NAIJA (20)

CrowdRising is a Person to Person, Direct Funding and Crowd Sharing Platform. It brings forth a new way of raising funds for various causes, whether it is for personal needs or a host of worthy causes, such as churches, schools, non-profit organizations, etc. CrowdRising is a Platform made by the people and for the people. It was created by a group of like-minded people for this very purpose.
Things you should know about the business
1. It is available worldwide. (Presently having over 100 thousand members worldwide)
2. There are no fees of any kind to register.
3. The Founders of the CrowdRising Platform offer the system 100% free of charge.
4. Donation is done with just $20 (N7400) directly to your referrer's bank account and he/she should confirm you in not less than 24hrs that he/she receives your donation.
5. You receive donations directly from another participant, you will need to verify that funds have been deposited in whichever processor your Referral chose. Then and only then should you approve the donation.
Way to get involved:
It is highly recommended. If you have been invited to join, click on that person’s referral link and you will be instructed to fill out a simplified registration form. Just click on the URL below for your registration:
Then call +2348170625900, +2348032416290 for questions and guidelines

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Earn $4000.00USD per month from home No marketing / No MLM . We are offering a rare Job opportunity where you can earn from home using your computer and the Internet part-time or full-time. Qualifications required are Typing on the Computer only. Working part time for 2-5 hours daily can easily fetch you $4000.00USD per month. Online jobs, Part time jobs. Work at home jobs. Dedicated workers make much more as the earning potential is unlimited. No previous experience is required, Full training provided. Anyone can apply. Please Visit .

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See what God created on the 7th day

K01 ft Adio Elekunmefa-IDI ESHIN from
K01 ft Adio Elekunmefa-Idi eshin is another Hit banging single from K01 Oba Abinibi featuring the sensational singer Adio Elekunmefa
K01 was known with hit singles AFROHIPHOP ABINIBI & AKANDA ENIA MEJI featuring DAGRIN (R.I.P)
Idi Eshin's inspiration was derived from the talking drum language tones often made by talking drummers in the olden days,
but the storyline behind this song was about my experience with a lady that had a crush on me the club.
This lady is ready to do anything to to get me commited to her, so she use all seduction weapons in her disposal & @ the
end...... u only need to find wot happened to me in this storyline after listening to this song.



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12166325264?profile=originalI am sure you’ve heard people say stuff like this. I hear it every day; people saying you can’t make it in Nigeria unless you are a crook. “Integrity doesn’t sell”, they claim.

People who say such things aren’t really thinking about what they are saying. Because if they did, they’d realize their words have no truth in it.

Why would I say such a thing when Nigeria is without a doubt, one of the most corrupt nations in the world? Well contrary to popular belief, integrity sells more in a corrupt society because it’s scarce. Even the corrupt are willing to pay a higher price for the services of trustworthy men/women.

Let me paint a couple of scenarios to prove my point:

Imagine a corrupt politician who embezzles lots of public funds. What bank do you think he’d put that money; the one that mismanages funds or the one with a reputation for honest management?

Which mechanic do people patronize the most; the one who steals engine parts or the one who is dependable?

What pharmacy do we all patronize; the one that sells fake drugs or the one that sells authentic drugs?

Who do you lend money to; the one who never repays a loan or the one whose word is his bond?

Who would you hire as a security guard: a thief or a saint?

Who would you choose as a prospective spouse; a potential cheat or faithful partner?

Which company would you rather invest in; the one that pays proper dividends or the one that is known for ripping off investors?

So you see, even though we have embraced corruption as a nation, we really can’t do without integrity. It’s an essential ingredient for survival. We crave the trust and peace of mind others bring with it even if we are not prepared to travel the high road ourselves. The scarcer it is the more people are willing to pay for it (with the exception of a few who’d always want something for nothing). Of course there is much to lose by being honest. Every good thing comes with a sacrifice. But one things for sure, you’re certain to be in high demand in and out of season.

So the next time people someone tells you “integrity doesn’t pay in Nigeria”, you’ll know you’re hearing the words of a bone-head.

- Nigerian Philosopher


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12166325264?profile=originalI am sure you’ve heard people say stuff like this. I hear it every day; people saying you can’t make it in Nigeria unless you are a crook. “Integrity doesn’t sell”, they claim.

People who say such things aren’t really thinking about what they are saying. Because if they did, they’d realize their words have no truth in it.

Why would I say such a thing when Nigeria is without a doubt, one of the most corrupt nations in the world? Well contrary to popular belief, integrity sells more in a corrupt society because it’s scarce. Even the corrupt are willing to pay a higher price for the services of trustworthy men/women.

Let me paint a couple of scenarios to prove my point:

Imagine a corrupt politician who embezzles lots of public funds. What bank do you think he’d put that money; the one that mismanages funds or the one with a reputation for honest management?

Which mechanic do people patronize the most; the one who steals engine parts or the one who is dependable?

What pharmacy do we all patronize; the one that sells fake drugs or the one that sells authentic drugs?

Who do you lend money to; the one who never repays a loan or the one whose word is his bond?

Who would you hire as a security guard: a thief or a saint?

Who would you choose as a prospective spouse; a potential cheat or faithful partner?

Which company would you rather invest in; the one that pays proper dividends or the one that is known for ripping off investors?

So you see, even though we have embraced corruption as a nation, we really can’t do without integrity. It’s an essential ingredient for survival. We crave the trust and peace of mind others bring with it even if we are not prepared to travel the high road ourselves. The scarcer it is the more people are willing to pay for it (with the exception of a few who’d always want something for nothing). Of course there is much to lose by being honest. Every good thing comes with a sacrifice. But one things for sure, you’re certain to be in high demand in and out of season.

So the next time people someone tells you “integrity doesn’t pay in Nigeria”, you’ll know you’re hearing the words of a bone-head.

- Nigerian Philosopher


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The music business has been and is undergoing crazy changes that is shaking up all the major and small players in the industry. The problem is not the evolution of a different way of manipulating and consuming media but the failure of the player to foresee and yield to these changes.


