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Congo,Nigeria and a host of African States had a taste of vast wealth that transformed them into the Corrupt "Failed" State they are today can the US campaign offer any succour to the Holy Blood Letting still going on in this Desert Mineral Filled State ?

Jason Simpkin of Money morning takes a look at the issues and solutions:
Overnight, Afghanistan has gone from being a political pariah to one of the most significant, and potentially richest, countries on the globe. But can the rocky, war-torn desert - known mostly for harboring terrorists and exporting opium - be reborn as a major commodities exporter? Photos:Hamid Karzai Kabul Strongman, War Mongers in the Sands of Afghanistan
U.S. geologists have found some $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, The New York Times reported Sunday. Afghanistan's mineral wealth includes large caches of iron, copper, gold and lithium that could turn the country into one of the most important mining centers in the world.

Think of Australia, Canada, and Latin America. That is the league into which these geographical revelations have thrust Afghanistan.

"There is stunning potential here," General David Petraeus, commander of the United States Central Command, told The Times. "There are a lot of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant."

Those "ifs" include ongoing warfare, a lack of infrastructure, and more than a little political corruption. But the upside for the country is enormous.

While U.S. officials estimate the potential value of Afghanistan's mineral wealth at $1 trillion, President Hamid Karzai said last month during a visit to Washington that his country's deposits could be worth three times as much.

So why did it take so long for this information to surface? .

Soviet mining experts originally discovered the potential of Afghanistan's mineral wealth in the 1980s. However, the data that was collected was cast aside when the Soviet Union abandoned the country in 1989. A small group of Afghani scientists kept the charts secret for the next 20 years as the country was engulfed by civil war and eventually taken over by the Taliban. Those charts were returned to the Afghan Geological Survey in Kabul after the United States invaded, and were subsequently discovered by American geologists.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) began aerial surveys of the noted regions in 2006 and 2007. And in 2009, a Pentagon task force that had helped nurture business opportunities in Iraq was transferred to Afghanistan, where it finally assessed the potential economic impact of the discoveries.

Waheed Omar, a spokesman for Karzai, said at a news conference yesterday (Monday) that the USGS was "contracted by the Afghan government to do a survey, so this is basically an Afghan government initiative."

"I think it's very, very big news for the people of Afghanistan and that we hope will bring the Afghan people together for a cause that will benefit everyone," he said. "This is an economic interest that will benefit all Afghans and will benefit Afghanistan in the long run."
Re-Imagining Afghanistan
The significance of the geological find cannot be overstated. Afghanistan is one of the world's poorest and least developed nations. Its gross domestic product is just $12 billion and as much as one-third of that comes from the growth and distribution of illegal drugs - particularly opium and its two derivatives, morphine and heroin. In fact, Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of opium and heroin, according to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime.

About 40% of the country's population lives below the poverty line, and some 70% of the population lives on $2 a day. Having suffered through decades of long and costly military conflicts, virtually no infrastructure exists to support an economic revitalization process.

Even now, as the U.S. campaign wears thin, military clashes continue to erupt along the border the country shares with Pakistan. There are serious doubts about whether or not Karzai's government, which itself has been blotted by scandal and corruption, will remain relevant after the United States withdrawal.

Some critics have even suggested that now that the full extent of Afghanistan's mineral wealth is known, the Taliban will fight even harder to regain control of the country.

"I highly doubt it will be able to either properly manage these resources or use the riches to build a more peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan for all Afghans," Janan Mosazai, a political analyst, told AFP. "We have living examples of other countries where natural riches have actually turned into a curse for peace and prosperity for people," he said, citing Nigeria's endemic poverty and conflict despite vast oil exports.

Of course, there's also reason to remain optimistic. While it will take many years for Afghanistan to develop a mining industry, the vastness of Afghanistan's mineral reserves could attract substantial investments well before mines become profitable.

Take, for example, resource-hungry China's recent foray into the country.

In 2007, China Metallurgical Group agreed to invest $3 billion in Afghanistan's Aynak copper mine, which by some estimates holds the world's largest undeveloped reserves of its kind. As part of the deal China agreed to provide an onsite copper smelter, a $500 million electric station that will power the project and augment Kabul's electricity supply, a coal mine to fuel the power station, a ground water system, and roads, homes, hospitals and schools for the miners and their families. China is also working on a rail line that will stretch from Afghanistan's northern border with Uzbekistan to its southern border with Pakistan.

That investment is the largest in the Afghanistan's history, and it's being guarded by the U.S. military, which was already established in the region to prevent Taliban soldiers from infiltrating the country's capital.

China, which has trillions of dollars available for investment and a huge appetite for commodities to fuel its economic growth, has not shied away from the more troubled regions of the planet.

China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) won bids to take part in the development of Iraq's Rumaila and Halfaya oil fields. China has also been active in various hot spots throughout the continent of Africa.

"If they (Chinese leaders) don't feed their immense industrial complex, their populace could become disruptive," a Western official, who asked not to be further identified so he could speak freely, told McClatchy Newspapers. "We expect to see more such competitions" over Afghanistan's huge untapped reserves of natural resources.

Indeed, with the prices for many commodities on the rise, investment in Afghanistan could come much more quickly than the country's critics anticipate.

The Pentagon has already set about helping Afghanistan set up a system to develop its resources. International accounting firms that have expertise in mining contracts have been hired to consult with the Afghan Ministry of Mines, and technical data is being prepared to turn over to multinational mining companies and other potential foreign investors. U.S. officials are assisting the Afghan government in seeking bids on mineral rights by next fall, officials told The Times.

"All the ingredients are there to build a modern society," said the USGS' Stephen Peters. "If we can create jobs for the people, give them salaries, they will be satisfied with their lives."
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Igbeke is senator at last


With a bible in his left hand and clutching some oath papers with the right, Alphonsus Ubanese Igbeke of the All Nigeria People’s Party yesterday took the oath that confirmed him as the senator representing Anambra North senatorial district. The event, which took place at the Senate chambers, brings an end to a protracted, “tortuous and dramatic” journey to the senate...

He will now replace Joy Emordi who had spent three years in a four year tenure that started in 2007.

Until yesterday, Mrs Emordi, had tenaciously held on to the senate seat despite court rulings ousting her from the senate. She had in March been asked by an Enugu Appeal Court to leave the senate following the court’s ruling that it was Mr. Igbeke who got the majority vote at the 2007 Anambra North senatorial election.

Mrs Emordi, however, stayed back in the senate - and the senate leadership refused to admit Mr Igbeke - after she appealed to the court for an interpretation of its ruling against an earlier ruling in her favour. A month later, the court ordered the Senate to admit Mr. Igbeke “immediately,” but the leadership of the upper chambers refused to do that, citing a notice about a fresh case instituted by Mrs Emordi in the Supreme Court.

His admittance into the Senate yesterday followed the advice of Bello Adoke, the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, who told the Senate that unless there was a court injunction restraining the Senate from admitting Mr. Igbeke, there was no legal grounds to refuse him the oath of office.

Not on my worst enemy

“Indubitably, my three years experience was excruciating and unpalatable, and such that I would not wish on anyone, not even my enemy.” Mr. Igbeke told reporters after his first plenary on Tuesday.

However, the Senate has made no apologies for barring Mr. Igbeke all the while and allowing Mrs Emordi to sit and contribute at Senate debates after the appeal court’s ruling in March and a second order in May. Mr. Igbeke brings the number of opposition senators in the senate to 18 - too few to make any real impact - although his allegiance to the All Nigeria People’s Party on whose platform he was elected, is now in doubt as there are indications that he will move on to another party soon.

