THe (247)

Jamilah Tangaza is Head of BBC Hausa which connects the
Hausa-speaking community across the globe, from villages in Northern
Nigeria to diaspora audiences in Europe. Here she tells of a new
initiative to connect rural Nigeria to the web and life of a young
connected urbanite in London. I know that mobile phones rule my
children's world but frankly they rule my world too. It also appears
they are starting to rule some African rural communities as well. ...

Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria. However,usage is largely limited to voice calls and SMS, and for some areas,
becoming connected to the internet can be a major challenge. When
mobile technology really began to be taken seriously some two decades
ago, no-one knew what the scale of the impact would be, in terms of
communication, accessibility, convenience, or the nuisance they can
sometimes become.

Back in January as part of the SuperPower season, BBC Hausa providedvillagers of Gitata in Nasarawa, Northern Nigeria, with two
internet-enabled mobile phones. I'm looking forward to the BBC Hausa's
"Gagabadau" at 06.30 GMT on March 15, as Ibrahim Isa revisits the
village to see how the devices might have changed the lives of the

Gitata continues our Labarinku A Tafinku (Your World in Your Palms)story, which started last summer. By giving village communities in
Nigeria mobile phones, we are empowering them. I also see it as some
sort of partnership between journalists and 'citizens', and I am hopeful
it will benefit all involved. ...

Exploring the other end of the 'connectivity scale', we also wantedto look at the effect of the internet on young urbanites and to find out
what it means to them to keep 'connected'. A second-generation Hausa
girl living in London, Khadija Ahmed, enjoys surfing the net and social
networking and spends several hours a day on the internet via her iPod,
which she uses to chat, visit Facebook, exchange pictures and listen to

Yet Khadija still finds time to study - she is an A-student whohopes to read Law at Oxford University. The popularity of online social
networking, particularly sites such as Facebook, is also rapidly
increasing in Northern Nigeria, and many young people use BBC Hausa's
Facebook page as their meeting point where they exchange views on topics
ranging from sports to politics to social issues.

I am going to be talking to Khadija in Zamani Riga at 06.30 onTuesday 16 March, and Ahmed Wakil will be asking youngsters in Abuja
about the ways in which mobile phones and online social networking are
changing social dynamics and habits. That will be on Kungiyar Zumunta at
06.30 on Wednesday 17 March.

BBC Hausa is also going to be looking at the 'non-mobile' generation- the 'unconnected', with Nazir Mika'ilu reporting on whether the older
generation is missing out on what many believe is a tool of
empowerment. That will be on Jiya Ba Yau Ba at 06.30 GMT on Friday 19
March. In English you can hear from Gitata village on The World Today
(radio) on March 8 and on TV on March 20.

I am hopeful lots of benefits will be reaped both on our part and onthe part of the communities too. After all we share a common objective:
the will to change life for the better!

Source: Jamilah Tangaza, BBC
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John 3:7 and Football: The Story of Frank Hogan the Fanatic of Two FAITHS

A sign with the legend "John 3:7" is often seen at Gaelic games stadiums in Ireland. The sign refers to a verse

in the Gospel of John and has been displayed by fan Frank Hogan at matches for at least two decades. It featured in the national media in August 2009 following its disappearance: Hogan launched an extensive, and ultimately successful, media campaign for its return before the next match. During that brief disappearance, the sign's second, bookmakers offered odds as to where it might next reappear and Paddy Power offered to purchase a replacement. The sign is so recognisable that, according to Hogan, "everybody wants to steal it or buy it. People regard it as a trophy."[1] However, this recognition would also make it difficult for anyone else to display the sign in the event of its theft.[1]....

While Frank brought the sign to the GAA games, Shane O'Brien took it to various events around Ireland like the Rose of Tralee, Galway Races, Cork Jazz Festival etc.... After about 25 years of doing this he started recruiting a team to work with him on the streets at these festivals, and at weekends in Dublin. Some of this team also bring signs to GAA games which Frank can't make it to. Since 2008 this team has been spreading to other cities in Ireland and Britain. They just stand there on the streets with the signs ready to talk with anyone who stops to ask.

In June 2010, Frank was banned from displaying the sign in Croke Park. However stadium Peter McKenna said this was a mistake and Frank and the sign would be welcome in Croke Park any time [2]

Dear John GAA logo

John 3:7. You’ve probably seen a banner with these words being held up amongst the crowd at a hurling or football match. Or maybe you’ve seen it on TV. This banner is brought along to the matches by a man from Limerick called Frank Hogan. Are you puzzled about what it means? Then read on and you will find out what it’s all about.
John 3:7” has to do with the Bible verse found in the Gospel of St. John chapter 3 verse 7. This verse reads, “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN”. Earlier in verse 3 of the same chapter Jesus had stated the same thing in a bit more detail, “I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, NO-ONE CAN SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD UNLESS HE IS BORN AGAIN”. These two verses were part of a conversation between Jesus and a very religious man called Nicodemus.
You see, even though this Nicodemus was a very religious man he didn’t know the true and only way to heaven. Jesus therefore told him that it was essential for him to be born again in order to go to heaven. A New Birth or a New Start is vital for all of us; without it no-one can see the Kingdom of God (heaven). So whether you are religious or not, Frank Hogan’s banner confronts you with the same crucial question, ARE YOU BORN AGAIN?Surely you have felt the need for a new start in life. Perhaps you have come to realise that there is no real purpose, direction or meaning in your life? Perhaps you have tried some sort of religion but only found it to be a burdensome set of rules and regulations? Maybe you are still weighed down with fear and insecurity about your future destiny? Possibly you can remember many of those New Year resolutions that you have made and failed to keep.
I’m sure that you find that making any kind of new start is very difficult. You do your best to change things (e.g. in your family relationships), maybe you succeed for a short time, and then fall back into the old ways. As the poet Edward Young put it, “ At thirty a man suspects himself a fool; knows it at forty and reforms his plan; resolves; and re-resolves; then dies the same”.

Why is it that we find it so difficult to make real changes in our lives? The Bible tells us why. It tells us there is a problem deep down in every human heart. It is called “sin”. This is not a trendy word today. But it does describe what we are really like if we are honest enough to admit it. Look in the Bible at the words of the prophet Jeremiah, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil”.
Sin has such a grip on us that neither human effort, nor man-made religion, can set us free from it.
“John 3:7” brings us GOOD NEWS! It tells us that a new start is wonderfully possible. God can bring about a change of heart in men and women. They can have a new start in this life and a sure hope of heaven. Jesus can give YOU a new birth, a new start and a new life! He died on the cross to make the new start possible. He is alive today and can deal with your sin and give you a new start if you will admit your need and seek after Him.
No wonder Frank Hogan is eager to make known to you and many others that it is possible to be born again. Next time you see his banner I hope you will understand it better..

Will you bring the banner of John 3:7 to your next Soccer "Church" Service

GAA Players and Crowd

Related Articles:Sunday Song: O happy day when Jesus Washed
Sunday Sermon: Questions ?
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This piece is not about the man and woman, not about the two persons but two people; it is not entirely about Cecilia Ibru and Bill Gate but about the society as personified by them. It is about selflessness against selfishness; altruism as opposed to egotism; and magnanimity versus self-centredness.

Cecilia and Bill both grew up in the middle class homes having lawyers as their fathers. Cecilia Ibru’s father, late Chief Edward Gbagbeke Sido was an educationist, a social entrepreneur and most especially an erudite lawyer while Bill Gate’s father, William Henry Gates, Sr is a retired American attorney, philanthropist and an author.

Cecilia and Bill both started the businesses that they become synonymous with. Cecilia Ibru dropped out of the main Ibru’s family business to start and head Oceanic bank with the family’s wealth. She succeeded in taking the bank to an enviable height nationally and even internationally. Oceanic Bank International was seemingly one of the fastest growing and most profitable banks in Nigeria until August 2009. Bill Gate also dropped out of Harvard to team up with his childhood friend, Paul Allen with whom he shared a passion in computer programming and on April 4, 1975, they started Microsoft with Gates as the CEO. Microsoft would later become the world’s biggest software maker.
They are also both married to spouses who were deeply involved in their businesses. Cecilia is the most prominent of the five wives of Olorogun Michael Ibru who served as the founding chairman of Oceanic bank from its inception on March 26, 1990 until he attained the mandatory retirement age. Gate is married to Melinda Ann Gate who was the General Manager of Information Products at Microsoft before she left the company to focus on starting and raising a family with Bill, together, they have three children.
The list of their similarities is long but their most notable common denominator is money. When you talk about money, they both have it and in abundance. As much as money is their commonest denominator so also it is their commonest divider.

They are apparently two rich persons who differ in how they made and spend their money.

