze has moved on with her life. It was even heard that she had another baby not too long ago for the new man in her life

Ibinabo Fiberesima:
The beautiful actress has her own share of failed relationship. Her affairs with Phillip Trimnell and top singer Daniel Wilson were widely celebrated.Not too long ago she got into trouble when her car rammed into a doctor’s car, killing him in the process. Today, it was reported that Ibinabo and fellow actor Fred Amata are planning to hook each other in wedlock.But time will tell if Ibinabo, who already has two children from two different fathers, would be lucky this time.

Alex Lopex:
Unlike most actresses who find it hard to openly identify with their children, Alex Lopex’s case is different. At any given time, she’s ready to tell anyone that she has a son, Joshua, whom she had for her lover. Although, the relationship did not last, however, Lopex is ever grateful for the joy of motherhood that the relationship afforded her.

Fathia Balogun:
Just like Fathia Balogun’s relationship with her first husband, Tunde Anchor, the marriage between the Edo State born actress and fellow actor Saheed Balogun is said to be over. Before meeting Saheed Balogun, Fathia has a son in London for her former husband Tunde. The son lives with the father in London.

Genevieve Nnaji:
Before the sanction imposed on some foremost artistes including Genevieve, she was one of the most sought-after actresses in the country. Genevieve, a gifted model and beautiful actress attained an enviable height in the industry.At the age of 16, she was put into the family way by one of her boyfriends who lived around her former Egbeda residence in Lagos. That pregnancy resulted in the birth of her baby girl who is about nine years old now.

Regina Askia:
These days, Regina has faded out of reckoning in the movie world. She was every producer’s delight. Producers and marketers can’t afford not to feature her pictures in their jackets and posters. And the reason was because she is an ex-beauty queen. Regina’s relationship with a French businessman produced her daughter, Stephanie, who is now into modelling in the United States.After the relationship with the Frenchman collapsed, Regina went into another marriage with an American identified simply as Ruby, which produced children. But just like the Frenchman’s, the relationship has packed up.

Elfreda Rowland:
Elfreda Rowland is a very daring actress, who could act naughty roles in movies. A happy-go-lucky lady who likes to catch her fun, that’s why if she’s not on location, she’s rocking around town. Elfreda has a girl from a relationship she had in the past; the father of the girl lives abroad.

Ronke Ojo (Oshodi Oke):
Ronke, a busty actress, who got the nickname Oshodi Oke from the title of a movie she starred in as a lead actress, is one of the hottest Yoruba actresses in the movie industry. About three years ago, she got pregnant and no body seems to know who was responsible for it.The pregnancy was linked to many people including a marketer and a London based socialite Wale. But Ronke came out to tell the world that the father of her daughter lives in Canada and that put paid to the controversy.

Mariam Apollo:
Pretty Apollo was widely believed would become the better-half of fine boy actor Ramsey Nouah because both of them were very close then. But Ramsey left her for his wife when the marriage issue came up. Before her celebrated relationship with Ramsey Nouah, Mariam Apollo had a baby for her former lover.

Iyabo Ojo:
Pretty Iyabo Ojo, one of the top Yoruba actresses in the country, also has two kids, a boy and a girl from a marriage she went into when she could hardly differentiate her right from her left. Today, she has been linked to another Yoruba actor Muka Ray and also to Kunle Afolayan.

Clarion Chukwurah:
Clarion Chukwurah is one of the veterans in the movie industry. This University of Ife Theatre Arts graduate started acting in the early 80s. While on the set of the movie Owolagba in the 80s, Clarion had a fling with juju star Sir Shina Peters (SSP) that resulted in a baby. Today, the god of love has not been fair to the beautiful lady, just like her marriage to Mike, Abiola’s brother, she recently lost another marriage she had with a London big boy Femi Egyptian

Bimbo Oshin:
It all started like a rumour that Yoruba actress Bimbo Oshin was involved in a love relationship with the boss of Dudu Heritage, Ola Ibinronke. It eventually came out to be the truth when she got pregnant for the American-based promoter. The relationship went through turbulence because of the wife of the American promoter. The relationship produced a boy named Michael.

