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Making Up for Bad Health Habits

Bad Habit #1: Not Enough Calcium

Your mother told you to drink your milk (you didn’t). Your doctor encouraged you to take calcium supplements (you didn’t). Now what? “Your body will lay down bone mass until your early 30s, so if you are in your teens or 20s, you have time to reverse the years of inadequate calcium intake and start building stronger bones,” says Nikki Tierney, a registered dietician in private practice in Quincy, Massachusetts. “If you've passed this age, all is not lost.. You may have missed the opportunity to build bone mass, but it is never too late to prevent more bone loss.”

Women who are 19 to 50 years old need 1,000 mg of calcium per day; those 51 or older need 1,200 mg per day. “You absorb calcium best from food sources, so be sure to include these in your diet,” she says. “The easiest way to get your calcium is to get three servings of milk or yogurt each day. If you are looking to add in a supplement, get something with 500 to 1,000 mg, such as calcium chews.” In addition to dairy, you can get your calcium from the following sources: ½ cup firm tofu (204 mg), 3 oz canned salmon (181 mg), 1 cup pinto beans (103 mg) or 1 cup cooked kale (94 mg)..

Bad Habit #2: Poor Posture
Misaligned posture can lead to back, knee, hip and neck issues as well as collapsed arches and a host of other problems, says Dana Davis, MA, CYT, a senior certified balance teacher in Petaluma, California. If you’ve had poor posture most of your life, you probably think there’s nothing you can do to improve it. Not true, says New York City–based fitness expert Story von Holzhausen. “You can make changes instantly, transform yourself and don't have to wait to see results,” says von Holzhausen.

She suggests this easy exercise to turn back years of bad posture habits: “Stand with your heels almost touching a wall. Roll your shoulder blades back and drop them down until they touch the wall. Slightly lower your chin and pull the base of your head against the wall, lengthening the back of your neck. Hold this position for 15 seconds, breathe, rest and repeat. If you cannot touch the wall, then your goal is to work up to it slowly.” Photo by Shutterstock.

Bad Habit #3: Smoking Cigarettes
So you smoked in college—OK, and grad school, and maybe occasionally when you’re socializing. You already feel guilty about it, but what can you do now? “The quickest way to improve your health if you're a smoker is to quit now rather than later,” says Shelena C. Lalji, MD, founder of the Dr. Shel Wellness and Medical Spa in Houston. “Research shows that people who quit smoking when they're in their 30s and 40s have a much lower risk of emphysema, stroke, hypertension and cardiac disease. Medical-grade supplements can help smokers reduce their cravings to increase their success.”

According to the American Cancer Society, after three months of not smoking, your lung function improves dramatically and your circulation is revitalized. After one year of being cigarette-free, your risk of coronary heart disease is 50 percent less than when you were a smoker. One of the best ways to reclaim your smoke-ravaged lungs is to make a new commitment to fitness, says Dr. Lalji. “Increasing exercise both during the transition from smoker to nonsmoker and afterward will help you keep the commitment to yourself while improving circulation, gaining lung capacity and reducing cardiac-related problems.”

Bad Habit #4: Too Much Booze
Do you regret years of excess drinking? While alcohol-related damage to the body can be harmful, and experts say there’s no way to completely reverse it, there are certain things you can do to improve your liver function and overall health. “Drinking can cause fat buildup in the liver, which causes the liver to work harder to metabolize the fat,” says Carlos Tirado, MD, MPH, chief medical officer of Enterhealth, an addiction disease management provider in Dallas.

Help your liver recover by starting a weight-loss regimen and eating a lowfat diet. “In general, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and reducing fat—especially trans fat and saturated fat—can enhance recovery from alcohol-related liver injury,” he says. If you haven’t completely cut alcohol from your life, health experts recommend one drink per day, max, for women, and two for men—though it’s best not to drink daily, so to pick a few days a week that you don’t drink at all.

Bad Habit #5: Being Overweight
One of the leading causes of heart disease—and the number-one cause of death in women in the U.S.—is being overweight. But once you’re diagnosed with cardiovascular issues, it doesn’t mean it’s a life sentence. “Losing weight will significantly reduce this risk,” says Sohah Iqbal, MD, a cardiologist practicing at New York University Hospital. “Weight loss, through a diet and exercise program, can significantly reduce multiple cardiac risk factors that significantly increase the risk of coronary artery disease and heart attacks.”

Weight loss is not only associated with lower blood pressure, but it has also been shown in studies to improve your lipid profile—decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol)—and reduce triglycerides. “Cholesterol buildup in arteries starts at a young age, but if you improve your cholesterol profile later in life, it stabilizes the cholesterol plaque and decreases the risk of it enlarging and occluding the artery or rupturing and causing a heart attack,” says Dr. Iqbal. The American Heart Association says you can reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 20 percent and ensure your ticker is in optimal health by following their 7-Point Checklist. Visit to learn more.

Bad Habit #6: Exercise Procrastination
You know that old saying: If you don’t use it, you lose it? Well, it’s only partly true, says Sarah Clachar, a New England–based health educator, fitness expert and the cofounder of Fit Family Together. “The opposite is true as well. When you start to use your muscles, you can regain them—at any age. So even if you've never worked out or had muscles to show off, you can certainly acquire them through a good fitness strategy.”

Where to start? Avoid an intense jog or hike, and think weights first. “If you haven't been active for years, your muscles aren't up for the activity,” she says. To avoid injury, focus on strength-training first. “Start by building up your muscles so you have the capacity to do exercise,” she recommends. Also, consider short bursts of intense exercise known as interval training. “Not only is research showing that this has more impact on your health with less wear and tear, but it works faster and it's easier [to do].” Here’s how: “Whatever you start to do, do it in shorter, intensive spurts,” says Clachar. “Walk briskly for 1 minute, then stop and rest. Walk briskly again for 1 minute and repeat. Or bike hard for 4 minutes and then rest.” With this method, you can pack 30 minutes of regular exercise into just 15 minutes, with less injury risk.

Bad Habit #7: Not Eating Right for Years
The antidote for years of burgers, fries and ice cream binges? Eating right, of course. Here’s an easy way to jump-start your health and get the vital nutrients you need without going on a restrictive diet: Eat one salad every day, suggests Brian Zehetner, MS, a registered dietician with Anytime Fitness in Hastings, Minnesota. “The primary reason to have a salad is because it helps to reduce the energy density of the diet,” he says. “You can eat a very large salad for very few calories.”

Plus, you’ll load up on vegetables that can give your body the nutrients it’s crying out for: vitamins C and E, selenium, beta-carotene and lots of fiber. Add 3 ounces of lean chicken, and you have a filling meal. If you eat a salad once a day for a year, you could lose up to 30 pounds without making any other major dietary changes. By just having one salad per day—for lunch or dinner—Zehetner says, your body will feel the difference.

Bad Habit #8: Staying Too Long in an Unhealthy Relationship
According to Howard Rankin, PhD, a clinical psychologist and founder of The Rankin Center for Neuroscience and Integrative Health, a bad marriage or relationship can be as hard on you as any other damaging health choice. “The impact of a negative relationship goes beyond self-esteem, into the very body itself,” Dr. Rankin explains. “Under chronic stress, the immune system breaks down, leading to a whole host of diseases. A recent study of breast cancer patients showed that many women believed that their cancer was caused by stress. Technically, no one gets cancer because of stress. But what does happen is that the suppression of the immune system by prolonged stress makes it more likely that the body can't fight off the cancer and creates an environment where cancer cells can grow.”

