after (41)

For Christy James (not real names) who hails from Ezinifite, Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, the reality of falling in love with a blood relation, an incest that is abhorred in her community, has dawned on her.

Christy, who was impregnated by a relation, who she did not give his name, said she had carried her baby girl named Joy for nine months without getting any help from the man responsible for the pregnancy or her parents.

The relation, who was responsible, was not able to take care of her and her baby at birth. The teenager’s parents did not help matters either. According to Christy, they abandoned her shortly after she became pregnant and refused to render even the least assistance that someone could give to a stranger.

Coming face to face with Christy, one is confronted with her innocent face and the unending tears rolling down her cheeks. Her heart is also filled with regrets, as she says she was forced by circumstances to do what she did..

She told Daily Sun that the decision to throw her six-month-old baby into a toilet was the most difficult decision she had taken in life, but had to do it because that was the only alternative left for her at that time:

“I don’t know what to say. What happened was that I was impregnated by a relation of mine, who unfortunately is jobless and has no money to even take care of himself not to talk of taking care of me or my baby.

“My parents live in Delta State and as soon as I became pregnant, they abandoned me to my fate and would not want to have anything to do with me. I managed through the nine months of pregnancy and delivered the child until now when it became unbearable for me.

“I was totally abandoned by almost everybody. No one to advise me, no one to help me in feeding, no one to help me in anything. I didn’t know what to do until the idea of doing away with the baby came into my head.

“So, on that fateful day, I got that push, something inside me was pushing me to go and throw the baby into the pit toilet. I painfully did it, an action that is hurting me now and will continue to hurt me till the end of my life.

“I was arrested after the incident. I think some people saw me and reported to the police. They opened the pit and brought out the baby, but by then, she was already dead and that was how I was brought here.”

Christy who said she was neither raped nor forced into sexual relationship with her unnamed relation, however, asked for God’s mercy upon her life.
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A signal that the 2011 general elections could be deadly emerged last weekend, as a House of Representatives aspirant on the platform of the Action Congress (AC) was killed by yet-to-be-identified gunmen.

Oghogho Omoregbe, who wanted to contest the Oriomhwon/Uhunwonde Federal Constituency in Edo State, was killed shortly after he declared his intention to contest in next year's general elections.

The 36 year old civil engineer and farmer was allegedly trailed to his rented apartment at Aitoe Idubor Avenue, off 2nd Ugbor Road, in Benin, at about 10pm. He was pursued to the back of the house where he was shot in the presence of his mother-in-law, by the gunmen who were said to have fled the place immediately.

Recounting her ordeal to journalists at the late Mr Omoregbe's wife's family house, at No 60, Awo Street, Stella Amadasun, the mother-in-law, said the late Oghogho, who just married his wife, Osato, last November, was still alive until they got to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, where he was rushed to after they could not receive medical attention at the Central Hospital owing to the one-month-old strike of health workers in the state.

"He just came back from the campaign on Saturday; he came home for the first time and then left again, instructing his wife to prepare food for him," said Mrs Amadasun..

"He came with a boy and then they prayed together before he left again and told his wife that he would be back. This was around 9pm. Later that night, we heard the sound of a car and my daughter told me that it was her husband.

"Shortly after he opened the gate and was going back into his car to drive inside the compound, we heard him shout, Jesus, thief, then he ran into the other corner of the compound but he fell down when there was no escape route, then I ran to them and was begging that they should spare him, at least because of their one-month-old first child. Then I heard gunshots and they ran through the other side.

"I quickly ran to him and started shouting for help. He called for his parents before he passed out, then police was called. They were about five of them but we did not see their faces because it was dark."

Peter Ogboi, the state police spokesperson, said the state commissioner of police, Kachi Udeoji, has ordered that the homicide section of the police take over the case from Ugbor Police Station where the case was reported.

"As I talk to you, the commissioner of police has already directed that the case be taken over by the headquarters and the homicide department is already working and very soon, we will unravel the culprits. What we have done so far is to confirm the death."

On whether the killing was politically motivated, Ogboi said, "We cannot say that yet until the special session by the commissioner gives its report."

The late Oghogho Omorogbe, in a chat with journalists last Wednesday where he declared his intention to contest, attributed the rising rate of crime, including armed robbery and kidnapping, to the inability of elected political office holders to give right leadership to the people, accusing them of living in affluence amidst poverty.


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Mustapha Onoyvieta, the army colonel that was an Aide de Camp, (ADC) to late President Yar'Adua has been ordered back from his command training to face a probe for the role he played in events during the illness of the late president.

Sources close to the Presidency say Goodluck Jonathan has finally bowed to pressure and a probe has been instituted into the activities of Mr. Onoyvieta and other aides of the late president.

At least four of these aides are reported to be under investigation.

Apart from Mr.Onoyvieta, the late president's Chief Security Officer (CSO), Yusuf Tilde; the former commander of the Presidential Air Fleet (PAF), Aminu Adamu; the former administrative officer at the Presidency, Muhammeed Dodo, are all apparently being queried.Photo Adc to Late Yaradua Onoyiveta

The probe is going to centre on disregard for superior authority, deliberate hoarding of information and misinformation pertaining to the health status of the late president, and misappropriation of funds.

Now this begs the question What about Turai Yaradua What role did she play in this charade and will she be prosecuted ?

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Former Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida, on Sunday, in Minna, explained why he did not retire General Sani Abacha, when he stepped aside in1993, following the annulment of June 12 presidential election of that year, insisting that he was concerned with the future security and peace of the nation.

Abacha was the only senior military officer holding political office, who escaped the mass purge in military that preceded the stepping aside of General Babangida.

