Give (12)

sugary_sweets.jpg?width=234Yesterday was the first day of Lent, where Christians choose to commemorate the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness by giving up certain foods or drinks or abandoning bad habits.

Even for non-believers, Lent can be an ideal time to set a target and break a few habits which can be bad for your health.


You may think that three wine gum packs a week are a reasonable indulgence, but at 170 calories per pack, over 40 days of Lent you could give up 2900 calories.

Likewise, if you usually go through three packs of chewing gum weekly, giving your jaw a break over Lent would also spare you about 2900 calories.


If,  you have resolved to give up chocolate for Lent, good for you. The average sized Mars bar contains 230 calories (as well as 12g of fat) and a Snickers bar contains around 218 calories.

If you are in the habit of snacking on these twice a week, you will be saving about 2500 calories if you give these up for Lent. As for chocolate being good for boosting your mood? So are friends.


Gram for gram, alcohol is nearly equal to fat when it comes to calories; one  unit of alcohol contains eight grams of alcohol and 56 calories.

A medium glass of red wine (175ml) contains around 120 calories. If you give up your evening glass of wine, you would reduce your intake by around 840 calories per week or 4800 for the period of Lent.

Similarly, giving up a bottle of shine shine bobo and odeku (5%) after work, would save around 1750 calories a week and 10,000 calories for the period of Lent. You would also be doing your liver a favour!


Coincidentally, the first day of Lent is also a National No Smoking Day in some countries. If you smoke, the single best thing you can do is to quit. Smoking increases your risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke and cancer and causes around 120,000 deaths every year. It's also expensive.

It usually takes more than one attempt to kick the habit, but studies have shown that people are four times more likely to quit with support compared with those who go it alone. So contact your GP or practice nurse to get the support you need.


Not much of a sacrifice you might think. But calculate how much time you spend on Facebook. Many studies have linked "screen time" to an increased risk of heart disease and obesity. Instead of browsing on the internet, why not go for a walk?

Walking around 10,000 steps a day will burn off 300 to 400 calories, or up to 16,000 calories in total for Lent. It's good for the heart, helps with weight loss and can help lower your risk of cancer. It's also free.

Nollywood movies

we all know that nollywood movies are very addictive but we also know how many nollywood movies will end so giving it up for lent might just be what you need ! no mercy johnson for 40days !


you can also dump facebook for which is attempting to rebrain nigerian youth lol !

Happy lent !


readapted for a nigerian audience

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BENIN - STUDENTS of the Edo State owned Ambrose Alli University, Ekopma, have given a two-week ultimatum to the state government to reverse the current tuition fees introduced by the authorities of University or face a legal action.

Besides, the Student Union Government of the institution has advised the students not to pay more than the fees for the current academic session until their complaints were looked into by the government and management of the school.
The students at a press conference in Benin, weekend, by the SUG President, Mr Itote Damisa, who was flanked by other officials of the union, also appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan, the Senate President, Senator David Mark and traditional rulers in the state to prevail on Governor Adams Oshiomhole to reverse the fees as their parents cannot afford such fees.
The AAU students explained that the sudden increase of their school fees from N18,000 to N62,000 unmindful of the excruciation pains and hardship the increment would inflict on their parents by the state government has resulted in some of the students abandoning their students due to the inability of their parents to cope.
They also said that many of the students have turned to criminal activities and other social vices within and around Ekpoma following their inability to pay the new fees.
"In the light of the foregoing, we wish to state here and now that the increment by Governor Oshiomhole is a deliberate attempt to deprive Nigerians, particularly Edo State indigenes of their educational rights, an action which clearly contradicts his promise during his electioneering campaigns in 2007, to make education free at all levels.
"We wish to remind Governor Oshiomhole that Ambrose Alli University is not a profit making organization and therefore the plan by the Edo state government to use fees collected from students to pay civil servants, University lecturers their salaries and enhance infrastructure in the University will be resisted by the students."
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12166298085?profile=originalThe Pope says children should be given truly Christian names. But why have some saints and biblical figures inspired baby names, but not others?

Our playgrounds are blessed with a multitude of Daniels, Sarahs and Adams, but not quite so many Amminadabs, Zipporahs or Habakkuks.

The names of saints Andrew, Catherine and Frances might echo down the ages, but the phone book is not exactly bursting with Abbos, Etheidwithas and Leocritas.

But could these holy, if inexplicably unfashionable, titles be due a comeback?