Bose Joseph:
This crossover actress had a baby out of wedlock. The baby girl, Opemipo, is now a toast of many movie producers both in English and Yoruba. Opemipo’s father rejected her pregnancy and took off for the UK. Now that this child has become a star, he now wants to claim her paternity. Just like the first pregnancy, Bose had another man who refused to take responsibility for her second pregnancy. And now she has two kids for different fathers out of wedlock.

Obot Etuk:
Obot Etuk is one of the most respected in interpreting movie roles but this is not the same with her life style. She was celebrated for her love affairs with younger colleague Ernest Azuzu. Despite the age difference, several times, the actor would beat her to the surprise of most people. Today, Obot has three kids out of wedlock

Babara Udoh:
Babara Udoh came into prominence through her role in the famous movie The Glamour girls. Although before that time she was a regular face in most soap then. Babara has not been too frequent in movie production these days and people have been wondering what the problem might be.Babara Udoh is one of the actresses that have babies out of wedlock.

Sandra Achum:
Sandra Achum today has two children from two fathers. The first came and the father was unknown so also is the case with her second child.The reason for keeping her relationship from the pages of paper may be due to the loss of her proposed marriage years back which most soft sell magazines feasted on.

Edith Jane Azu:
Today, she has given her life to Christ but only that she is happily married, but as long as she lives she will never forget how she became a baby mother at the age of 16.

Toyin Raji:
Toyin Raji is an ex-beauty queen that also got into the movie world. But before she could exhibit her God-given talent for a long time in the movie world, she left when she became pregnant. She solely nurtured the baby on her own.

Ndidi Obi:
she is better known as Nneka the pretty serpent because of her role in that movie. Ndidi left the movie industry when she was put in the family way by a business man. And ever since, little or nothing has been heard about the lady who once held her fans spell bound with the way she interpreted roles

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After Strip tease by Fashola was banned are there no strip clubs in Naija ?
The New FCT Minister has given a 24hours ultimatum for all love-peddlers
to evacuate Abuja. These Nigerian politicians never cease to amaze me. I was just wondering when i heard the news and the following questions came to my mind,Photo 1:Prostitutes in large numbers have taken over some popular streets in the Federal Capital Territory at night.At Port Harcourt crescent off Gimbiya street, Garki, Abuja, our reporter observed half nude ladies exposing their busts and panties, beckoning on..

Photos 2,3:Previous and present Minister with
President Goodluck Jonathan (second right) being received by the Federal Capital Territory Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed, with the National Security Adviser, Alhaji Aliyu Gusau (second left) and Secretary to the Government of t
Worried by the sharp increase in their activities, sex workers in the Federal Capital Territory have been given a 48-hour ultimatum by the FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed, to leave the nation's capital or face the wrath of the law.
The minister, who decried the steady rise in the population of prostitutes in Abuja, noted that they constitute a nuisance as their services add no value to the beauty of the city.

He gave them a stern warning to heed the ultimatum, noting that the FCT Special Task Force would be out as from today to arrest them.
The minister, who issued the ultimatum through the FCT Secretary for Social Development, Mrs. Blessing Onuh, while on a visit to the call girls at their respective joints on Saturday night, also warned men who patronise the girls to desist from the act as he promised that anyone caught would be treated like the prostitutes.
He said that to drive home the importance of the assignment to the FCT, the Task Force would commence arrest from today and warned the prostitutes not to take the matter lightly.

At Emprest Hotel, "which is the headquarters" of the commercial sex workers in Wuse District, where over 600 call girls were seen parading the streets waiting for prospective customers, the secretary lamented that most of the girls involved were under-aged.
In her message to the girls she said, "I'm out to instruct the girls that the FCT minister has given them 48 hours to vacate the city and quit the job. They constitute a nuisance in the city and the FCT administration will not tolerate them.
"We are also sending warnings to all those men patronising them to stop. Some of the girls are under-aged; it is child abuse. If we get you doing that we will get you arrested, lock you up and treat you like the prostitutes are treated."
A patron of the call girls who spoke to reporters under condition of anonymity gave reason why he patronised call girls, saying it was due to the weather which made it difficult for him to spend the night alone.
The man argued that the ultimatum given to the girls would lead to an increase in the charges of the girls who presently charge between N5,000 and N7,000 per night.
He said, "This decision now will make them to increase their price. Normally we take them home for N6,000 or N7,000 but now with this decision, they will increase it to N15,000 or more than that."

