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J-onathan E-bele G-oodluck A-zikiwe aka JEGA The Conference of Nigerian Political Parties has condemned the presence of the chairperson of the Independent National Electoral Commission at the voter's registration of the president in his hometown on Saturday. The party, in a statement on Sunday, expressed its outrage at the presence of the INEC boss Attahiru Jega, accompanying the president, Goodluck Jonathan, during the latter's voter registration at his hometown Otuoke, Bayelsa State on Saturday. The CNPP called on the electoral umpire to ignore the style of followership practised by his predecessor in office, calling on him to "wake-up, abandon the ignoble cult followership, which converted former Independent National Electoral Commission's chairmen into puppets of former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and be on top of his duty post as an impartial umpire." "We had expected Professor Jega to be on top of his duty post at INEC Headquarters Abuja; receiving reports of non-arrival and late-arrival of officials and materials and the worrisome report of malfunctioning DDC Machines, which has become the metaphor the exercise," the party said. The CNPP warned that "Nigerians do not want the extension of the voters registration exercise under any guise."
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"I warned them."Returning Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais did indeed let it be known that he wasn't going to hold back in skewering Hollywood's most famous celebrities. And, in what will undoubtedly be his last hosting gig for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (and, who knows, maybe any Stateside awards) he didn't disappoint.But in the process of making searingly funny jokes at more than just the obvious targets (Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, the HFPA itself), the heat he put into the punch lines might have made him more of the story than the actual winners...And yet, it made for compelling -- if sometimes wince-inducing -- television. Given the staid lameness of most awards shows -- hello, Emmys -- at least he kept those who are not in the industry laughing uproariously. (His "I warned them" line came after a particularly funny joke about Hugh Hefner's new fiancee, complete with physical comedy and facial expressions).Gervais' biting lines were scattered at various stars (and movies like The Tourist), with not everyone taking kindly to the treatment. Bruce Willis seemed miffed to be called the father of Ashton Kutcher, Robert Downey Jr. seemed to take slight umbrage about his rehab past (before going into his own salacious and super speech), etc. Even when the jokes weren't directed at them, some stars took gentle swipes back, as when Tom Hanks, who just received a rave recitation of his career achievement from Gervais, protected Tim Allen, who received none.Gervais's jokes were so incendiary that when he went missing during the second half of the show, the Twitterverse lit up with suggestions that he'd been fired backstage. Clearly, Gervais had done so much damage entertaining the viewers at home (or appalling them, depending on their belief in decorum), that he became the story of the night.But so what? The Globes are considered one of the best, if not the best, awards show on television because of this feeling that anything goes and Champagne-fueled winners and presenters could say just about anything. Adding Gervais into the mix last year was exactly the kind of tone that seemed to fit the primetime party and as funny as he was this year, there's little doubt many in the industry will think he went too far.The trouble is, the awards are for the people in the business, but the show itself is for the viewers at home. There's only so much sycophantic back-slapping anyone can take without a little needling to burst the ego bubble.But if Gervais wasn't intending to come back, which is what he's said prior, he sure went out swinging, thanking all the right people -- the HFPA, NBC, the stars in the room for being good sports, then ending with, "And God, for making me an atheist."That pretty much sealed it, one would suspect.
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You can use your Windows Mobile phone as a wireless modem by connecting to your laptop with a cable. This method is fast and simple and has a few benefits over the Bluetooth method; however, it does require a cable, so you have to carry one with you, which may be a hassle in some circumstances.The biggest advantage this method offers is that while your smartphone is connected to your laptop, it receives a battery charge—so when you disconnect it, your phone will have more of a charge than when you first started. I normally use the Bluetooth method, and it's very hard on the battery life of a phone, so I can't overstate how great it is to end up with a charged smartphone at the end of a laptop Internet access session.The downside to this method is that your laptop battery won't last quite as long because it has to charge the phone. The impact is really quite minimal, though; your laptop screen brightness will affect battery life much more than having your phone connected will. And, because you're using the smartphone as a modem, you can disable Wi-Fi on the laptop to conserve a bit of power, which probably offsets the battery load from charging the phone...Here's how to use your Windows Mobile phone as a modem for your laptop (these steps presume that your laptop is running Windows Vista):*Open the Internet Sharing program on your phone.The Internet Sharing program icon*Set the PC Connection to USB. The default connection should be fine for the Network Connection (it is the same connection your phone uses to check e-mail). The status line will say Check USB cable connection. This is normal.Internet Sharing window, with PC Connection set to USB*Connect your phone to your laptop by using the sync/charge cable. You may see a pop-up window telling you that device drivers are being installed. Just wait a few seconds for the process to finish, and then you can proceed to Step 4.Installing device driver software screen in Driver Software Installation window*After about 10 seconds or so, your laptop should be connected to the Internet. You can confirm this by opening a web site in your laptop’s web browser. On your phone, the Status line of the Internet Sharing program should say Connected.*When you're finished with the Internet access, disconnect the phone from the laptop, and in the Internet Sharing application, click Disconnect.The next time you do this procedure, the drivers won't need to be installed, so the connection will happen even more quickly.
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12166297499?profile=originalWith Reports that have filtered in saying Lucky has been facing a serious Obesity Problem and recently his father The Esama of Benin aka "Igbins"was in the News for "enticing" INEC officials into Registering at his private residence.

The previously convicted former governor of Edo State, Chief Lucky Igbinedion has been declared wanted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) following fresh discoveries that he fraudulently diverted Edo State Government’s Afribank shares valued at $6.2 million (N961m) and government’s Access Bank Plc shares valued at $775, 000 (N120m) amongst others for his personal use.

we gathered that the anti-graft commission opened fresh investigations into the activities of the former governor after it received a petition from an indigene of the state.

“The new investigations involve a whopping N25 billion naira and Chief Lucky Igbinedion has refused to honour several invitations since December to answer to the charges,” a source at the anti-graft agency told we today..

He is also accused of fraudulently diverting more that N300 million naira of Edo State Government funds which he allegedly used to purchase a Sheraton Hotel in GRA Benin City.

Our source, who pled anonymity, said operatives have been mandated to seek and detain the former governor, who is believed to have gone underground to evade arrest.

Igbinedion is known to frequently shuttle between South Africa, Dubai, London and the United States.

The commission is expected to charge Igbinedion on Monday, January 31, 2010 and would ask INTERPOL to issue a red notice for his arrest worldwide if he fails to voluntarily surrender, the source said.

EFCC spokesman, Mr. Femi Babafemi confirmed that the agency had opened new investigations on Igbinedion and that the charges were different from the ones he pled guilty to in a Federal High Court in Enugu State in 2008, where he was fined a ridiculous N3.5 million naira on a one-count charge after an initial 191 count charge of fraud, theft, embezzlement and money laundering was amended.

The former governor was said to have gotten the lenient punishment following the backing he received from the disgraced former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Michael Andoakaa and the Yar’Adua government.

The EFCC however rejected the sentence and filed an appeal at the Court of Appeal but the matter has not witnessed any reasonable progress since 2008.

Lucky Igbinedion was unarguably one of Nigeria’s most corrupt governors with a very poor record of service delivery while he occupied the Edo State Government House for 8 years (1999-2007).

