Out (36)

Google pulls service out of china.

After several months of meetings and negotiations between Google and the Chinese government over the accusation that Chinese government hackers had attacked its search engine to retrieve very relevant information from its users and the United States.


The outcome is that Google's China domain, Google.Cn, would now redirect to a new site google.com.hk, a new uncensored site just constructed by Google for its Chinese visitors according to Business Insider.

The new development now means google no longer censors visits and search results done by Chinese visitors. The initial censorship idea from Google, caused disagreement between Google and China. But it's still uncertain if the Chinese government would embrace this new development or out rightly block the new site.

According to Business Insider, Google explained that they tried to "make good of their promise to stop censoring search on Google.cn"

The company said, "We intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access to google.com.hk" also according to Business Insider.

Google says it has been difficult to grant their promise to stop censoring search by Chinese visitors, but also wanted to provide services to as many people around the world, including the Chinese people. Google believes their latest approach is the most sensible a medium to tackle its present disagreement between Google and china.

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Information Minister Dora Akunyili announced the decision by Acting President Goodluck Jonathan at the same time that the state-run broadcaster broke the news to citizens long confused about who remained in charge of the oil-rich nation. Akunyili said Jonathan would issue a statement soon on who will now serve in the Cabinet.

"The acting president gives no reason for the dissolution," Akunyili told reporters Wednesday night. "There is no vacuum in the government as permanent secretaries will take charge."

The Cabinet remained stocked with loyalists of President Umaru Yar'Adua, a Muslim from the country's north. Some cabinet members had begun to shift allegiances from Yar'Adua to Jonathan, a Christian from the country's south, as time passed. Akunyili herself had previously circulated a memo to the cabinet calling on it to install Jonathan as acting president — providing a rare public voice for those uncomfortable with Yar'Adua's long absence from the country.

The move is the first major step by Jonathan, a quiet 52-year-old biologist from the Niger Delta who largely remained quiet as a constitutional crisis gripped the nation over Yar'Adua's absence. Yar'Adua left Nigeria in late November for medical treatment at a Saudi Arabian hospital over what his physician described as serious heart condition.

Though the nation's constitution offers clear steps for president to hand over power in his absence, Yar'Adua chose not to implement them. For months, many wondered how Yar'Adua would rule Africa's most populous nation from abroad.

The National Assembly empowered Jonathan to become acting president in a vote Feb. 9. Two weeks later, Yar'Adua's handlers apparently whisked the ill president back to the presidential palace in an ambulance surrounded by a military convoy. However, Yar'Adua still has not been seen publicly since returning.

Jonathan largely shied away from making major decisions since becoming acting president, though he did move some cabinet ministers loyal to Yar'Adua into new positions. While fears of a coup permeated the country, which has a long history of military dictators, top officials in the armed forces promised not to intervene.

Those forces likely will be kept at bay, even with Jonathan asserting more power, said analyst Charles Dokubo of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs.

"I think the Nigerian people have been so quiet and have been allowing things to unfold in an evolutionary manner," Dokubo told The Associated Press. Yar'Adua supporters "might make noise about it, but I don't think it will lead to any other upheaval or anarchy in the country."

Still Jonathan remains largely unknown in Nigeria, a former deputy state governor who rose to the governor's office after his predecessor was indicted on corruption charges. Now, as Yar'Adua remains ill and unseen, Jonathan finds himself at the helm as the West African country faces endemic corruption, simmering militancy in the oil-rich Niger Delta and long-running religious tensions that have led to hundreds of deaths in recent months.

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The northern caucus in the House of Representatives has called on Dora Akunyili, minister of information and communications, to resign.


The members, under the aegis of the Northern Members Caucus, said it was concerned with, "the recent statements credited to the Information minister suggesting systemic undermining of the functioning of the Acting President, regardless of its security implications."

They said since she deplores the views of other members of the cabinet so much, she should resign her appointment.

THe PDP also voiced their strong objections to Mrs Akunyilis statements :

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday moved to douse tension in the land. It specifically told Information and Communications Minister Dora Akunyili and some religious groups alleged to be making statements capable of affecting the unity of the country to shut up.

Akunyili in an interview with some national newspapers had alleged that some cabals were holding President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua hostage, preventing everybody including Acting President Goodluck Jonathan from seeing him.
According to a statement issued by PDP National Publicity Secretary Ahmed Alkali, the party said such “unguided statements” from Akunyili and other religious groups in the country were capable of destabilizing the country.

The statement emerged after the party's National Working Committee (NWC) meeting in Abuja. PDP said it “observed with dismay the preponderance of potentially divisive and destabilizing statements by socio-cultural groups, leading politicians and even senior government officials over issues surrounding the smooth functioning of the government of Nigeria led by the Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.

“We expect that by now, questions on where the buck stops as far as the running of government is concerned would have been put to rest. We therefore find constant reference to purported power 'cliques' or 'cabals' especially by responsible public officials as unhelpful in our determination to create a conducive atmosphere for the smooth operations of government.”

Referring to the utterances and comments by the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), Ohaneze and Afenifere, the party expressed concern that these socio-cultural groups, which “ordinarily should be custodians of our cultural values and rallying points for our people are abandoning their traditional roles and are delving into partisan politics.
“We urge them to refrain from actions that are capable of questioning their motives and neutrality.”