He said his experience in the course of winning back his seat proved to him that even if he joined another party, he will have lots of followers.

“Even if I decided to join Alliance for Democracy tomorrow, even if I decided to join CDC tomorrow or whatever party as you may think, they are here, they know themselves; they know my kind of person.

“I am in politics because of my commitment to impact on the lives of the people and this is something I have started so many years back ever before I join this trade called politics and people will be ready to go with me to whatever platform I might decide to go to.” Mr. Igbeke said.

I forgive Mrs Emordi

Mr. Igbeke, in an interview with reporters, said he has forgiven Mrs Emodi and everybody else that offended him while the struggle for his seat lasted.

He said he will put the past behind him, let Mrs Emodi enjoy the allowance she had taken, and focus on his duties in the Senate while hoping that his future allowances will be catered for.

“I want to concentrate on how to focus myself and then get myself acclimatized with the system and I’ve decided to adopt what is called reflective thinking, this reflective thinking means that you look at your past learn from it and use it to forge ahead. I must tell you that I’ve forgiven those who offended me including my opponent,” Mr. Igbeke told NEXT. “I’m putting everything behind me. I’m not bothered about whatever money may have been collected, but I do know that senate is a law making body that believes in law and I know that they will be honourable enough to give me my suppose entitlement when I ask for it.”

Mr Igbeke has about one year to spend as a senator and says he will focus it on providing quality representation to his people.

“I assure the people of Anambra North of quality representation such that they have never experienced before,” he said.

Mr. Igbeke who before now cut the picture of a lone combatant fighting to be admitted into the Senate, was yesterday trailed by a mammoth crowd which came to felicitate with him over his victory.

Some Nollywood stars like Mama Gee, Mr. Ibu, Victor Osuagwu and Kanayo O Kanayo were also at the National Assembly to felicitate with the new senator.

The crowd was later treated to a party in celebration of the victory at the International Conference Centre in Abuja.

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Manute Bol, a lithe 7-foot-7 shot-blocker from Sudan who spent 10 seasons in the NBA and was dedicated to humanitarian work in Africa, died Saturday. He was 47.

Take a look back at Manute Bol's NBA career in our photo gallery.

Bol died at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville, where he was being treated for severe kidney trouble and a painful skin condition, Tom Prichard, executive director of the group Sudan Sunrise, said in an e-mail.

"Sudan and the world have lost a hero and an example for all of us," Prichard said. "Manute, we'll miss you. Our prayers and best wishes go out to all his family, and all who mourn his loss."

Bol played 10 seasons in the NBA with Washington, Golden State, Philadelphia and Miami and later worked closely as an advisory board member of Sudan Sunrise, which promotes reconciliation in Sudan. Bol averaged 2.6 points, 4.2 rebounds and 3.3 blocked shots..

He was hospitalized in mid-May during a stopover in Washington after returning to the United States from Sudan. Prichard said then that Bol was in Sudan to help build a school in conjunction with Sudan Sunrise but stayed longer than anticipated after the president of southern Sudan asked him to make election appearances and use his influence to counter corruption in his home county.

He said Bol had undergone three dialysis treatments and developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a condition that caused him to lose patches of skin.

Prichard said the skin around Bol's mouth was so sore that he went 11 days without eating and could barely talk.

Prichard said it's believed that Bol contracted the skin disease as a reaction to kidney medication he took while in Africa.

Janis Ricker, operations manager of Sudan Sunrise, said Saturday that the organization would continue its work building the school in Bol's home village in southern Sudan. The building still lacks a second floor roof, she said.

She said Bol's goal was to build 41 schools throughout Sudan.

"We are in the process of still helping Manute build a school, and we will continue with that," Ricker said.

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Anti-narcotics operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Thursday disclosed the discovery of 1kg cocaine hidden in sandals by a Nigerian based in Spain.

According to the agency, the suspect, Ezeugha Sunny, was detected on an Iberia flight at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA), Lagos on Wednesday attempting to smuggle the drugs to Europe.

“The cocaine was carefully packed in two 500g parcels and neatly hidden in a pair of sandals he was putting on at the time of screening,” said Mitchell Ofoyeju, spokesperson for the agency.

Mr Ofoyeju disclosed that three other suspects also tested positive to drug ingestion, adding that two of them, Abuku Kennedy, 26, and Oparaji Anthony, 40, live in Spain, while Tochukwu Okeke, 35, lives in Monrovia, Liberia.

Ahmadu Giade, chief executive of the agency said that drug barons have nowhere to hide the illegal substance, stressing that the agency is determined to deal with the peddlers.

“The seizure is unique and the dedication of the officers must be commended. Drug barons will have their drug concealment methods discovered because we are prepared and committed to our duty of drug control,” he said. “Regular training in both interdiction techniques and passenger profiling is also our strength.” The suspect, who claimed to have got the sandals from a resident in Lagos, said that after losing his job in Europe, things became tough and he had no choice but to delve into crime..

“I work in Spain but I lost my job some months ago. Though I am single, it is difficult to cope in Europe without a job. It is joblessness that led me into drug trafficking. I needed money for my upkeep and when they told me that the drug will be inside my sandals, I felt it was a good plan to escape arrest but my desire did no work out,” he said.

Umar Hamza, airport commander for the agency, said that Tochukwu Okeke, one of the other arrested suspects, swallowed 45 pieces of narcotic substances on his way to Liberia.

According to him, the suspect was to board an Arik flight when he tested positive to drug ingestion.

“Oparaji Anthony ingested 71 wraps while Abuku Kennedy swallowed 45 wraps,” he said.

Mr Hamza added that the suspects are still on observation to expel the drugs in their stomachs.

“The suspects will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed,” he said.

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A total of 10 youths have been arrested by operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, while allegedly attempting to smuggle 12.33kg of narcotics out of the country..

A statement by the spokesman of the agency, Mr. Ofoyeju Mitchell, on Sunday also revealed that drug barons were now targeting Nigerians living in Europe, because they possessed travel documents.

The NDLEA stated that apart from two of the suspects residing in Lagos, the others were residents of European nations. It said that 12.33kg consisted of 1.115kg heroin and 11.215kg of cocaine.

The Airport Commander of the NDLEA, Alhaji Hamza Umar, gave the names of the suspects as Osaze Monday, 37, who allegedly ingested 60 pieces of cocaine weighing 1.010kg; Izevbokun Kelvin, 22, who ingested 111 pieces of cocaine weighing 1.610kg; Joe Favour, 26, who ingested 82 pieces of cocaine weighing 1.300kg; Nwodo Oscar,34, who swallowed 95 wraps of cocaine weighing 1.515kg; and Chinedu Okeke,40, who swallowed 69 wraps of heroin weighing 1.115kg.

Others are Obarisiagbon Marvis, 32 who ingested 77 pieces of cocaine weighing 1.445kg; Liasu Ajadi, 41,who ingested 80 wraps of cocaine weighing 1.190kg; Ejiro Henry,19, who ingested 73 wraps of cocaine weighing 1.285kg; Lever Ehigie,21, who ingested 66 pieces of cocaine weighing 900 grammes; and Omorose Kingsley,28 that swallowed 960 grammes of cocaine.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive Officer, NDLEA, Alhaji Ahmadu Giade, in a goodwill message on Democracy Day charged youths to shun for illicit wealth.

He charged youths to take advantage of the numerous windows of opportunities in the economy to reposition themselves for leadership responsibilities.

Giade, who identified indiscipline and greed as the factors responsible for the involvement of youths in narcotics trafficking, urged them to “positively rebrand” themselves.