The secretary, after addressing the girls at Wuse Zone 4, made a donation of N50,000 to the girls after they complained to her that they had not eaten all day and she advised them to desist from selling their bodies for money but try to go into a more decent occupation.
At the hotel, one of the girls who refused to give her name disclosed that she relocated to Abuja when the governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola, demolished her apartment in Lagos. She however expressed her readiness to quit the job if given an alternative, lamenting that Emprest Hotel is like a sex camp where two prostitutes pair up in a room and pay N5,000 each daily while those who have more patronage take up a single room and pay N7,000 daily.
Other places visited by the secretary where activities of sex workers thrive included Banex Plaza, Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent, Wuse 2, Rockview Hotel, Gimbiya Street, Area 11 and Agura Hotel.

2009 Report:

Prostitutes in large numbers have taken over some popular streets in the Federal Capital Territory at night.At Port Harcourt crescent off Gimbiya street, Garki, Abuja, our reporter observed half nude ladies exposing their busts and panties, beckoning on motorists to pick them for the night.
The situation was somehow similar at Sheraton hotel junction where young ladies lined up right from the entrance of the junction to a shopping plaza along the street.

On the roads leading to Transcorp Hotel and close to UBA at Wuse 11, ladies soliciting for men were also seen by the roadsides.
Married women were seen complaining about the freedom given to these ladies to expose themselves on the streets and one of them even pointed to a police patrol car parked at the entrance of Gimbiya street.
"Such women breed criminals in any area and the police should clamp down on them immediately," a married woman said.
At the FCT Police Command, a police officer said prostitution is prohibited in Abuja.
"We have clamped down on them on several instances and even charged them to court where they pleaded guilty and were convicted," the police officer stated.

Questions regarding Prostitution Banned In Abuja
Photo:Prostitutes /strip club girls caught in lagos

1. Are love-peddlers the problem of Nigeria today?
2.How do differentiate who is a love-peddler and who is not (not talking about those residing permanently in brothels) that is with the outrageuos dress sense of ladies these days?
3.Are the politicians not the highest patronisers of love-peddlers?
4.What about the corporate love-peddlers?
5.With the number of night clubs, so how do differentiate between genuine fun seeking ladies and also love-peddlers?
6.What about the men that patronise them?
7.Why do our goverments keep chasing shadows, even those have very well paid jobs still do all sought how much more those who are broke and being forced into it due to circumstance.
I could go on and on, but my take is that maybe the new FCT minister was recently jilted by a love-peddlers hence this

But on a serious note WHO IS A PROSTITUTE ? A search for nigerian prostitutes on google brought up the photo below and interestingly these ladies are "NOT" prostitutes but party goers at a recent function .So WHO IS A PROSTITUTE ?

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A few days before names of then Acting President Goodluck Jonathan’s ministerial nominees were announced, there was a serious quarrel between the first couple. A source who witnessed the quarrel said, “The fight was so bad that madam nearly tore Oga’s shirt.” The bone of contention was the pending announcement of Deziani Allison Madueke as one of the ministerial nominees..

Two years earlier Patience Goodluck Jonathan had openly confronted Deziani Allison Madueke’s mother, Beatrice Agama, at an event in Port Harcourt. Patience told Deziani’s mother, “Mama, please tell your daughter to leave my husband alone. She is married and I’m married. What kind of thing is this?” An eyewitness told this reporter: “The woman was so embarrassed all she could mutter was, “What is she talking about?”

Days before Deziani was announced as the new Petroleum Minister, had exclusively reported that she demanded to be given the petroleum ministry, a demand, we are told, she made in 2007 but could not get. Although there was overwhelming support for Odein Ajumogobia, SAN, who was Minister of State for Petroleum under Rilwani Lukman and was expected to get the substantive job, in the oil and gas industry, Deziani insisted that she be given the job. Ajumogobia was given the Foreign Affairs Ministry while Deziani Allison Madueke got her wish—the Petroleum Ministry.