PDP cautioned all politicians, public office holders, clergymen and socio-cultural groups to rise above petty politics and demonstrate the statesmanship “that the current situation requires”.

The Nigeria Unity Group (NUG) has also cautioned the Information minister to be mindful of her utterances as a public officer.
According to the group's National Coordinator Ed Malik, “the truth that is told with intent to harm or to gain cheap popularity or play to the gallery or to exploit public mood, is the dead point in human reasoning.”

He said further, “the Information minister has not added value to the information management process or said anything new to warrant the constant bombardment of our national psyche by her populist attempt at appearing to be the only outspoken or caring public officer in the land at a time of delicate political manoeuvres being witnessed since President Yar'Adua's illness was reported.”

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The House of Representatives on Thursday passed an order suspending further drafting of fresh graduates to Plateau State to participate in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme in the state..


This order came in the wake of the devastating violence that claimed hundreds of lives in a neighbourhood of Jos, the state capital, last Sunday.

The legislative resolution, the second in the week after the massacre, also called on the management of the NYSC to re-deploy serving corps members in Plateau to neighbouring states, even as the government attempts to restore peace to the area.

Saving the people

“I am not a pessimist,” said Ekperikpe Ekpo, a member from Akwa Ibom state, who sponsored the resolution. “But we cannot say as of now, total peace has returned to Jos. We have to find a way to save these people in the event of reprisal attacks.”

The resolution will empower calls from Nigerians who have asked that youth corps members be re-assigned from Plateau state.

However, a few members of the House of Representatives, mostly from the affected state, opposed the proposal. They complained that such an order will imply a failure of the government and a total breakdown of law and order in Plateau state.

Leo Dilkon, who represents Pashkin, Kanke and Kanam Local government areas of the state, said the crisis was concentrated around Jos, and it will be undue punishment on the rest of the state if the youths are withdrawn.

Support for motion

But the motion gathered rapid support after the mention of several cases of slain corps members in several parts of the north including Grace Ushang, whose murder in Borno State last year drew international condemnation, and three members of the scheme who died during the December 2008 fighting in Plateau State.

In the aftermath of such deaths, the government has been advised to reconsider the continued relevance of the scheme and the NYSC has been urged to restrict its posting to certain states.

After the killings of last Sunday, the NYSC Director General, Maharazu Tsiga, reportedly announced that his office will reassign serving members from the state pending the restoration of normalcy.

Lawmakers said although they are aware of the decision, they will push for a legislative resolution to compel the director general to act fast.

“I will be surprised if anyone will oppose the fact that the situation in Plateau poses a clear and present danger, said Patrick Obahiagbon, who represents Oredo in Edo state. “Whether there are newspaper reports that they will be redeployed or not, we have to rise up and make it known that this parliament says no. We cannot send our brothers and sisters to go and pay the ultimate price.”

Women in black

Meanwhile, hundreds of Plateau women clad in black dresses and placards showed up at the premises of the National Assembly, where they held hands, singing sombre songs to protest the latest killings.

The women, who said they will seek the intervention of the United Nations (UN) if they fail to get justice from the Nigerian government, called on the acting president, Goodluck Jonathan, to remove the current General Officer Commanding the 3rd Armoured Division of the Nigerian Army, located in Jos, Plateau State, who has been accused of negligence as the crisis erupted.

“We want a change of the security chiefs in Plateau State, they have not guaranteed any security on us, we have lost confidence in them,” the group’s spokesperson and its secretary general, Zipporah Kpamor, said.

The women also accused the Chief of Army Staff, Abdurahman Danbazzau, as well as the Bauchi State government of complicity in the mayhem in Jos.

“If the FG cannot stop the premeditated genocide and ensure peace in the state, then we will be compelled to go to the United Nations (UN) for intervention on the matter,” Ms. Kpamor said.

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A British dating website revealed on Tuesday that half of the unfaithful men it polled for a survey on affairs admitted to having a fling with a friend's wife or girlfriend. The poll conducted by British internet dating company www.benaughty.com showed that of the

more than 5,000 men it surveyed who admitted to being unfaithful, a staggering 46.9 percent said they had had a fling with a friend's wife or girlfriend.

"It's a remarkable figure and well above what we would have thought," benaughty.com Marketing Manager Sean Wood said in a statement.

"Attractions develop very easily between men and women who see each other often, in the same circles. And it is often easier to be together without arousing any suspicions."

The survey was conducted amid a frenzy of tabloid newspaper reporting on former England soccer captain John Terry.

Terry was stripped of the captaincy after allegations in the British media that he had had an extra-marital affair with the former girlfriend of England team mate Wayne Bridge, who was a club mate of his at Chelsea before joining Manchester City last year.

Between February 5 and 14, a total of 5,512 men looking for discreet relationships were asked three questions:

Have you ever had a relationship with your friend's wife or partner?

Yes: 46.9 percent No: 53.1 percent.

Did you get caught?

Yes: 7.84 percent No: 92.16 percent

Did you confess?

Yes: 8.25 percent No: 91.75 percent.

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Nigeria's Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has approved the disbursal of $2 billion from windfall oil savings to the country's 36 states and government agencies, Minister of State for Finance Remi Babalola said on Friday.

