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before and after marriage love

Before Marriage:please baby Oh I love you . After Marriage: You ? Love ?i, oh baby please ! He: Yes. At last, it was so hard to wait. She: Do you want me to leave? He: NO! Don't even think about it. She: Do you love me? He: Of course! Over and over! She: Have you ever cheated on me? He: NO! Why are you even asking? She: Will you kiss me? He: Every chance I get! She: Will you hit me? He: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person! She: Can I trust you? He: Yes. She: Darling! After marriage Read from bottom to top
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Launching the childrens social network at ! Tell your kids Tell your nieces,nephews,cousins etc ! "I would Die for my child ! " Screamed a woman at the Bus Stop ! i listened, intially thinking she was mad but as my bus drove off i understood that statement and I agreed.It is one of those unconditional Statements.Not yet a mother but already I understand the selflessness my own mother showers upon me even at her old age and i know the privelege of being someone's child. What would you do for your child ? Would you die for your child if you had to ? May 27th Childrens Day . A fun Day for the kids, no school ! fun at the parade with a march past for some ! What today means to the ones blessed with rich parents or guardians is fun.For others, it means just another day of poverty,poor health and low class education. what does today mean to you ? What kind of Future are we preparing for our kids ? We cant all leave and go abroad .think about it . we say our kids are the future but what future are we leaving behind for them. Obasanjo once said 30years ago " the kids are the leaders of tomorrow".That tomorrow is here and OBJ and his gang are still leading our nation astray. In this article the primary UN childkeeping force UNICEF has spoken a lot about the status of the Ni.ger.ian Child but they have not spoken about what is in store for them in the Future.A future filled with Education and Technological Advancement.A future where Engineering and Computers will play a massive role for our Nation .I wonder why Technological Education was omitted in their Press Release for today ?Their focus was the disparity between girls and boys within the educational system. Think Well about May 27 2009 .It is Childrens day 1979 + 30years . Noelene Joshua works for a london child care Charity fund.Thanks noel. READ ON’s Children’s Day: UNICEF calls for accelerating progress on girls’ education ABUJA, 27 May 2005. Today millions of children across the nation are celebrating’s Children’s Day on the theme: “Educate the girl child, educate the nation”. UNICEF welcomes the choice of this theme and joins all children in calling on policy makers, local authorities, religious and traditional leaders, school authorities, the media and all parents to accelerate progress on educating girls. “Providing quality education for all children is a must”, said Barbara Reynolds, UNICEF Deputy Representative. “However, because girls are participating in much fewer numbers and for shorter periods, particular attention to girls is essential, not only for the development of the country, but to fulfill the right of every child to education.” “We need to ensure that as many girls as boys attend school throughout the country, if we are to achieve universal primary education,” she added. A recent UNICEF publication, “Progress for Children”, reporting on progress made on primary education, shows that the current rate of progress in is too slow to achieve gender parity by end 2005 and universal primary education by 2015, the target dates for’s achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals. In, about 7.3 million children do not go to school, of whom 62% are girls. Last January, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child*, in its observations of the second report submitted by, expressed concerns that universal education has not been realized in, partially because it is neither free, nor compulsory, despite the Constitutional guarantee. They also underlined the high illiteracy among girls and women and the gender and regional disparities in school enrolment. Recommendation was made to prioritize equal accessibility to educational opportunities for girls and boys from urban and rural areas. girls are still disadvantaged in their access to education. As a result, all do not register for school and those who register do not attend regularly, and eventually drop out or learn very little. The gender gap favoring boys has remained consistently wide in over the last ten years. In the Northern part of the country, the number of children out of school is particularly high and the proportion of girls to boys in school ranges from 1 girl to 2 boys and even 1 to 3 in some States. To address this issue, UNICEF supported the “25 by 2005” global initiative for the acceleration of girls’ education in order to achieve gender parity in 25 countries by 2005. is one of the 25 countries selected for this fast track action. In 2003, the Ministry of Education adopted the Strategy for Accelerating Girls Education in In 2004, the Ministry also launched the Girls’ Education Project, supported by UNICEF and DFID, in order to focus interventions on States with lowest enrolment rate for girls. The collaborative efforts made by government, civil society and development partners have yielded results especially in the southern part of the country as well as in pilot projects in northern States. It has demonstrated also that boys benefit from programs that are developed to improve education for girls, as boys face many of the same problems. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) Commission has been implementing projects that provide more schools, better qualified teachers and gender sensitive textbooks and curriculum. However, to create the policy environment at the State levels were the bulk of these interventions are most required, the UBE Act needs to be urgently domesticated by all States and translated in very concrete programmes. Educating girls is a national priority. Each year a girl is in school is a progressive step toward eliminating poverty, advancing sustainable human development and controlling preventable illnesses. Providing education, especially to girls, is also an adequate strategy for stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS. All children must have the chance to attend school. As celebrates children, let’s listen to their voice asking for an equitable access to education. Launching the childrens social network at ! Tell your kids Tell your nieces,nephews,cousins etc !