He allegedly acquired mansions in posh neighbourhoods in South Africa, Dubai, London, United States, Abuja and Benin City with funds meant for the development of his state.

The source said the commission would move for a Mareva injunction to freeze all the assets and funds traced to the politician while it tries to bring him to justice.

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This article is part of our guide on how to use scalping techniques to trade forex. If you haven't already we recommend you read the first part of series on forex scalping.

As important as basic concepts like leverage and spreads are for forex scalpers, they are still secondary subjects in comparison to issues related to the broker, his attitude and preferences. Quite simply, the broker is the most important variable determining the possibility, and profitability of a scalping strategy for any trader. A scalper has control over his strategies, stop loss, or take profit orders, as well as his time frame for trading, but he has no say in matters such as server stability, spreads, and the attitude of the broker to scalping.

There are hundreds of brokers operating in the retail forex market today; naturally, each has a technical capability, and business model suitable to a different trader profile. These differences are immaterial to most long term traders, for swing traders they are meaningful but not that significant, but for day traders and scalpers they are the distinction between profit and loss. At the very basic level, the spread is a tax paid on profits and losses to the broker for his services, but the relationship goes a lot deeper than that. Let’s take a look at the various issues related to the scalper-broker relationship. (Once you've read this article make sure to stop by our forex broker review section to find more informations on the most popular retail forex brokers.)

Low Spreads

A trader who doesn’t use the scalping or day-trading strategies will open and close may be one or two positions, at most, in a single day. Although the cost of the spread is still an important variable, a successful trading style can easily justify the relatively small fees paid to the broker. The situation is quite different for the scalper however. Since the scalper will open and close tens of positions in a short period of time, the cost of his trades will be a very significant item on his balance sheet. Let’s see an example.

Suppose that a scalper opens and liquidates 30 positions on a day in the EURUSD pair, for which the spread is commonly 3 pips. Let’s also suppose that his trade sizes are constant, and that 2/3 of his positions are profitable, with an average of 5 pips profit per trade. Let’s also say that the average size of his loss is 3 pips per trade. What is his net gain/loss without the cost of the spread included?

(Positions in black) – (Positions in red) = Net profit/loss

(20*5)-(10*3) = 70 pips in total.

Which is a significant gain. Now let’s include the cost of the spread, and repeat the calculation.

(Positions in black) – (Positions in red + Cost of the Spread) = Net profit/loss

(20*5)-(10*3+30*3) = -20 pips in total.

A nasty surprise awaits our hypothetical trader in his account. The number of his profitable trades were twice the number of his losing ones, and his average loss was about half his average gain. And in spite of that remarkable track record, his scalping activity gained him a net loss. To break even, he would need an average net profit of 9 pips per trade, all else remaining the same.

Now let’s repeat the same calculation, with another hypothetical broker where the spread is just 1 pip in the EURUSD pair. The 5 pips per win, and 3 pips per loss (the same scenario which was examined in the beginning) with a one-pip spread would bring us an outcome of

(20*5)-(10*3+30*1) = 60 pips in total profit.

Why is there such a large discrepancy in our results? Although the numbers do speak for themselves, let’s remind the reader that while we earn money only on our profitable trades, we pay the broker for every position we open, profitable or not. And that is the problem.

In sum, we need to ensure that we choose the broker with the lowest spread for the currency pair we’d like to trade. A scalper must scrutinize the account packages of different brokers thoroughly before deciding to become a client of one of them.

Scalping Policy

What is a scalping policy? Although the majority of well-established firms with a history and a significant client base have an official policy of allowing scalpers freedom with their decisions, some brokers quite simply refuse to allow scalping techniques for clients. Others process client orders slowly, and make scalping an unprofitable endeavor. What is the reason?

In order to understand the cause of this, we should discuss how brokers net out their client’s positions before passing them to the banks. Supposing that a majority of a broker’s clients are losing money while trading, what would happen if at a time these losses were to reach such a large size that some triggered margin calls which could not be met? Since forex brokers are liable to liquidity provider banks for the profits or losses of their clients, they would have faced periodic crises of liquidity and even bankruptcy. In order to prevent such a situation from arising, brokers net-out the positions of clients by trading against them. That is, as a client opens a long position, the broker takes a short position, and vice versa. Since the result of two orders in the opposite direction is that the total exposure to the market is zero, the liquidity issue is resolved, and the firm is unimpacted by losses or profits in traders’ account.

But there’s a problem with this situation. We mentioned that the broker countertrades its clients’ positions, and what if the client makes a profit by closing a long position, for instance. The broker then has to close the short trade which had been opened to net out the trader’s long trade, and while doing so he incurs a loss. And well, isn’t this a great incentive for forex brokers to ensure that their clients are constantly losing money?

Well, not so much. First of all, most of the netting is done internally, where individual traders’ positions are netted out against each other without the broker having to commit any of its own funds. And the small remaining net position (the net long short or position that remains after the broker has netted out client orders against each other), is usually a losing position which can be counter-traded by the broker safely, because it is a well-established fact that the overwhelming majority of forex brokers lose money.

Now that we understand that scalping does not necessarily constitute a problem for a competent broker (just like the occasional winners are not problem for casinos), we are ready to understand why some brokers dislike scalpers so much. As we said, the broker needs to net out trader positions against each other to guarantee that its liability against banks is minimal. Scalpers disrupt that plan by entering trades all over the place, at awkward times, with difficult sizes which not only forces the broker to commit its own capital at times, but also ensures that the system is bombarded with crowded trades. Add to that the possibility that the broker’s servers are not exactly lightning-fast, or modern enough to cope with the rapid flow of orders, and there you have profitable scalpers as the worst nightmare of a broker with a slow outdated system. Since scalpers enter many small, rapid positions over a short period of time, an incompetent broker is unable to cover its exposure efficiently, and sooner or later kicks the trader out by terminating his account, or slows down his access to the system so much that the scalper has to leave by his own account, due to his inability to trade.

All this should make it clear that scalpers must trade with innovative, competent, and technologically alert brokers only, who possess the expertise and the technical capability to handle the large volume of orders arising from scalping activity. A no-dealing desk broker is almost a must for a scalper. Since trades are mostly automated in the system of a no-dealing desk(NDD) broker, there is little risk of external tampering as the system is left to sort out client orders on its own (still profitable of course).

Strong technical tools

Scalping involves technical trading. In the very short time frames preferred by scalpers, fundamentals have no impact on trading. And when they do have, market reaction to them is erratic and entirely unpredictable. As such, a sophisticated technical package which supplies an adequate number of technical tools is a clear necessity for any scalper.

In addition, since the trader will spend a considerable amount of time gazing at the screen, reading quotes, opening and closing positions, it is a good idea to choose an interface that is not too wearying on the eyes. A bright, graphically intense platform may be pleasant to use and look at at first, but after long hours of intense concentration, the visual appeal will be more of a burden than a benefit.

Also, a platform that allows the simultaneous display of multiple time frames can be very useful for a scalper as he monitors price movements on the same screen. Although scalping involves short term trading, awareness of the price action on longer timeframes can be beneficial for money management, and strategical planning.