"I have just gotten an approval this morning from the acting president for the sharing of $2 billion from the excess crude account," Reuters quoted Mr. Babalola saying after a meeting of the Federal Allocation Committee in the capital Abuja.

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Google rules: I Googled in Now I cant Google out !

I like Google, but the contextual advertising can still step way over the line.

My wife and I had an argument a couple of years ago, and sent a fewnot-terribly-pleasant emails back-and-forth. So I'm sitting therereading an email from her, and what do you think was being displayed inthe gmail banner ad?

"Need a divorce lawyer?"

I'm sorry, but I found that pretty damn offensive.

You know they just revealed that Google can nowrun as a power company right? It won't be soon till they control yourwater mains and your trash collection.

Google will rule all. It's not a matter of if, but when.

I have to agree with the CEO of Google. If there'ssomething that you're doing that you dont want other people knowing,maybe you should quit doing it or quit being so iffy about it. 99% ofthe time I've learned people just don't freaking care when they findout.

I don't care about my privacy, I don't do anything wrong. Hell, I'd even walk around naked if it wasn't illegal.

As a moderately honest individual that likes a tightly integrated service, I have nothing to lose.

Now I log into Google and everything is there. Nohaving to log into multiple services on multiple websites and having toread multiple agreements and set multiple privacy settings.

Google will not share any more about you then you set in your privacysettings. It's just that most people don't bother going over them andthen complain later.

Even the Buzz launch. I just read the opening screen, clicked yes,logged into my privacy settings, made the changes I wanted to make andeverything was done and set.

Don't call them evil just because you didn't RTFM.

My tip: Don't leave. If you leave and join aservice that a lot of other people join, Google will see it asvaluable, buy it, and then once again own you. You. Can't. Escape.

