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What are the benefits an online MBA studies?

mba-ghana.jpg?w=300&h=168Students that enroll in online MBA Programs, a program to any other in the matter, quickly that benefit is derived from your registration. Freedom from the great staff benefits of saving of money, until students are getting huge benefits that can be obtained from the study is online. In addition, Online since that opportunities may done assisted inn Students to School and you can get one title that they have not had to opportunity of another way of obtaining, online study act have increased in popularity this. One of the main benefits is derived when students in an online MBA in Nigeria  from Student seem to work freely is in the Lifestyle his lathe. Students are in full-time enrollment opportunity of one partial study student and I cannot schedule adjustment from one of meeting strict class to class can access to convenient When them through online. The idea that students of classroom virtual Login to treat the two hours, Como do really is for many, those students have to work to keep one of full time while studying have obligations Still one can remain faithful family up to current responsibilities. Essentially I auditorium of Online Students is open, 24 hours a day seven days of sowing.

Clearly, online MBA Students advantage over large have one traditional University students finished the course in programming flexibility. Online students also one of those who discovered benefits of online study that is receiving I’ve done of online study that is less costly to the assist of one traditional university. What sense is less expensive online study him? First, students do not have to be could’ve Paying for communication of the food and one of the gangs of Older Students pay to attend college. I made of student I have that no one bird one bedroom is double the benefit Students can stay up families for their study. In addition, online students may remain enrolled in one distance learning MBA program and has trailed up to that minimum gangs of travel is reducing. No one need constant round trips of the house at school, students enrolled in online study did not have to face the cost of fuel one of the maintenance CAR her audience Shipping Cost.

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Being one of the most advanced forms of education, distance learning in Nigeria has gained popularity worldwide. You will encounter several universities and educational institutes in Nigeria, offering distance learning courses. This wonderful mode of education provides the benefit of self-study as well as the opportunity to participate in various educational programs offered by some universities in Nigeria. If you are among those working, you definitely get the most benefit from this type of courses distance education. Because of hectic schedules, it becomes one of his most difficult subject to regular classes. Taking all these facts into consideration, Online study in Nigeria has been presented as the last option for those individuals who aspire.
In the past, Nigeria was known for his community tensions and political turmoil. These factors led to insecurity of thousands of students in pursuit of education in the land of Nigeria.  Nigeria today is much more developed and offering countless opportunities for student s and professionals. Therefore, the distance learning in Nigeria has emerged as a necessity, especially for those who reside abroad. The students from distant places can opt for distance education courses. There can be a better option for people who work registration for distance learning courses.
One of the advantages of distance learning in Nigeria is that it frees you from the obligation to attend regular classes and strict. online MBA in Nigeria brings everything typically receive while undergoing regular courses. Besides offering a wide range of courses, some institutes of distance learning allows you to participate in certification programs. There are undergraduate and Master courses. After successfully completing his graduation, you can go for a master's degree. Distance learning in Nigeria has been a fashion among students in recent years. The online study is necessary to have an Internet connection, a new Microsoft Office version, a personal email address and a browser. With the help of these tools, you connect to peers and participate in programs related to education online. Your personal email address allows you to enter and therefore contact the instructor via emails. Discussion boards to help resolve queries of students regarding the extent to which they are pursuing. These distance learning MBA programs in Nigeria equip students with skills covering areas such as computer science, mathematics, management situation, etc.
Leaving all the terrible circumstances, Nigeria has again become a vibrant nation offering advanced technologies and modern education systems and senior management courses as UK MBA in Nigeria. To get the rhythm going, many UK universities in Nigeria are focusing on human resource development. There are a variety of off-shore campus in Nigeria and universities that are opening centers of human resource development, as well as places of learning UK MBA. However, their goal is to empower Nigerians to meet the challenges and cope with the pace of modern technologies. Distance learning in Nigeria can also opt for citizens Nigerians and people from foreign soil.
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The Professor wants advanced his education to get higher pay must take masters in education seriously in order to realize their ambitions. In fact, various educational systems worldwide recognized higher degree, for example, teacher education s degree, bachelor s degree education and doctorate education in order to maintain the level and quality of teaching education. You can make online education expertise while continuing his teaching career or circular work.