In studying entrepreneurship last semester, I came across the concept of "creative destruction" which for example had eliminated the elevator man and made extinct the typewriter. On the other hand, the same concept has improved the functionality of the cellular phones and mobile devices, which has become the "now" gadget of the 21st century and beyond. If these devices get smarter, they will start to walk.


Before I ramble off topic, I want to implore us not to be like some in the music industry and  ignore the mobile device revolution. Their enhanced functionality/usability has made these devices indispensable to us and their sheer convenience has made them more indispensable to our potential consumer,their new personal companion and 24/7 personal assistant, decision-maker and shopper.


As of today, in light of the confusion in the music industry and the advancement in communication technology, it may be wise to adopt the QR code/mobile marketing early. You don't have to be a sorcerer to  see the future as it is coded in black and white.


Bob Dylan said it right,"The times, they are a changing." We either embrace it or like the some in the music industry, face exinction, FOREVER.


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According to O'Guin, Allen and Semenik in their book Advertising and Intergrated Brand Promotion, the new world of advertising is full of companies who are looking for new ways to get their brand across to audience and potential consumers. In this seemingly ad cluttered environment, small businesses are caught in the struggle between big corporation on how to make their brand visible and recognizable, send out culturally relevant in a refreshing way and become top-on-the-minds of audience and potential customers. How can new small businesses favorably compete considering the criteria listed above. Let us examine one of ResQ Records brand: The Omogo Reloaded Logo. The Omogo Reloaded logo is good because it is simple, representative and fresh.


Omogo Reloaded brand, Yahoo, Disney and Taco Bell brand all have something in common: Simplicity. When encountered, they are supposed to evoke some sort of feelings in the minds of audience. In comparison, the 4 brands have visual simplicity. These brands employ texts and sometimes an image (as seen in TACO BELL). In the music industry, ResQ Records is a new player with a relatively new genre of music called Afrofusion. The logo just spells the brand out in bold uncomplicated type-face, the smaller font well spaced to hold the weight of the larger ones on top. There are just two colors: Green and black plus the neutral white. The task is to clearly communicate the essence of the music to potential audience and customers and keeping the new logo simple will make recall and association easy for music enthusiasts, potential industry business partners and customers. Simplicity is synonymous to recall and easy recognizability and the Omogo Reloaded brand has that quality.


As Disney appeals to the fun-loving population and Yahoo to the instant messaging internet users, the Omogo Reloaded logo is packed with cultural appeal. The text is set in white background with green on either side. Green-White-Green is the flag of Nigeria, where Afrofusion originates evolving from Afrobeat. According to, " The green stripes represent Nigeria's agriculture industry and its lush vegetation and the white stripe represents the desire for peace and unity within the country". In relation to Afrofusion blend of music, the green and white mean flourishing in harmony. Brand logos do not just represent names, they carry meanings. Here in North America, almost everyone is familiar with the recycle symbol. It is also used as part of the brand.  Representation is what makes the Omogo Reloaded logo better. It is packed with meaning of cultural relevance that an African, American and global audience can relate to.


Notice that the "G" in Omogo has been slightly and intentionally rotated to imitate recycle symbol and the refresh button. This symbol is common on the internet and eye-catching. It represents giving vitality to something that may be worn out. Refreshing, starting afresh and new are the intended messages. At the same time, the rotated "G" also represent ResQ Records consciousness of the diminishing state of the world's resources and our support for the green revolution like encouraging dowloads and reading electronic copies instead of print-outs. The world craves new and refreshing ideas and the Omogo Reloaded brand represents just that. The word, "Reloaded" is implied in the rotated "G" and along the line of brand evolution, all other elements on the logo will be dropped. Like the NIKE swoosh, the slightly tilted G with a arrow head will come to identify Afrofusion music by Omogo Reloaded, percieve as something new/fresh and infigurating.


It's lunch time and you're driving on  highway 33, when you spot a fast food restuarant sign. Almost immediately, you're  feeling hungrier. Result and that's what  an advertisers in that industry desire.


For the Omogo Reloaded brand, the composition is created to stimulate ones imagination by arousing one's curiousity. A look at top ranking national and international brands will reveal their simplicity, their struggle to be very represnetative and relavant in meaning transmission to audience and strive to stay fresh. The Omogo Reloaded brand possesses the above-mentioned qualities, making it very easy to recall. Upon immediate recognition and recollection, certain subtle cultural messages are conjured and a sense of affiliation with the brand is established. It is easy  to support a brand that customers have a connection with. This connection is importnat to the survival of a brand.


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Hope you're doing great. There's only 8 hours left in this worldwide competition to send a writer with an expedition to the North Pole and I'm currently in the Top 5 (where I need to be, but the competition is heating up).

I sincerely need you to please spread the word to fellow Nigerians through 9jabook -

Every single vote counts and I sincerely need fellow Nigerians supporting me.

Thanks again and hope to hear from you! Only 8 Hours Left till the competition ends.


I remember sitting in Mr. Kayode’s geography class in secondary school, an atlas in hand looking at political boundaries; countries beyond my sphere. “I will reach the North Pole,” I often said to friends and family, oblivious to the fact that I was sitting in tropical sub-Saharan Africa and had nev


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Ukrainian illegal immigrants lived life of luxury after conning HMRC into paying out £4.5million in tax rebate scam

A gang of Ukrainian illegal immigrants enjoyed a lavish lifestyle of expensive cars and luxury apartments after swindling £4.5million from the tax office by using false identities to claim tax rebates.

A court was told the fraudsters found the streets of London were 'paved with gold' after successfully claiming back millions of pounds through false applications.

A judge criticised the ease at which the gang was able to dupe HM Revenue and Customs by using 'flawless' identity documents and setting up bogus bogus firms to appear as employers on the doctored self assessment forms.


Elaborate fraud: Members of a gang of Ukrainian conmen enjoy the spoils of their luxury lifestyle, which was funded through a £4.5million tax con

In each case, the gang made it appear as if the applicants had paid too much tax, and were owed a rebate.

