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The Tenant Review by Habib

I was at the cinemas last week to see "The Tenant" after much recommendation from a close friend. And i must say that its a good movie, i am shocked no one is talking about it yet (could it be because no nollywood face is in it?)Anyways to the synopsis:Obinna, a nigerian refugee living in canada is at a crossroad in his life. After so many years of hussling and making ends meet in canada, his refugee stands are refused and deportation back to nigeria in 30days looms. His terminally ill landlord Timothy offers him hope as an ex-immigration officer but there is a price to pay for this. Obinna has to convince Timothy's embittered daughter, Nicole to see him before he dies. Its a struggle to save time and Obinna does all he can to fight deportation but the series of events that ensue changes Obinna's views completely as he is marvelled, shocked at what you discover when you think you already had a clie.In the course of all these, Obinna is forced to accept harsh realities that home is where the heart lies and no matter what happens, he still has family to turn to when he returns home.I did like the cinematography, sound effects and acting in this one. It was very convincing. The story was also very original and i was highly impressed. Many people in the cinema hall apparently came to watch a "Hollywood movie" cos they didnt know it was done by a nigerian till they started seeing signs like, the nigerian scenes, nigerian actors playing cameo etc. You needed to have seen the screams like it was a great thing for nigeria to have been connected with such project when infact the project itself is a nigerian thing.Good movies should never be ignored especially when we praise some half baked movies in nollywood. This one has no famous faces, no Genny, no Ramsey, not even Yemi Blaq. But its a good watch. I enjoyed it, and i loved the fact that it was done by a nigerian.
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Facebook is quite the colorful place today. An odd meme — bra color status updates — has made its way around the network, but no one really knows how or why the what-color-is-your-bra meme took off. In case you haven’t seen it yet, women (and some men) are posting single word updates with the color of their bra, hence the barrage of “black,” “red,” and “nothing” updates from your female friends. But who’s actually behind the bra color campaign, and what they’re trying to accomplish, remains a mystery. Speculation, however, is running rampant. A Detroit blog suggests that the color update craze was started by women in Detroit who are trying to raise awareness around Breast Cancer (though October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month). Another blog backs up that notion and includes the following Facebook message: “Some fun is going on…. just write the color of your bra in your status. Just the color, nothing else. It will be neat to see if this will spread the wings of breast cancer awareness. It will be fun to see how long it takes before people wonder why all the girls have a color in their status… Haha .” We’ve yet to dig up the real source of the trend, so if you have any information on how this got started and who’s behind it, share it in the comments. My Bra Color on 9jabook is :Green WHITE Green !
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LONDON (Reuters) - British police arrested three passengers aboard a Dubai-bound Emirates airliner at London's Heathrow airport on Friday on suspicion of making a bomb threat, police said. Sky News television quoted police sources as saying initial searches had found no actual threat to the flight, indicating that the incident may have been an ill-judged prank. The men, aged 58, 48 and 36, were taken into custody for making verbal threats against the crew before take off, the police said in a statement. "They have been arrested on suspicion of making a bomb threat," they added. An airport spokesman said other flights at Britain's biggest airport were unaffected. Witnesses told Sky that armed police with sniffer dogs boarded flight EK004, which had been due to take off at 2000 GMT (3 p.m. EST), and swiftly arrested the men. "A verbal threat was made to staff. Police were alerted and armed officers boarded the plane," the police statement said. "Police are searching the aircraft and all passengers have been removed from the plane." Airports around the world have been on high alert since a failed bombing attempt on a Detroit-bound plane last month. Britain announced tighter security measures this week, with plans to use full body scanners at Heathrow within three weeks. "There was no shouting or screaming ... They took them away quickly and brought on some dogs to have a sniff around," Cameron McLean, a passenger on the grounded Boeing 777, told Sky.
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Nigerian traditional hip-hop artist Abolore Akande a.k.a 9ice has announced his separation from his wife, Toni Payne.Confirming the incident, 9ice's publicist, Ayeni Adekunle, in a press statemen he said, "The couple has agreed to separate for a while, even though they continue to remain good friends and business partners. Their baby Zion will reside with Ms. Payne for now. Neither 9ice nor Toni will be granting any press interviews on this matter."The musician wedded Toni Payne on July 2008. The two dated before 9ice achieved nationwide success.Let us hope The Gongo Aso king will not use this chance to boost his street Credibility with the ladies .Late Last year it was rumored that 9ICE's MANAGER, DEINDE ARRANGES GIRLs FOR 9ICE SECRETLYThe hardworking manager of the sensational artiste, Adigun Abolore a.k.a. 9ice, Deinde is said to have been a very loyal and hardworking manager to 9ice and of course to the entire Alapomeji crew.It’s a known fact that 9ice is such a nice personality that is not wayward even before he got married to his heartthrob, Toni Payne but what we gathered recently is that Deinde has been keeping some beautiful girls for 9ice in some hospitality havens within Lagos metropolis where, we learnt, 9ice and other members of Alapomeji meet to have nice time.Though, 9ice, according to another informant within Alapomeji caucus informed us that, he loves his wife, Toni Payne even to a fault and we not want to do anything to hurt her feelings, notwithstanding, Deinde and other ‘guys’ pressure always overpowered him as we learnt that he, 9ice, cheats on his wife once in a while particularly with a girl called M. A. I hope Toni Payne is not reading this o.
