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What are the best approaches to contacting women online? Here I discuss some things to watch out for.

Men, once you have joined one of the leading subscription dating services online you may be wondering what is the best approach to contact women. The first point to understand is that it is perfectly OK to contact several women at the same time. At this stage you are simply trying to make new friends and are still a long way off from concentrating upon one single woman.

However, when you have selected the women you would like to contact from their photo personal ads, it is important not to overstretch yourself and try to contact too many women at once. For example, if you were to send the same e-mail to a number of different women it would be clear to most if not all of them that what you have sent was a generalized e-mail not intended for someone specifically as an individual.

Nothing could be more offputting -- this kind of e-mailing amounts to a sort of spam. In order to contact somebody correctly it is important that you read their profile carefully and pick up on the individual things they say about themselves, such as their hobbies and what interests them. After all, it is their personalities as expressed in their personal ads that has made you want to e-mail them in the first place, isn't it?

A particular woman's photo may have been the very first thing that attracted you, but if you do not like the sound of that woman as a person there is no point in trying to begin any kind of relationship. Also, watch out for the fact that some less than sincere members of dating services may use photos of models to in effect lie about their own appearance.

So, you need to get writing individual e-mails to your chosen female contacts. A good approach is to begin by treating each one as if they were a new colleague at your place of work. So, be friendly but not overfamiliar.

Don't make the initial e-mail too long, and make sure that you show an interest in what the woman you are writing to has expressed as her own hobbies and interests. If these match your own, you could briefly mention your own activities in this context. Most of all, ask some questions to give her a good reason to e-mail you back and continue the conversation.

Avoid trying to "sell" yourself to the other person in your e-mail. You are striking up a new friendship, not undertaking a job interview. Be brief and to the point, friendly and interested in the other person, but not too personal. When you ask questions do not begin to sound as if you are interrogating.

If you haven't had a reply to your initial e-mail after a few days, then try again using a slightly different approach. Before you write this second e-mail go back and re-read your first -- was there anything in it that might have put somebody off? If you don't get a reply to your second e-mail cross this woman off your list and move on to the next.

If she does reply try to respond to her e-mail quickly, as nobody likes to be kept waiting, especially when contacting people for the first time. In your first few e-mails try not to say anything that would embarrass you later if you were to meet her friends. Women sometimes share the early e-mails of a new online relationship with their friends, and this is perfectly normal. But you do not want to be in the position of wishing that you had not said something, later on when you meet those friends.

Finally, as with any online contact who you do not know very well, do not believe everything that you are told and keep in mind the matter of online safety. Never give out your personal details until you know somebody well offline, as well as online.

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Many of us live our lives complaining, searching,reaching, wanting for more. Somehow, somewhere our good lies evasivelyin the future, never in the present. We want things "bad" and that'show they show up in our lives – bad. How do I declare things I reallywant? I want them a lot, and in general, that's how they show up. It'simportant to recognize the gifts when they arrive in our lives.Blessing don't come in the future, because we don't live in the future.The only moment we experience is right now.
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According to the Daily Mail of London, Adelasoye, an immigration lawyer and pastor of the Ark of Hope church in St Leonards, East Sussex, along with his accomplices contrived to marry 360 illegal immigrants, many of them Nigerians, to complete strangers. Armed with a marriage certificate, the immigrants were then able to hoodwink the Home Office into giving them a visa to stay in Britain as a ‘spouse’, with access to education, healthcare and benefits. .The sham marriages were carried out at the Victorian parish church, where Reverend Brown married up to eight couples a day between 2005 and 2009.

Brown conducted the ceremonies at The Church of St Peter and St Paul between July 2005 and July 2009. Ninety couples were registered as living in one road and 52 in another. There were several brides and grooms from the same house, and one husband-to-be went under the name of ‘Felix Spaceman’.

A bride changed into her borrowed wedding gown in the vestry before the ceremony, then stuffed it back into a plastic bag afterwards, while a groom produced a ring that was far too small for his wife’s finger.

Nevertheless Brown, 61, protested his innocence, but he was convicted with the Nigerian immigration solicitor – whose clients paid up to £15,000 for a dodgy wedding – and a Ukrainian who supplied hard-up Eastern Europeans willing to marry for £3,000 cash. Michael Adelasoye, 50, a qualified immigration lawyer, found Africans who were desperate to stay in the UK after outstaying their visas. The court heard that 90 couples were registered as living in the same street. The Ukrainian, recruited the stooge brides and grooms from Hastings’s Eastern European community. Some wed several times.

Ten of the brides and grooms received police cautions, but the majority were never traced and are presumably still living in Britain. The three defendants denied conspiracy to breach immigration laws, but they were found guilty by a jury at Lewes Crown Court after a seven week trial. Brown, who is openly gay, also became the only vicar in 800 years to be convicted of failing to read out the banns – asking the congregation if they knew of ‘any just cause or impediment’ why two people may not marry.