In a speech, Pope Benedict XVI urged parents to name their offspring in the Christian tradition, and bequeath "an unmistakable sign that the Holy Spirit will allow the person to blossom in the bosom of the Church".

In doing so, the pontiff has reiterated the Catholic Church's canon law, which cautions against baptising children in a manner "foreign to Christian sensibility".

He has also surely tapped into a growing public backlash against celebrities burdening their progeny with such profane appellations as Brooklyn, Peaches and Princess Tiaamii.

Should the British public choose to follow his Holiness's advice, there are plenty of names of saints and from the Bible's Old and New Testaments from which to choose - but, for whatever reason, some have proved more enduring than others...

Here are 10 rarely-adopted names from this Judeo-Christian tradition.

1. The name of Jezebel, the Queen of Israel, later became shorthand for a fallen woman. "This is a case of a name attracting a degree of notoriety," says social psychologist Dr Martin Skinner of Warwick University. "No-one is going to give their child a name that has taken on negative associations - in this case, with a certain type of woman. To most people, this is better known than the fact that Jezebel was, in the Old Testament, like Eve, Ruth or Naomi."

_50790346_51246825.jpg?width=224 King Nebuchadnezzar II

2. Nebuchadnezzar was king of the Babylonian empire. His exploits, which are recounted in the books of Daniel and Jeremiah, were praised by Saddam Hussein, to whom he was a hero. Mr Skinner believes in this case there is also the phonetic difficulty that puts people off. "It sounds very harsh with all those zeds. It's not very easy to pronounce, either."

3. Dorcas was a faithful female disciple "full of good deeds" whose death prompted much weeping, according to the Book of Acts in the New Testament. She is also known as Tabitha, a name that is much more commonly heard.

4. Saint Philemon was the recipient of an epistle from Saint Paul in the New Testament. But whereas the name Solomon, from the wise king, is often heard, Philemon rarely is.

5. Gomer was the wife of the prophet Hosea. "To Anglo Saxon ears, there's a sort of masculinity about the sound of Gomer," says Mr Skinner. "Feminine names tend to be lighter - Nicola, Pamela and so on. Men's names tend to be sharper, like John, Jack or Sid."

6. The oldest person named in the Bible, Methuselah, is said to have lived until he was 969. "If we know one thing about him, it's that he was ancient - we use the phrase 'as old as Methulselah' and so on. When you have a baby boy, you aren't going to picture him as a Methuselah. It also sounds quite Dickensian to modern ears, as do a lot of Old Testament names which were popular in the Victorian period like Ebenezer and Ezekiel."

7. Achsah was the daughter of Caleb, who offered her in marriage to Othniel in the Old Testament.

8. According to a story dating back to the 14th Century, Saint Wilgefortis took a vow of virginity when she was promised in marriage by her father. Following her prayers for help, she grew a beard and moustache.

9. Zipporah, wife of Moses and daughter of Jethro, was mentioned in the Book of Exodus.

10. Radbod, or Radboud, was Bishop of Utrecht around 900 AD. "This is another Anglo Saxon-sounding name that you might expect to catch on," says Mr Skinner. "Maybe it just sounded too familiar. When you have a diversity of names, people sometimes pick sounds and concept they've never picked before. These days, this process has become a celebrity phenomenon."



what is in a name ? King of Kings, Lord of Lords,Counsellor,El Giboah (The Mighty One) Wonderful One !  

A tik u now understand how a name can kaiterize your whole life ambition and turn you into an ewu meringue.
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In an earlier Twist .Next said the DPO is Kayode Ojaleponwa Vanguard Newspapers claimed it was Mohammed Babamala
A middle-aged man, Femi Best, was on Sunday morning, allegedly shot dead by the Divisional Police Officer of the Olosan Police Station, Mushin, Kayode Ojaleponwa.

According to an eye witness, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the incident happened about 5.30am when Mr Best, who was driving his light blue Nissan Odyssey SUV, ran into the car conveying the police boss and his team at the Fadeyi Bus Stop. Mr Ojaleponwa, dressed in plain clothes, and driving his tinted Honda Accord car, pursued Mr Best as he drove away. Two other plain clothes police officers were also in the car with the police boss. Mr Best, also known as Femi Yahoo, was said to have driven to Onipanu and parked in front of the Onipanu Police Station. Persons at the scene allege that the police boss, on reaching there, brought out his gun and shot Mr Best in the head several times.