The fraud was so convincing that Revenue officials were duped into paying out more than £4.5million, out of total applications for more than £8million.

Eleven members of the gang were sentenced to a total of 42 years and 10 months at Southwark Crown Court on Friday for conspiracy to cheat the Revenue.

By the time the con was uncovered last year the gang had spent a fortune on top-of-the-range cars, luxury apartments, weapons and lavish parties..

Judge Christopher Hardy, criticised the ease with which the defendants were able to obtain money.

He said: 'The prosecution has said the system was based on trust. Sadly, however, trust has become a very risky and unwise basis in this day and age to disperse millions of pounds of public money.

'It must have seemed to you as if truly the streets of London were paved with gold.'

Life of luxury: The illegal immigrants enjoyed lavish parties in London after using false identities to claim millions of pounds in tax rebates

Life of luxury: The illegal immigrants enjoyed lavish parties in London after using false identities to claim millions of pounds in tax rebates

He added that while the scam was not sophisticated 'you made up for it with the relentless determination and efficiency with which you went about relieving the British taxpayer of this money.'

The mastermind of the fraud, Ukrainian Volodymyr Panchak, 27, received a sentence of six years and one month.

His cousin Roman Panchak, 32, and Yuriy Brovarsky, 26, received five years each; Olegs Parkov, 35, was jailed for four-and-a-half years; Krzysztof Giers, 32, Olesya Kovbasa, 28, and Oleg Zdyshcuhuk, 23, four years apiece; Marek Pic, 25, three years and nine months; Marek Krinicki, 25, three years, and Andrey Klym, 26 and Andrey Babukh, 31, each received a year and nine months.

Another man, Vitalijuis Kostrominas, is on the run after he leapt from a fourth floor balcony and ran away when police tried to arrest him at a flat in Brentford.

Scam: HMRC officers found fake bank cards, guns, swords and cash when they swooped on the gang at seven properties in Brentford last year

Scam: HMRC officers found fake bank cards, guns, swords and cash when they swooped on the gang's properties in Brentford last year

Prosecutor Rosina Cottage told the court that Panchak and his henchmen took advantage of the system which allows self employed workers to claim money back if they have paid too much income tax.

Over a three year period between June 2006 and July last year, they created 1200 false identities and set up 600 bank accounts into which the rebates were paid.

Applications were made online through the HMRC website.

All of the defendants had either entered the country illegally, or had overstayed after their visas expired.

Panchak was arrested in March last year, and police followed up with raids on various West London addresses, seizing notebooks full of names and details of individuals, as well as £361,000 in cash.

Scores of false identity documents and driving license applications were also uncovered.

Miss Cottage said the gang members bought the identities of real people who resembled them physically, before applying for new photocards with 'up-to-date' photographs of themselves.

'They used the DVLA to create perfect, untraceable identity documents for themselves', she said.

The fraudsters used their ill-gotten gains to lead a lavish lifestyle, blowing thousands on brand new Range Rovers and BMWs, and enjoying days out skydiving together.

The court heard Panchak's ultimate aim was to run an ongoing fraud at arm's length from an operating base in the Ukraine.

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It is with the heaviest of hearts, and deepest sorrow that we regret to announce that Rapper, Da Grin formally known as Olayitan Olanipekun Oladapo is dead at the tender age of 23. As some of you know Da Grin was in a ghastly auto accident last week, and had been receiving treatment for injuries sustained at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH.

Da Grin was officially pronounced dead by the doctors sometime about 8:30pm yesterday local time at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). Rest In Peace, Da Grin. You will be sorely missed in Nigeria, Africa and the world as a whole. You leave us with some of the best music from a Nigerian rapper. We Thank God for your life, even if it was short..

Last week also Hip Hop lost Guru of Gansterr fame .