No slippage, no misquotes, timely execution

We have mentioned in the section on brokers’ scalping policies that a scalper must always seek a competent, modern broker in order to ensure that his trading style and practices are welcome. But timely execution, and precise quotes are also important for ensuring that a trader can profit with a scalping strategy. Since the scalper trades many times in the short time frame of an hour, he must receive timely, correct quotes on a system which allows rapid reaction...

If there’s slippage, the scalper will be unable to trade most of the time. If there are misquotes, he will suffer losses so often that trading will be impractical. And we should not neglect the emotional pressures which will be caused by such a stressful, difficult, and inefficient trading environment either. Scalping is already a burdensome activity on one’s nerves, and we should not agree to suffer the added trouble of broker incompetence on top of all the other problems which we have.

To conclude this section, we’ll add that scalping is a high-intensity technical trading method which requires a highly competent and efficient broker with state-of-the-art tools. Anything less will diminish your profits, and increase your problems.

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Seven chinese Men Arrested for Theft in Lagos

12166297098?profile=originalSeven Chinese men have been arrested for oil theft by officers of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, at the Federal Housing Authority, Diamond Estate, Isheri area of Lagos State, South West Nigeria.

P.M.NEWS gathered that they were arrested at Road 20, block 11 of the estate after a thorough search was carried out on their apartment which led to the discovery of seven drums fill with refined fuel scooped from an oil well in the area.

The suspected culprits are Lu Di Sheng, Lu Yun Di, Guan Ping Man, Wang Dong, Cheng Chao, Li Xia Tao and Yang Zhao Ye.

The suspects were arrested around 3.00 pm on Thursday and detained at the NSCDC Headquarters, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos.

The raid and arrest of the suspects was led by the Assistant Commander General, NSCDC, Lagos Command, Mr. Samuel Onyemachi.

Public Relations Officer, NSCDC, Lagos Command, Mrs. Folashade Vera-Cruz told P.M.NEWS that the suspects would be handed over to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, today for prosecution.

According to her, the suspected vandals were scooping fuel from the oil well in the area and had successfully fill seven drums through a hole dug in their compound where they passed a pipe to connect the oil well and then scoop the fuel.

She stated that the anti-vandal squad of the command acted on a tip off and carried out a survey on the area and discovered that an oil well was in the area.

“While our men were surveying the area, they heard that there was a well filled with PMS and our men decided to go there. On getting to the estate, they used a bowl to fetch the fuel from the well and found out that it was pure PMS.

“They decided to carry out a search in some of the apartments close to the oil well. When they got to the flat where the Chinese live, they saw that it was very dirty. Our men were made to know that the Chinese import generators and as we searched the house, we discovered seven drums filled with pure PMS which led to their arrest,” she explained.

Security Chairman of the estate, Alhaji Yusuf Abdulhadir told P.M.NEWS that he was in the house when he was informed that some Chinese men living in the estate had been arrested.

“For a very long time, we have been having fuel smelling in our estate and residents in the estate have not been able to use their boreholes because of the fuel except those who dunged very dip into the ground.

“Behind our estate is a swamp and last December, there was fire outbreak behind the estate and it took the intervention of NNPC officials and fire servicemen from the Lagos State Government to put out the fire,” he said.

According to him, “70 percent of residents of the estate could not use their boreholes because of the contamination by fuel. These Chinese men living near the swamp dig holes where they scoop fuel.

“When we approached the NNPC about the fuel problem in our estate, they told us that the vandalisation of their pipeline 15 years ago led to oil spill in the area and that it will take some time before the spillage will go,” he stated....

He said it was very common to discover fuel in the area after digging a little, adding that even while digging for gutter, fuel was always discovered.

However, one of the suspects, Yang Zhao Ye told P.M.NEWS that only four of them lived in the house and that the other three were their visitors.

He confessed that fuel was found in drums in their apartment which led to their arrest and detention.

— Kazeem Ugbodaga

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FCT - Former president, Olusegun Obasanjo, is officially fed up. Reports reaching wazobiareports can confirm that the former General has officially sacked his “jazzman”.

A series of events involving Gen Obasanjo have led him to believe that he is paying the herbalist in question, for nothing.

Sources within the Obasanjo camp have confirmed to wazobiareport that the recent airport assault on the former General, and the public dispute with the former Gov of Ekiti state, has left the General physically shaken and irritated.

The source further stated that the former president has taken active steps to curtail the problem by firing his current herbalist and proceeding to India for “proper cooking”.

“You know that Baba must protect himself against all these enemies of progress around. If the Nigerian jazzman cannot keep little rats like Ayo Fayose away, then he has to turn to India,” the source said.

It is also being widely speculated that the former president may have challenged the former Ekiti State Gov to a second round of hostilities...

Eager to show off his newly imported Indian charms, pundits believe that the ex president will use the rematch to send a strong message to all “enemies of progress.”

A considerable amount of skepticism still remains as to the potency of Obasanjo’s jazz against that of Fayose.

Many believe that for Fayose to have been able to confront the former president in the way he did, he must have been packing some mad heat.

“Ayo must have been carrying something from either Bangladesh or Liberia for him to be able to confront Obasanjo like that without fear,” said a charms consultant.

Only time will reveal which man holds the stronger recipe and hence, greater political influence in the upcoming elections.

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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has received a $1million bid for his 34-year-old car, only a day after it was put up for sale.

The Iranian president, who is auctioning his 1977 white Peugeot sedan to
raise money for a low-income housing project, has been made the offer by
a foreign source.

The project is aimed at disabled and young people in a move by the 54-year-old, who took charge of Iran in 2005, to
appeal to fulfill a campaign promise to put a roof over the head of
every poor Iranian.

An Iranian Sunday newspaper said various bids from abroad have been received by the multilingual website set up
yesterday for the auction, including $1 million, but it did not
elaborate on the identity of the bidders.

The top bidders will be invited to the auction, which will be held in mid-February in the south-western city of Abadan.

And online offers can be made until the end of January.

Foreign bidders paid £43 to register, while locals pay around £30.

The president had made a point of being seen in the humble white Peugeot
504 sedan when he was Tehran mayor before becoming president in 2005.

Old: The 34-year-old car is wanted by a number of foreign suitors, according to an Iranian newspaper

Old: The 34-year-old car is wanted by a number of foreign suitors, according to an Iranian newspaper

Auction: Official photographs of the car show that Mr Ahmadinejad took good care of his car, made in 1977 and normally worth $2,000

Auction: Official photographs of the car show that Mr Ahmadinejad took good care of his car, made in 1977 and normally
worth $2,000

He has rarely used the car in the past years, however, probably because of security measures.



The car would probably be worth around $2,000 on the local market.

Lack of housing has always been a major concern in Iran, where a quarter of
the 75-million population live in rented apartments and nearly a third
of a family's income goes to pay the rent.

Official statistics say the government has built more than 140,000 housing units in the first
half of 201l. It has promised to build nearly 1 million units by March

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The convict, Agorioge Yomi, 30, of Karu, a satellite community of the FCT, was on Tuesday sentenced by the court in Abuja, on two-count charges of giving false information and defamation of character. The magistrate, Habiba Bello, sentenced the accused after she pleaded guilty to the charges. The prosecutor, Simon Emmanuel, told the court that Mrs. Yomi had reported to the police on Dec. 20 that she boarded a bus with her 12-year-old daughter from Lugbe to Berger Junction.