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An Air France jet carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris hit strong turbulence and lost contact with air traffic controllers over the Atlantic Ocean, officials said Monday. Brazil began a search mission off its northeastern coast. Air France Flight 447, an Airbus A330, had 216 passengers and 12 crew members on board, company spokeswoman Brigitte Barrand said. The flight left Rio on Sunday at 7 p.m. local time (2200 GMT Sunday). About four hours later, the plane sent an automatic signal indicating electrical problems while going through strong turbulence, Air France said. Naija Idol Naija has Got Talent !The 9th Factor ! The plane "crossed through a thunderous zone with strong turbulence" at 0200 GMT Monday (10 p.m. EDT Sunday). An automatic message was received at 0214 GMT (10:14 p.m. EDT Sunday) "signaling electrical circuit malfunction." The plane disappeared about 190 miles (300 kilometers) northeast of the coastal Brazilian city of Natal, near the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, a Brazilian air force spokesman said. The air force began a search began Monday morning near Fernando de Noronha, he added, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with air force policy. The region is about 1,500 miles northeast of Rio. Air France said the 216 passengers included one infant, seven children, 82 women and 126 men. It says the plane entered service in 2005 and last underwent maintenance April 16. A police official on Fernando de Noronha said the weather was clear last night into this morning.
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I DONT GET IT ! DASH THEM 10Milion DOLLARS FOR WHAT ? Sao tome with a population of about 150,000 roughly the population of Ikeja or Egbeda. President Umaru Yar’Adua on Thursday defended the decision of his administration to grant a request for a $10m soft loan by the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, saying that it was to assist the government of that country address pressing socio-economic challenges. In a letter to the House of Representatives seeking its approval for the loan, Yar’Adua explained that a stable socio-economic climate in Sao Tome and Principe would strengthen security in the Gulf Region. The President allayed fears over repayment saying that the interest-free loan would be repaid between four and six years. He, however, told the House that the total loan requested by Sao Tome and Principe was $30m out which the Federal Executive Council had approved $10m in the first instance while the balance of $20m would be considered subsequently. Yar’Adua, who added that the loan would be sourced from his “contingency vote”, noted that his action was covered by Section 25 of the 1999 Constitution. The President’s letter was read on the floor of the House by the Speaker, Mr. Dimeji Bankole. Some members, however, raised objections, arguing that Yar’Adua should have the approval of the House before allowing FEC to endorse the loan. Relying on Section 80 (4) of the 1999 Constitution, Mr. Halims Agoda, observed that no funds shall be withdrawn from government’s treasury without the approval of the National Assembly. Agoda said the President sent the letter to the House as an afterthought as the “National Assembly has to approve it first before sending it to FEC.” He, however, advised that a proper motion for the approval of the loan should be moved so it could be debated. But, the Chief Whip of the House, Mr. Emeka Ihedioha, drew the attention of members to Yar’Adua’s explanation that he was drawing the loan from his contingency vote, “which has already been approved by the National Assembly in the budget; so we do not need another approval.” The Minority Leader, Alhaji Mohammed Ndume, disagreed with Ihedioha on the grounds that the same Yar’Adua had complained last week that his contingency vote in the 2009 budget was removed. “So, where did he get another contingency vote from?” Ndume asked. The House later referred the letter to the Committees on Appropriation and Finance to discuss it and come up with a motion for consideration by the House within one week.