A teacher who wants to continue their education and earn higher wages must consider M.Ed. as the only measure that can bring the ambition of reality. As a matter of fact, in many educational systems worldwide, a higher degree of education is necessary to maintain the level of online qualifications. You can make online degree programs, while teachers continue with their regular work or teaching job.

Online MBA in it degree program is necessary for teacher's busy teachers who wish to enjoy the benefits of teaching or educational institution. Go to campus based institution or university to attend classes or conferences may not be easy as it seems. However, with the availability of online education courses offered by some colleges and universities around the world, you can do the master's programs in the fields of public policy, curriculum theory, School of Management, the development of children and so on in your convenient time. You need not go to another country or city to rent a studio apartment in the master's program. You can do almost all things from the comfort of your home or work with a computer and Internet connection.

Online MBA degree provide education for positions such as administrators or teachers in the public school system and private. However, as a teacher, an administrator or teacher education degree holder, you can enjoy many opportunities in the field of public or private education. Online teachers can open the door to many opportunities that can take your career to the next level. There are many organizations around the world who are interested in their services. These educational organizations offer materials, research and training and provide other services to educators.

The requirement for the teaching profession or educational system is the degree. If you have advanced qualification for example, masters or PhD, the sky is the limit which shall have jurisdiction to hear cases in the education system.

Finally, before making online education expertise, ensure that the research so you can go to university or college accredited and approved to run the online master's degree education programs.

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Dear friend,I would like to let you know about a web-page that I recently found to make bigincome in Internet.It works all around the clock, and for notjust days or weeks, but for months andmonths, making you big of revenue.$0.00 invest - earn hunders daily.It's real and easy way to make money ininInternet.Open the link below to get it: visit for more.Best regards,kellybriggs
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capt.9ffca9b8866040eebdda6fc9015dacba-9ffca9b8866040eebdda6fc9015dacba-0.jpg?x=213&y=142&xc=1&yc=1&wc=410&hc=273&q=85&sig=bxyYYvYcu1T4ZbmVX8Jm1w--NEW YORK – A trove of papers and photographs documenting the lives of Holocaust victims and survivors includes notable names like Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel and former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. But Benzion Baumrind's name might have stayed forgotten to his descendants without the records kept by a humanitarian aid agency.

A genealogist discovered Baumrind, one of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust, was in her family with one stray document buried in a database of historic papers and photos kept by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

With over 500,000 names, and more than 1,000 photographs, the searchable collection documents the relief organization's vast efforts during World War II and the postwar era in 24 countries, from China and Japan to the Dominican Republic and Bolivia. The records, being made available online for the first time on Monday, open a singular view into the lives of survivors that the JDC aided during that cataclysmic period.

"We can get broader pictures of the actual everyday social life in the aftermath of war," Kenneth Waltzer, director of the Jewish Studies Department at Michigan State University, said of the collection.

Until now, the organization's archive has been largely inaccessible to the public, kept at a private storage warehouse located a short subway ride out of Manhattan.

Volunteers entered names in a database for over a year; rare, fragile documents were scanned into the computer system. Users of the site can submit names to identify people they recognize in the photographs, which may be later added to captions.

"A website like this is where history meets technology," said Gideon Taylor, an executive with the New York-based committee. "It's taking history out of the dusty files... And bringing it out into the community."

The committee plans to put even more documents from its archive online later this summer.

The project is one of a growing number around the world aimed at making available on the Internet primary records about the Holocaust.

"It is a world phenomenon that's launched by the technology," said David M. Kleiman, president of Heritage Muse Inc., a New York-based genealogy technology firm.

The collection offers glimpses of the lives of children who survived the Holocaust to become moral and spiritual leaders, politicians and artists.

There was the 16-year-old teenager who would become an author and one of the world's most esteemed humanitarians — Wiesel — listed on a document naming 426 orphaned boys from the Buchenwald concentration camp who were taken to Paris by the committee in 1945. Also on the list: a future Chief Rabbi of Israel and one of the youngest surviving prisoners of Buchenwald, Israel Meir Lau, who was 7 years old when he was liberated.

