staff (8)

12166300684?profile=originalThe glamorous lovers’ day celebration on Monday turned bloody at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) when gunmen killed two students. Daily Sun gathered that the clash was between two rival cult groups, namely, Black Axe and the Buccaneers,’ over a female student allegedly snatched by the Capone of the Black Axe for Valentine celebration.


The action of the Capone , the source said did not go down well with the other group leading to the clash.
A student who witnessed the shooting said besides the two cult members who were shot dead, about four others sustained injuries and were ferried out of the campus by their leaders to shield their identity.

The sources said the cult members who carried out the attack were not UNILAG students but members from another campus, adding that the attack was carried out in a commando style with sporadic shooting.
An undergraduate student of English Department told Daily Sun that the Buccaneers’ group attacked the Black Axe members while another student returning from the Mosque said those who carried out the killing were not from UNILAG because they did not cover their faces.

It was learnt that as soon the shooting started, students scampered for safety while others took cover behind the wall and under cars packed around, while others ran into the halls to avoid being hit by stray bullets. 
A senior lecturer who confirmed the killings said the university management had met to curtail any reprisal attack while security personnel had taken over the investigation of the deadly cult clash.
When Daily Sun visited the troubled institution yesterday, there was uneasy calm, as most staff and students rebuffed efforts made by the reporters to get their comments.

However, one of the students who resides at Sodeinde Hall, said there was sporadic gunshots outside the premises which caused panic everywhere. 
It was gathered that the crisis, which erupted when the students were at the peak of lovers’ day celebration, created stampede on the campus as people ran for safety.

One of the victims of the attack reportedly ran into Sodeinde Hall for help, from where he was taken to the hospital.
Although the Hall Master of Sodeinde Hall declined comments on the issue, one of the officials, who wouldn’t want his name published, said the attack could not be linked to any cult group. He said there was increasing speculation that the perpetrators of the attack could be fighting for love. Efforts made by Daily Sun our reporter to ascertain the identities of the victims were unsuccessful.
The news bulletin of the university, Information Flash (ISSN 08195540) also captured the incident, while assuring the staff and students of the university of adequate security.

“The attention of the universities authorities has been drawn to the incident which occurred in one of the Halls of Residence in the late hours of Monday, February 14, 2011 where two persons were reportedly injured in fracas. The university management has commenced investigation into the unusual incident, in particular at a time when preparation for the first semester examinations due to commence on February 21, 2011 are in top gear. Security has been intensified to ensure safety of life and property on campus. Law enforcement agents have been involved to assist the university in this respect,” it said. 
Daily Sun learnt that students are leaving the campus because of the fear of reprisal attack while some parents called their wards on phone to return home until the situation is brought under control. 

The Deputy Registrar Information of UNILAG, Mr. Dare Adebisi refused to pick his calls or replied to text message sent to his phone.
When the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Samuel Jinadu (DSP) was called thrice, he promised to contact the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in the area and did not call back as at the press time....

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Ecobank sacks 400 staff

As part of its restructuring strategy for enhanced growth and market competitiveness, Ecobank Nigeria recently announced the disengagement of about 400 members of staff.

This is part of the Ecobank Group strategy designed to consolidate and optimise its operations.

Announcing the shake-up, Managing Director of the bank, Mr. Jibril Aku, said the action was predicated on the bank’s strategy to drive performance and deliver optimum value to all of its stakeholders with a highly efficient structure.

He assured customers of unhindered service delivery and pledged that Ecobank will live up to its vision to build a world-class pan-African bank that will contribute to the economic development and financial integration in Africa.

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From Uzoma Okere to Mother & children !
It is usually not uncommon to hear certain unpleasant stories that touch the heart but it is thechildreninuniform.jpgexceptional when those involved as key players are supposedly highly placed personalities. Sad to note, though, is the fact that the story of Mrs. Paulynn Midalah

who narrates her ordeal in the hands of Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, wife of former Chief of Naval Staff has taken a toll on innocent and unsuspecting Nigerians. Unfortunately too, Nigerian security agencies are used as decoy to perpetrate these heinous acts.

Hear her:

My name is Mrs. Paulynn Midalah; I am married with two children. On Tuesday, 28th April 2010 my children; Favour and Marvel,whose pictures appear above, left home to their school Trinity Anglican Primary School , Gwagwalada, Abuja FCT.

?I left my house around 10.30am that day to buy something, and then I received a telephone call from my children?s Headmaster that a certain woman had come to the school with armed Naval officers to pick my children from school. I immediately, put a call through to my son Favour?s phone and he picked it and said ?Hello Mummy?, but soon after he had said hello Mummy, I guess some one had collected the phone from my child.