Mob reaction

Mr Best’s death caused pandemonium at the police station as heavily armed youth from the Agunbiade area of Shomolu invaded the station in protest of the murder. They also unleashed terror on commuters and other business owners in the area and held police officers hostage for close to one hour before the Rapid Response Squad, from the Alade and Bariga Police Stations, mobilised and disarmed the youth. “About 6.00am, we heard gun shots and the youth, numbering about one thousand, were moving from Agunbiade to Onipanu,” said Tokyo Jide, a resident of Shomulu. “They were chanting war songs that the DPO of the Olosan Police Station had killed Femi Yahoozee. Femi is a well known ‘Yahoo Man’ (Internet scammer) in Shomolu and he also belongs to the Eiye Cult (a secret confraternity). Femi’s girlfriend, who was with him in his jeep when the DPO shot him, said the police car chased them from Mushin down to Onipanu Police Station. She said it was the DPO that shot Femi several times.”

According to Mr Jide, the victim’s girl friend informed his friends and the cultists mobilised and come to the police station. “When the youth came, they saw Femi in a pool of his own blood and the police officers at the station tried to calm the youth that they were not the ones who shot Femi, but the youth will not be calmed,” he said. “They wanted to burn down the station, but the RRS police men arrived the scene and started shooting and throwing [tear gas] canisters into the air. They were able to free the hostage but peace is yet to be restored to Onipanu because the youth said they must revenge the death of their friend.”

Containing the situation

About ten patrol vans, with heavily armed police officers, have been placed at the troubled spot. Police officers have cordoned off the station, while movement in and out of the Onipanu Bus Stop have been restricted. A senior police officer at the scene, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Mr Ojaleponwa has been detained. “The DPO who shot the man has been arrested but I cannot tell you his name, because the case is under investigation,” he said. “Our concern now is to maintain law and order as the youth have threatened to burn down all the police stations at Shomolu. So we have beefed up security. People should not take the laws into their hands because it will cause more problem for the country.”

Frank Mba, the spokesperson for the Lagos Police Command, said the police is investigating the incident. “An officer attached to the command, accused of being the author of the crime, has been arrested and currently assisting investigators with the on-going investigation,” he said. “The body of the deceased has been deposited in a government morgue for autopsy. A team of senior police officers from the Command, led by the CP (Commissioner of Police), Marvel Akpoyibo, has since visited the scene of the incident. While commiserating with the family of the deceased, the Command wishes to reassure all concerned that the investigation into the incident will be swift, discreet and transparent.”

Mr Best is survived by a wife and kids.

Story Number 2:

Apparently, 31-year-old Oluwafemi Best Olayiwola, who was gruesomely murdered by a Divisional Police Officer, Mohammed Babamala, in front of Onipanu Police Station, last Sunday, had ran into the station for safety, when he sensed danger lurking. But his life was eventually cut shot as even the policemen on guard could not save him from death.

He was shot severally at his head and abdomen by the Police officer who have been chasing him from an unknown destination. The officer eventually accosted him at Onipanu Police Station before sending him to the great beyond.

The reasons behind the shooting has remained a puzzle to all, including three occupants of the Honda Odessy space bus both the deceased and his friends were in before the incident took place. Up till the time of filling this report, they could not provide comprehensive reasons why they were being chased by a tinted glassed Toyota Camry car before they approached Onipanu bus stop.

It was gathered that Femi had attended a party late Saturday night, in company of his younger brother and two other women, and on their way back, they lifted two other people whom they later dropped off. They also picked up two other friends whom they dropped at Mushin.

The deceased elder brother, Olawole Olayiwola told Crime Alert that after his brother noticed a Toyota Camry tailing him from Jibowu Bus_stop and the car was also flashing his headlight indicating that he should stop, he couldn’t stop because it was still very early in the morning and they day was dark.

“ The glass of the tailing car was tinted and they could not see the face of the occupant, but Femi and the rest, decided to ignore the sign and they kept on moving.

The pressures were much and they decided to stop at the Onipanu Police Station but, unknown to them, the occupant of that vehicle who happened to be the DPO of Olosho police Station in Mushin, alighted first and ran over my brother who was still inside his car and without any comment, shot him severally from outside and the bullet pierced the drivers door, hit my bother at the left abdomen and on his head.