Begin, the future Israeli prime minister, is named on a list of 9,000 Polish Jewish refugees receiving the agency's aid in Vilna, Lithuania, in 1940.

Another person named in the files is Peter Max, the famed New York artist whose cosmic-colored works became a signature style of the hippie 1960s.

"Looking back, it's amazing that people had the will to organize, to create organizations to help people who fled other countries and were in dire need," said Max, who was 6 months old when his family, the Finkelsteins, fled Berlin, and found safe haven in Shanghai, where the JDC also had a relief operation.

For Linda Cantor, the past president of the Jewish Genealogical Society of New York and a volunteer who helped put the names online, the collection helped her find a relative she never knew about.

A researcher with 30 years of experience in genealogy, even she was surprised when she came across a document that connected her to Baumrind, who lived in the Polish town where her family was from.

That document, a list of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi German government and living in the border town of Zbaszyn, Poland, between 1938 and 1939, showed that her great-aunt was named as Baumrind's contact in the United States. It was a tantalizing clue that would help her document him as a cousin.

"My discovery allowed him to have a place in somebody's memory," she said.

The committee, commonly known as the Joint, was founded in 1914 to help Jews in need in war-ravaged Europe and Palestine. During World War II, it provided assistance to refugees from Lithuania to Japan and helped Jews escape Europe, including by booking them on ships headed for the Americas.

Claus Hirsch, 76, of New York, fled Berlin with his parents and brother and found asylum in Shanghai and had to rely on the Joint for hot meals. As a volunteer, going over lists of names and keying them into the database, it has been an emotional experience.

"It's nice to see a name on a list," he said, before he began to weep. "I saw names of people I had known years ago. And I hadn't thought about them in 30 or 40 years."


  Extracted from 

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New Michael Jackson single debuts online

View Akon interview Here

A duet recorded in 2007 by Michael Jackson and rapper Akon has been released on his website - the first single from an album of new music from the King of Pop after his death last year, Sky News reports.
Legendary Pop Star Michael Jackson

Hold My Hand was first recorded in 2007 and was leaked in an unfinished state on the internet in 2008.

Jackson's Sony/Epic record label said Akon recently completed production on the track.

It has been released globally as the first official single from the album, Michael, which goes on sale on December 14.

Sony and the executors of Jackson's estate said they had a hand-written note from the Thriller singer, indicating his desire that Hold My Hand be the first single on his next project.

"The world was not ready to hear Hold My Hand when it leaked a couple years ago. We were devastated about it,' said Akon, who was known to be working with Jackson before his sudden death in June 2009 at the age of 50.

"But its time has definitely come. Now in its final state, it has become an incredible, beautiful, anthemic song. I'm so proud to have had the chance to work with Michael, one of my all time idols," the music producer said in a statement.

Sony also released details of all the tracks on Michael - the first album of new material from the singer since Invincible in 2001.

Two of the tracks feature rapper 50 Cent and rocker Lenny Kravitz. Sony said the songs are the work of "an esteemed group of producers along with Michael Jackson."

"While primarily focused on songs that Michael worked on recently, there are also earlier compelling tracks," said Sony...

The release of Hold My Hand for digital sale follows the streaming on the web last week of another new track Breaking News from the upcoming album, which met with initial scepticism.

Some music critics, along with a few of Jackson's family members, have said they do not believe the vocals on Breaking News really belong to the entertainer.

And Jackson's estranged father Joe has said his perfectionist son would not have wanted his unfinished material released.

But last week Sony insisted it had conducted extensive research and is confident the vocals are Jackson's own.

Michael has the backing of Jackson's official estate and is the latest commercial venture to capitalise on the singer's renewed popularity in death.

A Cirque du Soleil show, dance videogame and a DVD set of all his pop music videos are also on their way.
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IBB "bribes" Journalists

Five months ago, a friend of mine, who edits a national daily, sent me a text message agreeing substantially with my column, ‘The Punch and the rest of us’, except the generalised conclusion that “all (journalists) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the profession”. There are still some journalists, he submits, who toe the narrow path of integrity. Of course I knew where he was coming from, but I also knew the context in which I had made that statement.