How can you get healthy and happy after years of being in a negative relationship? “It’s important to look at all the main relationships in your life and reevaluate which work for you and which don't,” he says. If a decades-long friendship is the culprit, cut the ties. If it’s a boyfriend who treats you poorly, move on. “Recognize that detachment is always difficult but sometimes necessary, and stay focused on the realities of the situation.” One of the best ways to give yourself a boost of happiness—and health—when doing so is to remember that there are infinite possibilities for you out there.

Bad Habit #9: Negative Self-Talk and Poor Body Image
After years of negative self-talk (“Look at how fat I am,” or “No one likes me at work because I’m not talented”), a funny thing happens, says Dr. Rankin: People tend to withdraw from social situations and intimacy. A poor or destructive self-image is also linked with depression and anxiety.

So how do you break the cycle of negativity toward yourself? “The variables that drive behavior are brain biochemistry, innate drives, habits and addictions, and relationships,” says Dr. Rankin. “Note that logic isn't in there. So you need to do things that will optimize brain function—exercise, good-quality sleep, stress management and proper diet all are critical for proper brain function.” And, because our self-image is so often affected by the people in our lives, he suggests you “hang around positive friends and ditch the people who are not on the same page as you.”

Bad Habit #10: Too Much Tanning
Did you once have a love affair with the tanning salon? There may be a ray of hope for sun-damaged skin, say experts. “There is not much one can do to undo serious sun exposure, but it is never too late to protect your skin,” says Pamela Jakubowicz, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. She stresses the importance of annual skin checks with your dermatologist or primary care physician.

But you can also take matters into your own hands: “Products containing retinols, soy and some antioxidants have been shown to provide some reversal of sun damage,” she explains. “Retinol is a milder form of Retin-A that makes collagen stronger and can bring about changes in the skin. Researchers believe soy makes the skin lighter when there is pigmentation from sun damage.” Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get products that work. Dr. Jakubowicz recommends Aveeno's Positively Radiant SPF 30 lotion, a product that contains soy, and Neutrogena Healthy Skin lotion, which is made with retinols. Also, consider your diet and activity level, says Marina Peredo, MD, an assistant clinical professor at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. “Adding a diet rich in omega-3s and vitamin E is a must, as is a daily exercise regimen to get the blood circulating to the face and other parts of the body.”
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Censorship chief escapes lynching for soliciting sex from minor

The director general of the Kano State Film and Censorship Board, Abubakar Rabo Abdulkarim, was nearly lynched over the weekend when a mob attacked him for soliciting sex from an under-aged girl.

Mr. Abdulkarim, the former Hisbah commander was trying to escape from a patrol team which had accosted him when they saw his car parked in a secluded environment - with a young girl inside - when he ran into a motorcyclist. Other members of the Okada union quickly surrounded him and he was only saved a lynching by the police who had been in pursuit of his car.

The censorship board, under his leadership, has waged a scorched earth campaign against actors, musicians and producers in the state for allegedly promoting immorality. As a result, many artistes fled the state and now ply their trade elsewhere..

Mr Abdulkarim, who insisted that the girl he was found with was his niece, said he was not having an affair with her. But when the former enforcer of Sharia law discovered he could not convince the contingent of policemen on night patrol on the propriety of having an under-aged girl in his car at such an odd hour, he panicked. The whole thing looked even more suspicious because for some curious reason he had parked behind a shopping complex along Maiduguri Road that night.

A police source said when the patrol team attempted to arrest Mr Abdulkarim he took flight in his car.

Double trouble

While trying to escape however, he knocked down an official of the Kano History and Culture Bureau who was riding on a motorcycle. This incurred the wrath of Okada riders, who thought that he had knocked down a member of their union and promptly proceeded to give him a thorough beating.

Ironically, it was the patrol team that he had been trying to avoid that finally came to his rescue, although by then the okada riders, who saw he had a girl with him, had damaged the car and were already on the verge of beating him to death.

He was later taken to the Hotoro police division where he was made to write down a statement.

Not a wayward one

When contacted, Mr Abdulkarim said members of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, and film practitioners, were responsible for his ordeal.

The man, who has been having a running battle with film makers and writers in Kano in his attempt to force them to comply with the Sharia legal code, spoke to NEXT before he travelled to Saudi Arabia for the lesser hajj.

“The girl found in my car was my niece and not a wayward one as insinuated,” he insisted.

Spokesperson of the Kano State police command, Baba Mohammed, said he was not aware of the incident because he was in the hospital at the time. The police commissioner, Mohammed Gana also said he couldn’t speak on the matter because he just returned from Saudi Arabia. He however promised to find out the details from his men at the Hotoro Police Division.

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A Federal High court sitting in Lagos set a N500 million bail on the former head of Intercontinental Bank who faces charges of mismanaging the lender in the run-up to last year's N620 billion sector-wide bailout.

The figure is five times the amount set for the heads of four other lenders rescued alongside Intercontinental.

Erastus Akingbola was sacked by the central bank a year ago along with the four other bank chiefs and charged with graft and money laundering in absentia after leaving for Britain, where he had remained until the start of this month.

The cases against the bank chiefs are seen as a litmus test of Nigeria's ability to prosecute influential figures accused of financial crimes. The country is regularly ranked one of the most corrupt in the world by transparency watchdogs.

Bail conditions included securing three guarantors who own properties in the commercial hub of Lagos with evidence of their tax clearance.

"I think the bail condition is fair having regards to the facts of the case," Rickey Tarfa, a lawyer for Akingbola told reporters outside the Federal High Court in Ikoyi.

The bail was set high because unlike other bank chiefs, Akingbola left the country after last year's bailout.

Tarfa said Akingbola would remain in the custody of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) until the bail conditions were met.

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Since Usain Bolt gained world-wide fame for being ridiculously fast at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he's been able to mix in visits to his favorite club, Manchester United, his other favorite club, Real Madrid, and more between running ridiculously fast. In the past, he's talked about playing as a "left-sided defensive midfielder" when he was in high school, but now he's seriously talking about his future as a footballer and not just his past.

Says the 24-year-old in his autobiography:

"Ideally, if I was to play football, I'd sign for my favorite team -- Manchester United. People say it's not realistic but nobody has seen me play so you never know. If Alex Ferguson saw me in one of those charity matches he might think I could replace Ryan Giggs."

You might laugh at that last sentence, but considering Sir Alex just bought a player for £7 million sight unseen, picking the next Ryan Giggs out of a charity match could be possible..

But according to the Guardian's Simon Hattenstone, Bolt isn't just spouting off to sell books:

I ask about his ambitions. Ultimately, he says, he'd love to make a go of playing football professionally. He's being deadly serious. One of the perks of being Usain Bolt is that sporting stars love to meet him, so whenever he's travelling and there's time, he tries to train with a top football team. Last year it was Manchester United, a few days ago it was Bayern Munich. He's still carrying a copy of the French sporting newspaper L'Equipe, which features a spread on his football skills and praise from Bayern manager Louis van Gaal. He shows me a photo of himself with his arm wrapped round the dwarfed 6ft German forward Miroslav Klose. "If I keep myself in shape, I can definitely play football at a high level," he says.

