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A Nigerian football star on Thursday said he had been sentenced to 40 lashes in Sudan after being wrongly convicted of drunk driving in Khartoum.advertisement
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Stephen Worgu, who signed a reported multi-million dollar contract with Omdurman Club, Al Merreikh, last year, said he was innocent and determined to win an appeal against the sentence."I am not guilty of this crime...I can't imagine myself being flogged," he told reporters in his Khartoum flat.It was the latest in a series of high-profile cases where Sudan's brand of Islamic law has come under the spotlight. A British teacher was jailed after letting her class name a teddy bear Mohammad in 2007 and a Sudanese journalist was imprisoned in September after being convicted of indecency for wearing trousers. Both women had faced a maximum sentence of flogging.Drinking alcohol is banned under the sharia law enforced in Muslim north Sudan. Men found guilty are routinely beaten in public outside court rooms, while women are generally punished in private.Worgu, 20, said he was stopped by police driving home late from dinner at a friend's house in August.He said he was taken to a police station and briefly questioned, then later told to attend court this week."I was trying to make myself heard to the judge ... saying he (the policeman) didn't make any medical test. He didn't find me with any drink."He said the officers told the court they had smelled the home-brewed spirit aragi on his breath, but insisted he had never heard of the drink. "My lawyer was saying, 'This guy, he makes good money. How can he drink aragi? Aragi is sold for one pound."
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Girls Are More Interested In Love.

Girls are more interested in love not sex addict, but love addict. They feel empty, sad and hopeless without love. Apart from the sex they enjoy, they’re more interested in the chase and the illusion of being attractive and popular to guys.Nkechi, not real name a 22-year-old an undergraduate is a love addict. Her parents made it clear that she would be nothing without a man. She grows up feeling worthless and incomplete without a guy. To her, needing love is normal and natural. She feels empty and desperate without it. She lost several girlfriends as a direct result of the happiness. She derived being attractive and chased by guys.She once said, “As much as I hate to admit, a date with a good guy is more important to me than just going somewhere with a girlfriend. I can’t help feeling relief from those deep feelings, and fantasies girls have about guys.From the saying.”There’s a woman beside every successful man”, has a typical example for this discussion. Guys can look for what to make happen.While girls look for what will happen to them.They can suspend love till they achieve what they consider to be success. They so much feel secure and happy in achievement knowing that girls would eventually come. While girls are more interested in love and can spend a lot of their free time loving.FROM
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Abubakar Umar, a lawyer and special assistant to Ahmeed Al Mustapha, registrar of the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) was found brutally assassinated yesterday in Abuja. Abubakar was trailed by unknown assailants after he left work last night, abducted, shot to death, and set ablaze. His badly burnt body was found near Utako Market in the opposite direction of his residence in Maitama. Already, the Nigerian police has been quick to claim that Mr. Umar died in auto accident, saying that his body was burnt because it was trapped in his burning car. But family members suspect a cover-up, contending that Abubakar's body was riddled with bullets and that the police recovered expended bullet shells from the scene where his body was recovered Saharareporters learnt from a source at the National Assembly that the lawyer, described as a brilliant civil servant, had recently acquired a piece of land bordering the official residence of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives in Abuja. In an attempt to develop the land, Abubakar applied to the National Assembly leadership to grant access to him to take materials meant for development of his land through the property of the National Assembly in the Apo legislative village. Abubakar was reportedly directed to meet with the office of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Honourable Usman Bayero Nafada, to seek the necessary approval. But his agents who met with Mr. Nafada were shocked to find out that he was only interested in taking over the land. He (Nafada) offered to pay for it and asked Abubakar's representatives to name their price, but Abubakar refused to sell his prized possession. The deputy speaker denied the application for access and promptly requested the minster of the Federal capital territory to revoke the land allocation to Mr. Umar for "security reason". Things took a curious turn two weeks ago when the land allocation was revoked by the Minister of the Federal capital Territory (FCT), Adamu Aliero, and re-allocated to Mr. Nafada. Abubakar Umar, was considering challenging the FCT in court over the revocation but had not yet been able to obtain the revocation paperwork to enable him commence legal action. Another source also told Saharareporters that his death might be connected with the arrest and prosecution of some persons involved in forging CAC documents. Last month, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) arrested two lawyers, George Ihijirika Okechukwu and Nwaroh Emmanuel, as well as Tolulope Akeju, alias C and C. They were charged before a Federal High Court in Abuja for making a false certificate of registration of increase in shares capital serial number 756501 of the Corporate Affairs Commission in respect of Jeruzeth International Engineering Company Limited, from N1,000,000 to N25,000,000. Abubakar has been buried according to Muslim rites at the Abuja cemetry.