Judge Richard Hayward adjourned sentencing to September 6 but warned the three, who all live in St Leonards, he was considering jail. He told them: ‘You have been convicted on very clear evidence of a serious offence.’ Adelasoye and Brown were released on conditional bail, and Buchak was remanded in custody.

The vicar walked from court without a word, but Adelasoye, who is a pastor of the Ark of Hope church in St Leonards, protested: ‘I don’t think it’s a fair verdict. God looks after the righteous.’ Later, the Archdeacon of Lewes and Hastings, the Venerable Philip Jones, said he was ‘shocked and saddened’ by Brown’s betrayal.

He said: ‘We are particularly sorry for those who have been deceived and hurt by his actions. The church and the community are faced with a betrayal of trust on the part of Father Brown, who was a very trusted figure.’

He promised that churches would be more vigilant to fraud in the future, and said the Church of St Peter and St Paul was unlikely to be used for worship again after Brown’s tarnished tenure. Brown’s motivation remains unclear. Police believe the once respected priest threw away his career, his reputation and potentially his freedom to feather a nest for his retirement. But although they found £5,000 in cash at his home, this was not nearly as much as they would have expected if Brown’s sole desire was to make money, rather than to help immigrants.

The case, which police believe was part of an international multi-million pound scam, has once again exposed the lax regulations that have led to a booming racket in sham marriages over recent years.

Numerous attempts to curb the thousands of fake unions every year have been stymied by EU and human rights laws.

A total of 529 suspect marriages were reported to the Home Office in the 11 months to December last year – a rise of 54 per cent on 2008 levels.

Detective Inspector Andy Cummins, of the UK Border Agency, said: ‘This was the biggest operation of its kind we have come across, and the only one we know about where the vicar was entirely complicit.

‘As we investigated, we were all shocked as the scale of it emerged. The nearer he got to his retirement date, the more weddings he was doing.’ Immigration minister Damian Green said: ‘Britain is no longer a soft touch. We now have specialist teams of immigration and police officers working day in, day out, to tackle and prosecute people who commit this form of organised criminality.

‘We are determined to create a hostile environment which makes it harder than ever for illegal immigrants to come to the UK and put untold pressures on our public services.’
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Popular Nollywood actress, Anita Joseph definitely has so much to thank God for as she recently came very close to kicking the bucket on a film location..

The curvy actress recently escaped death by the whickers while on location of the movie, 'Titanic Hustle.'
Photo:Anita Joseph
According to a source, the episode was so traumatic for the actress that she nearly quit her career as an actress after the ugly incident.
In the movie, Anita Joseph played the role of a woman who mistakenly killed her husband and was so devastated by her role in her husband's death that she decided to hang herself in the movie. Incidentally, it was during the act of shooting the hanging scene that disaster struck. While trying to get her neck into the noose and keeping her feet on the raised platform, disaster struck as what was supposed to be a make-belief hanging scene turned real and Anita Joseph almost got herself killed as the noose tightened around her neck and she simultaneously lost her footing.

“I don't know what happened. I think they forgot to pull the rope or something and I almost died. Though it was a mistake, when I came down, my eyes were turning and I almost quit,” she said.

We're all happy the chocolate-complexioned actress survived the incident and we hereby urge movie directors and their props teams to be more vigilant and avoid such costly mistakes.
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Nigeria beat Colombia 1-0 thanks to an early goal to reach the final of the Under-20 Women's World Cup in Germany.

The Falconets will play Germany in Sunday's final after the hosts beat South Korea 5-1 in today's other semi-final..

Ebere Orji scored the only goal of the game after just two minutes with an easy tap-in.

The ball fell to Orji when Colombia's keeper, Paula Forero, allowed a hopeful kick forward to bounce over her head.

Nigeria are the first African side to reach the final of the Under-20 Women's World Cup.
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The disagreement between the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dimeji Bankole, and Ogun State governor, Gbenga Daniel, led to a public brawl yesterday during the commissioning of the overhead bridge constructed by the federal government at Ota, Ogun State.

The programme had kicked off before the arrival of the Speaker, and Mr Daniel, who came with a large entourage, has spend some time delivering a speech which was largely disparaging to the speaker. The Minister of Works, Sanusi Daggash and his minister of state, Osa Ogiemwonyi were both at the occasion although the town’s most famous resident and former president, Olusegun Obasanjo, did not show up at the event.

Mr Daniel quickly cut short his speech when an aide told him that Mr Bankole had finally arrived at the venue.

In his speech, the governor had made allusions to the speaker’s alleged quest for cheap glory and dabbling in the state’s affairs, instead of striving to get the best out of his office in the few months remaining for his tenure to end.

The road project was started about ten years ago by the government of Mr Obasanjo, but it was abandoned half way and Mr Bankole had began the campaign to complete work, during a well-publicised visit to the town last year.

“Tell the Speaker, to stop claiming responsibility for the construction,” said Mr Daniel in his speech. “The project was started by the former president, Olusegun Obasanjo, Ebora Owu, and we want to thank him. Tell my junior brother, the speaker that he should do something before his tenure lapsed, we all have less than few months to leave office,” he said..