Mr. Emmanuel said the convict had alleged that on the way the driver diverted to Gwarinpa Express roundabout and threw her out of the vehicle and kidnapped her daughter, Anuoluwapo Oladapo, but the police later found Yomi’s daughter ina hotel, where she had hidden her. The magistrate sentenced Mrs Yomi to five months in prison but gave her an option of paying N1,000 fine for the first offence and N1,500 for the second offence....


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12166295695?profile=originalIt was surprise galore on Thursday at the Ogun State Police Command Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta, when a 15-year-old boy, Wasiu Odunewu confessed that he cut off the head of the immediate younger brother of his father, Odunewu Ojo and sold it for N8,000...

The suspect confessed that he was forced to commit the crime due to financial constraints. "It was a week to the just concluded Ileya festival and I needed money to buy clothes and to entertain my friends. So when my friend brought the 'business', I quickly accepted it to raise money for the festival."

Police source at the Eleweran told Sunday Tribune that the suspects have confessed to the crime and investigations on the matters would soon be completed. The suspects - Wasiu Odunewu, Toibu Babalola, 23 and Shakiru Tiamiyu, 17 - are currently cooling their feet in one of the cells at Eleweran..

Speaking on what led them into the crime, one of the suspects, Toibu Babalola told Sunday Tribune that It was his immediate elder brother, Yusuff Babalola that requested that he should help him get a human head. "It was about a week to Ileya festival, I cannot remember the exact date when my brother came to our village from Lagos. He told me that I should help him get a human head, either fresh or dry. He promised to pay any amount. My brother is working in Lagos. When he gave me the assignment, I told him to give me sometime. I contacted my friend, Wasiu Odunewu about it and he (Wasiu Odunewu) agreed to get it at the cost of N10,000.00. I called my brother on his mobile phone to inform him about the development and he agreed to pay N10,000. To carry out the deal, Wasiu also informed his other friend, Shakiru Tiamiyu about the deal. So, we all agreed to carry out the assignment."

On how they carried out the deal, Toibu told Sunday Tribune that it was agreed among three of them that it would be very difficult to get a fresh human skull and that since the alleged receiver, Yusuff Babalola was not keen on whether the head should be fresh or dry, it was agreed that the suspects should dig a grave and cut off the head. Wasiu quickly suggested that he would lead them (suspects) to the grave of his uncle "when we agreed to carry out the assignment, Wasiu told us he would lead us to where his uncle Odunewu Ojo was buried. The three of us - Wasiu, Toibu and Shakiru left for their village in Debari in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State. We carried out the assignment in the night around 9.00 pm. But before then, we had gone to the burial site in the afternoon to survey the area. When we went to cut the head, we dug the ground and quickly remove the head and to avoid suspicions we covered the grave and left."

The suspect, Toibu told Sunday Tribune that immediately he got the head, he called his brother to come for it. "After carrying out the deal, I called my brother and he came from Lagos to take the head. He gave me N8,000 and I gave the money to Wasiu. He shared it with his friend, Shakiru. My brother must have used the head for the ritual he wanted to perform."

How they were arrested by the Police, Sunday Tribune learnt that some people in the community noticed that the grave had been tampered with and they raised alarm. They contacted the father of one of the suspects. The family of the dead man went to a traditionalist whom employing charms, the suspects confessed to the crime.

Also speaking and how they were nabbed. Wasiu, told Sunday Tribune saying, "You see, on the day of the operation, we went to the burial site of that my uncle in the afternoon and some people saw us. So, when they saw that the grave had been tampered with, I became the first suspect. The people in the community told my daddy about it and he brought out a charm and told me to tell him everything I knew about the missing head. At that point, I told him that I was responsible for it. He was very sad about it because, the head was that of his immediate younger brother whom he was fond of while alive. My father later invited the Police and I was arrested. I later gave the Police all the necessary information that led to the arrest of my colleagues."

All the suspects explained that they used the money realised from the deal to take care of the ileya festival expenses. "The deal came at a time I needed money for Ileya festival, so when he brought the idea, I could not resist it," Wasiu said.

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12166295901?profile=originalThe Kano State Police Command has dismissed two


constables who abducted and raped a 16-year-old girl for one month, and demoted the police inspector who connived in the crime. Photo:The Kano state governor, Ibrahim Shekarau and the Inspector General of police, Afeez Ringim. A 16-year-old girl was abducted by the some policemen who were on night patrol in Kano city and used as sex slave for about 28 days. Photo: NEXT

The state's Police Commissioner, Muhammad Tambari Yabo said the dismissed policemen, Yusuf Ibrahim and Salisu Mahmud were found to be the prime suspects in the rape case, while Mohammed Dantalle, the inspector, was demoted for his complicity.

Mr Yabo said the three policemen were tried and found guilty at orderly room level. He said that he personally reviewed the outcome of the orderly room trial and handed them the punishment.

He also said plans are afoot to send the case diary to the state's Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for professional advice in prosecuting the three men.

On the civilian collaborators said to be linked with the crime, the commissioner said information available to the police showed that they have fled to Lagos and Ibadan. He said the command had already declared them wanted and circulated their photographs in those areas for easy apprehension.

Mr Yabo said the three civilians actively took part in the alleged crime alongside the policemen, and there will be no hiding place for them because soon the law will catch up with them.

"We will continue to do our work with the fear of God," he said. "We hope that the measures taken against the cops will help address the concern being raised by members of the public since the matter came to limelight last month."

The 16-year-old girl, name withheld, was abducted by some policemen who were on night patrol in Kano city. She was subsequently kept in captivity for 28 days inside a room at Kwali Police Station where she was serially raped....

A horror story

The teenager, who said she was a virgin before the incident, explained that one of the policemen who abducted her proceeded to give her to other men who also raped her and paid him for it. According to her, the policemen often used their official patrol vehicle to take her to the patrons.

Narrating her ordeal, the teenager recalled that she got on a motorcycle from Unguwa Uku, with the intention of returning home to Yakasai quarters after visiting her mother.

Her mother has been married to another man since the death of her father and she makes it a duty to visit her mother from the house of her grandparents in Yakasai.

She said while on her way home, the commercial motorcycle rider spotted a team of policemen on patrol a few metres ahead of them. It was still around 9pm. However, knowing that his motorcycle had no headlamp, the motorcyclist turned off his engine and pushed the bike until they got past the police.

"But as we got to the policemen, they asked him why he was moving with a girl," she said. "He replied that the motorcycle developed a problem. They now asked him if it still has fuel and he answered yes. One of the policemen collected the key from him and started the bike and thereafter challenged him for riding without light."

The policemen asked the motorcyclist to ride on and leave her behind. They told him they were going to take her home in their patrol vehicle and also asked her to go and wait for them in the police car.

She pleaded with the policemen to allow her to go home because she was sleepy. After keeping her until 2am, they drove with her into their barracks in Kwalli area where they locked her in a room and went away. She said Mr Yusuf later came in with a gun and threatened to kill her if she shouts, before proceeding to rape her.

"He threatened that if I didn't shut my mouth, he was going to shoot me with the gun. He slapped me and tore my shirt and pointing a gun to my face," she said.