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Virginia Tech Students Build a Car Blind People Can Drive To spur development of technologies that could give blind people more independence, the National Federation of the Blind issued a challenge to engineers and inventors in 2004: Build a car that blind individuals can drive. Two years later, only the Robotics and Mechanism Laboratory at Virginia Tech had taken up the challenge. The school’s Mechanical Engineer Dept., and nine undergrad students spent about two years on the project with the help from a $3,000 grant from the Federation, plus hardware and software donations from interested companies. The Federation challenge mandated that drivers could navigate a curved course defined by a single lane of traffic cones; regulate speed within a predefined limit; and stop in time to avoid a collision. With funds limited, the Virginia Tech team, now named the Blind Driver Project, started with a relatively simple dirt buggy and began adapting it for a new kind of driver. One of the first steps was to add a Hokuyo UTM-30LX single-plane laser range finder, which acts much like a radar. The sensor sends range and distance data on objects in front of the car to a CompactRIO real-time controller from National Instruments. The controller contains an FPGA that processes targets, translating the range-finder’s data into information the drive can use to stay on the road and avoid obstacles (cones). A laptop running National Instrument’s LabView program gives the controller USB hosting capabilities, needed because the range finder works only with USB. Although the team tried to make the controller accept USB inputs, they stopped when they found that Ethernet communication between the laptop and controller was sufficient. The laptop also let sighted passengers and developers monitor all hardware and software operations and modify the programming for quick calibrations in the field. The controller also receives feedback about vehicle speed from a Hall sensor and steering angle from a string potentiometer. The tricky part, of course, was conveying the sensor information to blind drivers. The approach they chose was to take advantage of the driver’s other senses, hearing and touch. For example, drivers wear a vest with several motors sewn into it. Each motor vibrates at a variety of intensity levels. To stay within the speed limit, one of the motors vibrates to indicate braking is needed, and the degree to which it vibrates correlates with the amount of braking needed. If the controller interprets all the input data as saying there’s an unavoidable obstacle up ahead, another motor in the vest vibrates, cueing the driver to stop immediately. In the early stages of the project, a custom circuit board controlled the motors. The board hosted a PIC microcontroller managing a large bank of transistors and relays that activated motors in the vest at various intensities. It took commands send via RS-232 signals from a PC running LabView. But when the team acquired the RIO controller, they could use an NI 9458 eight-channel relay module to replace the circuit board. This cut down on the hardware’s bulk and simplified the underlying software. More importantly, it shortened the time between obstacle detection and full motor vibration, a critical factor in emergencies. For steering, a mechanism on the steering column “clicks” every time it turns 5°. A potential-field algorithm in the controller takes laser data to map out a proper path. The controller then uses a speech-generation module to tell drivers how many “clicks” and in which direction to turn. The team developed a tactile map to give drivers an idea of where they are. The flat, handheld device has small holes on one surface, similar to an air-hockey table. Compressed air sent through specific holes, or pixels, depict obstacles the laser range finder has detected. The map, named AirPix, lets drivers “feel” obstacles and navigate around them. This past summer, the team let 30 people who were blind or visually impaired get behind the wheel and take the car for a spin. And whether it was their first time driving or a long-awaited reunion with the automobile, their reactions were overwhelmingly positive. In fact, says one team member, somewhat tongue in cheek, “We’re having to ask drivers to refrain from doing donuts in the parking lot.” The volunteer drivers also made a lot of suggestions for improving the car, feedback the team will evaluate and try to implement this year.
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Two years ago, Patrick Geryl, then 51, quit his job as a laboratory worker for a French oil company. He'd saved up just enough money to last him until December 2012. After that, he thought, he wouldn't need it anyway. Unprecedented catastrophe will precede the end of the world in 2012, believers say, such as massive earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions, among other calamities. (ABC News Photo Illustration) Instead, Geryl, a soft-spoken man who had studied chemistry in his younger years, started preparing for the apocalypse. He founded a "survival group" for likeminded men and women, aimed at living through the catastrophe he knew was coming. He started gathering materials necessary to survive — water purifiers, wheelbarrows (with spare tires), dust masks and vegetable seeds. His list of survival goods runs 11 pages long. "You have to understand, there will be nothing, nothing left," Geryl told ABC News from his home in Antwerp, Belgium. "We will have to start an entire civilization from scratch." That's because Geryl believes the world as we know it will end in 2012. He points to the ancient Maya cyclical calendars, the longest of which last renewed itself approximately 5,125 years ago and is set to end again, supposedly with catastrophic consequences, in 2012. He speaks of the ancient Egyptians, who, he claims, saw 2012 as a year of great change too. And he points to science: NASA predicts a sharp increase in the number of sunspots and sun flares for 2012, he said, sure to cause electrical failures and satellite disruptions. All this adds up, Geryl said, to unprecedented catastrophe. First, a polar reversal will cause the north to become the south and the sun to rise in the west. Shattering earthquakes, massive tidal waves and simultaneous volcanic eruptions will follow. Nuclear reactors will melt, buildings will crumble, and a cloud of volcanic dust will block out the sun for 40 years. Only the prepared will survive, Geryl said, and not even all of them. These may sound like the ravings of a madman, or perhaps the head of a small apocalyptic sect. But Geryl is not the only one who believes in the apocalypse. Thousands of people worldwide seem to be preparing, in one way or another, for the end of days in 2012. Survival groups exist in Europe, Canada and the United States. A simple Google search for "2012" and "the end of the world" brings up nearly 300,000 hits. And the video-sharing Web site YouTube hosts more than 65,000 clips informing and warning viewers about their fate in 2012. "It's bigger than Y2K," said Mark van Stone, a specialist of Maya hieroglyphic writings and author of a forthcoming book on 2012. "The year is like a pop song or a popular movie. You type in 2012, and you get hundreds of thousands of hits." Dennis McClung, 28, a project manager for Home Depot from Phoenix, Ariz., runs one of the Web sites dedicated to 2012, an online survival supply store, which sells gas masks, knife kits, bullet-proof vests and more. "I'm not a firm believer in one specific prophecy," said McClung, who runs his site with his wife, Danielle. "But I think we ought to be prepared for anything." Even with December 2012 still 4½ years away, McClung said business is booming. His Web site, which features an "official 2012 countdown" clock and exhorts customers to "be smart, be ready," averages several thousand visitors a week. McClung's best-sellers, he said, are emergency medical supplies and water purifiers. "I get a lot of hits from India. I get a lot of hits from the Netherlands," McClung said. "But my No. 1 customer is the U.S." One of those customers is Thomas Lehmann, a 25-year-old factory worker from Cape Girardeau, Mo. Lehmann said he started researching 2012 when he was 12 years old, and still spends about two hours a day reading about the topic both online and in books. He said he is saving money for survival gear. "Whatever happens, I'm just trying to be prepared for it," Lehmann said. "I'm just learning to be independent of the system. I mean electricity, vehicles, alternate sources of energy. I'm learning to live without gas, basically be self-reliant." "If this stuff does happen," Lehmann said, adding, "I have a way to eat. I can hunt, I can fish and I can purify water. I think it's people in the big cities that need to be worried. People that can't provide for themselves." But for all the hype, there is little evidence the ancient Maya ever intended for the end of their calendar to be read as a portent for disaster. "These prophecies of doom really don't have any basis in what we know about the Maya," said Stephen Houston, a professor of anthropology at Brown University and a specialist of Maya hieroglyphic writing. "The Maya descriptions barely talk about this event." Instead, Houston said, the Maya saw their "long count" — the longest of their cyclical calendars — coming to an end in 2012 but also beginning anew on that date, without disastrous consequences.