Speaking in Minna on Sunday, Babangida took a critical look at the pacts he had with the two former heads of state, Generals Olusegun Obasanjo and Sani Abacha that enabled them to assume power at various periods in the country, insisting that he was concerned with the future security and unity of the nation.

He spoke at at interactive session with members of the Correspondent Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Niger State.

Babangida explained that General Abacha was spared from the mass retirement that hit the rank of senior military officers at the time he was stepping aside in 1993, based on the calculation that General Abacha would help to stabilise the Interim Government and douse the political tension that had mounted over the annulment of June 12 1993 election..

He explained that at the time he “stepped aside”, the situation was very fragile, adding that if the military profession was left in the hands of the young inexperienced officers, they would have tore the nation apart in coup d’états.”
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In 13 World Cup games thus far, Nigeria has won 4 (over Bulgaria 2x, Greece and Spain), drawn 1 (against England) and lost 8 (to Argentina 3x, Italy, Paraguay, Denmark, Sweden and now Greece). One more loss and we will end up with a 4-1-9 record !

Michael Jackson's brother Randy rushed to hospital after suffering heart attack

Michael Jackson’s youngest brother has been rushed to the hospital after suffering a mild heart attack.

Randy Jackson, 48, was immediately taken to Huntington Memorial in Pasadena, California, after he began experience chest pains earlier today.

He was working on arrangements for a service at Forest Lawn Memorial Park to mark the first anniversary of the pop star's death on June 25.


Randy Jackson, pictured attending Dr Conrad Murray's hearing with sister Janet in LA yesterday, has been rushed to hospital

A Jackson family friend tells Mail Online: 'It appears Randy has had a mild heart attack, but he is okay.

'He was joking around with his father and he is feeling pretty good all things considered.

'He’s been under a tremendous amount of stress lately but Randy’s a fighter. He’ll pull through.'


Randy is recovering at the Huntington Memorial in Pasadena, California

It is yet another blow to the Jackson family, who were left bitterly disappointed yesterday when Dr Conrad Murray was given permission to continue practicing medicine in California while he awaits trial over
Michael's death.

Randy, who was not part of the Jackson Five, joined father Joe, mother Katherine, sister LaToya and brother
Jermaine at the hearing in a Los Angeles court house.

Murray is accused of administering Michael Jackson the fatal dose of Propofol and Judge Pastor set August 23 as the date for
the start of the preliminary hearing.

Jackson Five

Randy (second from right) with his brothers Marlon, Jackie, Michael and Tito in 1979

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And we thought the Stanky leg dance was bad ? Naija Parents watch your kids ok Bcos many Kids do what American kids do
Sack tapping
is a sport where two male participants each try to hit the other one's testicles first. Doctors are seeing more and more patients as a result, and sometimes amputation has to be performed as treatment. Many videos of these events have been posted on


A Minnesota teenager had to have his testicle amputated after
being punched in the groin by a classmate, reported

David Gibbons, 14, was changing classes in his Crosby, Minn. high school when he was attacked by another student playing a game
called “sack tapping.”

David’s mother, Christy Gibbons, said it wasn’t until hours later that they realized something was wrong.

"One o'clock in the morning he woke me up and told me he was in excruciating pain," she said.

David was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Brainerd, Minn. where surgeons removed his right testicle.

And David is not the only student who has suffered the consequences of the “sack tapping” game.

"It's just gotten way out of control," said Dr. Scott Wheeler, a urologist in Brainerd, Minn. who says he performs three to four
surgeries a year on boys with ruptured testicles and other
complications as a result of “sack tapping.”

"All parents, you need to have this talk with your kids not to
do it. It's lost its humor. It's not a ga

Pain is the operative word in the unfortunate story of 14-year-old David Gibbons. It is a pain he has endured both physically and
emotionally after being punched in the groin by another student as he
changed classes at Crosby Ironton High School.

"One o'clock in the morning he woke me up and told me he was in excruciating pain," recalls Christy Gibbons, David's mom. Not long
after, David was in surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital in Brainerd having
his right testicle removed.

"This may be called a game, but it's not a game. It's dangerous and it needs to stop," said Christy.

It's a notion seconded by Dr. Scott Wheeler, a Brainerd urologist.

"It's just gotten way out of control," said Wheeler, who now performs "three to four surgeries a year" on boys with ruptured testicles and
other complications of being groin punched - with dozens more coming in
with less severe injuries. "It's high school, junior high, elementary
school," said Wheeler.

Dubbed "sack tapping" by some students, the practice is now featured in dozens of homemade videos on YouTube.

"We're gonna see who our first victim is," says a student in one video before punching an unsuspecting male student in the groin as he
walked down a school hallway.

It is painful to watch and Dr. Wheeler says increasingly common. "All parents, you need to have this talk with your kids not to do it. It's
lost its humor. It's not a game anymore. People get hurt."

"I don't know how to stop it," said David, who says he's been the recipient of similar attacks in the past. His parents pulled him out of
school and are now planning a move to a different school district.

Jamie Skjeveland, superintendent of Crosby Ironton schools, says the investigation of the incident involving David is complete, but he
declined to comment on any disciplinary action for privacy reasons.

On Wednesday morning the Gibbons are scheduled to meet with Crow Wing County Attorney Don Ryan to learn if criminal charges will be filed
against the other student.

"This kid doing that, he should definitely be held responsible for that," said Denny Gibbons, David's dad.

Doctors have told David that even though he lost a testicle in the attack, he should still be able to have children someday.

David's mom mostly wants other parents to be aware. "I seen the pain he was in. I seen what he went through every day, and it just breaks my
heart and I don't want any other child to have to go through this."

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THE only man ever to admit involvement in the assassination of American civil rights leader, Malcolm X, was freed on parole on Tuesday, 45 years after he helped gun down the activist.