Idon't know why everyone keeps complaining about the accelerator pedalsin Toyotas. Only an ignoramus wouldn't know that you can easily open upthe hood, cut a few wires, reprogram a couple modules, and the carworks perfectly fine. Who expects their products not to have a fewminor, fixable glitches? Clearly, all those people blithely assuming itwill just work deserve their collisions.
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ABUJA- FOR three hours and three minutes yesterday, thousands of aggrieved Nigerians led by the Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, took to the streets in Abuja, the nation’s capital, to protest the French leave embarked upon by the ailing President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua since November 23, last year. Affordable A.d.ve.r.ti.sing LET THE WEB WORK 4 U ! http://www.9jabook.com call or email: info@systemini.net twitter:systemini linkedin:systemini tel +234-0806 495 0565,234-07083793511,234-07058888394 44-7894214683, They demanded, in unison, that he must either show up and live up to expectations, if indeed he is still alive and fit to continue in office as he is making Nigerians to believe or transfer powers without further delay to his Vice, Jonathan Goodluck, to avert total collapse of the Nigerian nation. They also registered their displeasure with members of the National Assembly over their reluctance to act even as they dismissed the cabinet members of President Yar’Adua as a bunch of liars, pseudo-colonialists and terrorists. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dimeji Bankole, who came out to address the angry protesters, yesterday, was not only booed but also disallowed from making any statement either in support or against the subject-matter of protest. Unlike what used to be the case during the dark days of the military, there was no single firing of gun or canister to disperse protesting Nigerians. In fact, dozens of mobile policemen carried in their lorries were seen dancing to the popular music of Idris Abdulkarim of ‘Nigeria jaga jaga, everything scatter scatter,’ and hailing the protesters. All through the period that the protest lasted, a combined team of men of the Nigeria Civil Defence and the Nigeria Mobile Police maintained security without allowing the hoodlums to hijack it. Although a dozen of hired pro-Yar’Adua government protesters carried placards bearing “we support Yar’Adua government,” their voices were drowned in the din of the noisy call for the resignation of President Yar’Adua. The mass rally which kicked off from the Unity Fountain opposite the popular Millenium Park close to Transcorp Hilton Hotels at about 9:45 a.m, had mobile security men taking their positions in and around the National Assembly and the road to NICON as early as 6:00 a.m. But they did not harass anyone. They seemed confused At exactly 9:45 am, the protesters had gathered in their thousands at the rendezvous waiting for a marching order from the convener of the rally. They did not move until Prof Wole Soyinka who was conceded to be the most important person addressed the aggrieved Nigerians on why the mass rally was holding. The septuagenarian, Prof Wole Soyinka, trekked alongside other leaders of the mass rally while radical Lagos lawyer Femi Falana was seen addressing and singing. Although they got to the open ground of the National Assembly where lawmakers and their visitors park cars at exactly 11:53am, the proper address did not start until 12:04pm when they recited the old national anthem. Leaders of the mass rally took turns to address the rally for just 44 minutes during which Speaker Bankole was booed and disallowed from addressing the aggrieved Nigerians. At 12:16 pm, Soyinka took to the podium. But there was so much noise that he threatened to walk out of the rally ground if they did not behave themselves. He said he expected them to be orderly and organized. The way he spoke angered some of the protesters who asked him to go if he wanted to go. When he eventually picked the microphone and blew air into it, there was a thunderous applause followed by graveyard silence. He said: “It seems to me that we have finally woken up from our long harmattan sleep and you are now getting into the spring of rebirth. I have a little information I have been asked to pass on to you as one of you. This is what they told me. I do not guarantee the veracity of it as it is supposed to have come from the Senate. And you all know what Senate is. The information I was given is that the Senate has now taken this matter to court. The matter of the President’s absence “I am passing that information to you so that we, here, are not accused of holding back information from those following us. That is the only reason why I am passing it on. You can weigh it for what it is worth. But if these people are caught in yet another lie, then the next demonstration will be bigger. The nation has been taken to ransom. The nation has been despised and treated with contempt. We have been treated as colonials, colonized all over again. This is what we call internal colonialism. We are all dignified beings. We deserve to know the truth, at all times about our method of governance. “We are also qualified to say when we believe that those ‘elected leaders’ of this nation are deliberately dragging their feet over critical issues that concern us. Then the people must stop and then take to the street. This is normal in any democracy. A lot of you have followed some recent lectures of mine: one in Lagos; one in Abeokuta, and the third one here in Abuja on the occasion of the National Merit Award. Each time, I have observed the ritual ending. And that ending was enough of talking, let us march. Now today, you have shown me that you have been listening. And your leaders here obviously have been listening and they themselves have been using exactly the same language over a long period. So we are not talking here about certain individual efforts but certain issues must be addressed urgently. And if by miracle and believe me, I do pray and wish this might happen, if by miracle the missing president were to appear amongst us, hale and hearty, he will be confronted with the same charges that we are leveling against the government.” Hon Farouk Aliyu Adamu In his contribution, Adamu, said: “We are all Nigerians. Nobody should hoodwink you with where you come from. We are not ruled rightly. We are ruled by liars. We demand leadership that will come out and tell us the truth. In the last 50 days, one minister after the other will come out and lie. They said President Yar’Adua spoke on BBC. Do you know why we do not believe them? It is because PDP government said we shall get 6000 megawatts of electricity by December but we didn’t. Now, who will believe them? We will only believe them when we see President Yar’Adua here live. If you do not want Jonathan to lead, do not take the fuel and petroleum from the Ijaw people. If my brothers want to continue using the fuel, the diesel from the South South, then Jonathan should take over governance,” to which they shouted another deafening yes. Uche Onyegocha “Few years ago, when Obasanjo tried to impose himself on this country using his third term agenda, we fought him and we won. Today we have a criminal cabal that is holding this country to ransom. I want to remind you that it was the same criminal cabal that supported third term. As we defeated them that time, we will defeat them again. They are saying we are not a terrorist nation and I agreed with them. They have been holding us to ransom but that must end today and we must take a decision on the issue of a missing president. I thank you very much.” Buba Galadima “Today is christened a new birth for a new nation, that Nigerians of all works of life, that Nigerians of all tribes, that Nigerians of all religions have come together to discuss our country, this is how it should be and when we leave here, no body should wink you on the basis of religion or the basis of where you come from, the minimum we demand of those who said we voted them into power is transparency, constitutionalism, institutionalism and accountability.” Najatu Muhammed “The issue at stake is not that Yar’Adua has spoken on the BBC, the issue is that he has abdicated without leave, without permission, so this calls for his impeachment, the people at the National Assembly have no moral justification to be where they are today. Yar’Adua is paid by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, he is accountable to you and I, so he has no business staying for over fifty days without permission. Nigerians will also want to get the kind of medical treatment that Yar’Adua is getting, this is their money, so Nigerians, come out and say no to this rubbish enough is enough.” Pastor Tunde Bakare “Every one, east, north and south of our country should take these words home. The Presidency is not a birth right. The presidency is not a hereditary stool. The presidency is a constitutional office. President Yar’Adua is not fit to occupy that office. Therefore, Umaru Yar’Adua go home. Time has come for you to park your load, leave Nigeria alone and go home. This solemn assembly is not for the sake of Jonathan Goodluck, it is for the sake of good governance. The constitution that is imposed upon you stipulates in section 145 that if any one in the office of the president is leaving even for his leave not for sickness, he must transmit authority of that office to the vice president. It is that we have come to demand this afternoon, that the imposed constitution must be obeyed. Power vacuum is the latest affliction they have imposed on this nation and the entirety of the rest of us say no to power vacuum. Enough is enough! We would not allow them to handle the affairs of this country in a lopsided manner or as they like. We demand accurate governance, good governance, and what do I mean by that? Femi Falana “This is the beginning of our struggle. By next week we are going to inform you of the date when we are going to march all over Nigeria. On Friday, Nigerians in America, Nigerians in the United Kingdom are marching. We understand that the Senate met this morning and took a decision; as usual because this is a leadership built on lies. The Senate claimed that because some of us exercised our fundamental human rights, to go to court, they didn’t go to court, they said because some of us are in court because of their inaction, they are now exploiting our cases in court to abdicate their responsibility. Since they claim to be representing us in our different constituencies we must go and begin a process of making them to be accountable, of making them to be responsible, of making them to be responsive to the yearnings and aspirations of the Nigerian people.” It was at this point that Speaker Bankole came. The Speaker had emerged from an executive session of the Reps around 12:30 pm, made his way to the platform on the porch of the dome of the National Assembly amidst tight security. But his presence was not acknowledged, as the protesters who arrived the venue at 12.05 kept booing him as soon as they sighted him until Professor Soyinka took the microphone from Mrs. Naja’atu Mohammed – a foremost female activist from Kano State – who was addressing them, and announced that, “fellow compatriots, I understand that we have some visitors here among us We want to give him some few minutes to address us, fellow compatriots.” But the protesters in one chorus, thundered “Nooooooo!!!!!!” Again Soyinka asked that the Speaker be allowed to speak and he was visited with the same response. He now said, “We are democrats here. I am going to ask for the last time after which I will take a voice count”, he said. “Do we allow the Speaker to address us?” he asked and the answer was reverberating “Noooooooo!!!!!” “The ‘Nos’ (nays) have it” he said. Yar’Adua supporters hold counter-rally in Abuja Also yesterday, groups comprising mostly youths, converged at the Eagle Square, Abuja, with banners and posters of President Umaru Yar’Adua, chanting solidarity to his administration despite the mounting agitation from some quarters for his immediate resignation. Besides adorning the major roads along the federal secretariat with posters that read, “We support Yar’Adua” the group further strapped large banners in various strategic places, denouncing those that are calling for his removal and subsequent replacement as “anarchists.”