Gates is undoubtedly the ‘Eze ego’ - the king of money - of our time. He was number one on the "Forbes 400" list from 1993 through to 2007 and number one on Forbes list of "The World's Richest People" until recently. In 1999, Gates's wealth briefly surpassed $101 billion, causing the media to call him the only "centibillionaire" ever. Since 2000, the nominal value of his Gate’s wealth has declined due to a fall in Microsoft's stock price after the dot-com bubble burst and the multi-billion dollar donations he has made to his charitable foundations. In March 2010 Bill Gates was marginally bumped down to the 2nd wealthiest man behind Carlos Slim, a Jewish Mexican telecom magnate. A 5% upward movement in the share price of Microsoft will thrust him back to the top position.

Though not listed by Forbes, Cecilia Ibru must have been making jest of Forbes in her closet when in March 2009, the financial magazine officially named Aliko Dangote and Femi Otedola as Nigeria’s wealthiest men with net worth of $2.5bn and $1.2bn respectively - Dangote’s net worth was revised downward to $2.1bn in 2010 while Otedola was dropped from the list of global billionaires. While being investigated for her role in running Oceanic bank to near collapse, EFCC’s investigation revealed that Cecilia’s assets value dwarfed the combined reported net worth of the two businessmen listed as purported richest men in Nigeria. The security agency unearthed assets that were in excess of N500bn out of which she would later give up a chunk valued at $191bn in a guilty bargain plea and she also received a 18 month prison sentence that will run concurrently for 6 months. She is currently serving her time at a N90,000 per night royal suite of Reddington multi-specialist hospital, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Ibru represents a typical Nigerian businessman/woman or a public office holder whose net worth can never be guessed correctly. Most top businessmen and public office holders are worth far beyond any logical reason. Not even in the wildest imagination could someone have appropriated such an astounding level of wealth to the innocent looking ‘God-fearing deaconness’ from Udu kingdom in Urhobo land. Most office holders live above what their legitimate income could possibly have guaranteed and most times launder money through established businessmen. Who knows if Ibru is holding some of their assets? Or how do you explain a civil servant having chains of properties, fleet of cars and children in expensive colleges abroad?

It took a Bellview Airlines plane crash on 22 October 2005 and a family wrangling to uncover that a late financial director of INEC and RCCG Abuja area Pastor, Timothy Olufemi Akanni had embezzled more than 6 billion naira from INEC. He would never have disclosed such stupendous wealth being a career civil servant. Tafa Balogun would never have declared his assets to show the over N7bn he stole from the Police force and neither would Bode George have shown his stolen billions being a career public servant/retired military man. And neither would their tax records reflect such since they hardly pay.

Similarly and to the surprise of not a few, in the course of EFCC’s investigation, assets worth over N346 billion belonging to Erastus Akingbola, a pastor and the former Chief Executive Officer of Intercontinental Bank Plc were unearth and frozen. While as bank CEO of many years, reasonably, everyone would expect Erastus to be rich but not to that level. Only Heavens could explain while the affluent and respected banker from Oke Igbo in Ondo state would succumb to financial greed to the extent of causing the bank he built from zilch to be on the brink of collapse.

With the discovery of the vast assets of Ibru, Akingbola and Francis Atuche, the former CEO of Bank PHB, one could not help to be suspicious and even picture the worth of the other banks CEOs (present and past). This imagination could also be extended to the other businessmen.

If after Abacha’s death, it was discovered that he had stolen more than $5 billion from our national treasury, then one cannot help to think of the other big players before and after him. We may not know their worth but we know they flamboyantly flaunt a lifestyle and assets that their legitimate income could not have supported.

Gate knew there was time for everything; time to build portfolio and time to use it for mankind, time to acquire and time to disburse but Ibru never knew. For her and her likes, acquisition is for all season. While Gate is busy selling off his holdings in Microsoft to enable him finance his passion for helping mankind, Cecilia is known to be recklessly acquiring landed properties as if they were endangered species that would soon run out of supply or abscond from the surface of the earth. In the course of her insatiable acquisition, she almost bought up a whole street in the US and an entire estate in the Dubai, U.A.E.

Having being the world’s richest man longer than most teenagers have lived, Gate has long realised that there is more to life than material wealth, he needed to affect others, empower the powerless, support the weak, care for the less privileged and that is exactly what he has been doing in the last few years. Gates goes round the globe touching lives with his wealth. He is undoubtedly the most generous man ever having already spent over $28bn out of around $40bn of his personal money which he has committed to humanitarian causes through Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He goes from Asia to Africa fighting poverty, illiteracy and diseases ranging from malaria and polio to HIV/AIDS. He has spent over $120m in eradicating polio in Nigeria. He has also inspired other wealthy men around the world to be committed to giving back to the society. Warren Buffett, the world’s third richest man was one of the first to catch Gate’s drift when in June 2006 he pledged $30.7bn donation to Gates Foundation saying "I greatly admire what the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is accomplishing and want to materially expand its future capabilities."

Currently, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett are inspiring American billionaires to pledge to give at least half their net worth to charity, in their lifetimes or at death. The programme called ‘The Giving Pledge’ has 39 American billionaires (including Gate, Buffett, New York Mayor, Michel Bloomberg, Paul Allen, Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, George Lucas and Pierre Omidyar, the founder of EBay) as signatories. They have also recently taken the campaign to China where some wealthy Chinese were happy to pledge their wealth at death. Gate himself has promised that 99% of his assets will go to charity at his death.

Cecilia and her likes are hardly known to be involved in any significant humanitarian causes and neither do they plan to remember humanity at their death. They scarcely give back to the society while they live and more rarely when they die. They hardly affect lives outside their cocoon rather they enjoy oppressing people around them; suppressing the under-privileged and wrongly applying the world of God that says that “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” – Matthew 13:12.

In the course of Gates thrust to affluence, he carried so many people along with him in the wealth creation. His company, Microsoft made so many millionaires and even billionaire from investors and employers of the company. Steve Ballmer, an old friend of Bill at Harvard who is the current CEO and one of the richest people in the world with a personal wealth estimated at US$13.1 billion is a career Microsoft employee. Most employees of Microsoft during the Internet boom of the late 90s were worth several millions of dollars.

In contrast Cecilia Ibru and some like her are known to have amazed great wealth at the expense of people around them. Many underpay their workers, cheat their shareholders, collaborate with public officials to inflate contract values, get paid without executing contracts, embezzle fund entrusted to them and beat the government by evading taxes. It is a known fact that the richer they are the poorer they pay their private workers. Cecilia is also known to have directly wiped out the lifesavings of many shareholders of Oceanic bank by diverting the funds of the bank illegally and giving unsecured loans thereby causing the bank to turn to borrowing and featuring permanently at the Central Bank of Nigeria - CBN’s Expanded Discount window; and publishing false results to deceive innocent investors into buying her schemed scam. The investors who bought Oceanic bank shares when it was trading at a peak price of N45.00 in 2008 would have lost over 95% of the value of their investment as the stock now trades around N2.00. Many people, families, organisation and institutional investors and traders have lost all due to her financial gluttony.

As money is evidently the root of all evil, so is it the root of all good done by the likes of Bill Gate. Money has enabled him to touch lives all around the world from Asia to America and from North Korea to South Africa. The love of money enhances the greed of the likes of Cecilia.

Gate also knew that the best time to quit the stage is when the ovation is loudest. He resigned as the CEO of Microsoft at the age of 44 taking up a lower position of the chief software architect. He then disengaged from Microsoft as full time worker on 27 June 2008 at the age of 52 retaining only the position of the chairman. He did this so that he could dedicate the rest of his life to charitable causes. The likes of Cecilia do not quit the stage unless they are forced by law or circumstances beyond their control. And trust that whenever they quit, they leave for their children to take over regardless of their capabilities. Cecilia had been grooming her son, Oboden Ibru to succeed her whenever she attain the mandatory age but fate would not allow it to happen as she was disgraced out of office on 14 August 2010 at the age of 64 after 20 years as CEO in what was dubbed ‘Sanusi Tsunami’ in which the CBN Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi fired Mrs. Ibru and four other banks CEOs and their executive directors. The other affected CEOs were Mr. Sebastian Adigwe (Afribank Nigeria Plc), Mr. Erastus Akingbola (Intercontinental Bank Plc), Dr. Bartholomew Ebong (Union Bank Plc), and Mr. Okey
Nwosu (Finbank Plc)...

Gate and Ibru are not unique in their ways; they only represent two groups in the society. The ones who want to live and let others live and the group who want to live and let others die.

How pleasant is it if we have more of Gates among us, the world will surely be a better place but it’s unfortunate that we have too many Ibrus and just a few Gates?
Must someone be billionaire before he can have the heart of Gate? No! Must someone even be millionaires before he can make a difference in the world? No! Mother Teresa was never a rich women and one of her popular quote is “If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one”

Everyone one has a God-given ability to make a difference in the life of somebody. If everyman touches a soul even in his/her little capacity, the world will surely be a healthier place.