Continuing, she revealed that ?After that all attempts to reach him on that phone proved abortive as my phone tells me the number is switched off. I became very worried and rushed to the school and met the Headmaster who confirmed that a certain woman came with armed Naval officers to pick my children from school and bundled their bicycles into her bus vehicle, I was seriously alarmed and confused; who could this be? Is it a kidnap or something? These were the questions begging for answers in my mind.

?The Headmaster couldn?t remember the name of the woman who came to the school to whisk my kids away. I rushed to the school gate but couldn?t find any one to give me proper briefing. I rushed back to the house and the kids were not home, I was more confused and started running up and down our Estate at Phase 1, Gwagwalada Abuja FCT and somewhere around our estate I sited a white bus carrying the children?s bicycles. I later learnt that it was Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, Wife of a Former Chief of Naval Staff who came to my children?s school with armed Naval Officers to whisk my children away.

In tears, she explained further that ?My husband had worked for Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan before but he left them three (3) years ago after my family had a deadly motor accident on 17th March 2007 , where he sustained compound fracture and even lost his left elbow and my son Favour?s face was badly battered by glasses that we had to take him for plastic surgery. She abandoned us to our fate and my husband had to sell the house he just built then, to afford money for surgery on his badly fractured left hand. My husband still has about fifteen (15) iron screws in his left hand up till today and my son?s face, where surgeons removed glasses from 3 months, 6months and even 1 year after the accident is still there as prove of man?s inhumanity to man.

To her chagrin, according to Mrs. Paulynn Midalah, ?When I saw them, I confronted them that what is the problem? They said I need to go with them to the Gwagwalada Police Station which I did. On arrival at the Police Station, Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan started making some allegations against me and my husband and asked the Police to lock me and my children up and never to release me until my husband surfaces, that she has an unsettled issue with my husband.

Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, in her bid to oppress the innocent woman and her young children and as wife of former Chief of Naval Staff however ensured that they were unlawfully detained by the police.

?I told her that I didn?t work with her so what is my offence? She couldn?t answer me but kept raining abuses on me and said that I must sleep there at the Police Station. I and my children aged seven and nine years eventually slept at the Gwagwalada Police Station in their school Uniforms.

Narrating her traumatic experience, Mrs. Paulynn Midalah said ?The following morning my family friends and well wishers prevailed on the Police to release the children that it was unlawful for them to have allowed innocent children to sleep at the Police Station in their School Uniform for something they didn?t know anything about. Even before my children could be released, the Inspector Crime at Gwagwalada Police Station had to call Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan to obtain her permission.

?Soon after my children were released I was returned to the cell and all attempts by our family friends and well wishers including that of a Lawyer to bail me proved abortive as the police vehemently refused to grant me bail saying I must get clearance from Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan or my husband comes. I told them that my husband was out of town on a business trip but they would not listen.

Revealing more of her ordeals in the hands of the Nigeria police, she said ?In the police cell I was subjected to the most dehumanizing experience in my life as I had to lay down on bare floor that has been contaminated with urine and human excrement, with maggots scattered all over the room. I spent three days at Gwagwalada Police Station, that is 28th, 29th and 30th April, 2010 .

?By afternoon on Friday, 30th April, 2010 the Inspector Crime at Gwagwalada Police Station instructed a junior police officer to bring me from the cell and when I was brought out he said that Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan wanted to speak with me and he handed his mobile phone over to me.

?Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan then said since I have refused to tell them the whereabouts of my husband she has instructed the Police to transfer my case to Kuje where I would be jailed. Not too long after we spoke, the Police at Gwagwalada Police Station made arrangements and I was taken to Kuje Police Station where I was also put into a cell where my experience with urine, excrement, maggots and mosquitoes continued for another four (4) days.

?Again here at Kuje Police Station all attempts to bail me by my family members, friends and the Lawyer was denied because according to the Divisional Crime Officer (DCO) Kuje Police Station the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) was not around and also that Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan has not given them go ahead to release me.

Lamenting, she added that ?It was not until the fifth day when my family members threatened to bring my children back to the Police Station so that all of us can remain there that the Divisional Crime Officer (DCO) Kuje Police Station agreed that my family should bring someone with landed property at Kuje to bail me. When my family eventually brought someone with landed property, the old story of the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan are unreachable at the moment please try later, continued.