Hurried commissioning

As Mr Bankole arrived the venue, a loud ovation was heard from his supporters but before he could even come down from his car, the governor hurriedly concluded his speech and headed straight to cut the tape of the commissioning.

Apparently sensing mischief, the Speaker moved to the tape cutting spot, but he was obstructed by one of the security aides to Mr Daniel. Mr Bankole pushed him aside and hurried towards the dais. But before he reached there, Mr Daggash, in company of the governor, moved quickly to cut the tape for the commissioning.

As this drama unfolded, the atmosphere became tense as security aides to both parties began waving their guns dangerously, creating more disorder. The charged atmosphere forced many people to run for safety and avoid any harm which might result from the fracas.

Among those who fled for their lives was the traditional ruler of Ota town, Alani Oloyede. The royal father had to tuck in his flowing gown, or agbada, as he fled the scene in the midst of his chiefs.

As the speaker moved to confront the governor, Mr Daniel and the ministers were hurriedly led into the official bus by their aides. Mr Bankole headed straight for the white coaster bus and ordered an aide to call the minister, Mr Daggash. The aide returned moments later to say the minister wouldn’t come out because he was speaking with the governor.

Shouting bout

In annoyance, Mr Bankole forced his way into the bus where he engaged in a shouting bout with Mr Daniel. The tainted glasses of the bus prevented onlookers from getting a clear view, but Mr Bankole could be seen ordering the driver of the bus not to move an inch. Noises were also heard from the bus for the 3-4 minutes the speaker was in the bus. As soon as he came out, the governor and his crew immediately left.

Mr Bankole was however loudly praised and hailed by indigenes of Ota, who were also seen throwing objects at the governor’s bus and booing him.

Mr Daggash, in his speech, said the third phase of the project would commence in the next two months, to pave way for the completion of the project.

“In the next two months, the third project will start. The next phase would not be delayed like the second phase. This is important for the benefits of all Nigerians passing through this road.”

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After Bakassi, Cameroun moves to claim Obudu •It’s an empty threat -Cross River govt

STILL basking in the euphoria of the ceding of Bakassi Peninsula to it through the World Court ruling at The Hague in 2002, indication has emerged that Cameroun has perfected plans to claim the ownership of Obudu Cattle Ranch Resort in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State.

However, the Cross River State government has described such claims as an empty threat, saying “it can never happen, because it is a day dream.”

Reacting to the development in Calabar, on Tuesday, the Director-General of the Cross River State Border Communities Development Commission (SBCDC), Mr Leo Aggrey, said the matter was still considered an unsubstantiated rumour by the state government..

According to Aggrey, “the Camerounians are threatening to take over the Obudu Ranch Resort, the Cross River State tourism haven. This is quite surprising and we are not treating this matter with levity. I have already forwarded a memo to the state governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, concerning this new threat.”
He, however, described the development as an “empty threat” as anything serious on that would have been decided at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague ‘’as was the case with the oil-rich Bakassi.’’

Aggrey, who noted that the nation’s loss of Bakassi to Cameroun was painful in terms of potential revenue from the area and the displacement of Nigerians resident in the area, maintained that “the state government would not fold its arms and allow Obudu Cattle Ranch to be illegally claimed again.”

On Bakassi, Mr Aggrey said the state government had continued to accord priority attention to the needs of the displaced Bakassi people in respect of their plight, stating that a number of projects had been outlined for them to cushion the effects of their relocation.

The DG said although the State Emergency Management Agency(SEMA) had addressed certain needs of the displaced persons, a lot more needed to be done to assuage them, stressing that his commission had outlined areas of priorities and needs that the government was poised to address for the displaced.

‘’Bakassi matter is a creation of the partition for Africa. And the Cross River State government is very passionate about the Bakassi people and the boundary areas of the state,’’ Aggrey added.
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Jonathan's Message On Facebook.

July 29, 2010..
Just as we have an Independent National Electoral Commission which is non partisan and headed by a credible person, we may need to work towards developing our National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) into an independent body tasked with developing our power infrastructure. At the moment the commission's mandate is limited. Such a commission like our dream INEC should be non partisan, professional and COMPLETELY separated from politics as well as independent of the government of the day. Power, like our votes ought to be treated as an urgent security issue for it is vital to our nations stability, economy and social progress. For a nation to have steady power, there must be a consistent forward movement in policy and project implementation without policy uncertainty. We need to inspire confidence in those who want to invest in this sector such that International and National bodies and contractors who do business in our country can attest that when a contract is signed it will be implemented as agreed. Transitions from one government to the other irrespective of whatever political colouration or ideological leanings must not affect valid legal agreements. Just as I have signed the AMCON bill to bring in our financial systems, I see a day coming when every aspect of our economy will be immune from unwarranted interference.
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Jonathan's Message On Facebook.