“Drug traffickers usually act on impulse as a result of greed and indiscipline. Unfortunately, many only have a re-think after they had been caught,” the NDLEA boss stated.

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Tourism is not complete in Oyo State without a reference to Alagba – a giant male land tortoise believed to have lived in the palace of the king of Ogbomoso for 324 years. EMMANUEL ONYECHE, who visited the palace recently, .examines the age issue of this ancient animal and the myths woven around it. THE primeval town of Ogbomoso, the second largest city in Oyo State, has an ancient resident – a giant male land tortoise, which is acclaimed to have lived in the palace of the Soun (the king) of Ogbomosoland for 324 years.

In deference to its age, it is called Alagba, which means ”the elderly one” in Yoruba. And, in Ogbomoso, where the legendary tortoise lumbers about in the palatial grounds of the king, it is almost a sacrilege to refer to Alagba as a mere tortoise.

Since Alagba is believed to be older than everyone in Ogbomoso, permutations about its true age relies heavily on oral history. Its present age was arrived at by situating it with the period of the Soun who reigned then. Alagba was allegedly brought to the palace by Soun Ikumoyede Ajao, the third Soun of Ogbomoso, who is believed to have been born sometime in the late 16th century and who reigned in the 17th.

Mr. Ajamu Oluwatoyin, the secretary of the current Soun says dating of the kingship of Ogbomoso was started by the elite in 1797 during the reign of Oba Toyeje Akanni (1797 to 1825), the fourth Soun and one time Are Ona Kakanfo (the Yoruba Nation Generalissimo)..

Since it was customary in those days to transfer the property and all palace belongings to the new monarch, Alagba had allegedly remained in the palace till date.

According to IBKay‘s blog on the Internet, the reigning Oba Oladunni Oyewunmi, Ajangungbade III, the 20th Soun, who has been reigning since 1974, confirmed that he knew the tortoise while he was a child-prince.

Mr. Adeniyi Alabi, Kakaki Oba (the oba‘s praise singer) and Mr. Adeyanju Areo, who used to carry the umbrella that shields the oba from the sun, also carry out the oba‘s instructions to take care of Alagba. They say the animal drinks water once in two weeks and that when it does, it finishes a 25-litre bucket.

Alagba is said to eat everything that human beings eat but likes pawpaw particularly. It is said to detest heat and plays a lot in the rainy season. Alabi and Areo put Alagba‘s weight at approximately 100kg since, according to them, its weight is equivalent to two bags of cement and it requires four men to lift it up.

”No matter how heavy you are, Alagba will carry you on its back and be moving about,” Areo says and adds that the incumbent oba, who cares so much about the well-being of Alagba, was the one that stopped people from climbing the back of the animal as the animal was getting old.

Mr. Muphtau Owolabi, the police orderly to the oba said three years ago, Alagba was sick and required surgery on its neck. Doctors put its survival chances at 50 per cent. The oba was said to have not permitted the surgery and Alagba later recovered.

Like some items in African traditional palaces that exist for mystical purposes, Areo says Alagba‘s existence in the palace has no such inclination. ”Alagba is just an aged animal that is well taken care of by the kabiyesi. There are vet doctors that attend to it and they give us drugs that we put in the water it drinks and the food it eats”, Areo says.

Nevertheless, all sorts of myths have been woven around Alagba. ”It hears what people say though it cannot speak,” Alabi says. ”It recognises kabiyesi‘s voice. If kabiyesi calls it Alagba, it will be shaking its head in agreement. Some people also stay near Alagba to offer prayers for longevity.”

A palace source said for a long time since its existence, Alagba was the only being that the king‘s wives may run to for refuge to avoid the anger of their husband.

”Whatever might have been the sacrilege of such a woman, the kabiyesi overlooks it if she runs to Alagba for protection,” she says.

There are also myths that allege that it is a particular oba that had become so old that turned himself to Alagba during a festival in the palace.

Kayode says looking at the body cells and carapace (shell) of Alagba can help determine its true age. ”The carapace is laid on yearly and its ornamentation can help determine the age of the tortoise,” he said.

He was however doubtful of the possibility of any expert in the country undertaking a venture to determine Alagba‘s true age since it would be of no economic value.

When Alabi took our correspondent to Alagba for introduction, he called the being twice saying, ”Alagba, Alagba, you have a visitor.” He spoke Yoruba. The ancient one slowly opened one of its eyes and brought out its neck full of age, spots and thick rough warts.

Slowly, it retreated into its thick shell and went back to sleep, its thoughts as mysterious as its age.

However, Mr. Akinwande Kayode, a lecturer in the Department of Zoology, University of Lagos, Akoka, doubted the veracity of the claims about Alagba‘s age. ”It is not scientific. It is oral evidence and there is no scientific evidence to support it,” he says.

He however states that tortoises generally live longer than other animals and that this is possible because of their link with the dinosaurs. ”Tortoise and turtle belong to the order Chelonians and they are the only living representatives of the order Chelonians which have a close link to the dinosaurs and dinosaurs as ancient animals lived for very long – up to 400 years – and they had enormous size,” he says.

According to, an online question and answer site on the Internet, most tortoises do not pass 100, some have been known to live well past that marker and have lived as long as 200 to 250 years.

The site gave the reason why tortoises are able to live so long as having a lot to do with how they‘re built and how they live ”Because they are protected by a strong hard shell, tortoises are good at avoiding predators. Tortoises also live and move slowly, which means they use up less energy than lots of other creatures. – If a tortoise is unable to find enough food, they can survive for longer on less more easily than animals who burn through their energy really quickly.”

In March 2006, it was reported that an Aldabra tortoise at the Calcutta Zoo died and was estimated to be 250 years old. A Madagascar radiated tortoise was said to have lived in captivity to at least 188 years. Similarly, a 176-year-old giant tortoise from an Australian Zoo died in June, 2006. Typically, the Galapagos tortoise lives 150 years. Other varieties regularly live to be 100.

Other Recorded Methuselah Tortoises Wikipedia


There are many old wives tales about the age of turtles and tortoises, one of which being that the age of a tortoise can be deduced by counting the number of concentric rings on its carapace, much like the cross-section of a tree. This is not true, since the growth of a tortoise depends highly on the access of food and water. A tortoise that has access to plenty of forage (or is regularly fed by its owner) will grow faster than aDesert Tortoise that goes days without eating.

Tortoises generally have lifespans comparable with those of human beings, and some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years. Because of this, they symbolize longevity in some cultures, such as China. The oldest tortoise ever recorded, almost the oldest individual animal ever recorded, was Tu'i Malila, which was presented to the Tongan royal family by the British explorer Captain Cook shortly after its birth in 1777. Tui Malila remained in the care of the Tongan royal family until its death by natural causes on May 19, 1965. This means that upon its death, Tui Malila was 188 years old.[3] The record for the longest-lived vertebrate is exceeded only by one other, a koi namedHanako whose death on July 17, 1977 ended a 226 year life span.[4]

The Alipore Zoo in India was the home to Adwaita, which zoo officials claimed was the oldest living animal until its death on March 23, 2006. Adwaita (sometimes spelled with two d's) was an Aldabra Giant Tortoise brought to India by Lord Wellesley who handed it over to the Alipur Zoological Gardens in 1875 when the zoo was set up. Zoo officials state they have documentation showing that Adwaita was at least 130 years old, but claim that he was over 250 years old (although this has not been scientifically verified). Adwaita was said to be the pet of Robert Clive.[5]

Harriet, a resident at the Australia Zoo in Queensland, was apocryphally thought to have been brought to England by Charles Darwin aboard the Beagle. Harriet died on June 23, 2006, just shy of her 176th birthday.

