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Murat Yilmaz is the author of our recently published OpenX Ad Server: Beginner's Guide which helps you in building and maintaining professional advertising solutions for your web sites with OpenX Ad Server.


Murat Yilmaz is a software developer and online entrepreneur who lives in Moscow. He has over 10 years of experience in different IT fields including development of web-driven solutions, databases, and OLAP systems. He has worked at various international companies in Istanbul (Turkey), Anchorage (Alaska), and Moscow (Russia) as a consultant. He currently runs his own blog and online advertising network. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Marmara University at Istanbul.

He spends his free time playing progressive rock songs on a guitar and enjoys writing for his gadgets and technology blog at http://www.vubx.com

Packt: Your book is published now. How is the feeling of being a published author?

Murat: It is great feeling! I am very happy! Its great to see my book being available in so many bookstores worldwide. It feels so good to hold it in hands. Knowing the fact that my book on this very popular subject, OpenX, will be read by thousands and will help people in increasing the efficiency of their online businesses makes me proud of myself. In brief, this is a reward for years of knowledge and experience..

Packt: What benefits did writing a book bring to your specialist area?

Murat: Obviously, it is a great contribution to a person's professional career. After the publication of the book, I have got many paid projects, which include things from simple configuration, management of an ad inventory to customized coding of OpenX environment.

It projects my profile as an OpenX expert in the industry.

Packt: Our authors usually have full-time jobs whilst writing for us. Was this the case for you and how did you approach managing your time?

Murat: I own my own network of websites, blogs and earn my living solely by online advertising and affiliate network income which is generated by these sites. Apart from these, I take up coding tasks time to time. So, I don't have a full time job and was very flexible while writing the book. This position allowed me to dedicate enough time for the book. At times, I had to ignore my websites a bit to write difficult chapters.

Packt: Whilst writing your book, did you find that it overshadowed personal life in any way? How did you deal with this?

Murat: The process of writing the book with full concentration was full of enjoyment. At times, I declined my wife's offer to watch new episodes of our favourite shows such as Lost or Desperate Housewives. It did not overshadow my life at all! The process of writing a book filled new colours in our lives. Overall, it was a unique experience.

Packt: Do you have any advice for other authors who may be interested in writing for Packt, but are still unsure?

Murat: If a potential author believes that her/his subject knowledge and skills on a particular subject are good, there is no reason to be scared. Packt’s team provides full support to the author. The key is to provide high quality content which will really help people to do things and solve their problems.

As you write your first few chapters you will notice that your writing abilities keep on improving. Self-confidence helps you fight the fears.

Packt: Do you have any tips for other authors, or tricks that you learnt whilst writing, that you'd like to share?

Murat: I would suggest writing small notes whenever a new idea comes before it flies away! Second tip is about trying to follow the draft chapters from the reader's point of view. The chapter should build from simple to more advance step by step while maintaining the reader's interest intact! Finally, I first placed all screenshots, diagrams to word file which I would need in the chapter and then wrote the content under them. It is easier to manage and concentrate on writing.

Packt: How did you find the overall experience of writing your book for Packt?

Murat: Packt is the place where highly qualified employees really enjoy their jobs with common aim to create a perfect book with the author. Besides the professionalism, I have seen encouragement, friendship and motivation here.

Packt: During the writing process, did you come across any issues/ difficulties that affected your writing and how did you overcome these?

Murat: At first, I had difficulties about arranging layout and correct styles in Word file. Also, I had issues with writing the chapter contents in a logical, developmental way. Development and technical editors identified such issues and provided very useful comments to correct them.

Packt: Was there anything interesting that happened during the writing of the book?

Murat: Writing a book also requires extensive search on the topic. I have felt that my knowledge on OpenX has increased even more and I noticed the details which I had missed before.

Packt: How did Packt’s Acquisition Editors help you - what kind of things did they help you with and how did they support you throughout the writing process?

Murat: First of all, they show how to write a nicely organized table of contents and bring new suggestions for the content. By brainstorming, we created a final table of contents which clearly reflected what the book will look like at the end. My questions on content development also were replied by Packt specialists in detail, very swiftly.

Packt: What projects, if any, are you working on at the moment?

Murat: I am currently authoring my second beginner's guide book for Packt. It is about one of the most popular shopping cart solutions, OpenCart. I continue to develop my websites both in SEO and marketing sides. Besides, I currently write a custom CMS in .Net platform for a famous French furniture company, Roche Bobois Moscow branch.

I have a future plan of offering a book to Packt about developing database driven applications using latest .Net technology with full source code. I believe that it will be very useful for .net developers who need to see the codes, database design of a complete database driven desktop solution.

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It was God luck that initially saved those 33 miners when the mountain collapsed, but it was not Gigantic-330-tonne-lorrie-006.jpgluck that kept them alive

Mining created Chile. The story of men who go down into the mountain and chip away at minerals in the darkness and then suffer an accident that leaves them at the mercy of that darkness is part of the DNA of Chile, an integral part of the country's history. It was one of the first things I learned about Chile when I arrived there in 1954 at the age of 12.

"Open your books to the story El Chiflón del Diablo," our Spanish teacher said on the first day of class. "The Devil's Tunnel by Baldomero Lillo. Written in 1904."

It was a story very much like the one that, many decades later on 6 August 2010, would afflict the miners of San José. It is all there – how the earth devours those who dare to probe its depths, in that classic story and all the others that Lillo wrote at the beginning of the 20th century and that every child in Chile studies. Those 33 miners could not know when they read those stories in school that they would someday be living that terror. They could not know that more than 100 years after that fiction was written that the conditions of mining life, the risks to the miners and the inhumane exploitation would be basically unaltered.

People around the world have been amazed at how the 33 miners have organised themselves in shifts, generated a hierarchy of command and crafted a plan for survival drawing from all the skills they have accumulated through their working lives. I am not in the least surprised. This has always been how Chilean workers have endured and persisted in the face of tremendous challenges. It is the legacy of those who extracted nitrate and who, at about the time that Lillo was writing about the torments of miners, were establishing the first trade unions, reading groups and newspapers of the Chilean working class. Those lessons of unity, fortitude and orderliness were handed down from father to son to grandson. It was what each male needed to know in order to outlive the disasters that could befall him in a merciless environment.

Of course, it was luck that initially saved those 33 miners when the mountain collapsed. But it was not luck that kept them alive. Inside them was the training and stamina inherited from forefathers, murmurs from those who were not willing to die over and over again in the darkness. There was a miracle at work, therefore, in San José, but to focus exclusively on good fortune is to perhaps miss the true and deeper significance of what happened. It begs the real question..

How is it possible that, more than a century after Lillo's stories denounced the inhuman conditions of men toiling underground, that insecurity and danger persist? How many more accidents like this one will be needed before legislation to mandate safeguards is enacted and workers can descend into the mountain without putting their lives needlessly at risk?

These 33 miners are now international heroes, with the world celebrating their rescue and their progress towards the light.

By one of those coincidences that history loves, these men were buried at the moment when the latest statistics show that the percentage of Chileans living in poverty has, for the first time since the end of Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship, gone drastically up rather than down.

Is it too much to hope that the ordeal these men have gone through will trouble the conscience of Chile and create a country where, 100 years from now, the stories of Baldomero Lillo and the story of the 33 miners from San José, will be a thing of the past? Now that would be a real miracle.

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Sad Tales of Okada Men

If it had been tears of joy, the herald of okada riders into the Nigerian transport system would have been a welcome development. But the tears are indeed painful in different homes of Nigerians as okada riders wreak their havoc endlessly in the course of transporting Nigerians from one point to the other across Nigerian cities.