I revisit that statement in light of the stories spewing out of the political beat, specifically on the race for the 2011 presidential elections and how it affects the integrity of news.

As part of the effort to sell his candidature for the presidency, former military president, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) invited as many as 40 journalists to his Minna home on August 14 for an interview. I have heard questions asked about why he should invite journalists to his home instead of a public place if he didn’t have an ulterior motive, and why he should offer monetary gifts to the journalists in the name of paying for their transportation.

One news medium, which has championed this opposition in the open, is the online agency, Sahara Reporters. According to SR each of the journalists received N10 million for heeding Babangida’s call on his presidential ambition. That is N400 million just for one night’s interview from an aspirant yet to win his party’s nomination if it were true. But it was not. When some of the journalists complained about the fictional sum, SR changed the story on August 19, saying it was just “a paltry N250, 000 each”. Rather than admit its initial error SR simply said, “our accountants have told us that going by the number of 40 journalists in attendance, we are still around the same ballpark of N10 million”. So much for credible reporting!

Three days later, SR followed up with ‘IBB and his Rogue Journalists’, accusing the journalists of roguery and professional misconduct; roguery, because they collected money from two sources—their employers who presumably authorised and funded the trip and their news source, IBB; misconduct because it is unethical for them to demand/receive gratification from news sources for their services.

And on August 23 in ‘IBB Nocturnal Press Parley: Punch fires Editorial board Chairman’, SR stayed on top of the story by reporting that Adebolu Arowolo, editorial board chairman of the Punch, had lost his job for going on that trip without his management’s approval..

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3 Reasons Why You Can't Earn Extra-Income