In fairness, Deziani Madueke before being appointed minister in 2007 had worked with Shell Petroleum Development Company. She got to the position of Executive Director of the multinational conglomerate. While there is some controversy as to her experience in the oil industry and level of competence, the fact is that she left Shell as an Executive Director, a position few Nigerian women, if any had occupied.

On the day the First Lady of Nigeria, Patience Goodluck Jonathan traveled to Dubai, sources said, she wrote a note to her husband, President Goodluck Jonathan. The note, which was hand-delivered by one of her two children supposedly encouraged the President to invite Deziani Allison Madueke “to move into the Presidential Villa.” We could not independently confirm this but a source who was with her on the trip to Dubai told this reporter that the First Lady refused to take calls from the President for the first couple days she was in Dubai.

The day before her departure to Dubai, a Saturday, then Group Managing Director (GMD) of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Shehu Ladan spent two hours at the Aso Rock Villa. Most of the two hours the GMD was at the Villa was spent in consultation with the First Lady. Ladan traveled to London on official assignment the day the First Lady took off to Dubai. The next day Ladan was fired from his job and no reasons were given.

From what has been able to piece together with information available, Shehu Ladan is said to have executed five oil deals on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria. The Minister of Petroleum signed off on these deals. One of the beneficiaries of this deal is Patience Goodluck Jonathan. According to some sources, the First Lady made $2,000,000 profit from her deal. This was later reported to the President by Deziani Madueke who claimed that Ladan “misled” her.

The Monday Ladan Shehu was sacked while on official assignment in London, Presidency sources said the Petroleum Minister had visited the Villa to see the President. She was said to have presented two documents to the President; one, for approval to sack the NNPC GMD and the second one was for the appointment of his successor. The President, according our sources, read the documents and quickly signed them. “The President did not even consult anybody or directed that a query be issued to Ladan. She just handed him documents, the man read them and just signed. I can tell you that is the fastest decision this man has made since I’ve known him,” said one Presidency official.

The President and Deziani Madueke have a relationship dating back to his time as Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State. Some even claim that the relationship predates his years as Deputy Governor. A source claims the President and the Petroleum Minister are cousins. This claim was quickly dismissed by several sources who have known them for years.

A very credible source informed this reporter recently that Pres. Goodluck Jonathan came close to divorcing his wife, Patience, last year. According to this source, what saved the marriage was the intervention of Hassan Tukur, current Principal Secretary to the President. Tukur was then the Head of the Nigerian Energy Commission. He is a “long time pal of the President.”

Deziani Allison Madueke’s place as one of the two most powerful women in Nigeria today is not in doubt. Nowhere is her power more visible and pronounced than at the Presidential Villa. According to several presidency and security sources, any time Deziani visits the office of the president nobody else is allowed to see the President.

One source told “Soon after Oga became Acting President, Deziani came to visit him. Shortly after she walked into the Acting President’s office, the then Principal Secretary to the Acting President walked in to take some documents to him. Jonathan just raised his hand to stop the man in his tracks. After that everybody got the message. You do not enter the President’s office when Deziani is visiting.” These visits we are told sometimes lasts up to three hours.

After the sack of Shehu Ladan as the GMD of NNPC, there were rumors that the former GMD had engaged in a shouting match with the Petroleum Minister. However, almost everybody we spoke to for this story who had known Ladan Shehu insisted that the man was not capable of such behavior. Some top NNPC staffers who spoke with this reporter insisted that Deziani was threatened by Ladan’s alleged closeness to Patience Jonathan. “You see, Deziani would’ve been ticked off by Ladan going to the Villa to spend two hours with Patience. The Minister in a meeting with us informed us that she demands 100% loyalty and would not tolerate any disloyalty. How do you think she would’ve seen Ladan’s visit to the First Lady even though there was nothing personal in that visit?” said an NNPC staffer. could not confirm if indeed there was a meeting between Deziani and top NNPC staffers.

The President’s relationship with Deziani Madueke, official and harmless though it may be, has not been well received by Nigerians. Several people we spoke to for this article advised the President to “tone it down.” One very angry Bayelsa political chieftain said to “The President’s relationship with Deziani may be harmless…I tend to believe all these rumors are lies but even at that the man should tone it down. He is the man.” Another person told us: “How can on his first official visit to the United States, instead of going with his wife to see Pres. Obama who was with his own wife, he took as part of his entourage Deziani? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s anything between them but if it were you would you do it? Tongues are wagging about you and one woman and on your first official visit you take her instead of your wife, on your first state visit to your wife’s state you take this same woman and send off your wife to Delta State. Haba, let common sense prevail here.”