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Notable quote from Article "Second, if, as seems likely, Yar'Adua is in fact incapacitated, the U.S. must demand that the constitution be followed and power transferred to the vice president " Just As Americans and the rest of the world still Want to know where in the World is Osama Bin Laden ? Mainstream American Journalists in the wake of the Mutallab "bombing" from top Rated Online Blogs like the Hufftington Post are asking Where in the World Is Nigeria's President ? READ ON ! Even as Obama Declares "I take Full Responsibility for America's Security Lapses as Commander in Chief " Now,Amid all the media frenzy around the Nigerian underwear bomber and how America should have stopped him before he tried to blow up a passenger plane on Christmas Day, a critical piece to the counter-terrorism puzzle seems to have been missed: where in the world is the Nigerian President? Normally, after such a horrific incident, President Obama would be on the phone with his counterpart, discussing what went wrong and agreeing on ways to work better in the future to prevent such attacks. But this couldn't happen because Nigeria's President Umaru Yar'Adua left his country for medical treatment in Saudi Arabia on November 23rd and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Yes, you read that right: the whereabouts of the leader of Nigeria -- America's most important strategic ally in Africa, the fifth largest source of U.S. oil imports, and home to 150 million people -- are unknown. It is also not clear if he is alive or dead. The situation is so uncertain that Nigeria's parliament is openly considering sending a delegation to Saudi Arabia to find out the truth. A major opposition party yesterday demanded, quite reasonably, some "proof of life." The mystery over Yar'Adua is so bizarre as to be comical -- if the consequences weren't so severe. His absence has thrust the country into an immediate constitutional crisis. The president failed to delegate authority to his deputy before traveling, effectively leaving no one in charge. This 43-days-and-counting power vacuum is being swiftly filled by an insular cabal bent on exploiting the situation for their own gain. Complicating matters, the vice president -- ironically named Goodluck Jonathan -- is a Christian and an Ijaw, part of a minority group from the southern Niger Delta region and far from the power centers of the northern Muslim elites who expect one of their own to run the country. There is much speculation that insiders are scheming now of ways to keep Jonathan from ever assuming power. In an ominous sign, a new chief justice was quickly (and possibly illegally) sworn in last week. These developments all put Nigeria's future at great risk. A decade of constitutional democracy is threatened by the specter of mass violence and a possible military coup. The failed terrorist attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on Northwest Flight 253 highlights that Nigeria's power void is dangerous for the U.S. as well. The foundation of a counter-terrorism strategy is to build cooperative partnerships with friendly nations. This means sharing information and helping to build security capacity in places like Yemen, Afghanistan, and Nigeria. But we cannot have a partnership if there is no one on the other end of the line. Nigeria cannot be a reliable ally if it is consumed by its own corruption and political machinations. In this way, Nigeria is rapidly becoming more like Somalia -- a failed state with no real government to cooperate with -- than a real partner. What can the United States do? First, it should insist on an immediate public declaration of President Yar'Adua's health and fitness to govern. If the president's staff refuse to oblige, then the U.S. should encourage the national assembly to assert its constitutional responsibilities when it reconvenes on January 12. Second, if, as seems likely, Yar'Adua is in fact incapacitated, the U.S. must demand that the constitution be followed and power transferred to the vice president. The long-term security of Nigeria depends on entrenching the rule of law and this must supersede any palace intrigue or political bargaining. Third, it is clear that whatever the outcome over the next few weeks, Nigeria will remain on a knife's edge until elections in 2011. Any hope for a more stable country hinges on a credible election next year. Yar'Adua came to power in a deeply flawed poll in April 2007 and almost no steps have since been taken to fix the broken system. The U.S. is in a unique position to push for and help deliver a better election that would strengthen the authority and legitimacy of the next government. Last, the U.S. can support Nigeria's vibrant civil society that is clearly fed up and is increasingly demanding change. The case of the missing Nigerian President is a wake up call to the United States about the vulnerability of many of our global partners. How we respond is not only crucial to the future of an important ally, but a critical test of our strategy for building partnerships in troubled places to combat the global ills of our time. Todd Moss is vice president and senior fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington DC. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during the Bush administration.
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It was both predictable and inevitable. In the land of mediocrity, nothing of value lasts. Recently in the Daily Nation, a columnist, Mobolaji Sanusi, has fired the first salvo. His advice to the Lagos State helmsman, Babatunde Fashola, is that he should perish any thoughts about a second term and instead do a Nelson Mandela. By Kanmi Ademiluyi Advertisement ! advertise here call or twitter:systemini linkedin:systemini tel +234-0806 495 0565,234-07083793511,234-07058888394 44-7894214683, Mr. Sanusi in his column on Friday, November 27, 2009, waxes lyrical “…it would have been nice if there could be for once an elected leader who could embrace the Nelson Mandela option of not pursuing the second term bid. The person that readily comes to mind in this regard is Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola of Lagos State. What he lacks in excellent human/public relations he got in creditable governance that he is giving Lagos State”. Now the clincher – “I doubt if he would not succumb to the traditional urge of vying for a second term but he would have made history if he voluntarily dropped the idea.” On the surface it all looks very well intentioned. However, we know that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is difficult to work out the connection between Fashola and Mandela, except of course that they are both democrats. Opting for a one term presidency was a very eminently sensible thing for Mandela to do. It helped to calm nerves and dispel the unspoken fear that he was about to establish a typical African big man type of dictatorship. It was for this reason that Mandela, a super patriot, deliberately contrived to ensure that his own party the African National Congress (ANC) would not get the two thirds majority which would confer absolute powers on it to change the constitution at will. If Mandela had not carried out this valiant act there would have been a terrible fall-out. The CODESA negotiation process which midwifed the transition had made provisions for the constitution to be changed if a party could get a two-thirds majority in parliament. If the ANC had secured a two-thirds majority there would have certainly been a run on the currency. In addition, there would have been an acceleration of the exodus of white skilled workers from the country. This of course would have put the country in dire straits. Mandela the secular saint rose up to the occasion. Putting the country above party and self, he engineered a situation in which the ANC denied itself of the two-thirds majority which was theirs for the asking. It was an astonishing act of self-denial with few parallels in history. If the emotionally challenged Olusegun Obasanjo had learnt from this his own presidency might have been better and he could have left Nigeria a much more decent place to live in. The issue involved in Nelson Mandela making assurances doubly sure by opting for a one-term-only presidency does not apply to Fashola. It did not apply to Lateef Jakande, Bola Tinubu et al either. What we are seeing is a very crass manoeuvre to get rid of Fashola. The article referred to is not just kite-flying; it is obviously the beginning of a campaign. The campaign will gather momentum and become more intense in the next few months as the election season comes into play. The knives are out for Raji Fashola and he should cover his back. Fashola, it is true, probably looks good because he is an oasis in a desert of mediocrity. Donald Duke of Cross River looked very good too, and Akpabio in Akwa Ibom is punching above his weight. They all look good because the country has long operated on the basis of the lowest common denominator. So stultifying is the level of decadence that a little effort and you appear like a magician. Fashola hasn’t actually done anything extraordinary; he is doing what he is paid to do. When you are paid to do something you ought to do it well. There will always be disputations about the crossing of t’s and the dotting of i’s. The jury is still out on a lot of what he has done or is doing, and will be out for a while. What is incontrovertible though is that there is a strong perception that he has had a very good innings. If for nothing else the metropolis looks much better and healthier than pre-Fashola. There has been a social cost of course. Many people feel that the demolition of structures has had a devastating effect on the weaker social sectors of society. Clearly, there is a need to pause and reflect on the social costs. Now that the internally generated source of income has been streamlined and is gathering momentum, there is a clear need for the setting up of a rudimentary social security system to act as a safety net for the poor. All this has to be looked into now. What is clearly disturbing is the emergence of a movement offering gratuitous advice to Fashola about the efficacy of becoming a Mandela manqué. There is nothing altruistic about what is going on. Perhaps because Fashola is a departure from the run-of-the-mill he has been a bit tight fisted with the cookie jar. He has obviously constricted the space for the professional political jobbers and their retinue of hustlers. Tough luck. They should learn to bust a gut and put in an honest day’s job. That’s what the rest of us do. If the exchequer is not free flowing in Lagos State, how about trying their luck elsewhere? There are lots of places where the business of governance is about sharing the dough. Try your luck there. Perhaps, Fashola does not give a hoot about a second term. A sensible sort of chap, he must be aware of the admonition of the English politician Enoch Powell that, “All political careers, unless of course they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, always end in failure.” The end of his first term could very well be that happy juncture. The choice should be left to him and the electorate. The present campaign is further confirmation of what we already know. In Nigeria’s rentier state, the mediocre, the indolent, will fight back against even the whiff of sensible governance. The impending sacrifice of Fashola is a tale well foretold.