Thomas Hagan was the last man still serving time in the 1965 killing, part of the skein of violence that wound through the cultural and political upheaval of the 1960s. He was freed from a Manhattan prison where he spent two days a week under a work-release programme.

Hagan, 69, has repeatedly expressed sorrow for being one of the gunmen who fired on Malcolm X, killing one of the civil rights era's most polarizing and compelling figures.

However, one of the groups dedicated to Malcolm X's memory condemned Hagan's parole.

Hagan declined to comment after his release..

"I really haven't had any time to gather my thoughts on anything," he told the Associated Press (AP) by telephone.

Hagan acknowledged that he was one of three men who shot Malcolm X in front of a crowd of hundreds - including several of his young children - as the civil rights leader began a speech at Harlem's Audubon Ballroom on February 21, 1965. Two other accomplices created a distraction in the audience, Hagan has said.

But he said the two men convicted with him were not involved. They, too, maintained their innocence and were paroled in the 1980s. No one else has ever been charged, a fact that has perpetuated debate and theories surrounding the slaying.

The Manhattan District Attorney's office, which prosecuted Hagan and his co-defendants, declined to comment on Hagan's release or his account of the killing.

Hagan applied 17 times before being granted parole last month. He had been sentenced to life in prison for what he described in a 2008 court filing as the deed of a young man who "acted out of rage on impulse and loyalty" to religious leaders.

The assassins gunned down Malcolm X out of anger at his split with the leadership of the Nation of Islam, the black Muslim movement for which he had once served as a prominent spokesman, said Hagan, then known as Talmadge X Hayer.

Malcolm X had spoken out against its leader, Elijah Muhammad, in comments that some of Muhammad's followers denounced as slander.
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Ritual Church! Founder’s body in morgue five years after • Members still worship skeleton

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Has the world eventually entered the “last days” as prophesied in the Bible, the holy book for Christians? Maybe, if the activities of some so-called Christians are anything to go by. According to II Timothy 3-7: “In the last days, perilous times shall come.

The founder’s skeleton

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.”

The holy book further states that in the last days, men would have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof and men will ever be learning, and will never be able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The story is hardly believable but it is true that about five years after the death of a pastor, members of his church still worship his skeleton because of their faith in the efficacy of his powers..

To members of the church, late Jacob Adebayo Oladele, who was the founder, Millennium Gospel Church (MGC), remains powerful even in death.

In February 2010, the police stormed the premises of MGC located at an abandoned aerodrome in a vast forest at Egbedore Local Government Area of Osun State, following a tip-off by the monarch of the town, Alayemoore of Ido-Osun, Oba Adedapo Adeniyi Sapoyoro. The monarch, who said the palace had been inundated with series of allegations of high-handedness and weird worship style of the church members, led a team alongside the police to the church where a purported skeleton of the church’s founder was recovered.

The police arrested 15 suspects while people of the town warned the church members never to return to the land, which belongs to the government. Sunday Sun gathered that five of the suspects are still standing trial at an Osogbo Magistrate Court. Members of the church however insist that they are not ritualists and never killed anybody or performed any ritual in the church.

One of those standing trial, Mrs Florence Oluwaloni Oladele, who is the deputy founder said: “We are not ritualists. We worship our Lord Jesus Christ like every Christian. The skeleton belongs to our founder. Truth shall prevail and we will be vindicated. This is a test of our faith and members should be steadfast and more prayerful.”

Head, Pathology Department at the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital (LAUTECHTH), Dr Akinwumi Komolafe, confirmed the presence of the skeleton in the morgue, but said the police did not present a request for tests to be carried out on the skeleton. He said the hospital authorities would keep the skeleton until it receives further directive from the police.

It was however gathered that some of the church members have been visiting the mortuary in order to worship the late founder who they described as their Messiah. “Before stopping them from coming to see the skeleton, some who came were practically worshipping the skeleton. They rolled on the ground, shouting his name, weeping, wailing and appealing to him to answer their prayers. They are fanatical about him and if care is not taken and the skeleton remains in the mortuary more than necessary, they may go wild and take steps to recover it. The mortuary needs more security,” a source at the hospital warned.?

When contacted, the Osun State Commissioner of Police, Solomon Olusegun, said the “case is in court.”

But a police source said: “The skeleton may soon be released to the members since nobody had come forward with a claim that his/her relation was missing.”

“Apart from the skeleton, police did not find any other human or animal part at the church. Initially, we were made to believe that more bodies were going to be recovered from the church like that of the infamous Okija Shrine. None was found apart from the skeleton. However, all theories pointed to the fact that the skeleton belongs to the church founder. You know how fanatical some people could be with living or dead founder of their faith.

“The skeleton will soon be released for burial. At least, the man should be allowed to rest in peace. We still appeal to people who may have contrary information about the church to volunteer it to the police.”

At press time, police authorities were in confusion over what to do with the skeleton even as the hospital management anxiously awaited the collection of late Adebayo’s skeleton for burial because according to them, “the mortuary is meant for dead bodies and not skeleton.
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Well not exactly yet as our juliet has not decided yet to join him .

A heartbroken pensioner who thought his wife was going to die killed himself near the spot where the couple first courted - only for her to get better.


The body of 84-year-old Reginald Heydon was found by police in the River Trent at Shardlow, near Derby, more than three weeks after he disappeared.

An inquest heard that at the time he went missing, Mr Heydon's wife of 60 years, Marjorie, 83, was in a critical condition in hospital.

Derby Coroner's Court was told doctors had told Mr Heydon and his family that his wife was not expected to live much longer.

Hours later on November 2 last year, the pensioner wrote a note to his family, left his home and was never seen alive again.

But in a tragic twist, his critically ill wife recovered from her illness and was discharged from hospital.