A sex slave

She said she was later repeatedly raped by Mr. Yusuf and two other policemen, Dantalle and Salisu Dansanda, as well as three civilians, Shehu, Misbahu Mohammed and Sanusi Pele.

She added that she was even taken to an Indian hemp dealer and some other persons who raped her and paid the policemen some money afterwards. They came back to pick her up with the police patrol van the next day.

The teenager said during her 28-day captivity, apart from Mr Yusuf whom she said turned her into a sex-slave, each of the two policemen and the three civilians serially raped her and mostly without using condom.

She disclosed that when she managed to escape from her captors three weeks ago, her uncle went with her the next day to report at Kwalli police station. But the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of the station begged the relatives to forgive his men and let the matter die.

The grandfather, who rejected the position of the DPO, instructed her brothers to take the matter up with the Hisbah, the state shari'ah law enforcement agency.

The secretary of the Hisbah board, Sunusi Salisu Aliyu, said when Mr. Yusuf was invited by his men for questioning and admitted abducting the girl but denied raping her.

"We wonder how the policeman failed to provide an answer as to why the police chose to hide a person they picked during patrol in a private room instead of registering her at the counter," Mr Aliyu said.

Calls for prosecution

The family said it has been under pressure by some police officers to abandon the case.

The Kano office of the Legal Aid Council has, through its coordinator, Nurudeen Ishola, said it is going to wade into the matter and take the girl's plight up with the Kano State Attorney General.

The National Human Rights Commission had also expressed concern at reports that policemen had tried to suppress evidence in the case, including attempting to persuade the victims' parents to abandon the case.

Renowned Islamic scholar, Tijjani Bala Kalarawi condemned the act and called on the authority not to only dismiss the officers but to take them to the court where the teenager can be compensated.

"This world is full of evil men," he said. "You can imagine people saddled with the responsibility of protecting the citizens would now deviate and carry out such bad act. It is a pity that this can happen in our society; these people must be brought to book to serve as a deterrent to others."

A group of concerned persons in Kano had also addressed the media, demanding the immediate trial of the suspected rapists.

The group, led by a lawyer, Abdulla Imam, called on both the state and the federal government to prosecute the accused persons. He said a group of lawyers were working together in respect of the case and vowed to pursue it until justice is done.

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12166295069?profile=originalFormer Minister of Petroleum Resources Prof. Tam David-West yesterday criticised President Goodluck Jonathan for kneeling down to receive blessings from the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye.

David-West said: "I ‘m forced to react very negatively to President Jonathan kneeling down to be blessed by Pastor Adeboye pointedly for election 2011.

"President Jonathan has not gone to the Congress to be so advertised, except now. There is no record available to me that he has been there for any of the revivals. I respect Pastor Adeboye. He is one of the serious ones of the multitude of new evangelists sprouting like mushrooms on the field. I’m sure the great pastor knows that I respect him and I have evidence for it. But his picture (showing him kneeling down and being blessed by Pastor Adeboye) publicised by many newspapers today offends my fundamental Anglicanism. .

" Nigeria is a secular state. We have two major religions – Christianity and Islam. Will Jonathan also go to an Imam to kneel down to be blessed? This is where he has run foul of the Constitution. I’m not against any Christian going to a pastor to be blessed with a caveat that I hope the person who is blessing is chosen and anointed by God because the Bible says God knows who worships Him sincerely. "12166295893?profile=original

" What Nigeria needs for 2011 and beyond are leaders who sincerely believe in God and because of this belief in God they live uprightly. Nigeria needs leaders of integrity, discipline not corrupt. Without these ingredients for god governance, God will not hear the prayer of corrupt politicians. "


I think He should find out how many Imams & Alfa's IBB and Co. have knelt down before. Then he should shut up !


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For the first time, a Nigerian artiste came clean on the financial value of his album. "This is not to prove any point, it's only to inspire someone that we are doing this. Mr Abhu can you step up please" said M.I, and with that intro, CEO Abhu ventures, a strong force in .the Alaba 'conglomerate' presented a N20million cheque to M.I in exchange for distribution rights to his MI2 album through out West Africa. - Vanguard Newspapers

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The federal government has proposed a budget of N4.2 trillion for the 2011 financial year, with a crude oil benchmark pegged at $62 per barrel.Capital expenditure is expected to take N1 trillion while the remaining N3.2 trillion will be gulped by recurrent expenditure.It was confirmed that contrary to earlier reports, the federal government intends to commence a cut in the recurrent expenditure starting from the 2012 financial year. The Presidency was however still tinkering with the budget proposal ahead of its presentation to the joint session of the national assembly today.Meanwhile, the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, approved a request by President Goodluck Jonathan to extend the lifespan of the 2010 budget to March 31, 2011.Mr Jonathan had made the request to the National Assembly two weeks ago, following the row between the House and the Executive arm over the poor implementation of the capital component of the budget.The House had threatened not to consider the 2011 Appropriation Bill until it was satisfied with the implementation of the capital profile of the budget. It however, rescinded the decision last week after the president’s letter.Cutting the work forceIt was learnt that the government can only cut recurrent expediture if things can be reviewed, like the downsizing of the workforce in the ministries, department and agencies (MDAs) of government; and the merging of ministries, and parastatals...Available information also revealed that the government is looking at the prospect of voluntary retirement and payoff for civil servants who are willing to leave the service.“All these are cost saving measures but they are things that cannot be done overnight. It is not a six months thing. The government will have to do this gradually and over time,” a top Presidency official said yesterday in an interview.The ministry of finance, as part of steps towards the auditing of staff of the civil service and MDAs had already spent over N12 billion in building a database of staff in 16 MDAs with a view to cover all the MDAs and parastatals of government by the end of the 2011 financial year.“This processes require time,” the source said adding that “people who will be laid off will have to be paid or provided alternative jobs. It has to be planned carefully in order for it not to have a back lash effect,” the source said.It was however gathered that the disproportionate budgeting pattern had been a subject of concern to the Minister of Finance Olusegun Aganga, hence the setting up of a committee in September to review the expenditure pattern and advise government appropriately.The committee, as at the time of finalising the 2011 budget proposal, was yet to turn in its report
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I remember sitting in Mr. Kayode’s geography class in secondary school, an atlas in hand looking at political boundaries; countries way beyond my reach. “I will reach the North Pole,” I often said to friends and family, oblivious to the fact that I was sitting in tropical sub-Saharan Africa and had never seen snow at that time.

Never in my wildest thoughts would I have imagined realizing my specific childhood dream was a few votes and judges away.

Reaching the Arctic Circle seemed a precursor; this imaginary line I’d only traced fingers across on a map. Over the summer, I took a road trip along Sweden’s eastern coast towards the Arctic Circle with my parents.

We finally arrived unceremoniously at the “sign”. Getting out of the car, Mom casually tossed her black scarf over her shoulders, sunglasses resting on her face.

“Where is it?” she asked.

“This is it,” I responded.

“The Arctic Circle?” She wasn’t sure..


“But where is the thing?” She prodded.

“There is no ‘thing’. It’s an imaginary line.” I tried to explain.