A lady who has known Deziani and Goodluck Jonathan for years told this reporter: “Why is it that when a woman climbs to the top you start looking into how she made it? Do you expose men to the same scrutiny? It is even worse when people like you do it.”

This story is not about Deziani Allison Madueke’s personal life or how she got to the top. When Deziani’s name was first announced for minister in 2007, this reporter traced her history, up to her days in Washington as a student of Howard University but did not do a story
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A resident of Ugbo Odogwu, a suburb of Enugu, Peter Agbowa, slumped and died while watching the 2010 FIFA World Cup match between Nigeria and Argentina on Saturday.

Agbowa, 56, a father of three, was said to have slumped from a chair when Argentina scored the lone goal of the encounter six minutes into the match.

His wife, Georgina, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Monday in Enugu that she noticed that her husband stood still after he shouted and was no more moving.

According to her, “I tried to touch him, but he just fell on the floor and I shouted to alert neighbours who quickly came and rushed him to the hospital where he was confirmed dead.”

Agbowa, who hailed from Ukana in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State, was a self-employed carpenter..
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Julius Malema, the President of the Youth League of the South African ruling party, the African National Congress, has become a topic of heated discussion throughout the capitals of the world today mainly due to his deep hatred of the white South African Afrikaneer population and for his resurrection of an old ANC war song that was very popular amongst black South Africans during the days of the struggle against apartheid and white minority rule. The song openly calls for the mass murder of the white population in South Africa, and is indeed titled, "Kill The Boer". The "boer", which in Afrikaans means "farmer", is the name by which the white indigenous population of South Africa are known. The reason for Malema's deep-seated anger and openly racist disposition is that 20 years after the fall of apartheid in South Africa the majority of those that belong to the working class black population in that country are, according to him, "still suffering" and "have not enjoyed the benefits of South Africa's vast gold, diamond, platinum and other mineral resources". There is no doubt that Malema is right when he says that up until today it is indeed the white boers that still control both the economy and industrial and agricultural production in South Africa whilst the quality of life and the standard of living of the majority of the working class black population in the rural and urban areas and in the notorious townships and shanty towns is slowly getting worse by the day. Few can successfully dispute the legitimacy of that assertion and, in my view, it is indeed a very real problem that needs to be addressed very quickly and in a responsible, effective,equitable and reasonable manner.. However the solution surely cannot be found in Malema's disgraceful and retrogressive proposition that the white indigenous population of South Africa should have all their farms and industries nationalised by the government and that the entire boer community should be subjected to mass murder and genocide. My view is that it is completely unacceptable for anyone in this day and age to be openly calling for the killing of anyone else and to be inciting the population to commit ethnic cleansing on a grand scale. The truth is that I am utterly disgusted with Malema and for me he represents nothing less than the evil face of extremism and the lunatic wing of South African politics. He is not only a racist with a deeply malevolent spirit and bad aura but he is also an extremely dangerous young man who, if not checked and put in his place in time, may end up igniting a terrible fire in the beautiful rainbow nation that South Africa has now become, which would eventually lead to a very bloody and prolonged civil war. In my view Julius Malema is everything that Nelson Mandela is not and I sincerely hope that Jacob Zuma, the South African President, will eventually call this angry, young, wild and impatient hot-head to order before his influence and power grows and before he becomes completely uncontrollable. Directing him to change the words of the song from "KILL the boer" to "KISS the boer" is a good first step but it is surely not enough. The ANC and Zuma would do well to go a step further and remove him as the Youth League leader and to expel him from the party. Racism and incitement to kill others on racial grounds, whether it is white against black or black against white, has no place in the world today and it must not be tolerated in any shape or form. South Africa is a beautiful nation which has been blessed by God with wonderful, hard-working and productive people. Quite apart from that she is also a great source of pride to Africa. Malema and those that think like him must not be allowed to destroy her or to blight her future. God bless Africa. Chief Femi Fani-Kayode was a former Special Adviser to Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, and later Minister of Aviation under Obasanjo leadership. He is currently aspiring as Governor of Osun State in 2011.
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Folarin is one of the guys who sings alongside the self-acclaimed king of hip-hop, Olumide Adegbulu a.k.a. Mr. Olu Maintain. The young dude who joined Olu Maintain shortly after his Yahoozee’s hit album in London recently had a chat with Alonge Michael of where he confirms to us that the band, Kentro World, is no more under the supervision of Olu Maintain, the reason is that, the foormidable team led by Folarin has since opened a new chapter of the band totally deleting Olu Maintain’s name as a partaker.
How are you bruv?
I’ m good boss