After his unprecedented wealth, King Solomon summed it all by saying that “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit hath man of all his labour wherein he laboreth under the sun? One generation goeth, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to its place where it ariseth. The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it turneth about continually in its course, and the wind returneth again to its circuits. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; unto the place whither the rivers go, thither they go again.” - Ecclesiastes 1:2-7
At the end of it all, it will not matter how much you make but how you use it because we came here with nothing and we’d surely go with nothing.

What you give to yourself is a need and a treat, what you give to your family is your responsibility but what you give to others is liberality which will live with you in eternity. Charity starts but does not end at home.

Rufus Kayode Oteniya –

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Amid record profits Microsoft has serious cause for concern. It is coming off the high of the fastest-selling operating system in its history -- Windows 7. That OS sent its profits soaring and convinced some that Microsoft was no longer on the retreat.

But part of Windows 7's success was due to how poorly received Vista was. With Windows 8 landing reportedly in 2012, the company may have significant difficulties in convincing the average consumer to upgrade to its latest and great OS.

Other than the Windows brand, Xbox and Microsoft Office are the company's other two major successes in the consumer sector. But the Xbox trails Nintendo's “family friendly” Wii and the Office team is getting seriously nervous about growing consumer interest in OpenOffice.Photos Steve Balmer and Bill Gates ..

On the other hand, Bing has failed to gain even 10 percent of the search market in most metrics, despite a massive ad push and a deal with Yahoo. Zune remains a tiny player in the MP3 market, having failed to become a true competitor in terms of sales to Apple's iPod line. And Microsoft's smartphone empire, once a major player, is in rebuilding mode after the disastrous Kin and ill-received Windows Mobile 6.5. It is placing its hopes on Windows Phone 7, but that phone enters a packed market.

Internet Explorer, Microsoft's browser, has long led the market, but has seen a steady decline in recent years, which may allow Firefox and Chrome to eventually reach its formerly insurmountable market share peak. Microsoft's key hope here is a new product, Internet Explorer 9.

So while it seems that CNN Money's recent headline, "Microsoft is a dying consumer brand", is a bit sensational, it is a claim that is grounded in some reality.

One of the key points in the article is that aside from the struggles of many of Microsoft's consumer "expansion" business units, it is also bleeding executive talent, like many other struggling firms (HP, Yahoo, etc.). States the report, "Microsoft's executive suite is in turmoil. CFO Chris Liddel, entertainment unit head Robbie Bach, device design leader J Allard and business division chief Stephen Elop have left within the past year. Ray Ozzie joined the exit parade last week."

The report praises Microsoft's recent efforts, but concludes in cautionary fashion, "Microsoft just has to hope [they're] not too late."

Much like the Romans or Greeks, Microsoft has built a mighty empire, a key part of which are expansions into new arenas -- in Microsoft's case phones, video game consoles, and internet services.

But much like the Roman empire fell, Microsoft appears dangerously close to losing its expansions to hungrier parties. But much like Rome, it will likely hold on to its central holdings (Windows, Internet Explorer, Xbox, and Microsoft Office) for some time, even if its other efforts fall into commercial purgatory.

The talent gap is absolutely a concern for Microsoft. And equally concerning is the fact that the company is being led by Steve Ballmer. Mr. Ballmer, while a brilliant tactician in some regards and a man with obviously enormous love for the company, has failed to execute a strategy to turn around the company's struggling units -- or one that works at least.

To succeed, Microsoft may need to move on without Mr. Ballmer. But who to pick to lead the world's largest software company, perhaps the most powerful technology company in the world? The leading candidates have already left the company. That means that, essentially, there's no easy answer to Microsoft's leadership issues and that the ongoing risk to the company is tremendous.

Is Microsoft's consumer brand "dying"? Not yet, in our minds. But it lacks the hunger that it once did. And it most certainly sorely misses the leadership of its founder and chief visionary -- Bill Gates..
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Kindergarten Internet Guide to the Alphabet

This is how our children may end up learning the

A–Apple, B–Blackberry, C–Chatting, D–Download, E–Email,

F–Facebook, G–Google, H–Hotmail, I–iTunes, J–Java, K–Kapersky, L–Laptop,

M–Messenger, N–Nintendo, O–Outlook, P–Playstation or PS3


R–RapidShare, S–SMTP, T–Twitter, U–USB, V–Vista,

W–Wii or Wikipedia,



Z–Zorpi. what do ya'll out there think
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P-Square’s dad visits sons in Lagos for the first time • ‘He apologized for not supporting our musical career’
By Samuel Olatunji

For the first time in 20 years, the father of the popular singing duo, Peter and Paul Okoye, popularly known as P-Square, has visited his superstar sons in Lagos last week Tuesday to felicitate with them in their new mansion at the Omole, Ogba area.


The man, who came with his wife and mother of his six children from Jos was pleasantly surprised to see how far his sons have come. He was said to be skeptical initially towards the choice of musical career of his twin sons, P-Squar

Though he visited Lagos about 20 years ago, he has never been to Lagos since his sons disobeyed him and relocated to Lagos in 2005 to pursue their dreams.

Mr. Okoye was skeptical at the choice of musical career of his four sons, Jude, Tony, Peter and Paul while in the university. Jude was in UNIJOS, Tony was in University of Maiduguri, while Peter and Paul were in UNIABUJA..

Jude initially started as a musician; he even went on to wax two albums while Tony was the dancer among the brothers. It was he who taught P-Square how to dance, while Peter and Paul were dancing and singing.

Their dad stopped paying their school fees and warned them sternly not to call home for any assistance if they relocated to Lagos for music..

‘It was tough initially, but we knew this is what we wanted then, so we decided to move on’, Peter said. Did their father not feel bad after they started enjoying initial success? ‘Our dad apologized to us years ago when we were still at Jude’s house in Maryland. He called and told us that he was uncomfortable that four of his sons left home without asking after him. Then, we weren’t even that successful. He called us to say he was sorry. He wanted the best for us then, but we also knew what we wanted’, he said.

P-Square is a pop duo of twin brothers Peter and Paul and unarguably one of the most success music brands out of Africa. The group recently won KORA’s Africa Musician of the Year Award and the coveted N1 million-prize money. The group was recently signed on as Glocacom ambassadors in a deal that was reportedly worth of N200 million. With hit tracks like Ifunnaya, Busy Body, E no easy, Danger, Game Over, P-Square is definitely a top brand out of Africa.
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Inspired by Bollywood musicals and Brazilian soap operas, the Nigerian film industry is now the second largest in the world

Die-hard fans have known for some time that the Nigerian film industry is truly unique, but even they may be surprised to discover just how big – and lucrative – it has become..

A new festival, Nollywood Now, takes place in London from 6-12 October and is the first major event to celebrate the second largest film industry in the world. Its chief aim is to draw wider attention to the success and popularity the films enjoy across Europe, and particularly the UK.

Nollywood makes about 2,400 films per year, putting it ahead of the US, but behind India, according to a Unesco report last year. Nigerian film-makers tend to operate in a fast and furious manner; shoots rarely last longer than two weeks, cheap digital equipment is almost always used and the average budget is about $15,000 (£9,664). The finished products often bypass cinemas altogether and are instead sold directly to the “man on the street” for about $1.50 (£1). Most films shift between 25,000 and 50,000 copies globally – although a blockbuster can easily sell up to 200,000.

So, what exactly is it about the films that resonates so much with their audience? For all of their populist appeal, Nigerian films are very rooted in local concerns, according to Nollywood Now’s creative director, Phoenix Fry: “Many of the films have looked at how traditional beliefs co-exist with Islam and Christianity, Nigeria‘s main religions,” he says. “There are some superb sequences using quite simple video effects to transform aunties into demons, or show evil animal spirits being driven out from the possessed.”

This view is shared by Nigerian director and producer, Ade Adepegba, whose feature film Water Has No Enemy, explores corruption in his native country: “Nigerians are the largest group of Africans living in the UK, and the majority of them live in London,” he says. “Nigerian films still hold their strongest appeal to first generation immigrants who feel a deep attachment to their homeland. So, at the moment nostalgia is the main reason for the appeal of Nollywood.”
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When I was down there(the collapsed mine) I was with God and I was with the devil but I held on to God's hand and He won.' - 2nd rescued miner.... Inspiring!!!

The 14th man trapped for more than two months in a Chilean mine was pulled to safety Wednesday as the sounds of rejoicing filled the camp in the Chilean desert where hundreds of international media were holding vigil along with family members of 33 gold and copper miners entombed half a mile below ground..

Photos 14th miner,Ist miner

"I never doubted. I always knew God would rescue us," Mario Sepulveda, the second miner to be rescued, said in a television interview.