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Senate Presidnet David Mark LAGOS—Sequel to revelations in yesterday’s edition of Sunday Vanguard that the Senate is set to wade into the political impasse over the absence of President Umaru Yar’Adua from office for the past 41 days, there are strong indications that a series of intrigues and power play have ensued in the last 24 hours. Also, it was learnt that a divide-and-rule approach is being engaged by some powerful forces comprising those who do not want the amendment of Sections 144 and 145 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Vanguard has been reliably informed that whereas some senators are having informal discussions on the way forward, specifically on how to amend Sections 144 and 145, and how to fine-tune their strategy when they resume tomorrow, some powerful individuals, including ministers and some very close aides to President Yar’Adua are attempting to frustrate the move. Moves to cede power to Jonathan The kernel of the move is the presentation of a bill seeking to transfer power to Vice-President Goodluck Jonathan. The bill, it was further learnt, would pass through the First, Second and Third Readings expeditiously. The product of that process would then, most likely, be passed to the state governors to convince their legislatures at the state levels to pass it with the required two-third majorities in at least 24 of the 36 states of the federation. One of the first steps towards frustrating the move, according to a reliable source, is to use the governors considered very loyal to Yar’Adua not to allow their state houses of assembly to pass the bill into law. But, a senator (name withheld) insisted that “members of the Governors’ Forum are Nigerians and are as concerned as we senators who are attempting to find a solution to the present problem. “The way people are toying with the destiny of this nation, this matter that people think is a minor thing has the capacity to completely destroy this country. “Well, we are very happy that Mr. President has signed the Supplementary Appropriation Act in Saudi Arabia. It is our hope and belief that he would also sign the letter handing over power to his deputy, Vice-President Goodluck Jonathan.” Although no formal contact has been made with the Governors’ Forum yet, the senator stressed that “all these are the things we would be discussing at our Executive Session when we resume next Tuesday. “Mind you, we are not interested in the selfish calls in some quarters insisting that the National Assembly should impeach President Yar’Adua. No. That is not what we are trying to do. Anybody can fall sick; the error in this instance is that Mr. President did not write to the Senate President and the Speaker informing them of the necessary transfer of power.”. Attempts to speak with the Office of the President of the Senate and the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives were unsuccessful. But a source in Aso Rock Presidential Villa denied that there was move by the National Assembly to amend the constitution expeditiously. The source told Vanguard that: “it was for the National Assembly to do whatever it believes is within its purview as the legislative arm of government. Whatever they do, so long as it is within the bounds of legality, nobody would question it.” SERAP drags FG before UN Meantime, the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, SERAP, has dragged President Yar’Adua before the United Nations, UN, over his refusal to hand over power to Jonathan, in accordance with the law, following his inability to perform the functions of his office owing to ill-health. Yar’Adua is reportedly receiving treatment at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia over acute pericarditis (inflammation of the heart lining). SERAP, which tabled the issue before the UN, is contending that President Yar’Adua and his cabinet members, by their conducts, are deliberately raping the 1999 Constitution of the Republic of Nigeria contrary to the Federal Government’s obligation to its citizens. The non-governmental organisation cited the controversial signing of the 2009 Appropriation Bill and his inability to sign the 2010 Budget as part of the details of the wrongs being perpetrated by the Yar’Adua government. SERAP seeks special session on Nigeria In the petition dated January 3, 2010 and signed by SERAP’s Executive Director, Mr. Adetokunbo Mumuni, the organisation is consequently “urging the HRC to simultaneously hold a special session on the non-compliance by the Nigerian government with its obligations in relation to the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights.” It also wanted the UN to consider its petition under the HRC new Complaint Procedure, established pursuant to Resolution 5/1 of the HRC, and General Assembly Resolution 60/251 of March 15, 2006. The petition meets the requirements of the new Procedure and raises issues of importance justifying the holding of a special session on Nigeria. According to the organisation, “President Yar’Adua’s absence from duty and his inability and failure to empower the Vice-President to act as president pursuant to Section 145 of the 1999 Constitution, is obstructing the effective implementation of the 2009 Supplementary Budget and the 2010 budget. “It also indicates a failure to invest the ‘maximum of available resources’ to realise economic and social rights and to meet core obligations regarding the rights to education, health, food, among others. ‘’At the beginning of 2010, retrogression in the realisation of these rights is apparent.” “President Yar’Adua was flown to Saudi Arabia on November 23, 2009, for medical treatment, and to date the president has not returned to the country. “President Yar’Adua reportedly signed the 2009 Supplementary Budget from his sick bed in Saudi Arabia. The National Assembly had in November passed the N353.6 billion supplementary budget, which includes a capital spending of about N253bn, out of which about N114bn was earmarked for the critical “post-amnesty intervention” programmes in the Niger Delta,” the organisation added. Relying on Section 145 of the Constitution, the organisation also argued that “the President has so far failed and/or neglected to empower the Vice-President as required by the Constitution, thereby starving critical projects such as education and health important funds and precipitating unnecessary delay in addressing the deplorable conditions of our roads, and worsening the security situation in the Niger Delta. ”This situation is also undermining the effective utilisation of a $300million Word Bank (obtained from the International Development Association, an arm of the World Bank) facility for gas to meet the 6,000 Megawatts target.” The organisation also argued that “Nigeria is a state-party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. “As such, the government has a legal responsibility to use the mechanism of the budget to allocate and spend maximum available resources to ensure the full enjoyment of the rights to health, education, food, water and housing by millions of Nigerians who continue to live in extreme poverty, with barely enough to eat.” “This situation is worsening the government’s non-compliance with the fundamental principles of progressive realisation according to maximum available resources, prioritisation of minimum core obligations and the duty of non-discrimination. ”Millions of Nigerians remain extremely poor and lack access to basic economic and social rights. Nigerians have suffered and continue to suffer years of failed budgeting and implementation, a critical element of states’ obligations to fulfil economic and social rights,” the organisation stressed. The organisation added that “the present situation in Nigeria is also contributing to the violation of the fundamental principle of non-discrimination and equality, which is essential to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. Article 2 (2) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Articles 1(3) and 55 of the UN Charter prohibit discrimination in the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. “Under international law, a failure to act in good faith to comply with the obligation in Article 2(2) to guarantee that the rights enunciated in the Covenant will be exercised without discrimination amounts to a violation.” SERAP on Covenant rights SERAP further argued that extreme poverty has resulted in pervasive discrimination, stigmatisation and negative stereotyping of millions of marginalised Nigerians, denying them access to the same quality of education and health care as others, as well as to public places.” The organisation also said that, “Nigeria is obligated not only to refrain from discriminatory actions, but also to take concrete, deliberate and targeted measures to ensure that discrimination in the exercise of Covenant rights is eliminated. ‘’The Nigerian government has a responsibility to ensure that through its budgetary allocations, strategies, policies, and plans of action are in place and implemented in order to address discrimination in the area of the Covenant rights.”