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I don’t have a boyfriend and my being a mechanic has got nothing to do with it - Says 24-year-old lady mechanic By Bode Adewumi, Lagos Sunday, September 6, 2009 Given another personal situation, Miss Lillian Kekong Thomas might have been a beauty queen, strutting her stuff on the catwalk. Well, okay, height might have been an issue. At 5 feet 3, she might have been literally passed over by most model scouts. But if they were out looking for ladies to model for a body cream, they most certainly would give Thomas a serious consideration, because what she lacks in height, she makes up for in smooth, unblemished skin and a good set of teeth. Miss Lillian Thomas in action “My skin is just a blessing from God. I don’t have any special cream or anything. My great grand-father was an albino, I don’t know if that is part of it. And for the lack of scars, well, I owe that to God too. Even though growing up was tough, I’ve managed to be without any skin problem and have never been involved in any accident serious enough to leave a lasting scar’’, says this 24-year old indigene of Cross River State. She is one of the 40 ladies who recently graduated from three-year training in automotive repair at the Lady Mechanic Initiative (LMI) workshop in Victoria Island on the bill of the MTN Foundation. She had finished O’levels and was unable to further her education due to poor finances when she came across a flyer asking for applications from ladies for a course in auto repair to be supported by the MTN Foundation. She signed up for the programme. Asked why, of all vocations that a lady could have delved into, automotive repair was her choice, she smiles and says, “I chose this in order to be different. You can find so many ladies going into hairdressing salons and tailoring workshops. But you can’t see ladies going for a job like auto repair. So I decided to join it because I wanted to do something different from what people are doing out there.” But ladies avoid being auto mechanics for loads of reasons, chief among which are that it is strenuous and, as some would insist, unladylike. Being smeared in darkened engine oil for the most part of the day, growing coarse palms from handling tough tools and reeking of petrol like a filling station are all grim prospects that most ladies would shudder to contemplate. Thomas admits that it is a strenuous job, which sometimes proves severely tasking for a lady. But she adds that technology has advanced to a stage that some of the hard parts have been simplified. “You know, these days we have special tools that you can use to loose tough bolts and nuts and do whatever you want to do. As a lady mechanic, one will just have to invest more in those tools”, she says. She also believes being a lady mechanic does not make her less attractive to the opposite sex. She argues that being a mechanic does not mean that one should be dirty. “A dirty person is a dirty person, whether she is a mechanic or she works in a bank. As a lady mechanic, when you are working on a car, you should have no issues with engine oil smearing you and all that, but the moment you are done with the day’s work, you clean up and freshen up. Nobody knows you have spent the entire day under a car”. So does Thomas have a boyfriend? The answer is no. “I currently do not have any boyfriend and that has nothing to do with my being a lady mechanic”, she says emphatically. According to her, at the right time, the man of her dreams would come along. Describing the three years of training she says, “When I started it was so hard but you know everything comes from the heart so I made up my mind to do it for the rest of my life and I promised myself that I was going to do it and I think I am enjoying it now because they say the end of a matter is greater than the beginning”. When asked about embarrassing moments she has had in the course of her training and internships, she said “ it is when I go out there to work and the guys are like, what are you talking about. This girl, fix my car? Does this one know where the gear lever is? I feel embarrassed. But at the same time I feel challenged to prove them wrong and when I am able to, I am happy. For instance, there was a day Sandra (LMI founder) was taking some of us out. We boarded a danfo (commercial bus) and it broke down. The conductor tried to fix the problem without success and we offered to help. The man just shoved us aside. After he got frustrated, we offered to help again and one of us fixed the problem within minutes. The conductor refunded our money in appreciation”. Thomas who has immediately secured employment with Toyota Nigeria, Eket, in Akwa Ibom State says she has no regret whatsoever opting to be a mechanic. She couldn’t have had any, considering the doors of opportunities that this decision has opened for her. She has met with important figures she never imagined she could meet since she joined LMI. “Earlier this year, we were at Aso Rock where I shook hands with the first lady and took personal pictures. I am going to enlarge it and keep it in my living room!” she gushes. Apart from that, Thomas is among 10 other girls from LMI selected to travel to the United States of America for international exposure in a few weeks with the assistance of the American Embassy. “It has simply been wonderful. I don’t think I would have had this opportunity, if I had chosen something else” says Thomas, who admits she would have been a barber if she hadn’t opted for auto repair. I thank all the people who have made me who I am today: Mrs. Sandra Aguebor-Ekperuoh and the MTN Foundation. MTNF tried for us and I can only say a big thank you to them because if I want to give them money it would never be enough. I also promise to help other people out there so that they can see how appreciative I am”. So where does Thomas intend to be in the next few years? “In the next few years? I really don’t know, but I hope to be doing a lot of travelling to different places to help people where I can, because Sandra and MTNF have helped me too. I intend to impart this knowledge to other ladies or girls out there that are not privileged, but are interested in learning”. When asked to advise younger ladies, she says “My advice to them is that they should go for whatever they feel is best for them. You know it is better for a woman to have something she is doing so that any man or guy they are dating will have value for them, you understand. So I will advise every woman to look for something to do to live a better life
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By Olusola Balogun Sunday, September 6, 2009 • His many sins • Bank CEOs turn to bible and anointing oil Wanted Chief Executive Officer of Intercontinental Bank PLC, Erastus Akingbola, may have sneaked back into the country and gone underground to avoid arrest by operative of the Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Erastus Akingbola Informed sources told Sunday Sun that the embattled bank chief allegedly returned to the country last Tuesday through the land borders of one of the nation’s neighbouring countries. He was however yet to surrender to the EFCC. Akingbola, the only bank CEO who reportedly left the country in the wake of his sack as the helmsman of IBPlc is the only CEO still at large. Mrs. Cecilia Ibru of Oceanic Bank who initially was also on the run like Akingbola has since surrendered herself to the EFCC after the commission declared her and Akingbola wanted. A reliable source at one of the security agencies said, ‘‘we reliably learnt that Erastus Akingbola sneaked back into Nigeria on Tuesday through one of our porous land borders with a neighbouring country. We have deployed more operatives to keep an eye on him, but what we discovered was that he has not been anywhere near all his known addresses. He has been very smart and he really went underground. His fears are that he would be arrested and detained like his colleagues who were further remanded for another two weeks