"I am so very happy," added the miner, who was surrounded by family members holding his hands or touching him, as if to be sure he was really there. "I'm 40 years old and will live many years more now to honor those who helped" in the rescue.

Foreman Florencio Avalos, 31, was the first of the miners to ride up the shaft. Wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from aboveground lights, Avalos squeezed into a specially fitted, bullet-shaped capsule only a shade smaller than the 28-inch diameter of the tunnel and was winched to the surface over 14 agonizing minutes.

He stepped from the capsule to an explosion of cheers and patriotic chanting from rescue workers and Chilean officials, his emergence broadcast by state TV to a worldwide audience witnessing a triumph of human determination over geology.

Amid whistles, raw shouts and tears, Avalos hugged his wife, Monica, his sobbing 7-year-old son, Bairon, and the president of Chile, Sebastian Pinera.

His appearance signaled the start of the final, still-perilous chapter in a 69-day-old drama that began Aug. 5 when an underground collapse at the mine sealed off exits for the men. The miners' location and fate were unknown for 17 days, until a drill probing for air pockets poked through into a lunchroom where the men were waiting.

Since then, the
original despair above and below ground gave way to rejoicing at the discovery, followed by anxiety as drills punched through rock to create a path for the rescue. Patience was further strained by technical delays on the final day, as crews hooked up communications gear and ran more tests on the integrity of the shaft.

But any frustration surrendered to elation when Manuel Gonzalez, a technician, descended and joined the men. Video from thousands of feet underground showed extraordinary scenes of the miners greeting a visitor from the surface.

Gonzalez's arrival was proof that the trip could be made, but the drama still has time to run.

Rescue workers drafted a pecking order for the men's ascent and said they hoped to bring them out at a rate of about one an hour, a pace that would have everyone to safety in two days.

But they also cautioned against premature celebration, noting that only the top of the shaft had been lined with metal tubing and that each trip required the capsule to negotiate bends in the crude tunnel.

Pinera had arrived at the mine Tuesday afternoon to watch the rescue efforts and greet the miners.

"We made a promise to never surrender and we kept it," the president said.

As relatives huddled around television sets or bonfires waiting for details about when their loved ones were to be hoisted up aboard the rescue capsule, they said they were allowing themselves to feel an enormous sense of relief.

Juan Alcalipe, whose son-in-law, Osma Araya, 30, was among the trapped miners, said he was excited to be so close to the end of a nightmare. Araya, he said, won't be returning to work at the mine.

"My daughter won't let him," Alcalipe said.

After Avalos was ushered to a nearby makeshift clinic for a checkup, shower and change of clothes, another rescuer, Roberto Rios, climbed into the capsule and dropped into the shaft, which was emitting plumes of steam from the sauna-like chamber below.

Ana Maria Sepulveda, sister of Mario Sepulveda, the miner rescued an hour later, said, "The day we have waited for so long has finally arrived."
Miner 15, you have been evicted from the house. Please leave the Chilean Mine now !

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I did a doubletake when I saw a friend's Facebook status update today : "I like it on the kitchen table." Probably just a private message mistakenly posted as a status update.

Then my sister posted, "I like it on the hall floor," and after a moment of feeling vaguely icky, I knew something was up. So I Googled and, of course, found that it's the latest viral breast cancer awareness campaign taking Facebook by storm. (The "it" is actually where a woman likes to leave her purse/handbag.)

My friend Genevieve likes it on the barstool. My friend Jalade likes it in the car.

Bobos please Get your minds out of the gutter.

They're talking about their purses.

Titillating the Facebook newsfeeds today, women are posting where they like to keep their purses when they come home, but they conveniently leave out the word "purse."

Men are not supposed to know what it means. So stop reading now, men.

The trend follows the January Internet meme in which women posted the color of their bra as their Facebook status.

Both are to raise awareness of breast cancer. October is Breast Cancer Month. (It's also Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but that's another story entirely.)

The question remains whether the viral campaign actually does raise awareness or just raises eyebrows.

One response to a Facebook status: "Woah is right. Overshare."

Update, 10:45 a.m.

Men: Hmph. Some of the not-so-fair sex have complained that this post is sexist as they are forbidden to read past the jump. Others have complained about the actual Internet meme: "Yeah, that's a great way to get men on board with breast cancer awareness month...alienate them."

We suggest going with the flow, men. Men can put purses places these days too.

Oh, and ladies, go take a breast exam..
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nude-babes[1].gifSodom and Gomorrah: Weird nude club where girls do the unusual.

Monday, October 11, 2010

It could be described as the basest nude joint on the face of the earth. Some people that know the spot refer to it as devil’s parlour. There, girls, naked as Eve, entertain patrons every Saturday, which they call go- go nites. It is a place nude dancing girls do the most absurd things that can always confound your imagination. It is beyond description the low ladies could go for money, and you wonder when these eventually become mothers, what would they produce for the future society.

Our reporter was there penultimate weekend and captured the despicable scenario.

She stood there with a stick of cigarette and a glass of beer. Smiling. Staring into space like a junkie. Alone in her own world, she was wearing a black needle-slim bra, butt-tight G-string and high-heeled shoes. The pendant of her long necklace dangled between her half-covered breasts and a ribbon hung loosely around her waist.

Her presence threw the dance hall into revelry. The tempo of Flavour’s Ashawo remix (a popular debauchery tune of the joint) blasting from the loud speakers increased as the in-house DJ stoke his acts. Some of those who were dancing in the hangout stopped in their tracks. Those who were dozing on their seats shrug off sleep while others loitering outside rushed in. Every eye focused in her direction. Everyone was expectant. The show had begun. Time was 2.45am.

Then she began to serenade the scores of fun-seekers, men and women of various ages, who had descended on the sleazy joint located off Governor’s Road, Ikotun Lagos. Her dance steps and general mannerism were measured and delivered with professional efficiency and accuracy. Making sexy gestures, her dance steps were in tandem with the raunchy music cascading from the high voltage musical equipment. Indeed, everyone inside the seedy joint was mesmerized as she began to strut her stuff, pulling off her scanty clothing in bits.

The lady on the dance floor is simply known as Angela, maybe an anti-angel. Dark, tall and beautifully built. She could be in her late 20s or early 30s. A few years back, she could have been prettier but the edges were hardening, the mouth and eyes betrayed a certain toughness, evidence of living rough, evidence of tough life. And there seemed to be misery in her eyes.

Sex goddess

Angela is a harbinger of sex. She services the dark appetite and/or damaging habits of wild fun seekers. Men paid N1,000 each to gain entry to watch her performance. There is no waiver for female as they are admitted on payment of N500. However, most of the females are commercial sex workers who come to hawk their wares there.

Angela is one of the go-go dancers who entertain guests every Saturday night at the hangout during the go-go nites. She was on duty two Saturdays ago.

Fun without borders

She appeared on stage at 2.45 am and, without much ado, began captivating men with her erotic overtures delivered in dance steps. For a while, she held sway on the dance floor displaying brazen bestiality. That teaser set the mood for the day especially for the early callers who had waited patiently, relaxing with drinks, cigarette or dancing.

At the peak of the ugly entertainment, she went round tables to engage patrons in lap dances. She sat astride men in a mock sex. Some of the men pushed some naira notes into her flimsy pant even as they stole quick caresses.


The performance reached a crescendo when the angel of sex pulled off her bra and pant. She was as naked as Eve in the Garden of Eden. Only her long necklace, strip of ribbon hanging on her neck and shoes constituted her clothing. When she bared it all, the patrons began to make catcalls.

Again, she embarked on another round of lap dance with some patrons. Then a piece of brown cloth was brought and spread on the floor for Angela by one of the staffers. It was time for the main course. The spectacle took a stomach-churning dimension. Indeed, the scene was despicable, even sickening.

After some more suggestive dances, she lowered her frame on the floor and her practised fingers began caressing her body. She did some turns and twists and then spread her legs like the pages of a book. Apparently uncircumcised, she began pulling at her well-pronounced clitoris. But her ‘best’ was yet to come.

Smoking parts

Angela took her acts to the hilt when she lit a stick of cigarette, smoked it for a while and inserted it into her private part. Then she lifted her pelvis, showing as it sucked smoke from the burning cigar from her urinal organ.

But she was not yet done. After bizarre cigarette smoking only known to her, she stretched her hand and one of the bouncers handed her an empty bottle of Smirnoff Ice. Then she began to gently push the bottle into the same private part until about half of it was lost inside. Men surrounded the squirming, wriggling body on the floor till her crazy sex stunts ended at 4.30 am.