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A Lagos high court, presided over by Justice Deborah Oluwayemi, on Wednesday, dismissed an application filed by former beauty queen and actress, Ibinabo Fiberesima.advertisementShe was seeking leave of the court to travel abroad, to attend the forthcoming Miss Earth 2009 Pageant, which will be held in Manila, Philippines.In dismissing the application, the judge wondered why the ex-convict instead of proceeding with her appeal at the appellate court, was bothering herself with travelling out for a beauty contest.Justice Oluwayemi described the application as frivolous and an abuse of court’s process.Ibinabo was sentenced to five years imprisonment, for dangerous and reckless driving which allegedly caused the death of Dr. Giwa Suraj.Previously on the Ibinabo Drunk Driving CaseManslaughter: Court sentences ex-beauty queen to five yearsBy Tony AmokeodoPublished: Monday, 23 Feb 2009JUSTICE Deborah Oluwayemi of a Lagos High Court has sentenced a former beauty queen and popular actress, Ms. Ibinabo Fiberesima, to five years imprisonment for manslaughter, involving the death of a medical doctor, Mr. Suraj Giwa.Delivering her judgment in an appeal by the Lagos State Government against the verdict of an Igbosere Magistrate‘s Court on Friday, Justice Oluwayemi held that the N100,000 fine imposed by the lower court on Fiberesima was tantamount to judicial recklessness.According to the judge, it is unreasonable for a magistrate to give an option of N100,000 fine to someone who has taken the life of another person through dangerous driving.The judge added that Section 28 of the Road Traffic Law, Cap R10 Laws of Lagos State, and 2003 on which the convict was found guilty, did not give an option of fine.Justice Oluwayemi held that the magistrate misdirected himself and might have been confused by the allocution (plea for leniency) by the lawyer to the convict that the ex-beauty queen was a working mother.She added that when the term of imprisonment was mandatory, the court could not change it.She said, “I hold that the magistrate exercised judicial recklessness in giving her option of fine when such is not contained in the traffic law.”I wonder why the magistrate regards N100,000 as an option for someone who caused the death of another person by dangerous driving. Discretion should be exercised judicially and not recklessly.“The nature of the offence is so grave that I do not know how he (the magistrate) came about with an option of fine. Justice is a three-way affair.“N100,000 fine is not a reasonable judgment for someone who has taken the life of another person.“I hereby set aside the judgment of the magistrate‘s court and impose five years imprisonment on the convict.“I also order that the N100,000 fine paid by the convict should not be returned to her.”The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command, had in 2005 charged Fiberesima to the Igbosere Magistrate‘s Court on a two-count charge of dangerous and reckless driving on the Epe Expressway, Lagos, that led to Giwa’s death.In his judgment, Magistrate Isaacs found Fiberesima guilty on the two -count charge and sentenced her to seven years imprisonment for count one and two years imprisonment for counts two.The magistrate, however, gave the convict the option of paying N100,000 fine to regain her freedom. The ex-beauty queen reportedly paid the fine and was let off the hook.But the Lagos State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Olasupo Shasore (SAN), was dissatisfied with the sentence of Magistrate Isaacs and filed a notice of appeal at the Lagos High Court.The Lagos AG added that the magistrate‘s court had wrongfully exercised its discretion in a matter that attracts seven years’ imprisonment without an option of fine.The Lagos AG, therefore, urged the court to set aside the lower court’s verdict and give an appropriate sentence.But Fiberesima had in her statement of defence by her lawyer, Mr. Lanre Lambo, argued that the lower court had the opportunity to impartially observe her demeanour throughout the trial period before given her the option of fine.Meanwhile, Fiberesima‘s friend, also an actor, Mr. Fred Amata, has denied the conviction.Amata, in a telephone interview with our correspondent, said he was not aware that his friend had been sentenced.Another source who described himself as her lawyer also denied the report.“The matter has currently gone beyond the High Court. It is not for the High Courts to decide as things stand now,” he said.The President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Mr. Ejike Asiegbu, when contacted, expressed surprise at the turn of events and promised to confirm the story.Fiberesima could not be reached as her phone was switched off most of the weekend.