What’s the situation of things between Olu Maintain and the new Kentro World we learnt you just inaugurated?
We are cool. The situation is under control. We thank God for that.

The rumour in town is that Olu Maintain has been excommunicated from the band, Kentro World, how true is this?
We guys are just working on our own new project. The team is still as solid as ever

What is the relationship like with Olu and the entire band now?
There is no incommunicado. I brought Puffy Tee back to the band, took him to London to work with us for our new project. Kentro World and Olu Maintain are two separate brands

So, what is Olu now doing about that?
I don’t know Olu's position on that but as far as am concerned he didn’t react in anyway

Are you people aware of the consequences of your action. Is the brand not registered by Mr. Olu Maintain?
Not at all. We all have the right to that name just like the old Maintain group. Wasn’t big Bamo in charge then? He won’t do that. Even when will made our intention known he just told us ‘nice one’.

Don’t u think he might react legally in future being the principal owner of the brand- Kentro?
When Olu decided to do his thing he did. My brother, Kentro is a brand we all built together, though Olu was the founder and he will forever remain so.

What actually happened? I hear that he sidelined you guys in so many ways. Is it true?
I may not comment on that but all I know is that every book has a chapter but life goes on.

He still remains the founder, right? How can you beat that?
Yes, he’s still the founder and all credits would be given to him for giving life to Kentro but every book has a chapter like I earlier said. Kentro World is ready to show Naija what we've got.

Takerewa that u all did together, I swear, beat even Yahoozee that got him all the attention but Olu's attitude towards people killed the dream of that beautiful album. True or false?
Everybody says this but he’s a changed man now.

A changed man indeed: Can leopard change the spots on its skin?
He has actually changed for real.

In a straight forward answer; who has the right to a song?
Every song an artist records, the artist has full rights to the song and of course the producer depending on the kind of arrangement between the two of them.

Fine! So, Kentro world is now solely run by, Fola, Bondo, Puffy and who else?
Puff Tee is the head producer; the artistes are Bondo, Da Fols, Freaky T and I, Folarin. This new formidable guys are going into the real show business. We intend to even sign a publishing right with an international label and other areas of entertainment.

Who is Da Fols, a new member?
No, he was on Yahoozee remix he was in the University in London through with studies now and ready to move to Lagos fully.

Why did you bring Puffy Tee back?
I believe everyone that has worked hard should be rewarded that is why Puffy Tee was brought back

Who is your tailor in Nigeria? That black Trousers you wore yesterday looked so cool on youl.
Well, my cousin abbey aka steel of Yes records sews for me but I buy most of my cloths abroad. Steel is my buddy and the guy is extremely talented.

So, what do we expect from the New Kentro Crew now?
Already we have recorded 13 songs we are still working o, we hope to shoot videos soon
in Nigeria first and then the rest of the world later. South Africa, London and America.
When is it slated to be out; I mean your promo songs?
Next week we would start releasing

Bad man Floss dublin Based Rapper after his tiff with Two face over the New Album has regrouped with 2Baba
for an upcoming collabo

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Lessons learned from a hacker.

June 13, 2010


My wife and I were just settling in for our week-long 10th anniversary trip in the Ozark mountains. We had a great week planned,with lots of hiking and site seeing, even a trip to an old car museumwhich I love to go to when we visit there. I woke up the morning afterwe arrived ready to get started, only to see that there was a voice mailon my phone from 6 a.m. It was Amin Motin, my helpdesk manager,informing me that a number of my sites had been hacked into…

As you may be aware of, three of my servers were hacked into last week, resulting in a number of my sites displaying the hacker's "look atwhat I can do" message as the home page. Fortunately no data was lostfrom any of the databases, and the sites were restored back to theirproper working order within a matter of hours after I reported the issueto my server host.