Timothy, a spur-thighed tortoise, lived to be approximately 165 years old. For 38 years she was carried as a mascot aboard various ships in Britain's Royal Navy. Then in 1892, at age 53 she retired to the grounds of Powderham Castle in Devon. Up to the time of her passing in 2004 she was believed to be the UK's oldest resident.

According to articles published by the Daily Mail and the Times in December 2008, Jonathan, a Seychelles Giant tortoise living on the island of St Helena may be as old as 176[6] or 178 years.[7] If this is true, he could be the current oldest living animal on Earth.

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Corporal kills sergeant at check point

Tragedy struck Sunday morning along the busy Benin-Akure Road when a police corporal allegedly shot his superior during a heated argument at a police checkpoint at NIFOR junction.

Eyewitnesses said the police corporal shot his superior at close range over an alleged disagreement on the misconduct of the corporal in the course of his carrying out his duties at the checkpoint.

Mobile police officers prevented reporters from taking photographs of the killer policeman, who erupted into tears after the incident.

He was, however, disarmed by his colleagues, who later handcuffed him and took him to Eki Adolor Police Station.

One of the officers, Osaro Igbinovia, said, "The sergeant was questioning the corporal, but we could not hear what they were saying and the next thing we heard was a gun shot and the sergeant fell down and died immediately."

The body of the police sergeant was later removed and taken to an undisclosed mortuary.

A visit to the office of the state police public relations officer, Peter Ogboi, for comment on the incident, proved abortive, as he was said to be away at a meeting and could not be reached on his phone..

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April 28, 2010. We here at are 100% supporters of President Obama. At first we thought about SUPPRESSING this new report . . . but we figure that it would be better to know about what Republicans are trying to do to the prez.. Photo Alleged Obama Lover

According to a new report, Republican operatives are looking to pay as much as $1 million to anyone willing to discuss the president's relationship with a 35 year old woman named Vera Baker..

And according to one weekly tabloid, Vera's limo driver is SNITCHING!!! Here's what Vera's limo driver is saying:
"I took [President Obama] to various locations while he was looking for campaign funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

"About 10:30 pm, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. She didn't ask me to wait or to be taken back to her friend's home - or to her home"

Well .. . . we ain't gonna believe NOTHING about the prez unless we have more solid evidence.
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ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- An armed man spotted at a North Carolina airport parking lot just after Air Force One departed Sunday told an officer he wanted to see the president and had a car equipped with police gear, including a siren and flashing lights, authorities said.

Joseph Sean McVey, 23, of Coshocton, Ohio, is charged with going armed in terror of the public, a misdemeanor, said Asheville Regional Airport Police Capt. Kevan Smith.

Security was heightened at the airport because President Barack Obama was leaving after spending the weekend vacationing in Asheville. He was headed to a memorial service for 29 West Virginia coal miners killed in an explosion..

At about 2 p.m., airport police saw McVey get out of a maroon car with Ohio plates and that he had a sidearm, Smith said. Both airport police and the Secret Service questioned him and he was taken into custody. The suspect was nowhere near the president's plane, which had just departed, and was in a rental car return lot that is open to the public, Smith said.

His car was equipped with clear LED law enforcement-style strobe lights in the front and rear dash, Smith said. The car also had a mounted digital camera in the front window, four large antennas on the trunk lid, and under the steering wheel was a working siren box. Smith said McVey was not in law enforcement.

When McVey got out of the car, he was listening to a handheld scanner and radio that had a remote earpiece, Smith said. Police said he was monitoring local agencies and had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cup holder. Police did not immediately elaborate on what the formulas might mean and Smith was not available to comment late Sunday.

McVey gave authorities an Ohio driver's license, but a computer check failed to show the number was valid, police said. His hometown of Coshocton is about halfway between Pittsburgh and Columbus, Ohio.

When Officer Kaleb Rice asked him what he was doing, McVey told him he heard the president was in town and wanted to see him.

Rice removed the firearm and took McVey into custody. He was being held at the Buncombe County jail on $100,000 bond.

The investigation into what McVey was doing with a gun, with formulas for rifle scopes and why his car was equipped with police gear was continuing, Smith said. The Secret Service had no comment on the arrest, deferring to airport police.

A jail offic

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This is the fourth part in a five-part look inside "Nollywood," the Nigerian film industry.thumb2.aspx?img=Y29udGVudC9jb250ZW50L25vbGx5d29vZC1hdWRpdGlvbi1wcmF5ZXIuanBn&s=NS8xNi8yMDEw&w=600*****

My bid to make it in Nollywood is gaining steam, but I need to hone my skills and learn from seasoned veterans, so I arrange to observe an audition. It takes place in the shadow of the National Theater, a spaceship-like structure visible from miles away, the only landmark in an otherwise desolate, dirty swamp bisecting the two main sections of Lagos.

Behind the theater in a dusty square, actors, dancers and other industry players regularly gather for auditions and meetings. A grove of trees to one side of the square marks the actors’ area, and a tiny open-air pool hall to the other side marks the dancers’ area. In between are the offices of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, and on the outskirts of the square are several "chop houses," or restaurants, and a few bars. .

Lesson One: Bow Your Head

Before today’s audition can begin, the actors gather under the canopy of a large tree for a group prayer. One of the veteran actors steps forward. “Welcome, everyone. Let us bow our heads in prayer.” He holds his arms outstretched over the heads of the others. “Please God, help us perform our best today. Destroy the agents that would delay our projects, O Lord. In the name of Jesus. Father, I ask that these agents be nullified in the name of Jesus. As you cover everything in the blood of Jesus, Lord, destroy our enemies who would have us not do well at this audition today…” He continues for some minutes before closing with a solemn “Amen.”

In Hollywood, a pre-audition prayer would likely be met one of two ways: with derision or a lawsuit. But the prayer is not unusual in a country as religious as Nigeria, split equally between Christians and Muslims, where mega-churches in the south draw tens of thousands of worshipers to weekly services, and where several northern cities practice sharia law. What is unusual is that I am standing next to a Muslim friend, and he has taken part in the Christian prayer along with everyone else. Later he will tell me that most of the directors in Nollywood are from one predominantly Christian ethnic group, so he uses his middle name instead of his Muslim-sounding first name and always takes part in the Christian prayers. .
Lesson Two: Patience Is a Virtue

After the prayer, a producer announces that the casting directors cannot make it today, and the audition is postponed until further notice. The actors sigh and mumble to each other but no one seems particularly surprised. Once again I am reminded that in Nollywood, and in Nigeria in general, things never go as planned and patience is a requirement for survival, and for sanity. thumb2.aspx?img=Y29udGVudC9jb250ZW50L2VtbWEtZ2VvcmdlLmpwZw==&s=NS8xNi8yMDEw&w=600
As we start to leave I notice a man in a bright yellow shirt, black shorts, black cowboy boots, and a black cowboy hat walking by. His name is Emma George. He is a small man with a thick beard and kind eyes. Though well into his forties, he has just recently moved to Lagos and has only been acting for three years.

“I was working at the Ministry of Transportation before, but I had a passion for acting,” he says. “My mother thought I was crazy and said, ‘Emma, are you sure? You’ve got a good job.’ And I told her, ‘Mama, I have to go for it.’” Because of his age, dark beard, and well, the black boots, Emma most often gets cast as the villain, though he would rather be seen as a leading man. “I played a loverboy only once, in Virginity of the Goddess. I’m a real gentle soul, but I’m always carrying a gun onscreen.”