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Two female corps members GANG raped in Kano

From DESMOND MGBOH, KanoWednesday, November 11, 2009Pain and anguish have continued to trail the cases of two female members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), who were raped at gunpoint to a state of semi consciousness by a gang of 14 young men at their place of primary assignment in Fagge area of Kano State.advertisementThe corps members, whose identities are being kept secret by the relevant authorities, are of the Yoruba extraction, Daily Sun can confirm. One of them is a native of Lagos State while the other victim hails from Oyo State.The brutal assault, it was gathered, took place at the home of the female corps members, which is situated at the official ‘Corpers lodge’ of Adamu Vice Secondary School, in Fagge. This lodge is located within a walking distance from the secretariat of the Fagge Local Government Council and of a similar distance from the Fagge Divisional Police Station in the heart of the state capital.An eye-witnesse told the Daily Sun that the tragic incident, which occurred after midnight, on the November 3, 2009, had the entire 14-man gang sleeping with the ladies in turns. The raping took place after the gang had scared off the school’s gate men and the male corps members in their midst, locking up the former in a nearby female staff quarters and the latter in a small room in the compound.Spokesman to the Nigeria Police Force, Kano State, Superintendent Baba Mohammed confirmed the ugly incident in a chat with the Daily Sun on Tuesday. He disclosed that, so far four suspects have been arrested in connection with the incident, even as he pointed out that those in the custody of the police have since denied the commission of the act.Speaking also to the Daily Sun on Tuesday, the principal of Adamu Vice Secondary School , where the heinous act occurred Alhaji Mohammed Garba, said that although the corps members were domiciled in his quarters, they were actually engaged for their primary assignment by a nearby Women Centre , where they are teaching.According to his account of the abuse, “On the 3th of November, 2009, when my watchmen were outside and their fellow corps member were making free calls, they were suddenly invaded by a gang of about 14 men. They asked the maiguards (watchmen) to go inside the female staff quarters and also got the male corps members locked up in one room. The female corps members were already a sleep at the time. At first, the female victims refused to the open their doors, but they were later persuaded by the watchmen and the fellow corps members, who pleaded with them to open the door and avoid being killed”.He went further: “Later on, they opened the door. The gang first collected their money, then their handsets, their wrappers and their foodstuffs, which was in the carton, because one of them was about to travel and had arranged her things.And thereafter, they raped all of them.“When my maiguards (watchmen) saw what had happened, they sneaked through, jumped the window, and went out to inform the police, He said the school had so far shouldered the bills of the medication of the ill fated corps members, who were rushed, after the incident to the Murtala Hospital in the state.Sources close to the Daily Sun revealed that the ladies had since moved out of the lodge to an undisclosed location inside Sabon Garri area, where it was speculated that they were squatting with their Yoruba relatives, many of whom felt aggrieved.Ironically, the Fagge Local Government Chairman, Alhaji Tukur Mohammed, who is supposed to be the guardian of all the corps members posted to his domain, has demonstrated the coldest indifference to the plights of the rape victims. According to the principal, “Up to this time that I am talking to you, the Local Government Chairman has not turned up to take any responsibility for the medication of the victims. It was the school that took them to the hospital and it is the school that has been paying their bills.The NYSC State Coordinator in Kano State, Nuhu Kwage is away for the orientation exercise in Karaye local council but his officials have been on top of the development.
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London Police warn over new ‘419’ tricks By Wisdom Patrick, Snr. Correspondent, Lagos Re-edited Re-written for 9jabook by Paul EFCChawk Adams Economic and Specialist Crimes Unit of the London Metropolitan Police has launched a crime prevention initiative against fraud commonly known as ‘West African’ or ‘419’ (advance fee fraud). advertisement hereNOLLYWOOD MOVIES WATCH FREE ONLINE ! ASK9JA.COM ! Post as many Adverts as you can ! Your ADverts will be on for EVER ! and for FREE ! and you can include up to 3 images with your ad ! Encycleopedia Nigerianica Wikipedia meets 9jawiki .. Free online university new Courses added !lagosians live in lagos It detailed some of the new tricks that are commonly used by the conmen to commit the crime. London said the warning has become necessary in view of the recent clean-up in the banking sector in Nigeria, most populous black nation. The London Police said in a statement made available on Tuesday that a similar letter had already been forwarded to Nigeria’s Justice ministry. It added that there was every possibility that conmen would try to cash in on the present situation in Nigeria to perpetrate their trade to the gullible ones. The Metro Police said it would also serve as a resource providing warnings and advice to help potential victims protect themselves as well as publish important legal information about activities of advance fee fruad or conmen usually operating through a network from some West African countries. It stated in the warning that most common scam begins with a letter bearing a Nigerian postage stamp or frank mark (often forgeries) being sent to a potential victim. “E-mails are still being used as they are harder for law enforcement agencies to intercept. “The writer, usually bearing the title of ‘Doctor’, ‘Chief’ or ‘General’, will explain that a ‘mutual business associate’ has suggested that the writer confidentially contact the addressee,” the statement warned. Our Investigations from 9jabook reveal that This new tactics of sending Physical letters home & abroad has drawn the METS attention as most high street CEOs of English Companies are being targeted even in their private residences .With the global recession still having a breakhold on firms .They have become juicy targets for such practices . Many of our home based 4.One.9 professionals have relocated to the UK where it is easier to conduct such letter based business .Speaking to one of these yahoo yahoo chairmen undercover of complicity our reporter gleaned that The increasing efficiency of email filters have required the modus operandi to change to the old method of sending physical letters which used to be the norm in the early days of this notorious craft . The Metro long has ignored the nineteen trade as the Gun and Knife Crime coupled with the Drug trade in England had been a prevailing thorn in crime fighting .Now efforts are going to be focussed on the Yahoo Yahoo trade in the UK .