“Hmm…Ok then, let’s get back in quickly before a moose gets us…”


As an experienced travel writer, blogger, and photographer, documenting our polar expedition exceptionally through engaging narrative reports and vivid photography will be an absolute honor and once-in-a-lifetime experience for me and Quark Expeditions.

The wind will bellow in an eerie yet welcoming fashion. Frigid waves will trash against the ice breaker, intimidating yet slowly guiding us north. We will sail past dramatic towers of icebergs, awe struck. Whales will surface to observe us visitors, ensuring we proceed reverently. Voyeuristically taking in fluffy white polar bears and corduroy brown walruses through my lens, a glimpse into the wonders of our world will be offered up.

I will blog, tweet, photograph, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Facebook like crazy too...sharing our incredible expedition through social and traditional media outlets with everyone who dares to dream beyond the status quo.

I will scribble "epiphanies" into a spanking new journal, filling pages with dreams and experiences leading up to this grand moment.

Finally landing on centuries-old ice at the top of the world, I will scream at the top of my lungs… “I’m a loooong way from Africa!”

Please cast your fair and honest vote to fulfill this once unreachable dream.

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They closed down the 3rd Mainland Bridge. All because a book of the president's Facebook quotes was being launched..

The president's Facebook quotes!

I don't want to go into the argument about the value of a compilation of Facebook quotes, but I must ask what they will add to the body of knowledge, and why the launch of such a book should be turned into such a humongous event?

For the record, 3rd Mainland Bridge at 12km is the longest bridge on the continent. Because of the number of areas in Lagos that can be accessed through that bridge, it services over a million people each day. The traffic on that bridge has actually gone up slightly since the road works at the Orile axis began. Driving at a constant 100km/h on that bridge will take you across it in 12 minutes. Now imagine the hell that people went through yesterday simply because of a political gimmick?

My anger however is not directed at Goodluck Jonathan. In my view, this event shows that he is absolutely no different from the politicians around him, and the vast majority of those who came before him. My anger is directed at Nigerians.

Why are we so tame?

When I complained about this incident on the Internet, a friend of mine admonished me that since he is president it is his right to close down traffic. Did I not grow up in Nigeria?.

Which leader has not done this before? Good question. My reply to that friend would be the fact that previous Nigerian leaders (most of them military dictators) did it, does not make it right? Why do we as a people have this really annoying tendency of defending what is wrong simply because other people are doing it or have done it before?

Being that this friend of mine lived in the UK for some years, I would point him to the outcry that followed Tony Blair. When returning from a trip to the US in 2006, Mr. Blair's driver decided to avoid traffic by driving on a bus lane! People screamed, Mr. Blair paid the fine and it did not happen again.

That, my people, is a leader who (at least on the surface), panders to the wishes of the electorate who voted him in.


They have been criticising Jonathan for kneeling before God and now saying it is a political gimmick .

The Man is not the messiah neither is he a mess ! Our Take on this on 9jabook..


It takes guts for a man with so much power to go before another man whom he apparently has power over and ask for the blessings of a being whom he cannot see but whom we know exists . If a man with such Power can do this he must be aware of the consequnces of using it as  political gimmick .Jonathan is not the messiah but he is better than the mess of panderers, atikus and so called freedom activists whose agenda has long ben exposed. Buhari i wish for but he wont win. he knows it .it is bw atiku & Goodluck .

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Ladies PLEASE your Lives are literally in your HANDS ! USE Them, BREAST CANCER IS NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS !

The Comrade Governor of Edo State, Mr. Adams Oshiomole has reportedly lost his wife of many years, Mrs. Clara Oshiomole to breast Cancer. the woman who was last seen in public
some months back, died of the disease according to a source.

.Mrs. Clara Oshiomole, the wife of GovernorAdams Oshiomhole of Edo State has passed on. Vanguard uncovered that the deceased died after a battle with breast cancer.

Further inquest divulged that she died this morning, in Abuja with only about some days to her daughter’s wedding.

The 54 year old Edo First Lady had abstained from public functions because she was receiving treatment overseas and only returned to Nigeria some days ago for the daughter’s wedding slated for 19th of December .

Sadly as Liz Edwards below there are rumours of separation with the Comrade Governor before her passing.May her Soul Rest in Peace .

Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former presidential candidate, succumbs to cancer at 61

Elizabeth Edwards, who as the wife of former Sen. John Edwards gave America an intimate look at a candidate's marriage by sharing his quest for the 2008 presidential nomination as she struggled with incurable cancer and, secretly, with his infidelity, died Tuesday. She was 61.

Her family confirmed the death, saying Mrs. Edwards was surrounded by relatives when she died at her Chapel Hill, N.C., home. A family friend said John Edwards was present. Two family friends said Monday that Mrs. Edwards' cancer had spread to her liver and that doctors had advised against further medical treatment.

She posted a Facebook message to friends the same day, saying, "I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces — my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope."

"The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that," she added.

Mrs. Edwards spent much of her life as a little-known lawyer and mother. That changed when her husband became a U.S. senator, presidential candidate and Democratic nominee for vice president, propelling her into the spotlight as a smart, plain-spoken wife and key adviser to her husband.

She later became a figure of sympathy as she battled breast cancer and dealt with her husband's infidelity. Her public image shifted again in recent years: the scorned woman whose husband fathered a child with another woman.

She and John Edwards separated early this year but remained close.

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Nominees announced for FIFA Ballon d’Or gala 2010

The contenders for this year’s FIFA Ballon d’Or award for the best player of 2010 and for the FIFA Women’s WorldPlayer of the Year 2010 award were announced on Monday during a pressconference held at the headquarters of the sports daily L’Equipe in Paris, inwhich Jérôme Valcke, FIFA Secretary General, François Morinière, CEO of FranceFootball, Jean-Pierre Papin, a former winner of the Ballon d’Or, and ChristianKarembeu, a member of FIFA’s Football Committee, took part.

In alphabetical order, the male nominees are Andrés Iniesta (Spain), Lionel Messi (Argentina) and Xavi (Spain), whileFatmire Bajramaj (Germany), Marta (Brazil) and Birgit Prinz (Germany) willcontest the women’s award.

The candidates for the newly created FIFA World Coach of the Year for Men’s Football award and the FIFA World Coachof the Year for Women’s Football award were also announced. The contenders arethe following: Vicente del Bosque (Spain/Spanish national team), Pep Guardiola(Spain/FC Barcelona) and José Mourinho (Portugal/FC Internazionale and RealMadrid CF) in the men’s category, and Maren Meinert (Germany/German U-20national team) Silvia Neid (Germany/German national team) and Pia Sundhage(Sweden/USA national team) in the women’s category...

All of these nominees were confirmed after a poll in which the captains and head coaches of the men’s and women’snational teams as well as international media representatives selected byFrance Football voted for candidates. The votes from each of the three groupscounted for one-third to obtain the final result.

The winners will be revealed at the first FIFA Ballon d’Or gala as part of a televised ceremony at the ZurichKongresshaus on 10 January 2011, during which the FIFA FIFPro World XI and theFIFA Puskás Award for the most beautiful goal of the year will also beannounced for the second year running. The online vote for fans on forthe FIFA Puskás Award has now reached the 1 million vote landmark, with oneweek to go until the poll closes at noon CET on 13 December. The FIFAPresidential Award and the FIFA Fair Play Award will also be presented duringthe gala.