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It has been revealed how Super Eagles striker, Obafemi Martins, extranvagantly squandered about N3.1 trillions while a player of Newcastle.MartinsadvertisementHis former management company, NVA Management Limited who has dragged the player to court over breach of contarct, told the jury how the player’s account almost went red because of his lifestyle.Obafemi Martins was paid £75,000, but allegedly squandered the earnings on an extravagant lifestyleA former Premiership footballer routinely blew his £75,000 a week wages in a matter of days and was constantly overdrawn, a court was told yesterday.Obafemi, ex-Newcastle striker 25, was paid the handsome salary after he joined the club for a £10million fee in August 2006.But despite his extraordinary earnings, his former management team yesterday claimed they repeatedly bailed him out after his bank account continually slipped into the red.The High Court heard that the Nigerian international player would withdraw £40,000 in cash from his bank account at the end of the week.But that would only last him two days, the court heard, as he topped up with a further £25,000 on the Monday morning.He was always overdrawn and repeatedly relied upon NVA Management Limited to ‘manage his life’, the High Court was told.Martins, who owned several fast cars including a top of the range Porsche 4X4, spent the money funding an extravagant lifestyle of luxurious penthouse homes and fine dining.He is now being sued by his former management company which claims that he still owes them 300,000 for sorting out his finances.He told the court that Martins would withdraw £40,000 for the weekend, followed by another £25,000 on the Monday.‘Despite earning these vast sums of money he was constantly overdrawn,’ added Mr Tennink.He said the firm, which looks after the affairs of several footballers, film and music stars, said that Martins had agreed to pay them for simply managing his life.It was under their stewardship that Martins agreed a £2million image rights deal ‘simply for being Mr Martins’.It’s claimed Martins was constantly overdrawn despite earning £75,000-a-weekHe also had lucrative sponsorship deals with various companies including Pepsi and Nike but had not been paid.When the company stepped in to run his affairs they sorted the unpaid contracts, bringing in thousands of pounds.They also organised visas when he travelled to Italy, where he once played for Inter Milan, and sorted out his passport, his mortgage and property valuations.They even arranged critical illness cover and were constantly running up and down the motorway from their London offices to Newcastle in a bid to do all that he required.‘But surely these were things a secretary could do?’ asked Judge Richard Seymour QC, referring to the size of fees charged.‘It was a Jeeves-type of role that they performed.’Mr Tennink protested that managing every aspect of his life was just part of what they did, and asked the judge to bear in mind the sort of figures these players earned.He said Martins had come to them in July 2007 and had agreed a fee of around £300,000 plus 20 per cent of any sponsorship monies they managed to acquire on his behalf.“He asked for these services to be carried out,” Mr Tennink told the court.Before they managed his affairs, Martins had not been paid a penny for his image rights for the use of his name on Newcastle shirts and mugs and had received nothing from his sponsorship deals.He could not even find the contracts he had originally signed, Mr Tennink added.Martins paid the company £67,500 in January last year and another £25,000 in April last year.But the question for the court to decide, said Mr Tennink, was whether there was a ‘binding obligation’ for him to pay the outstanding bill of over £300,000.After Newcastle were relegated from the Premiership last summer Martins was sold for £9million to German Bundesliga Champions Wolfsburg.Martins, who once owned a penthouse apartment overlooking Newcastle’s exclusive Quayside, is fighting the claim.The hearing is scheduled to last for three days.
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14 Wraps of heroin sniffed out from lady’s hair By CHRIS ANUCHA It is said that a woman’s beauty is her hair. But that can no longer be said of Angela Okiri, who was arrested recently at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport(MMIA), Ikeja, Lagos, over hard drug. Angela advertisement According to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA), she concealed fourteen wraps on her well braided hair. The 31 years old suspect from Edo State, also swallowed fifty-six wraps of heroin and packed twenty-two wraps inside sanitary pad in her handbag. Angela was among the four suspects nabbed recently by the narcotic agents. One of the suspects was attempting to smuggle narcotics into the country from Brazil, while the other three suspects were arrested on their way out of the country to Europe. Other suspects were, Anekwe Ugochukwu, 28, who ingested eighty-one wraps of cocaine weighing 1.285kg, Anisiebo Arinze, 45, who ingested sixty-eight wraps of cocaine and Esimone Amanchukwu, 33, that ingested eighty-two wraps of cocaine weighing 988 grammes. The suspects were detected with the assistance of scanning machine donated to the Agency by the United States of America. Impressed by the arrest and seizures, the Chairman/Chief Executive of NDLEA, Ahmadu Giade, called for more public support for the Agency. While reaffirming the commitment of the Nigerian government to the anti-narcotic crusade, he vowed that all drug trafficking syndicates would be brought to book. Giade stressed that the Agency would leave no stone unturned in the fight against illicit drugs, adding that intense undercover operations were going on to dismantle more illegal drug cartels. Arinze, who had lived in Germany for the past nineteen years was nabbed while on his way to London. He ingested the drug for a fee of 5,000 pounds. He said: “I live in Stuttgart, Germany, where I work as a labourer, but I lost my job in August last year. I came to Nigeria in November 2, 2009, to attend a burial ceremony. It was in the village that I met an old friend, who asked me to traffick drugs to London. I agreed because of the money involved, because I needed to complete the traditional marriage ceremony of my wife. I only did the introduction in January and there is pressure on me. I ingested sixty-eight pieces of the drug in my village, Umuoji in Anambra State.” Ananchukwu was to board KLM flight to Amsterdam, on his way to Hamburg, Germany, when he tested positive to drug ingestion. The suspect said he decided to smuggle drugs to settle his creditors. “I am heavily indebted and my dad is sick. I swallowed eighty-two pieces of drugs and would have been given 3,500 Euros.” Anthony, who was smuggling the illicit drugs into Nigeria was apprehended in a South African Airline from Sao-Paulo Brazil, through South Africa. According to him, he went to Brazil five months ago and was stranded. “I was stranded in Brazil. Though, I was working in a restaurant, the salary could not pay my rent. When I got the offer to send the drugs to Togo, I was happy, because I saw hell these five months in Brazil,” he stated. Angela, had lived 11 years in Bergmo, Italy, where she worked as a labourer in factories. She was arrested during screening of passengers on Alitalia flight. The suspect, whose final destination was Torino, stated that some friends introduced her into the drug business, after being jobless for several months due to the economic recession. “Having lost my job for some months, I am now into trading but things are difficult. I wanted some money to expand my business. They gave me ninety-two wraps out of which, I could only swallow 56. So, I hid some in my handbag and some in my hair. I thought that they would not see them. They would have paid me 4,000 Euros,” she lamented. According to the NDLEA spokesman, Mr. Mitchell Ofoyeju, all the suspects would appear in Court soon.
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By Felix Onuah ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua will travel to Saudi Arabia on Monday for medical checks, his office said. "President Umaru Yar'Adua will leave Abuja today for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. While there, the president will call on his personal physicians in Jeddah for follow-up medical checks," presidency spokesman Olusegun Adeniyi said in a statement. Yar'Adua has travelled to Saudi Arabia in the past for treatment for a chronic kidney problem, raising questions about whether he will be fit enough to stand for a second term in 2011 elections. Adeniyi said Yar'Adua had forwarded copies of the 2010 budget, which he had been due to present to parliament last week, to the heads of the Senate and House of Representatives. The presentation of the spending plans for sub-Saharan Africa's second-biggest economy was postponed because of a row between the two chambers of parliament over which one should host the event. Government sources have said Yar'Adua will seek approval to breach a 3 percent deficit target for the second year in a row in 2010, due to the cost of development projects in the Niger Delta and rehabilitating the country's ailing power sector. Yar'Adua has had regular medical treatment in Germany and Saudi Arabia and his health was a source of concern even before he assumed the presidency. He has not yet confirmed whether he plans to stand again in presidential election in 2011 but key figures in the ruling party have pledged their support if he decides to do so. FROM Saharareporters It was gathered that sickly Nigerian ruler, Umaru Yar’adua, is due to be flown out today or early tomorrow for what our source described as “urgent medical treatment.” As at the time we were briefed, the source said insiders close to Yar'adua said the sick former governor of Katsina would be taken to a hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Our source said that Yar’adua’s father-in-law is also in an Egyptian hospital. “The president’s medical trip is scheduled to last at least one week,” said the source, adding that Yar'adua “may offer the excuse that he would be visiting his father-in-law in Egypt and that his wife would attend this year’s Hajj in Saudi Arabia as the excuse for the trip.” Mr. Yar’adua suffers from Churg Strauss syndrome, a degenerative disease. Our source said Yar’adua’s health dipped in the last three weeks. Poor health explained his conspicuous absence at the Abuja stadium during the final game of the FIFA Under-17 football game that featured Nigeria and Switzerland. “Vice President” Goodluck Jonathan stood in for him. Saharareporters sources also said Yar’adua had only managed to meet with cabinet members at his official residence in Aso Rock Villa, Abuja.