Lesson Three: Turn the Other Cheek

I ask Emma about the frustrations of trying to make it in Nollywood: the unpredictable schedules, the meager pay, the shoddy production quality. He nods knowingly. “Acting in Nollywood is not an easy thing,” he says. “But with patience, perseverance, and determination, we’ll get there. Nollywood is still young compared to Hollywood, but we believe we’ll get there with time.”

Emma says good-bye and heads to a nearby restaurant, where he hopes he’ll be seen by a director or producer. As he leaves, I realize that he embodies the dominant trait of many Nigerians I’ve met. Here’s a middle-aged man who left his steady -- if unprofitable -- government job to pursue his love for acting and who stays positive despite numerous setbacks and dim prospects. That is Nigeria in a nutshell: millions of people streaming into the cities with few, if any contacts, looking for whatever work they can find and striving through all manner of obstacles. Whether investment banker or dressmaker or bread seller, they are among the most resilient people I’ve come across.

My attempt to observe an audition had failed, but there would be other chances. My friend says we should go. A quick wind picks up dust and whirls it across the now-empty square. Then a little girl in a ragged dress and pink sandals walks by holding a monkey on a chain. I look at my friend for an explanation but he just smiles, shrugs, and turns to leave. The little girl walks to the middle of the square and stops. The monkey sits down. I follow my friend back toward the main road and the teeming Lagos traffic. When I look back, the girl and the monkey are gone.
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Faridaw Waziri

No 10 Porto Novo Street

A new petition to Acting President Goodluck Jonathan calls upon him to investigate the “massive fraud” going on at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission under the leadership of Mrs. Farida Waziri. Signed by Joseph Amadi on behalf of a group which calls itself the PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY LEAGUE, the petition alleges that Mrs. Waziri has been enriching herself by negotiating deals in cases before her in which she obtains huge commissions. .

The scams began soon after Mrs. Waziri assumed office, the writers say, alleging an “extortionist committee headed by Mohammed A Bako” that the EFCC chairperson set up which negotiated huge takings “in excess of 35%” for cheques recovered before she assumed office that were awaiting collection.

“Our investigation revealed that those who refused to part with any bribe compelled EFCC to discount their cheques with the issuing bank,” the petition says.

An important element in Mrs. Waziri’s approach to her job is the Anti-Corruption Revolution Campaign (ANCOR), through which she has sought to portray herself as being a forthright and dogged crusader. Indeed, according to the Public Accountability League, Mrs. Waziri has spent over N700 million on each of the ANCOR launches in Lagos and Abuja. It observes, however, “This was never provided for in either the 2008 or 2009 EFCC budgets,” and “the items used in the events never passed through due process as they were never advertised for.”

Turning to the bank reform programme initiated by the Central Bank governor, Mr. Lamido Sanusi, the group also alleges that Mrs. Waziri negotiated 10% from the banks as administrative fees for funds recovered. “Where are the monies recovered from bank debtors?” the group asks. “And how much commission did she charge these banks?”

The group also raises questions about Mrs. Waziri’s acquisition of property, alleging that since her assumption of office at the EFCC, she has bought several homes in Nigeria, the United Kingdom and Dubai.

Among the more stunning of the allegations, the group writes as follows: “Waziri has since February 2009 been receiving the sum of N50 million monthly from Intercontinental Bank Plc, N20 million monthly from Access Bank and NI0 million monthly from Skye Bank Plc. These monies, represent interests accruing to the over N300 billion recovered looted funds including the N17 billion from former Inspector General of Police, Mr. Tafa Balogun, placed as fixed deposits in these commercial banks by the EFCC. These funds, were supposed to be placed in the federation account instead of these commercial banks.”

The full text of the petition is as follows:

Fraud In EFCC- Farida Waziri's Penchant For Negotiated Commission On Recovered Funds

We are writing to intimate you of the massive fraud going on in the EFCC since Mrs Farida Waziri took over as its Chairman. This fraud has been ongoing but has reached a crescendo since the recovery of debts for the failed banks. When Mrs took over at the EFCC, she inherited several cheques of funds recovered by her predecessor which were not disbursed to the beneficiaries. On assumption of office, Mrs Waziri advertised that beneficiaries of the cheques should come forward to claim their recovered funds. Mrs Waziri immediately set up an extortionist committee headed by Mohammed A Bako. This group negotiated and collected on behalf of Mrs Farida Waziri in excess of 35% for funds recovered before beneficiary’s cheques were released. Several beneficiaries reluctantly parted with these commissions while those who rebuffed are yet to receive their funds. Our investigation revealed that those who refused to part with any bribe compelled EFCC to discount their cheques with the issuing bank. These banks were quick to accept EFCC request just to remain in their good books thereby violating laid down procedure by paying cash to EFCC for a cheque that belongs to another individual or company. These funds end up in the coffers of Mrs Farida Waziri. This practice has been ongoing and has reached an alarming proportion in the recent recovery of loans from bank defaulters. Mrs Waziri negotiates for 10% from banks as administrative fee for all funds recovered. Banks have not been able to complain due to threat and intimidation from the Waziri led EFCC. Most debtors like Henry Imasekha, Peter Ololo etc have parted with several millions to Mrs Farida Waziri.

We are attaching EFCC recovery list inherited by Farida Waziri. The list contains case file Nos. Exhibit Nos, Date Cheque/Draft was issued, Issuing Bank/Beneficiary, Amount and investigation Team.

In the recovery list No 60. A bank draft of N200million was issued to Delta State Government, List No. 71. A draft of N300 million in favour of Delta State Government and List No 83. for N200million in favour of Delta State Government totaling N700 million.

Mr. Acting President, please ask Mrs Farida Waziri how she disbursed the N700million due to Delta State Government. What role did James Ibori and Emmanuel Uduaghan play in this disbursement? How much did she make from the N700million?

How much percentage did she collect from companies like Nipco Ltd. and Jugi Mann International Ltd. who protested the extortion of Farida Waziri.

Where are the monies recovered from bank debtors? And how much commission did she charge these banks.

Mr. Acting President, you just inaugurated the code of conduct bureau to look into the assets declaration of civil servants, can you please ask Mrs Farida Waziri to present her asset declaration form when she took over and her assets to date both in Nigeria, UK and Dubai.

Since taking over as EFCC chairman in 2008, Mrs Farida Waziri has bought several properties both in Nigeria and the United Kingdom and Dubai. She bought from the FCDA a five bedroom detached house for N50.4 million at No. 10 Port Novo Crescent Wuse 2 Abuja by Red Cross office. She recently moved into the said 10 Port Novo crescent Wuse 2. This house is valued for over N450 million.

Mrs Waziris penchant to amass properties in Abuja continued unabated, She applied for properties with the FCT and it was approved immediately by then Minister Umar Modibbo whom she was investigating.
Waziri's Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) was offered to her the next day. The C of 0 read that she was allocated Plot 1460 of 25 Trent River Street, Maitama, Abuja with file number 60219 in Cadastral Zone, B06 of MABUSHI.

However, her plot soon assume a game of hide-and-seek. According to a source within FCT who knew about the transaction, Waziri and the former minister suspected that people were aware of the land allocated to her. Waziri, then, arranged with the FCT to change the ownership of her land. On October 13th 2008, the Federal Capital Territory Administration Abuja Geographic Information System (AGIS) wrote her a "withdrawal letter" titled "Notice of Withdrawal of Right of Occupancy", the short letter, addressed to Mr. Farida Mzamber Waziri, stated that her Right of Occupancy to Plot 1460 within B06 Mabushi was revoked by "DISCRETION BY AUTHORITY." The letter listed the Director of Development Control, Director Legal, and Director "URP" as the source of the letter.( Attached)

Two days after the revocation, the same plot was allocated to Waziri's daughter, Zainab Naomi Salawu. The same plot was now assigned a new file number GO 60167. In an attempt to hide the exact identity of the re-allocated land, FCT Officials gave the address as 2 River Trent Crescent, Maitama - Abuja.