July 29, 2010..
Just as we have an Independent National Electoral Commission which is non partisan and headed by a credible person, we may need to work towards developing our National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) into an independent body tasked with developing our power infrastructure. At the moment the commission's mandate is limited. Such a commission like our dream INEC should be non partisan, professional and COMPLETELY separated from politics as well as independent of the government of the day. Power, like our votes ought to be treated as an urgent security issue for it is vital to our nations stability, economy and social progress. For a nation to have steady power, there must be a consistent forward movement in policy and project implementation without policy uncertainty. We need to inspire confidence in those who want to invest in this sector such that International and National bodies and contractors who do business in our country can attest that when a contract is signed it will be implemented as agreed. Transitions from one government to the other irrespective of whatever political colouration or ideological leanings must not affect valid legal agreements. Just as I have signed the AMCON bill to bring in our financial systems, I see a day coming when every aspect of our economy will be immune from unwarranted interference.
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Akwa Ibom Man beheads 13-year-old niece

The entire people of Nsit Ubium Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State were shocked to the marrow penultimate Wednesday. It was not without a cause. That was the day a 30-year-old man identified as John Etim Akpan allegedly beheaded his 13-year-old niece.

Akpan with the Severed head

Daily Sun gathered that the suspect, Akpan, met his niece returning from school soaked in rainwater. He then offered to help the girl by carrying her on his motorbike. But Akpan allegedly had other plans.

Instead of taking the little girl home, Akpan was said to have taken her to his room. Once in the safe confines of his abode, Akpan allegedly severed the young girl’s head.

Akpan then sneaked out of the room with the girl’s head and buried it somewhere with the hope of later removing it for sale.

However, while removing the girl’s body, some members of the family had suspected that something was wrong as they saw blood dripping on the ground.

They later discovered the body and shouted for help. The villagers and other youths in the surrounding villages quickly rushed out and beat Akpan to a state of coma before the matter was reported to the police.

One of the youths, Elder Silas Bassey, told Daily Sun that when they heard the noise from the family, they rushed out. He said after discovering what really happened, the mob descended on Akpan and beat him mercilessly until he passed out..

It was said that during interrogation, Akpan confessed that he actually beheaded his niece. He said he wanted to get money from the sale of the skull.

The culprit has since been remanded in prison custody, pending further investigations by the police.
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Three suspected Internet fraudsters have been arrested by officers of the Ondo State Police Command for allegedly duping two people of a sum of $20,000 dollars.

The three suspects: Olutoba Alade, Ezekiel Bepo, and Temitope Arowosegbe, were arrested based on a tip-off from members of the public. The Command's spokesperson, Adeniran Aremu, while parading the suspects yesterday, said they were arrested along Olu Foam area of Akure metropolis by a team from the state CID who stormed the building last week.

Some of the items recovered from the suspects were two laptops, ten flash drives, and documents being used to dupe unsuspected people on the Internet. Also recovered from them were a Toyota Camry, Toyota Solara, and a Liberty Jeep.

Mr Aremu pointed out that the fraudsters confirmed that the vehicles were the proceeds of their cyber crimes. While being interrogated, the suspects confirmed that they duped a foreigner of a sum of $20,000 which they used to purchase the cars..

They said they were lured into the business by one of their friends who is still at large. Mr Bepo said his gang have been in the business for over ten four years. "We have been doing this Internet fraud for over for years," he said. "We have not been that lucky, not until recently when we duped a white man of about $20,000. Immediately we realized the money, we went for shopping and we got three cars for ourselves."

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A 40-year old pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Kunle Odeyemi David and his accomplice, Ganiyu Babatunde a.k.a. Iyalla, 52, have been arrested by the Lagos State Police Command for fraudulently withdrawing N8 million from the bank account of a Lagos-based hotelier, Alhaji Mudashiru Olanrewaju Odetunde.

According to police sources, David, who resides at 3, Transformer Street, Amikanle, Alagbado, Lagos and Babatunde, who lives at 8, Oduduwa Street, Surulere, Lagos, have been allegedly withdrawing money from accounts of bank customers with the connivance of a female cashier. Their victim, Alhaji Odetunde, the owner of Moonshine Motel, Lagos told P.M.NEWS: “ The suspects withdrew money from my account with the assistance of a female cashier. My bank is near Nigerian Breweries, Iganmu, Lagos.
“ Can you imagine that when the pastor and his comrade-in-crime removed N8 million from my account, I went to report at the bank’s headquarters. Immediately I stepped out, I got another alert that N2 million was removed again from my account.
“I dashed back to the bank to complain again and in a twinkle of an eye, I got a transaction alert which read your account has been credited with N2,000,000 by returned 062317520 cheque.
“But for the assistance of police detectives attached to Area ‘A’ command, Lion Building, Lagos Island, they would not have been arrested.
“I am disappointed with the way the bank officials handled the matter. I feel it is no longer safe to keep money in the bank. They keep deceiving me over my N8 million.
“The bank is yet to pay me my money. I work extremely hard to get money.”
Pastor David said: “I am a pastor of Redeemed Church. It is true we withdrew money from Alhaji Odetunde’s account. I got 30 per cent of the money. The cheque was paid into my account and we withdrew it at Gbagada branch, Lagos. I deal in oil and gas.” Babantunde said: “The offence has been committed. The account number we used was 06231753 at the Ibadan branch. The money was paid into Pastor’s account with the help of a female cashier.”
It was also gathered that the police at the Area ‘A’ Command have impounded a Toyota Infinity SUV marked DM11EKY and a black Picanto Car with registration number MN 141 KJA from Pastor David and Babatunde respectively..
Police sources told P.M.NEWS that the suspects will be charged to court soon
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A mishap was prevented yesterday when the jet conveying President Goodluck Jonathan back to Nigeria developed a fault barely ten minutes after taking off from the international airport in Entebbe, Uganda. Pilots had to return the aircraft to Uganda to be fixed before it could undertake the journey again.