“His health took a turn for the worse over the weekend,” said one source. “His doctors have advised that he undertake immediate medical treatment outside Nigeria,” the source added. Yar'adua maintains a retinue of expatriate medical personnel at his residence and office. He travels with two well-equipped ambulances everywhere he goes in Nigeria. 

Another source Yar’adua’s inability to present the annual budget last week at the National Assembly was actually due to his illness. “The so-called ‘crisis’ between the two chambers of the National Assembly was contrived to cover up Yar'adua's illness,” said the source. In an intriguing move, Yar’adua’s People's Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday issued a stunning press release to denounce those campaigning for Yar'adua's second term in office. The party said it has not made such decision. Meanwhile, several sources have told Saharareporters that some PDP crooks, including rogue Attorney General Michael Aondoakaa and former Delta State governor James Ibori, have been assuring Yar’adua’s wife, Turai, that they are capable of arranging for her to serve out the remainder of her husband’s tenure should Mr. Yar’adua die or become permanently incapacitate
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The 2008 Batch C National Youth Service Corps members ended their one-year compulsory national service with passing-out parades (POP) held in all the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory on Tuesday. In Lagos, the event was held at the parade ground at the Ikeja Cantonment. According to the state coordinator of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Ladipo Laniyan, this batch of corps members, who started their service on November 4, 2008 was made up of 1,399 when they were posted to the state. Some were redeployed to other states mostly for health reasons while more were redeployed to Lagos. Mr. Laniyan said 2,013 corps member satisfactorily completed their service while seven are to be remobilised for abandoning their places of primary assignment. The Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, was represented by the commissioner for Special Duties, Tola Kasali at the event. In his speech read by Mr. Kasali, the governor appreciated the contribution of the corps members to the development of the state. “At the beginning of your service year 12 months ago, I drew your attention to the various challenges of national development. I am happy to note with interest that you have contributed your quota to nation-building. I wish to formally acknowledge your unparalleled individual and collective contributions to your host communities in the area of community development projects,” he said. The occasion also featured presentation of awards to some outstanding corps members. Michael Olorunfemi, from Kogi State, a graduate of Human Kinetics, was awarded the best corps member in the batch. He won it for a beautification project he carried out at the Ikorodu Local Government Secretariat. He said he did it because he wanted to compliment the efforts of the state government. After the match past, some of the corps members danced, as the corps band, made up of those still serving, played different tunes while others took photographs and congratulated one another. However, in spite of the excitement, most of the corps members expressed fears. Some of them that spoke to NEXT expressed uncertainty about their future. Felicia Oboma, a graduate of Biochemistry said she is really scared because of the level of unemployment. “We are going to join the labour market like millions of other graduates. It is not funny. The situation is really bad. One is passing out, you don’t know what will come next. Our country is really in a bad time. I’ve started applying in different places hoping that I will be lucky,” Ms. Oboma said. Kayode Mosaku, a graduate of Botany from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, said he has left the future to chance. “I will try all the options possible, throw my CV to everywhere possible and hope for a good response from somewhere. I have friends who have finished NYSC like two years ago and are still at home without jobs. So I think this NYSC programme is not working. If all the money that is used to run the programme is invested in us, maybe someone might be able to set up, since jobs are not available,” Mr. Mosaku said.
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Pay it Forward : Trickle-Up Economics