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In a country where prostitiution has become not only an Industry It is also a very competitive one where other sexual leftist attitudes like Paedophila,strip clubs and Under age incest and Rape now continously feature in the dailies .One wonders why the increased prostitiution and general promiscuity have not lessened or balanced the incessant underage rape cases . alleged Star Rapist Lati Onaolapo who raped an 8year old girl . Most of the men involved in these underage carnal knowledge escapades are even married and some with female children of about that age .The consensus is that when Men old enough to be the grandfathers are dating under 20year olds all in the name of girlfriends and the Aristo syndrome you should not be too shocked to see 13year olds having sex with each other and older people .... With the Dog mentality and get rich or die trying slogans of popular international Stars like Snoop Dog and 50cents our african morals are slowly turning into the worthless kobo of our currency.This phenomenom of paedophilia and child sex is rampant in western cultures where a UK govt educational official recently advocated condom distribution in Primary and secondary schools ! but like most of the negative aspects of these lifestyle they are taking root within our african society .An article about the Cossy Orjiakor Dog Sex video was recently featured on this site which laudable by the level of professionalism it was carried out by this infamous actress shows the degree to which our moral standards have deteriorated ...We wish the positives of these oyinbo cultures can take a base here like their good driving manners and respect for the life of their fellowman,their continous Power supply , and their general attempts at a clean and honest civic lifestyle .We implore everyone as the watchdogs of society to lend a hand in this rebraining and rebranding of the Nigerian people.thanksFranklin AdecheEditorial Consultanthttp://www.9jabook.comps below are some excerpts of the recent "chilling" stories of paedophilia in our country.Father of two rapes girl, 13A 37-year-old man has admitted to raping a 13-year-old girl whose name has been withheld for legal reasons.?Confessed Rapist Mr FasusiKehinde Fasusi, a married man and a father of two girls was arrested by police officers from the Owutu police station, Ikorodu last week Thursday after a report was lodged at the station by the victim’s mother.The Police spokes person, Frank Mba while parading the suspect at the Oduduwa police station, said the police will prosecute the suspect to serve as a deterrent to men who take pleasure in abusing under age girls.Girl, 13, raped by brother-in-lawPatience Dike (not real name) was 12 years old when she moved in with her sister and her husband in their one-room apartment at Ebutte-Metta, Lagos State in January 2008. For over one year she lived with them, her sister’s husband, Philip Ugbuaja, routinely abused her sexually.Recounting her experience, Miss Dike said her brother-in-law took away her dignity and self-worth. She said she lost count of the number of times she was abused by him. In June 2009, at the age of 13, she became pregnant for him.Man defiles eight-year-old girlA 28 years old man, Lati Onaolapo was paraded by the police on Tuesday for allegedly defiling an 8 year old girl.The incident took place around 8.30pm last week Tuesday at number 28, Ososa Avenue in Bariga, a suburb in Lagos. The suspect lives in a one room apartment also shared by the parent of his victim.The girl’s mother, Oduola Oluwaleye, said the suspect lured her daughter into his room and had sex with her.Raped at 15, still healing at 20Regina Favour (not real name) did not choose to be a mother at age 15. She got pregnant after she was raped by a man she called ‘uncle’. Afterwards, her father disowned her. She roamed the streets of Lagos until she found love among strangers who gave her a reason to believe her scars would heal.What the Nigerian Criminal Code says about rape...Punishment for rape in the Nigerian Criminal Code is life imprisonment, however, the law requires corroboration, which makes proof of the offence an arduous taskSection 221 of the Criminal Code states that-Penalty of 2 years imprisonment for unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl being ab ve 13 years and under 16 years of age- It is a defence under the section that the accused person believed that the girl was above 16 years- Prosecution must have begun within 2 months after the offence was committed or it lapses- There must be corroboration to secure a conviction – usually no witness in such offencesAlso in the same document, while indecent assault on a girl is a misdemeanour, indecent assault of a boy is a felony that carries a stiffer penaltyRape is criminalised in the Sharia Penal Laws introduced from 1999 — 12 northern states. Before 2003, no national laws expressly or specifically protect women against violence.Existing laws are inadequate, discriminatory or limited by virtue of the undue burden placed on the victimSource: Oby Nwankwo, executive director, Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre, Nigeria. Oct. 22, 20099jabook ADvert Partners
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FCMB staff nabbed over N12.5m fraud

An official of First City Monument Bank, Mr. Olajide Ogundipe has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for defrauding the bank to the tune of N12.5 million, out of which the anti-graft agency has been able to recover N9 million from the suspect. The bank had on September 4, 2009, petitioned the EFCC, alleging fraudulent withdrawal of money from the bank’s ATM in excess of N12million by a staff of the Lokoja branch, Mr. Ogundipe. The bank had observed that some unexplainable entries were passed between one of its assets accounts and its ATM at its Lokoja branch. In the course of investigation, EFCC operatives discovered that sometimes in March, 2009, Olajide who works at the Lokoja branch of the bank, posted a debit entry of N450, 000.00 to the assets account and credited the ATM with same value, which was subsequently taken out in bulk cash from the ATM machine after close of business. Further investigation revealed that several other similar entries in excess of N12 million have been posted and subsequently withdrawn in the same manner. Olajide who confessed to the crime after his arrest said he spent the money to sponsor his wedding in 2008. He said he made the withdrawals, usually a minimum of N500, 000.00 each time he loads the three ATM machines in Lokoja. “Thereafter, I will manipulate the posting to balance the account”, he confessed. The Osun state born banker who said he joined FCMB in September 2008 after three years with a new generation bank in Abuja said he never kept the stolen money in the bank but in his brief case at his Lokoja home and unknown to his wife who is resident in Karu, Abuja. After the confessional statement, Olajide who promised to return the stolen money made good his promise when his lawyer, Barrister Ibrahim Muktari, brought to EFCC an FCMB draft of N9,000,000 dated 22 October, 2009. He had earlier paid N3, 500,000.00 of the stolen money. The suspect is expected to be arraigned in court soon.
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Omoge Rhumba man Mike Okri Comeback ?

