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12166300684?profile=originalThe glamorous lovers’ day celebration on Monday turned bloody at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) when gunmen killed two students. Daily Sun gathered that the clash was between two rival cult groups, namely, Black Axe and the Buccaneers,’ over a female student allegedly snatched by the Capone of the Black Axe for Valentine celebration.


The action of the Capone , the source said did not go down well with the other group leading to the clash.
A student who witnessed the shooting said besides the two cult members who were shot dead, about four others sustained injuries and were ferried out of the campus by their leaders to shield their identity.

The sources said the cult members who carried out the attack were not UNILAG students but members from another campus, adding that the attack was carried out in a commando style with sporadic shooting.
An undergraduate student of English Department told Daily Sun that the Buccaneers’ group attacked the Black Axe members while another student returning from the Mosque said those who carried out the killing were not from UNILAG because they did not cover their faces.

It was learnt that as soon the shooting started, students scampered for safety while others took cover behind the wall and under cars packed around, while others ran into the halls to avoid being hit by stray bullets. 
A senior lecturer who confirmed the killings said the university management had met to curtail any reprisal attack while security personnel had taken over the investigation of the deadly cult clash.
When Daily Sun visited the troubled institution yesterday, there was uneasy calm, as most staff and students rebuffed efforts made by the reporters to get their comments.

However, one of the students who resides at Sodeinde Hall, said there was sporadic gunshots outside the premises which caused panic everywhere. 
It was gathered that the crisis, which erupted when the students were at the peak of lovers’ day celebration, created stampede on the campus as people ran for safety.

One of the victims of the attack reportedly ran into Sodeinde Hall for help, from where he was taken to the hospital.
Although the Hall Master of Sodeinde Hall declined comments on the issue, one of the officials, who wouldn’t want his name published, said the attack could not be linked to any cult group. He said there was increasing speculation that the perpetrators of the attack could be fighting for love. Efforts made by Daily Sun our reporter to ascertain the identities of the victims were unsuccessful.
The news bulletin of the university, Information Flash (ISSN 08195540) also captured the incident, while assuring the staff and students of the university of adequate security.

“The attention of the universities authorities has been drawn to the incident which occurred in one of the Halls of Residence in the late hours of Monday, February 14, 2011 where two persons were reportedly injured in fracas. The university management has commenced investigation into the unusual incident, in particular at a time when preparation for the first semester examinations due to commence on February 21, 2011 are in top gear. Security has been intensified to ensure safety of life and property on campus. Law enforcement agents have been involved to assist the university in this respect,” it said. 
Daily Sun learnt that students are leaving the campus because of the fear of reprisal attack while some parents called their wards on phone to return home until the situation is brought under control. 

The Deputy Registrar Information of UNILAG, Mr. Dare Adebisi refused to pick his calls or replied to text message sent to his phone.
When the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Samuel Jinadu (DSP) was called thrice, he promised to contact the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in the area and did not call back as at the press time....

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jpeg&STREAMOID=VQksv2BiONfoeQpXDrlGWC6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxT_$3HYHuEL9WiBQ36$v88knW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=444As hundreds of dead birds fall from the skies across the United States, about a hundred birds again fell off in Sweden shortly before midnight on Tuesday, just as millions of dead fish surfaced in a bay in Maryland, United States. Similar unexplained mass fish deaths occurred in Brazil and New Zealand.

The Baltimore Sun reports that an estimated 2 million fish were found dead in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, mostly adult spot with some juvenile croakers in the mix, as well. In New Zealand, hundreds of dead snapper fish washed up on Coromandel Peninsula beaches, many found with their eyes missing, The New Zealand Herald reports. However Maryland Department of the Environment spokesperson Dawn Stoltzfus says “cold-water stress” is believed to be the culprit..


PHOTO:Rescue chief, Christer Olofsson, poses with a dead bird in Falkoping. Photo: REUTERS

Residents in Falköping, southeast of Skövde, found 50 to 100 jackdaw birds on a street further echoing the unexplained incidents that commenced earlier in the week across the Atlantic in southern US. A Swedish county veterinarian, Robert ter Horst believes that the birds may have been literally scared to death by fireworks set off on Tuesday night.