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By CHRISTOPHER OJI Thursday, January 7, 2010 A 26-year-old female banker, who was arrested by the police for allegedly stealing N3 million from a customer’s account has blamed fear of the unknown for her action. advertisement here call or twitter:systemini linkedin:systemini tel@+234-0806 495 0565,234-07083793511 447894214683, Kemi Yisau, a staff of a new generation bank (names withheld) who is being interrogated at the Special Fraud Unit (SFU), Ikoyi, Lagos, told Daily Sun that with the present war on banks by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), no bank staff is sure of what fate has in stock for him or her. She said: “No banker knows if he or she would survive the tsunami going on in the banking sector now. Soludo came with his wahala and left, now Sanusi has started his own, people are losing their jobs in the banking sector by the day. So, no one is sure about who would survive the mass sack going on in the banking sector.” The young lady, who revealed that she was still furthering her education in a University said: “I have not finished my schooling and if I am sacked, who is going to assist me. After thinking of all these, I decided to save some money in case of any eventuality. It is quite pathetic sitting down and counting other people’s money and your job is being threatened each day you come to the office. I was tired of the mass retrenchment going on in the banking sector.” Yisau advised CBN Governor, Mr. Sanusi Lamido, to take it easy with banking sector, as staff are jittery over the incessant sack in the sector. The commissioner of police in-charge of the unit, Mr. Saba Ndagi said the suspect stole the money from the customer’s account between January and November, 2009. Ndagi explained the suspect used her position as the customers’ account officer to collect the said amount. According to him, the suspect was giving fictitious balances to the company each time it requested for it’s credit balance. He revealed that the scam blew open when the customer stormed the bank while she was not on duty and requested for his balance and was given the correct statement. Ndagi said when the bank management received complaint from the customer that there were discrepancies in what the suspect told him and the last statement of account, he invited the police. The police boss vowed to charge the suspect to court after recovering the money.
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World soccer governing body, FIFA, has been grinning from ear to ear after its financial consultants revealed to it that for the first time in an Under-17 World Cup tournament, a hefty sum of $5.5million (about N825million), was made by the Marketing Committee of the Nigeria 2009 tourney.FIFA through Mike and Spencer confirmed the development in a letter duly acknowledged by its President, Sepp Blatter to the Local Organizing Committee for the event during the week.Nigerians were skeptical of the abilities of the LOC to rake in a substantial amount mainly from gate-takings from the school boys World Cup, but the marketing savvy of FIFA recognized marketer, Chief Mike Itemuagbor, who was also the marketing head of Nigeria 2009, has now rubbished all the fears.While LOC officials are still celebrating the development and FIFA is applauding, Itemuagbor himself has said it’s a pointer that sports and soccer marketing can be taken to a new level in Third World countries and Nigeria can truly lead the revolution. The Chairman of Pamodzi Sports Marketing said the FIFA applause is just a challenge to sports marketers in Africa particularly that they can compete with the best in the world.
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FCT SSS Director dies after meeting

State Security Service (SSS) Director in the FCT, Mohammed Al Nasir slumped and died after a meeting with the Director General Afakriya Gadzama on Monday. A senior official said he showed no signs of ill health during the day until his sudden death in the evening at the close of the meeting. He told Daily Trust Al Nasir was initially rushed to Aso Clinic but his body has since been moved to Katsina for burial yesterday afternoon. “He was hale and hearty in the morning and showed no signs of illness. It was a sudden death. He died after the meeting.” The source described Al Nasir as a hardworking person who was able to assist in security matters in the FCT. In another development Worried PDP governors meet Jonathan in Abuja for 30minutes on the absence of Yar'adua ! Shows how important the issue of state is .While the SSS chief for the FCT slumps and dies in a marathon meeting on the Religious and Ethnic violence in the 19 northern states .lasting from 9am to 7pm . Go figure this one out !
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A grand jury has indicted Nigerian bomb suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day. According to federal documents, the six charges against Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab are: •attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction; •attempted murder within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States; •willful attempt to destroy and wreck an aircraft within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States; •willfully placing a destructive device on an aircraft; and •two counts possession of a destructive device in furtherance of a crime of violence. The indictment was filed yesterday. Authorities said Abdulmutallab, 23, was travelling to Detroit from Amsterdam when he tried to blow up the plane carrying nearly 300 people by injecting chemicals into a package of pentrite explosive concealed in his underwear. The failed attack caused popping sounds and flames that passengers and crew rushed to extinguish. Since then, airlines and the Transportation Security Administration have boosted security in airports in the U.S. and around the world. There is no specific mention of terrorism in the seven-page indictment, but President Barack Obama considers the incident a failed strike against the United States by an affiliate of al-Qaida. Abdulmutallab has told U.S. investigators he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen. His father warned the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria that his son had drifted into extremism in the al-Qaida hotbed of Yemen, but that threat was never fully digested by the U.S. security apparatus. Abdulmutallab He is being held at a federal prison in Milan, Mich. A message seeking comment was left yesterday with his lawyer, Miriam Siefer. nigeria spoke yesterday of its "disappointment" and "concern" over the United States’ listing of this country’s citizens for strict screening at airport. The Federal Government said the US action may affect the two countries’ relations. After reviewing the situation, it resolved that Nigeria does not deserve the inclusion, the government said in Abuja. The suspect Farouk Abdulmutallab, though Nigerian born, has been educated and bred outside Nigeria. Besides, he only transited through Nigeria for less than 30 minutes on the fateful day. Abdulmutallab is accused of attempting to blow up a plane in Detroit, United States, on Christmas Day. Rising from its first Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting of the year presided over by the Vice President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, the government submitted that the US action is capable of undermining US-Nigeria relationship. Minister of Information and Communications Prof Dora Akunyili, with whom were Minister of Power Mr Lanre Babalola and Minister of State for Information and Communications Ikra Bilbis, described the listing of Nigeria as disturbing because Nigeria has signed and ratified nine of the 16 United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) instruments on counter-terrorism. The minister hinted that the government was strengthening security, with an ordered for the supply of eight body scanners. Farouk, son of prominent banker Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, has reportedly been known for his radical religious views following which his father reported his conduct to Nigerian and United States security agencies. A statement read by Mrs Akunyili said: "The Federal Executive Council (FEC) at the meeting of January 6, 2010 reviewed the events of December 25th and resolved as follows: Nigeria expresses its disappointment and concern over the under served placement of Nigeria on the country of interest list and views this action as having the potential of undermining longstanding and established US-Nigeria bilateral ties and the goodwill the US enjoys in Nigeria. "It is on record that Nigeria has signed and ratified nine of the 16 UN and AU instruments on counter-terrorism dealing with issues ranging from money laundering, drug trafficking, crime, to nuclear terrorism. This is in addition to its various roles in peacekeeping which have earned it international recognition and commendations of the UN. "Nigeria has since December 25 expressed its deep sorrow and dismay over the incident which it condemned in all its ramifications. It is noteworthy that Mr. Farouk Abdulmutallab, though Nigerian-born, has been educated and bred outside Nigeria and only transited through Nigeria for less than 30 minutes on the fateful day where he underwent regular airport security." Mrs Akunyili, in response to a question, said the government has ordered for eight body scanners for the nation’s airports. The scanners are expected to arrive in the country in the next two weeks.