Saturday Sun gathered that the joint offers such adult entertainment using different girls. In fact, on the notice board screwed to the wall at the entrance, it is clearly stated that go-go dancers are on parade every Saturday night. There are no permanent numbers of performers each night. It depends on the girls available. Most of them are said to be Ghanaians

No price tag

Some flesh sellers also thronged the area especially on go-go nites to ‘hustle’ for customers. Their prices are not fixed. It depends on the depth of a customer’s pocket or his bargaining ability as well as the time a bargain is reached. An all-night dalliance costs between N2,000 and N5,000. Quickie or ‘short time’ goes for between N500 and N1,000. Rooms at the hotel cost between N4,000 and N5,000 per night.

It was, however, gathered that before stepping out, some of the go-go dancers are usually fed a cocktail of booze, marijuana or cocaine to give them the Dutch courage to misbehave.

The go-go dancers go home with N10,000 or N15,000 per night apart from the money they get from appreciative patrons, who stuff such token into their crevices.
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Tucked within the boundary between Onitsha and Obosi, behind an Army Barracks is Solar Lawrence Road, the unofficial headquarters of illicit drugs in Anambra State. It was the thick choking smoke of marijuana that announced another dimension of human activity on the narrow road that led to this doppers’ enclave one early Saturday morning..

Eight out of ten commercial motorcyclists plying Awada routes in Onitsha along MCC junction may not know the location of Solar Lawrence Road by any other means, but by simply placing two fingers on your lips and feigning smoking they’ll exclaim “oh yes, let’s go” provided you can pay the right fare since the area attracts a special fare on Okada. Apart from being a jungle of sorts threaded only by brave hearts, the route leading to Solar Lawrence Road is deplorable due to erosion and neglect.

In this area of Onitsha, every resident is a smoker. Those who don’t smoke do so passively. Wheeling and dealing in cannabis sativa popularly known as Indian hemp, Igbo or marijuana and other narcotics is their stock-in-trade.

Jamaican reggae legends like Robert Nester Marley, Peter Tosh , and artistes like Prof. Linkin, the jogodo master who sang popular lyrics calling on governments to legalize Indian hemp may have wasted their precious time singing out their hearts, because at Solar Lawrence Road, it’s done with impunity. 365 days in a year, youths “burn down the walls of Babylon” with their lighter and Rizla..

Sunday Sun spent some days in the ghetto and the decadence was quite amazing and depressing .

Startling revelations. Solar Lawrence Road, Awada used to be a thick forest behind an Army barracks inhabited by few poor and homeless individuals . The wheeling and dealing in marijuana along the street was a pastime of barrack boys who saw the bush paths as shields for their indulgence and illicit trade. With the urbanization of Onitsha, residential real estate mostly four storey buildings have been erected in the area thereby attracting families to the area. Since then , the narcotics trade has been flourishing .

A large cartel supplies narcotics from Asaba, the Delta State capital while users from far and near converge in the area unhindered. The narcotics are subsidized in this part of Nigeria. “king size” marijuana for instance sells for N100, the “middle size” goes for N50 while the smallest size goes for N20. Among the users, two fair complexioned ladies were spotted puffing away as if their life depended on marijuana . Though homeowners in the area have a landlords association, the “real landlords” are dealers in narcotics . They’re untouchable . Complementary products in the area include dry gin and other spirits, nylon envelopes for rationing the weeds and various native concoctions including paraga, “cow tail” and dongoyaro laced mixed locally made spirits popularly known as kai kai.

The Army connection

Sunday Sun learnt that the illicit drug business thrives in the area because of the involvement of some soldiers . A resident in the area who identified himself as Anayo said “this place is no man’s land and many people you see here smoking are soldiers and others live in the barracks. Some soldiers bring the narcotics and they will resist any attempt to disrupt their operations tenaciously”. Some men in Army camouflage were spotted puffing way without hindrance. Further investigation revealed that detachments from the Nigerian Army raid the enclave once in a while arresting smokers and dealers and confiscating their “stock” but they have not been deterred. A twisted logic brings them back.

Their greatest enemy

A well-known method the police, including the Special Anti- Robbery Squad(SARS) in Anambra has devised to raise illicit money from hapless citizens in the state is by combing and raiding secluded areas in search of Indian hemp smokers and dealers. Some innocent passers-by are arrested and detained in the process until money “exchanges hands”. Obviously the area is a no-go-area for the police. Any rookies who dared step into the dungeon didn’t live to tell their stories while others had scars to deter them from ever venturing into an uncharted sea.

The boys at Solar Lawrence Road are battle-ready for the police anytime. The Police from Awada Division under whose jurisdiction the area falls have avoided the area like a plague. Some policemen in two patrol vehicles from the station were reportedly overpowered in the area and beaten to a pulp with their vehicles vandalized.

A Corporal attached to the division said he doesn’t go for patrols in the area even when he needed money, because “I need to train my children first before I die so I’m not in a haste to go yonder”

On Sundays

Solar Lawrence Road is not too different on Sundays. In the morning , it’s a replica of Marakana field at Ajegunle in Lagos. It’s not menacing as suchs . Football teams play on the street and sweat-it-out. Narcotics dealers and smokers take turns to play with wraps of marijuana and downing spirits recklessly .

In the evening, the atmosphere turns wild as merry makers block the road with local musical equipment and engage in wild frolicking with a bevy of ladies, food, cheap liquor, cigarettes, and of course narcotics.

Inside Government Restaurant.

One of the hot spots that make Solar Lawrence Road irresistible is Government Restaurant. Owned by a “woman of substance” said to be a local government health officer, it derived its name from her connections among the soldiers. Once you enter the restaurant, there’s no shaking. The place is a haven of sorts for drifters too and they only eat, drink, play snooker and get merrier.

In the night, live bands play and half-nude ladies dance seductively to mapouka music to entertain men of unruly libido.Tables with assorted drinks and meat adorn both sides of the road to accommodate the crowd . Some portion of land belonging to the Nigerian Army was cleared for this purpose.

The 404 Joint

Few meters from Government Restaurant is another joint for lovers of dog meat.

A wooden shack with a red ribbon on top to indicate that meat is ready, this joint is patronized mainly by the Calabar residing in the barracks. At one corner of the shack, a few elderly sip paraga. A local concoction of cheap whisky and herbs. They all look grotesque with bulging yellow or red eyeballs, bloated faces and decayed teeth. Shadows of their old selves and a result of several years of riotous living. Despite this, they appear lively even in their degenerate state. These men don’t have the strength to smoke marijuana again or give lustful pleasures to a woman. Lurid jokes are among their past time. Seated on broken benches, they do not mind the boisterous youths around them who remind them of their heydays.

The orgy of crime

Among the price residents of Solar Lawrence Road pay for cohabiting with these special breed of neighbors is the crime wave. Burglary, bag and phone snatching are rife. A resident, Ekene Okoro told Sunday Sun that life is risky and perilous in the area. According to him, a cleric from Holy Trinity Parish, Awada was shot recently on his way to mass by 5:30am and cases of armed robbery are rampant. “After robbing you, they run inside the bush behind the Army barracks”, he said.

The landlords association employed some vigilante operatives to guard the neighborhood, but not surprisingly they focus mainly on the inside streets while avoiding areas around the barrack areas where crime thrives.

The predicament of residents

Some residents who spoke to Sunday Sun who did not want their names mentioned worry about the fate of children living in the area who may imbibe the life style in the area. For instance, the Chairman of Wisdom Landlords Association, Ozalla Layout, Chief Egojuluoyi Enemuo deplored the activities of these outlaws and lamented the association’s helplessness . He called on Anambra State government to sanitize the area.

Speaking to Sunday Sun on the dangers of inhaling marijuana smoke , the Coordinator, Anti-drug Abuse Movement of Nigeria (ADAM), Dr. Anthony Idimogu said that it can trigger some allergic reactions which can worsen conditions of people prone to cancer and other forms of illness. He urged Anambra State government to take measures to check the nefarious activities of the drug pushers and users in the area and protect lives and property.

Reprieve on the way?

There’s a flicker of hope for residents of Solar Lawrence Road and its environs . Speaking to Sunday Sun on phone, the Anambra State commander of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA), Timipreye Zikiye said “my boys have raided the place before , but the dealers regrouped . We are strategizing on how to effectively block any loopholes and storm the place to dislodge them and ensure that they don’t come back. Anybody arrested among them shall also be prosecuted .”

Sunday Sun also visited the Onitsha Military Cantonment for comments from the Army. The Commander of the 302 Artillery Regiment, Colonel Patrick Miri was recently redeployed while the Acting Commander, Lt. Col. Akpan traveled on official duty. The Army Public Relations Officer, simply referred to as Mr. Patrick, refused to comment on the matter on phone saying that he will make out time to discuss one on one with our reporter later.

However, a Sergeant in the barracks who craved anonymity told Sunday Sun to expect something different very soon as the command has concluded arrangements to cleanse the area of all miscreants. “Go behind the barracks now and you will see that the clearing of bush has commenced. Remember that the Federal Government through the efforts of Governor Peter Obi recently flagged-off the fencing project of the barracks. When the project is completed, the problem of these smokers and criminal activities within the area will be a forgone issue as there will be no hiding place for them”, he said.
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Aondoakaa suspended from the rank of SAN

The former attorney general of the federation and minister of justice, Michael Aondoakaa, has been barred from using the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN)..