“We have received information from local residents last night. Our main theory is that the birds were scared away because of the fireworks and landed on the road, but couldn’t fly away from the stress and were hit by a car,” he explained to a Swedish online news platform — The Local on Wednesday.

“We will continue to look at whether there are other theories, but then we have to do an autopsy on the birds. The birds just now are in a car on the way to a laboratory in Uppsala. We don’t know exactly what happened yet, but we will continue the investigation,” he added.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRISwhS80vetzHIA7GRDfPCUiP6e_r3_5mS5j4jPPwNMCqgRJS6dA

alg_louisiana_birds.jpgMr Horst noted that he has also received some reports about pigeons, but the incident has happened too quickly to assume that it is related to the untimely demise of the jackdaws. The site where the birds were found has now been blocked for a veterinary inspection of the birds. Emergency services had cordoned off the area earlier on Wednesday. Across the Atlantic, an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 blackbirds crashed into homes, cars and each other in central Arkansas on New Year eve. Another 500 birds were killed and littered the highway in Louisiana. Diverse theories such as fireworks and power lines sparks have been propounded. It’s almost certainly a coincidence the events happened within days of each other, Louisiana’s state wildlife veterinarian Jim LaCour said on Tuesday.

“I haven’t found anything to link the two at this point.” Anders Wirdheim of the Swedish Ornithological Society (Sveriges ornitologiska förening, SOF) believes the nocturnal birds were likely frightened in the middle of the night, then flew around in the dark and collided with various objects. Bird deaths and fish kills at smaller numbers aren’t all that uncommon, though the size and proximity of some of the recent events have led people to allege their relation, though officials deny the frequency of these wildlife deaths as being anything other than coincidence.


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jpeg&STREAMOID=JD$kWX8mZRmCte7eTTegxi6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxTdzt4By2iwWCOwWnmzK_odnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=333Thirteen people were killed in Wereng village, Riyom local government area near Jos, by men wearing military uniforms in the early hours of Tuesday, according to officers of the Plateau State Police Command.

PHOTO:Cross section of Igbo community in plateau at a news conference on Jos crisis in Jos on Tuesday photo: NAN  Burnt Trailers in Metropolis

The police also confirmed that attacks were also reported in Fagawang where two persons were killed, and Nyarwai, both in the Barkin Ladi local government area, where three persons were killed.12166295654?profile=original

According to a police statement issued yesterday, 11 houses were burnt during the attack in Nyarwai, and three in Fagawang villages, while a church was burnt down in Ding village. A police source who preferred to remain anonymous confirmed that the attackers used weapons including guns, machetes, daggers, bows and arrows to attack their victims who were reportedly taken unawares.

Cold blood murder

According to the police source, the dead, who were slaughtered and left lying in their own blood, had several knife cuts on their bodies. The corpses still lay out in the open in the villages Tuesday morning as government officials were awaited. An official statement by Obinna Simon for the state police commissioner, Abdurrahman Akano, said no arrests had been made, but urged “all those concerned to refuse burial until we perform the autopsy.”

He said that the autopsies would help authorities ascertain the source and types of the weapons used. This, he said, would aid investigations and help ascertain whether the attackers were real military officers.

A city shuts down

Meanwhile, business activities were non-existent in the city as banks and other businesses remained closed throughout Tuesday. With freezing temperatures around 16°C, the streets have remained empty, with only a few vehicles venturing along specific routes. The city’s business nerve centre, popularly known as Terminus, has become a ghost of itself. Ahmadu Bello Way, Rwang Pam, Church, and Langtang Streets, and Old Bukuru Road, routes that experience heavy traffic daily, are deserted.

Powerless Special Task Force?

The Ndigbo, the umbrella body of the Igbo community in Jos, said that it has lost confidence in the Special Task Force headed by Hassan Umaru, a brigadier-general.

A statement by the group’s president-general, Richard Wayas, and its secretary, Serbinus Anyanwu, said that the Ndigbo condemned the cycle of crises, killings, and the Christmas Eve bombings and called on the federal and state governments to initiate urgent measures to end the violence.

“At the last count, we have well over 40 corpses of our people deposited both at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jankwano, and Jos University Teaching Hospital mortuaries, with several hospitalised,” the statement read.