At that point, other occupants of the car bolted for safety and when they returned, Femi had already passed away. Ever since, I have been trying to decipher the reason behind the shooting. I could not. You can see how terrible policemen could be. I want the authorities to ask him why he killed my brother. I doubt if they knew themselves before now. Often we have seen the police parade suspects of any sort on the television; we want them to ask this DPO to tell us why he shot my brother dead”, he lamented.

The death of Femi Best has sparked off series of violent protests within Shomolu Local Government Area of the State and the State House of Assembly in Alausa, Ikeja. Angry youths in the area are using the opportunity to express their displeasure over the terrible manner at which the police in their area have being treating them.

The youths in their hundreds were said to have barricaded the road and demanded that the killer cop be handed over to them for instant justice.

A resident of the area, Wale Adebola, told Crime Alert that the area have suffered massive police intimidation and killing for too long and nobody is saying anything about it. “ This is one killing too many and we must stand against it. We have suffered too much from this policemen working at Onipanu, Alade and Pedro Stations.

Just two weeks ago, an Okada rider was killed by a drunken police officer from Alade police Station. He and the occupant of his motorcycle were shot , but he died and the occupant survived.

After that, the police attempted labeling them as armed robbers, before their family revolted. You can’t pass through the Onipanu area at night, because the policemen will harass you and some times, they will intimidate you and take all your belongings. If they find laptop or blackberry phone with you, they will seize it and when you go to their DPO’s, they will refer you back to the officer.

It is so painful and the authorities have to checkmate their activities. At present we are more scared of the police than armed robbers, because they are not friendly to us at all.”

We are currently embarking on peaceful protests, in other to draw the attention of the authorities to our plight. Today we were at the State House of Assembly and we have given the police two weeks ultimatum to fish out the killer of Femi or we will be forced to be violent. I learnt the police officer involved have been arrested and I am sure the police might want to treat him fairly. They must understand that we are not kidding. This injustice must stop.”

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police Lagos State Command, Mr. Marvel Akoyibo, yesterday paid a condolence visit to the deceased family at Alafia lane Shomolu, Lagos and he assured that the command will do its best to unravel the circumstances surrounding the killing. He also said that he will not condone any act of indiscipline within its officers and whoever uses the firearm wrongly will be on his own.

Well who killed Femi Best ? Next has finally corrected their statement IT is Mohammad Babamala

DSM Condemns The Killing Of Femi Best , Calls For Prosecution Of DPO

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Chelsea have promoted Michael Emenalo from his position as chief scout to assistant first team coach.

Emenalo, who has been with the Blues since October 2007, succeeds Ray Wilkins in the role and Chelsea say the move is "recognition of his efforts".

The 45-year-old represented Nigeria at the 1994 World Cup and won 14 caps.

Emenalo, who briefly played for Notts County in the mid-1990s, will continue to scout for the first team while he updates his coaching qualifications.

The Nigerian's playing career also took him to the United States, Spain, Germany and Israel.

Assistant first-team coach Paul Clement, who was alongside boss Carlo Ancelotti in the dug-out at Stamford Bridge for the defeat against Sunderland on Sunday, was expected to step up to fill the role...

Former AC Milan defender Paolo Maldini, had also been linked with the job, as had Mauro Tassotti and Alessandro Costacurta who worked under Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti at Milan.

Ex-Chelsea first-team coach Steve Clarke and former West Ham manager Gianfranco Zola, who was a fans' favourite during his time as a player at Stamford Bridge, were also thought to be in the running.

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In a parlance known as Gang Rape in the English dictionary or as warri boys call it "Gather Do" .
Four brothers of the same parents have been charged to Ejigbo Magistrate’s Court for allegedly raping two sisters of the same parents and infecting them with venereal disease.

The brothers, Peter Eboka, 30, Chuks Eboka, 28, Emeka Eboka 26 and 22-year-old Ejike Eboka were alleged to have raped the victims (names withheld) aged six and seven years. The are the daughters of their neighbour. The Four Brothers in Court

They knew that all of them were involved in the same act when the matter blew open. They were alleged to have had sex with the victims at various times and warned them not to tell anyone about it.

The incident happened at Olorunfemi area of Igando, Lagos, South-West Nigeria where both the defendants and the family of the victims reside.

The matter, however came to the open when the mother of the victims discovered that her daughters were no more walking properly and on checking their private parts, she discovered that they had wounds and bruises.

It was then that the mother asked them who had been assaulting them sexually. They told her it was the defendants that usually took them into their apartments and had sex with them.