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Wife of Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Olaitan Bankole, was yesterday delivered of a baby boy at a Ghanaian hospital. Olaitan is a medical student in Ghana. Speaker Dimeji Bankole flew into Ghana yesterday to be with the family, his special assistant on communications Kayode Odunaro said, adding that mother and child are in stable condition.
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By Benjamin NJOKUShe’s one of the top rated Yoruba actresses, yet she’s the worse hit in terms of bad publicity. One time, she’s accused of snatching another woman’s husband, and at the other time, she’s rumoured to have snatched a colleague’s boyfriend and accused of high-handedness by the upcoming Yoruba actresses.To ascertain the authenticity of these allegations prompted Showtime Celebrity to go after the quintessential Ikorodu, Lagos State-born actress, Funke Akindele to hear her own side of the story. And you will not be disappointed as she speaks the way she has never done before. We bring to you the true story of Funke Akindele. Enjoy it.Funke Akindele has become a brand to reckon with, what’s the mystery behind that name?There’s no mystery behind my name. It’s only God that’s the secret behind that name, Funke Akindele. By His grace, Funke has been able to make a statement so far. And I’m going to achieve more with time. I’m not yet there. This is just a starting point for me.Is Funke the only name your parents gave to you?I have two names; Olufunke Ayotunde. Olufunke means: “God has given this child to me to care for”, while Ayotunde means, “my joy has come.’’Was there any special event during your birth that prepared you for what you are doing today?I have asked my mum that, and the only thing she told me was that when she was carrying my pregnancy, I gave her a tough time; that she was going in, and out of the hospital. But the only thing I would remember is that when I was young, I was involved in acting, singing and dancing especially during my secondary school days.As an award winning actress, you name rings bell everywhere you go; does that put pressure on your personal life?Well, the only pressure it has put on me is to work harder to make better movies; something that will impact positively on the people and my fans . It hasn’t gotten into my head. I’m still myself and it’s by the grace of God that I’m celebrated today.I pray, I will be there evergreen like the likes of Joke Silva. Sometimes, I may want to be alone, but you find out that there are some fans that would insist on talking with me. I would have no option than to be friendly and grant them audience. That’s some of the pressures I think fame has placed on me.One of the prices of stardom is undue invasion of one’s privacy and scandals, how much of these prices have you paid so far?A lot… and I’m still paying. At least, I didn’t understand it initially. When journalists call me on phone at different times to make inquiries or to confirm a particular information, I would quickly get pissed off and angry; “why do you like to dwell on negative stories about me, instead of celebrating me positively.”My mum who’s always there for me, would advise me to learn to absorb whatever scandals that come my way as a star; adding that some people would want to cook up negative stories just to pull me down and that I should remain focused and prayerful.It’s normal, and I’m beginning to live with it. But my prayer is that they don’t tarnish my hard earned name in the bid to get at me. Sometimes , it’s painful .Which of the scandals hit you most?Funke-Akindele1A lot of them. I don’t want to talk about the scandals now. But the one that really hit me most was when they rumoured that I was arrested at Hauteur for a drug-related offence. I was shocked! At the time, the story made the news in Nigeria, I was never in Hauteur. I used to pass through Hauteur to London, but that week the story made the headlines, I didn’t pass through Hauteur.So, when I read the story in the newspapers, I was shocked and disappointed. I couldn’t have been arrested for drug-related offence in London while I was back to Nigeria. It’s not possible. I cried when I read the story. Why is it that people are always writing negative stories about me? At that point, I resorted to calling on all my friends in the media to clear the air. I didn’t travel out of Nigeria at the time the story made the news.And you think mischief makers were not at work then?I don’t want to believe so; neither do I want to think about it anymore. I want to remain focused and never to allow anything to bother me, because the more I think about the scandals the more I am disturbed. I don’t want anything that would draw me backwards. I want to face what I’m doing and achieve more for myself .You have talked so much about your mother. Is she really your mentor?Yes, she is my mentor. She’s a wonderful woman. After God is my mother. She’s supporting me because not all mother would want to support their children to pursue their dreams. For instance, I studied law, but I’m not practising the profession today. Ordinarily, my parents would have insisted on seeing that I practise my profession. But now, I’m not legal practise; acting is my first love.I love acting, writing scripts and producing movies. Financially, my mum have been supportive to me. I remember when I produced my first movie, my mum supported me financially. She believes so much in me. During my secondary school days before I would go on stage to dance, my mum would assemble all the required costumes for me. She’s really a wonderful woman, and my mentor.How would you describe your relationship with the up-and-coming Yoruba actresses?It has been wonderful. If you have been opportuned to watch my movies, you would notice that I regularly introduce new faces. I believe I have a duty to help the up-and-coming actresses because it’s not easy getting to the top. People talk about sexual harassment in the motion picture industry. I have never been harassed sexually.If truly, it exists, I would want to discourage the ugly practice. I want the up-and-coming actresses to believe so much in their talents and learn to shun the attitude of looking sideways. It’s God that gives talents and therefore, I see no reason any actress would want to sleep her way to the top. If it’s the will of God for you, you will surely make it. So, I am all out to support the young actresses to prosper.I don’t want them to pass through what I experienced when I was starting . The stress of walking around town, going from audition to another. I want to give them a true sense of belonging.Why then, are they castigating you and accusing you of high-handedness and possessing an attitude?It’s bound to happen. People would talk rubbish when you are doing well. They would want to bring you down; say negative things about you ; some would criticise you excessively. I read in a soft-sell magazine recently concerning one, Toriola Olawunmi who alleged that I was nasty to her because she joined another group called “Oduofa” after she had deserted the “Concuss group’.I was shocked at this story because I have never had any such encounter with an up-andcoming actress. But certainly, one problem I think I have with them is the fact that they see me as a strict person . I believe when you are here to work with me, you should do your work and go back to your home. I don’t believe in lazing about, or turning into a chatterbox when you are supposed to be working. Those of them who understand me are okay working with me .When you started in that televison series, “I need to Know” sponsored by Unicef during your undergraduate days, did you envisage the height you have attained today in the industry?My brother, I didn’t. The only thing I knew then, was that I love acting. Acting is my first love and I think, I ‘ve got the talent. There’s this urge in me to go out there, and showcase what stuff I’m made of. The Bible warned us against burying our talents because God would certainly ask us of it.How were you selected to be part of the cast of that TV series?Back then, I was an intern with the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria(APCON). After closing from work, I would go for auditions. One day, I heard about an audition taking place at the former Charly Boy’s residence in Gbagada and I went for the audition. At the end of the audition, I was selected for the pilot and that’s how I got the role. Unfortunately, after featuring in that series, I thought the roles would start coming in droves, but it never did. I had to go back to the auditioning arena again.How much were you paid for the first time?We were paid handsomely. It was a United Nations project, so we were paid very well. Once I got my pay, I quickly rush home to give my mum the money for safe keeping.Let’s talk about your monster hit, ‘Jenifa’ which broke all barriers and fetched you