?On Tuesday 4th May, 2010 , my brother came to the Police Station and told me that they had contacted Journalists who are ready to publish the story and already Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan was being contacted by the Journalists to hear her own side of the story. Soon afterwards, the Inspector Crime from Gwagwalada Police Station came to Kuje Police Station and my brother later informed me that surprisingly the man who strongly opposed that I be released on bail at Gwagwalada Police Station is now canvassing that I be released because Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan had communicated to them that she got a call from a Journalist who wanted to hear her story before publication and that I should be released to avert the Newspaper publication.

According to her, ?the Lawyer was with the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Kuje Police Station prevailing on him to either take the matter to Court or release me. I was later briefed by the Lawyer that the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Kuje Police Station said they don?t think Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan is interested in taking the matter to Court and therefore I was released and asked to come with my husband in a week?s time.

?I spent a total of seven (7) days in Police custody between Gwagwalada and Kuje from 28th April, 2010 to 4th May, 2010 . But my family is crying foul to the entire country to come to our aid by telling Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan to leave us alone. Enough is enough! We have been pushed to the wall; enough of her torment over the years.

Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan?s past deeds

As if these acts being perpetrated by Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan and wife of the highly placed ex-Naval boss forms part of her traits, Mrs. Paulynn Midalah recalls that ?In the same manner two years ago she used Naval Ratings and abducted two of my husband?s younger brothers, beat them mercilessly and took them to her house at Maitama Abuja where she kept them in custody in her house for over one week; eventually we were contacted on phone because at that time my family was in Enugu where I was attending to both my husband and my son who had undergone an orthopedic and plastic surgeries respectively.

?At that time she said my husband was in custody of a Gwagwalada Land document which she gave to him for the purpose of verification at Abuja Geographic Information Systems (AGIS) and that once the paper is returned to her that would be okay. She spoke to my husband and I on phone and my husband got in touch with a man of God named Pastor Rabinson and in company of one of our family friend who is an Army Officer, Mr. Ayuba they retrieved the document from AGIS and took it to her. We later reconciled and she apologized and begged that we must not let her husband know of this matter. Since then, we have been on our own until this time when the devil just reminded Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan about us again.

?It is obvious now that there is a threat to my life and that of members of my family; and just incase anything happens to any member of my family, Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan should be held responsible. If she has any case against us, this is a democracy and not a military regime. Let her stop using military personnel to harass a civilian and his innocent wife and children. If she has any case against us why not take the case to a law court for the judge to decide who is guilty and who pays what and how much.

Last word

Following the seemingly unending torment in the hands of Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, Mrs. Paulynn Midalah has appealed to human rights agencies to step into the unwholesome treatment meted to her and her family.

?I hereby appeal to all human right agencies to come to the aid of my family and stop this injustice against us where some ?animals? are more equal than others; where a woman would use her husband?s position as a Former Chief of the Naval Staff to abduct people?s children from school and use money and influence to deny me bail from Police custody for seven (7) days even when I am innocent of any offence?, she begged.
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Naija don dey hard o ! Even Oil Company staff don dey kidnap !.

Omotayo Mobolaji Johnson, a geologist and staff of Chevron PLC has been arrested in connection with the attempt to kidnap a bank executive at Ikoyi, Lagos.

Two middle-aged suspects, Tommy Ebikeme and Edward Anigbhoro were also arrested during the June 1st kidnaping which the police said was masterminded by Mr. Johnson who allegedly used a pseudo name ‘Olumide.’ He was allegedly assisted by a woman called Anita to recruit both Mr. Ebikeme and Mr. Anighboro who are militants from the Niger Delta, to carry out the kidnap.

Their luck ran out when the police got a tip off and arrested them when they were about to kidnap their victim at Ikoyi.

The Lagos State commissioner of police, Marvel Akpoyibo while parading the suspects at the state command yesterday said the command’s intelligence -led policing strategy led to the arrest of the suspect.

“Events that led to the arrest of the suspects started on June 1st, 2010, when the command’s intelligence Unit intercepted information that a group of persons had perfected plans to kidnap a high profile target in Lagos. Members of the gang recruited from the Niger delta of Nigeria were said to have intended to kidnap the target victim from his office in Lagos island and whisk him away to Ibadan, where Omotayo Mobolaji Johnson had a farm at the outskirt of the town where the victim was to be taken to, after which a demand for ransom will be made.” He said, “Acting on the strength of the information, intelligent and undercover operatives were deployed in and around the office and premises of the target victim for high level surveillance mission, the efforts of the police yielded positive result when hours later, operatives were able to effect the arrest of three suspects connected to the plot.”

Mr. Akpoyibo added that preliminary investigation shows that the kidnap was masterminded by Mr. Johnson.