Mrs. Waziri sent Mohammed A. Bako, the EFCC protocol officer, to sign a letter accepting the land. Bako, who signed on behalf of Zainab Naomi Salawu, gave his EFCC Office Phone Number 09-6441118, and Mobile Number: 0803-325-5447, his E-mail Address: as well as his home address in Karu Phase 1 Area of Abuja.

Mrs Farida Waziri received a Mercedes Benz GL 450 gift from Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom to stop ongoing investigation against her and Prince Nicholas Ukachukwu on billions of Naira stolen by the duo from Akwa Ibom state coffers.

Waziri has since February 2009 been receiving the sum of N50 million monthly from Intercontinental Bank Plc,N20 million monthly from Access Bank and NI0 million monthly from Skye Bank Plc, These monies, represent interests accruing to the over N300 billion recovered looted funds including the N17 billion from former Inspector General of Police, Mr. Tafa Balogun, placed as fixed deposits in these commercial banks by the EFCC. These funds, were supposed to be placed in the federation account instead of these commercial banks.

Waziri has spent over N700 million each in the ANCOR launch, in Lagos and Abuja. This was never provided for in either the 2008 or 2009 EFCC budgets. All the items used in the events never passed through due process as they were never advertised for.

Mr. Acting President, we will avail you of more information and title deeds of the properties recently acquired by Mrs Farida Waziri in London. We have a very big surprise for you Mr. President, so that you will see the nature of woman that is heading one of the most important institutions in Nigeria.
It will be worthwhile if the fight against corruption is to be fought, let it be by people of integrity.

We wish you well Mr. Acting President and the world is watching you and commend your efforts in the sack of former INEC chairman, IWU.

Yours Sincerely,

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AY allegedly goes violent at airport.

Comedian, Ayo Makun, is known for his expertise when it comes to cracking jokes.
But at the Murtala Mohammed Airport in Lagos recently, not a few weredisappointed with his violent behaviour.

Aneyewitness who spoke to Life and Beat said trouble began when somesecurity agents disallowed a passenger from entering the boarding gatebecause she was carrying some fluids. The passenger, it was gathered,vehemently refused to check in the fluids and the security agents toldher she would either do that or not board her flight.

According to our source, AY, who was on his way to Port Harcourt,decided to play the good Samaritan by pleading on her behalf.

OnlyGod knows what the female security agent must have told AY, for it wasalleged that almost instantly, AY landed a dirty slap on the lady’scheek. And before she could recover from that, he landed another hotslap on the other cheek.

Asif that was not enough, AY allegedly pushed the lady out of thesecurity post and confidently walked into the boarding gate.

Itwas as if the other secuity agents, who must have been shocked beyondcomposure, suddenly rediscovered themselves as they ran after AY andtold him he would not be allowed to get on board because of his violentact.

AYstormed out of the airport with parting swear words, “F**k you and f**kyour airport.” Life and Beat gathered that many passengers expresseddisappointment that AY slapped a woman, and in public for that matter. .
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It is with the heaviest of hearts, and deepest sorrow that we regret to announce that Rapper, Da Grin formally known as Olayitan Olanipekun Oladapo is dead at the tender age of 23. As some of you know Da Grin was in a ghastly auto accident last week, and had been receiving treatment for injuries sustained at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH.

Da Grin was officially pronounced dead by the doctors sometime about 8:30pm yesterday local time at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). Rest In Peace, Da Grin. You will be sorely missed in Nigeria, Africa and the world as a whole. You leave us with some of the best music from a Nigerian rapper. We Thank God for your life, even if it was short..

Last week also Hip Hop lost Guru of Gansterr fame .

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Pa Amodu, OLDEST GRADUATE IN TOWN ...He earned his first degree at 73, still targets PhD

Pa Alimi Olarenwaju Amodu, popularly known by his admirers as the ‘youngest student,’ is a 73-year-old man whose story is unique. From Pa Amodu, the saying that what the mind can imagine the man can accomplish comes true. For him, the brain is like a battery and if charged, it works effectively. His educational activities have shown that no time is late for one to achieve his heart’s desires...

PHOTO:Pa Amodu in class at LASU


At 60, the Lagos-based Ibadan indigene retired from the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), as a clerk, after which he went back to his hometown to engage in farming. During the time, he attended a professional course in Agriculture. At 68, in 2005, he returned to Lagos, with the quest to have a university education.

Shortly, he enrolled for a diploma course in Philosophy at the Lagos State University (LASU). Two years after, he converted to a degree course in Sociology, in the same university. After all challenges and struggles, he graduated last January, in Sociology. Now, he plans to go for his Master’s degre and afterwards, PhD.

Perhaps, one would want to know why the grandpa is still struggling, with those young enough to be his grandchildren, to acquire university education up to doctorate degree level in the eve of his life.

Saturday Sun had an encounter with the supposed oldest graduate in Nigeria and he told the story of his journey.

He said: “Though I am old, I still believe that I can achieve my heart’s desires. I had my early education in 1945, at St. Andrew’s Primary School, Aba Oke Village, in Oyo State. That time, there was no means of transport and it was not easy for me to go to school. My father was an active farmer, so, I used to go to the farm before going to school. But in spite of the stress, I passed very well because I have always been a determined person. Having passed standard three, I moved to Ibadan and my first point of call was St Paul’s School, Yemetu. There, I read up to Standard Four and proceeded to St. David’s School where I obtained standard six certificate in I952. I was lucky to meet Mama Morakinyo, our class teacher, who did her best to give us a good foundation. Former Secretary to Oyo State Government, Dr. Adebisi, was my classmate. We used to close at 6pm, as a result of tutorial,” he said.

Pa Amodu was an intelligent pupil and would have continued his education, but for lack of finance. Yet the obstacles did not stop him from doing his best as a young man.

Meanwhile, having obtained the Standard Six certificate, which was an outstanding qualification those days, Pa Amodu secured a job at Costain West Africa. He worked there briefly and moved to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Ibadan in 1958, as a clerical assistant. In 1962, he was transferred to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) to assist in establishing the Medical Records Department. In the process, he attended overseas correspondence courses to upgrade his status.

“While in service, I had the interest to further my education because I knew that I have the brain. I attended some overseas courses. And in 1987, I registered for the GCE, but I did not do well. At the second attempt, I made five papers, which qualified me for university admission. So, after my retirement in 1992, I went back to Ibadan to farm. After sometime, I returned to Lagos with the intention to go back to school. When I told my children that I wanted to go back to school, they did not believe me; they asked how I could go back to school when I was supposed to be resting, but I insisted and told them that the brain is still active. I only needed to charge it. At a stage, they agreed to sponsor me to any level. Later, I enrolled for a diploma in Philosophy at LASU in 2002. In 2004, the university placed an advert for admission, I did the exam and passed and they offered me admission in Sociology; so I had to switch over,” he stated.

Narrating his university experience and activities, he said: “Though it was challenging, I enjoyed it because I have been able to achieve much. I studied Sociology for five years, and by the grace of God, I did not have any carry over. During my university days, I discovered that the brain is like the battery and if charged, it will start working again. Take, for instance, if you don’t charge the handset battery, it will stop working; so also the brain. The moment one stops reading, the brain will go down. Therefore, the brain battery needs regular charging to remain effective. I really enjoyed my university education to the fullest. I observed that there is discipline in LASU. One needs to behave well and work hard to make it there.