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My breasts and my boyfriend —Ejiro

Her name may not instantly ring a bell but her face is synonymous with Nollywood. This fair complexioned actress who holds a diploma in Public Relations from the Ogun State University and a degree in Sociology from the Lagos State University, is working hard towards becoming an A-list actress.

With over 20 movies to her credit, this Isoko indigene from Delta State is not resting on her oars to see that the movie industry returns to it’s old glory.To achieve this, she eats, drinks, sleeps and lives acting because it is her first love.Okurame told Saturday Sun that if she was not an actress, she would have found herself a field job but not in the corporate world.The busty actress, who is the last child of a family of seven, also hinted that she would soon walk down the aisle with her dream man. She also spoke about her passion for the industry, her career, boyfriend, the thrills and many more.ActingI got into acting because of my passion for it. Right from the onset, I always had the passion for acting. Maybe, I did not start early or maybe because I did not meet the right people but I was into modelling where I met a guy who was interested in acting too.He suggested we went to the National Theatre to register. We got there and registered through Obot Etuk who was one of the executives of AGN. That was in 2004. I had to go for some screening before I got the first job, Schemers, which was directed by Andy Chukwu and Mike Ojabo. It had other stars like Keppy Ekpenyong Bassey, Rita Dominc, Bimbo Akintola and others.Rewarding professionTo some extent, if you are determined and if it is your choice too. If you are humble and hard working, you will find it rewarding. Don’t look at the financial gains first.Most times, people think that they can get half a million naira for a job, especially for starters but it is not so. It is a gradual thing.Although I take less than N500,000, but people who earn N1m today have paid their dues. They were once paid N1000 in the years gone by. You will eventually enjoy it but you must be able to work hard and pay your dues, too.Inspired into actingNobody actually inspired me. It has always been a passion right from when I was in secondary school. I was also an athlete. I had no role model before I got into the industry. I was not influenced by anyone either. It is the passion. I started in the days when Morning Ride was produced on NTA. Maybe, if I had started earlier, I would have been an a-list actress earning big money now.Role modelI have three, Patience Ozokwor, Kate Henshaw and Liz Benson. I have worked with them and I used to see Liz Benson when she acted in Third Eye as Alero.When I got to the industry, they welcomed me with open arms and taught me how to deliver my lines. They taught me how to make corrections on set and how to keep my head very low. If I have any problem, I would go to them and ask for their advice and they would gladly oblige me. The person that I am not too close with now is Liz Benson because she is far from the industry. We don’t even communicate. It hurts me but what will I do? She is so busy with her career as an EvangelistFirst experience on setIt was terrible. I was so tensed up. It was my first job where I featured in Schemers as Blessing. There was this day that we were shooting and I mixed up my lines and it was a bit complicating that everybody was upset and the director wanted to throw me out but Dominic helped to calm him down.If it were some A-list actresses, they would have been pissed up because I just didn’t get it right but she took her time to help me with my lines. She even offered me drink to calm my nerves. Her encouragement helped me to work with other new comers. I also learnt to teach them as well.WorksI have featured in many movies, some of which included, Stolen Bible, Carcass, Super Warriors, Apostle of Hell, The Last Order, Family Passion, My love my Sorrow, Desperate Sister, Rush Hour, Pride of a Woman, Marriage Apart, Women in Power, Dangerous Gambling, Temple of Justice, Sisters Heart, Bye Bye to Poverty, Political Control, and The last from Germany.Most challenging roleI have three of them. The first one is The Last Order. I played the role of a police officer’s wife and I was always