on Friday.” An EFCC source however expressed confidence that Akingbola’s arrest was only a matter of time. “We are on top of the issue and I can assure you he will be nabbed because our men are already drawing a ring round him and he will soon be in the net.” The source also listed the ‘many sins’ of the runaway CEO to include giving $10,000 travel allowance to non-executive directors of his bank, contrary to the CBN code of corporate governance in Nigeria, which limits remuneration to only sitting allowance for that cadre of directors. The EFCC was also said to have discovered “discrepancies between the value of shares in the bank’s customer file and the valuation records supplied to the CBN.” Akingbola was also said to have listed loans advanced in 2007 against 2009 in a frantic bid to deceive the CBN. Besides, a whopping N20bn, of the N27bn non- performing loan portfolio of the bank was said to have been advanced to the bank directors, while the bank was also said to have massively cooked its books to hoodwink the regulatory authorities. The EFCC source also revealed that the “commission has also discovered that $5 million from the banks coffers was transferred abroad.” Another sin counted against Akingbola was that directors of the bank were also alleged to have being involved in under-the-table deals with the funds of the bank. ‘‘We discovered that they had a habit of releasing funds supposedly to the bank’s subsidiaries only for the money to find its way into the bank accounts of the wives of the directors, and their concubines, and sometimes their own private accounts. These funds were deposited in fixed accounts for some time to yield interest before they return it. So we discovered that they were making profit with the funds of the bank while the bank was not making anything.” The source who insisted that the commission would not be deterred by the barrage of attack directed at her over its determination to stop the shady deals in Nigeria’s financial sector, also disclosed that some of the detained bank chiefs have suddenly turned to God in detention. “Many of those that are Muslims have their trusted aides bring their ‘sahur’ meals to them while those that are not observing the Ramadan are turning to prayer warriors. Cecilia Ibru seems the most serious as she is always seen clutching her bible and anointing oil. She has also been playing hosts to some pastors and prayer warriors who visit her to pray for her.” One of such pastor is said to lead a flourishing church in Ogudu area of Lagos. Meanwhile the travel ban imposed on the bank debtors has increased the pressure on the EFCC Chairman, Mrs Farida Waziri, who may have moved her operations and office to an undisclosed location to avoid the bank debtors.
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Facebook, for better or worse, is like being at a big party with all your friends, family, acquaintances and co-workers.There are lots of fun, interesting people you're happy to talk to when they stroll up. Then there are the other people, the ones who make you cringe when you see them coming. This article is about those people. Sure, Facebook can be a great tool for keeping up with folks who are important to you. Take the status update, the 160-character message that users post in response to the question, "What's on your mind?" An artful, witty or newsy status update is a pleasure -- a real-time, tiny window into a friend's life. But far more posts read like navel-gazing diary entries, or worse, spam. A recent study categorized 40 percent of Twitter tweets as "pointless babble," and it wouldn't be surprising if updates on Facebook, still a fast-growing social network, break down in a similar way. Take a CNN quiz: What kind of Facebooker are you? » Combine dull status updates with shameless self-promoters, "friend-padders" and that friend of a friend who sends you quizzes every day, and Facebook becomes a daily reminder of why some people can get on your nerves. Watch as Facebookers reveal bugbears » Here are 12 of the most annoying types of Facebook users: The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day Bore. "I'm waking up." "I had Wheaties for breakfast." "I'm bored at work." "I'm stuck in traffic." You're kidding! How fascinating! No moment is too mundane for some people to broadcast unsolicited to the world. Just because you have 432 Facebook friends doesn't mean we all want to know when you're waiting for the bus. Don't Miss Facebook buys FriendFeed: Is this a big deal? Twitter blackout left users feeling 'jittery,' 'naked' The Self-Promoter. OK, so we've probably all posted at least once about some achievement. And sure, maybe your friends really do want to read the fascinating article you wrote about beet farming. But when almost EVERY update is a link to your blog, your poetry reading, your 10k results or your art show, you sound like a bragger or a self-centered careerist. The Friend-Padder. The average Facebook user has 120 friends on the site. Schmoozers and social butterflies -- you know, the ones who make lifelong pals on the subway -- might reasonably have 300 or 400. But 1,000 "friends?" Unless you're George Clooney or just won the lottery, no one has that many. That's just showing off. The Town Crier. "Michael Jackson is dead!!!" You heard it from me first! Me, and the 213,000 other people who all saw it on TMZ. These Matt Drudge wannabes are the reason many of us learn of breaking news not from TV or news sites but from online social networks. In their rush to trumpet the news, these people also spread rumors, half-truths and innuendo. No, Jeff Goldblum did not plunge to his death from a New Zealand cliff. The TMIer. "Brad is heading to Walgreens to buy something for these pesky hemorrhoids." Boundaries of privacy and decorum don't seem to exist for these too-much-information updaters, who unabashedly offer up details about their sex lives, marital troubles and bodily functions. Thanks for sharing. The Bad Grammarian. "So sad about Fara Fauset but Im so gladd its friday yippe". Yes, I know the punctuation rules are different in the digital world. And, no, no one likes a spelling-Nazi schoolmarm. But you sound like a moron. The Sympathy-Baiter. "Barbara is feeling sad today." "Man, am I glad that's over." "Jim could really use some good news about now." Like anglers hunting for fish, these sad sacks cast out their hooks -- baited with vague tales of woe -- in the hopes of landing concerned responses. Genuine bad news is one thing, but these manipulative posts are just pleas for attention. The Lurker. The Peeping Toms of Facebook, these voyeurs are too cautious, or maybe too lazy, to update their status or write on your wall. But once in a while, you'll be talking to them and they'll mention something you posted, so you know they're on your page, hiding in the shadows. It's just a little creepy. The Crank. These curmudgeons, like the trolls who spew hate in blog comments, never met something they couldn't complain about. "Carl isn't really that impressed with idiots who don't realize how idiotic they are." [Actual status update.] Keep spreading the love. The Paparazzo. Ever visit your Facebook page and discover that someone's posted a photo of you from last weekend's party -- a photo you didn't authorize and haven't even seen? You'd really rather not have to explain to your mom why you were leering like a drunken hyena and French-kissing a bottle of Jagermeister. The Obscurist. "If not now then when?" "You'll see..." "Grist for the mill." "John is, small world." "Dave thought he was immune, but no. No, he is not." [Actual status updates, all.] Sorry, but you're not being mysterious -- just nonsensical. The Chronic Inviter. "Support my cause. Sign my petition. Play Mafia Wars with me. Which 'Star Trek' character are you? Here are the 'Top 5 cars I have personally owned.' Here are '25 Things About Me.' Here's a drink. What drink are you? We're related! I took the 'What President Are You?' quiz and found out I'm Millard Fillmore! What president are you?" You probably mean well, but stop. Just stop. I don't care what president I am -- can't we simply be friends? Now excuse me while I go post the link to this story on my Facebook page. SO WHICH ONE ARE YOU ON ! I amj all of the above !