Last night Mr Heydon's son, Paul, said: 'We had the impression she had hours to live. We were told that on the day that she went into intensive care.'

But after his father had been found dead, his mother recovered and was able to come home.

'That was the real tragedy. If only he had waited,' he said.

Derby and South Derbyshire Deputy Coroner Louise Pinder said the note Mr Heydon left had made it clear what his intentions were.

She said: 'The contents of the letter do suggest he was contemplating taking his own life. There was a suggestion he was going to the river.'

Despite a police search involving helicopters, dogs and a special task force to search the river his body was not found until November 25 by a passerby.

Acting Sergeant Robert Buckley told the court that the area had a significance. He said: 'The river had been a courting area to which they went.'

A postmortem examination carried out on the body gave the cause of death as a vasovagal attack - a nervous attack leading to fainting - caused by submersion in cold water.

Ms Pinder said he would not have suffered. She gave a verdict that Mr Heydon had taken his own life.

The court heard that, during his later years, Mr Heydon had been inclined to drink to alleviate anxiety.

He was taking an anti-depression and his the deterioration of his wife's condition in hospital had exacerbated that.

The inquest was told his wife had undergone surgery at the Royal Derby Hospital for a swallowing problem, after which her condition became critical.

Mr Heydon said of his father: 'When the news came about mum he seemed like he knew how serious it was.

'He had accepted things were not going to be the same. But she got better and she was able to come home afterwards.'

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Rima Fakih is first Muslim Woman to win crown ! In a world where Religious & Racial/Tribalistic tensions are being doused Our muslim brothers from Kaduna State have declared the Governor seat is not vacant for a Christian Northerner should Sambo become Vice president ! read sad tale here

Main Article:
Muslim immigrant wins even after after gown stumble

A 24-year-old Arab American from Michigan beat out 50 other women to take
the 2010 Miss USA title Sunday night, despite stumbling in her evening

Rima Fakih of Dearborn, Mich., won the pageant at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip after strutting confidently in an orange
and gold bikini, wearing a strapless white gown that resembled a wedding
dress and saying health insurance should cover birth control pills.

When asked how she felt about winning the crown, she said, "Ask me after I've had a pizza."

Fakih, a Lebanese immigrant, told pageant organizers her family celebrates both Muslim and Christian faiths. She
moved to the United States as a baby and was raised in New York, where
she attended a Catholic school. Her family moved to Michigan in 2003.

Pageant officials said historical pageant records were not detailed enough to show whether Fakih was the first Arab American, Muslim or immigrant to win the Miss
USA title. The pageant started in 1952 as a local bathing suit
competition in Long Beach, Calif.

Fakih told reporters she sold her car after graduating college in Michigan to help pay for her run in the Miss Michigan USA pageant.

She said she believed she had the title on Sunday after glancing at pageant owner Donald Trump as she awaited the results with the first runner-up,
Miss Oklahoma USA Morgan Elizabeth Woolard.

"That's the same look that he gives them when he says, 'You're hired,'" on Trump's reality show "The Apprentice," she

"She's a great girl," said Trump, who owns the pageant with NBC in a joint venture.

In a moment that was replayed during the broadcast, Fakih nearly fell while finishing her walk in her gown because of the length of its train. But
she made it without a spill and went on to win.

"I did it here, I better not do it at Miss Universe," she said. "Modeling does help, after all."

Fakih replaces Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton and won a spot representing the United States this summer in the 2010 Miss Universe pageant. She also gets a one-year lease
in a New York apartment with living expenses, an undisclosed salary,
and various health, professional and beauty services.

During the interview portion, Fakih was asked whether she thought birth control should be paid for by health insurance, and she said she believed it should
because it's costly.

"I believe that birth control is just like every other medication even though it's a controlled substance," Fakih said.

Woolard handled the night's toughest question, about Arizona's new immigration law. Woolard said she supports the law, which requires police enforcing another law
to verify a person's immigration status if there's "reasonable
suspicion" that the person is in the country illegally.

She said she's against illegal immigration but is also against racial profiling.

"I'm a huge believer in states' rights. I think that's what's so wonderful about America," Woolard said. "So I think it's perfectly fine for Arizona to create that

"The Office" actor Oscar Nunez was booed as he asked the question and asked the audience to wait until he finished the
question before they reacted. The panel of judges came up with the
questions themselves.

Miss Virginia USA Samantha Evelyn Casey was the second runner-up, Miss Colorado USA Jessica Hartman was third runner-up, and Miss Maine USA
Katherine Ashley Whittier was the fourth runner-up.

The young women already glammed up for lingerie shots that became an online sensation and received online ratings from the public before the women face a panel of
seven celebrity judges in the live pageant.

The racy photo shoot posted on YouTube generated some debate about whether it went too far while drawing
thousands of viewers.

Most of the field of contestants from all 50 states and the District of Columbia were eliminated just after the pageant began and the entire
group danced onstage to "TiK ToK" by Ke$ha.

A panel of eight judges, including NBA star Carmelo Anthony, Treasure Island casino-hotel owner Phil Ruffin and Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir, were judging the girls throughout the night.
It was hosted by celebrity chef Curtis Stone and TODAY's Natalie

After 15 contestants strutted in swimsuits, five were eliminated. Another five were eliminated after the evening gown competition.

Miss Nebraska USA Belinda Renee Wright won the Miss Congeniality award, roughly one week after her father was killed in a farm accident. Miss Alabama USA Audrey Moore
won Miss Photogenic after an online fan vote.

The pageant aired live to East Coast viewers on NBC..