According to their mother, Blessing (surname withheld) she went to report the matter at Igando Police Station and the police advised her to take the little girls to the Alimosho General Hospital at Igando for check up. Photo Ducks & cats Gangraping themselves

The checks conducted on them showed that they had contracted a sexually transmitted disease as a result of the rape.

The four brothers were arrested and charged to court on a four-count charge of defilement, unlawful carnal knowledge and threat to lives of the victims.

The offences, the police said, were contrary to Section 516, 218 and 86 of the Criminal Code Cap 17 Vol. 2 Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2003.

They pleaded not guilty to the charge. The Magistrate, Mrs. S. O. Solebo granted them bail in the sum of N200,000 with one responsible surety.

The court also ordered that the surety must deposit N225,000 into the Chief Registrar’s account each and must be gainfully employed.

The matter has been adjourned till 25 October, 2010 while the defendants were remanded in prison custody at Kirikiri, Apapa, pending when they meet their bail conditions.
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A BLACK couple with their new baby yesterday - a white, blue-eyed BLONDE.

British Nmachi Ihegboro has amazed genetics experts who say the little girl is NOT an albino.

Dad Ben, 44, a customer services adviser, admitted: "We both just sat there after the birth staring at her."

Mum Angela, 35, of Woolwich, South London, beamed as she said: "She's beautiful - a miracle baby."
Ben told yesterday how he was so shocked when Nmachi was born, he even joked: "Is she MINE?"
He added: "Actually, the first thing I did was look at her and say, 'What the flip?'"
But as the baby's older brother and sister - both black - crowded round the "little miracle" at their home in South London, Ben declared: "Of course she's mine."
Blue-eyed blonde Nmachi, whose name means "Beauty of God" in the Nigerian couple's homeland, has baffled genetics experts because neither Ben nor wife Angela have ANY mixed-race family history.
Pale genes skipping generations before cropping up again could have explained the baby's appearance.
Ben also stressed: "My wife is true to me. Even if she hadn't been, the baby still wouldn't look like that.
"We both just sat there after the birth staring at her for ages - not saying anything."
Doctors at Queen Mary's Hospital in Sidcup - where Angela, from nearby Woolwich, gave birth - have told the parents Nmachi is definitely no albino.
Ben, who came to Britain with his wife five years ago and works for South Eastern Trains, said: "She doesn't look like an albino child anyway - not like the ones I've seen back in Nigeria or in books. She just looks like a healthy white baby."..
He went on: "My mum is a black Nigerian although she has a bit fairer skin than mine.
"But we don't know of any white ancestry. We wondered if it was a genetic twist.
"But even then, what is with the long curly blonde hair?"
Professor Bryan Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University and Britain's leading expert, yesterday called the birth "extraordinary".
He said: "In mixed race humans, the lighter variant of skin tone may come out in a child - and this can sometimes be startlingly different to the skin of the parents.
"This might be the case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations. But in Nigeria there is little mixing."
Prof Sykes said BOTH parents would have needed "some form of white ancestry" for a pale version of their genes to be passed on.
But he added: "The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don't have blonde hair like this at birth."

The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.
He admitted: "The rules of genetics are complex and we still don't understand what happens in many cases."
The amazing birth comes five years after Kylie Hodgson became mum to twin daughters - one white and the other black - in Nottingham.
Kylie, now 23, and her partner Remi Horder, now 21, are both mixed race.
Even so the odds were estimated at a million to one.
The Sun told in 2002 how a white couple had Asian twins after a sperm mix-up by a fertility clinic.
Yesterday three-day-old Nmachi's churchgoing mum Angela admitted that she was "speechless" at first seeing her baby girl, who was delivered in a caesarean op.
She said: "I thought, 'What is this little doll?'
"She's beautiful and I love her. Her colour doesn't matter. She's a miracle baby.
"But still, what on earth happened here?"
Her husband told how their son Chisom, four, was even more confused than them by his new sister.
Ben said: "Our other daughter Dumebi is only two so she's too young to understand.
"But our boy keeps coming to look at his sister and then sits down looking puzzled.
"We're a black family. Suddenly he has a white sister."
Ben continued: "Of course, we are baffled too and want to know what's happened. But we understand life is very strange.
"All that matters is that she's healthy and that we love her.She's a proud British Nigerian."
Queen Mary's Hospital said: "Congratulations to Angela and her family on the birth of their daughter."