Alfa Allimi was able to raise some money through the cooperative society in which he was a bonafide member. As a farmer based in Lagos and his farm located in Ogun State, he was excited about the idea of purchasing a Bajaj motorcycle in order to ease the stress associated with his weekly trip to his farm. But as soon as he made his purchase, the okada riders in his neighbourhood proved him totally wrong.

With tears in his eyes, he opened up to this reporter. “On the fateful day, I parked my Bajaj motorcycle at the back of the house. And as a security conscious person, I used to wake up around 2 a.m. in order to find out whether the bike is safe or not. But on this particular night, I just slept off. And when I woke up around 3 a.m., the motorcycle was nowhere to be found. And this is a motorcycle I bought through hire purchase. I am yet to complete the installment payment. Besides, there is a debt to be settled at the cooperative society.”

But how is he sure that the okada riders are involved in the theft? This reporter asked. And it was his wife that swiftly responded. “There is no doubt about it, the okada riders are the thieves. In the past three months, they have been stealing motorcycles in this neighbourhood. These are the new okada riders that have just settled in this area. They are from a village not far from the border between Nigeria and Benin Republic.”

A secondary school teacher in Lagos who wished to remain anonymous told this writer about his own unpleasant experience.

“In the school where I teach, it is customary for teachers to pool their salaries together at the end of the month in the form of monthly contribution. When it came to my turn, I received almost N300,000. My wife and I decided to invest this money wisely, hence we purchased two Sinoiki motorcycle. We gave them out to two okada riders in our area so that they can be rendering daily returns (money) to us at the end of every business day. Rather than honouring the terms of the agreement, they both failed woefully as they converted the motorcycles to their own use.

“Whatever they made every day was paid into their own account without reverting back to us.”

According to the teacher, it was a tug of war before he was able to recover the motorcycles which had been damaged almost beyond repairs as a result of reckless use. And rather than making profit from the transaction, the teacher incurred debt in respect of the okada business.

Mopelola is a 34-year old nurse in one of the private hospitals in Lagos. She was coming from a vigil organised by a church recently.

She had her baby strapped at her back when she got to the bus stop that early morning. She waved an okada rider to stop for her. And up till now, her experience seemed like a nightmare as she narrated the incident to this writer.

“I got to the bus stop around 5 a.m. I was having my baby strapped at my back. An okada rider was passing by and as I waved my right hand to stop him, the young rider quickly stopped. As we were going, heading in the direction of my area of residence, the okada rider took a face towel from the front of his motorcycle. He used it to wipe off his face, and as if he wanted to hang it on his left shoulder, he hit the towel on my head. From that point onwards, I instantly lost my sense of reasoning.”

According to the nurse, the okada rider began to ride at a great speed towards the outskirts of Lagos until they got into a bush. And by the time he stopped finally, it was on a bush path where the mother and the baby were finally handed over to a team of kidnappers. By the time they took me and my baby to a lonely hut in the jungle, my sense of reasoning was restored. It was then I realised I was now in the hands of kidnappers.

“I came across about 10 other people who had also fallen victims like me. It was at this time I began to call the name of Jesus, but my kidnappers were not deterred. They shaved the hair of my baby and mine. And when they finally led me to the presence of the herbalist in order to be slaughtered for ritual purposes, the old man shouted. ‘Take her away! Take her and the child away!’ Two of the kidnappers bundled me and my child away from that demonic premises.”

And when this writer asked how the nurse was able to find her way back home, she said it was really the divine guiding hand of God.

“By the time the kidnappers took me away from the hut in the jungle, they dumped me on a foot path. And after walking for some kilometers, I began to hear the sound of moving vehicles. Using the sound of the vehicles as a guide, I was able to get to a tarred road. The vehicles passing by were unwilling to stop for me. This is because passengers in those vehicles thought I was a mad woman who is nursing a baby. At last, a kind hearted Nigerian stopped and parked beside me. He took the risk and listened to my story. It was this man that gave me a free ride back to Lagos.”

Another person also spoke about an incident which would always cause pain and tears in the eyes of the victim for the rest of her life. And the unforgettable bitter experience was that of a young woman who had her baby strapped at her back. She mounted the back of a Bajaj motorcycle and the rider was so rough and careless in the way and manner he was contesting for the right of way with a bus along Ijoko Road in Ogun State. All of a sudden, the baby strapped to her back fell off from the back of the mother and only to be crushed to death by an on-coming vehicle.

A woman popularly known as Alhaja, real name (withheld) came recently to Lagos on a visit from Ibadan. When she alighted from the bus at Ojodu-Berger, she waved down an okada rider that would take her to Iju, a suburb of Ifako Agege. But that singular action was her undoing and she had a story of woe to tell in respect of that incident.

“In the first place, I was not supposed to stop the okada rider on that terrible day. But I was in a hurry to keep an appointment with my friend whom I had come to visit concerning an important issue. Besides, it was already getting late as I got down from the bus at Ojodu-Berger around 10 p.m. as we were riding along the way, the okada rider just stopped suddenly. As he snatched my handbag, he pushed me into the nearby gutter. He quickly made a U-turn and sped away with my bag, with all the precious things contained therein.”

In the far-away district of Aiyedade in Osun State, a tragedy occurred recently and the whole community is yet to recover from the shocking experience. It was the case of Pastor Ade who was the head of a vibrant Pentecostal church populated by youths in that community. According to eyewitnesses, on that particular Sunday, after the morning service in his church, he was off to clinic where one of his church members had been admitted for treatment the previous day. Rather than riding in his own car, he asked an okada rider to take him there.

The pastor got to the clinic which was located on the outskirts of the town some few minutes later. He prayed for the patient and as he was being taken back to his church by the same okada rider, an on-coming vehicle rammed into the motorcycle. According to the eye witness at the scene of the accident, the man of God did not die immediately and he was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital. The okada rider did not lose his life in the accident. He did not even sustain any injury. But through his careless riding of the motorcycle, he was involved in an accident that caused the death of the amiable young pastor...

Whenever an Okada accident occurs, passengers at the back of the motorcycle are not always the only victims of the mishap. More often than not, the okada rider himself might end up a major victim, with broken limbs or even losing his life in the process. And this seemed to be the fate of Mr. Ezinwa, although he did not lose his own life in the mishap, the broken limbs are the tell-tale signs of the unfortunate accident.

According to the wife of the victim, she was always disturbed whenever her husband rode the motorcycle that was involved in the accident. “My husband is a bricklayer. It is because of hard times that pushed him into riding okada so that he can make some money for the family upkeep. And by his nature, my husband is a carefree person. Had he been a very calm person, he would have been able to avoid the grave mistake that caused the accident. I had always warned him to take life easy. But look at the mess he has put the family now? And this is an accident that was quite avoidable. For almost one year, he was at the place of the local medicine-man who was mending his bones. Even now that he is on his feet, he is already deformed.”

With tears in the homes of their victims and even tears in their own homes too, will the okada riders take a break and learn some useful lessons from all these avoidable accidents? May be this will happen one day when they cease from the rat-race of making money by all means – whether fair or foul.

•Bayo Babatunde writes from Lagos
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Abuja Bomb Blast: Ben Jessy (wanted)

Huhuonline.com can disclose that barely 72

hours after Abuja bomb explosions, the NigeriaPolice has confirmed the arrest of a suspect.But the identity of the arrested suspect was not disclosed for security reasons.

The police also declared two others, Chima Orlu and Ben Jessy, wanted over the bomb blasts.