Presumptuous? Yes. Impossible? Maybe not. His speed and celebrity would certainly get him a trial somewhere -- whether he has any skills on the ball or not.

All this will have to wait until at least after the 2012 Olympics, though. At which point Ryan Giggs will probably still be playing and Bolt will probably still be carrying around that copy of L'Equipe.
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IBB "bribes" Journalists

Five months ago, a friend of mine, who edits a national daily, sent me a text message agreeing substantially with my column, ‘The Punch and the rest of us’, except the generalised conclusion that “all (journalists) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the profession”. There are still some journalists, he submits, who toe the narrow path of integrity. Of course I knew where he was coming from, but I also knew the context in which I had made that statement.

I revisit that statement in light of the stories spewing out of the political beat, specifically on the race for the 2011 presidential elections and how it affects the integrity of news.

As part of the effort to sell his candidature for the presidency, former military president, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) invited as many as 40 journalists to his Minna home on August 14 for an interview. I have heard questions asked about why he should invite journalists to his home instead of a public place if he didn’t have an ulterior motive, and why he should offer monetary gifts to the journalists in the name of paying for their transportation.

One news medium, which has championed this opposition in the open, is the online agency, Sahara Reporters. According to SR each of the journalists received N10 million for heeding Babangida’s call on his presidential ambition. That is N400 million just for one night’s interview from an aspirant yet to win his party’s nomination if it were true. But it was not. When some of the journalists complained about the fictional sum, SR changed the story on August 19, saying it was just “a paltry N250, 000 each”. Rather than admit its initial error SR simply said, “our accountants have told us that going by the number of 40 journalists in attendance, we are still around the same ballpark of N10 million”. So much for credible reporting!

Three days later, SR followed up with ‘IBB and his Rogue Journalists’, accusing the journalists of roguery and professional misconduct; roguery, because they collected money from two sources—their employers who presumably authorised and funded the trip and their news source, IBB; misconduct because it is unethical for them to demand/receive gratification from news sources for their services.

And on August 23 in ‘IBB Nocturnal Press Parley: Punch fires Editorial board Chairman’, SR stayed on top of the story by reporting that Adebolu Arowolo, editorial board chairman of the Punch, had lost his job for going on that trip without his management’s approval..

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A four-time presidential aspirant, Sarah Jubril, has again declared her intention to run for presidency in 2011, on the platform of the ruling People’s Democratic Party.

She unfolded her plans at a news conference on Thursday, in Abuja, joining three other presidential hopefuls that have already declared interest to contest for the PDP ticket in the next dispensation.

Mrs Jubril joined the likes of former head of state, Ibrahim Babangida; former vice president, Abubarkar Atiku; and the incumbent president, Goodluck Jonathan, who is slated to officially announce his ambition after the Ramadan fast.

Mrs Jubril said she made up her mind to join the race based on the premise for quality economic development and improved citizenry. According to her, most of the crises facing the country resulted from absence of good character in most people occupying public offices in the country and she pledged to address the quality of citizens through an improved system in the family, the communities, professions, economy, politics, governance, infrastructure, and diplomacy.

She also pledged to provide “rescuer-leadership”, to refocus and raise the country from “delayed development to steady wealth and rapid development.”

“Hence, I remain with an unquenchable spirit that I can and with all of us, can re-teach and re-nurture Nigeria back to sanity, orderliness, serenity, peace, and systematic discipline in all sectors..

“The president that Nigeria needs very urgently is the one who can roll up his or her sleeves to teach good character or ethics in the pursuit of excellence in every area of our quest, goals, and vision,” she said.

However, Mrs Jubril stated that the battle of liberation from stagnation, frustrations and mediocrity to celebration of excellence, must be won if Nigeria and Africa must achieve rapid development.

Commenting on zoning, she said the controversial arrangement in PDP was for “political convenience,” adding that there were over 450 ethnic groups in the country which the zoning formula intended to give sense of belonging.

For better for worse

She berated the performance of state governors, saying that majority of them had not in any way addressed the yearnings and aspirations of the electorate and that their interference with the allocations of the local governments was a failure of governance at the grassroots.

According to her, this has made it difficult for the councils to care for their people.

She, however, promised not to pull out of PDP, if she failed at the primaries, saying she would remain steadfast in the party, irrespective of the outcome of the presidential primaries.

This, however, marks the fifth time Mrs. Jubril is joining the race for the highest public service office in Nigeria.

She was an aspirant in the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP) in 1993, which was presumably won by the late Moshood Abiola. She was also an aspirant in 1998 on the platform of PDP, losing to former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

In 2003, Mrs. Jibril took her ambition to the Progressive Action Congress (PAC) and later returned to PDP, to jostle for the party’s ticket in 2007. She scored four votes at the convention which was won by late President Umaru Yar’Adua.

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The police have issued a warning for harassment against an airport worker after he allegedly took a photo of a female colleague as she went through a full-body scanner at Heathrow airport.

The incident, which occurred at terminal 5 on 10 March, is believed to be the first time an airport worker has been formally disciplined for misusing the scanners..

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Police received an allegation regarding an incident that happened at Heathrow Terminal 5 on March 10. A first-instance harassment warning has been issued to a 25-year-old male."

BAA said: "We treat any allegations of inappropriate behaviour or misuse of security equipment very seriously and these claims are being investigated thoroughly," a BAA spokesman said. "If found to be substantiated we will take appropriate action."

The incident is likely to reignite privacy concerns over the scanners by civil liberty groups. The Equality and Human Rights Commission last month warned that the government needed to take action to bring its policy for body-scanning passengers at UK airports within the law.

The commission said it had concerns about the apparent absence of safeguards to ensure the scanners were operated in a lawful, fair and non-discriminatory manner. It raised doubts as to whether the decision to install them at all UK airports was legal.

The scanners were introduced at Manchester and Heathrow last month after the Christmas Day bombing attempt over Detroit in the US. The £80,000 Rapiscan machines show a clear body outline and have been described by critics as the equivalent of "virtual strip searching".

While American transport authorities offer passengers a choice between going through the full-body scanner or going through a metal-arch scanner and a physical search, the British government has said that a refusal to go through the body scanner would bar passengers from boarding aircraft.

Earlier this month two women, one a Muslim, became the first people to be barred from boarding a flight at Manchester airport because they refused to go through a full-body scanner. The women, who were booked to fly to Islamabad with Pakistan International Airlines, were told they could not get on the plane after they refused to be scanned for medical and religious reasons.

A House of Commons home affairs committee report on airport securitytoday welcomed the scanners' deployment and said it should have come sooner.

"Having witnessed these full-body scanners working at first-hand, we are confident that the privacy concerns that have been expressed in relation to these devices are overstated and that full-body scanners are no more an invasion of privacy than manual "pat-downs" or searches of bags," the committee said.

"Air passengers already tolerate a large invasion of their privacy and we do not feel that full-body scanners add greatly to this situation. Privacy concerns should not prevent the deployment of scanners."