The President was returning from the African Union summit, which ended on Tuesday, and was expected to attend the weekly federal executive council meeting with his cabinet.

NEXT gathered that minutes after take off, the pilot and co-pilot of the presidential jet noticed they were getting strange signals as a result of a technical fault in the aircraft.

A source who was on the trip, said the same aircraft was repaired in Kampala and was later used to bring the president and his entourage to Nigeria. They arrived the country by noon yesterday.

The source explained that two of the three jets on the presidential air fleet used for the Uganda trip developed faults and had to be repaired in the East African country.

One of the jets had earlier conveyed the wife of the President, Patience, from Kampala. She was scheduled to be in Germany to visit Nigeria’s team at the ongoing Fifa Under-20 women’s world Cup ahead of their semi-final match against Colombia.

Yesterday’s incident occurred barely two weeks after NEXT reported on July 18 that Mr. Jonathan had ordered the probe of key aides to late President Umaru Yar’Adua including the commander of the Presidential Air Fleet, Aminu Adamu, over allegations of misappropriation of the funds budgeted for the maintenance of presidential jets.

About three months ago, NEXT reported in its April 11 edition that “Presidency sources also say that the N234 million approved for the “completion of the presidential air fleet (PAF) quarters in the 2009 budget, is unaccounted for, some four months into 2010”.

The report also said, “the same goes for the maintenance of presidential aircraft, which had a budget increased by over 50 percent to N970 million in 2009”.

As at press time, it was not clear if the Presidency is holding anyone responsible for the faulty jets or will take more drastic action in the probe of how money appropriated for their maintenance was spent.

Sambo takes charge

In the President’s absence, the FEC meeting was presided over by Vice President Namadi Sambo. At the meeting, the sum of N3 billion was approved for the development of 1500 hectares for the Tada Shonga irrigation project, in Edu local government area of Kwara State, the minister of information, Dora Akunyili, said.

The meeting, which started few minutes after 10am, deliberated on five memos and had all ministers in attendance.

Mrs. Akunyili told journalists at a briefing after the meeting that the minister of water resources presented a memo to council seeking approval for the award of contract for the development of 1500 hectares and associated infrastructure, being Phase 1 of Tada-Shonga irrigation project, located at Tada-Shonga in Kwara State.

Tada Shonga irrigation project has potential for the production of rice, sugarcane, and other vegetables in the flood plains of River Niger. The project is expected to be developed in two phases. The first phase involves development of the main infrastructure and 1500 hectares of gravity irrigation. The project will generate employment, increase the income of farmers, as well as boost food security in the country.

“There is N692,469,119.00 for the project in the 2010 appropriation,” she said.

The minister of commerce and industry also presented a memorandum to council seeking approval for 1st January, 2010 to be the effective date for the convergence of accounting standards in Nigeria with International Financial Standards (IFRS).

Accounting standards are benchmarks for the preparation of financial statements by private and public institutions. Individual nations used to set their accounting standards, until the widely reported financial scandals involving WorldCom and Enron in 2001.

According to the information minister “Having seen the enormous benefits for the adoption of the International Financial Report Standards for Nigeria, council approved 1st January 2012 as the effective date for conveyance of accounting standard in Nigeria with International Financial Report Standards.

Council also directed that the Nigerian Accounting Standard Board, NASB, under the supervision of the federal ministry of commerce and industry, should take further necessary actions to give effect to council’s approval.”

The minister of science and technology also presented a memo to council, which sought approval for the ratification of the status of the International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA), which Nigeria, alongside 75 other countries signed on Monday, 26th January, 2009, during the Founding Conference of the organisation, held at the World Conference Center Bonn, Germany.

Council considered and approved the ratification of the statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency.

Through a memo to council, the minister of water resources also sought for the approval of the revised Estimated Total Cost for the expansion and completion of Bagwai Wateri Dam Irrigation project located at Bagwai in Kano State.

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Mobile phones can habour 18 times more living bacteria than a flush on men's toilet, according to research for consumer group Which?.

A hygiene expert who swabbed and analysed 30 handsets (Mobile Phones) for the study found seven had warning or high levels of environmental bacteria.

One haboured levels of bacteria, including faecal coliforms, high enough to give it's user a serious stomach upset.