The Force Public Relations Officer, ACP Emmanuel Ojukwu who made the disclosure in a statement in Abuja said forensic experts had already commenced analysis of over 100 vehicles trapped during the incidents.

He said 10 people were killed and 36 injured including 11 policemen.

He also claimed that the blasts completely destroyed six cars and damaged 18 others.Ojukwu said: “As you are already aware, two cars exploded before noon of 1stOctober, 2010, while the President, Commander-in-Chief was reviewing a colourful ceremony marking Nigeria ’s 50th Independence Anniversary.

“Both explosions occurred near a bridge adjacent to the Millennium Park , within a kilometre, East end of the Eagle Square .


“The ugly incident resulted in the death of 10 (ten) persons, while 36 (thirty-six) others, including 11 policemen were seriously injured. The blasts completely destroyed 6 (six) cars, damaged 18 (eighteen) others, and shattered the glasses of a hotel nearby. “The Nigeria Police deeply regrets the loss of innocent lives and the harm and damage done to the well being and property of fellow citizens. It is clear that the intention of the perpetrators of the evil act was to truncate Nigeria ’s celebration of half a century of her political freedom.

“Their motive was to cut short the joy of men and women of goodwill and to pour shame and contempt on our President and indeed the entire nation, in the very presence of dignitaries and eminent persons from around the world. “Certainly, these operators of an evil enterprise had targeted to commit mass murder of innocent children, young and old men and women, and members of the international community who had gathered to partake in our nation’s glorious moment.


Abuja Bomb Blast: Chima Orlu (Wanted)

“To the glory of God, their act of wickedness was frustrated by the tight security put in place at the Eagle Square .

Police investigation has commenced in earnest. Forensic experts are already checking about a hundred vehicles trapped in the vicinity of the blasts to ascertain the make, composition and origin of the explosives. As soon as the forensic examination is over, the vehicles will be released to their owners and the roads re-opened to normal traffic.

“The Nigeria Police regrets the inconveniences caused owners of those trapped vehicles and the users of those roads.

“Also, an arrest has been made by the Police in connection with the incident. Police detectives are currently hunting for another two Nigerian citizens suspected to be the masterminds of the evil plot. Their names are: 1. CHIMA ORLU, (MALE) and 2. BEN JESSY (MALE) And I have attached their photographs for easier identification.

By this release, they are declared wanted by the Nigeria Police, and are hereby requested to come forward and clear their names. Any person who sees them or knows their whereabouts is requested to kindly report to the nearest Police Station anywhere in the Federation of Nigeria, or abroad, or call or send SMS to the following telephone numbers:1. 08033225-349; 2. 0806-2700-000 ; and 3. 0803-8305-707

“Finally, I wish to call on all citizens that the thought and act of bombing any part of this country amounts to a declaration of war against Nigeria . It is our collective duty to stop criminals from destroying our fatherland.

“All citizens are reminded that they are obliged by the constitution to assist law enforcement agencies in the maintenance of law and order. And it is indeed a punishable offence to conceal or hide the identity or whereabouts of a wanted person.”
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Characteristics of Programming Geeks

hello guyz….I’m shifting to new home so I will not be able to post for few days as I’ve to get another internet connection in new place and connect it but I’ve not forgotten to post
the special dose of Sunday to make you laugh. In this post, I’m going to
tell you some characteristics of experienced programmer. After reading
this post, please let me know weather you fall within this category or

When you are counting objects, you go like “0,1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,A, B,C,D…” .

When asked about a bus schedule, you wonder if it is 16 or 32 bits.

When your wife says “If you don’t turn off that darn machine and come to bed,then I am going to divorce you!”, and you chastise her for for omitting the else clause.

When you are reading a book and look for the space bar to get to the next page.

When you look for your car keys using: “grep keys /dev/pockets”

When after fooling around all day with routers etc, you pick up the phone and start dialing an IP number.

When you get in the elevator and double-press the button for the floor you want.

When not only do you check your email more often than your paper mail, but you remember your {network address} faster than your postal one.

When you go to balance your checkbook and discover that you’re doing the math in octal. ..

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If billionaire Alki David is an honest man, the man who streaked in front of Barack Obama at the president’s rally today in Philadelphia will be paid $1 million for his stunt. The man who
performed today’s stunt, which captured the attention of the Drudge
Report , is 24-year-old Juan James Rodriguez, THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned..

Photo Credit: Joey "Boots" Bassolino

David is a billionaire shipping and bottling magnate who is known to carry out stunts, mainly by paying others to perform them.
"A WACKY billionaire has offered $1million (£638,700) to the first
person who streaks in front of US President Barack Obama. Loaded Alki
David has promised to pay out the cash — providing the streaker writes
the name of his website 'Battlecam' across their chest."

“When I see the video and it’s confirmed...it won’t be check [that Rodriguez receives], it will be cash,” David, reached by phone tonight, told THE WEEKLY STANDARD..

The requirements of the streaking stunt, David told me, are that the streaker must have been within “eye-shot and ear shot of the president, they have to scream the name ‘battlecam’ six times, and they have to be nude.”


Two men involved in the stunt, Glen Zolar and Joey “Boots” Bassolino, assured THE WEEKLY STANDARD that Rodriguez met the requirements.

Zolar, who spoke with me on the phone earlier tonight, is a moderator on battlecam.com. Zolar was cruising the website when Rodriguez contacted him and asked whether he’d be able to
facilitate this stunt. Seeking personal gain – primarily, monetary gain –
Zolar agreed.

When asked how much he would get paid from Rodriguez’s payout, Zolar said, “I’d rather not disclose the figure, but it would definitely be more than $5,000 … and less than $25,000.”

Zolar says he has done freelance producing for the Howard Stern Show. Bassolino is a frequent guest on the show, which is well-known for conducting stunts just like the one carried out today in
Philadelphia. Zolar asked Bassolino to film the stunt this evening. The
two say it has been recorded but has not yet been broadcast on the
website. No payment has yet been made, and though it has not yet been
given David’s approval, it appears Rodriguez met all of David's

“I am on the record as saying that it needed to be done in a place where it’s legal to be nude,” David said. But “it’s a suggestion, not a rule.”

In that case, the requirements appear to have been met. .

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Shelley Malil, who is best known for his role as Steve Carell's coworker in the hit 2005 comedy The 40-Year-Old Virgin, was convicted of attempted murder on Thursday for stabbing his girlfriend Kendra Beebe more than 20 times.

Malil, 45, testified in his own defense in the San Diego Superior Court. The actor claimed he mistook Beebe for someone else attacking him in the dark. But the jury, composed of seven men and five women, did not buy the story.

Malil had arrived at Beebe's house on Aug. 10, 2008 to find her in her backyard with another man (musician David Maldonado). Prosecutors said at that point Malil had approached Beebe and stabbed her with a steak knife. She suffered serious injuries, but survived the attack.

Testimony from witnesses also brought forth the information that Malil and Beebe were seen having an argument on the beach just one day before the stabbing. Beebe, who met Malil on an online dating site, said her relationship with him was "volatile" and that he was "jealous" and "possessive." Reports claim that Beebe cried loudly when Malil's verdict was read.

Malil's public defender argued that he acted in the heat of passion and that he should be found guilty of attempted voluntary manslaughter rather than premeditated attempted murder. While Malil was, in fact, found guilty of attempted murder, the jury found him not guilty on the count of one charge of residential burglary.

He now faces 21 years to life and is set to be sentenced on Nov. 18...