The decision was taken by the legal practitioners privileges committee of the Nigerian Bar Association.

The Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, Sunday Olorundahunsi, at a press conference in Abuja, said the committee took the decision at a meeting held yesterday.

He confirmed that Mr. Aondoaka had been suspended from the rank, following consideration of the former AGF’s response to a petition written against him by the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR).

“...the committee, after due consideration of the said response, has decided in its wisdom, to suspend him[Aondoakaa] from the use of the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria and all other privileges attached to that rank, pending the outcome of the investigation by the sub-committee set up by the legal practitioners privileges committee,” Mr. Olorundahunsi said.

Amongst a number of allegations, the petition accuses the former justice minister of using his position to “emasculate the anti-corruption institutions.” He is also accused of “lying and deception” in an attempt to bury corruption charges brought against James Ibori, the former Delta State governor, and his associates.

The petition goes on to say that Mr, Aondakaa was guilty of “deliberate mis-interpretation, mis-application, and incompetence.” He also showed “an inadequate knowledge of the law,” the petition read.

Travel ban

The decision to suspend Mr. Aondoakaa as a SAN follows a travel ban to the United States earlier this year, due to allegations of obstruction of justice during his time as a minister.

Additionally, a Calabar High Court also recently barred him from holding any public office, following a lawsuit that accused Mr. Aondoakaa of impeding judgment during an election hearing.

Mr. Aondakaa was one of the more vocal members of the late President Yar’Adua’s cabinet. During the former president’s absence from the country, Mr. Aondakaa repeatedly told Nigerians that governance could continue as usual.

Several notable high profile cases, such as Halliburton and Siemens, were not given due attention during his three-year stint as a minister.

One of President Jonathan’s first actions was to strip him of the justice portfolio and assign him the special duties ministry, a position he refused to serve in.

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In the United States, a new law proposal called The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced last week, andthere will be a hearing in front of the Judiciary Committee thisThursday.

If passed, this law will allow the government, under the command of themedia companies, to censor the internet as they see fit, like China andIran do, with the difference that the sites they decide to censor willbe completely removed from the internet and not just in the US.

Please see the following article from the Huffington Post for more information.

Stop the Internet Blacklist

And if you are a US citizen, please take the time to sign this petition - Petition to Stop the Internet Blacklist!

When it really matters to them, Congressmembers can come together -- with a panache and wry wit you didn't know they had. As banned books week gets underway, and President Obama admonishes oppressive regimes for their censorship of the Internet, a group of powerful Senators --Republicans and Democrats alike -- have signed onto a bill that wouldvastly expand the government's power to censor the Internet.

The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act(COICA) was introduced just one week ago, but it's greased and ready tomove, with a hearing in front of the Judiciary Committee this Thursday.If people don't speak out, US citizens could soon find themselvesjoining Iranians and Chinese in being blocked from accessing broadchunks of the public Internet...

Help us stop this bill in its tracks! Click here to sign our petition.

COICA creates two blacklists of Internet domain names. Courts could addsites to the first list; the Attorney General would have control overthe second. Internet service providers and others (everyone from Comcastto PayPal to Google AdSense) would be required to block any domains onthe first list. They would also receive immunity (and presumably thegood favor of the government) if they block domains on the second list.

The lists are for sites "dedicated to infringing activity," but that'sdefined very broadly -- any domain name where counterfeit goods orcopyrighted material are "central to the activity of the Internet site"could be blocked.

One example of what this means in practice: sites like YouTube could becensored in the US. Copyright holders like Viacom often arguecopyrighted material is central to the activity of YouTube, but undercurrent US law, YouTube is perfectly legal as long as they take downcopyrighted material when they're informed about it -- which is whyViacom lost to YouTube in court.

But if COICA passes, Viacom wouldn't even need to prove YouTube is doinganything illegal to get it shut down -- as long as they can persuadethe courts that enough other people are using it for copyright infringement, the whole site could be censored.

Perhaps even more disturbing: Even if Viacom couldn't get a court tocompel censorship of a YouTube or a similar site, the DOJ could put iton the second blacklist and encourage ISPs to block it even without acourt order. (ISPs have ample reason to abide the will of the powerfulDOJ, even if the law doesn't formally require them to do so.)

COICA's passage would be a tremendous blow to free speech on the Internet -- and likely a first step towards much broader onlinecensorship. Please help us fight back: The first step is signing our petition. We'll give you the tools to share it with your friends and call your Senator.

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Next NewsPapers Say it is now 350,000Naira Daily Sun says It is now 40million all Accounts are from the ever efficient and buck passing Nigerian Police .who now say the Kidnappers are Actually Robbers ! nice to know our Criminals now have choice of vocation

Kidnappers of the 15 pupils of Abayi International School, Aba, had reduced their ransom to N350,000, an indication that they are willing to release the toddlers from a tortuous ordeal which has drawn worldwide condemnation.

It was further gathered that the failure to release the kids on Wednesday was as a result of multiple negotiations which the criminals were taking advantage of, possibly to make more money.
Photo:Policemen looking for the kidnappers what about the Corpers kidnapped last week ?
According to our source, a hamonised negotiation has been adopted, which may lead to the early release of the school children.

The Abia State commissioner of police, Jonathan Johnson, also said yesterday in Umuahia that final negotiations were going on with the abductors of the children to effect their release and save them from further mental and emotional torture that they have been subjected to since Monday, when they were snatched on their way to school.

He confirmed that the children would have been released yesterday, but for some minor hitches in the negotiations with the kidnappers, even as he appealed to Abia residents to remain calm as the children would be released soon..

The police boss said the kidnapping of the kids was his greatest challenge and one which has given him sleepless nights.

Police sources said their non confrontational negotiation with the kidnappers was the best option, so as to save the children from possible harm hurt during a shoot out, adding that if the victims were grown ups, the police would have adopted a confrontational stand.

Robbers turned kidnappers

The commissioner, who said it was difficult for him to understand why anybody could abduct kids of between three and 10 years, added that the police and the government were working together to ensure the early release of the children.

Throwing more light on how the children were kidnapped, another source said the kidnappers were not initially out to abduct them, but had used them to escape from the police who had attacked them as they were trying to rob a jeep.

According to the source, when the police swooped on them, they ran into the bush and when they saw the school bus conveying the children to school, they hijacked it to make good their escape, but might have changed their mind later after escaping with the kids.

The Abia State government has condemned the abduction and called on the kidnappers to release the kids forthwith.

The commissioner for information and strategy, ACB Agbazuere, said in Umuahia that the action was condemnable, and appealed to the hoodlums to embrace the amnesty programme and quit criminality.

Daily Sun

Kidnapped school kids: Ransom now N40m ...Parents besiege school
From OKEY SAMPSON, Aba, Taiwo Amodu, Abuja

Outrage trailed the abduction of 15 pupils of Abayi International School in Aba, Abia State yesterday, but the kidnappers upped the ante by increasing the ransom demanded on the school children to N40 million from N20 million. Contrary to the speculation on Monday evening that the school kids were abandoned in a bush path near a village in Isiala Ngwa North Local Government Area few hours after their kidnap on the way to school on Monday, investigations showed that they were still held captive.

When Daily Sun visited the school at about 2.45 p.m yesterday, none of the principal officers was around. They were said to have gone out with some policemen in search of the pupils, aged between three and 10.

A staff member who preferred anonymity confided in Daily Sun that the kids had not been freed and that frantic efforts were being made towards their release.

Some parents of the kidnapped school children were seen trooping into the compound perhaps to discuss with the school officials on the way forward.

When contacted, the spokesman, Abia State Police, ASP Geoffrey Ogbonna, said the command had been unable to establish contact with the school authorities. However, a senior police officer in Aba, on condition of anonymity, claimed they visited the school yesterday morning but could not get any concrete information.

According to him, “we went to the school this morning (Tuesday) to get information about the children from the authorities, but all they told us was that God was in control. Please, my brother, if you have information concerning the whereabouts of the children, give us so that we can work on it,” he said.

There were, however, moves yesterday indicating the children would be freed as the authorities of the school, with the parents, intensified moves towards this direction but how soon that could be remained unknown.

In a related development, the National Chairman of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo, yesterday, reacted angrily to the kidnap of the 15 pupils by unknown gunmen in Osisioma near Aba in Abia State describing it as callous and unacceptable.

Nwodo, in a statement by his media aide, Ike Abonyi, described the action of the hijackers of the children, most of them in nursery and primary level, as wicked and challenged relevant security agencies to fish them out and save the children, their families and the nation the trauma.