It is the month of August, a resort town sits next to the shores of a lake. It is raining, and the little town looks totally deserted. It is tough times, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. Suddenly, a rich tourist comes to town. He enters the only hotel, lays a 100 Euro note on the reception counter, and goes to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one. The hotel proprietor takes the 100 Euro note and runs to pay his debt to the butcher. The Butcher takes the 100 Euro note, and runs to pay his debt to the pig raiser. The pig raiser takes the 100 Euro note, and runs to pay his debt to the supplier of his feed and fuel. The supplier of feed and fuel takes the 100 Euro note and runs to pay his debt to the town's prostitute that in these hard times, gave her services" on credit. The hooker runs to the hotel, and pays off her debt with the 100 Euro note to the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented when she brought her clients there. The hotel proprietor then lays the 100 Euro note back on the counter so that the rich tourist will not suspect anything. At that moment, the rich tourist comes down after inspecting the rooms, and takes his 100 Euro note, after saying that he did not like any of the rooms, and leaves town. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now without debt, and looks to the future with a lot of optimism. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the Irish Government is doing business today.We hope naija can cash in on this strategy ! This is the only way to Economic recovery, bailing out all those FAT CATS up-stream does not guarantee that it will flow down-stream. Trickle-Economics will definitely flow up-stream, although it defies Sir Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation. Have a great day Thanks to Osamuyi Paul Ogbebor for sending in this one !
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THE continued fall of naira against international currencies, particularly the dollar and pound sterling is having a serious consequence on Nigerians living in Dubai, United Arab Emirate.A survey carried out by TTH in Dubai and other Emirates of the UAE, recently, showed that Nigerians are migrating out of Dubai to other Asian countries in their thousands "because the fall of naira has been making mince meat of our efforts here".Investigation revealed that Nigerians were having a rosy time in Dubai, until June 2008, when the value of a dollar was being exchanged for N118, “since then, we have never have peace for the naira continued to slide while the dollar continued to wax strong and stronger.”Speaking with TTH, Abiodun Taiwo, a Nigerian and an HND, Marketing graduate of The Polytechnic, Ibadan “I came to Dubai in 1999 and because the naira was strong then, I had good reason to thank God. And so with many of us. But since June last year our stories have changed from better to worse."Most of us have started migrating back home. Some of us have left for China, Bangkok, Malaysia, USA.“In fact, the fall of naira is not having its consequences on Nigerians in Dubai alone, but on Dubai government too because as a Cargo Manager, the volume of trade between Nigeria and Dubai has dropped drastically. Just because the profit margin of goods and services is no longer encouraging.”Another Nigerian, Christopher Okey, who operates an African Kitchen at the back of a mosque at Deira District in Dubai, was full of lamentation about the fortunes of the naira. "My brother, (covering his head with his palm) we are suffering here. Our suffering is not in the hand of the Dubai Authority or their policy or police, no. We are crying under the yoke of the free fall of naira at the foreign market."Most of us are closing our shops and heading somewhere else. I am looking for a buyer for this place. Immediately I get a buyer, I am off, either to Nigeria or Japan."Last year when you were here, you saw how busy I was. This place, (pointing to the upper floor of his restaurant) was always full. I always have hectic time attending to thousands of customers, but you can see for yourself now. How many customers have been here since?"Our fortune is dwindling because less people are coming from Nigeria to trade here".He appealed to the Federal Government to do “some arithmetics and tinker with the value of the naira and prevent its further slide at the international market.”
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Norwegian referee Tom Ovrebo was Thursday smuggled out of Britain by police who feared for his safety because of his role in Chelsea‘s exit from the Champions League at the hands of Barcelona. Ovrebo turned down four strong penalty appeals by Chelsea, who lost the semi-final on the away goals rule after Andres Iniesta scored in the 93rd minute of the second leg to level the scores at 1-1 on the night and on aggregate. At the end of the game, Ovrebo was confronted by a furious Didier Drogba and had to be escorted down the tunnel by a group of Chelsea stewards who had difficulty restraining the striker. Fearing reprisals from furious fans, police changed Ovrebo‘s hotel before organising his exit from the country, according to former international referee Graham Poll. Poll, now a media pundit, revealed, ”This morning he‘s being smuggled out of our country under police escort this is a referee of a football match. That is a disgrace. “When he booked in a hotel they had to change the hotel he was staying at because of the fear that maybe fans would find him.” Ovrebo’s situation has worrying echoes of the hounding of Swedish referee Anders Frisk, who retired from the game in 2005 after receiving death threats in the wake of another ill-tempered meeting between Chelsea and Barcelona. Frisk had sent Drogba off in the first-leg of a second round match and was accused by Chelsea‘s then-boss Jose Mourinho of having invited Frank Rijkaard, the Barca coach at the time, into his room at half-time. Drogba faces ban over ref confrontation Didier Drogba could be facing a lengthy ban from European football after angrily confronting Norwegian referee Tom Ovrebo at the end of Chelsea‘s controversial Champions League semifinal second leg match with Barcelona in London on Wednesday. A stoppage time goal from Andres Iniesta earned Barca a 1-1 draw on the night and on aggregate and sent the Catalans into a final meeting with Manchester United at the end of this month on the away goals rule. Chelsea had legitimate grounds for complaint after being denied at least two good penalty appeals by the referee – who was still considered good enough by UEFA to officiate at last year‘s Euro 2008 championships – but that will not be regarded as any excuse by UEFA when they come to judge Drogba‘s conduct. Ovrebo had to be escorted from the pitch by a platoon of stewards with Drogba apparently bent on a physical confrontation. To compound his intimidating behaviour, the Cote d’Ivoire international then turned to a television camera and screamed into it, describing the official as a “fu..ing disgrace.” Chelsea is also likely to be in hot water with UEFA after infuriated fans threw flags at the officials and the Barcelona bench on the final whistle. looks like harware go hard for chelsea dis time o ! UP MAN U ! GUNNERS4LIFE !
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out of 9ja ! Straight from 9ja