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American Lesbian couple kicked out of Mall

Lesbian couple meets with shopping center officials over ouster

A lesbian couple who say they were asked to leave a North Carolina shopping center after sharing a kiss and a hug met with the center's property manager on Saturday.

"We welcomed the opportunity to sit down with the women and offer our sincere regrets over last week's incident," said George York, president of York Properties, which manages the Cameron Village shopping center in Raleigh, North Carolina. The incident took place Wednesday at Cameron Village.

Caitlin Breedlove told CNN affiliate WRAL that she and her partner were being affectionate but appropriate with one another when a security officer asked them to leave the shopping center.

The officer told the couple that they were being inappropriate and that "nobody wants to see that here at Cameron Village," Breedlove said, referring to the couple's homosexuality.

The couple asked to speak to the officer's supervisor...

Dan Palatucci, who manages the Flying Biscuit restaurant at the shopping center, where the couple had eaten before the incident, told WRAL that he voiced concern about the incident to Cameron Village's management.

On Saturday, York said his company is planning additional sensitivity training for its security personnel.

"We apologized that the women were offended, and we affirmed that Cameron Village and York Properties, Inc. have no tolerance for discrimination of any kind and believe all people deserve the right to be treated fairly in their work, homes and daily lives," York said in a statement.

A letter of apology was also sent to the women, he said.

Breedlove is a gay activist, but she says the incident wasn't planned. WRAL reported that the American Civil Liberties Union may take legal action over the episode.

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People crossing the flooded area through a wooden bridge from Ajiliti to Mile 12 area. Inset: Okada riders waiting for passengers. Photos: Sylvester Okoruwa

The recent flood that rendered a lot of Lagosians homeless, destroying property worth millions of naira, impoverished the victims, as reported by OWONIBI AYOMIDE.

THE Foursquare Gospel Church in Agiliti a suburb in Mile 12 still stands solidly on its foundation. Though the church is painted white to signify purity, the white paint is gradually peeling away, revealing the ash coloured plastered walls now green and slimy with algae..

Instead of devoted worshippers clapping and singing praises, the church is quiet and desolate. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of water seeping through some of the cracks in the walls. Occasionally, the stillness of the church is broken by the sound of a water creature going about its business as if it belongs there.

Outside the church is a long stretch of algae green water with rows of houses and shops on both sides. The stretch of water was once Oreofe Street. The houses are not like normal houses on dry land. Though once built on dry land, they are now submerged in water up to the window level or the roof as the case may be.

Where is my pot?
For many residents of Ikorodu, Ajegunle and other surrounding communities, the flood that ravaged the community last weekend, will always remain fresh in their memories, as many of them lost valuable properties accumulated after many years of hard work and labour. For Mrs. Theresa Adekanle, a widow living in a one room apartment in one of the streets submerged by water, the flood has reduced her to a beggar as she has to depend on kindhearted neighbours to provide food for her and her three children.

While speaking with the Nigerian Tribune, the widow recalled that she had gone to bed with her children around ten on Friday night, only to wake up two hours later to pray and discovered that somehow, water was seeping under her door.

“I initially thought that someone had mistakenly tripped over a bucket of water I normally keep in front of my door for toilet purposes. I opened the door to reprimand whoever it was, but was surprised to see that the whole passage was filled with water. I raised an alarm and the other tenants started trooping out of their rooms and salvaging their properties.”

Mrs. Adekanle noted with dismay that after making sure that her children were safely perched on the table she uses to display her tomatoes and pepper in front of the house, she discovered that the pot of soup which she allegedly spent N700 in preparing had drifted away to the backyard. She also lamented that the dry foodstuff she bought for the month were also destroyed by the flood waters.

“I am presently going through a lot, as I am living from hand to mouth. If not for my pastor and the little daily contribution I do, me and my children would have taken to the streets in search of our daily bread.”

Harvest of loss
Mrs. Adekanle is not the only one affected by the flood, as hundreds of people living in the area had to flee the area, living behind their property. A man shook his head sadly as he pointed to his car which was submerged in water and declined to give any comment, as his loss was evident enough.

Taking a canoe ride through the submerged street is not easy as the youngsters paddling the canoe have to battle with floating household utensils like pots, plastic plates, and what have you. The water has proved to be a litmus test for many houses which were constructed hurriedly without making sure that the foundations are strong enough to withstand the test of time.

According to a youth leader in the area, more than eight houses have collapsed since the flood began, while many others stand the risk of collapse once the water dry up.

A mechanic operating in the area said that he is only waiting for the water to dry up so that he can retrieve some of his tools that sank. “This is my shop,” he said pointing to what once used to be a wood structure. “I don’t live here, but I was more than shocked when I came to work in the morning and discovered that my shop has been submerged. As you can see, I am only waiting for the waters to dry up. He explained hopefully.

We must survive
A visit to the area revealed that some of the residents of the area who have no where to go; have continued to live in their swamped houses regardless of the dangers inherent in it. Borrowing a leaf from the Ilaje people who build their homes on water, many of them have constructed wooden platforms in their rooms, from where they sleep, cook and eat. Children who are of age are severely warned about the dangers lurking beneath the murky waters, so there is no fear of drowning or any other mishap.

One of the residents who simply identified himself as Sunday, said that some of the major problems they are currently facing is the smell of the water, the large number of mosquitoes and other flying insects, the difficulty in getting clean water to drink and worse of all, the presence of snakes.

“For me, getting water to drink is really not a problem because all I have to do is take a canoe to the other side and buy pure water.” He said, pointing to some bags of water stashed on the platform. “Initially, I didn’t want to abandon my house and go and squat with friends but I am currently rethinking the situation because of the snakes. Though I know they can’t bite while in water, what will happen when they manage to slide up my bed in the night?”

Another resident who continues to live in her house despite the swamped quarters complained about the cold and the difficulty of going to work.

“It is not as bad as people out there think. In life we must all learn to adapt to whatever situation we find ourselves. The only challenge I am having right now is the difficulty in getting to work. Getting a canoe is not easy, because the youngsters who paddle the canoe are afraid of my end, complaining that the snakes are too much.”

While many are lamenting bitterly, the canoe business is thriving beautifully, as the paddlers make as high as N2000 daily from ferrying people to and fro the flooded areas. Carpenters now have to work overtime because suddenly, every unemployed youth now wants to have a canoe because of the fringe benefits.

Echoes of help
Looking more like a ghost town, the submerged areas in Agiliti and Madan areas is so deserted and quiet that the voice of the few left behind, echo loudly, reverberating inside the abandoned houses now inhabited by water left to their fate by the former occupants. The playing ground of the schools located in the areas which was once filled with happy children is now a shadow of itself. The only living creatures are frogs and other water creatures.

Some of the residents who spoke with the Sunday Tribune pleaded with Governor Fashola to come to their rescue as they had been cut off from their means of livelihood. However, there was a twist in the whole plea for help as some of the residents said that they were not suffering and that nothing should be written about them or the government would come and demolish their houses.

“We don’t want any interference from the government. All we want from them is that they should give us good roads and find a way of channeling the dam from Ogun State to somewhere else. Governor Fashola cannot just come here and tell us to go somewhere else. This happens once in year and we are well prepared for it. We knew this was a water area when we bought our land.” One of the elders in the community yelled angrily.

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81% of Nigerians will vote next year

Eighty-one percent of eligible Nigerians are willing to vote in forthcoming elections, according to a poll released yesterday.

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‘Current Pulse of Nation’s Survey’ is conducted by Research and Marketing Services (RMS), an affiliate of TNS Global, a market research company and Gallup International’s representative in the country.