By Jayne UsenMike Okri stormed the Nigerian music scene in 1988 with his chart busting debut LP, Concert Fever, which signalled a change in the general tone of Nigerian pop and was hailed as a new sound. Okri, who belonged to the Nigerian pop generation of Dizzy K Falola, Felyx and Mozyx, Alex O, Alex Zitto and Chris Mba, rendered his songs mostly in vernacular and indigenous Nigerian languages, which cut across all tribes and age.His dance skills, costumes and music videos were also captivating. Born and raised in the then Bendel State, Mike Okri was born to parents who were professional musicians. He studied Broadcast Journalism at the TV College Jos, Plateau State and appeared on the Lagos music scene in the mid-80s, working as a back-up vocalist on several albums of the era.Concert feverHis debut, produced by the ace Nigerian music producer Laolu Akins, was powered by the singles “Omoge” - an ode to the ‘dangerous’ new breed of Lagos women - and “Time Na Money”, which preached about the necessity of time management and planning.His style of music; a fusion of Afro Pop with a highlife, slant soon made him the hottest new act of the 90s. Although it featured more of computer-sequenced African rhythms, it still felt modern and very indigenous at the same time. He won several awards over the years in different categories and at different times at the Nigerian Music Awards, the Fame Music Awards and the Pan-African Music Awards in Ghana.Rhumba danceFollowing the success of his first album, he became the first Nigerian singer to be signed on to CBS Records Nigeria, now Sony Music. Sony, in collaboration with the now defunct Benson & Hedges Music, released his second award winning album Rhumba Dance in the early 90s, which once again produced quite a number of hits which included the title track and its accompanying video which featured beautiful calisthenics and fireworks.He followed up with the album Cracks in 1992 which produced the hit single “Wisdom” with the popular chorus “Hear your mama, hear your papa/life go better for you”. A few years later like many other Nigeria musicians, Okri left the scene and relocated to the USA where he released the album Rhythmystical on Global Village Records, a Los Angeles based independent record label. He also featured on rapper Sauce Kid’s “Omoge Wa Jo” in 2006, with his appearance greeted by mixed reactions from fans, many of who opined that he was old school and didn’t quite fit into Sauce Kid’s style - either way, it did put him back in the spotlight.RhythmysticalIt was rumoured that he was a security guard and cab driver in the states, but speaking on the reason he moved to the States from his California base, the singer said “It’s hard to say in one single word why I left but in my own words, I’m here in the States because God wanted me to [be]. Nigeria is strongly on my mind and I will be home soon but I’m preparing to do it right so others could benefit immensely. I’m overwhelmed with shows here, including book & music projects, not to mention school (he refused to comment further on his school details). [I have] been a busy bee and I thank God for that.” He also had a few words for fans who have been eagerly awaiting something new. “I will be releasing my comeback album soon, which will be a gospel one, while the next one will be inspirational. That is going to be my new style of keeping my fans around the globe busy when the time comes.”Speaking on his past music he also said, “My most popular hit album was Rhumba Dance of course but remember I haven’t achieved my ultimate yet. Watch and see! God being God.”
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LITTLE ENDS: What the priest did not tell Bode George by Pius Adesanmi Re-Written and Edited for 9jabook by Abi John Balogun If I had my way, the priest who officiated at Bode George’s first devotional service in prison would receive twelve strokes of the cane on his bare behind for making unworkable promises on behalf of God. Here is how Daily Sun reports the matter: “Earlier on Sunday, George along with ten men, led by a priest had a devotional service in the prison. Daily Sun gathered that the men were led into the prison patio by the priest at about 10.30 a.m. According to a source the service began at about 10:45 a.m. with a short prayer conducted by the lead priest, followed by some minutes of exhortation, enjoining the convict to hold his peace and allow God to fight for him.” The priest “enjoined the convict to hold his peace and allow God to fight for him?” Well, Bode George is welcome to hold or drop his peace. That is his business, not ours. About God, however, I’ve got bad news for the convicted thief. That coward of a priest hid something from him: God will not fight this one for Bode George. Like the Igbo deities in Chinua Achebe’s fiction, the Christian God does not fight unjust and unfair wars of blame. He does not fight for thieves and corrupt people who deliberately violate numbers one, two, three, and eight of the Ten Commandments. What do these specific Commandments say? (1)You shall have no other gods before me; (2) you shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments; (3) you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain; (8) you shall not steal. To violate the 8th Commandment (you shall not steal), Bode George and members of Nigeria’s political rulership do not jump the queue. They violate every Commandment on the road to number eight, especially the first three. You shall have no other Gods before me? They transform money and material things into the only god they know and worship. You shall not make any carved image or bow down and serve them? They turn the Ghana-must-go bag into an image that they bow down to and worship. You shall not take the name of God in vain? There is no member of Nigeria’s shameless and corrupt rulership who does not drop the name of God or Allah in vain while stealing. Well, you already know what they do to number eight. This is the scenario that Bode George’s priest ignored while enjoining him to let God fight for him. This priest did not tell the convicted felon that God pities and pardons only repentant sinners who first admit their sins and make amends. To see the face of God, Bode George must first become contrite, stop strutting around Kirikiri like a peacock, stop holding court like Louis XIV, admit and confess his sins, return to the Nigerian people every penny he has stolen starting from his stint as Governor of Ondo state, apologise publicly to Nigerians, serve his full term, go home and sin no more. Back to the priest who forgot to lay out this roadmap to redemption before Bode George. What he has done is to add another nail to the coffin of the Clergy in Nigeria. With the exception of Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, Archbishop John Onaiyekan, and Pastor Tunde Bakare, Nigeria’s religious leaders have been largely complicit in the corruption of the political class. Think of our friends on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway Also our other friends from the Embassy of God right here in naija, where to get a visa you must donate all you have.The sadness of this corruption is that in 99.9percent of these churches, the corruption inherent amongst the congregation even in the churches is alarming ! They carry out Church contracts after overblowing the amounts and grant them to their own companies all in the name of Thou shalt not muzzle the Ox working in the vineyard .Why would they complain if their chief donors are Corrupt Officials ? . They accept donations, offerings, and tithe from what they clearly know are proceeds of looting; they encourage looters to come and “sow seeds in the Lord’s vineyard”; they accept import waivers which they know are granted through nepotism; they provide front row seats and photo-ops in their churches for the most venal and corrupt characters in the land; and, above all, they are too cowardly to call our rulers in Abuja their only real name: THIEVES! As we coast in this 11th day of the 11th month of the 2009 9+2=11 let us remember our heritage of Rebrain Naija Revolutionise 9ja with truth and Clarity Ask your pastors why is OBJ in this church and you are not talking ? ask your Imam haba haba wetin IBB dey do here kuo ? ask your babalawo Baba o kilode kini big deal agbalagba to wa legbe ?