It would appear that my computer got a keylogger-style virus installed on it, despite the fact that I only use a Mozilla browser(which I didn't think was targeted by such things, but apparently due toits popularity growth this is no longer the case). I often scan the"black hat" and "software cracks" forums for references to my ownsoftware so I can close any loopholes those guys find to try and rip offmy software, and I can only imagine that the virus came from one ofthose sites. Shame on me for getting busy and not updating my virusprotection software.

Well, long story short, I had these 3 server's open in a shell (SSH) window, and next thing you know the hacker was logging in and doing histhing.

The virus has since been removed, the servers restored to their normal working condition and all passwords changed.

This is not the kind of thing I wanted to deal with while I was away on my 10th anniversary with my wife, and it's certainly not the kind ofthing she wanted me to have to deal with on such a special occasion.However, the matter was resolved within a few hours of my reporting itto my web host, which allowed my wife and I to enjoy the rest of ourtrip in peace. It could have been a whole lot worse, to say the least,had I not had such fantastic support from Amin, my customers and my webhost.

I wanted to share with you the lessons I have learned from this incident in case they will help you.

1. Having strong passwords is not enough.

It doesn't matter how "unguessable" your password is if a keylogger gets installed on your computer and the hacker gets the password sent tohim by the virus. It's also not enough to rely on your virusprotection software, because a brand new virus may not be detected.

That's why I've had my host block all shell (SSH) and FTP access from all IP addresses except my own. So unless the hacker manages to breakinto the data center where my servers are, or breaks into my house andsits at my desk, even if he has the passwords it won't do him any good.

Since I never do any SSH work away from home, this works just fine. But even if I did need to access the server via SSH from somewhere else,I can always log a ticket with my web host to get the IP addresstemporarily added to the "allow" list.

2. Having loyal customers is a beautiful thing.

Within an hour of the hack, there were a dozen emails sitting in my inbox from customers and colleagues informing me of the issue andoffering to do whatever they could to help. Within two hours there weretwo dozen emails.

I can't even being to describe how good it made me feel to know that my customers and associates all have my back, and were willing to go theextra mile to help me resolve the problem if they could do anything tohelp. That really lets me know that I'm running this business the way Ishould.

Thanks to everyone who alerted me and offered to help. It is VERY much appreciated.

3. Having a responsive host is vital!

It wouldn't matter much if I knew about the hack while out of town if my web host was slow in responding. That certainly was not the case!Within a few hours of my notifying my host, they had the problem cleanedup and everything set right.

I was informed later that two of their top-tier systems administrators were set on the task. It wasn't long before they knewexactly how the hack occurred, what to do to close the hole, and how totighten security to prevent any such incidents in the future.

I always knew that my web host's service was top notch, but you REALLY know you're in good hands when something like this happens andthey're on the ball. I am SO glad I switched hosts a couple of yearsago. My previous host was incredibly slow to respond no matter howurgent the matter.

In case you're wondering, my server host is:

I cannot recommend their services highly enough. Their response time even on trivial issues is incredible, and when it really matters,they're on top of things in a flash.

Disaster Averted

The situation certainly could have been a lot worse than it was. I cringe to think how things would have gone had I still been with my oldweb host (which shall remain nameless — but it was a BIG host, which youthink would have great support, but didn't). I could have beenstressing it out all week long waiting for things to get corrected IF Ihad even known about what happened. I might have been obliviouslyhiking through the mountains while a dozen of my sites were down for aweek. Just thinking about that grows gray hairs on my head!

But things didn't work that way. Everything was set right the day I reported it to my fantastic host, thanks to being informed by Amin andmy customers and associates. Because all of the links in the chain werestrong, disaster was averted, and the security of my servers are nowfar stronger than they were before.

I have certainly learned a lot from this situation, but the biggest lesson can be summed up in these smile-evoking words: I'm in good hands.

Please post your thoughts and questions in a comment below.

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The Britain's Got Talent judge and former newspaper editor is on the verge of signing a four-year contract to take over King's primetime show in the autumn.