Adeola Tejumola, the CEO of the company, during a press briefing to announce the statistics, said the polls was centred on the forthcoming general elections because it is the most topical issue as the country celebrates its 50th Independence Day Anniversary..

‘More Nigerians will vote next year’

Mr. Tejumola said the reason for the high figure could probably be attributed to the “one man, one vote campaign”, or INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) administration suddenly improved, or just a reflection of the governance of the day.” “The challenges people raise concern for the most were the epileptic power supply, the increasing crime rate, coupled with the regular kidnapping going on, and corruption continues to rank high on the list,” he said. “For me, the fact that people are beginning to be aware that corruption is an issue, that they acknowledge that it does exist and the need to eradicate corruption in itself, is welcoming news.”

Another problem identified as major by the respondents, were low education quality and poor state of basic facilities.

Only 35 percent of the respondents were, however, confident that the forth coming elections will be free and fair, with half of the respondents expressing concerns about the success of the elections, in spite of the 81 percent willing to vote.

Aggrey Maposa, the company’s chief operating officer (COO), said the difference shows that people think the election process has improved, “though not yet perfect.” “Compared with the previous challenges that INEC used to have, people have seen improvements in the process of the elections. Even though, they understand that the process is not yet perfect, they are willing to vote and express their opinion,” he said.

‘Poor power is killing businesses’

Mr. Tejumola also said 81 percent of Nigeria’s eligible voters support President Goodluck Jonathan’s candidature in the race, noting that the polls was conducted before the presidential aspirants announced to run for office. “But it’s not just one-sided; if 81 percent are saying that President Jonathan should run, in the same report, 54 percent are saying they are not happy with the crime rate, 24 percent are saying that corruption is killing them, and 67 percent are saying that the epileptic power supply is killing their business,” he added.

The report also states that 63 percent of Nigerians will consider character in voting for a presidential candidate, while 33 percent would consider political affiliation. Thirty-one percent will consider political ideology and 27 percent will put the content of the manifesto ahead of other things. The poll also shows a slight popularity advantage for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), going into the next elections, while Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) and All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) had marginal drops in the number of respondents planning to vote for them.

Mr. Tejumola, however, advised presidential aspirants to consider Nigerians’ expectations going into the next elections. “Expectations of Nigerians include generation of employment opportunities, dependable electricity to drive national development, poverty eradication and free qualitative education, amongst others; a serious government would want to concentrate on doing these things for the people,” he said.

Mr. Tejumola also said the research was carried out by the company as “its Corporate Social Responsibility”, and promised that the company will continue to sample public opinion on “topical issues affecting the nation.”

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Babatunde Aliyu Fafunwa, former minister of education, died yesterday morning at the National Hospital, Abuja. He was aged 87.

According to a hospital official, he died a few minutes before 7am. Although the hospital staff refused to disclose the cause of death, it is believed that Mr. Fafunwa had fallen ill during a recent trip to Abuja, where he was expected to deliver a speech at the Open University.

Widely credited as introducing the 6-3-3-4 educational system in the country, the late Mr. Fafunwa was also the first Nigerian to receive a doctorate degree in Education. His teaching career began in 1961 at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Following the advent of the Civil War, he moved to Ife, and taught at the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), where he remained until his retirement.

Innovative methodologies

He is accredited with introducing several innovative teaching methodologies during his days at Ife. It was his contemporary methods that brought him to national prominence when he served as an education minister for three years under Ibrahim Babangida..

President Goodluck Jonathan had last week blamed him for the failure of the 6-3-3-4 education system.

He is to be buried today according to Islamic rites. He is survived by his wife, Doris, four children, and several grand children.

Fasasi Gbagba, the president of Jama’atul Islamiyya Society, the Islamic sect to which Mr. Fafunwa belonged, said the members were awaiting the body from Abuja. He is to be buried at his residence on Victoria Island, Lagos, today.

The Ogun State government has described his death as the loss of a major pillar of the education sector who worked tirelessly throughout his lifetime for the enhancement and development of the sector.

“A great mentor and outstanding person of character has just left us,” said the cultural activist, Segun Olusola, adding, “His relationship cuts across the entire nation and though a very religious person, he never allowed religion to affect his relationship.”

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50 trends of news @ 50 years:

They say bad news sells fast but we have picked a list of news below over the last week add yours to make up the rest 50 .

50 Trendy News for Naija @50 click here to make it up http://bit.ly/9Mfsuv

1.Thousands wounded while scrambling for Jonathan’s 2m free rice in Abuja http://bit.ly/9OBlEF

2.Abia may charge ex-deputy governor, Akomas, for kidnapping http://bit.ly/aqV4J6

3.Canada Planning to legalise Prostitiution Completely http://bit.ly/bRsk8G

4.Possible biblical clue seen in computer worm hitting Iran http://bit.ly/aienae

5.2011: IBB ‘Boys’ want him to withdraw •banned from Yoruba-speaking states http://bit.ly/aSqbVk

6.Angry robber kills shopkeeper http://bit.ly/9KThHB

7.Nigerian builds biggest hospital in Brooklyn New York http://bit.ly/cYsm3K

8.Lagos:4 Brothers 22-30yrs Rape 2 Sisters aged six & seven http://bit.ly/cWJ11J

9.Kidnapped School kids Ransom now fluctuating 40million to 20million to 350,000 http://bit.ly/cgFbcN

10.50 Years New Fifty Naira note I think GJ should have invited Fifty Cent to complete it http://bit.ly/aHLHQ

11.Nigerian Biophysicist wins $500,000Dollars John Dabiri . Chinamanda adichie won in 2008 http://bit.ly/cx8Err

12.Abia State declare State of emergency ?http://bit.ly/98AjDh

50 Trendy News for Naija @50 click here to make it up to 50 http://bit.ly/9Mfsuv

Internet Marketing BootCamp Courtesy of 9jabook.com http://bit.ly/bR38Hn

B.u.y & S.e.l.l on 9jabook via http://www.9jabay.com

With all these news about Naija above do we have anything to celebrate about ?

When you think about it In everything We are advised to give Thanks !

Happy 50 YEARS Naija ! from 9jabook.com and have a lovely weekend !
Weboga & Webmadam
and the whole team !

13.fifty Cent to perform on 50 Years Anniversary (na lie o ! )
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Aondoakaa suspended from the rank of SAN

The former attorney general of the federation and minister of justice, Michael Aondoakaa, has been barred from using the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN)..

The decision was taken by the legal practitioners privileges committee of the Nigerian Bar Association.

The Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, Sunday Olorundahunsi, at a press conference in Abuja, said the committee took the decision at a meeting held yesterday.

He confirmed that Mr. Aondoaka had been suspended from the rank, following consideration of the former AGF’s response to a petition written against him by the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR).

“...the committee, after due consideration of the said response, has decided in its wisdom, to suspend him[Aondoakaa] from the use of the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria and all other privileges attached to that rank, pending the outcome of the investigation by the sub-committee set up by the legal practitioners privileges committee,” Mr. Olorundahunsi said.

Amongst a number of allegations, the petition accuses the former justice minister of using his position to “emasculate the anti-corruption institutions.” He is also accused of “lying and deception” in an attempt to bury corruption charges brought against James Ibori, the former Delta State governor, and his associates.

The petition goes on to say that Mr, Aondakaa was guilty of “deliberate mis-interpretation, mis-application, and incompetence.” He also showed “an inadequate knowledge of the law,” the petition read.

Travel ban

The decision to suspend Mr. Aondoakaa as a SAN follows a travel ban to the United States earlier this year, due to allegations of obstruction of justice during his time as a minister.