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15-yr-old Nigerian records flying feat in U.S. From Laolu Akande, New York Since July 11 that she accomplished the feat, mainstream American media have been awash, especially in the last one week with the news of the Nigerian-American Major U.S. media like Cable News Network (CNN), Los Angeles Times, CBS, New York Daily News, and Philadelphia Inquirer, have been writing about Kimberly Anyadike. However, much as the U.S. media have been reporting her story, there has not been a mention of her's or her family's Nigerian nationality. All the headlines and the stories said nothing about her or her family hailing from Nigeria. Most of the U.S. media headlines have been calling "Los Angeles Teen," "15-year-old girl," "Youngest African-American female," etc. Speaking to reporters on July 11 as she landed the one-engine Cessna aircraft in Compton, California, after a 13-day flying spree from California on the West coast of the U.S. to Virginia on the East, the young Anyadike, who, hails from the eastern part of Nigeria, said she flew as a "messenger of hope" with expectations that her flight would inspire many more young people "out there." Anyadike is making waves not only on the airwaves and the press, but also online, where her own facebook has now been supplemented by a fans' page. Already there are talks and you tube videos speculating about her meeting with the U.S. President Barack Obama. She herself has confirmed on her facebook page that the Governor of California, her U.S. home state, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has already invited her to visit at the state capital. Anyadike's story started after she was enrolled into a flight programme in California having been targeted as an at-risk youth. But before then she had always wanted to fly, a passion that stuck with her until she joined the flight school that trained her under an intervention and mentoring programme. From there she received air flight instructions and took on the challenge to fly an aircraft across the US under a programme co-sponsored by the U.S. Tuskeegee Airmen, being a group of Black U.S. military pilots whose initial patriotic attempts to join the U.S. Armed Forces and fight in the Second World War were ridiculed with claims that black people lacked the physiological and cognitive developments to fly planes. She was trained at the Tomorrow's Aeronautical Museum, a flight school and youth mentoring centre in Compton, California. The aircraft she flew was named after the Tuskeegee Airmen and one of them, Levi Thornhill, now 87, actually flew with her across the U.S., and another safety pilot. Anyadike, according to U.S. media reports, said she wanted to use the history-making flight to honour the famous Tuskeegee Airmen for their service during the war. On the 13-day journey she landed in 13 US cities and met with Tuskeegee Airmen all over the country. She said meeting all the Tuskeegee airmen on the trip " was really inspiring to me, and gave me the incentive to keep flying." At all her stops, she was reported to have received a hero's welcome like it was on her return flight to California, which has been posted on youtube. Speaking on her return to California, from where the 13-day trip had started, Kimberly Anyadike who had been deemed an at-risk youth said: "I really appreciate everything that everyone has done for me." She thanked the Tuskeegee Airmen "for what they have done and what they have allowed me to overcome and to accomplish." According to her: "I am being a messenger of hope. I hope I am an inspiration to many people out there." She stated that her accomplishment as the youngest black female, perhaps youngest black person to fly an aircraft had been bigger than her imagination. "This is bigger than just me, larger than any accomplishments I could have ever made."
lagos..Port-Harcourt..Abuja..Kaduna.. Owerri..Edo.. AkwaIbom..Ibadan..Enugu
The 15-year old girl is expected to receive a pilot's licence in two years and she said she would like to become a cardiovascular surgeon with her eyes already set on such ivy league US schools like Harvard, Stanford and Yale. At 15 she is currently in high school and already taking college classes. She is also attending a dance academy, learning to read music in church and training on the piano, violin and guitar.
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As a crucial meeting between the the governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido, and CEOs of the nation’s banks is ongoing, industry sources have disclosed that the sack of CEOs and management staff of five major Nigerian banks is the “CBN now acting in its full capacity”. “What has happened is that these banks have not kept to the stipulations of corporate governance. There is no bank that is not exposed, but these sacks are likely about gross marginal exposure, to just a few corporate entities and individuals,” disclosed one of our sources, a top executive with a new-generation bank. Another disclosed that police officers are currently on the premises of headquarters of all five banks affected, showing the hard-line stance that the CBN has adopted over reviving the sector; “continued failure of regulation and risk management of the nation’s financial institutions and the effects on banks is at the front-burner of this meeting, which is why no representatives have been allowed.” It was also revealed that CEO of Bank PHB, Francis Atuche, was one of several executives who hurriedly booked flights in and outside of the country to attend the meeting. Advising shareholders not to panic, the bank official said that the Central Bank of Nigeria’s motives were well-intended. “These bankers have most likely been sacked because the government plans to re-inject funds into the banks, and to do so, they will have to oversee its management until the bank is on its feet again. It could have been worse, had the mismanagement been allowed to snowball into the beginnings of a financial crisis quite like that seen in the West.” He added that this situation was not an industry first. “You will recall that Wema bank had management and shareholders’ funds misappropriation issues and the CBN stepped in, put it in receivership temporarily until it stabilised. Why there is an uproar is the calibre of people, and top-tier banks involved. Sadly, anyone sacked will never work in a financial institution; that is the law.” Confirming that calls had been made by concerned bankers and shareholders across the nation’s 23 banks on the need for the CBN to clarify the situation, our source said: “until the CBN makes a categorical and detailed statements explaining its actions and the consequences to the Nigerian public, developments like this can in no way help the stock market. I cannot confirm the actual values right now but shareholder value is decreasing even as we speak.” 5ive down ONE more to Go WHO ? Chemical Ali the boss of all the bosses .