• This article was amended on 11 June 2010 to remove information about a BAA employee, along with a quote, reported from another media source, that has since been contested

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Jim Iyke is controversial in nature can not be contested. His fights, arrogance, women battering, to mention a few, during his teenage period, testified to the man he would grow up to be and he has wonderfully displayed this traits at adulthood, especially as an actor and one of the well to do dudes in the entertainment industry in Nigeria.
Jim’s secret lover, Sally, a Sierra Leonean based in Essen in Germany, is reported to have been tested positive to the dreaded disease, Human Immuno-deficiency Virus popularly referred as HIV. The highly controversial actor, Jim Iyke, before now, information at our disposal reveals, has been involved in a lovey-dovey with this married Sierra Leonean without the knowledge of the public until the affair now became a mumbo-jumbo.

Sally, we learnt, having got entangled in an illicit affair with Jim Iyke during one of his visits to Germany, couldn’t resist the crush she had on him. She became so attached to Jim to the extent that whenever Jim was in town, she would lie to her husband that she needed to
travel out of town, whereas, she would be locked in a hotel room with the brand Ambassador, Jim. In return of such good gesture, Sally, many times, would come to Nigeria to see her friend, Success, who is based in Lagos, but would sneaked out to see Jim without Success getting to know. Photo Above Jim Iyke & Sally .Photo Below Jim Iyke's Girl from the States Keturah

The relationship between Jim and Sally, later became public knowledge when the husband got wind of his wife’s adulterous moves with Jim and the quite but rich dude asked her to leave his house. The whole matter later became so complicated when the wife, Sally, told the husband that she was already carrying a baby for him.

The paternity of the baby was declined by the husband and that, we learnt, marked the beginning of her woes. After a lot of persuasions from friends and family, Sally, after she had been delivered of the baby, we gathered, opened up that Jim Iyke was responsible for the pregnancy and that he’s automatically the father of her baby. She further explained how she visited Jim in Nigeria three times without the knowledge of her husband or her friend’s, Success.
During the pregnancy period, rumour has it that, Sally contacted Jim in Nigeria to intimate him about the pregnancy only for Jim to have distanced himself immediately from her and warned her never to come to him or even call him for any reason again. Now, the baby is alive, an alleged split-image of Jim, but the sad tale about this whole story is that, Sally has now been diagnosed to be HIV positive and there is strong indication that Jim Iyke himself is likely to be sharing same status with Sally. Call it triple tragedy for Sally and you are not far from the truth. Effort to reach Jim Iyke to comment on this matter was aborted. .

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The Federal Government is broke and cannot fund ongoing road construction projects across the
country, a House of representative member has said. The member, who asked not to be named, also claimed that only N16 billion out of the N87.7 billion required by the Independent National Electoral Commission for voters’ registration has been released to the electoral body.

This startling disclosure was reportedly made by the Minister of Finance, Olusegun Aganga, while meeting with the House of Representatives Committee on Works. According to the member of the committee, the minister revealed this after he was summoned to give a briefing on the slow pace of work on major roads that have money allocated for their rehabilitation in the 2010 budget.Photoss Aganga & Jega

Mr. Aganga last night refuted the comments that were attributed to him, saying that he had not even appeared before a House Committee on Works for a while. Speaking exclusively to NEXT, he affirmed that although budget cuts had been made across board, the Federal Government was far from broke. “The fact is that in spite of the recent budget cuts, capital expenditure for this year still comes in at about N1.5tn which is more than double what was spent last year,” he said.

However, the house member went on to reveal that Mr. Aganga said that the federal government is facing critical financial stress that makes it impossible to fund many ongoing projects. He is also quoted as saying that ministries and departments have been asked to review their budgets downward by another 40 per cent after the official review carried out by the National Assembly. The minister told the committee that the situation is so bad that nothing is happening at the ministries because no money has been released to them.

Mr. Aganga responded by saying that this was “old news”.

“Every department was asked to review their budgets,” he said. “The oil benchmark and production output of the original budget were not optimal so all MDAs had to make cuts to expenditure.”

According to the house member, the meeting was held behind closed doors and away from media scrutiny, but credible insiders say the most shocking revelation by Mr. Aganga concerned the inability of the federal government to release the N87.7 needed by INEC for the conduct of elections next year.

Mr. Aganga again denied this saying that a total of N56bn has been released to INEC so far which is in line with the electoral commission’s release plan.

“We never release money all at once,” he said. “INEC has given us a payment plan which we have observed. The first payment was for N16bn but an additional amount of N40bn has since been released. So in total we have released 56bn according to INEC’s release plan.”

Mr. Aganga added that there was no danger that a lack of available funds would jeopardize the election timetable.

“We have been working very closely with the Honourable Chairman (Mr. Jega) since the start of this process and everything so far is on track to meet the deadlines that have been set out.”

At the time of going to the press, no INEC spokesperson was available to confirm the details of the money reported to have been released to them so far.

The INEC Chairman, Attahiru Jega, has made it clear that funds are central to the ability of the commission to hold credible elections for which it requires a comprehensive voters register. Earlier this week, Mr. Jega had also made a request for an additional 8 billion naira, to make up for the shortfall in the 2010 budgetary allocation to the commission. He said his commission was banking on receiving that amount from the budget only to discover that it has been removed.

Mr. Jega’s disclosure contradicts the finance minister’s claim that the government had given the electoral body all the funds it required. On August 20, Mr. Aganga told journalists that he was “delighted to announce that the amount due was released as soon as the supplementary budget was signed by the President”. He said the funds were released a day after the supplementary budget was passed. “We did not want to be seen to be challenging them because if anything went wrong government will be blamed for not supporting INEC. We don’t want that” Mr. Aganga had said. “I, as Finance Minister, it’s my job to implement the funding side of it and I need to assure the INEC chairman every moment that whatever he needs in terms of financial support I will make it available.”

Recently, a former minister of finance (state) Remi Babalola, said the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, which is in charge of managing the country’s oil wealth, was insolvent. A claim Mr. Aganga had denied. Shortly after Mr. Babalola’s whistle blowing, he was redeployed to the Ministry of Special Duties. As the exact health of the government’s finances remains unclear, billions of naira are still being allocated to new projects. Just yesterday, at the Federal Executive Council meeting, the government approved N3.59 billion for the construction of a modern office for Code of Conduct Bureau in Abuja.
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Once you go white you can't go broke or heart break !
Photo:Black & White couple, Oluchi, popular model, with her white husband. More Nigerian girls want to marry white men.
While some of these girls are undergraduates in various higher institutions of learning in the country, others are just trying to make ends meet.
Some of these white men are in Nigeria for greener pastures while others are called upon by companies operating in the country to take up jobs because of their technical know-how.

The girls often meet these men, a term used to describe Europeans, White Americans and Asians, in places like night clubs, bars, shopping malls and parties.

One of the girls, Osagie Ruth, confirmed that Nigerian girls prefer white men because they spend money without thinking twice. He also said they were more romantic.

Citing an instance, Ruth, who is excited about having white men as lovers, said she has vowed never to date any black man until when she is ready for marriage.

According to her, this vow became necessary after experiencing several heartbreaks with Nigerian men.

“Can you believe that the last one I dated was a married man with three kids? He never told me he was married until I almost got lynched by his wife who saw us while we were in the heat of passion in his supposed house.

“I would have been dead by now. The worst part of it was that he hardly gave me money for my upkeep and he monitored my daily activities as if I was in prison custody, yet I stayed in the relationship as I needed a man desperately,” she explained.

She said she was introduced into the “business” by a friend and since then she has “been living in the sweetest world.

“I now have a Honda car and a well furnished apartment.”