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Jim Iyke In Hot Romance With Pastor's Wife

Though he recently said during his musical album lunch in Abuja that he was only a bad boy in the movie roles he has had to perform and not same in real life, cross-over Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke will at this point need to more to disabuse the minds of his fans and antagonists alike on a certain rumour currently dogging his personality.The latest scandal connecting the Nollywood act, Jim Iyke has to do with the wife of a pastor. The said pastor’s wife, who also doubles as a minister of God in her deceased husband’s church, reportedly has a great admiration for Jim Iyke, which led to her eventual descent from the pulpit to the sexual comfort of popular dude of the make-believe world.The lover woman, whose late husband was regarded as the father of Pentecostalism in Nigeria, was said to have made manifest her affection for the actor when he visited her residence in one of the south-south states. While the duo excitedly hit off their sexual odyssey, little did the older woman knew that trouble hug in the air for her.The trouble was however instigated by her son, who unsuspectingly stormed her father’s house in the morning of the next day only to find the “Nollywood bad boy” dressed in a pyjamas and being treated to a scrumptious meal supposedly prepared by her mother for him. The son, who couldn’t stand the sight of his new step father (Jim) was reported to have blew hot and warned his mother from desecrating his father’s house.WhO iS tHIs Pastor's Wife?
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Itohan: The Cossy Orjiakor Dog Sex Video Clips

Itohan The cossy Orjiakor Dog Sex MovieWhen the news of Nollywood Diva (Cossy Orjiakor) and the Dog made the waves, Some of our ardent readers did not believe the gist. In fact, our own Mahaborne-The Grand Master in one of the threads, (Itohan movie producers deny Cossy Orjiakor) emphatically requested the NFC to post the pictures of Cossy and the Dog for all to see.Consequently, NFC swung into action and thus we are proud to share with you, a clip from the movie (Itohan Part 3) as posted on youtube. Enjoy!Caution: The clip below you're about to see may shock you! (18+)1:25min-5:25min
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Francis Atuche and Charles Ojo, former managing directors of Bank PHB and Spring Bank respectively have been granted bail by justice Akinjide Ajakaiye of a Lagos Federal High Court. Both men met their N50 million naira each, plus one-surety bail conditions after spending 24 days in the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) cell in Ikoyi, Lagos. In granting them bail, justice Ajakaiye ruled, “An accused should not be punished before conviction”. He struck out the EFCC counsel’s objection that the men could jump bail or tamper with evidence. Atuche and Ojo were fired from their positions by the Central Bank governor, Lamido Sanusi shortly after the audit of banks revealed alleged fraudulent practices by some of the top executives. They were all arrested and charged by the anti graft agency. The case will continue on the 4th of December 2009.
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Following the expose of the nefarious activities at Lagos nude clubs, where young ladies dance stark naked and practice live sex on stage to entertain their patrons, the state government has wielded the big stick by shutting them down. The Lagos State Environmental and Special Offences Monitoring Unit which raided the four strip clubs on the Opebi-Allen axis of Ikeja also arrested 33 naked dancers and two of the clubs’ managers. The four nude clubs are Club Unique, Wallstreet, Cazzbah and Magic City formerly known as Ocean Blue. Club Unique is on Ogundana Street off Allen Avenue while Wallstreet is located at 70B Allen Avenue. Magic City, formerly called Ocean Blue, is located adjacent to Sweet Sensation Bus Stop and Cazzbah is adjacent to Opebi Bus Stop. We gathered that before the raids on the clubs were carried out, some task force officials had visited the clubs disguised as patrons. They monitored the clubs’activities for a night before raiding them in the wee hours of the following day. Chairman, Lagos State Environmental Taskforce, Mr. Bayo Sulaiman, told us that the state government shut the clubs as a result of public outcry over their existence. Sulaiman added that most of the clubs had become hideouts for criminals and undesirable elements. He stressed that the strip clubs were not registered and were not regulated. Immediately the report over the activities of the nude clubs was published, the Archbishop of Lagos State, Anthony Cardinal Okogie, lamented that evil has completely taken over Lagos and called on Governor Babatunde Fashola to act immediately to arrest the trend by shutting them down. “Evil has taken over in Lagos State. The way things are going, when girls of between the ages of 15 and 25 dance nude and throw caution to the wind with boys and men watching them, then they are sending a wrong signal to the society. It portends danger. We are sitting on a loaded gun,” said Okogie, in a statement signed by the Director of Social Communications, Lagos State, Reverend Gabriel Osu. Okogie called on Fashola to act now because the strip clubs are on the increase, while those shut earlier had re-opened with impunity and with a change of name. “I hope this is not making mockery of Lagos as mega-city, Centre of Excellence and City of Aquatic Splendour,” he said. While some Lagosians called on the state government not to shut the strip clubs but simply regulate them as adult fun exists in all mega cities, most people kicked against their existence and simply called on Governor Fashola to close them down. We learnt that the arrest of strip dancers was dramatic as they did not expect the taskforce visit them in the night. A 24-year Ghanaian lady,Traore Anida, who was among the strippers arrested during the busting of the club, said she started the job a month ago because she was desperately in need of fund to go back to her country. She said that she was brought to Nigeria by a woman whom she said is based in the Republic of Benin. “I need money to go back to my country and there is no other work I can do to get the money fast. That is why I joined the job,” Anida stated. Emma Ofor, manager of Club Unique who was arrested along with the 33 strippers, said that he joined the club in January this year, adding that poverty made him to accept the offer. Offor said that he could not reject the offer as he was in desperate need of a job. “That is the circumstance I found myself and it is because of my situation. I was desperately in need of job when the offer came and I just had to accept it.” Goddy Benjamin, manager of Wall Street Club who was also arrested along with the strippers denied that ladies go naked in the clubs to entertain patrons. However, we were there several times, when young girls danced stark naked to entertain guests at Wallstreet. Benjamin stated that the activities at the club are regulated and the club obtained licence from local government for its operation. “Ladies in my club do not go naked. They do not dance naked. They always cover their body, they are just like other models and nobody harasses them. My ladies do not dance naked,” Benjamin claimed. However, we can confirm that the statement is inaccurate. The Task Force Chairman has called on the general public to supply the outfit with more information on where strip clubs operate. “We want more information from members of the public of the location of more of such club houses, *** What do you guys think of this?