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Devil evangelists: Robbers took my car & asked me to give my life to Christ —Sun reporter
Monday, April 12, 2010Friday, March, 19, 2010 will forever remain indelible in the mind of Richard Jideaka, the Sports Correspondent of The Sun Newspapers, Abuja office. It was a day the former Secretary General of the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN), lost his car, a Toyota Sienna space bus to armed robbers.

After robbing him of the car, the robbers asked him to give his life to Christ if he survived the attack. Jideaka’s ordeal in the hands of the robbers, started shortly after he left the office on the fateful day at about 7.30 pm. After work, Jideaka headed for his home in Kubwa, a satellite town in Abuja.

The journey to Kubwa, was smooth as usual until a few metres to his house. His driver had barely stopped to buy him a recharge card when four young hefty looking robbers suddenly overtook his vehicle and ordered his driver out of the car at gun point. They forcefully moved the driver out of his seat and ordered him to take to the passenger’s seat behind...

Obviously confused about the attitude of the strange men, a now distraught Jideaka, requested to know why they were manhandling his driver. The response was precise. “You will find out when we get to the police station.” Immediately, Jideaka was also forced to move to the back seat of the car at gun point. The robbers sped off with him and his driver. The incident soon attracted his neighbours and family members, who ran to a nearby police station where the case was reported.

Richard took up the story: “It was when they forced me into the back seat with my driver that it dawned on me that they were robbers and not policemen as they claimed to be. They took my phones and the money on me and within three minutes they drove off with us with their gun pointed at my head to an unknown destination.

“While in the car, the robbers called me a 419ner. That I should regard myself kidnapped and that they were sent by my colleague to kill me and steal my car. Next they said if I am not a 419ner, where did I get money to buy a big car. When they saw my laptop, they felt convinced that I was actually a 419ner or that I was into yahoo, yahoo deals. I told them I am a journalist but they refused to believe me until they saw my tape recorder.

“They took the rings on my finger and asked me which one of them was my juju. I told them that none of them was a charm. One of them then threw the rings into his pocket and asked me to bring my wristwatch and the money in my pockets. I quickly handed them over. They commended me for cooperating with them and promised not to kill or harm me because I am a good man.

“Along the line, they asked me to pray that they do not encounter police on the way. That if they do, they would shoot me first. I prayed that we do not meet police on the way and they said ‘Amen’. Thereafter, they urged me to give my life to God if I survived the attack and I told them that I had since given my life to Christ. They said I should do that again, and I said okay.

“At a point, they asked me where I work. Sensing that they were thinking of asking for ransom, I told them I work for a new newspaper based in Abuja. The next question was where my wife works and I told them my wife is a retiree who was still waiting to be paid her gratuity by the ministry she worked with in Abuja. One of the robbers then concluded that I had nothing and that holding on to me would be of no benefit and therefore, I should be dropped in the bush. All along, I and my driver were not to fix our gazes on any of them. They had their guns already pointed at our heads.

“When I stole to look at the speedometer, I discovered that they were almost running the full speed of the car. I said silent prayers that we do not crash. I discovered that they were heading for the city centre instead of the Zuba they made us believe they were going. After about eight kilometres drive at break-neck speed, they branched off the expressway into the bush and asked us to come down and run for our lives. We obeyed immediately and dashed into the bush.

Together with their operation car [a Camry 1996 model] they drove off

“After spending sometime in the bush, we eventually trekked out and met some securitymen guarding some equipment and asked them where we were. They told us we were between New Tipper Garage and Katampe Hill. We then crossed to the other side of the road and boarded a bus back to Kubwa where my wife had already reported the incident to the police. “All my neighbours had gathered in front of my house and were offering prayers for my safety. As soon as they sighted us, the shout of praise the Lord rented the air even as they rushed to greet me.

“My wife and children who had locked themselves in the house, praying for my safety, rushed out of the house when they heard the shout of praise the Lord to find me in the hands of our jubilating neighbours who were too happy to see me return safely.”

As at press time, last weekend, Jideaka, was yet to recover his car.