Which? said the findings sugget millions of UK mobiles would exceed the recommended acceptable levels of bacteria.

while not immediately harmful, elevated levels indicate poor hygiene and can act as a breeding ground for more serious bacteria.

Hygiene expert Jim Francis told Which?:"The levels of potentially harmful bacteria on one mobile were off the scale. That phone needs sterilising."

The tests showed how easily bacteria could liger on the surface of a phone, which could be passed on to other people if they held the handset to look phtos or other applications.

Which? advises that phones can be cleaned with an alcohol wipe.

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President Goodluck Jonathan has declared that Nigerians living in the Diaspora will not be able to participate in the 2011 general election until a particular provision on general elections in the constitution is amended.

Jonathan, who was responding to an appeal made by Nigerians in Diaspora for the extension of their voting rights to their places of residence to ensure that they exercise their franchise in the 2011 general elections, said it was not feasible since the general election is a few months away.
He stated that time is too short to include Nigerians in the Diaspora in the voting exercise, adding that Nigerians are determined to get it right this time, therefore the process of registering which is yet to be done in the country cannot be extended to them if it has to be concluded before the elections..

The President who was represented by the Secretary of the Government of the Federation, Alhaji Yayale Ahmed made the disclosure at the 4th National Diaspora Conference with the theme Nigeria at 50: the Role of the Diaspora in National Development yesterday in Minna.
Jonathan assured the Nigerians in Diaspora that despite that the National Assembly is yet to resolve the issue of their inclusion in the voting exercise of 2011, he promised that everything will be done to make it possible for them to exercise their franchise if not in 2011, the next general elections.

“I note with sadness that Nigerians in Diaspora have not been exercising their fundamental rights as Nigerians. This is essentially a constitutional issue but as a responsible Government, we shall do everything to promote the fundamental rights of Nigerians wherever they are”.
 Speaking to the 288 Nigerians in Diaspora from about 20 countries who converged in Minna to discuss on issues that affect the development of the country, Jonathan encouraged them to continue to be ambassadors of the country wherever they find themselves, adding that the attitude of Nigerians living abroad will prove to the world that the country is serious with its re-branding

According to the president, the conference was held with the purpose of pooling resources and focus of the development challenges facing the country and to proffer solution to them, especially the area of turning the brain drain syndrome to brain gain for the country.

Speaking earlier, Niger State Governor, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu, said it was imperative for the organisation of the conference to enable Nigerians in Diaspora to contribute their wealth of knowledge to national development.

Aliyu encouraged them to invest in Nigeria , adding that their commitment and investment in Nigeria will encourage foreign direct investment into the country.

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Forbes List billionaire, Alhaji Aliko Dangote has learnt that in indeed the law is no respecter of persons. For failure to show up in court today, as prescribed by a Lagos federal high court presided by Justice James Tsoho, the billionaire was declared WANTED

Delivering his ruling, Justice Tosho said that Alhaji Dangote, who stayed away from the court’s last deliberation, was in perpetual contempt of court and ordered him to be arrested and detained till October 26th. checks reveal that the once powerful Dangote has fled to Dubai, a country that has no extradition treaty with Nigeria. However, sources told that the court may enlist the services of Interpol, if necceasy, to execute its warrant.

Nevertheless, Aliko Dangote becoming a fugitive from Justice, will negatively impact Dangote Groups, as he must sign approvals above five thousand naira. said a company source.

It is recalled that Justice Lambo Akanbi had on March 12, 2010 , nullified the election of Dangote as the President and Chairman of the Council of NSE following an application by some shareholders of African Petroleum (AP).

The shareholders had argued then that after a court had on August 4, 2009 , ordered all the parties to maintain the status quo in a suit they instituted, challenging Dangote’s membership of the Council of NSE, the NSE went ahead and conducted its election on August 2009, where Dangote allegedly emerged president. An action that made the shareholders, in a form 49 (motion for committal) filed a suit against Dangote, Okereke-Onyiuke and Igbinosun, saying that the trio conspired by allowing Dangote to preside over the affairs of NSE despite the existence of the order.

At the court proceedings, counsel representing Dangote, Ricky Tarfa (SAN) had argued that before the court can consider the issue of contempt, it must first entertain a motion challenging its jurisdiction to entertain the case by citing the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Ebhodaghe and Okoye..

But in his response, Aniakor, counsel for the shareholders, flawed Tarfa’s argument, saying it was not the true position of the judgment of the apex court and urged the court to issue a warrant for the production of Dangote and Okereke-Onyiuke, who were absent in court.

“The Supreme Court added a proviso to the judgment to the effect that in the event that if there was an application seeking to protect the integrity of the court and another one challenging the court’s jurisdiction, the court would have to first determine the one that had to do with its integrity.”

After reviewing all the arguments by both counsels, Justice Tsoho upheld Aniakor’s submissions, and held that the contempt proceedings must take precedent over any other application, being the one seeking to protect the integrity of the court.

In addition, the court has struck out the name of Ndi- Onyuike from the case.