Another girl, who maintained anonymity said she prefers dating white men because “they are more understanding and they give us freedom to do a lot of things compared to their Nigerian counterparts.”

She said she could date other men and engage in other ventures that would fetch her money without the prying eyes of her white guys. But that is not the case with the Nigerian men, who she described as greedy and crooked in their love life.

“They prefer hiding you somewhere and doing it only in secret places with you for fear of being recognised by other people.

“But the white men are always proud to move around with you openly. They are proud of what they have even if we are only with them for money.”

Asked why she loves dating only white men, Philomena Okeke, an undergraduate, retorted: “Why I no go date them? Even if they look like albinos, it is a matter of closing my eyes when we are having fun. I begin to think of black people when it is happening.

“Though I hate them, I need their money. I have also had many heartbreaks from Nigerian men and I decided to give the whites a try. I have no regrets so far.”

P.M.NEWS also gathered from the girls that not all the white men are nice. The ones from Asian countries, India and Lebanon do not like to spend. According to some of the girls, men from these areas prefer paying peanuts after satisfying themselves.

“When dealing with people from these areas, we collect our money first. I am not an animashaun (meaning free giver in Yoruba)” one of the girls, who was seen hanging out with a white man in an eatery told P.M. NEWS.

However, some of the white men are said to be so happy with the ladies that they could go as far as buying houses and cars for them and sending them on vacation abroad.

Ijeoma, a 28-year old lady, who now has two kids for a white man residing in the country, agreed that the reasons for the preference varied.

According to her, “one thing that a black girl sees in a white guy is money in this part of the world because of poverty.

“For others, they want to be seen that they are powerful girls that can trap a white guy. Others want to have a white baby, get married and have security.

“Sometimes, a white guy in Africa might be having a hard time and the next thing on his mind is to go out and bang just any girl. You will find such guys mostly around bars, clubs, etc.

“Now, the girl in return wants a guy to sell her body too and get some few change and they talk, arrange to meet and he takes her to his place and they have sex. He pays her off and other times, there is a huge argument, the girl wants more money probably because she knows she will never see him again and instead of taking N5,000 she will demand for N50,000.

“These white guys also get better pay and remember, they are expatriates, and while their families are abroad, they need to have fun and they discovered that there are loads of loose girls here.

“The second type of girls that go for white guys want to be perceived as powerful, big girls. They travel with the white men, live high class life and have a good sex life. You see these girls driving powerful cars and living in high brow areas of the city.”
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The Federal Government yesterday approved a whopping $3.5 billion equivalent of N525 billion for the construction of a new 700 KV SuperGrid aimed at shoring up power generation capacity to 7000 mega watts by April 2011.

The approval which was endorsed by President Goodluck Jonathan, after a meeting with the Presidential Action Committe on Power (PACP), at the Presidential Villa, Abuja is completed in four years.

Ima Niboro, special adviser on media and publicity said in a statement that “$3.5 billion power project is expected to fulfill Nigeria’s need to transmit increasing amounts of power across vast distances which the existing 330/132KV grid cannot meet”...

Niboro stated that “in granting approval for the SuperGrid President Jonathan directed that it should be funded as a federal asset with additional financing from private investors and international finance and development agencies”.

“The SuperGrid which will run along the same route as the existing 330/132KV grid will also address Nigeria’s future energy challenges including transition to more sustainable energy sources, reduction of power loss per transmitted megawatt and improving power voltage profiles across the country,” he stated further.

The presidential spokesman said “the huge advantage of the 700 KV supergrid over the existing 330/132 KV grid is that it will significantly reduce the huge amount of power currently lost in transmission”.

He said that “without the supergrid, the quantum of power lost in transmission will continue to increase as more power progressively becomes available for evacuation from new and rehabilitated generating stations. Periodic systemic failures will also become more frequent”.

Niboro said “Nigeria’s available generation capacity will rise to 6939 MW by April next year and 14019 MW by December 2013.In another development, President Jonathan will on Thursday, August 26, 2010 present a new roadmap for the reformation of Nigeria’s power sector to the country’s private sector”.

He said President Jonathan will on Thursday, August 26, 2010 present a new roadmap for the reformation of Nigeria’s power sector to the country’s private sector

According to him “President Jonathan will seize the opportunity of the event in Lagos to acquaint members of the private sector with fresh investment opportunities inherent in the power sector reform programme and invite greater private sector support for the programme”.
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While Naija girls are selling theirs for pepper soup and Big stout . I thought our teens were smart ?
Hungarian teen sells her virginity for N50m .See Hunger in Hungary !

A Hungarian teen has sold her virginity to a British buyer - who won out in a £200,000 (about N50 million) bidding war.

The sale - which was originally launched on eBay - continued by email after the online auction giant discovered the nature of the transaction and pulled the plug.

The 18-year-old girl - who identified herself only as Miss Spring - said she is now coming to Britain.

A determined Irish punter had attempted to gazump the United Kingdom bidder.

The pretty blonde dreams of going to university to become a doctor and has already qualified for a place - but has put it on hold to help her family.

She said: "My family has debts, we cannot afford to pay them. My mother borrowed a lot of money in Swiss Francs, and now with the credit crunch in Hungary the repayments in Hungarian forints have tripled, she couldn't pay it back.

"We faced losing our home and being on the street. I want to be able to pay back those loans - that's why I came up with the idea for this auction.

"It is not such a lot of money for what is on offer, considering half will vanish in tax, but it will be enough to pay of my debts and leave us clear.

"I was in contact with two final bidders - the Irish guy and the British guy. Both wanted me to come to them. I chose the British guy. He was very sympathetic to my cause.

"Both men wanted to marry me take care of me and my family. But for me this was supposed to be a one off thing. Getting married and living with someone is a challenge I am not sure I am yet ready for.

"However I would really like the opportunity to go to Britain or Ireland. So who knows."

In her blog she does not say how she is proceeding to conclude the deal.

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Unheralded when they left the country three weeks ago, players of the U-20 women’s team which represented Nigeria in the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Germany will return to a hero’s welcome despite losing the final game to the host team. After blazing the trail to become the first African team to play in the finals, the team, coached by Adat Egan, fell 2-0 to Germany in the final game largely due to tactical errors and a penchant for failing to convert their chances.

Germany’s tactic was quite simple; lob the ball to their attackers and wait for the knock down and it worked perfectly as the first goal came through that route. The tournament’s adidas Golden Ball (best player)and Golden Boot winner( highest goals scorer), Alexandra Popp flicked on a header to Dzsenifer Marozsan, who took a touch and passed back to Popp who guided a close range finish beyond the grasp of Alaba Jonathan, in goal for the Falconets. That was the first chance that the German girls got and they took it. The Nigerian women fought back through efforts from Ebere Orji in the 26th minute which Almuth Schult had to parry away from the tight angle from which the shot was struck.

Another combination between Desire Oparanozie and Helen Ukaonu, the left back, gave Oparanozie a good chance but her curling shot from the edge of the box narrowly missed the goal.

Making us proud

His efforts not withstanding, coach Egan needs to explain why he started Gloria Ofoegbu, a player who had not tasted action throughout the tournament, in place of the accomplished Amarachi Okoronkwo; and why he waited until the 57th minute before replacing Ofoegbu. The only explanation that will make any sense would be if Okoronkwo was carrying an injury. Ebere Orji, expected to carry Nigeria’s attacking hopes could not do much as she was moved from her favourite left flank to the middle and that may have disrupted the chemistry of the team.