Principle of CrowdBird of the same feather flock together. Those who’re negative minded and always complain would always flock with people who behave alike. And, those who’re creative and productive also flock with others who’re the same, because human beings tend to relate with people of the same behavior. And they’re greatly affected by whom they associate with.And, you can never earn extra income when you surround yourself with people who talk you down. They wouldn’t try anything new nor encourage you to try something new. They’re also trapped in those old ways of doing things that have little or no result. They’re so afraid of failure and can spend most of their time planning to avoid mistakes. This die-hard attitude affects everybody in the circle of their friend. People with such mindset never conquer anything great.Lose of Hope and Negative ThoughtThe greatest threat that poses a crisis for humanity today isn’t disease or war. It’s the loss of hope and negative thoughts. All over the world, there are regions marked with extreme poverty caused by hopelessness, fear and anxiety. Whether it’s personal or on a national level, it’s doesn’t matter how much hope one may start a means of livelihood with. Reality always forces people to lose interest quickly.Everybody desires to be successful. To succeed, you must think success even in the midst of life threatening challenges. If you continually think or say,’’ I can’t.’’Not me. I can’t succeed in this business. I am poor. How can I live on this poor pay? I bet my shirt only negatives, like poverty, illness and failures will surround you.Lack of Financial Knowledge.No matter how dry a desert may be, if a river begins to run through it, it will become fertile and living creatures start to revive in it. This simply means that, no matter how financially broke one may be, once he acquires the right financial knowledge and apply it, he’ll experience financial freedom. Every modern civilization today passed through the acquisition of knowledge and skills. And every vocation needs some kind of skills to succeed including earning extra income. Doctors read medicine, lawyers read law and to earn extra income what do you do? Simply get the right information now!source
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As part of our ongoing series: "Jobs and the Recession: What you need to know" we examine an industry that, despite the recession, seems to be booming Are online jobs the next big thing? As the U.S. economy continues to free-fall, millions of American are finding themselves without jobs, sufficient retirement or paychecks coming in. In March alone the number of unemployed increased by 694,000 to 13.2 million. Throughout history those on the cutting edge have adapted and prospered by knowing how to adapt to current economic climates, and this trend may once again be taking place on the internet. With more time on their hands, many California residents (And people around the country and world) are getting creative and turning to the online world for help. For years we've all heard the stories of people making internet millions and now, it appears you don't have to be a technology guru at all to quickly get started making a decent income online. It's called Google Money Master and it's taking the internet and business communities alike by storm. While researching the online-job phenomenon for this article I found countless stories of every day people making between $250 - $1000 a day from their homes. They explain that they're posting links on websites using hugely popular text advertising applications like Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN Adcenter. Below is an excerpt from one site. "Basically I actually make around $5,500 to $7,000 a month from Google. Not a ton of money. But, very solid and good. I was able to replace my previous job's income, working less than 10 hours a week on my computer at home." - Kevin H. Now we've all heard of countless 'get rich' schemes and scams and I'm sure that by now most of us have received at least one email promising us multi-million dollar fortunes if we'd only assist some displaced member of the "Nigerian Royal Family." However Google Money Master Google Profits does not appear to get caught up in the 'hype,' instead focusing on a steady stream of results over a period of time driven by individual effort and not the promise of revealing some 'special sauce.' This new online opportunity doesn't give you an unrealistic 'pitch' at all. In fact this may be the only online opportunity that promises that you won't instantly make millions online, a stark contrast to websites featuring "Get Rich Quick Schemes" and pictures of Yachts and Luxury Homes and Automobiles. Most users share stories of moderate but steady incomes of between $50,000 - $90,000 a year. But as with most jobs the more you put in the more you get out. "To cut to the chase within a month I had generated over $4,800 in income at home. This was unbelievable to me. I had seen all sorts of scams promising you could make millions of dollars a month or live in a giant mansion if you tried their ’system’ and of course never believed this. When this product advertised a legitimate way to make some pretty decent monthly income with no far-fetched ’scheme’ but instead simple illustrations of how to take advantage of Google like countless other people around the world already were I was sold, and the results to me speak for themselves!" - Steve The idea of working from home sounds good to most of us who have to deal with varying lengths of unpleasant commutes to and from work, and in this digital age the number of people telecommuting continues to rise- saving time and money spent on fuel and allowing more time to be spent with family. If you're struggling in the current economic debacle and the idea of working from home interests you, Google Money Master may be a viable option for you to try. The website states that there is a trial period available with every enrollment. Users pay only about $2.00 to have the kit shipped and the site states that "Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed." Associated Links: Google Money Master official site
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The Internet has made the world an open enterprise, making It expedient for businesses to further expand their market and their target audience. Internet Marketing maybe a high risk venture for business owners who wish to explore this arena.As an internet entreprenuer, you must ensure that most of your target customers will acquire purchase product or service. You must consider the best products that will definitely capture their interests and needs. This means that you need to identify specifically where your market lies i.e. their location and financial capability. It is advisable that you acquire marketing knowledge and skill to achieve your goal on the internet.At present, you can use a variety of internet marketing solutions that are being offered by companies for support to your customers. These solutions span from email marketing, search engine optimization or website design and many more. Since you need to maximize your return on investment, you need to choose the right set of internet marketing solutions to help you achieve this. These marketing techniques will not cost much since they are very self-explanatory and can be learned easily.Email marketing is perhaps the most popular internet marketing solution. This is a cost effective way of communicating and interacting to your customers or subscribers, driving them to visit your website to check out your products. It may be in a way of marketing articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A newsletter has an advantage of expanding your subscriber base as more and more people sign up to it until, before you know it you would have built a bulk email list.Another great Internet marketing solution is through websites. This is a good promotion strategy to employ since you can display all the necessary information for your target customers. The website should capture their interest and be complete since every transaction, from inquiry to payments may take place. All correspondence that will be done online must be well-facilitated by the features of your website.There is also a strategy known as search engine optimization. This is a type of service for your website that you can make use of in order to raise the number of visitors to your site. Once a customer uses a search engine, your website will rank high in the list of searches which in return will increase your site’s traffic.Considering these internet marketing solutions, there are different companies offering software products and services containing one or all of these solutions. It would be a great opportunity to try one of them, depending on your financial capability and expected return on investment.Maverick-KJoin my mailing list to receive regular updates on inner circle internet marketing secrets-->>
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