beating my husband. I was always fighting. I wouldn’t feed him well to the extent that my director, Dickson Iroegbu asked me if I actually beat my boyfriend at home. I did it so well that I lost my voice.Another one, My Love, My Sorrow was a wayward role. I played the role of a Warri girl where I was supposed to be married and still flirt around, fighting my husband’s friend, fighting my own boyfriend’s friends, scheming, running in the street with pistol and I lost my voice as well.The third one is Rush Hour. It was so challenging because there was fuel scarcity at that time and it was during the rainy season. It is a cult movie. I was a cultist and was trying to initiate my friends and most of my scenes are being shot late in the night. We went into the forest to shoot. We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. We were in the forest with knives and guns. We worked with people like Nonso Diobi, Uche Jombo, Oge Okoye, Mac Morris. We did it well and it came out beautiful. I have never done any job like that.Aside actingI would have been an athlete. A lot of people know me in my neighbourhood as anAthlete. I was in sprinting. I also do some business. I also manage a hair saloon.Couple of years from nowI want to see myself bigger than this. Playing more challenging role not only in Nigeria but outside the shores of this country, probably win an award and if possible, produce some jobs.I also want to ask the government to assist us to excel more in our production. Right now, there is a little hitch here and there. There is crisis between the Censors Board and marketers.Though, Censors Board is trying to make the marketers realize that they are doing us a favour. If the government comes in and invests in a production, we wouldn’t be having the crisis we are having now. It happens all over the world where the government supports the movie industry in their country but here, they leave it in the hands of marketers and they have even tried so much.It is not easy to invest, N10m, or N6m, in a production you don’t even know whether it will yield profit. You don’t even know if you are going to get your money back. So, most times, it is difficult when you find out that some marketers are at loggerheads with the Censor’s Board. I believe that they should come to an understanding so that we can work together. Right now, the industry is going down but I know it is for a while. It will bounce back soon.HookedI am not hooked neither am I married but I have a boyfriend who is into business.I cherish all parts of my body because I take time to take care of myself. My boyfriend tells me that he likes my boobs. He cherishes my understanding and being able to take care of him. We would soon get married.AdviceThey should be determined. If truly, they want to come into this industry, they should very low profile; learn and try to listen to people, and take corrections. A lot of them do not like to take corrections even the big actors also make mistakes. They should calm down, be respectful, take corrections, try and read their lines very well and interact with people. They should also be patient because one learns everyday.Coping with male admirersIt is not easy but I still manage to handle them. Most of them don’t even know what they want. They just chat unnecessarily. Some of them are rude. Some are respectful. Sometime, you cannot give all of them your attention. Some of them get obsessed with you and they are just your fans. You have to caution them and tell them off politely. Some of them would call you up at odd hours when you are with your loved ones giving the impression that something is actually going on.And that is the interesting thing I like about my boyfriend. He understands me and knows that the messages are from admirers and that I have nothing to do with them.When calls keep coming up like that, it gives room for suspicion. I meet a lot of them everyday and I thank them for appreciating me but most time, they don’t know how to go about it. There was this interview I granted last year, the producer mistakenly put my number on the phone and the whole Nigeria was calling me. My picture was in the paper. And some would be sending me some funny and stupid messages as if you are looking for a boyfriend. Even agberos call me. I had to dump that number.