“As an elderly person, the school authorities respected me, but they never compromised disciplining me when necessary. We were always asked to put off our phones, while the lecture was on. There was a day I forgot to put off my phone, and it rang during lectures and our class coordinator seized it. Also, when I was in the 100 level, there was a day I slept off while lecture was on and my lecturer asked me to stand up. After sometime, he warned me not to sleep and later asked me to sit.

Thereafter, he asked me what I ate before coming to school, and when I told him that I ate rice, he advised me to always take tea instead to avoid sleeping in the class. In LASU, one has to work hard in order to pass exams. If they give you assignment, they give you deadline and there was no variation of the rule for an old student.”

At 73, one would expect that Pa Amodu should be thinking of relaxing and enjoying his investments, having trained many graduates, but he has a different plan for himself.

“I work according to my name, Olanrewaju (someone that always looks forward). I am someone who always wants progress and I still crave to contribute my quota anywhere I find myself. In fact, I want to be more relevant. My main aim is to be addressed as Dr. Alimi Olanrewaju Amodu. Then, after my doctorate degree, I hope to be a consultant or I may go into business. I am still strong at 73. I read always, sleep between 10 and 11pm and wake at 3am. If you come to my house, you will see my library. My final exams at LASU was on January 28. And the result so far was good. By the grace of God, I will commence my master’s degree programme in Social Work. Thereafter, I will go for my PhD. I decided to enroll after retirement because I want to have enough time for my education and I thank God that I have good children who really support my ambition. They cater for my education and other needs and they have promised to support me achieve my goals,” he stated.

As an elderly person among the young, Pa Amodu garnered himself so much respect that fostered good relationship among him, his lecturers and course mates. Because he actually integrated well with the system, many students got so close to him, so as to tap from his gifts and the wisdom and experience of his age.

“My relationship with the lecturers was so cordial, and they did their best to put me through. They saw me as a father and a student as well and I took them as my lecturers and children. In fact, we related very well. My relationship with my course mates was great and exciting. Even as we have graduated, we still relate. I was their key informant because I was always at the library reading. I gave them relevant materials without charge. Almost everyone in my class liked me and I played the role of a father to all of them. They respected me, as a father, but when it was time for the real business, you hardly know who is older; we played, chatted and studied together. My first grandchild is in the 200 level in the University of Lagos. That shows that most of my classmates were of my grandchildren’s age. You can see that I am now competing with my grandchildren. All my children graduated before me, and I struggled to graduate before my grandchildren.”

The advantages of his going back to school at old age are so enormous that he cannot forget them so easily. Before he enrolled in school, he could not read or write without eyeglasses. And when he got admission, he used it during lecture. But a miracle happened and he regained his sight. Today, he does not use eyeglasses again. Pa Amodu narrated: “One day, I forget to wear it. While lecture was on, I was seeing as if I was wearing the glasses. When I wanted to adjust it, I did not find anything on my eyes. So, since that day, I have not used glasses again. The more I read the more I see clearly. In fact, it was like a miracle.”

In as much as he enjoyed his educational career, Pa Amodu also met a lot of challenges, but put extra efforts to meet the required demands. “As an old man struggling with those of a different generation, I had a lot of challenges in the process. I had to struggle to board the bus and sometimes, trek in order to catch up with my lectures. I also studied day and night to ensure that I passed my exams and assignments because at my age I cannot cheat. It is just unimaginable that a grandfather should cheat where his children are the examiners and his grandchildren the course mates. I always go to the library to read. My experience in LASU opened my eyes to the truth that it is very difficult for people to survive in this country due to lack of encouragement. The government has no provision for the aged and does not encourage them in any way. So, it was just by sheer perseverance and resolve that made me succeed.”

Interestingly, Pa Amodu’s seven children, Ade, Funmilayo, Dr. Akeem, Morenike, Niyi, Sikira and Azzez, who initially did not support the decision of their aged father to return to school, but later gave him full support, were surprised at how their father excelled in an environment dominated by young people. They were later to describe their father as one who believes that learning has no limited time in human life.

One of his sons, Dr. Akeem Amodu, a senior lecturer at the Leads University, Ibadan, who spoke with Saturday Sun, admitted that he opposed his father’s decision to return to school at old age, but after much pressure, he accepted his position.

“Really, when our father told us that he wanted to enroll for his first degree at LASU, after his retirement, we advised him not to do that, because, having worked for many years and retired, the next thing is for him to rest, so that we can take care of him. But, when we saw that he was serious, we allowed him. Since then, we have been sponsoring him and we are ready to sponsor him to any level he wants to go,” he said.

At the beginning, Pa Amodu trained and sponsored the education of his seven children, and at the end, the children now sponsor Pa Amodu’s education. One good turn or investment really deserves reciprocity, you may say.
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The World Bank estimated Nigeria's economy to grow by 4.8 percent this year, up from 4.3 percent in 2009, its managing director said on Friday.

The World Bank's outlook was significantly below the central bank's forecast of 7.53 percent last month, and a 6.4 percent estimate from nine analysts polled by Reuters in January.

Sub-Saharan Africa's second biggest economy, once a darling of frontier market investors, hopes its fortunes improve as the global economy gradually recovers, and after fixing problems in its banking sector rescued in 2009 by the regulator.

"This economy is just waiting for a bedrock of right and consistent policies ... to get some of our sectors going," said Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the World Bank's managing director for Africa, at an economic conference in Lagos.

To improve the OPEC member's economy in the long run, she said Nigeria's leadership must find a way to solve the country's unemployment problem, especially among its young.

She estimated unemployment for 15-24 year olds at around 31 percent..

Africa's most populous country of 140 million people will need to create 24 million jobs over the next decade to cut unemployment by half, Okonjo-Iweala said.

"The most worrying is that an estimated 50-60 percent of our graduates from tertiary institutions cannot find an adequate job on completion of studies," she said.

The vast majority of Nigerians live on less than $2 a day, despite having Africa's biggest oil and gas industry.

Widespread poverty has led to the growth of militant groups in the oil-producing Niger Delta in recent years, and has helped stoke sectarian tensions in the country's "Middle Belt."
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Second republic politician and former governor of Kano state Alhaji Muhammadu Abubakar Rimi is dead. There is no confirmation of the exact cause of his death as at the time of filing this report. A source told us that Alhaji Rimi was attacked by gunmen in his house and shot but that he died of heart attack. We could not confirm that particular story from family sources.

In January 2006gunmen believed to be assasins killed his wife at his home. The case took a strange twist when his son was arrested and charged for killing his wife, he was later released before the police commenced trial.
In another Report :

The former civilian governor of Kano State, Abubakar Rimi is dead. Details about Mr. Rimi's death are sketchy although we learned that he died after being shot by Armed Robbers. The circumstances of the attack on Mr. Rimi remain unclear although the incident is reported to have taken place in Kano. Mr. Rimi's body was being taken to his house a few hours ago.

The late Rimi was born at Rimi village, Sumaila Local Government Area of Kano State, in 1940. He became the first civilian governor of Kano State in 1979 and was appointed Minister of Communication in 1983 after a term as governor. He was a founding member of the Peoples Democratic Party and though he defected to the Action Congress in the build up to the 2007 general elections, he returned to the PDP in December 2008 and remained with the party until his death..

In 2006, Mr Rimi's wife Sa'adatu was found dead in their Kano home. She had been stabbed repeatedly.

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just learned that Beyonce Knowles was paid $2M . . . to sing at the wedding of Nigeria's richest man's daughter.