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Jesus or Paul? It’s time to make a choice. I wonder what those who choose to follow Paul would call themselves. Since apparently, they aren’t ‘Christians’ by definition. Maybe Paulines. LOL. The following article was lifted from I just couldn’t resist re-posting it here to see what my readers have to say about it. Let’s go! Every Christian must decide whether s/he is a follower of Jesus or a follower of Paul. Don’t make the mistake of many in assuming the two are the same. For starters, take a look at the following discrepancies. Inconsistencies Jesus says children of God are born (Jn 3:3); but Paul says they are adopted (Rm 8:23). Jesus says God must be the only father of believers (Mt 23:9); but Paul says he (Paul) is the father of some believers (Phile 1:10; 1 Cor 4:15). Jesus says he is the only pastor and the only teacher (Jn 10:16; Mt 23:8); but Paul says there are many pastors and teachers (Eph 4:11; 1 Tim 2:7). Jesus says we should pray in private (Mt 6:5-6); but Paul says we should pray everywhere (1 Tim 2:8). Jesus says we should not eat food sacrificed to idols (Rev 2:14); but Paul says it does not matter if we do (Rm 14:14). Jesus himself was circumcised (Lk 2:21); but Paul says if we are circumcised we would be estranged from Christ (Gal 5:2-4). Jesus says we should not receive payment for preaching the gospel (Mt 10:8); but Paul says we should (1 Cor 9:11). Jesus asks us to baptise as we preach the gospel (Mt 28:19); but Paul dismisses the importance of baptism (1 Cor 1:17). Jesus says lying is of the devil (Jn 8:44); but Paul says God’s truth increased through the lies he told (Rm 3:7). Jesus says the word of God is truth (Jn 7:17); but Paul says the gospel can be preached with falsehood (Php 1:18). Jesus is against the use of deception (Jn 1:47); but Paul boasts of using deception (2 Cor 12:16). Jesus says we should love one another (Jn 13:34); but Paul wished some people would be castrated (Gal 5:12). Jesus says we should love our enemy in order to be like God (Mt 5:44-45); but Paul says we should love our enemy in order to pour coals of fire on his head (Rm 12:20). Jesus says we should not swear or curse (Mt 5:34-37; Lk 6:28); but Paul swears and curses (2 Cor 1:23; Gal 1:9). Jesus says God’s children don’t bear arms and don’t fight (Mt 26:52; Jn 18:36); but Paul says God’s ministers bear arms and use them (Rm 13:3-4). Jesus says we should disregard public opinion (Lk 6:26; Jn 15:18-19); but Paul actively courts public opinion (1 Cor 10:33; 1 Cor 9:20-22). Jesus says he who is acceptable to God will be hated by men (Jn 15:18-19; Lk 16:15); but Paul says he will be approved by men (Rm 14:18). Jesus says we should seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mt 6:33); but Paul says we should seek glory, honour and immortality (Rm 2:7). Jesus says the kingdom of God has been taken away from Israel (Mt 21:43); but Paul says all Israel will be saved (Rm 11:26). Jesus says only a few of those called will be chosen (Mt 22:14); but Paul says all those called will be chosen (Rm 11:29). Jesus says salvation is by works (Mt 7:21; Mt 21:28-31); but Paul says it is by grace (Eph 2:8-9). Jesus says he completed his God-given assignment (Jn 17:4; Jn 19:30); but Paul says he completed what Jesus failed to complete (Col 1:24). Jesus says our trespasses will be forgiven if we forgive others (Mt 6:14-15); but Paul says they have already been forgiven (Eph 1:7). Jesus says we will be justified by our own words (Mt 12:37); but Paul says we are justified by faith (Rm 3:28). Jesus says eternal life is very costly (Mt 19:29; Lk 14:28-33); but Paul says it is a free gift (Rm 6:23). Jesus says God is not the God of the dead (Lk 20:38); but Paul says he is (Rm 14:9). Jesus says the commandments give life (Mt 19:17); but Paul says they bring death (Rm 7:10). Jesus says all the commandments are summed up in two commandments (Mt 22:37-40); but Paul says they are summed up in one commandment (Rm 13:9; Gal 5:14). Jesus says we should beware of anyone who says the day is at hand (Lk 21:8); but Paul says the day is at hand (Rm 13:12). Jesus says Abel, Adam’s direct son, was righteous (Mt 23:35); but Paul says all Adam’s descendants are unrighteous (Rm 5:12/19; Rm 3:10). Jesus says none of the Pharisees kept the law (Jn 7:19); but Paul says he kept all the laws of Moses as a Pharisee (Php 3:5-6). Jesus says we should be like God (Mt 5:48); but Paul says we should be like him (Gal 4:12; Php 3:17). Whose report do you believe? I only believe the report of Jesus Christ.
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Breaking News Osuofia (Nkem Owoh) Kidnapped

Osuofia (Nkem Owoh) Kidnapped: Kidnappers Demand 15 Million Naira as RansomReport reaching 9jabook is that Nkem Owoh Nigerian Popular actor/Comedian populary known as osuofia has been kidnapped.Our Sources said that Osuofia called to inform them that he has been kidnapped. He was kidnapped along Enugu-Port harcourt Express way.The kidnappers are demanding 15 million Naira as ransom.We will update you as the story develops !Meanwhile watch your back if you are a celebrity as It seems after Pete Edochie,Now Osuoffia who is next ?Nollywood be on the alert !
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