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Rescuing 9geria is not simply a choice but the only choice we must make as 9gerians and friends of 9geria if this largest black nation on earth will not sink under the yoke of ignorance, waste, corruption, and poverty. What you must know: DID YOU KNOW… 1. that over N6.5 trillion was spent to pay salaries and allowances of 9geria’s 18,000 [s]elected public officials between 1999 and 2009 while 9gerian workers receive peanuts as salaries? 2. that about half of 9geria’s annual revenue is spent to maintain the lifestyle of 9geria’s 18,000 [s]elected public officials while national minimum wage remains at N7, 500? 3. that in section 16 (2) (d) of 9geria’s Constitution it is stated as follows: “The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, and unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of the disabled are provided for all citizens”? 4. that because of the outrageous salaries and allowances paid 9geria’s public officials and their corrupt lifestyle 9gerians have been deprived of the benefits accorded them by section 16 (2) (d) of the Constitution? 5. that the 150 million 9gerians, of whom you are an important family member, are expected by the fortunate 18,000 officials to do nothing about this? 6. that our public schools will continue to deteriorate if you do nothing? 7. that the children of the 18,000 officials don’t attend the public schools you or your children attend? 8. that the children of the 18,000 officials shall come back to rule over your less and under educated children if you do nothing? 9. that graduates of public schools stand little chance of getting good jobs in 9geria compared to those of better funded private schools both within and outside 9geria which neither you nor your children can afford except family members of the 18,000 officials? 10. that 9geria’s bad roads, poor electricity, collapsed health system, neglected agriculture and industrial sectors like her public education will not improve if you do nothing? 11. that “vision 2020” shall go the way of “vision 2000” and “vision 2010” if you do nothing? 12. that those [s]elected public officials who may have employed you as a thug send their children to expensive private schools both within and outside 9geria, and your children shall become thugs to their children in the future should you do nothing? 13. that in section 17 (2) (d) it is stated that: “In furtherance of the state social order, exploitation of human or natural resources in any form whatsoever for reasons other than the good of the community shall be prevented”, yet the government of 9geria has allowed oil companies to destroy our environment, destroy our water resources and thus the livelihood of many 9gerians? 14. that 9geria’s Constitution requires in section 17 (3) (d) that: “The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are adequate medical and health facilities for all persons”, yet even our public officials have to seek health care overseas at great national cost? 15. that the option of doing nothing is too costly and not a good option for you to even consider? What you can do: 1. Make a copy or copies of this message according to your ability and give to other 9gerians and friends of 9geria. 2. Get copies of this message and help distribute at mosques, churches, market places, and at other public places, and also through e-mails to 9gerians and friends of 9geria. 3. Organize 9gerian students in schools, colleges, and Universities to form 9geria Rally Movements. 4. Arrange and invite us to give talks to those groups you have helped form. 5. Study and discuss in groups the second chapter of the 9gerian Constitution entitled, FUNDAMENTAL OBJECTIVES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY. 6. Write, sign, and send letters of protest to the National Assembly, State Assemblies, the President, Governors, Local government Chairmen, Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission demanding urgent constitutional (including appropriate review of section 84 (3) and section 124 (3) of 9geria’s Constitution) downward review of salaries of 9geria’s public officials. 7. Demand for the scrapping of the Senate and putting of the House of Representatives and State Houses of Assembly on per diem (part time) basis. 8. Demand for the collapse of the 9gerian federation into 6 states according to the six geopolitical regions. 9. Demand for a constitutional requirement of at most 13 federal Ministers and at most 8 state Commissioners, respectively and pegging of Advisers at both national and state levels to the number of federal Ministers and Commissioners, accordingly in order to free resources for investment in the people and avoidance of unnecessary duplication of responsibilities. 10. Organize peaceful processions at public places such as Aso Rock, National and State Assemblies, Local government council offices, offices of the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission, and at offices of popular contractors in 9geria who collaborate with government officials to loot our commonwealth through inflated contract sums, and yet do poor jobs or at worst abandon the project without any consequences. 11. Refuse to give up even if you don’t see immediate results. 12. Refuse to quit even if you encounter persecution, whether from government or neighbors. The desired change we seek can only happen through organized revolutionary action. But for too long, 9geria’s rulers have urged them to “pray” while they prey on the hapless masses. Yes, we believe in divine intervention; but faith without works is dead. God has always worked with and through men and women who match their faith with necessary action. God will pull down our walls of Jericho, but He MUST have us walk round them 13 times. Are we ready for the WALK-LONG WALK TO FREEDOM? Contact: quote as the source E-mail:,, , TEL: 08055024356