The killer blow came in added time through an own goal. After an error from Okoronkwo gifted the hosts a corner kick, and two more such kicks later, Kulig took a powerful shot that came off the post and hit Osinachi Ohale on the side before crossing the line. It was game over for the Falconets.

The defeat can be blamed on the paucity of goals as Nigeria went into the final with possibly the least goals ever scored to qualify for that level, scoring six goals and conceding five in the tourney.

Godday Esezobor, Chairman of Female Football Club Owners Association and proprietor of Makbet Queens, a women’s football club based in Lagos, said the Falconets have done Nigeria proud, although coach Egan was wrong to have gambled on Ofoegbu:

“The ladies have made all of us proud. They should hold their heads high. However, mention must be made of the decision to bring in Ofoegbu in place of Okoronkwo who played in virtually all the matches. In women’s football you don’t take that kind of risk. Normally, what happens is that barring injuries and things like expulsion, you finish a tournament with the same team you started it with. This is because the players would have struck a rhythm, which new injections to the squad would disrupt,” Esezobor said.

But that is not taking anything away from this team, which literally sneaked out of the country, were abandoned by the leader of the Nigerian delegation, and got paid peanuts compared to the millions lavished on our men.

Most commentators agree that the Falconets have made Nigerians proud. Their countrymen all over the world will justifiably praise their achievement.

Popping into history

Germany’s Alexandra Popp worked her way into the history books by scoring 10 goals in six matches. In the same vein, she was crowned the best player of the championship. Germany also became the first team that will host and win the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup.

For the Falconets, it was a record setting tournament. When they beat defending champions, the United States of America in the quarter-final, they became the first African women football team at any level, to qualify for the semi-final of any FIFA Women’s World Cup. Playing in the final had raised the bar even further, and has also helped in redeeming Nigeria’s poor image in football after the debacle in South Africa.

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Ahmed Sanni Yerima may soon be arraigned in court for alleged child abuse and marriage to a minor. The former governor, who is now a senator, may be prosecuted over his marriage to an Egyptian minor, a 14-year old school girl, Eladly Maryam Maged Saleh. Investigation in Abuja showed that the federal government is currently studying a report which detailed the offences of Mr. Yerima. Sources at the Ministry of Justice headquarters in Abuja disclosed that the report recommending the prosecution of the senator, is ready for the approval of federal government. The Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of the Federation, Mohammed Bello Adoke, told our correspondent in his office yesterday that the file has been returned to him to properly advice the government. Mr. Adoke had before directed our reporter to the office of the Solicitor-General of the Federation and Permanent Secretary of the ministry, whom he said was handling the investigative report submitted by the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and Other Related Matters (NAPTIP). Attorney General breaks silence Yesterday, the minister said, “I cannot answer your question right now. This is the file on my table (he raises the file for the journalist to see). I am reading it with a view to working on it and aligning it with the position of the Constitution..” Explaining his position, Mr. Adoke said: “The issue is that the man who contracted the marriage said he did so under the Islamic rites, which is at variance with the Constitution. The Constitution, on the other hand, recognises marriages under the Marriage Act and Customary Laws. So, as the chief law officer of the country, I have the duty to read the report and align it with the position of the Constitution, which supersedes any other law and which I swore to uphold. I am still in the process of doing that. As soon as I finish doing that I will let you know. But I will not act against the Constitution by playing to the gallery just because I want to become a hero in the eyes of the public.” According to NAPTIP, and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Mr. Yerima’s marriage breached Sections 21, 22 and 23 of the Child Rights Act, 2003. The Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria has sued the NHRC and NAPTIP over the matter asking the court to stop his prosecution. However, sources at the Ministry of Justice say he will still be prosecuted irrespective of what comes out of the case by the Sharia council because he clearly breached some of the laws of the country. The case, which is presently being heard before Justice Adamu Bello, president of Court 5 of the Abuja High Court, has been adjourned for hearing. International investigation The case has already attracted the attention of some international organisations including the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), which General Counsel, Joel Sollier, last week contacted its national central bureau in Lagos for relevant information. According to legal experts, one of the issues that is central to INTERPOL’s interest is the possible link to terrorism of the family of the under-aged girl, whose father was found in possessing of two different international passports. A copy of the NAPTIP investigative report obtained by NEXT revealed that the girl’s father, Maged Saleh Mohammed Eladly, who is a driver to Mr. Yerima, had two Egyptian passports: A01086511, issued on 17/10/2009 in Egypt, valid till 16/10/2016 and A01403462, issued on 07/03/2010 in Egypt, valid till 06/03/2017. Recommendation for Yerima’s prosecution According to the report, “The first passport issued in 2009 has the father’s profession as workman while the second passport issued in 2010 referred to his profession as export and import office owner.” Miss Eladly, a 14-year-old student with passport number: A01385736 issued in Egypt on February 28, 2010, was born on January 9, 1996 in Kalyobiya, Egypt and was accompanied in her marriage to 49-year-old Mr. Yerima by her father, ten relations and many well-wishers - 58 in all- sponsored by the senator who paid $100, 000 dowry or Sadaqi on the girl. The marriage was conducted by the Chief Imam of the Central Mosque, Abuja with a general form of sworn affidavit deposited at the Sharia Court of Appeal, Abuja. The report before the justice minister notes that, “Senator Ahmed Rufai Sani Yerima’s action contravenes Sections 12 (a & b), 13 (1 & 2), 14 (1) and 17 (a & b) of the Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Law Enforcement and Administration Act 2003 as amended. His refusal to disclose the age of the minor (victim), the school she attends, and her class amounts to willful obstruction of lawful enquiry contrary to Section 58 (A & B) of TIP Act.. His refusal to disclose the exact amount of money paid as dowry is with intention to deceive the agency (NAPTIP) by using Islam as a cover up. The above section could be invoked as an offence under the Act which he is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years as the case may be. The Senator also breaches Sections 21, 22 and 23 of the Child Rights Act 2003, which is operational in FCT and liable on conviction to a fine of ₦500, 000.00 or imprisonment for a term of five years or both.” Considering that Mr. Yerima was also alleged to have encouraged foreigners to breach the laws of Nigeria, raising the need to share intelligence with the government of Egypt, the Nigeria Police was urged to join in the prosecution. Asked what the police was doing on its end, the Public Relations Officer, Nigeria Police Force, Abuja, Emmanuel Ojukwu, said the police do not have to duplicate the duties of NAPTIP, which is in charge of the case.
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Senate approves N87.7B for INEC

The Senate has approved a supplementary budget of N87.7 billion for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). Lawmakers said this will aid the commission in organising a credible election in 2011.

The budget approved for the commission is however N2 billion less than what it requested.

The leadership of the commission had asked for N89.59 billion for the conduct of the election which is five months away. However, following a meeting with the commission's team and the House of Representatives and Senate, the parties agreed to cut down the request.

Ayogu Eze, the Senate spokesman, said, "At the end of our meetings, we looked at the budget thoroughly and saw that there were areas in which we needed to give attention like transportation and logistics. We moved money around and put money in crucial areas and made a saving of N2 billion," he said.

Mr Jega had explained that among other things that were previously left out, the commission needed a van for each of the 120, 000 registration points across the nation.