Additionally, a Calabar High Court also recently barred him from holding any public office, following a lawsuit that accused Mr. Aondoakaa of impeding judgment during an election hearing.

Mr. Aondakaa was one of the more vocal members of the late President Yar’Adua’s cabinet. During the former president’s absence from the country, Mr. Aondakaa repeatedly told Nigerians that governance could continue as usual.

Several notable high profile cases, such as Halliburton and Siemens, were not given due attention during his three-year stint as a minister.

One of President Jonathan’s first actions was to strip him of the justice portfolio and assign him the special duties ministry, a position he refused to serve in.

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There is a popular belief that the longer couples stay in marriage, the more they look alike. NNAEMEKA MERIBE reviews some studies into this belief.

If you do a little thinking, you'll probably remember some older couples you know who look very much alike. You probably have also been wondering whether the resemblance was there before they got married or whether it was many years of marriage that caused their features to look alike, as in aging in similar way.

Well, it€˜s a common belief not just in Nigeria but also in other climes that married couples grow to look alike.

Though some people may contend that what makes such spouses tend to resemble each other is that seeing them together overtime may make people€˜s minds to begin to €˜see' similarities in their facial features.

But, science has lent support to the old belief. Psychologists in the University of Michigan, US, studied this phenomenon many years ago and found that shared emotions could gradually sculpture the faces of a couple to become more similar. Moreover, they found that the more marital happiness a couple reported, the greater their increase in facial resemblance...

Dr. Robert Zajonc, who led the study, wanted to see if people could identify married couples solely from photographs of faces.

Participants viewed two sets of photographs: pictures of males and females at the beginning of their relationships and a set after the individuals (who were between the ages of 50 and 60 years old) had been married for at least 25 years.

The participants were asked to match the men to the women who looked most like them. They matched older couples together more often than younger couples..

Zajonc suggested that empathy was the most likely factor leading couples to look more alike the longer they are together. He said that shared facial expressions bring on identical emotions because facial muscles play a role in regulating blood flow to the brain. €˜€˜You both smile because you feel good and feel good because you smile,€˜€˜ he said.

According to Zajonc, one sign that such empathy has been going on is that people€˜s fixed facial features begin to resemble those of their spouses as a result of sharing the same expressions often. In support, he points to the finding in his study that those couples who were found to resemble each other most greatly after 25 years were also those who reported the happiest marriages.

In any case, the article, Long-married couples do Look Alike, study finds, published in the New York Times of August 11, 1987, noted that a research by Olaf Dimberg, a psychologist in Sweden, lends support for mimicry of expressions

Dimberg measured the tension levels in the facial muscles of volunteers while they were shown photographs of various facial expressions. When the volunteers saw an angry face, for instance, their facial muscles mimicked the anger, often to a degree that was invisible but was measurable by electronic devices.

The study further suggested that diet might also be another factor contributing to facial similarities €“ although Zajonc gave this theory less credence. The longer a couple is together, the more likely they are to have the same foods in their diet, thus receiving the same vitamins and minerals. Likewise, older couples might also avoid the same foods and certain nutrients might be absent from both spouses€˜ diets. When the older couples€˜ photographs were evaluated for facial fat, a correlation was not found.

But a new study by psychologists at Michigan State University, US, contends that marriage does not in any way make couples to look alike. The research by psychologists at Michigan State University and the University of Minnesota was based on a relatively huge data base of 1,296 couples who have been married for an average of 19 years. It was published in the current issue of the journal Personality and Individual Differences.

According to ABC News, what the researchers found was that couples who had been married for a long time €“ up to 39 years €“ were no more alike in fundamental personality traits than newlyweds, leading the researchers to conclude that personalities do not grow more similar as the years pass. More likely, the couples were looking for specific traits during the courtship and they ended up with someone who was very much like themselves.

"They may not have been conscious of that at the time," Mikhila Humbad, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Michigan State University, and lead author of the study, told ABC News.

When Humbad and her colleagues began studying the large data base collected by the Minnesota Centre for Twin and Family Research, ABC News noted, they were struck by the fact that married couples seemed very similar to each other, at least in terms of definitive personality traits.

"We wondered why that similarity was there," she was quoted as saying.

Research by others has led to debate among psychologists over whether similarities are a product of convergence (spouses grow more similar over time) or selection (similarity is what the spouses were looking for in the beginning.)

"That could be what attracted them to each other in the first place," Humbad noted.

The reserchers found that nearly all the spouses had many personality traits that they shared with their mates, regardless of how long they had been together. And the similarities did not grow or diminish when the older marriages were compared to the newlyweds €“ with one notable exception which is aggression.

The data shows that if one spouse is physically aggressive, the other is likely to react in a similar manner.

"It is possible that individuals might reinforce each other€˜s aggressive tendencies due to hostile interpersonal exchanges, thereby promoting greater convergence over time," the study concludes.

"It makes sense if you think about it," Humbad added. "If one person is violent, the other person may respond in a similar fashion and thus become more aggressive over time."

A similar study published in the March, 2006 issue of the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, however, argued that marriage does not necessarily make couples to look alike but rather, the similarities in appearance in couples grow with marriage.

According to the study, human beings like people who look like us, because they tend to have personalities similar to one another. In other words, one will likely marry someone who looks like one.

The researchers investigated why couples often tend to resemble one another. They asked 11 male and 11 female participants to judge the age, attractiveness and personality traits of 160 real-life married couples. Photographs of husbands and wives were viewed separately, so the participants didn€˜t know who was married to whom.

According to the online science news portal, LiveScience, the test participants rated men and woman who were actual couples as looking alike and having similar personalities. Also, the longer the couples had been together, the greater the perceived similarities.

In his view, however, a psychiatrist, Dr. Adeoye Oyewole, said couples did not actually look alike physically but, perhaps, psychologically.

"In my view, this is just a perception. And what people perceive are not the physical attributes of the couples but the psychological attributes - that is, synergy," said Oyewole, who is the Head, Psychiatry, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Osogbo Campus. "When people marry, they begin to accommodate each other in different ways and, over time, they will even believe that they are alike in a lot of ways. And people see them together continuously, they will see the synergy and not necessarily any physical change."

Oyewole argued that people at times believed that members of religious sects looked alike without necessarily examining the physical attributes.

He said, "Because they have seen the members of the sect overtime wearing the same clothes and shaving their hairs and beards the same style, they will think that they (sect members) look alike without paying close attention to their facial features."
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A Peoples Democratic Party presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has called for a debate, on the economy, among all the presidential aspirants on the economy.Photo Atiku ? this man looks like a Hitman sha

Abubakar, a former vice-President, made the call after submitting his nomination form at the PDP national secretariat on Tuesday in Abuja.

The Adamawa State- born politician said the economy should be the main issue in the 2011 election campaigns.

“The issue of economic recovery for Nigeria cannot be a matter of wishful thinking nor of rhetoric. It is a subject for rigorous analyses and provision of well-thought, viable, practicable and sustainable strategy,” he said.

Abubakar said that all aspirants must be able to tell Nigerians how they intended to confront the challenges of the economy and reposition it for the benefit of all at the shortest possible time.

He said, “Of all the aspirants that have declared interest in the presidential election, I consider myself the most qualified to address the daunting economic challenges facing the country.

“I am the only one who has successfully managed a business and you need extensive knowledge of the private sector to combine its potential with the authority of the public sector to address this challenge.”

The former vice-president said his approach to resolving the economic crisis in the country was contained in a 47-page Policy Document he presented on August 15, 2010 while announcing his intention to contest the 2011 presidential poll.