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.The family of Kayode Ogunlusi, in Ayegunle-Ekiti in Ijero Local Government Area of Ekiti State, on Monday, lost their children after taking a cassava meal prepared by the family. Five other members of the family, who also ate the cassava meal, are now on admission at the emergency unit of the University of Ado-Ekiti Teaching Hospital, Ado-Ekiti. Mr. Ogunlusi, the father of the deceased children, who only regained consciousness after receiving medical attention, said the family ate the cassava meal on Sunday night as dinner.

He explained that few hours after taking the meal, two of the children started vomiting, while one became unconscious. The father, who disclosed that the food was prepared by his wife, said members of the family were later taken to a private hospital in the town for initial treatment by their neighbours..

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A northern Mississippi school district will not be hosting a high school prom this spring after a lesbian student sought to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.


The Itawamba County school district's board decided Wednesday to drop the prom because of what it called recent distractions but without specifically mentioning the girl's request, which was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The student, 18-year-old high school senior Constance McMillen, said the cancellation was retaliation for her efforts to bring her girlfriend, also a student, to the April 2 dance.

"A bunch of kids at school are really going to hate me for this, so in a way it's really retaliation," McMillen told The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson. Calls to McMillen by The Associated Press late Wednesday went unanswered.

School policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The ACLU of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy, arguing that banning same-sex prom dates violated McMillen's constitutional rights.

Instead, the school board met and issued a statement announcing it wouldn't host the event at Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, "due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events."

The statement didn't mention McMillen or the ACLU. When asked by The Associated Press if McMillen's demand led to the cancellation, school board attorney Michele Floyd said she could only reference the statement.

"It is our hope that private citizens will organize an event for the juniors and seniors," district officials said in the statement. "However, at this time, we feel that it is in the best interest of the Itawamba County School District, after taking into consideration the education, safety and well being of our students."

Kristy Bennett, legal director for the ACLU of Mississippi, said the district was trying to avoid the issue.

"But that doesn't take away their legal obligations to treat all the students fairly," Bennett said. "On Constance's behalf, this is unfair to her. All she's trying to do is assert her rights."

Itawamba County is a rural area of about 23,000 people in north Mississippi near the Alabama state line. It's near Pontotoc County, Miss., where more than a decade ago school officials were sued in federal court over their practice of student-led intercom prayer and Bible classes.

Anna Watson, a 17-year-old junior at the high school, was looking forward to the prom, especially since the town's only hotspot is the bowling alley, she said.

"I am a little bummed out about it. I guess it's a decision that had to be made. Either way someone was going to get disappointed — either Constance was or we were," Watson said. "I don't agree with homosexuality, but I can't change what another person thinks or does."

Other students are on McMillen's side.

McKenzie Chaney, 16, said she wasn't planning to attend the prom, but "it's kind of ridiculous that they can't let her wear the tuxedo and it all be over with."

A Feb. 5 memo to students laid out the criteria for bringing a date to the prom, and one requirement was that the person must be of the opposite sex.

The ACLU said McMillen approached school officials shortly before the memo went out because she knew same-sex dates had been banned in the past. The ACLU said district officials told McMillen she and her girlfriend wouldn't be allowed to arrive together, that she would not be allowed to wear a tuxedo, and that she and her girlfriend might be asked to leave if their presence made any other students "uncomfortable."

McMillen said she feared she would be thrown out of the prom because "we do live in the Bible Belt."

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Fake SSS officer nabbed after extorting N6.4m from victim

Thursday, March 4, 2010
A staff member in the office of the Head of Service (HoS), Anambra State, Mr. Chibuzor Cyril, has been nabbed by the State Security Service (SSS), Anambra State Command for impersonation and extortion.



Paraded before newsmen yesterday, Chibuzor, who is in his late 30s was said to have posed as a staffer of the SSS and defrauded a businessman in the state to the tune of N6.4 million.

He was alleged to have been going about claiming to be an SSS officer and duping unsuspecting members of the public but luck ran out on him recently when the new state Director of the SSS, Mr. Ekpenyong Ita in the process of reorganisation, got a tip-off of the escapades of the fake officer.

Parading him, the state Director, Ita said Chibuzor had been collecting N31,250 weekly from the proprietor of a popular recreation centre in Awka, Be-Joy Centre and presented fake receipts he had been issuing the businessman.

He said Chibuzor had at the last count, collected a total of N6.4 million from the businessman and issued receipts for money collected. “He is a civil servant and he is working in the office of the Head of Service (HoS) of Anambra State. Since the year 2007, he has been going around business houses, impersonating the State Security Service and extorting money from them. He has also been acting as a clearing house and a go-between for kidnappers and their victims..

“In a particular incident he duped one businessman of about N6.4 million. He was collecting N31, 250 every week in the name of settling director of SSS and zonal director of SSS. As you know, there is nothing like zonal director of SSS, no nomenclature like that.

“He has been collecting money for birth experiences, death experiences, travelling money and the rest of them. He has been collecting this money since 2007 until the law caught up with him and we want to use this opportunity to inform Anambra people that our services are free,” the SSS boss said. The director further said Be-Joy proprietor was paying Chibuzor the sum of N31,250 every week to protect him from being kidnapped by hoodlums.

Ita, however, warned the public against going into business with anybody in the name of the SSS, stressing, “we do not collect money; we render services because we are here for the people. People like this use psychological intimidation to extort money from people.” Meanwhile, Chibuzor Cyril who is presently helping the SSS with its investigation confessed that he had been collecting N31,250 weekly from the owner of Be-Joy Centre Point, adding that the money collected was used to settle some personal problems.