In his submission to the National Assembly, President Goodluck Jonathan had noted that, "the additional funds is to cover the cost of procuring electronic equipment and other ancillary expenses related to ... a fresh voter registration exercise as well as the procurement of additional ballot boxes." He added that, "we propose to fund this request by raising federal government bonds."


The approval did not come without misgivings however as senators questioned the credibility of some allocations proposed in the budget. The budget has an allocation of N54.9 billion for ICT-voter registration system and solution, N4 billion for vehicles, and a separate N5.4 billion for the review of the voter register.

There is also an allocation of N10.8 billion for operations - personnel cost requirements and cost for registration of voters nationwide, and N222 million for hotel accommodation for political appointees which are believed to be the state INEC commissioners.

"We have expressed our reservations. In spite of the reservations, we don't want to give INEC or anybody an excuse for not conducting a credible election next year," the Senate President, David Mark said. "We have gone the extra mile to do this so that INEC can deliver credible election in 2011 that will meet international standards."

The Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, in his remarks, advised that the commission apply the funds in a way that will benefit the Nigerian economy and generate employment, saying they should consider patronising indigenous companies for some of the material they might need for the elections.

The approved budget has been harmonised by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, which is expected to reconvene today and pass the budget too. After both arms of the National Assembly have passed the budget, it will be handed over to the president to sign into law. The electoral commission, which has now become an independent institution, can then draw the funds directly from the federation account.

Mr Ekweremadu's appeal to the commission to patronize indigenous companies may not be feasible, as Mr Jega had, at a briefing with senior journalists, ruled out this option, saying based on the shortness of time between the registration of voters and the actual elections in January, the commission cannot afford any delay or disappointment. He said his predecessor, Maurice Iwu, was disappointed at the last minute by local contractors and that the commission had lost a lot of time and could not afford such now..

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LONDON – BP's embattled Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward will be replaced by American Robert Dudley on Oct. 1, the company said Tuesday, as it reported a record quarterly loss and set aside $32.2 billion to cover the costs of the devastating Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Photo:Reuters – BP Plc (British Petroleum) Executive Vice President for the Americas and Asia Robert Dudley speaks at …

BP said the decision to replace Hayward, 53, was made by mutual agreement. In a mark of faith in its outgoing leader, the company said it planned to recommend him for a non-executive board position at its Russian joint venture and will pay him 1.045 million pounds ($1.6 million), a year's salary, in lieu of notice..

"The BP board is deeply saddened to lose a CEO whose success over some three years in driving the performance of the company was so widely and deservedly admired," BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said in a statement accompanying the quarterly earnings update.

Svanberg said the April 20 explosion of the Macondo well on the Deepwater Horizon platform run by BP in the Gulf of Mexico has been a "watershed incident" for the company.

"BP remains a strong business with fine assets, excellent people and a vital role to play in meeting the world's energy needs," he said. "But it will be a different company going forward, requiring fresh leadership supported by robust governance and a very engaged board."

Hayward, who has a Ph.D in geology, had been a well-regarded chief executive. But his promise when he took the job in 2007 to focus "like a laser" on safety came back to haunt him after the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig killed 11 workers and unleashed a deep-sea gusher of oil.

He became the lightning rod for anti-BP feeling in the United States and didn't help matters with a series of gaffes, raising hackles by saying "I want my life back," going sailing, and what was viewed as an evasive performance before U.S. congressmen in June.

On top of the $1.6 million payout, Hayward retains his rights to shares under a long-term performance program which could eventually be worth several million pounds if BP's share price recovers. The stock has lost around 40 percent since the well explosion.

Hayward, who will remain on the board until Nov. 30, will also be entitled to draw an annual pension of 600,000 pounds from a pension pot valued at around 11 million pounds.

Svanberg described Dudley, 54, who was thrown out of Russia after a battle with shareholders in the company's TNK-BP joint venture, as a "robust operator in the toughest circumstances."

Currently BP's managing director, Dudley grew up partly in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and has so far avoided any public missteps. He spent 20 years at Amoco Corp., which merged with BP in 1998, and lost out to Hayward on the CEO slot three years ago.

Dudley will be based in London when he takes up his appointment and will hand over his present duties in the United States to Lamar McKay, the chairman and president of BP America.

BP said that the $32.2 billion charge for the cost of the spill led it to record a loss of $17 billion for the second quarter. The charge includes the $20 billion compensation fund the company set up following pressure from President Barack Obama as well as costs to date of $2.9 billion.

But the company also stressed its strong underlying financial position — revenue for the quarter was up 34 percent at $75.8 billion — and Hayward said it had reached a "significant milestone" with the capping of the leaking well.

Crews were restarting work to plug the leaky Gulf well after the remnants of Tropical Storm Bonnie blew through, forcing a short evacuation. The U.S. government's oil spill chief, Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, said Monday that the so-called static kill — in which mud and cement are blasted in from the top of the well — should start Aug. 2.

If all goes well, the final stage — in which mud and cement are blasted in from deep underground — should begin Aug. 7.

BP said the bottom kill could take days or weeks, depending on how well the static kill works, meaning it will be mid-August before the well is plugged for good.

Hayward said the company expects to pay the "substantial majority" of the remaining direct spill response costs by the end of the year.

"Other costs are likely to be spread over a number of years, including any fines and penalties, longer-term remediation, compensation and litigation costs," Hayward said.

BP said it planned to tell analysts in an update later Tuesday that it will sell assets for up to $30 billion over the next 18 months, "primarily in the upstream business, and selected on the basis that they are worth more to other companies than to BP."

That would leave the company with a smaller, but higher quality Exploration & Production business, it said.

The company reported that underlying replacement cost profit — the measure most closely watched by analysts — was $5 billion for the three months between April and June when adjusted for one-off items and accounting effects. That compared favorably with a $2.9 billion profit for the second quarter of 2009.

"Outside the Gulf it is very encouraging that BP's global business has delivered another strong underlying performance, which means that the company is in robust shape to meet its responsibilities in dealing with the human tragedy and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico," Hayward said.

Higher prices for oil and gas made up for slightly lower output and a loss in gas marketing and trading in Exploration & Production, while Refining & Marketing reported increased profits as a result of strong performance in the fuels value chains and the lubricants and petrochemicals businesses.

The company said it planned to reduce its net debt level down to a range of $10-$15 billion within the next 18 months, compared to net debt of $23 billion at the end of June, to ensure that it had the flexibility to meet its future financial obligations.

Capital spending for 2010 and 2011 will be about $18 billion a year, in line with previous forecasts.
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The PDP in Osun East senatorial district declared on Monday in Osogbo, the Osun State capital, that it had disqualified governorship aspirants in the area who had less than N500 million in their bank accounts. Duro Famojuro, the party’s deputy leader of Ijesa Elders’ Caucus, said this at a news a conference in Ilesa, organised to present the party’s aspirant from the area.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that Gbenga Onigbogi, a House of Representatives member, who was adopted by the group, formally declared his intention for the 2011 governorship election. Mr. Famojuro said the caucus investigated the background of about 14 aspirants, to determine their legibility and financial strength through their bank accounts. He said the scrutiny was necessary to avoid the mistake of the past when the party sponsored campaigns for aspirants.

“Anybody who has less than N500 million can’t go for the governorship race. It is the caucus’ decision that nobody will give aspirants the money to campaign.”