so many mega deals and opened doors for you, was Jenifa part of your life story?No. Firstly, I’m not from Ahitoro, I’m from Ikorodu area of Lagos State. I’m not a wanna-be like Jenifa. I’m not AIDS/HIV positive like “Jenifa’ There’s nothing that has to do with Funke Akindele in Jenifa. It was just a role I played in the movie.What’s the story behind Jenifa?It was a story my young sister told me concerning what happened in their school. I also had similar story during my undergraduate days at the University of Lagos, where female students who lived in hotels would go about sleeping with old men and offering themselves for hire to attend parties. We have a lot of wannabe on campus. They are eager to drive flashy cars and dress expensively just to meet with the standards of some of their girl friends who are living big on campus. They do not know what those girls did to make their money.They just want to do anything to be like them. Through “Jenifa”, I passed a message to the campus babes and also, I dwelled on HIV. Here I tried to be different because of the fact that the issue of girls living a wayward life on campus have been over-flogged in our movies. What I did was to do something that would attract audience and not to bore them.I tried to do something that would make movie bluffs to laugh, and at the same time, learn a lesson from it. That was why I created the Jenifa character to make my audience laugh.And you are planning to do another movie in that line of Jenifa?Jenifa is now a brand that we need to celebrate. She’s now somebody we have to be introduced in different movies, and in different ways. She’s now like the “Madiya’s Reunion”, “Madea Goes to Jail.” That character ,”Madea’ is what I want to depict in Jenifa. Right now, I’m coming out with the ‘Return of Jenifa.”The desire of every Nigerian movie star is to feature either in Hollywood or Bollywood movies, do you ever nurse such ambition?Why not. I pray I get invited someday to feature in Hollywood movie. I ‘m currently managed by stramonyia, 36. They have my profile and are working towards getting me an international job. If at the end of the day, they believe Funke Akindele has what it takes to earn a role in Hollywood movie why not. I will gladly accept to star in Hollywood movie.Your popularity has oftenexposed you to negative publicity which you also c omplained about,would you say the media have been fair to you in recent times?I wouldn’t answer yes, or no. I don’t want to talk about that now because some journalists write stories without verifying their facts. And it’s very disheartening and unprofessional. I’m not a snob. I don’t know you (referring to this reporter) from Adam, you walked up to me at a recent Nollywood function and I talked with you politely. I’m like that. Except when I’m working, and I must let you know that I’m busy and perhaps, would ask you to come back later.When people walk up to me, I’m always fair to them.Are you ever harsh, especially when receiving calls from a stranger?I answer them politely. I have a private line which I hardly give out. But most often, I do give them my Personal Assistant’s number, that way I can curtail a lot of calls that would be coming to me. But most often too, I do ask my fans to hook up with me on my site, where I chat with them twice a week.You sound friendly, and innocent, but your name have been characterised with controversy in recent times; it’s either you are been alleged of snatching somebody’s husband or that you are locked in a battle over a boyfriend. What’s the truth in all these allegations?I said earlier, I wasn’t going to talk about this matter, but there’s no way this interview session can be completed without me clearing the air. Let me state categorically here that, I did not snatch anybody’s boy -friend or husband.I’m single but I’m not searching . By the grace of God, I will get married very, very soon. My fans out there, please pray for me that it works out fine. Funke Akindele is a role model to many young people. Many young girls today want to be like Funke Akindele.So, why should I snatch another woman’s husband or boy- friend? Funke Akindele did not snatch anybody’s husband period. I rather would stick to my fans out there than to do things that would tarnish my image.Though painful, how did your mother receive all these allegations?She was courageous, and the one who was encouraging me to be strong. Initially, I broke down and cried seriously, but my mum was there for me, encouraging me to be strong.Letting me know that my fans out there want to see me produce wonderful works, and that if I breakdown or allow myself to be distracted with all these stories, I would not be able to achieve more. “You have to be strong and remain focused.” That was the voice of my mum.
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LAGOS — SEYI Olayiwola Ahmed, the man who attempted to blow up the Superscreen TV on December 22, 2009, yesterday, on his sick bed at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, said his intention was not to hurt anybody, not even staff of the Superscreen TV, but to draw the attention of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Believers’ Loveworld Church better known as the Christ Embassy. The 30 year-old Oyo State-born film producer and father of one, said he manufactured the explosives himself having learnt it on the internet. He claimed that he had been working for the church for some time now adding that the last job he did was not paid for and that his intention was to actually get the attention of the pastor for financial assistance. Ahmed said: “I am somebody who learnt things by intuition, and so I was always browsing the net and because I have special interest in explosive I learnt how to make them. I actually made three explosives, it was the smallest one that exploded at Logemo House and got me injured. Like I said, I was in a financial mess after the lady in one of the branches terminated my contract with them. The church did not even pay me for the one we did earlier for them let alone the latest. So I was frustrated and wanted something to do to feed my family. My mission at the Superscreen was to ask how much they pay for the shooting of soap operas and other things and not to hurt anybody. But it happened that the man I met said the person who was in a position to give me some of the information was at the seventh floor. It was when I was going up that the explosive went off..” Regretting his action, the failed bomber who spoke flawless English Language quoted some scriptures like “touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.” The incident which prompted yesterday’s confession, began, December 22, 2009, following an explosion on the fourth floor of the a nine-storey building at Onipanu along Ikorodu express road, where the bomb carrier was affected. The explosives which was neatly wrapped as Christmas gift, was taken to Superscreen Television, on the ninth floor of the building when it exploded mid way, rocking the entire area. At first, no one could give detailed account of the exact cause of the explosion, as there were varying accounts as to how the explosive got to the building. But the following day, the Lagos Police Command boss, Mr. Marvel Akpoyibo, told anxious journalists that the victim of the blast was actually the messenger, adding that two additional explosives detonated by policemen from the Bomb Disposal Unit, were also discovered at the scene of the blast. Salient issues Although Akpoyibo was silent on other salient issues concerning the explosion, he, however, promised to do so at the appropriate time, noting that when the suspect’s abode, which he failed to disclose for what he described as security reasons, was searched, more items that aided the command’s investigation were discovered. Vanguard, however, learnt that the suspect lived at the Fola Agoro area of Shomolu, where he occupied a room apartment on the ground floor of the two-storey building. He wife also was said to have hurriedly left the house, holding two polythene bags and a sac, with a baby strapped to her back two days before the incident. After the incident, security measures such as rigorous search of visitors into any of the companies in Logemo house was carried out. Vanguard gathered that the incident prompted the rejection of wrapped Christmas gifts from unknown persons, particularly by Supercreen Television staff. Meanwhile at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital where the 30-year-old Olayinwola Ahmed was initially admitted at the intensive care unit, security was tightened as only designated doctors were allowed to attend to him. Some police nurses were also detailed to take care of him and also kept an eye on any visitor that requested to see him. Unfortunately there was reportedly none, until last weekend when two visitors who came visiting bolted away before nurses could alert plain clothes policemen.