“It is also regrettable that a luxury bus (EKWOS) carrying mostly Igbo passengers was attacked and burnt down by the same Hausa-Fulani youth along Bauchi Road, Jos.”

Simon Mwadkon, chairman of Riyom local government, described the incident as “very unfortunate,” saying that injured persons had been taken to the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH). He said that the attackers invaded the villages between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. on Tuesday, setting houses ablaze and killing the fleeing owners of the houses. Among the victims, he said, were children and nursing mothers.

The chairman alleged that security personnel were stationed “just 200 metres to where the attacks were carried out but they did nothing to stop it. In fact, a traditional ruler and the councillor, representing the area, Mr. Victor Davou, rushed to the STF soldiers just by but they bluntly refused to go to the scene after claiming that they were not given such an order,” Mr. Mwadkon said.

Mr. Mwadkon, however, promised that the council would do everything possible to assist victims of the raid, and called on the state and federal government to rise to the challenge and “do something drastic about the incessant crises on the Plateau.”

Averting another crisis

The Bauchi State Police Command said it has taken steps to prevent a spillover of the Jos crisis into the state. The command’s public relations officer, Mohammed Barau, an assistant superintendent of police, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Bauchi yesterday that security was being beefed up in all parts of the state, especially in towns close to the state’s border with Plateau.

“The police have taken proactive measures to prevent a spillover of the Jos crisis into the state. We are ready to take action to forestall any breach of law and order,” he said.

He added that there was now a better understanding between muslims and christians in the state.

The nation’s inspector-general of police, Hafiz Ringim, urged residents of Jos to resolve their issues without resorting to violence. Mr. Ringim made the plea in a statement issued in Abuja by the force’s public relations officer, Olusola Amore.

“The crisis in Jos should not be seen as a police/security problem but a community/political problem which all peace-loving people should strive to resolve without resorting to rancour,” he said.

“Nigerians should learn to live together in peace in spite of differences in tribe, language and religion,” he added.

The inspector general assured the people of the state and its environs of 24-hour patrols to forestall the breakdown of law and order in Jos. He said the police and other security agencies have been doing their best to contain the crisis and that 15,000 police officers and other security personnel had been deployed to Jos to restore peace since the crisis began.

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IBB "bribes" Journalists

Five months ago, a friend of mine, who edits a national daily, sent me a text message agreeing substantially with my column, ‘The Punch and the rest of us’, except the generalised conclusion that “all (journalists) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the profession”. There are still some journalists, he submits, who toe the narrow path of integrity. Of course I knew where he was coming from, but I also knew the context in which I had made that statement.

I revisit that statement in light of the stories spewing out of the political beat, specifically on the race for the 2011 presidential elections and how it affects the integrity of news.

As part of the effort to sell his candidature for the presidency, former military president, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) invited as many as 40 journalists to his Minna home on August 14 for an interview. I have heard questions asked about why he should invite journalists to his home instead of a public place if he didn’t have an ulterior motive, and why he should offer monetary gifts to the journalists in the name of paying for their transportation.

One news medium, which has championed this opposition in the open, is the online agency, Sahara Reporters. According to SR each of the journalists received N10 million for heeding Babangida’s call on his presidential ambition. That is N400 million just for one night’s interview from an aspirant yet to win his party’s nomination if it were true. But it was not. When some of the journalists complained about the fictional sum, SR changed the story on August 19, saying it was just “a paltry N250, 000 each”. Rather than admit its initial error SR simply said, “our accountants have told us that going by the number of 40 journalists in attendance, we are still around the same ballpark of N10 million”. So much for credible reporting!

Three days later, SR followed up with ‘IBB and his Rogue Journalists’, accusing the journalists of roguery and professional misconduct; roguery, because they collected money from two sources—their employers who presumably authorised and funded the trip and their news source, IBB; misconduct because it is unethical for them to demand/receive gratification from news sources for their services.

And on August 23 in ‘IBB Nocturnal Press Parley: Punch fires Editorial board Chairman’, SR stayed on top of the story by reporting that Adebolu Arowolo, editorial board chairman of the Punch, had lost his job for going on that trip without his management’s approval..