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A winter morning in backwoods Scandinavia and the chime of a church bell drifts across the snowbound town of Enkoping. Does it also toll for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange?

Today, this small industrial centre, 40 miles west of Stockholm, remains best-known — if known at all — as the birthplace of the ­adjustable spanner.

But if extradition proceedings involving ­Britain are successful, it could soon be rather more celebrated — by the U.S. government at least — as the place where Mr Assange made a ­catastrophic error.

Victim of a honeytrap plot? Julian Assange denies the accusations of sex crimes, insisting he had consensual sex with his accusors

Victim of a honeytrap plot? Julian Assange denies the accusations of sex crimes, insisting he had consensual sex with his accusors

Here, in a first-floor flat in a dreary apartment block, the mastermind behind the leak of more than 250,000 classified U.S. diplomatic cables this month slept with a female admirer whom he had just met at a seminar. She subsequently made a complaint to police.

As a result, Assange, believed to be in hiding in England, faces a criminal prosecution and ­possibly jail. Last night, a European Arrest ­Warrant was given by Interpol to Scotland Yard.

The Stockholm police want to question him regarding the possible rape of a woman and separate allegations from another Swedish admirer, with whom he was having a concurrent fling. But there remains a huge question mark over the evidence. Many people believe that the 39-year-old ­Australian-born whistleblower is the victim of a U.S. government dirty tricks campaign.

They argue that the whole squalid affair is a sexfalla, which translates loosely from the Swedish as a ‘honeytrap’.

One thing is clear, though: Sweden’s complex rape laws are central to the story.

'Jessica' claims she was sexually assaulted by Julian Assange
'Sarah' claims she was sexually assaulted by Julian Assange

'Jessica' and 'Sarah' claim they were sexually assaulted by Julian Assange

Using a number of sources including leaked police interviews, we can begin to piece together the sequence of events which led to Assange’s liberty being threatened by Stockholm police rather than Washington, where already one U.S. politician has called on him to executed for ‘spying’.

The story began on August 11 this year, when Assange arrived in Stockholm.

He had been invited to be the key speaker at a seminar on ‘war and the role of the media’, ­organised by the ­centre-Left Brotherhood Movement.

His point of contact was a female party official, whom we shall refer to as Sarah (her identity must be ­protected because of the ongoing legal proceedings).

An attractive blonde, Sarah was already a well-known ‘radical feminist’. In her 30s, she had travelled the world following various fashionable causes.

While a research assistant at a local university she had not only been the protegee of a militant feminist ­academic, but held the post of ‘campus sexual equity officer’. Fighting male discrimination in all forms, including sexual harassment, was her forte.

Sarah and Assange had never met. But in a series of internet and telephone conversations, they agreed that during his visit he could stay at her small apartment in central Stockholm. She said she would be away from the city until the day of the seminar itself.

What happened over the next few days — while casting an extraordinary light on the values of the two women involved — suggests that even if the WikiLeaks founder is innocent of any charges, he is certainly a man of strong sexual appetites who is not averse to exploiting his fame.

Certainly his stay was always going to be a very social affair, mingling with like-minded and undoubtedly ­admiring people.

That Thursday, he held court at the Beirut Cafe in Stockholm, dining with fellow ‘open government’ campaigners and an American journalist.

The following afternoon, Sarah returned to Stockholm, 24 hours earlier than planned.

In an interview she later gave to police, she is reported to have said: ‘He (Assange) was there when I came home. We talked a little and decided that he could stay.’

The pair went out for dinner together at a nearby restaurant. Afterwards they returned to her flat and had sex. What is not disputed by either of them is

that a condom broke — an event which, as we shall see, would later take on great significance.

At the time, however, the pair ­continued to be friendly enough the next day, a Saturday, with Sarah even throwing a party for him at her home in the evening.

That same day, Assange attended his seminar at the Swedish trade union HQ. In the front row of the audience, dressed in an eye-catching pink jumper — you can see her on a YouTube ­internet clip recorded at the time — was a pretty twentysomething whom we shall call Jessica. She was the woman — who two sources this week told me is a council employee — from Enkoping.

Swedes are calling the whole squalid affair a honeytrap, a plot to bring down the Wikileaks supremo

Jessica would later tell police that she had first seen Assange on television a few weeks before. She had found him ‘interesting, brave and admirable’. As a result, she began to follow the ­WikiLeaks saga, and when she discovered that he was due to visit Stockholm she ­contacted the Brotherhood Movement to volunteer to help out at the seminar. Although her offer was not taken up, she decided to attend the seminar anyway and took a large number of photos of Assange during his 90-minute talk.

It is believed that by happenstance Jessica also met Sarah — the woman with whom Assange had spent the night — during the meeting.

Afterwards, she hung around and was still there when Assange — who has a child from a failed relationship around 20 years ago — left with a group of male friends for lunch.

Sources conflict here. One says that she asked to tag along; another that Assange invited her to join them.

Subsequently, one of Assange’s friends recalled that Jessica had been ‘very keen’ to get Assange’s attention.

She was later to tell police that, at the restaurant, Assange put his arm around her shoulder. ‘I was flattered. It was obvious that he was flirting,’ she reportedly said.

The attraction was mutual. After lunch, the pair went to the cinema to see a film called Deep Sea. Jessica’s account suggests that were ‘intimate’ and then went to a park where Assange told her she was ‘attractive’.

But he had to leave to go to a ‘crayfish party’, a traditional, and usually boozy, Swedish summer event.

Jessica asked if they would meet again. ‘Of course,’ said the WikiLeaks supremo. They parted and she took a train back to Enkoping while he took a cab back to his temporary base at Sarah’s flat, where the crayfish party was to be held. You might think it strange that Sarah would want to throw a party in honour of the man about whom she would later make a complaint to police concerning their liaison the night before.

There is scant evidence — in the public domain at least — of rape, sexual molestation or unlawful coercion

This is only one of several puzzling flaws in the prosecution case.

A few hours after that party, Sarah apparently Tweeted: ‘Sitting outside ... nearly freezing, with the world’s coolest people. It’s pretty amazing!’ She was later to try to erase this message.

During the party, Assange apparently phoned Jessica and a few hours later she was boasting to friends about her flirtation with him. At that point, according to police reports, her friends advised her ‘the ball is in your court’.

So it was that on the Monday, Jessica called Assange and they arranged to get together in Stockholm. When they did meet they agreed to go to her home in Enkoping, but he had no money for a train ticket and said he didn’t want to use a credit card because he would be ‘tracked’ (presumably, as he saw it, by the CIA or other agencies).

So Jessica bought both their tickets.

She had snagged perhaps the world’s most famous activist, and after they arrived at her apartment they had sex. According to her testimony to police, Assange wore a condom. The following morning they made love again. This time he used no protection.

Jessica reportedly said later that she was upset that he had refused when she asked him to wear a condom.

Again there is scant evidence — in the public domain at least — of rape, sexual molestation or unlawful coercion.

What’s more, the following morning, on the Tuesday, the pair amicably went out to have breakfast together and, at her prompting, Assange promised to stay in touch. He then returned to Stockholm, with Jessica again paying for his ticket.