fellow 9jabookers, we are growing ! 3235 members today ! The 9jabook promise still stands . "kini big deal 9jabook ? Each user gets equal share of 49percent of site advert revenue.Plus a piece of our sister sites 9jamovies.com 9janews.com ojoojoo.com a google approach to nige.rian search " 9ja has come of age for a democratic "revolution" and what better way than through the internet.We are collaborating with students,workers,the unemployed,internet bloggers,musicians and people from all works of life to bring an internet virtual presence that will affect our daily physical lives for the better.We are proud to be 9ja, like 9ice said, this is strictly "out of 9ja straight from 9ja " It is the most incredible thing we can give the world and that 9ja credibility will be ours one day .YES WE FIT ! headline 9jaNews from http://www.9janews.com: where we find news from 9ja bloggers in the diaspora and discuss issues to wake our dear president yaradua up ! contrary to what the SSS thinks we know it is not easy to rule a country like 9ja : Uzoma Okere is back in hospital ! http://www.9janews.com/tech/framed/uzoma-Okere-back-in-hospital- Nig.eria seeks 500million dollars for another satellite ! http://www.9janews.com/tech/framed/nigeria-Seeks-500m-Loan-to-Build-New-S post your underground gist and discuss and much much more . ps: Internet bloggers recently arrested by the SSS like Emeka Asiwe , jonathan elendu have been freed but latest news tells us Asiwe has not been allowed to leave 9ja ! haba,shuo ! If Fela was alive na only God know wetin e go call this democracy of craze ! Have a great weekend. out of 9ja ! Straight from 9ja complement your facebook ,hi5,myspace experience. join 9jabook.com. 9jabook team .
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