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Fans around the world honor Michael Jackson

A year after Michael Jackson's death caused a worldwide outpouring of shock, tears and tributes, the anniversary of his passing was being marked Friday on a quieter scale, as fans remembered their fallen King of Pop with vigils, prayer and,

of course, music.....

Some radio stations woke up listeners to Jackson's music; on U.S. television, all the major networks devoted a portion of their morning news programs to Jackson and more coverage was expected during prime-time hours. Events were planned across the globe, from Tokyo to New York..

Jackson's burial place at Forest Lawn in Glendale. Calif., was expected to draw not only a throng of fans, but family as well.

Jackson died on June 25, 2009, at age 50 as he was preparing for a series of comeback concerts in London. Dr. Conrad Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death for administering the powerful anesthetic propofol to Jackson to help the pop star sleep.

Pictures of Jackson hung on a wall outside New York's Apollo Theater in Harlem, where Jackson and his brothers won amateur night in the late 1960s. A sidewalk plaque memorialized the singer alongside such other legends as James Brown and Smokey Robinson.

Since the Apollo helped launch the Jackson 5, it has had a strong connection to the late pop star. After Jackson's death, it became the de facto gathering place for New York fans. It was an emotional though more low-key scene on Friday morning, as Jackson's music blared from boomboxes and passing cars.

"We are really honored to have played a part in launching Michael's musical career and to serve as a gathering place for people to come and celebrate his lifetime of achievement," said Jonelle Procope, Apollo president and CEO.

Procope placed Jackson's black hat and sequin glove, both from the theater's collection, beside his plaque.

Elsewhere in Harlem, the AMC Magic Johnson Harlem 9 movie theater screened "This Is It," the documentary about Jackson's preparation for his London concerts, throughout the day. And the Rev. Al Sharpton was to lead a moment of silence in the afternoon.

In Gary, Ind., Jackson's hometown, there was to be a tribute at the family home; city officials said they expected Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his niece, Genevieve Jackson, to show up, along with thousands of others. Katherine Jackson also lent her support to a "Forever Michael" fan event in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Saturday.

But his brother Randy Jackson was hoping to make the official family commemoration at Forest Lawn on Friday morning.

In Japan, hundreds of fans met at Tokyo Tower to honor Jackson with a candlelight vigil, a gospel concert and more. Some got a chance to see a collection of his possessions, including costumes from his tours and even a 1967 Rolls-Royce Phantom that he used to drive around Los Angeles.

"I don't know what to say. Seeing all his things makes it all come back to me," said Yumiko Sasaki, a 48-year-old Tokyo officer worker who has been a Jackson fan since she was 12. "It makes me so sad to think that he is gone. He was wonderful."

About 50 guests paid $1,100 each to sleep overnight at the Tokyo landmark, where they had catered food, watched a gospel choir, looked at Jackson memorabilia and danced to Michael Jackson's music before observing a period of silence as the sun rose.

Fans started gathering at Forest Lawn on Thursday night. Five large wreaths of flowers and dozens of bouquets, drawings and photos of Jackson had been placed outside his private mausoleum.

Evdokia Sofianou, 46, and her 9-year-old daughter, Rebecca, traveled from Athens, Greece, to pay their respects.

"I came because I love Michael very much," Sofianou said Thursday night. "I came to grieve."

But not every memorial for Jackson was to be somber. In France, weekend celebration plans included a concert and tribute show, and clubs across the globe planned parties for the man who embodied dance music.

"They want to celebrate his life and music," DJ Jon Quick said of the expected partygoers at club Taj on Friday, where he would play Jackson tunes. "His albums are like timelines in your life. You can remember what you were doing ... when 'Thriller' came out."

AP Entertainment Writers Jake Coyle in New York and Anthony McCartney in Los Angeles, and Associated Press Writer Eric Talmadge in Tokyo contributed to this report.

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Around and about Nollywood...