It has been suggested that the two women had discussed approaching a tabloid newspaper to maximise Assange’s discomfort

What happened next is difficult to explain. The most likely interpretation of events is that as a result of a one-night stand, one participant came to regret what had happened.

Jessica was worried she could have caught a sexual disease, or even be pregnant: and this is where the story takes an intriguing turn. She then decided to phone Sarah — whom she had met at the ­seminar, and with whom Assange had been staying — and apparently confided to her that she’d had unprotected sex with him.

At that point, Sarah said that she, too, had slept with him.

As a result of this conversation, Sarah reportedly phoned an acquaintance of Assange and said that she wanted him to leave her apartment. (He refused to do so, and maintains that she only asked him to leave three days later, on the Friday of that week.)

How must Sarah have felt to ­discover that the man she’d taken to her bed three days before had already taken up with another woman? ­Furious? Jealous? Out for revenge? Perhaps she merely felt aggrieved for a fellow woman in distress.

Having taken stock of their options for a day or so, on Friday, August 20, Sarah and Jessica took drastic action.

They went together to a Stockholm police station where they said they were seeking advice on how to proceed with a complaint by Jessica against Assange.

According to one source, Jessica wanted to know if it was possible to force Assange to undergo an HIV test. Sarah, the seasoned feminist warrior, said she was there merely to support Jessica. But she also gave police an account of what had happened between herself and Assange a week before.

The female interviewing officer, presumably because of allegations of a sabotaged condom in one case and a refusal to wear one in the ­second, concluded that both women were victims: that ­Jessica had been raped, and Sarah subject to sexual molestation.

Assange continues to insist that he has done nothing wrong, and that his sexual encounters with both women were consensual

It was Friday evening. A duty prosecuting attorney, Maria ­Kjellstrand, was called.

She agreed that Assange should be sought on suspicion of rape.

The following day, Sarah was questioned again, cementing the allegation of sexual misconduct against Assange. That evening, detectives tried to find him and searched Stockholm’s entertainment district — but to no avail.

By Sunday morning, the news had leaked to the Press.

Indeed, it has been suggested that the two women had discussed approaching a tabloid newspaper to maximise Assange’s discomfort. By now, the authorities realised they had a high-profile case on their hands and legal papers were rushed to the weekend home of the chief ­prosecutor, who dismissed the rape charge.

She felt that what had occurred were no more than minor offences.

But the case was now starting to spin out of control.

Sarah next spoke to a newspaper, saying: ‘In both cases, the sex had been consensual from the start but had eventually turned into abuse.’

Rejecting accusations of an international plot to trap Assange, she added: ‘The accusations were not set up by the Pentagon or anybody else. The responsibility for what happened to me and the other girl lies with a man with a twisted view of women, who has a problem accepting the word “no”.’

The two women then instructed Claes Borgstrom, a so-called ‘gender lawyer’ who is a leading supporter of a campaign to extend the legal ­definition of rape to help bring more rapists to justice.

As a result, in September the case was reopened by the authorities, and last month Interpol said Assange was wanted for ‘sex crimes’.

Yesterday, his lawyer Mark Stephens said the Swedish warrant was a ‘political stunt’ and that he would fight it on the grounds that it could lead to the WikiLeaks founder being handed over to the American authorities (Sweden has an ­extradition treaty with the U.S.).

He is responsible for an avalanche of political leaks. Whether he is also guilty of sexual offences remains to be seen. But the more one learns about the case, the allegations simply don't ring true

Assange continues to insist that he has done nothing wrong, and that his sexual encounters with both women were consensual.

But last week, the Swedish High Court refused to hear his final appeal against arrest, and extra­dition papers were presented to police in England, where Assange is currently in hiding. He is able to stay in this country thanks to a six-month visa which expires in the spring.

So what to make of a story in which it’s hard to argue that any of the ­parties emerges with much credit? How reliable are the two female witnesses?

Earlier this year, Sarah is reported to have posted a telling entry on her website, which she has since removed. But a copy has been retrieved and widely circulated on the internet.

Entitled ‘7 Steps to Legal Revenge’, it explains how women can use courts to get their own back on unfaithful lovers.

Step 7 says: ‘Go to it and keep your goal in sight. Make sure your victim suffers just as you did.’ (The highlighting of text is Sarah’s own.)

As for Assange, he remains in ­hiding in Britain, and his website continues to release classified American documents that are ­daily embarrassing the U.S. government.

Clearly, he is responsible for an avalanche of political leaks. Whether he is also guilty of sexual offences remains to be seen.

But the more one learns about the case, the more one feels that, unlike the bell in Enkoping, the allegations simply don’t ring true.


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Self confessed Uhrobo Witch Ufuoma Ejenabor might have had the thought she had hammered !

In a swift move to forestall an apparent dramatic scene to re enact the Uzoma Okere Assault case by Naval Boss Arogundade which cumulated in the pay off granted by a court in the sum of 100million naira
The Lagos State House of Assembly on Monday declared i
its intention to sue an actress, Mrs. Ufuoma Ejenabor, for trying to extort money from the House.

Speaker of the Assembly, Mr. Adeyemi Ikuforiji, stated this through his Chief of Staff, Mr. Segun Olusesi, while reacting to the alleged assault of Ejenabor by his aides on October 29.

Olusesi said he was driving in the convoy directly behind the pilot vehicle when Ejenabor suddenly emerged from the left and in an attempt to force herself into the speaker's convoy, hit the rear left of the bumper of the pilot vehicle with her right front bumper.

Olusesi also accused Ejenabor of damaging her own car by deliberately hitting the speaker's official Lexus Hon. Adeyemi Ikuforiji Uzoma Okere and Self confessed Uhrobo Witch Ufuoma Ejenabor

He claimed that nobody assaulted her in any form and the photographs of her car as contained in newspaper reports could best be described as "insurance fraud and attempt to extort and blackmail the House and the speaker."

Ejenabor had alleged that her car would cost N595, 000 to repair.

The incident was, however, recorded by the aides of the Speaker and it showed part of the events that transpired.

Olusesi said immediately they noticed Ejenabor's belligerence, the Speaker ordered his aides to begin to record the events so that they would not have a scandal in their hands.

The recording showed Ejenabor hysterically shouting at the aides that she had been beaten, her phone seized and they were in trouble for damaging her car.

"You don jam bad luck! You don jam Urhobo witch. They should beat me o! They should beat me, Urhobo girl! You have to beat me. Shebi una get power,!" she screamed.

Olusesi explained that from the footage, she still had her bag intact and her phone was still with her. He also said that the video evidence showed that there was no damage to her car as was exhibited in the photographs.

Olusesi explained that the convoy was coming from the burial of the wife of a member of the House and was heading for Lagos University Teaching Hospital where another member, Mr. Rotimi Sotomiwa, lay ill. Sotomiwa died a few days after the incident.

In her reaction, Ejenabor said that her Blackberry phone was still with the speaker's aides and would be tracked.

"They beat me to collect my phone. My I-pod was in the car. They ransacked the car and took all things. They said I drove into their convoy.

Why would I do that? It happened during the day and it was on a highway. We can have a forensic check of my car and their car. Forensics don't lie," she said
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