According to two separate Nigerian MTOers who are IN-THE-KNOW, Nigerian billionaire entrepreneur Chief Mike Adenuga Jr hired Beyonce to sing at his daughter's wedding. His daughter, Bella Adenuga and her fiance Jameel Disu are scheduled to be married next wee
k.Bella & Hubby Jameel Disu with the Guru Mike Adenuga inset right.

read more and how to gate crash a wedding !
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Ibori's investigator attacked by gunmen

In a mafia Style take down reminiscent of the hollywood movie The Untouchables,

Solomon Yorr, an official of Nigeria's anti-graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), is in a battle for life as medical personnel struggle to patch up his bullet ridden chest.

Mr. Yorr, in the past few weeks, has been intensely involved in the investigation of the former Delta State governor, James Ibori . He is the second-in-command of the team in charge of Mr. Ibori's investigation.

Mr. Yorr, who is attached to the Economic Governance Unit, an elite group in the commission which handles mainly cases of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), was attacked by gunmen on Sunday night in his home in Keffi, Nassarawa.

Femi Babafemi, the head of Media and Publicity of the EFCC, in a press statement yesterday, said that the operative is now receiving medical attention and has been installed in an Intensive Care Unit(ICU) in Abuja.

EFCC operatives, who spoke on conditions of anonymity, expressed fears that the attempt on Mr. Yorr's life was not unconnected with the high profile investigations that he has been handling.

Increased tempo and increased attacks

Mr. Babafemi of the EFCC told NEXT in Abuja yesterday, that the recent attacks on operatives of the commission was a result of the increased pace of high profile investigations undertaken by the commission, while debunking the idea that the recent attacks was indicative of a revamp in the quality of investigations being carried out by the EFCC.

"The steam has always been there. We are also raising the tempo of our activities. Some of these attacks are rooted in the desperation of some corrupt politicians to succeed in the 2011 elections. We had already alerted the public on the threats that we have been receiving," he said.

Mr. Babafemi said that between December, 2009 and March, 2010, two active operatives and one former operative of the commission had been killed. But he restated the determination of the anti- corruption agency to go ahead with its duties.

"The EFCC chairman, Mrs. Farida Waziri, has since directed that security should be beefed up around the officer, while she prays for his recovery. She has equally stressed that the various attacks against the agency and its officials will not in any way distract or deter us," Mr. Babafemi said.

Taking care of its own

A Lagos-based human rights attorney, Jiti Ogunye, however, had harsh words for the leadership of the anti-graft agency, who he says is not doing enough to safe guard the lives of its operatives.

"My observation is that the leadership of the EFCC may not be doing enough to protect its operatives," he said, adding that he feared that the continued attacks on operatives could demoralise their colleagues.

"For a law enforcement agency, it is important that perpetually, the capacity of that agency is bolstered such that it stays ahead of criminals or would-be-criminals. Part of the capacity should be its ability to protect its operatives. It is very important that a law enforcement agency must be able to do that," Mr. Ogunye stressed..

Mr. Ogunye dismissed the idea that the EFCC may be working harder than in the past, and insisted that the leadership of the EFCC must look inwards to solve its current challenge.

"There might be a self-inflicted disability on the part of the leadership of the EFCC, because once the leadership is compromised, then the operatives will no longer be safe. The commission must look inwards to find out what they have not been doing right to protect their operatives," he said.

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Known for crazy headgear it is now crazy no gear ! Exclusive from internet Safari !

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Erykah Badu shed her clothes as she walked along a Dallas, Texas, sidewalk until she was nude andthen fell near where President Kennedy was assassinated.

The result was a controversial video, released Saturday, for her song"Window Seat," which Badu said was "shot guerrilla style" with no crewand in one take March 17.

Children could be seen nearby as Badu stripped in Dealey Plaza, a popular tourist spot since Kennedy's 1963 assassination.

The singer's management did not immediately respond to request for comment,but Badu responded to the controversy via Twitter.

She tweeted that "there were children there. i prayed they wouldnt b traumatized."

The R&B singer said she was making a statement against "groupthink," which she tweeted was an "unwritten rule" that "iwill not express my true opinion if it opposes those i love and fear."

Some fans sent tweets praising Badu's artistic vision.

One fan tweeted to Badu on Sunday: "thank you, because yourbeing brave, i no longer feel afraid to say what i really feel."

The video opens with a November 22, 1963, radio broadcast describingKennedy's motorcade turning onto Elm Street seconds before fatal shotswere fired.

In the video, Badu is behind the wheel of a 1965 Lincoln Continental, parked along Kennedy's route. A single camerafocuses on her as she walks toward Elm Street and the book depositorywhere Kennedy's assassin fired his rifle.

Badu tweeted that "i was petrified while shooting this video ... but liberation began to setin. i conquered many fears in that few moments."

She said she was "too busy lookin for cops" to be embarrassed by her nudity. "i beennaked all along in my words actions and deeds. thats the real vulnerableplace," she tweeted.

The video does not include shouts from people off camera, she said. "they were yelling, 'THIS IS A PUBLIC PLACE: YOU OUGHTA BE ASHAMED : PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON : DAMN GIRL! etc," Badutweeted.

More than a dozen people stood along the plaza's "grassy knoll" when Badu took off the last piece of clothing.

"the people caught in the shot were trying hard to ignore me," she tweeted.

As she reached the spot where Kennedy was first struck by a bullet, the crackle of a gunshot is heard and Badu's head snaps back and shefalls to the ground as if dead.

Badu said when the camera stopped "we ran."

The singer was born in Dallas, where she is raising her three children -- ages 1, 5 and 12

She tweeted to fans about her 5-year-old daughter's response when told of her plans for the video:"she looked at me with a blank face and replied ok mama can i haveanother pudding?"

The video was released days before the singer's next album, "New Amerykah Part Two: Return of theAnkh," hits record stores. The single "Window Seat" is at No. 28 onBillboard's R&B/hip-hop chart.

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We used to think Abacha and IBB both evil intheir own way but now whoever is in charge of Yaradua's movements has revealed a wickedness unprecedented.


Ailing President Umaru Yar’Adua failed to appear at the Friday Jumat service in Abuja today, dousing tension in the political and security quarters of the federal capital that he will be ending his four months absence from public space by praying at the National Mosque.

Wide claims that Mr. Yar’Adua will be at the Jumat service caused anxiety among Politicians of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) last night who heard that loyalists of the President planned to bring him to the Friday service today.

A presidency source who wanted to remain anonymous said the plan triggered an urgent security meeting that went into deep hours of the night, the resolution of which was a stern warning to elements of the Yar’Adua inner circle to tread carefully and restrain from plunging the nation into a crisis.

“Ï think a riot act was basically read out to the Yar’Adua team with a cautionary note that they will be held responsible for any security breach in the city and in the country” said the source who refused to read any meaning to the sudden news that the president and his inner team had prepared to appear in public today.

Last night party officials described it as disturbing that the president’s planned re-entry into public life was coming three days before the Senate begins the screening of ministerial nominees on Monday, and a day after the 2010 budget was passed. They also questioned the choice of a religious occasion for Mr. Yar’Adua’s re-emergence in public.

One source said, “if the President would be coming out four months after his absence, it ought not to be at a religious event because that will send the wrong signal.” Mr. Yar’Adua, a Muslim from Kastina State participated in the weekly Jumat service at the National Mosque located at the Central business district in Abuja until his illness kept him from public view.

The ailing President was flown out of the country on the 23rd of November 2009 to Saudi Arabia for a heart condition and has since been out of public view. The issue of Mr. Ya Adua’s appearance became subject of interest last week when two national dailies claimed that plans were afoot for the ailing president to make a public outing this week.

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