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You got to respect the chinese ! Chin Chin wayo chung chin ! The textiles ministry has asked the commerce department to take up the issue of Chinese garments sporting fake "Made in India" tags being sold in Nigeria, a senior official said here on Wednesday. adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija "Garments with fake 'Made in India' tags are being sold in Nigeria," Textiles Secretary Rita Menon said. Recently, Nigerian authorities confiscated a shipment of drugs, with "Made in India" labels, which were found to have originated in China. "We are aware of the unfair and unjust practice," Menon said. "This is a serious matter. We have written to the commerce ministry and they will take it up through the diplomatic channels with the concerned governments (Nigeria and China)," she added. "Let my minister meet the commerce minister first and then we will decide what we have to do." Reacting to the development, Confederation of Indian Textile Industry said: "It is a cause for concern and we have to gauge its impact. China is the largest exporter of textiles, with 25 percent of market share. We have just 4 percent of market share. So they are a threat in the medium term." According to the Export Promotion Council for Handicraft (EPCH), export of textiles and ready-made garments - cotton, natural silk, woollen and man-made yarn - to Nigeria virtually halved from Rs.224.7 crore in 2006-07 to Rs.119.2 crore in 2007-08 because of the fake Chinese products. India's ambassador to Nigeria Mahesh Sachdeva has already alerted the commerce secretary about the consignment of Chinese-made medicines impounded in Nigeria with fake "Made in India" labels. Subsequently, the Indian government lodged a strong protest with the Chinese embassy in New Delhi and also with China's foreign trade ministry in Beijing. © 2009 The Times of India
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At least there are still honest people in naija If it were the Politicians all of them will be criminals in their family ! • Papa Matthew was a teacher, his 12 children and 12 children in-law are. He also has 8 grandchildren teachers But for the Nwigwe family of Umuezuo, Umuokirika Ekwereazu in Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State, teaching is a way of life. The family holds a rich tradition in teaching, spanning many generations. Living index The truth is whenever you walk into that family and ask for a teacher, you will have over thirty responses – all teachers; husbands of teachers, wives of teachers, fathers of teachers, children of teachers, grandchildren of teachers, and as well brothers and sisters and mothers of teachers who have teacher cousins and are themselves teachers. Indeed, the family’s achievement in the profession is amazing and deserves golden chapters on the elegant pages of history. In fact, the family has produced about 40 teachers at various levels and generations. Late Pa Matthew Nwigwe, the patriarch of the family, set the ball rolling in 1921 when he began a teaching career that spanned four and half decades. He retired in 1965. According to family sources, the job took Pa Nwigwe “to almost all parts of what is now Imo State and beyond including Umuohiagu, Okwukwu, Nkwerre, Amaigbo, Uzoagba, Amuzi Ahiara, Umuhu, Lagwa, Ihitte Ezinihitte, Umuapu, Obinze, Umunoha, Umuoparaoma, Eziagbogu, Otulu, Aguneze, Obodo Ujichi, Lorji, Akpim, Nnarambia and Umuokirika.” Pa Matthew, the grand old teacher and don of a teachers’ clan was born in 1897, Pa Nwigwe passed on in 1987. Escaping into teaching 9jabook sources gathered that late Pa Nwigwe’s quest for education was not well received at the time. According to the source, “consequently, he found his way out of his parents’ tight grip to Calabar where his budding desire to go to school blossomed. He returned home from Calabar already a school boy, to the chagrin of his parents and some of his brothers. The only one to protect his interest and defend him from molestation and near ostracism was his immediate elder brother, Ugochukwu Minahakwu. After a full year of heroic determination close to stubbornness, he was allowed to continue schooling, but not without submitting to such derisive names as ‘onyeumengwu’ (lazy bones), onyeujo oru (one who fears work) and ori-okporo. That was about 1917.” The vogue then was that able-bodied young men like him accompanied their parents to farms and markets. But he chose to be different, to be his own man, to seek knowledge so that he can bequeath same unto others. As one of the pioneers of the teaching profession in Mbaise, he was a household name. He was a role model and not a few held him in high esteem. In fact, he made his kinsmen embrace the chalk and blackboard profession. Interestingly, those he influenced were his children and they decided to follow his footsteps. At last, all but one of his 12 children became teachers. And all of them married teachers, including the ‘black sheep’ of the family, Chief Lucian Nwigwe. Even when his first son, Chief John Nwigwe lost his wife, Cecilia, a teacher, he got married to another teacher, Beatrice, who is currently the headmistress of Community School Eziama, Oparanadim, Ahiazu LGA. Pa Nwigwe’s surviving children include, Chief John Nwigwe, who retired in 1984 as the pioneer principal of Ime-Onicha Secondary School in Ezinihitte; Dr Clement Nwigwe; Rev. Fr. Professor Boniface Nwigwe of Religious Studies Department, University of Port Harcourt, Rev. Sis. Pepertua Nwigwe, Principal, Regina Pacci’s Secondary School, Abuja, Rose Okoroafor, Rita Igwe, Chief Lucian Nwigwe and Mr. Joseph Nwigwe. The following have been forced by death to drop their chalk: Mrs Pauline Madu, Chief Mrs. Juliana Anyanwu and Rev. Fr. (Dr) Lambert Nwigwe. Third generation teachers Instructively, eight of Pa Nwigwe’s children also became teachers. They include late Lilian Emenalom, who taught at Imo State Polytechnic Owerri, Stella Uba, Edith Ndukuba and Akuchinyere Nwigwe, lecturer, Imo State Polytechnic. In the same vein, many of his grand children are married to children. Why the teaching craze Now, why is teaching the favourite profession of the Nwigwes and their offspring? Is it a matter of choice? What role did the patriarch of the family play in his children’s choice of career? Offering insightful perspectives into the family’s choice of career, Chief John Nwigwe admitted that it is a function of nature and nurture. According to him, the siblings were not coerced to go into teaching but chose to do so on their own free will. He explained that due to the exemplary conduct of their father it became natural for them to emulate him, adding that he had no regret whatsoever moulding the character of children as it were. Describing teaching as a noble profession, the 82-year-old man, who was recently celebrated Onyima, said it was a coincidence that they also married teachers. Speaking with 9jabook sources , late Pa Nwigwe’s granddaughter, Lovelyn, said that being born into a family of teachers is a fascinating experience. An exciting experience worth applauding ? Lovelyn, who read Theatre Arts at the University of Calabar, said: “It is amazing, fascinating really. We are a closely-knit family, everybody is teaching everybody at every point in time. Our family members are level headed. I think the biggest advantage of coming from such a family is that everybody is well-informed. Everybody here recognizes the beauty of unrestricted education. It is difficult to see anybody in the entire family in his or her late teens who is not a graduate or already in a higher institution. I wouldn’t exchange the experience with any other.” She said that on account of the family’s accomplishment in teaching and education in general, the family enjoys a measure of respect and recognition. She posited that it is not impossible for more of the family members to embrace teaching in the future. Perhaps the Pa Matthew Nwigwe family deserves a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the family with the most number of teachers anywhere. Who says great things don’t exist in Nigeria? They sure do ! That is why we still have someone as great as Yaradua still ruling us ! Guniness book of records