“His wife works in one of the companies owned by the father of the target victim. The suspect worked with one Anita now at large. Mr. Johnson owns a four star hotel and other investment in Ibadan. He promised the other suspects a cash reward of ten million naira from a windfall of fifty million naira expected to be made from the illicit deal if the victim was taken to Ibadan. Some substances recovered from the suspects include sleep inducing drugs, syringes which they had intended to inject the victim with the substances Halothane and Velum to facilitate his losing consciousness before moving him to Ibadan.” Mr. Akpoyibo said.

Mr. Johnson however declined to comment on his involvement in the crime. He said “I will not say anything until my lawyer is here.” Mr. Ebikeme however confessed to the crime. He indicted Mr. Johnson saying he was the one who recruited them and drove them to the scene of the botched kidnap.

The oil company, Chevron could not be reached as at press time for its comment.

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For the sake of a “distinctive identity” and a desire to attract and retain a high calibre workforce, the Senate has approved a 100% increase in the salaries of the National Assembly workforce.

The new increase is coming at a time when the legislators are also considering increasing their pay by 68%, but will apply across the Legislative aides, the National Assembly staff and the management staff.

Discussions on the new salary structure was concluded in the Senate on Wednesday, following the adoption of a report of the Senate committee on establishments and public service, which reviewed the consolidated legislative salary structure for staff of the National Assembly.

The increase is a result of an agreement reached by the National Assembly service commission and the Parliamentary Staff Association on Nigeria.

The increment, according to the committee’s report, will take effect from January this year, but will be deployed in batches: 50% to be paid immediately, while the balance will be spread over the next eight years.

The 50% balance will be added up incrementally by 20%, 15%, and 15% after the second, sixth, and eight year respectively.

The cost

The implementation of the immediate 50% salary increment will cost the nation a whooping N11 billion annually, N4.65 billion above the N6.3 billion that it costs to service the National Assembly workforce currently.

The Senate, however, argued that it is a necessary step to strengthen the autonomy of the National Assembly.

“...there is the need to create an identity for the National Assembly service, in line with the constitution of Nigeria, which makes it an independent arm in tandem with the concept of separation of powers,” Mohamed Ahmed, chairman of the Senate committee, stated in the committee’s report.

He added that it was “imperative to establish a pay structure which will ensure good salaries and reasonable allowances that will attract and retain high calibre of staff, even from the academia and the private sector, as is the case in other parliaments of the world.”

With the initial 50% increase, grade level 17 officers with the National Assembly service commission will earn N5.25 million annually. A graduate at grade level 8 will earn N1.25 million annually, while the least - grade level 3 - will earn N404 thousand annually.

The National Assembly service commission has 317 staff and will cost a total of N4.57 billion annually.

The bulk of the money will, however, be spent on the legislative aides working directly under the lawmakers.

The legislative aides numbering 2 942, will cost the government N6.02 billion annually, till the next increment in 2012.

The third batch of employees, the National Assembly management staff, numbering 3 167, will cost the nation N4.576 billion annually.

“The committee is (also) of the strong opinion that an improved salary structure will encourage hard work, honesty, dedication, and commitment of staff; and will reduce corrupt tendencies and practices in the service,” Mr. Ahmed said..

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The Tayo Aderinokun led Guaranty Trust Bank, no doubt, is one of the leading banks in Nigeria that provides unalloyed services to their customers in all the nations they are sited but controversies seem not leaving its tail. If information at our disposal about one of their marketing executives is anything to go by then the bank does not have the ability or wherewithal to guarantee the safety of their customers’ money.

As the ugly tale goes, Titilope Owolabi is one of the beautiful but versatile ladies who are highly resourceful at the Lekki Branch, Lagos office of the bank, sometime ago, we gathered, some customers which include Uvie Edegbior and Benjamin Akporuarho were defrauded to the tuned of over N5million respectively with the claim that she was going to fix it for them having signed necessary ‘forged’ documents but the money was diverted into her ‘prepared’ account with the her bank. PHOTO: MD GTBANK Tayo Aderinokun
The cookies, however, crumbled when the two customers were hinted by another staff of the bank about how their names were conspicuously missing from the list of those who have fixed account with them and the cat was let out of the bag. When the management of the bank, GTB got wind of the fraudulent acts of one of their staffers, we were reliably informed that, they moved into action and were shocked to uncover other ugly deeds of the 29 year-old Titilope who has been arranged to face the wrath of law at the Ebutte Metta Chief Magistrate Court, Lagos

Titilope, we also gathered, at different points in time, defrauded her bank of ATM money which runs into several millions of naira without the knowledge of the self-acclaimed highly technologically inclined bank in Africa. We shall bring the detail of the ATM scam in our subsequent postings.