The PDP national chairman said such wicked action by anybody at a time the nation was in the celebration mood and many foreign dignitaries already in the country for the nation’s golden jubilee was not only callous but distracting.

He said the issue of kidnapping in the South-east, especially Abia, had become a huge embarrassment to the nation and should be condemned by all reasonable persons.

The last high profile kidnap in the same area involved three Lagos-based journalists returning to Lagos after attending a conference of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State capital.

In addition, the UN Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF) has joined the array of those crying out against the kidnap of the 15 school children in Abia on Monday describing it as craven.

“Under no circumstances should children be the target of violence,’’ said the Representative of UNICEF in Nigeria, Dr. Suomi Sakai, in a statement yesterday in Abuja.

“Kidnapping children for financial gain is simply heinous,’’ the statement noted.

The children’s fund, which advocates everywhere for the inviolability of schools, hoped the law enforcement agencies would be able to find and bring the children to safety quickly.

“In all its work, UNICEF stresses the need for families, communities and civil society to work in partnership to protect the rights and well-being of children,” the statement added.

“Communities in which children are safe and well, are communities in which everyone is safe and well,” the statement added.
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A Peoples Democratic Party presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has called for a debate, on the economy, among all the presidential aspirants on the economy.Photo Atiku ? this man looks like a Hitman sha

Abubakar, a former vice-President, made the call after submitting his nomination form at the PDP national secretariat on Tuesday in Abuja.

The Adamawa State- born politician said the economy should be the main issue in the 2011 election campaigns.

“The issue of economic recovery for Nigeria cannot be a matter of wishful thinking nor of rhetoric. It is a subject for rigorous analyses and provision of well-thought, viable, practicable and sustainable strategy,” he said.

Abubakar said that all aspirants must be able to tell Nigerians how they intended to confront the challenges of the economy and reposition it for the benefit of all at the shortest possible time.

He said, “Of all the aspirants that have declared interest in the presidential election, I consider myself the most qualified to address the daunting economic challenges facing the country.

“I am the only one who has successfully managed a business and you need extensive knowledge of the private sector to combine its potential with the authority of the public sector to address this challenge.”

The former vice-president said his approach to resolving the economic crisis in the country was contained in a 47-page Policy Document he presented on August 15, 2010 while announcing his intention to contest the 2011 presidential poll.

He said, “We are faced with a job crisis of monumental proportions. Unless we evolve strategies to dealing with the teeming population of young people churned out almost on a daily basis, we may risk the destruction of the next generation.

“If we fail to channel the energies of this huge population, they could be a potent force for instability and social unrest.”

Abubakar, however, stunned journalists when he said that he was not aware that the President had declared his intention to vie for the PDP ticket.

“I didn’t see it (declaration). Honestly, I didn’t watch it,” he said.

Twenty seven out of the 28 PDP governors were among thousands of people that attended Jonathan’s presidential declaration at the Eagle Square on Saturday in Abuja. The event was shown live by some public and private television stations nationwide.

On the reported move by some politicians to produce a consensus presidential candidate among the Northern aspirants, Abubakar said, “There is a process for the emergence of a consensus candidate in the North. It shows that North is even more united if “they” agree to bring out a consensus candidate.”

He also said he was not aware of the support that Jonathan was getting from the northern states.

Reacting to the challenge, the Presidential Adviser to Jonathan on National Assembly Matters, Senator Mohammed Abba-Aji, said the President was ready for such a debate.

“We are ready for it (debate) anytime. The President has talked about all the aspects of the economy when he declared. If they want more, we are ready for them,” he said.

Another aspirant, who is also the Kwara State Governor, Dr. Bukola Saraki, also expressed readiness for the debate.

“We are ready for the debate. That is what we have been calling for. Without such an issue-based debate, we will not be able to get the best candidate. Saraki is ready for it,” one of the governor’s aides, Mr. Billy Adedamola, said.
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Those in various leadership positions in the country are the most corrupt in the world, Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega, has said. Delivering a paper on credible leadership at a public lecture organised by the ECKANKAR yesterday, Jega said: “There is perhaps no other country in the world where power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely as in Nigeria. Our consistent or persistent ranking on the global corruption index testifies to this.”
He also said: “If the truth is to be told, with very few exceptions, our crop of leaders have essentially been self-serving rulers, some even despots and not leaders in the true sense of the word.
“They have generally lacked vision, focus and selflessness and even enlightened self-interest. Many in leadership positions are unimaginably corrupt, they are greedy, they are vindictive, they are reckless and in many fundamental respects, senseless. Virtually whoever has access to power attempts to abuse it, ”

Jega said there is absence of transparency in the manner which leaders govern the country..

“Many Nigerian public officials, whether elected or appointed, have tended to exude not only power, but also corruption, with impunity. This is manifest in the way they walk, talk, dress and generally conduct themselves.”

He tasked Nigerians on the need to ease corrupt leaders out of the system to evolve credible leadership for development of the country.

He said: “All of our country’s ills, trials and tribulations, both politically and socio-economically, can be squarely attributed to lack of transparency and accountability and the corruption that these have engendered.”

But reacting to Jega’s presentation, Minister of Women Affairs, Iyom Josephine Anenih, said the poor leadership in the country is a reflection of bad citizenry.

According to her, “there is no leader in Nigeria today that is not under pressure to steal to satisfy greedy relatives and friends. How can we have credible leaders without credible citizenry? The only way we can have credible leaders is to have credible followers who will not collect money to vote for bad leaders.”

Jega disagreed with. the minister’s position saying, “to me the challenge of leadership is to do the right thing even if it is unpopular. I cannot see the basis for a leader to steal money to satisfy the followers. It is not right to succumb to such pressure. You may become unpopular, you may not be elected again, but you must ensure that the right things are done.”

He said there is need for faith- based organisations to remain neutral on political issues and to sustain inter-faith dialogue in the society.
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watch video here I wear my hair back & forth ! Willow Pinkett Smith !

Watch out Rihanna, there’s a 9-year-old looking to steal your thunder.

And judging by the barrage of tweets and online buzz that followed after Willow Smith -- the youngest offspring of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith -- leaked her debut single, Rihanna and every other pop starlet should have Willow on their radar..

Titled “Whip My Hair,” the radio-, club- and recess-friendly track sounds like something that Rihanna, Keri Hilson or Ciara might have cooked up for their latest albums.

And don't let her age fool you; the song packs serious punch.

Already a red carpet veteran, the littlest Smith has made a splash with her eye-catching outfits and hair -- her asymmetric bob looks perfect to whip back and forth like a helicopter (as she instructs in the single).

No stranger to entertainment, Willow appears to have her sights set on music after racking up some acting credits. She costarred with her father in 2007's "I Am Legend" and later alongside Mom -- who also dabbled in music when she fronted her own metal band -- in the animated feature “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.”

Big brother Jaden had a big summer with the surprise success of “The Karate Kid,” in which he starred. Like Dad, he also added rapper to his resume after the Justin Bieber-assisted “Never Say Never,” from the film’s soundtrack, became a hit.

Rumors are swirling that Willow will be snatched up by Jay-Z's Roc Nation music label for her debut, and she already has a few famous fans in her corner.

Bieber video director Alfredo Flores tweeted, "WHAT!!??! Willow Smith just KILLED "Whip My Hair"... Rihanna, Keri, Ciara, Ashanti -- please be warned." Solange Knowles, meanwhile, raved, "Willow Smith make me wanna whip some haiiirrr in this house. Ummm kill em girl. Kill em!"

Give a listen to the track below and tell us what you think.

watch video here I wear my hair back & forth ! Willow Pinkett Smith !

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US removes Nigeria from drug list

The United States government yesterday removed Nigeria from the major drug list.

President obama said that Nigeria was a onetime drug trafficking focal point but that the country had taken a lot of drastic steps to make counternarcotics a top national security for the country. Photo: REUTERS

According to a statement released by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the US President, Barack Obama, said that this was the first time that Nigeria would be delisted from the drug majors list since 1991. The anti-narcotics agency stated that Mr Obama said that Nigeria was a onetime drug trafficking focal point but that the country had taken a lot of drastic steps to make counter narcotics a top national security for the country. He said that international data showed that there was a strengthening of illegal drug trafficking between Latin America and West Africa, especially via Brazil and Venezuela, with a considerable portion of illegal product destined for Europe.

According to the report, Nigeria, Brazil, and Paraguay were recently removed this year from the list because they no longer meet the criteria for the list according to US law. Reacting, Ahmadu Giade, the Chief Executive of the NDLEA, said that Nigeria had gotten a well deserved honour. He noted that the removal of Nigeria from the majors drug list was an endorsement of the collective efforts of the agency to combat drug traffickers with the aim of having a drug free society. According to him, the honour given to Nigeria by removing her from the drug list was as a product of dedication, transparency, hard work, and cordial working relationship between Nigeria and United States in controlling drug trafficking in the country.