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By Fidelis Soriwei, BeninThe carnage in the nation's roads continued again on Sunday as another accident resulted in the deaths of 18 passengers on Benin-Ore Road.The accident occurred a few days after the death of over 50 people in an auto accident involving a luxury bus and a tanker at the Benin-Auchi Road.Our correspondent gathered that an 18-seater Toyota Hiace vehicle in which the deceased passengers were travelling plunged into the Ovia River just after the Okada junction.According to an eyewitness account, efforts made by motorists and others to rescue the trapped passengers were unsuccessful as they lacked the capacity to drag the submerged bus out of the river.The Good Samaritans were said to have watched helplessly as the passengers were drowned inside the bus.The source added that nobody, including the driver, was able to escape from the vehicle at the time of filing this report.The Benin Zonal Commander of the Federal Road Safety Commission, Mr. Zakari Nda, confirmed the accident, saying that his men were already on a rescue mission.He did not, however, confirm the casualty figure of the accident, saying he had not been briefed by his commander on ground.Investigation revealed that the driver of the ill-fated vehicle was heading for Benin from the Ore when it plunged into the river.The accident is coming shortly after about 66 people died in two separate auto accidents on the Benin-Auchi Road last week.While 16 market women lost their lives in the first accident which occurred on the Benin-Auchi Road on their way to Onitsha, over 50 people were killed in the second accident involving a tanker and a luxury bus loaded with passengers from Sokoto to Onitsha on Friday.Nda, who confirmed both accidents, said that while it was difficult to give the exact number of those killed in the latter accident, 43 burnt corpses were given mass burial in Benin on Friday evening.Meanwhile, about 10 people were feared killed in South in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State over a lingering chieftaincy dispute in the community.Our correspondent gathered that several other people were injured in the resumed hostilities between two cousins - Messrs Kelvin Danesi and Obebe Umoru - over Aidonogie of South Ibie chieftaincy tussle.According to an eyewitness account, several houses and properties worth millions of naira were destroyed during the clash between the supporters of the two principal actors in the crisis.It was learnt that crisis had been on for over 10 years and had once been put under control through the intervention of eminent groups like the Ibie Peace Forum based in Lagos in 2007.The source said the resumed violence, which commenced in the evening of Saturday, continued Sunday and had not abated at the time of filing the report.Our correspondent could not also ascertain what actually led to the recent crisis, but a source disclosed that the group loyal to Umoru was angry about the plans being made to mark the 10th year anniversary of Danesi, who is recognised by the state government.Speaking in a telephone interview with our correspondent on Sunday, the Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of Operations in the Edo State Police Command, Mr. Clement Adoda, said that the situation had been brought under control.He said that the command had drafted riot policemen and the men of the Police Area Command in Auchi to the community.
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A weak currency and a steady decline in foreign reserves are hitting international students from Nigeria. Parents are finding it increasingly difficult to remit money to their children studying abroad, some students are considering continuing their studies at home, and many parents are shelving plans to send their offspring to foreign universities. But universities in Nigeria will be hard-pressed to accommodate those who do return. Commercial banks have received fewer applications from parents to process tuition fees for students abroad. An official at the Central Bank of Nigeria who did not wish to be named, said that last year more fee applications had been processed by the central bank on behalf of commercial banks. For the past eight months there has been a close correlation between the drop in the number of tuition fee applications for Nigerian students abroad and the weak local currency - the Naira - along with a gradual decline in the country's foreign currency holdings. Nkiru Okechukwu, an international economics expert, said the central bank had to prudently manage foreign reserves in its possession. "There are competing demands for these scare resources. Industries must import machines and raw materials. Refined petroleum products must be imported," Okechukwu said. Paying the tuition fees of students abroad was a relatively low priority. The value of the Naira has declined because of lower international demand for crude oil, Nigeria's economic mainstay, Okechukwu explained. A year ago the country exported about two million barrels of crude oil a day and the barrel was selling for around US$147. At that time Nigerian's foreign reserve was $67 billion. The story is different today: outgoing central bank governor, Chuwukuma Soludo, recently admitted that foreign reserves had dwindled from $48 billion to $ 45 billion in the last two months. These factors, along with job insecurity, have made remitting money for students abroad more and more difficult. Traditionally, Nigerian middle class parents have sent their children to study abroad and those who could afford it preferred to send them to Britain, North America or other Commonwealth countries. This is no longer the case. Apart from the weak local currency and shortfall in foreign reserves, closure of factories and businesses have led to retrenchment of managers - members of the middle class - as well as ordinary workers. Many parents who dreamed of sending their children to study overseas have changed their minds. Bayo Akin, an engineer in a manufacturing company in Lagos, said he simply could not afford to send his children abroad - and was not even sure he would keep his job. "The company I work for has informed my colleagues and myself that our parent company may fold because of the current international financial and economic crisis. Consumers are not buying our products," Akin said. Even a special scheme to assist Nigerian students in the UK is faltering. A Nigerian financial institution, Bank PHB, established a loan scheme to assist Nigerian students in Britain, called the UK Education Scheme. The scheme takes care of fees, accommodation and living costs for the duration of the beneficiary's course. But to benefit from the scheme, each student must open what the bank calls an education account with an initial deposit of about 50% of the fees stipulated by student's chosen university. Nduneche Ezurike, an official at the bank, said: "It is a product targeted at a particular market as a solution to a particular need." The problem is that the market is no longer there. A bank official, who did not want to be named, said the scheme had not attracted enough customers. "When we conceived of the loan scheme, some few years ago, we targeted professionals whose earning power was a source of envy. We felt that these professionals, who were in favour of a British university education, could afford to send their kids to UK. Then came the recession. And our potential customers fizzled out." A source close to the National University Commission revealed that an (undisclosed) number of Nigerian students in the UK had been making frantic enquiries whether they could apply for inter-university transfer to Nigerian universities so they could continue their studies at home. Two main categories of students were involved, the source said: students whose parents had lost their jobs and wanted to relocate with their families back in Nigeria, and parents who were no longer able to remit money to children abroad because they had been retrenched or because of the depreciation of the Naira. Like camels marooned in a desert and squabbling for water at an oasis, returning students will have to compete hard with other Nigerians for limited spaces in Nigerian universities. A few weeks ago, some 1.5 million Nigerians sat for common entrance tests into 95 universities whose carrying capacity, according to the NUC, is about 170,000 students. The battle for admission into the next academic session promises to be stiff for returning and home-based candidates.
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