He said, “We are faced with a job crisis of monumental proportions. Unless we evolve strategies to dealing with the teeming population of young people churned out almost on a daily basis, we may risk the destruction of the next generation.

“If we fail to channel the energies of this huge population, they could be a potent force for instability and social unrest.”

Abubakar, however, stunned journalists when he said that he was not aware that the President had declared his intention to vie for the PDP ticket.

“I didn’t see it (declaration). Honestly, I didn’t watch it,” he said.

Twenty seven out of the 28 PDP governors were among thousands of people that attended Jonathan’s presidential declaration at the Eagle Square on Saturday in Abuja. The event was shown live by some public and private television stations nationwide.

On the reported move by some politicians to produce a consensus presidential candidate among the Northern aspirants, Abubakar said, “There is a process for the emergence of a consensus candidate in the North. It shows that North is even more united if “they” agree to bring out a consensus candidate.”

He also said he was not aware of the support that Jonathan was getting from the northern states.

Reacting to the challenge, the Presidential Adviser to Jonathan on National Assembly Matters, Senator Mohammed Abba-Aji, said the President was ready for such a debate.

“We are ready for it (debate) anytime. The President has talked about all the aspects of the economy when he declared. If they want more, we are ready for them,” he said.

Another aspirant, who is also the Kwara State Governor, Dr. Bukola Saraki, also expressed readiness for the debate.

“We are ready for the debate. That is what we have been calling for. Without such an issue-based debate, we will not be able to get the best candidate. Saraki is ready for it,” one of the governor’s aides, Mr. Billy Adedamola, said.
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Those in various leadership positions in the country are the most corrupt in the world, Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega, has said. Delivering a paper on credible leadership at a public lecture organised by the ECKANKAR yesterday, Jega said: “There is perhaps no other country in the world where power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely as in Nigeria. Our consistent or persistent ranking on the global corruption index testifies to this.”
He also said: “If the truth is to be told, with very few exceptions, our crop of leaders have essentially been self-serving rulers, some even despots and not leaders in the true sense of the word.
“They have generally lacked vision, focus and selflessness and even enlightened self-interest. Many in leadership positions are unimaginably corrupt, they are greedy, they are vindictive, they are reckless and in many fundamental respects, senseless. Virtually whoever has access to power attempts to abuse it, ”

Jega said there is absence of transparency in the manner which leaders govern the country..

“Many Nigerian public officials, whether elected or appointed, have tended to exude not only power, but also corruption, with impunity. This is manifest in the way they walk, talk, dress and generally conduct themselves.”

He tasked Nigerians on the need to ease corrupt leaders out of the system to evolve credible leadership for development of the country.

He said: “All of our country’s ills, trials and tribulations, both politically and socio-economically, can be squarely attributed to lack of transparency and accountability and the corruption that these have engendered.”

But reacting to Jega’s presentation, Minister of Women Affairs, Iyom Josephine Anenih, said the poor leadership in the country is a reflection of bad citizenry.

According to her, “there is no leader in Nigeria today that is not under pressure to steal to satisfy greedy relatives and friends. How can we have credible leaders without credible citizenry? The only way we can have credible leaders is to have credible followers who will not collect money to vote for bad leaders.”

Jega disagreed with. the minister’s position saying, “to me the challenge of leadership is to do the right thing even if it is unpopular. I cannot see the basis for a leader to steal money to satisfy the followers. It is not right to succumb to such pressure. You may become unpopular, you may not be elected again, but you must ensure that the right things are done.”

He said there is need for faith- based organisations to remain neutral on political issues and to sustain inter-faith dialogue in the society.
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what is Governor Orji Doing ? Any semblance of decent society left in Aba, the hitherto commercial nerve centre of South-Eastern Nigeria is gone, as Abia state of Nigeria speedily heads down the road to anarchy.
There is no longer gain-saying the fact that criminals and outlaws now have a comfortable run of the city of Aba. The crime-busters have repeatedly been busted by these hoodlums. While innocent residents of the city are now snapped up at will for ransom, policemen are being freely slain alongside, for fun.

Even the hunters, have now become the hunted in the Enyimba city of Aba. The city has totally gone out of control. And as the audacity of the crime lords of the city increase, they resort to more heart-rending atrocities which as usual go unchallenged.

Photo:Abia State kidnapping Governor Thoedore Orji ? Any realtion of Clifford Orji ?

Nigeria as a nation, on Monday took a nasty shock as fifteen pupils of Abayi International School, Aba, were on Monday morning abducted in their school bus in Aba, Abia State.

The driver of the school bus had picked the children at designated points and was on the way to school when the suspected kidnappers struck. A Toyota Camry saloon car overtook and blocked the bus and men brandishing guns alighted and ordered it to stop.

Huhuonline.com gathered that as soon as the driver came down, the hoodlums collected his cell phone and ordered him to lie face down while they drove off with the pupils towards Etche in neighboring Rivers state of Nigeria. The abducted pupil are said to be within the nursery and primary school age.

Geoffrey Ogbonna, the Abia State Police Command spokesperson had earlier told newsmen that he was yet to get any official report on the incident while it was learnt that the kidnappers had already demanded a N20m ransom.

This sordid assault on decent society is unfortunately coming at a time the Abia State Government just issued a two-week ultimatum to kidnappers and other violent criminals in the state to surrender their weapons and be rehabilitated in an amnesty programme.

This not withstanding, not a few people are of the view that the Abia state government has failed. They argue that a government that cannot give any measure of protection to its tax-payers even its children population has irredeemably failed. One of such groups is the Network on Police Reform in Nigeria (NOPRIN).

The group is alarmed at the dimension that kidnapping and other violent crimes have taken in Abia State and maintains that the police and other security forces have, not just lost control, but have themselves become targets of unrelenting attacks by the hoodlums they are expected to checkmate. This, NOPRIN said is illustrated by daily reports about police officers being gunned down by hoodlums in Aba.

They gave instances with the incident of September 18, 2010 where two policemen were reported to have been shot dead by unknown gunmen at Umuafor Ukwu in Obingwa local government Area, the same area where four journalists and their driver were kidnapped on July 11, 2010.

Recently, also unknown gunmen were reported to have besieged a family in Aba, and ordered two little boys under gun point to have sex with their mother. The first boy, for refusing to comply, was shot dead in the presence of his mother. The poor woman had to prevail on her second son to do the bidding of the hoodlums to save his son’s and her own life. This the group described as sacrilege.

According to a statement signed by Okechukwu Nwanguma, the Program Coordinator of NOPRIN, what is happening in Abia State, is merely a reflection of the quality of leadership in the state. Hear him: “No doubt, criminals have taken over the political space in the Southeast. Some State governors in the Southeast who came to power through a fraudulent electoral process have also hijacked the traditional institution by installing their fellow criminals as traditional rulers. These are the so-called traditional rulers who sponsor kidnapping and shield kidnappers in their communities. There is no political legitimacy. There is no governance. There is no morality. This explains why grown men could kidnap innocent minors for money. This is unconscionable!”

NOPRIN believes that the Abia state governor has completely lost control, either because he is complicit or he is incompetent. The group insists that the purpose of every legitimate government is the welfare and security of the people that any government that cannot protect lives and property is not worth the name.

“What is happening in Abia also portends a serious threat to the forthcoming 2011 general elections. This calls for the immediate and decisive intervention of the federal Government. NOPRIN hereby calls on President Goodluck Jonathan to declare a state of emergency in Abia State. A special security force must be deployed without further delay to smoke out these criminals and their sponsors, and restore public order and safety in Abia State”, Nwanguma said.