The NDLEA is happy

“I appreciate President Barack Obama and Americans for this candid and credible assessment,” he said. “The removal speaks volumes concerning our impressive scorecard and determination to address the drug problem. Illicit trade in narcotics transcends national boundaries. Our foreign collaborators also have a way of monitoring most assiduous efforts. All exit entry points will remain invincible to drug criminals through effective drug interdiction.” The NDLEA boss also thanked President Goodluck Jonathan for his anti-drug policies, and other stakeholders for their unrelenting efforts. He promised that no drug baron or major drug trafficker would go unpunished in the country, adding that NDLEA was one of the best anti-drugs agencies in Africa and that the agency is prepared to make sacrifices to sustain and improve on its drug control performance “Our level of professionalism shall be further consolidated on the tripod of transparency, anti-corruption and respect for the rule of law,” he said. “It is a call to duty that demands higher commitment on our part. We shall continue to partner with the United States and other stakeholders. No stone will be left unturned in our quest for a drug free society.”

According to the agency, the 20 countries on the list this year are Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. A major drug-transit country is defined as a significant direct source of illicit narcotic or psychotropic drugs or other controlled substances significantly affecting the United States; or a country through which such drugs or substances are transported.
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Rosh Hashanah DAY !

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, literally "head of the year," Israeli: Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈʁoʃ haʃaˈna], Ashkenazic: ˈɾoʃ haʃːɔˈnɔh, Yiddish:[ˈrɔʃəˈʃɔnə]) is a Jewish holiday commonly referred to as the "Jewish New Year." It is observed on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar.[1] It is ordained in the Torah as "Zicaron Terua" ("a memorial with the blowing of horns"), in Leviticus 23:24. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), or Asseret Yemei Teshuva (Ten Days of Repentance) which are days specifically set aside to focus on repentance that conclude with the holiday of Yom Kippur.

Rosh Hashanah is the start of the civil year in the Hebrew calendar (one of four "new year" observances that define various legal "years" for different purposes as explained in the Mishnah and Talmud). It is the new year for people, animals, and legal contracts. The Mishnah also sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years and sabbatical (shmita) and jubilee (yovel) years. Jews believe Rosh Hashanah represents either analogically or literally the creation of the World, or Universe. However, according to one view in the Talmud, that of R. Eleazar, Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of man, which entails that five days earlier, the 25 of Elul, was the first day of creation of the Universe.[2]

The Mishnah, the core text of Judaism's oral Torah, contains the first known reference to Rosh Hashanah as the "day of judgment." In the Talmud tractate on Rosh Hashanah it states that three books of account are opened on Rosh Hashanah, wherein the fate of the wicked, the righteous, and those of an intermediate class are recorded. The names of the righteous are immediately inscribed in the book of life, and they are sealed "to live." The middle class are allowed a respite of ten days, until Yom Kippur, to repent and become righteous; the wicked are "blotted out of the book of the living."[3]

For secular Jews

It would happen each fall around the Jewish new year. At the very time when renewal was in the autumn air, Arnold Barnett, an engineer from Moorestown, would go into a mild funk. His wife eventually figured it out: He was less than enamored with high holiday synagogue services.

"He simply wasn't engaged by what went on inside our Reform synagogue, or with the traditional approach to Judaism," said Ellen, 70. "I knew he was struggling. So sometimes, I would just go to services alone."

Then last year, the Barnetts saw a small notice in a local Jewish newspaper about a recently formed group in South Jersey. "We went to a meeting that was focused on Jewish history," Arnold, 71, recalls, "and that was something I could relate to. It was much more appealing."

And so the Barnetts will celebrate Rosh Hashanah, which begins Wednesday at sundown, by meeting Sunday with like-minded members of South Jersey Secular Jews - a group of people who may or may not believe in God, but do believe in caring about the world and one another, respecting and understanding Jewish history, and celebrating a culture that has meaning and emotional pull.

"The most important aspect of secularism is the survival and continuity of the Jewish people," said Paul Shane, a native New Yorker now living in Philadelphia and married to the daughter of Holocaust survivors.

Shane, 75, a member of the more established Philadelphia Secular Jewish Organization, believes humans are responsible for what happens on Earth. The here and now is central, and actions speak louder than words.

That philosophy resembles traditional Judaism. But secular Jews and traditional Jews part company when it comes to accepting religious dogma.

If you're secular, God is optional. (Traditional Judaism has "God at its heart. That's not an option," said Rabbi Ethan Franzel of Main Line Reform Temple Beth Elohim in Wynnewood.) Also, life-cycle events are handled individually - for instance, there are no set burial or wedding traditions in secular Judaism.

Of course secularism, in which one adheres to cultural norms rather than religious ones, is hardly new. During the Renaissance, from 1450 to 1600, and the Enlightenment in the 18th century, many Jews shed the God-oriented elements of their Jewishness, according to Shane, a professor of social policy at Rutgers University in Newark. That shedding also continued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What's different today is that a growing number of secular Jews are finding one another, forming groups, and practicing the social responsibility Judaism requires - minus the synagogue.

Rifke Feinstein, executive director of the national Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations, says there are approximately 2,000 affiliated secular Jews in the United States. But because seculars typically are unaffiliated, and therefore uncounted, estimates for the entire American secular population range from 8,000 to 40,000.

In the Philadelphia area, there are six such organizations for secular Jews - including the five-year-old South Jersey Secular Jews - all under the local umbrella cooperative venture called Kehilla for Secular Jews.

For many people, discovering that such an organization exists has been a relief.

" 'I thought I was the only one!' is what people often express when they discover that they are not alone in their secular relationship to their Jewishness," said Larry Angert, 59, a member of 11-year-old Shir Shalom: A Havurah for Secular Jews. "The Jewish tent is big, and there's room for all of us in it."

Some local secular groups, like Philadelphia's Sholom Aleichem Club, which started in 1954, and Philadelphia Workmen's Circle, founded nationally in 1900 to aid Jewish immigrant workers and to promote Yiddish, have graying memberships. Bob Kleiner, 85, of Elkins Park, a retired sociology professor at Temple University, and his wife, Frances, a teacher of Yiddish, both long active in the secular movement, lament that younger people are not actively involved in these historic groups.

But the formation of new groups, such as South Jersey Secular Jews, is evidence the movement still has traction.

Credit Naomi Scher, 64, of Cherry Hill, whose children attended the Jewish Children's Folkshul, another Kehilla group, which is a parent-run cooperative held at Springside School in Philadelphia. About 100 children receive their Jewish education, not in a traditional Hebrew school but in classes that nourish social justice and individual responsibility. Bar and bat mitzvah aspirants undertake personally meaningful projects that they ultimately share with the entire Folkshul community.

Although Scher formed relationships with parents of her children's classmates, commuting to Philadelphia became burdensome once her children graduated, and in 2005, the retired social worker decided to start a secular group closer to home.

What began as a gathering of eight to 10 people now regularly attracts 30, meeting monthly with speakers who address social and political concerns, Scher said.

Deborah Chaiken, 74, of Palmyra is delighted to have a group close to home. "In the formal Jewish community, I felt that I didn't really have a voice. Here, I know that I do."

Dues are $25 a year, and participants are asked to bring food for potluck dinners. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill..

South Jersey Secular Jews members Cary and Bilha Hillebrand of Cherry Hill call the group a welcome addition to the local landscape. For Bilha, 54, the philosophy of the group is more in keeping with that of her native Israel, where the majority of the population leads a more secular lifestyle.

"We are not in any way antireligious," says Cary, 60. "We hold the belief that we are responsible for what happens to ourselves and to the world. And to us, that's the essence of what religion is, and should be."

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African Leaders are Old men !

ATIKU,UTOMI,OKOTIE, who else?: Interesting


Abdulai Wade 83year

Hosni Mubarak ( Egypt ) age 82
Robert Mugabe ( Zimbabwe ) age 86
Hifikepunye Pohamba ( Namibia ) age 74
Rupiah Banda ( Zambia age 73
Mwai Kibaki ( Kenya age 71
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ( Liberia ) age 75
Colonel Gaddafi (Libya age 68
Jacob Zuma (South A age 68
Bingu Wa Mtalika age 76
Average Age: 75.6 ~
Approximately 76 years

Barrack Obama (USA) age 48
David Cameron (UK) age 43
Dimitri Medvedev (Russia) age 45
Stephen Harper (Canada) age 51
Julia Gillard (Australia) age 49
Nicolas Sarkozy (France) age 55
Luis Zapatero (Spain) age 49
Jose Socrates (Portugal) age 53
Angela Merkel ( Germany ) age 56
Herman Van Rompuy ( Belgium ) age 62
Average Age: 51.1 ~
Approximately 51 years

DIFFERENCE: 25 years

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