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Former Jigawa State Commissioner for Information, Alhaji Abba Umar Kukuma, was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment by the Jigawa state High Court sitting in Ringim, for his alleged involvement in the killing of two children; four year old, Aminu Bala and three year old, Abba Magaji. Kukuma was a commissioner in past Governor Ibrahim Saminu Turaki’s administration. The former commissioner was alleged to have killed two children found in the trunk of his car sometime in August 2008. He was charged alongside one Alhaji Hamza Muhammad for their murder. Both men were found guilty of conspiracy and murder, punishable by death under Sections 97 and 221 of the Penal Code. Justice Ahmad Isa in his ruling said: “After reviewing judgments of similar nature, this honourable court has found the accused persons guilty of the charges levelled against them, but owing to the lack of direct evidence that could link the accused persons to the murder of the two children, the court relied on Section 222 of the Penal Code and sentenced the two accused persons to life imprisonment. “No satisfactory explanation was given to the court by the accused persons and/or their counsel that could enable this court hold that the evidences tendered by the prosecution counsel were weak enough to rely upon to convict the accused persons”. “The prosecution counsel has proved to the court beyond reasonable doubt that, the corpses of the two children were found in the car boot of the first accused person; that the two accused persons conspired to evacuate the corpses and dumped same along Kano-Birnin-Kudu highway, and the accused persons concealed facts to police for not reporting the matter to police,” he added. Reacting to the judgment, counsel to the two accused persons, Barrister Adamu Abubakar said his clients would appeal the ruling at the Kaduna Division of the Appeal Court immediately. Angry youths in Birnin Kudu, Jigawa State had in August 2008 burnt down the ex-commissioner’s home for his alleged involvement in ritual killings.
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HOW TO DRESS The ability to stand out in any setting is the key to being lauded as a man with a strong sense of style. Standing out because you're inappropriately dressed for an occasion, however, will make you seem daft. If you show up dressed to kill when everyone else is dressed casually, for example, you’ll seem eccentric, stuck up or just ridiculous, while arriving to a fancy affair under dressed will be perceived as rude. To ensure that you dress for the occasion read this article Dress codes For many men, wardrobe jargon is a foreign language. If you fall into this category, don’t despair -- after all, dressing up isn’t as common as it once was, which means you’ve likely had limited opportunities to apply any knowledge you’ve gleaned in the area of formal wear. Fortunately, decoding invitation lingo is a skill that’s easily learned. If you are attending a formal event or your invitation reads “black tie,” it means you will need a tuxedo. On the other hand, if the invitation reads “formal,” a suit with a tie will do just fine. Semi-formal gatherings can be tricky, but as a rule of thumb, ditch your tie when you suit up. Cocktail events allow for more creativity, so feel free to sport fashion trends while still looking smart, whether or not you’re wearing a suit. Make the right impression Regardless of what type of event you’re attending, putting some thought in beforehand as to the impression you’re hoping to make will go a long way toward helping you dress for the occasion. Whether you’re attending an ultra-formal function or a beach barbecue, there are always ways of altering your ensemble to achieve looks ranging from polished and put together to seriously cool. For example, when the dress code says “formal,” you know you’ll need a dark-colored suit, but you can adjust your outfit to your personality by paying attention to details such as your tie or cuff links. At semiformal events or cocktail parties, you can go further by adding items such as a scarf or sneakers to your ensemble. Formal wear The biggest challenge most men face when it comes to dressing for an occasion revolves around the what, where and how of tuxedos. The answers to very good questions, including whether you should rent or buy, depend on individual needs and tastes. Generally speaking, a single-breasted model will be appropriate for most black tie events, unless you want to appear more conservative, in which case you can opt for a double-breasted topper. Trousers should never be cuffed and should always have a black satin stripe or braid running down the outside seam. When it comes to dress shirts, those with a turn-down collar are most commonly seen with tuxedos. Finally, choose shiny patent leather shoes to complete your ensemble Casual dress OK, so you definitely don’t need to pull out all of the stops and wear your best jeans when you’re meeting your buddies for a few brews, but there are times when you should certainly plan ahead for casual get-togethers, such as meeting your girlfriend’s parents or giving a public presentation. In these situations, dressing for the occasion involves selecting your attire carefully and avoiding anything too quirky or potentially offensive. Try a pair of flat-front pants coupled with a tucked-in dress shirt or a polo shirt, and keep your footwear to black or brown. And don’t neglect the grooming department. How to dress for a job interview Dressing for a job interview can be almost as stressful as the interview itself. What you wear will really depend on the type of job that you’re gunning for. A prestigious position or a prestigious company requires a conservative, dark-colored suit, and a tasteful, complementary shirt and tie combo. In the creative sphere, a suit and tie can be perceived as over-the-top, so try flat-front trousers and a fitted blazer instead. Whatever you choose to wear, be aware that the one time it’s acceptable to overdress is for a job interview, particularly because you can remove items like a jacket once you arrive if the atmosphere is more casual than you had anticipated. Gym wear: the dos and don'ts Though it can be tempting to train in the ugliest clothes you own, having appropriate workout wear in your closet can actually motivate you to hit the gym more often. Opt for T-shirts made of light, breathable materials in dark colors that will keep you cool and dry, such as microfiber. Cotton or mesh knee-length shorts are your best bet for bottoms. Sports socks should be white or light-colored and shouldn’t come up much past your ankle. Dress the part Though we've covered some of the most frequently encountered scenarios in which you can't simply throw on any old thing, the truth is that there are plenty of other times when paying a little bit of attention to your attire can pay off immensely
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IS the Senate on DRUGS ? Is it now they want to defend the pride of the Nation ! No President,No Fuel , No Jobs ,Home Based Financial Terrorists going scot free from the system called Justice Come on ! Please America It is the Nigerian Senate that makes this threats NOT us The Masses of Nigeria, As controversy and anger continue to trail the listing of Nigeria as one of the 10 countries on the United States of America's top security watch list, the Senate has threatened to severe diplomatic relations with the country if by next week, it fails to remove Nigeria from the list of countries "of interest" for terrorism. The Senate said this through its spokesperson, Ayogu Eze. He told National Assembly reporters on Tuesday in Abuja, "We are very unhappy about the development and when we resume, we are going to take this matter very seriously if America has not taken Nigeria's name off that list." The U.S., through its Transport Security Administration (TSA), on Sunday announced the inclusion of Nigeria on the list of countries that are considered "of interest" (with regards to terrorism) based on its latest terrorism intelligence. Also included in the list with Nigeria are Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. Mr. Eze, who told reporters that he was talking on behalf of the Senate president, said, "For them (America) to embarrass the entire country with this type of classification without justification is totally unacceptable. The American president himself clearly admitted that this was a failure of system and the manpower of Americans. I don't see how Nigerians come in there and moreover this is just one instance of a Nigerian who it is clearly established had no links with any fundamentalist group or any interest group within Nigeria, not even with his own parents." Failure of intelligence He added, "This was a boy whose disappearance was reported to the security agencies, the American authorities and all the relevant authorities; and America did nothing. For them to turn round and punish Nigerians for the sin of an isolated case like this is very unacceptable to the Nigerian government and unacceptable to the Nigerian Senate." He said the Senate has also watched with keen interest several other breaches that have taken place in the American system even before the alleged attempted terror attack by the Nigerian. He cited the issue of the uninvited guest who beat White House security to crash a party organised in honour of the Indian president. "That was not a Nigerian. Americans should look inwards and search their soul; something is wrong with their system and they should not punish ordinary Nigerians, who are very law-abiding and good international citizens for the failure and irresponsibility of American citizens. Nigeria will not take that." A word for America Mr. Eze offered an advice to the superpower, "We also want to advise America that it is in their own interest to ensure that they conduct this matter in a manner that will not result in a diplomatic row between America and Nigeria. It will be most unfair, given the kind of relationship that has existed between America and Nigeria for America to jump to this type of conclusion without even adequate consultation with all the authorities. This is not acceptable to us and we are going to do whatever we can as a nation to prove to America that we will not take this. This is not how diplomacy is conducted and we are going to engage all our diplomatic gears to ensure that we either have a relationship with America or we don't." It has been widely reported that since the December 25 incident involving a Nigerian, many Nigerians have been subjected to dehumanising treatments and body searches by American security officials. This, Mr. Eze observed, "Must be stopped immediately. Do they think America is the only country that has citizens the country is responsible to?" he asked. "We also have citizens and we are responsible for them and we will not wait and allow Nigerians to be molested wherever they go," Mr. Eze said. The listing of Nigeria in the ‘countries of interest list' means, all NIgerian passengers as well as those whose flights originate from Nigeria will be subjected to full body and hand luggage searches. Analysts have also said foreign investors are likely to be wary of investing in the country as a result of the listing.