While further investigation is still on-going to determine the damage Titilope has cost them, the chairman of the bank, Owelle G.P.O. Chikelu, we were informed, has summoned other board members to get to the root of the matter and bring all the characters involved in the fraudulent saga to book.

The big question on the lips of everybody is how safe is customers’ money when a common marketer could swindled their customers that much without the bank having a first-hand knowledge of the fraud? Only Tayo Aderiokun, their MD/CEO can tell!
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Barely two months after it laid off about 1400 members of staff, Intercontinental Bank Plc, one of the rescued banks, has again laid off another 1200, bringing the total number of sacked staff to almost 3000 in three months.jpeg&STREAMOID=GWmmXqnO9YNd7wUzQ2PLDi6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxTwXDRzz6H$YJML1se3hNh2nW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-

The bank, according to a statement issued yesterday, said the downsizing of its Support Staff cadre by 1182 is part of its repositioning exercise.

“Intercontinental Bank has announced the down-sizing of the Support Staff cadre by 1182 as part of the repositioning exercise in the Bank. The disengagement exercise, which took place yesterday, marks the conclusion of the right-sizing exercise embarked upon by the Bank last December,” the bank statement said.

The bank also said the exercise was carried out after due consultation with the National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions Employees (NUBIFIE), and the local chapter of NUBIFIE, where the terms of disengagement were agreed upon.

The bank claims that the exercise was done based on clearly-defined criteria agreed by the Union and the bank, which will see the affected staff leaving with an enhanced severance package approved by the Board of Directors of the bank and in line with the collective agreement with NUBIFIE.

“Each of the affected staff will have access to three months free Medicare under the existing Health Insurance Scheme (HIS),” the statement said.

In December 2009, the bank eased out about 1339 members of its staff as part of its restructuring exercise.

Shareholders’ Interest

The bank last year launched a three-phased “Project Transformation” strategy aimed at stabilising, rebuilding and consolidating the bank for greater efficiency and profitability.

“The exercise, which is part of the strategic plans to reposition the bank to profitability level, affected Senior Manager to Executive Trainee Grades. This exercise was carried out with due consideration of a number of assessment criteria,” it said.

Hassan Adeleke, the National President of NUBIFE said the union is aware of the layoff. “It is true that we were notified. The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) is aware, NUBIFIE is aware and even ASSBIFI is aware. We had a dialogue with them and we were able to win what I think is right at this point. By this, we can follow up the lay off process. That they informed bank unions means they have followed due process. If there is any fallout of our agreement, we would be able to take it up with them,” he said.

The bank also faulted a story that it has concluded plans with Standard Bank for the acquisition of stakes in Intercontinental Bank.

Intercontinental Bank’s Group Managing Director, Mahmoud Lai Alabi, said although the bank is in the process of discussion with all those who have indicated interest in the bank, including Standard Bank, “no detailed discussion or negotiations have even commenced, not to talk of allotment of shares.”

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FCMB staff nabbed over N12.5m fraud

An official of First City Monument Bank, Mr. Olajide Ogundipe has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for defrauding the bank to the tune of N12.5 million, out of which the anti-graft agency has been able to recover N9 million from the suspect. The bank had on September 4, 2009, petitioned the EFCC, alleging fraudulent withdrawal of money from the bank’s ATM in excess of N12million by a staff of the Lokoja branch, Mr. Ogundipe. The bank had observed that some unexplainable entries were passed between one of its assets accounts and its ATM at its Lokoja branch. In the course of investigation, EFCC operatives discovered that sometimes in March, 2009, Olajide who works at the Lokoja branch of the bank, posted a debit entry of N450, 000.00 to the assets account and credited the ATM with same value, which was subsequently taken out in bulk cash from the ATM machine after close of business. Further investigation revealed that several other similar entries in excess of N12 million have been posted and subsequently withdrawn in the same manner. Olajide who confessed to the crime after his arrest said he spent the money to sponsor his wedding in 2008. He said he made the withdrawals, usually a minimum of N500, 000.00 each time he loads the three ATM machines in Lokoja. “Thereafter, I will manipulate the posting to balance the account”, he confessed. The Osun state born banker who said he joined FCMB in September 2008 after three years with a new generation bank in Abuja said he never kept the stolen money in the bank but in his brief case at his Lokoja home and unknown to his wife who is resident in Karu, Abuja. After the confessional statement, Olajide who promised to return the stolen money made good his promise when his lawyer, Barrister Ibrahim Muktari, brought to EFCC an FCMB draft of N9,000,000 dated 22 October, 2009. He had earlier paid N3, 500,000.00 of the stolen money. The suspect is expected to be arraigned in court soon.
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