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View Brutal Video as Navy beats her like a dog Now A Lagos State High Court in Igbosere yesterday ordered Rear Admiral Harry Arogundade, the Nigerian Navy and four naval ratings to pay Miss Uzoma Okere and her friend, Mr. Abdullahi Abdulazeez, N100 million as damages for assaulting them. In a judgment that lasted one and a half hours, presiding judge, Justice Opeyemi Oke, vehemently rebuked the officers, describing them as people who are not fit for a decent society. He described their behaviour as “barbaric” and unlawful and a violation of the plaintiffs’ fundamental human rights. The judge ordered the officers and the Navy to offer unreserved “apology” to the victims within one month of the judgment in four national newspapers, namely: THISDAY, The Guardian, The Nation and The Punch. She also extended the apology order to some electronic media namely: NTA, AIT, Raypower and Cool FM stations. “Miss Okere was brutalized, beaten, pushed, pulled and dragged on the road and her blouse pulled off her by one of the naval ratings thereby exposing her nakedness from waist up, leaving her with only the brassiere. This was done to a young lady, a citizen of this country,” lamented the judge. She said the ratings ought to undergo psychiatric test to determine their sanity, adding that they apparently forgot they were not in a high sea fighting a war but in an enlightened society. “The averments in their counter-affidavits were cooked-up lies to the extent that they were overcooked and got burnt,” the judge said. The court resolved the three issues for determination in favour of the applicants, namely: whether they established the fact that their fundamental human rights were infringed; whether the respondents can be held liable, and whether the applicants are entitled to the reliefs sought. She said after going through the documentary evidence before her, it was a clear case of res inter locutor (facts speak for themselves), adding that no amount of money can adequately compensate the violation of a persons’ human dignity. Justice Oke added: “Miss Okere was violated by the ratings in glaring eyes of the public with her upper anatomy exposed to all sorts of eyes. Her private property became the object of a cinema for those who witnessed the unfortunate and disgraceful incident in a country like ours. This was man’s inhumanity to man.” According to her, Okere’s partial nakedness likely made “imaginations to run riot” as “most people who witnessed the incident were able to describe the size of her bra”. She went on: “These ratings can only be described as barbarians in uniforms as they have shown by this incident that they have no respect for womanhood – dragging a woman on the road and partially getting her naked. They have no fear of God at all. “It is highly shameful and unimaginable that such could happen in this 21st Century in a civilized society and democratic one. It should therefore be condemned in very strong language. “The naval ratings have disgraced the uniform they wear as officers of the Nigerian Navy. They are therefore a disgrace to the whole nation. The rebranding gospel should therefore be commenced with this group of officers.” Arogundade, the judge held, was liable and could not claim ignorance of what his men were doing. Okere and her friend, Abdulazeez, were beaten and humiliated by the naval ratings in late 2008 for allegedly denying them right of passage on the road. They went to court to seek for an order of perpetual injunction restraining the respondents and their agents from horse-whipping motorists and putting them in apprehension through reckless driving in siren-blaring convoy. They asked the court to award them N100 million as damages for the assault among other reliefs that they sought. Arogundade and the Nigerian Navy had attempted to frustrate the matter when they came up with an application seeking stay of proceedings. But Justice Oke dismissed the application on grounds that it was frivolous, unwarranted and a time wasting exercise. They had also challenged the ruling of the court, which dismissed their application seeking leave of the court to admit oral evidence in a suit which the learned judge dismissed on grounds that there were documentary evidence before the court that could be used to adjudicate on the matter, saying that there was no need for oral evidence. Dissatisfied, the respondents urged the court to stay further proceedings in the matter pending the final determination of an appeal filed at the Court of Appeal, Lagos Division. However, the court in its ruling held that granting of an application for stay of proceedings is at the discretion of the court and that the court must take into consideration the rights of parties involved before arriving at a just conclusion.
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Michael Jackson's Kids Will Speak at the Grammys The King of Pop's progeny will be represented at the Grammy Awards.A source close to the Jackson family exclusively tells E! News that, as of late Friday evening, Michael Jackson's three children will not only attend the Grammys on Sunday, but will take the stage during the planned tribute to the pop icon to "read some sort of speech" about him.As we reported before, several other members of the Jackson family are already planning to be in the audience at Los Angeles' Staples Center, as well.Céline Dion, Carrie Underwood and Usher are among the current chart-toppers who will be participating in the Jackson tribute.Janet Jackson presided over a muscial tribute to her older brother, who died last June, at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.Gay Groups to Grammys: Denounce "Hateful" Reggae Nominee Now!Media watchdog group GLAAD and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center protested the nomination as soon as it was announced, because Banton's song, "Boom, Bye Bye," includes lyrics about killing gay men by shooting or burning them.And just today, GLAAD and the L.A. Gay & lesbian Center bought a full-page