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Victor Agali, a Nigerian-born footballer for Greek club Levadiakos, has been arrested at Schiphol airport near Amsterdam for carrying two fake passports, Dutch military police said on Monday"At passport control, on December 27, he (Agali) was found to be in possession of a fake passport," said gendarmerie spokesman Robert van Kapel.Upon further investigation, the 31-year-old striker in transit at Schiphol on a voyage from Lagos to Athens, turned out to have two sets of fake travel documents, said Van Kapel."In the one, the page with his personal particulars has been modified, in the other it was the visa," he said.A judge will decide on Monday whether to extend the footballer's provisional detention for further investigation.Agali has played for French teams like Marseille (1996-97), Toulon (1997-98) and Nice (2004-2005), as well as Germany's Schalke 04 (2001-2004).On Christmas Day, a 23-year-old Nigerian was arrested in the United States for the botched bombing of a Northwest Airlines plane bound for Detroit from Schiphol.
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Service was brought to a halt yesterday at the St Paul Anglican Church, Sodubi, Abeokuta when thugs, armed with dangerous weapons, invaded the church because the priest was allegedly being too blunt in his preaching. Some of the words he used were said to have offended some highly placed individuals who attend the church. The crisis, which pitched a section led by a former senator and Baba ijo (father of the congregation), Femi Okunrounmu against those in support of the Venerable of the Church, Olumuyiwa Ilekoya, led to the suspension of service at the church as the worshipers who gathered for the first Sunday service of the new year scattered. NEXT gathered that the crisis started after Mr. Ilekoya was prevented from entering the church by the camp allegedly opposed to his preaching. The offence of the cleric was traced to his sermon on the New Year eve, which a source said was not well received by some church elders. Mr. Ilekoya, at the service, warned political leaders to mend their ways or face the wrath of God. It was said that shortly afterwards, a meeting was held where retaliatory measures were allegedly planned against the priest, to be executed in yesterday's service. In a twinkle, what started like child-play quickly degenerated with the emergence of thugs numbering about six who came to man the church entrance and prevent the cleric and other supposed opponents of the angry elders' faction from entering the church. Sensing danger, many worshippers left the church in droves, while the Venerable and some other elders of the church in his support relocated to Mission House, which is situated directly opposite the church. The group that gained control of the church was said to have ordered the Church Layreader, J.A Fatade, assisted by one Akinsola, to conduct the service which was attended by those members who had not run away. Mr. Okunrounmu, in his address to the church, told the congregation that Mr. Ilekoya was fond of raining curses while on the pulpit. Some of the members of the church are saddened by the ugly development, and expressed their shock at the incident. Some of those who spoke to NEXT accused the church authority of turning the church into a political theater because of their individual selfish interests. A political theater One of them said Mr. Ilekoya would be the fourth cleric of the church that the elders would fight because of the theme of his preaching. ‘Even if a Reverend preaches and the preaching affects you, what a reasonable person should do is to make amends,' said one of the disturbed worshippers, who pleaded anonymity because he was scared of being attacked. When approached by journalists at the church premises to react on the allegation that he sponsored thugs to disrupt the church service, Mr. Okunrounmu was furious. "How did you get to know what's happening here, who told you and who told you to come," he said. "This is church affairs and not press affairs. I don't want to comment further." Mr Ilekoya, the Venerable of the troubled church, also refused to comment, beyond saying he had reported the case to the Bishop, who will take necessary action on the matter.
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52 Oceanic Bank’s buildings belong to Ibru - EFCC Lanre Adewole, Abuja Sunday, January 3, 2010 Sustained investigation by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) into the alleged activities of former Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Oceanic Bank, Mrs Cecilia Ibru while at the helm of the bank, has revealed her alleged ownership of about 52 of the property being used by the bank as its branches nationwide. In the document detailing the property already traced to her, the embattled banker was said to be the landlord to the bank in which her family owns substantial interest. About N29 billion was said to have been accruing to her annually from the deal. Ibru, who is facing prosecution by the anti-corruption commission, according to investigation, collected five years’ rent upfront on some of the property at choice locations, attracting as much as N1.3 billion on each of such property. Others were said to have gone for minimum of N210 million a year. One of the property that reportedly attracted N1.3 billion was the one in Marina, Lagos, known as MarineView. The branch at Adetokunbo Ademola, Victoria Island, Lagos was said to have attracted N210 million a year. Her alleged property at No 270 Ozumba Mbadwe Avenue, Lagos was said to have gone for N288 million, while another portion of the same building got her another N75 million from the bank. A property at 154 Ikorodu Road, Palmgrove, Lagos, reportedly fetched her N825 million for a year. In Abuja, the property on Herbert Macaulay, Wuse Zone 6, reportedly fetched her N270 million. The popular high-rise known as Metro Plaza, which was said to have been traced to her, was said to have fetched her N216 million from the bank, while she is also landlord to the British High Commission which has its Abuja visa section there. Sunday Tribune gathered that the commission was still compiling other properties said to be belong to her.
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