NFC extends closing date for annual essay competitionTHE closing date for the 2009/2010 edition of the Nigerian Film Corporation essay competition has been extended. Earlier scheduled to close on May 27, the new date is June 27. In a statement, the corporation said the reason for the extension is to enable more people to send in their entry. Topic for the essay is Building a Positive Global Brand: The Place of Film. Interested Nigerians, who must be 18 years and above, can now submit their entries, which must be between 8 to10 pages in the Times Roman format. All entries according to the statement should be forwarded to the Headquarters of the Nigerian Film Corporation, 218T, Liberty Dam Road, Jos, Plateau State or email to: The first, second and third winners of the competition will receive their cash prizes of N100, 000, N75, 000 and N50, 000 respectively, along with certificates at the 2010 edition of ZUMA Film Festival, holding in Abuja.AGN votes for HiTV Koko MansionTHE Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has endorsed the Koko Mansion reality show programme packaged by HiTV, Nigeria. The guild, through its president, Ejike Asiegbu, has described Koko Mansion’s objectives as being genuine and realistic, saying, “many young, eligible Nigerian men are finding the task of getting a good wife difficult, but with the programme, it will be a thing of the past as it would expose what most people are exactly looking for in most women. Though, it is not a 100 per cent chance, it is the beginning of a solution to a problem and I must commend the company and all those involved for this initiative.” The AGN president also assured of the body’s support stating that the AGN will support any initiative that will impact on the society. Some of the virtues the viewers who would be the ultimate judge in the show would be looking out for are: the ability of the Kokolette to cook sumptious meals for D’banj and his friends, especially during impromptu visits, and her ability to furnish and maintain the mansion. The Kokolette must also be industrious while being able to take care of the home front; her ability to be respectful and courteous at all times would be put to test. The potential wife must be able to emulate notable women in society even as she shows the ability to impress D’banj, under all circumstances in order to win the public’s votes to be in the house among others. A video audition would help the panel determine the 12 finalists. There will be no evictions in the first week because the ladies would have to socialise and familiarise themselves with living in a mansion. However, eviction starts in the second week, where two ladies with the least number of votes from the viewers will be ushered out. There will be weekly evictions from then on until the final three ladies emerge. Eviction is primarily done by the public and could be based on D’banj’s comments. However, each week, among the three ladies up for eviction, it would be D’Banj’s prerogative to give Koko Mycine (immunity) to one of the girls. He can only use Koko Mycine once in the duration of the show. The statement revealed that the winner would among other benefits, be crowned Kokolette 1, get a Chris Aires Diamond ring, a brand new convertible car, feature in his next music video You Don Make Me Fall In Love alongside N5 million in cash. Aside that, the winner will be D’Banj’s companion at public events both within and outside Nigeria. She would further emerge as HiTV’s Hi-Babe. Asides from exploring her talent professionally, she’ll be obligated to get involved in women empowering projects that would reinforce the unique role of an African woman in the development of our society.Distribution framework is on the upswingFILMMAKER and marketing consultant, Yinka Ogundaisi, has disclosed last week that things will definitely start looking up for the new distribution framework of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB). Sounding very optimistic Ogundaisi, informed that in a few weeks time that Nollywood ‘would feel the impact of the new distribution framework’. Ogundaisi, who may be waiting to release his feature film, Omoge, under the framework expressed optimism that the partnership between the NFVCB and the Lagos State government will clear the streets of hawkers and restrict movie retailing to only licensed retailers and for specific territories. He said: “Producers will therefore know the authorized retailers of their works and the authorised area of retailing.” By implication, he continued, “producers would also know areas not selling their movies and decide on what to do.” He also hinted that all movies would henceforth be released with official tags to easily identify pirated copies. “Distributors are not allowed to sell more copies than the number of tags bought,” he said, adding, “producers can now check with the board on the quantities of tags bought by distributors of their works.” According to him, all these will undoubtedly improve the financial profiles of productions and make quality works worthwhile. Another heartwarming information the actor gave was that which provides banking support for the funding of the distribution of approved movies to all registered and licensed national and regional distributors. “We will now know authorised retailers through their official signpost-licensed by the Censors Board or outlet of licensed National or Regional Distributor.” Although Ogundaisi hinted earlier that a bank was expected to