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Nollywood Actress, Uche Iwuji was getting engaged and headed for the altar.

News at our disposal have it that the actress has called it off with her soon to be husband.

Friends, fans and foes were excited for Uche when the news of her engagement broke out and Uche wouldnt stop flaunting her sparkling engagement ring.

Now Uche is back on the single club and she was heard saying she isnt searching. As to why she left her hearthrob, we learnt the dude wasnt meeting her expectations financially and so Uche walked off while she could

Shocked?…you are definitely not alone!

Probably spurred on by the commotion caused by the wande coal nude pictures,someone with wicked intentions has circulated this picture of the actress on facebook.

This looks like a younger uche iwuji but we are not so sure What do you think ?

Recent Interview with Uche

Playing sexy roles in films may be taking its toll on Nigeria top female movie star, Uche Iwuji. Having featured in about thirty films in her ten years acting career, the sensational actress, an undergraduate of Creative Art of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), told Showtime Celebrity that she has so far dated five men without winning their hearts for marriage.
“The sixth will be the final one” she declares.

How many movies have you starred in so far?
I have done close to thirty.

Could you name some of the titles?

I took part in Aristo, Passion And Pains, My Heart Desire, My Dream………..

And how long have you been in the industry?

Close to ten years now.

How did your acting career start?

I started acting in my church. From there I met Zeb Ejiro and I told him that I wanted to take acting as a career. He asked if I have acted before and I said yes, I have been doing it in my church. He then gave me a role to play and I played it to his satisfaction and that was how I started acting.

Which was your first film?

Tears In Heaven.

How did you feel appearing in a film for the very first time?

I was happy, It was an opportunity to act..

What is your real name?

My name is Uche Evelyn Iwuji.

Are you now married?


Is it because of your roles or career as a movie star that is making it difficult for you to get hooked?

Laughs…. I can’t really say. You know it’s really difficult because most of the guys I have met in the past pretend to fall in love. And immediately ask you to stop acting and all that. It’s a difficult task and it has been a problem for us.

Do you mean you can’t sacrifice your acting career for marriage when a man knocks on your door for marriage?

Yes, I can. I will do something else. I will put my head somewhere else and keep my marriage.

Are you thinking of marriage now?

Yes, I am thinking of marriage.

Do you have somebody on the line?

No, not for now. I used to have one but it ended and we packed it up. Since then, I have decided to keep to myself.

Was it because you weren’t ready to give up your acting career?

No. It didn’t happen like that. The relationship didn’t work out. That was it.

So, what is your next step?

Em…. I am in school now. I have decided to concentrate fully on my studies, after which, I may begin to think about marriage.

Which school are you attending?

The University of Lagos (UNILAG)

And what course are you studying?

Creative Art.

What level are you now?

300 level.

Do you still find time to act?

Occasionally yes, but the school time table is really taking more of my time.

Do you intend to take acting on full time after graduation?

I might if I don’t see my husband before then. If I see my husband, and he tells me to find something else to do, I will abide.

What kind of roles do you love to play in films?

Sexy roles, possessive roles, projecting role - any challenging role, in short.
In which of the films have you actually played sexy roles before?
Total Control and some others

What was it all about?

It was all about six girls searching for greener pasture. They have to do anything and everything to get there including going to bed with different men.

How has playing sexy roles affected you?

It has really affected me because the guys out there feels this girl is very hot (laughs) and they want to have you in bed.

They expect us to look like what we play in films, as a person in real life; ‘sex bloody’ and that is not possible because it’s just a movie and we are only playing a role. They hold on to their imagination and keep calling and wanting you to hook up and do it with them.

They want to see us in person in real life do it to them, so to say, which is not true about us. We have our discipline. It is only the God fearing ones that take you reasonable or think reasonably about you. They take you for what you are and tell you the truth.

The other men that just want to have you simply come around to flatter you and that is it.

It’s as if you work on men’s imagination a lot. Don’t you think this will make it difficult for you to fall in love?

I don’t even love again. It ended last year


I don’t see the need for it because when you decided to love someone and he ends up breaking your heart. What is the need? So I don’t love.

Don’t you have love in you?

No, I don’t have. So, I don’t give. It ended last year.

Do you mean to say you are taking your time?

Hmm... something like that.

Who is this guy that caused this damage to your love?

I don’t want to talk about him. I don’t want to remember him.

What kind of guy would you want to restore your love?

The man must be God fearing. He must go to church for me to love him.

Is that all?

Emm. That is the kind of person I want. A Church goer.

If he happens to be a whiteman and an unbeliever?

He just has to go to Church for me to love him. Obviously, not all whitemen or foreigners in Nigeria go to church but when you meet them and tell them about Church, they want to go with you and in the process end up giving their lives to God.

So you may prefer a White man now because a lot of your female colleagues are gunning for them?
Not really, but anyone that comes is okay by me. But he must go to Church. Even the Whiteman shows more love.