The suspect, however, denied the allegation that he collected his victim’s Mercedes Benz car under false pretence, insisting that the businessman asked him to buy the vehicle if he could raise funds for it.
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Mother of five dies in hotel after sex romp

A 52-year-old housewife simply identified as Folorunsho was on Friday found dead in a guest house where she lodged with a male companion.advertisement hereFolorunsho, a mother of five, was said to have arrived Ayoola Guest House on Old Ota Road, Isale Odo, Agege, Lagos with the suspected lover at about 10pm.The man, whose identity is still unknown, was said to have sneaked out of the guest house apparently when he discovered that the woman had died.The corpse of the woman, who was said to be a mother of three sets of twins, was later discovered in one of the hotel rooms by attendants who were on routine check.At the time of the discovery, the deceased was said to be almost stark naked.The hotel management later reported the case at Elere Police Station from where detectives were drafted to the scene.The Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Frank Mba, confirmed the incident to our correspondent on Sunday.Mba, a superintendent of police, said that the woman died "in very controversial circumstances."He said it was suspected that the deceased and the male companion had lodged in the guest house for "some amorous games."The police spokesman said that the corpse had been deposited at Isolo General Hospital for autopsy.He added that the police had already launched a manhunt for the fleeing man.Our correspondent learnt that some hotel attendants who saw the man when he came in hand-in-hand with the deceased were said to have described him to policemen and were helping in the investigation.
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FCT SSS Director dies after meeting