In a swift reaction to the kidnap of the children, President Goodluck Jonathan has condemned as utterly callous and cruel, the kidnapping of the 15 nursery and primary school pupils in Aba, the Abia state capital. In a statement signed by Ima Niboro, the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, President Jonathan has ordered the Inspector-General of Police and heads of other security agencies to take all necessary steps to rescue the abducted children and return them safely to their parents.

The President urged the parents and relatives of the children to remain calm and assured them that Government will do everything possible to apprehend the kidnappers and bring an end to the lawlessness in Aba, Abia state.

Meanwhile, banks in Aba had shut down since Monday following the security situation in the city and this is the fourth occasion banks in Aba have had to close down within the last two months for fear of armed attacks.

As the feeling of insecurity swells in the state, proprietors of nursery, primary and post-primary schools in the city are gearing up for a protest strike on Thursday with the intention of shutting down all the schools until reasonable measure of security returns to the city.

In a rel.ated development, medical doctors in Aba, under the aegis of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Aba branch, last week shut down both private and public health institutions in the city to protest the murder of one of their colleagues, Dr. Stanley Uche who was allegedly murdered by suspected kidnappers. This came on heel of the kidnap of two medical doctors last Wednesday.

Huhuonline.com gathered that Dr. Uche of Christian Victory Hospital was killed last Monday while he was travelling to his village in Imo state for the burial of his sister.

In a communiqué signed by Dr. Godwin Uwaoma and Dr. Chris Mmachi, Chairman and Secretary of NMA respectively, they observed that no fewer than 20 medical doctors have been kidnapped in recent times regardless of the October 7 Amnesty deadline for kidnappers and other armed criminals in the state.
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Cossy Orjiakor's description of Naija men...

When asked by Encomium magazine - How would you describe Nigerian men? Actress Cossy Orjiako replied "Nigerian guys are really good, when you compare them with South Africans. In fact there is no comparison. Nigerian men treat their women nice and they are very hard working. Even an Igbo man works very hard to take care of his wife. The only thing I don't like about Nigerian men is that they beat their women, and beating is the only thing that can make me leave any man I'm married to. If I'm married and the man hits me, or maybe slaps me whenever we want to have sex, the guys just has to turn the other cheek for me to slap back. If not, I won't stay in that marriage."

My Comments Watch your dressing Woman !

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Six MTN Staff Murdered in Abia State

Death of telecom engineers worsens security challenges

The BTS sites in Aba, Abia State where six personnel staff were killed. Photo courtesy: MTN


Professionals in the telecommunication sector have frowned at the killing of six staff of MTN Nigeria at the firm’s Base Transceiver Station (BTS) site in Aba, Abia State.

A project manager of MTN in Aba, one Valentine, explained that the incident took place last week while the staff went to work at the site.

“This is to inform you that our team of engineers went out to work at Gabby Oil, Aba Road, Aba, Abia State, and while working on the generator, four gunmen walked into the BTS site while the team of engineers were waiting for the RBS to load after bringing up the generator and held them at gunpoint,” Mr. Valentine said in a report to the company’s head office.

“One Petrolseal engineer, two Mopol men, the rigger, and the security man were killed outright while the second Petrolseal engineer died on arrival at the hospital,” he said..

Titi Omo-Ettu, the president of the Association of Telecommunication Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), said in an email message that the murders are shocking.

“Nobody living in Nigeria can pretend that this is a new development, but this certainly is one murder too callous to be regarded as one of the usual stories. We commiserate with MTN and with the families of the murdered persons,” he said.

Government must act now

Mr. Omo-Ettu, however, said the increase in criminal activities in the country shows that the government is helpless and must act now before it loses its relevance.

“We invite attention of the Federal Government to these murders and kidnappings, which is now blatantly portraying government as helpless. The essence of governance is now appearing to be meaningless while living and investing in our country may be becoming anathema to all peoples of the world,” he said.

“Our association pledges to do all things possible to assist the police in investigating this incident and we invite the attention of the new Inspector General of Police to the need to see this as one case which requires speedy investigation and prosecution of those found culpable, as this will determine where we go from here. Criminal acts of this nature have been encouraged because perpetrators are hardly ever caught and prosecuted,” Mr. Omo-Ettu said.

Enough is Enough

Telecom operators have reported that security is a major challenge to them, as their BTS sites are constantly vandalised by hoodlums.

In a press conference last week, Gbenga Adebayo, the president of the Association of Licensed Telecommunication Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) said apart from the recent shutdown of some BTS sites around the country, some equipment at the sites are constantly vandalised and stolen. He said this affects national security as well.

“Peace, investment, life, and living, have now been threatened to a level that makes it necessary to invite the president, Goodluck Jonathan, to please intervene urgently,” Mr. Omo -Ettu said.

“Enough is enough, and a country that seeks the loftiest theme of vision 20-2020 cannot continue to go on like this,” he said.

Only two personnel survived the armed attack at the BTS; one Ericssion engineer and his driver hid behind the RBS units in the site, so the fired bullets missed them.

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US removes Nigeria from drug list

The United States government yesterday removed Nigeria from the major drug list.

President obama said that Nigeria was a onetime drug trafficking focal point but that the country had taken a lot of drastic steps to make counternarcotics a top national security for the country. Photo: REUTERS

According to a statement released by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the US President, Barack Obama, said that this was the first time that Nigeria would be delisted from the drug majors list since 1991. The anti-narcotics agency stated that Mr Obama said that Nigeria was a onetime drug trafficking focal point but that the country had taken a lot of drastic steps to make counter narcotics a top national security for the country. He said that international data showed that there was a strengthening of illegal drug trafficking between Latin America and West Africa, especially via Brazil and Venezuela, with a considerable portion of illegal product destined for Europe.

According to the report, Nigeria, Brazil, and Paraguay were recently removed this year from the list because they no longer meet the criteria for the list according to US law. Reacting, Ahmadu Giade, the Chief Executive of the NDLEA, said that Nigeria had gotten a well deserved honour. He noted that the removal of Nigeria from the majors drug list was an endorsement of the collective efforts of the agency to combat drug traffickers with the aim of having a drug free society. According to him, the honour given to Nigeria by removing her from the drug list was as a product of dedication, transparency, hard work, and cordial working relationship between Nigeria and United States in controlling drug trafficking in the country.

The NDLEA is happy

“I appreciate President Barack Obama and Americans for this candid and credible assessment,” he said. “The removal speaks volumes concerning our impressive scorecard and determination to address the drug problem. Illicit trade in narcotics transcends national boundaries. Our foreign collaborators also have a way of monitoring most assiduous efforts. All exit entry points will remain invincible to drug criminals through effective drug interdiction.” The NDLEA boss also thanked President Goodluck Jonathan for his anti-drug policies, and other stakeholders for their unrelenting efforts. He promised that no drug baron or major drug trafficker would go unpunished in the country, adding that NDLEA was one of the best anti-drugs agencies in Africa and that the agency is prepared to make sacrifices to sustain and improve on its drug control performance “Our level of professionalism shall be further consolidated on the tripod of transparency, anti-corruption and respect for the rule of law,” he said. “It is a call to duty that demands higher commitment on our part. We shall continue to partner with the United States and other stakeholders. No stone will be left unturned in our quest for a drug free society.”

According to the agency, the 20 countries on the list this year are Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. A major drug-transit country is defined as a significant direct source of illicit narcotic or psychotropic drugs or other controlled substances significantly affecting the United States; or a country through which such drugs or substances are transported.
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