Mr. Famojuro said Mr. Onigbogi met the criteria and had been adopted as the only aspirant qualified to run the race in Ijesaland for the governorship seat..

He also said that many young aspirants were eliminated because they had not contested for even a councillorship position before aspiring to become governor.

Paupers are not welcome

Ebenezer Babatope, a PDP chieftain and a member of the caucus, said the race was not for paupers. On complaints by some aspirants that the group was exploiting them, Mr. Babatope said they failed to meet the requirements.

The former minister of transport said a committee was set up to scrutinise aspirants who were required to pay money for the exercise. He said that though many of the aspirants failed to pay the levies, the caucus did not stop anyone from pursuing his governorship ambition.

“If the party at the state level conducts free, fair, and open primaries, we, the elders here, are ready to embrace whoever emerges as the PDP candidate for the election,” he declared.

Onigbogi, who represents Ijesa South federal constituency, pledged to embark on an agrarian revolution to turn around the agricultural fortune of the state, if elected.

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Thousands ofCatholic faithfuls and onlookers yesterday thronged the St PaulCatholic Church, located along the busy Airport Road in Benin City toview the appearance of a strange image believed to be that of JesusChrist in a "Monstrance" at the church's sanctuary.

The massive crowd halted vehicular traffic on the road for several hours, causing discomfort for travellers and road users.

When the reporter found his way into the main auditorium of the church, a faint imagecould still be observed on a gold plated circular object on the alterplaced on a table, with two linings of coloured lighting on both sidesof the gold plated object.

It was a tough job trying to get information from members of the church as they describedthe "mysterious appearance" as a spiritual happening. They alsohelpfully added that it may be difficult for a layman and non-Catholicto decipher.

A worker in the church's sanctuary said the image was an "expression of the blessedsacrament, but when sacrament is exposed, we usually see the whitebackground in the gold plated object placed on the alter. But sinceyesterday afternoon (Wednesday), we have been seeing Jesus' form in thebackground which is supposed to be white and it has been there tillnow, but it is beginning to go faint now." The assistant priest of thechurch, Chima Okosisi refused to make any official pronouncement on thesighting. "This is a strange development here, unusual here, similarthings have happened before in other places, we revered it," he said.

Hour of mercy

A member of the church, Bernedette Idalo said the image appeared at about 3 pm onWednesday, which she said was the hour of divine mercy; the exact timeJesus was said to have died when he was crucified. She however, saidthat it was totally strange to the church as similar images haveappeared on the wall and other places before now.

"This apparition can stay for days and weeks, it is meant to strengthen our faith. Awoman was in a trance when the thing happened and she said our Lordsaid we should praise Him more," she said.

As at the time of filing this report, hundreds of persons were still waiting at the church while some were praying to see if a bolderimage of Jesus would appear later.

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Registrar of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, has said that 366,000 out of the 867,000 candidates who made cut -off points of 180 and above in the recent Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) would not be admitted in the nation’s tertiary institution because of lack of sufficient places.

He also disclosed that candidates did not apply for admission in some of the institutions, especially private- owned institutions as a result of the high fees charged in such schools.

Ojerinde, who described this year’s admission into tertiary institutions as the “survival of the fittest”, said the total space available for admission in the tertiary institutions is just about 527,000.

Speaking in an interview during the combined technical committee meeting on admission to degree-awarding institutions, National Diploma (ND), Nigeria Certificate of Education (NCE) and National Innovation Diploma (NID) awarding institutions which held at the Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Ojerinde said except access to tertiary institutions is increased, “we will continue to have this lot of people waiting endlessly for admission”.

He said the committee was meeting to select the first set of candidates into tertiary institutions, adding that most of the institutions attended the meeting and were ready with their lists to rectify them.

He explained further that the Panel Secretary and the Chairman will meet on the lists and decide whether the candidates have met the set criteria for admission or not, adding that once they meet the set criteria, by next week, the name of such candidates should be on the internet as those who have gotten admission.

“With this 180 cut-off points, we have about 867,000 candidates who made 180 and above, and yet the available space is just about 527,000, so the remaining 366,000 candidates will have no place to go. That is the point, except access to tertiary institutions is increased; we will continue to have this lot of people waiting endlessly for admission..

“One of the beauty of this UTME is that we have brought them together and we are saying that they can go to any institution. If university doesn’t work, college of education may work, if not polytechnics or monotechnics may work. But I am not saying that it is to be for everybody because the spaces available are still not sufficient, ” he said.
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Nigeria asks for Akingbola's arrest, extradition

The Federal Government has sent a formal request to the government of the United Kingdom for the arrest and extradition to Nigeria of Erastus Akingbola, former managing director and chief executive officer of Intercontinental Bank. He is to face trial for fraud allegedly committed by him during his tenure as chief executive of the bank.

The letter, dated July 1, and signed by the Attorney General of the federation, Mohammed Adoke, was addressed to the British Home Secretary, the Home Office, and the United Kingdom Central Authority, London.

The request by the government was consequent upon a request from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for Mr. Akingbola to be extradited to face trial for 28 charges preferred against him for fraud-related offences at the bank.

List of offences

The charges cover allegations of financial misappropriation, money laundering, financial malpractices, corrupt practices, and other related offences pending against him at the Federal High Court (FHC), Lagos.

The Attorney General, who prayed the Home Secretary to grant the request in the interest of justice, said government's action was pursuant to the Extradition Act (Designation of Part 2 Territories) Order 2003 (SI2003 No.3334) of the United Kingdom, for the purpose of his being brought home to stand trial for the offences he is being charged.

The request was supported with an affidavit deposed to by Ibeakaku Nkechi Rita, a deputy superintendent of the EFCC, as well as a certification signed by Ahmed T. Almakura, senior state counsel of the Federal Ministry of Justice.


In the wake of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) intervention in the nation's banking sector, which resulted in the sack of the chief executives of five banks last year, Mr. Akingbola, who was abroad when he was sacked along with others, decided to stay away from the country.

This led to his being declared wanted by the anti-graft agency. He was declared wanted in connection with alleged fraudulent abuse of credit process, insider trading, capital market manipulation, and money laundering running into billions of naira.

Though several requests were reportedly sent to various international security agencies around the world, including the INTERPOL to help facilitate Mr. Akingbola's arrest and extradition, these appear to have been to no avail.

Property sealed off

Early this year, the EFCC sealed off his Lagos home, located at 12, Ruxton Road in Ikoyi, in line with the order of the Federal High Court, Lagos, presided over by Justice Tijuana Abubakar, that his assets be seized and his bank accounts frozen to help recover depositors' fund, allegedly misappropriated under his stewardship in the bank.

The court also granted an order of Mareva Injunction restraining Mr. Akingbola, his wife, Anthonia Tolulope Akingbola, his children, relatives, solicitors, servants, associates, trustees, agents, privies and companies from removing, alienating, disposing of, or diminishing the value of assets whether held directly or indirectly, or for his benefit within the jurisdiction of the court up to the amount set out, pending his trial.

The arrest and extradition order, which was dispatched by DHL Courier Services for his service at his known abode at No. 26 Chester Terrace, London, England, NW 14 ND, also restrained him from giving directions for sale, transfer, alienation, disposal, dealing with stocks, or other forms of securities held or kept by the central securities clearing system in Nigeria, or any custodian, stock broker, registrar, held whether directly or indirectly by him.

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