State Security Service (SSS) Director in the FCT, Mohammed Al Nasir slumped and died after a meeting with the Director General Afakriya Gadzama on Monday. A senior official said he showed no signs of ill health during the day until his sudden death in the evening at the close of the meeting. He told Daily Trust Al Nasir was initially rushed to Aso Clinic but his body has since been moved to Katsina for burial yesterday afternoon. “He was hale and hearty in the morning and showed no signs of illness. It was a sudden death. He died after the meeting.” The source described Al Nasir as a hardworking person who was able to assist in security matters in the FCT. In another development Worried PDP governors meet Jonathan in Abuja for 30minutes on the absence of Yar'adua ! Shows how important the issue of state is .While the SSS chief for the FCT slumps and dies in a marathon meeting on the Religious and Ethnic violence in the 19 northern states .lasting from 9am to 7pm . Go figure this one out !
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It has been revealed how Super Eagles striker, Obafemi Martins, extranvagantly squandered about N3.1 trillions while a player of Newcastle.MartinsadvertisementHis former management company, NVA Management Limited who has dragged the player to court over breach of contarct, told the jury how the player’s account almost went red because of his lifestyle.Obafemi Martins was paid £75,000, but allegedly squandered the earnings on an extravagant lifestyleA former Premiership footballer routinely blew his £75,000 a week wages in a matter of days and was constantly overdrawn, a court was told yesterday.Obafemi, ex-Newcastle striker 25, was paid the handsome salary after he joined the club for a £10million fee in August 2006.But despite his extraordinary earnings, his former management team yesterday claimed they repeatedly bailed him out after his bank account continually slipped into the red.The High Court heard that the Nigerian international player would withdraw £40,000 in cash from his bank account at the end of the week.But that would only last him two days, the court heard, as he topped up with a further £25,000 on the Monday morning.He was always overdrawn and repeatedly relied upon NVA Management Limited to ‘manage his life’, the High Court was told.Martins, who owned several fast cars including a top of the range Porsche 4X4, spent the money funding an extravagant lifestyle of luxurious penthouse homes and fine dining.He is now being sued by his former management company which claims that he still owes them 300,000 for sorting out his finances.He told the court that Martins would withdraw £40,000 for the weekend, followed by another £25,000 on the Monday.‘Despite earning these vast sums of money he was constantly overdrawn,’ added Mr Tennink.He said the firm, which looks after the affairs of several footballers, film and music stars, said that Martins had agreed to pay them for simply managing his life.It was under their stewardship that Martins agreed a £2million image rights deal ‘simply for being Mr Martins’.It’s claimed Martins was constantly overdrawn despite earning £75,000-a-weekHe also had lucrative sponsorship deals with various companies including Pepsi and Nike but had not been paid.When the company stepped in to run his affairs they sorted the unpaid contracts, bringing in thousands of pounds.They also organised visas when he travelled to Italy, where he once played for Inter Milan, and sorted out his passport, his mortgage and property valuations.They even arranged critical illness cover and were constantly running up and down the motorway from their London offices to Newcastle in a bid to do all that he required.‘But surely these were things a secretary could do?’ asked Judge Richard Seymour QC, referring to the size of fees charged.‘It was a Jeeves-type of role that they performed.’Mr Tennink protested that managing every aspect of his life was just part of what they did, and asked the judge to bear in mind the sort of figures these players earned.He said Martins had come to them in July 2007 and had agreed a fee of around £300,000 plus 20 per cent of any sponsorship monies they managed to acquire on his behalf.“He asked for these services to be carried out,” Mr Tennink told the court.Before they managed his affairs, Martins had not been paid a penny for his image rights for the use of his name on Newcastle shirts and mugs and had received nothing from his sponsorship deals.He could not even find the contracts he had originally signed, Mr Tennink added.Martins paid the company £67,500 in January last year and another £25,000 in April last year.But the question for the court to decide, said Mr Tennink, was whether there was a ‘binding obligation’ for him to pay the outstanding bill of over £300,000.After Newcastle were relegated from the Premiership last summer Martins was sold for £9million to German Bundesliga Champions Wolfsburg.Martins, who once owned a penthouse apartment overlooking Newcastle’s exclusive Quayside, is fighting the claim.The hearing is scheduled to last for three days.
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Dear readers, Carrying his baby months after I left him! Dear readers, I am in a very difficult position. One I would find extremely difficult to explain to my former boyfriend. I honestly don’t even know how to explain it to myself let alone any other one, because it is a very strange thing. advertisement My ex-boyfriend and I went our different ways about five months ago, and since then I haven’t slept with another man on account of the way we separated. I caught him with one of my very good friends. For me, it was the height of it all. Prior to that time, we have had issues concerning his ability to keep his pants zipped up. Because I have always been told that relationship takes time to form, I kept enduring the situation for four years. But catching him with my friend was more than I could endure. I didn’t give him the chance to explain anything and told him in clear terms that I don’t ever want to see him. Even when some of his friends came to beg and explain that I should give him a chance to explain what really happened, I ignored them all. My parents also tried to speak on his behalf, but backed off when I made my stance very obvious. I honestly thought I was rid of him until I discovered that I am about five months pregnant. The shock isn’t the pregnancy, but the way my body concealed the knowledge from me. Like I said, we have gone our separate ways and I am carrying his baby inside of me. How do I convince him that the child is his? How do I present the case to him and his family after telling him I am through with him? Will he believe me? Will he ever accept the child as his own? How do I bring a child whose birth would be clothed in controversy into the world? How do I explain the whole matter to my parents or his for that matter? Would he believe I didn’t know about the pregnancy until now? At 32, who would believe I didn’t know I was pregnant till now? The few friends I told are divided in opinion. While some think abortion is still possible at this stage of the pregnancy, some think I should go ahead and have the baby on my own, since I have a good job without telling the father. Yet others think I owe myself and baby the responsibility of informing the father. And that even if he denies, at least, he would be aware of the existence of the baby. I am in a very tight corner. Please help me. I love to have a baby, but not in this controversial manner. A doctor I contacted said it was too risky to abort the child at this stage. He also explained that some women don’t experience the usual signs and agrees it is inexplicable. I am so confused because even if he accepts I don’t want to marry him again. There is no way I can marry a man I don’t trust. And I don’t want to be a single mother either. Iremide. Dear Iremide, I don’t subscribe to you aborting the baby whatever the situation. A child is a gift from God and only He has the right to touch a life. He takes and gives as He pleases. It isn’t in your place to do that. The fact that He didn’t allow you the pleasure of experiencing the natural signs a woman notices when she gets pregnant shows that this child is meant to be. What this means is that this child is very determined to come and any attempt by you to terminate its life could result in your death too. So, be careful. At any rate, have you bothered to consider God’s reason for making all these happen? Naturally, when a woman takes in, her flow is expected to stop even if she is one of those lucky women who don’t experience nausea, spitting and discomfort associated with the early days of pregnancy. That none of these happened shows the benevolent hands of God at work. Rather than worry at what this man would say, why not begin by thanking God for this special gift? I know and understand all the different shades of feelings you are going through as well as the attendant confusions, but going first to God would help you put things in their proper perspectives. First, you have to accept the reality of the baby growing inside of you. That is not negotiable. You must have the calmness of mind to accept that no matter what happens between the father and you, this baby has come to stay and for a while may be your sole responsibility. Once you have the grace to accept the baby as part of you, the attendant strength to face the hostility, condemnation as well as all the other negative attitudes from people around you would come from nowhere. This will help you know what advice to take and those to ignore. For instance, you will learn to shut out from your life those friends asking you to terminate this pregnancy. This is particularly necessary, because you caught your man with one of these so-called friends. Only the spirit of God can tell you the truth at all times. Those urging you to abort a five months old pregnancy don’t mean well for you. A lot can go wrong even if you entrust your life to the best doctor in the world. What would be your story if you end up having damaged womb? Would say you lost your womb due to fears of raising a child alone? Would any of these friends give you any of their children to call your own? At 32, are you not old enough to be a mother or make your decision? Besides, have you stopped to consider the viability of your biological clock? What about the spiritual angle, the destiny of the individual? What if God reveals to you that child is meant to be your only child in life? Would you still be ashamed to care for it or make excuses for your reason to get rid of it? If you have never given him cause to suspect you, lied to him, he would believe you. Only a man who doesn’t trust his woman or running away from responsibility would deny a woman he has slept with. Don’t judge or condemn him even before giving him a chance to defend his honour as a man. Yes, he may appear irresponsible to you on account of his behaviour, but when it comes to the issue of knowing that he is about to be a father, don’t deny him his rights. Your body may be incubating the child, but he is the father. Hence he has the right to know because you didn’t make the baby alone. Even if he doubts the paternity of the baby, modern medicine has made such thing so simple. A DNA could be conducted on the foetus to determine the paternity or on the baby after birth. Telling him doesn’t mean you have to go back to him if you don’t want to, but it would give both of you the chance to discuss the well being of this child God has graciously given to the two of you. Overtime, it would also give you two the chance to re-assess your relationship. This child could be God’s way of forcing you to listen to the wise counsel of all those who tried to talk you out of your decision. There is no way you both won’t talk about the past if both of you plan to play prominent roles in the life of this child. Until you listen to him, you won’t know how your friend ended up in the position you caught both of them. Have you ever tried considering the fact that your friend out of jealousy may have planned everything to ensure you broke up with him? You will never know the true nature of some of your friends or motive of their friendship unless you hear this man out. Listening doesn’t mean you should forgive him, but knowing what actually transpired that day would go a long way in helping you understand a lot of things happening around you. Whatever happens between the two of you, the interest of the child should always come first, because at the end of the day that is what would count the most. Good luck.
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i am tired of how Nigerian women do not take care of their physical appearance, we leave ourselves, by the way the men also apply, but am talking about women nowwhat is wrong with having a facials to get rid of pimples, just spending 30mins once a week to steam the face can help remove pores and dirtgoing to the gym or just doing 30mins cardio at home 3times a week can do alot,I am not going to lie, Nigerian women are really beautiful, the only thing lacking is the zeal to make oneself attractive WITH a little efforti dont care how beautiful your cloth looks or how much you spent, its notting if you cant take care of your bodyNow about Omotola Jalade(NOT SURE ABT MY SPELLING), the excuse that most nigerian women use now is that just because you have children you should be fat and not care for yourselves again, that is complete crap Angry, having children does'nt mean its the end of the world, u could still take 5mins out of you time daily to do a little cardio and not forgetting eating healthy
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Six die after Amala meal