He has built a profile in the US as a judge on America's Got Talent, which is made by rival network NBC. CNN executives were also impressed by his British chat show, Piers Morgan's Life Stories, in which he interviewed Gordon Brown.

Morgan is expected to quit his role on Britain's Got Talent and base himself permanently in the US. Simon Cowell has also indicated that he will not take part in the early audition stages of the talent show, leaving its future in some doubt. .

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.Gunmen killed two people and kidnapped a traditional ruler while they were attending church services in the oil-producing Niger Delta, police said on Sunday.

At least five others were injured in the attack on Eze Sunday Njoku, the traditional ruler of the Umuebulu community near the oil hub Port Harcourt in Rivers state.

"The hoodlums, who extracted (Njoku) from his seat inside the church, killed two people who reportedly attempted to block them," said Rita Inoma-Abbey, spokeswoman for the Rivers state police.

"Several others also sustained gunshot injuries from stray bullets.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Kidnappings for ransom are common in the Niger Delta, home to Africa's biggest oil and gas industry, with hundreds of incidents reported each year. Most victims are released unharmed after a couple of days.

Foreign firms, ranging from oil to construction to telecoms, are forced to spend millions of dollars on security for their staff because of the high crime rate in the Niger Delta..

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Saraki escapes Assasins as Gunmen attack Home

Four armed men, suspected to be hired assassins, invaded the Abuja residence of a senator from Kwara State, Gbemisola Saraki, daughter of Olusola Saraki, the Second Republic senate leader, in the early hours of yesterday, after overpowering her security aides.

The men undertook a meticulous search of the entire building, looking for Ms Saraki, but had to abandon their mission when they couldn’t locate the senator who had travelled out of Abuja days earlier, after the Senate announced its recess.

The men, who made enough racket to wake up all the senator’s aides and other residents living in the building, had arrived around 1am yesterday and proceeded to search the rooms, demanding to see Mrs Saraki.

“They came around with sophisticated weapons,” a family member said. “Ms. Saraki was however not at home when the suspected assassins forced their way into her house. They took her security aides and other members of her family hostage, demanding her whereabouts.” According to eyewitness account, the thugs were speaking in Yoruba, Ms Saraki’s language, claiming that they were sent from Ilorin, her home state, to kill the senator..

Emmanuel Ojukwu, the Public Relations Officer of the Nigeria Police, said in a telephone that the police is treating the crime as a “burglary and theft attempt.” He also said that his men have not discovered any new information on the incident.

Family sources however said the armed men ransacked Ms Saraki’s house and locked her family inside a room after they could not find her.

A member of the family said the raid lasted for almost one hour and the police only arrived the scene hours after the men had left.

The senate leadership condemned the attack and asked the police to commence immediate investigation. “We received with shock news of the attempt on the life of Senator Gbemisola Saraki,” Ayogu Eze, the senate spokesperson said. “We condemn the violation of the sanctity of Ms. Saraki’s household and the abuse of the constitutional rights of her relations and domestic staff. We call on the Inspector General of Police and other security agencies to step into this matter and fish out the master-minds and the culprits in this heinous act.”

Ms Saraki could not be reached for her comments hours after the incident. However, on her Facebook page, she posted the message that, “The protection of Allah shall be banner over the lives of souls whose paths are always shining light on others.”

Bad omen for 2011

Ms Saraki, who switched to the senate in 2003 after she had spent four years as a member of the House of Representatives, hopes to take over from her brother, Bukola Saraki, as the governor of Kwara State. The brother, whose final tenure ends next year, is reportedly not keen on handing over to his sister.

One of her aides said the fact that the men claimed to be from Ilorin might mean that some people were trying to frighten her away from the contest or worse, to ensure that she was in no position to contest.

Mr Eze said Nigerians should stop employing violence in politics.

“Politics of violence and brigandage belong to our regrettable past and any attempt to return us to that inglorious era is unfortunate and completely unacceptable,” he said.

“Political or other differences should be resolved through dialogue and consensus building and not by recourse to thuggery and arm-twisting. Our new politics should not be foreshadowed by threats of violence and thuggery. This development obviously sends a wrong signal and we urge the police to deal with this matter comprehensively.”

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