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American Chinese Africa Initiative

China's Africa Initiative and American Response By Rahul K Bhonsle China's vigorous ingress into Africa has once again caught attention of the World. Chinese goals in making forays into Africa are said to be four fold as follows:- - China will forge friendship, maintain close political dialogue, coordination and increase mutual understanding and trust with Africa, Hu said. - China will deepen cooperation and expand economic and technological exchanges to achieve mutual benefit and win-win progress. - China will strengthen dialogue and exchanges between the Chinese and African civilizations and make common progress through mutual learning and enrichment. - China and Africa will treat each other as equals and strengthen cooperation in international affairs to uphold the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries. Zambia is one of the key states visited by Chinese President Hu Jintao in March 2007. Wall Street Journal reported extensive protests in the country during the visit. While the leaders of African states are grateful to receive Chinese assistance which comes in large doles and at best ensures their security in the seat of power, the impact is hardly seen to reach the common man. The Chinese are increasingly seen exploitative by the African masses. That Chinese role is not universally appreciated in Africa is also evident with Michael Sata a presidential candidate in Zambia campaigning on the basis of anti Chinese policies. Sata's party is reported to be gaining considerable support in Zambia. While China sees itself as an alternative to American and European domination of Africa over the ages, detractors of Beijing see this as an attempt to replace one form of colonialism with another. China's needs for raw materials are seen as the primary driver of China's Africa policy. Sino African trade is likely to touch $ 50 billion by 2010 as reported in the Wall Street Journal. A notable issue is diversification of sources for oil. China is now seeing supplies flowing from Sudan and Nigeria as well as Angola which has emerged as china's main source of supply replacing Saudi Arabia. China is launching a satellite for Nigeria. That Nigeria is an oil rich state is not merely coincidental. China draws copper from Zambia. Chinese discrimination in Zambia was obvious with the below minimum wages provided to the factory workers of the NFC Africa Mining PLC and ban on union activity. Cheap explosives were also being manufactured for use in the Zambian mining industry. In April 2005 this led to a blast in which 46 Zambian employees were killed. Absence of Union oversight emerged as one of the key issues. China is also accused of indulging the leadership in troubled Sudan where the regime has been consistently ignoring the pleas for deployment of UN forces in the troubled Western province of Darfur where over 200,000 people are reported killed in violence between the nomadic Arab militias and the African settlers. During the visit of President Hu Jintao, a large crowd is reported to have welcomed him at Sudan's capital Khartoum. Sudan's energy exports are mostly to China. With an oil production capability of 330,000 barrels per day, it is expected to be a major supplier to Beijing. China has also been charged with providing arms to Sudan which are being used to suppress the rebellion in Darfur in the West with a heavy hand. The only nation which can balance Chinese presence in Africa is the United States. Presence of American business is now to be supplemented by the military. The United States is forming a new Africa Command. The command will be operational by September 2008. A decision on location of HQs is pending. The aim of raising the new Command is said to be to build security cooperation and capability. War fighting was not designated as a principal objective. US officials specifically stated that, Africa Command or AFRICOM was not being created as a, " response to a Chinese presence on the continent, it was not being stood up solely for the effort of enhanced counterterrorism, and it was not being stood up in order to secure resources, of particular sensitivity to the oil resources". If security cooperation and capability building are the main intents of the United States Command, there is also a need to forthrightly address the Chinese ingress in an area which has endemic poverty, instability and disease. What is the US strategy to meet these challenges? The world is waiting? Rahul K Bhonsle is a veteran soldier and security analyst based in South Asia, specializing in strategic risk prediction, future warfare and human security. His web site is and can be contacted at
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shake it off and step up !

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive. 2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen. 3. Live simply and appreciate what you have. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less Have a lovely week everyone.
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