SIX people, members of the same family, were yesterday confirmed dead in Nimgurumi town in the Baruten Local Council of Kwara State after taking cassava flour suspected to have been poisoned. advertisement ASK9JA CLASSIFIEDS !FREE ADVERTS Four others are receiving medical attention at a private hospital in the town as a result of the incident. The development occurred as women and leaders of the Association of Yam Sellers in Ilorin, the state capital, warned yam sellers to ensure that only safe and treated yam flour is sold for consumption. There were fears among residents, perhaps triggered by the Nimgurumi incident, of the sale of unwholesome yam flour in the market. Health Commissioner Hajia Ayinke Saka who confirmed the incident, told reporters preliminary reports linked the deaths to a squabble between two families in the area over a parcel of land. She cautioned people against exposing their food items. Reports indicated that one of the families had spread the cassava flour outside their house to dry before preparing it for consumption. The other party, however, allegedly poisoned the substance during the process. The unsuspecting family was reported to have prepared the local cassava meal (Amala) from the poisoned flour which members of the family shared, leading to the disaster. The state's police spokesman, Mr. Dabo Ezekiel, told reporters in Ilorin that the command had begun investigation into the incident and would make its findings public. The latest deaths bring the number of casualties from food poisoning in the state to 19, and the third between 2005 and this year. Three persons, the District Head of Alapa in Asa Local Council, one of his wives and one of his traditional chiefs died on June 20, 2005 from eating a meal of Amala prepared by his third wife. The deceased, whose names were given as Alhaji Shuaib Ajape Oniso, the District Head, his wife, Alhaja Belawu and Alhaji Saidu Akanji, the Mogaji Alapa reportedly, died a few hours after eating the food.
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naija's film industry is garnering global attention as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, yesterday declared Nollywood the second world film producer.A global cinema survey conducted by the world body's Institute of Statistics and released at the UN head office in New York and UNESCO office in Paris yesterday, India kept the first position, but naija has edged out the United States from the second position. The US is now number 3 after India and naija, according to an Empowered Newswire report.The survey ranks countries based on the number of films produced in a year, and not on the quality or on the turn-over of the films from those countries.Global attention on Nollywood has been mounting in recent times, especially as naija films have become hot commodity among African-Americans in the US and blacks from the Caribbean countries. Only last month, a daily US government bulletin described Nollywood as a rising star in the world of film production, paying tribute to the acumen of naija actors and film producers.Visits of famous naija actors from naija to the US is often a celebrity event with US-based naijas taking autographs from the Nollywood stars.While the Indian film industry is known as Bollywood, the American industry is known as Hollywood and naija's known as Nollywood. Both India and naija coined their industry appellations from Hollywood.The UNESCO survey which tallied 2006 figures revealed that Bollywood produced 1,091 feature-length films in 2006 compared to 872 productions (in video format) from naija's film industry. The United States produced 485 major films. The report quoted naija, US and India as the three heavyweights in global film production.The report actually spotlighted Nollywood further, noting what the UN statement called "the explosive growth of Nollywood" which is now attracting "considerable attention, especially in developing countries looking for alternatives to the U.S. or European models of film production and distribution, which require considerable investment."Said the report, "To begin with, naija filmmakers rely on video instead of film to reduce production costs," adding that naija has virtually no formal cinemas. About 99 per cent of screenings occur in informal settings, such as "home theatre."The UNESCO survey further reveals "another key element of the naija success story: multilingualism. About 56 per cent of Nollywood films are produced in naija's local languages, namely Yoruba (31per cent), Hausa (24 per cent) and Igbo (1 per cent). English remains a prominent language, accounting for 44 per cent, which may contribute to naija's success in exporting its films."The UNESCO findings were collected through a new international survey launched by the UIS in 2007 with financing from the Government of Québec. Overall, the survey yielded data from 99 countries.After the three 'heavyweights', there were eight other countries that produced more than 100 films: Japan (417), China (330), France (203), Germany (174), Spain (150), Italy (116), South Korea (110) and the United Kingdom (104)."Film and video production are shining examples of how cultural industries - as vehicles of identity, values and meanings - can open the door to dialogue and understanding between peoples, but also to economic growth and development. This conviction underpins the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity," the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, said. "And this new data on film and video production provides yet more proof of the need to rethink the place of culture on the international political agenda," he added.Despite its limited coverage, the survey provides a unique perspective on how different countries and regions are transforming traditional approaches to the art and industry of filmmaking, especially in video and digital formats.The survey also revealed considerable linguistic diversity in film production in Spain and Canada. In Spain, almost 69% of films were produced in Spanish, 12% in Catalan, about 9% in English, 4% in Basque, almost 3% in French and 4% in other languages. In Canada, 67% of films were produced in English and 31% in French in 2006.Despite these results, English remains the dominant language in filmmaking globally. In total, 36% of films produced in 2006 were shot in English, according to the survey.US films continue to dominate admissions globally. Although the survey is not exhaustive, a clear trend seems to have emerged when considering the provenance of the top 10 films viewed in diverse countriesAll of the top 10 films seen in Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Namibia, Romania, and Slovenia were made in the U.S., according to the survey. There were however some notable exceptions.Bollywood productions were the obvious favourite in India. In France, seven out of the top 10 films were French. And in Japan and Morocco, domestic productions accounted for five out of the 10 most widely viewed films.
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