endorse the initiative, the filmmaker sent words back to say that that aspect should be ignored, as discussions are still ongoing on the involvement of the bank ‘with known presence in the industry’.WAKA PASSProducer- Amebo A. AmeboDirector- Mr. GossipActors- Nollywood CelebritiesRemi Abiola is in the USCALLS to her phones won’t get through and so we asked how we could get in touch with Remi Abiola, the actress and one of the wives of the late politician, businessman and pillar of sports in Africa, Bashorun M.K.O Abiola, and no one was ready to volunteer any information. It took a discussion with a ‘been to’ on the problem of administering a will left behind by Abiola for this waka pass, who just returned from the United States to link our innocent discussion with the actress who was popular for playing a nursing sister on the long rested television soap Memorial Hospital. Anyway, the waka pass said, he was told by someone who is still close to someone, who is close to the actress and mother that she decided on starting life almost afresh when it became obvious that it was going to take a long while to get what is due her from her marriage to the presumed winner of the June 12 election. Those who said they have encountered her say she is doing one or two jobs in the US, which is related to the role she played in Memorial Hospital, to make ends meet. We actually no mind how related the work be, so far na work. Abi?Lepa Sandy was trendyONE thing that stands popular actress, Shade Omoniyi Kazeem ( aka Lepa Sandy), out in a crowd is her good sense of dressing. So, when she stepped into the Cinema Hall 2 of the National Theatre last Monday for the 52nd birthday anniversary presentation of Professor Ahmed Yerima’s new book Discourse on Tragedy all eyes looked towards her. Her brown designers gown sat on her lepaciously figure with her shoe and beads worn to match making a lot of people to conclude that Oga Kazeem — Lepa’s hubby — is doing a good job on her. And some ladies in the Yoruba movie industry have sworn to make their husbands to emulate Mr. Kazeem. Their names? No bi for my mouth you go hear sey goat get teeth…but we go mention am if people dare me. I swear.Foluke Daramola owns upTHOSE who counseled the cute actress, Foluke Daramola (Yes, Shobowale until she tells us otherwise) before she married the son of a one-time Commissioner for Education in Lagos State did a good job on her. We are sure she was warned that until the pain compares to the type that women go through in the labour ward she should not discuss her marriage on the pages of the newspaper. Well, even when the pain compared to it, she still kept mum and endured until the pain compared to a woman expecting quadruplets. The long and short is that Foluke confirmed to a national daily last weekend that she was no longer living under the same roof with her husband whose fathers influence dragged former Governor Ahmed Bola Tinubu to their lavish wedding. Those who know book say what this means in proper saying is that Folake has announced her separation from her husband. But her fans have cautioned that people should not jump at singing the popular gospel song ‘it shall be permanent’. They hold as some waka pass do that what ‘two children has joined together, no pain can put asunder’. We concur! True.Help, Oge Okoye was too moodyWE were not sure what the matter was, but the Oge Okoye we ran into on Saturday at the departure lounge of the Muritala Mohammed International Airport was not the same all time cheerful Oge we used to know. With her hands wrapped around her chest level, he starred pensively at a lady who looked like a maid and a fellow that looks like her hubby, who was busy playing with Oge’s child. True, her face that evening was like the face of one in a moody condition because she was going to miss something. Anyway it was from how sister Oge dressense changed in our estimation that made us to agree that there is something marriage does to people. Sister Oge who has been missing in action for some time now, wore a long flowing gown on a white trouser with shoes to match. The Oge we knew before she downloaded would be in one skimpy dress and will be chewing gum from post to post. True, e get as marriage dey do people….Lillian Bach flies Business classTHE number of Nollywood celebrities that fly business or first class whether in or out of Nigeria has increased by one as Lillian Bach enters the league. Dis is not a matter of dem say. Waka pass saw the mulatto actress koro koro on the business side of an international flight that connects you to anywhere in the world from Paris. We didn’t know whether it was because she placed our face and so wanted to avoid the ‘eyerazzi’ (since we didn’t carry our camera on board to do the paparazi), the gangling actress who reportedly dated popular actor Pat Attah kept a straight face as though someone was going to ask her to lap him on her seat. Anyway we don’t know whether it was because she was on her way abroad where whatever you wear is counted as fashion, one other waka pass didn’t think Lilian observed convention — which is ‘to match’ when she wore black shoes on blue jeans, on a brown jacket and blue top. On top of that she was carrying a pink and yellow hand luggage. We consulted another waka pass and she agree say dis don remove from the realm of fashion to the realm of colour jam colour. In other words na colour mega jam madam take sit down for business class.
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