They are really crazy about love. They take you on tour and make you see things you often dreamt about. They do many things to make you feel that you are needed. But a black man especially a Nigerian, he wouldn’t take you to where you want to be. He keeps you there in the house and there is no time. There is not much time for the two of you to go out as lovers, like going for picnic, shopping, travelling, and doing things that really ignite love.

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Starring Bimbo Manuel, Ngozi Ezeonu, Lilian Bach, Cossy Orajiakor and many other Nollyood stars, Paul Adams’ Lifestyle, an anti-drug campaign soap is bracing up to commence the third season with difference.

The star-studded soap is part of the effort by the veteran actor to sensitise the populace on the adverse effects of drug abuse in our society, using the medium of the tube.

Adams, a former Cartoon Editor of Vanguard Newspapers said in a chat with HVP that the soap, currently running on LTV Channel 8, Lagos, will be returned on Super Screen where it ran during its first season, and TVC respectively.

The soap is the brainchild of Paul Adams and his wife.

Lifestyle, according to Adams, is a product of passion. He has a strong desire to enthrone a society devoid of drug addiction.

“My passion is to advocate a drug-free society or relatively low participation of our youths in the use and abuse of harmful drugs,”Adams said.

While emphasizing that the soap is part of his noble contribution towards sanitising the society and making it a safe place to live in, Adams explained that he has a desire to use the soap to highlight the activities of the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA.

Being a personal effort, the 25-minute soap according to him, stresses the need for government agencies to deem it necessary to support a project of this magnitude in order to actualize its mission.

“We are putting the project together to discourage youths and adults from using and trafficking in harmful drugs. I believe that we all owe it as a duty to contribute towards sanitizing our society and making it a safe place to live in.”

“Lifestyle is about life, it’s about reality and it’s about living. It also teaches that it doesn’t matter where you’ve been, you can live a new life apart from drugs, violence and crime.”

Adams however described the soap as “a contemporary drama serial on drug abuse, journalism, business, love, family and religion.”

Set in metropolitan Lagos, Lifestyle mirrors happenings in our society with a view to providing positive reinforcements to valuable norms like good business ethics, moral upbringing, fidelity in marriage, genuine faith in God and clean drug-free living amongst values..

At the center of the intriguing story is the Pataro family, headed by Chief Temple Pataro(Festus Agbueboh) a rich, influential business magnate and unknown to his family, a drug baron. His wife is Gwendolyn Pataro (Ngozi Ezeonu), a religious house wife with a questionable background that remains undisclosed to her family.

Their daughter is Joy Pataro and their son, Tony Pataro(Tuvi James) is an undergraduate drug-abuser.

“Lifestyle is an anti-drug campaign.. We have been at it for awhile. And we just ended the editing of Season 2. We want to start off Season 3 in earnest,” Adams, who has acted in several movies and soaps relayed to HVP.”
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It was the first eviction show of the ‘All Star’ season of Big Brother Africa. All the housemates were up for eviction and we just knew that ‘biggie’ had something up his/her sleeve!

Before we get back to the evictions, its been an interesting week in the Big Brother Africa All Stars house all week. The housemates have spent the week getting to know each other and basically getting reacquainted with the Big Brother Africa experience. We’ve had Munya and Meryl take a steamy shower together (well not really ‘together’ but at the same time in neighbouring shower stalls), there has been some sizzle between Sheila & Hannington – she seems quite open to the idea, though she warned him that he might not be able to handle her lifestyle. Hannington on the other hand has been warned by Uti who admits that Sheila is hot but ‘trouble’. Uti admitted he fancies Jen and asked the other housemates if they “Had Sex in the House”

Finally, the other big news was the Housemates’ Revolt. The housemates got really rowdy on Saturday as they were protesting the lack of food in the house. When things got out of hand and guards were sent in by “Biggie” to calm the situation, the housemates took them hostage and didn’t let them leave. After discussions between the housemates, Tatiana (Head of House) and Biggie; Eventually, the guards were let go and Big Brother rewarded the housemates with an abundant supply of food.

Back to the evictions, Tatiana and Kaone were evicted because they got the lowest amount of viewer votes. However, Big Brother nullified the evictions and reinstated them into the house. That wasn’t all, they were allowed to issue two ‘daggers’ to the other housemates.

The first dagger this season, makes the chosen recipient dress up like a pig, clean the kitchen, bathroom and toilet three times a day with ear-buds and a toothbrush.

Tatiana chose to throw this dagger at South African Housemate Lerato and explained that it “will be funny to see!” Lerato will have to keep this up for a week.

The second dagger was thrown by Kaone. This forfeit forces a Housemate to dress up in a French Maids costume, remain awake after all the other Housemates are sleeping and make sure that the House is spotless before going to bed. Kaone chose Uti as the unlucky recipient.

The Housemates that have received a Dagger in the Back from the two Evictees will have to perform these duties for an entire week.

An interesting week in the BBA All Stars house. Big Brother also unveiled a mysterious ‘barn’, we wonder who will be sent there. ‘Ekaette’ singer Maye Hunta also performed the official BBA All Stars song – African Star at the eviction show.

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