ad in Hollywood tradepaper Variety in the form of an open letter to Recording Academy president Neil Portnow. "This type of music has fueled anti-gay violence here and especially in Banton's home country of Jamaica, where hate crimes against gay men and lesbians—including murder—are common and sometimes celebrated," the letter reads.In early December, the Recording Academy issued a statement defending the nomination on the basis of freedom of speech and creative expression."Artists of a variety of political or cultural perspectives have been nominated or featured on the telecast, despite protests and backlash," the statement read, in part.GLAAD and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's ad, cosigned by more than 20 gay rights groups, blasts the reasoning because "performers who glorify the murder of gay people through their music aren't reflecting a 'political or cultural perspective' or 'politics,' they're reflecting their hatred and promoting brutal and illegal violence against a group of innocent people."A copy of the ad, which also asks the academy to denounce violence of any sort during awards show live telecast on Sunday, was delivered to Portnoy's office yesterday, according to reps for GLAAD and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center. They have yet to get a response.Banton will not be at this year's show because he is currently in a Florida jail awaiting trial on cocaine-related charges. Rihanna Flying Solo to Grammys—Where's the BF?It's Grammy time again, folks, and this year we're happy to report Rihanna will be in attendance at the awards show, rather than in admittance to the hospital like she was last year.Thankfully, Ri-Ri has moved on from that hideous woman-attacker Chris Brown, and despite the fact the pop princess claims she's single, we can swear she's still very much dating muscle-tat man Dodger Matt Kemp.However, E! can also confirm that her new boy will not be attending the Grammy Awards with her on Sunday.Yikes, trouble in paradise already?
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Are You Feeding Your Soul? Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? And I’m not talking about your physical body when I ask this question — I’m talking about your spiritual body. Has your soul been getting the nourishment it needs to grow in health and strength, or have you deprived it from the Word it so desperately needs? If what you see in the mirror doesn’t even begin to reflect what you know you can be, it’s time to make a change, time to dive into God’s Word and receive all the love and forgiveness He has been waiting to give you . . . a time to release your life into God’s hands. The Word tells us, But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT). You may not like what you see now, but just wait. Rely on God’s faithfulness and perfect timing and begin to make changes when God shows you it is necessary. And soon, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Look where God moved me from. Look what He saved me from. I stand blessed where I am all because of the transforming grace of God.” An Evangelistic Tool The following is an evangelistic tool. Feel free to use this tool to lead someone to the Savior. It can also be used in your church. Tony lead the members of our church through this process, and then commissioned them to offer the good news to those they come in contact with in the course of their day. This is one of our outreach programs for this year. OPENING QUESTION: Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can be sure you are on your way to heaven? Would you allow me to show you? I. First the Bad News a. The Problem: Every person is a sinner before a Holy God and unable to save themselves (Romans 3:10, 23). b. The Penalty: Every person is under the sentence of death and will be forever separated from God because of their sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23). I. Now the Good News a. The Provision: Through the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ, God has addressed the sin problem for us (Romans 5:8, 17-21). b. The Pardon: God offers a free pardon and eternal life to all who place faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10; 4:4-5). CLOSING QUESTION: Would you like to trust the Lord Jesus Christ right now as your personal Savior? PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead to save me. By transferring my total trust to You alone as my Savior, I now receive the forgiveness for my sins and the free gift of eternal life that You offered me.
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ept_sports_nfl_experts-753263226-1238786092.jpg?ymsQ_CBDLLlVHCNy By Chris Chase Last month, Dan Leone was fired from his part-time job with the Philadelphia Eagles after criticizing the team for letting veteran Brian Dawkins leave via free agency. Leone was a seasonal game day employee, which meant he worked during the Eagles' 10 home dates each season. His termination meant he would have been unlikely to attend any of those games in 2009. But now help is coming from an unexpected source. Dawkins signed with the Denver Broncos, who happen to be playing in Philly this season. Since each visiting player gets two tickets to away games, the 35-year-old defensive back decided to give his allotment for the contest in Philadephia to Leone. Dawkins told the Philadelphia Daily News: "I thought it'd be a good gesture. Had I not ... signed with Denver, that guy would still have his job. Obviously, he made a decision and out of emotion said something. He was one of probably thousands and thousands of Eagles fans who felt that way. That didn't surprise me, that someone said that on their Facebook. It did surprise me that he was let go, though ... I felt it would be a good thing, to reach out to that individual and just let him know how much I appreciate it.'' Well played, Brian Dawkins. It's becoming clear to see why most people in Philly didn't want to see a class act like Dawkins leave town.
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