or (31)

a Nollywood movie from the Sequel of "Lost presidents, The Yaradua Story "
Starring Eucharia Anunobi as Turai Yaradua , Segun Arinze as Aondoakaa , Mr Adeniyi as himself .Isa Yuguda as Fave Inlaw ,Stella damascus as Dora Akunyili
and Sunday Omobolanle aka Aluwe as The President in this comedy of errors based on a true story .

Poser on Yaradua, is the Calipha still in Saudi or Has anyone even seen him on Naija soil ?

Many unsuspecting Nigerians believe that Mr. President is now in Nigeria after his medical sojourn in Saudi Arabia, but intelligence sources have revealed that he is still in Saudi Arabia receiving treatment. Has anybody actually seen the President in Nigeria? All we saw at the airport were two aircraft that landed and an ambulance zooming away into the city centre, thereby creating an impression albeit false that a recuperating President had landed!

There are many unanswered questions in the purported arrival of Mr. President. The basic rule of the thumb (as any experienced spy or secret agent knows) during an extraction assignment or covert operation, anything that would draw unwarranted attention to the task is jettisoned. If the primary task was to sneak Mr. President into the country what was the purpose of deploying truck loads of soldiers around Abuja (attracting attention) when one truck load would have been more than adequate. Why would you ensure that the ambulance with lights flashings was made noticeable when the two aircraft were kept in the dark and out of the sight of journalist at the airport?

Was it an impossible task to switch off the siren lights of the ambulance or was it a deliberate act to convey the false impression that Mr. President was in the ambulance?

It was stated in the news that the Chief Security Officer (CSO) and ADC to Mr. President sauntered into the executives chamber of the Federal Executive Council (FEC)to exchange pleasantries with their friends and some ministers. This to me is strange when they ought to be around the vicinity where Mr. President was recuperating (if he was actually around) but instead the TWO of them chose (or were ordered) to make an appearance at the chambers to create the false impression that Mr. President will preside over the meeting of FEC .Some monkey business was definitely afoot!

Mr. President arrived and he was met on arrival by some serving Governors from the northern part of the country instead of the Acting President and service chiefs. Who better to assist and protect an ailing President than his trusted (?) vice and service chiefs, unless it was a grand charade put up for the benefit of the gullible public?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is quite happy with this pretense because the diplomatic pressure placed on them by the international community that they were hiding the Nigerian President will automatically melt away and they can continue with the treatment of Mr. President unhindered without the vexatious motley of Nigerians coming to Saudi Arabia to seek the whereabouts of Mr. President and also to waste tax payers money.

By the way who leaked the purported arrival of Mr. President to the press and guaranteed the arrival prime time. Former Nigerian Presidents have arrived into the country before at odd hours to avoid the press and succeeded why was this different? I would have thought Aso Rock was built equipped with a helipad, could they not have airlifted Mr. President from the airport to Aso Rock if they truly wanted to avoid publicity?

The next few days will definitely be revealing. Nigerians…”SHINE YA EYES”

By Imohimi Uduigwome Airenevboise, Re written for 9jabook by Paul EFCC Adams

War in the Yaradua Family as Daughters fight for Vice Presidency for husbands ! Zainab vs Nafisatu Bauchi vs kebbi One winner Mummy ! http://bit.ly/9lkhBZ ;
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Introduction by Abi John Balogun (weboga) & Paul Adams How many Bankers OR very well paid Bank Workers you know that have been sacked ? A banker is the guy that knows about banking ,The fellows that actually know what Profit & loss and Risk and Depositors funds as relating to interest means .A banker is not the guy that drives the MD to work or the guy that makes certain the MD hasa nice time on weekends and trips abroad ? Just because you wear a tie to work does not make you a banker .A banker is not the Guy that seats in the Tellers seat and takes a cheque from you and gives you back cash.O yes he may look real important but He aint no Banker ! or even the Nice lady that makes everyone queue up and still manages to get us to smile on cue whilst we wait for the sweet voice to say "Cashier numer X" ,That is a customer Service Representative that works in a Bank ! So why are the Bank Workers getting sacked instead of the Bankers ! Or does'nt the CBN have the right to put a stop to these Layoffs ? The Sacked bank MDs/CEOs can live on their stolen funds that the EFCC will never ever know about for their next Ten Lifetimes ! Cecilia Ibru is one of the Ibrus for crying out loud ! That Family is loaded ! Oceanic Bank is just a drop in the ocean of their Investments . Sanusi I believe has done some good but he has also done some HARM ! great harm in the final de terracing of the common man working in the Bank ! How many of the layabout CEOs,Regional Managers and other Managers that are looked upon as Demi Gods in the Banking industry have been sacked ? Who recommends the sack ? what is the criteria ? Is Bad Belly involved or Sexual harassment and all the Targets every banker is made to cough out monthly used ? Or are they sacking the lowly paid staff in large numbers so that they can keep earning their arm robber salaries ! Why not Publish the names and positions of these people sacked so we can see the cadre and functionality they have been rendering to their respective banks . The ground always suffers when Elephants are fighting ! The Bankers that engaged in unethical practices that put the Nation in this quagmire should be fished out and Sold into depositors funds slavery and made to work back their lossess ! What is a risk management Consultant and you earn a minimum of 2.5million Naira a month as salary .Yet you keep risking and losing money ! IT is like they have all these degrees,appelations and certifications for NOTHING ! Sanusi let it be on your head the families that will bear the brunt of these layoffs because solving one problem and creating another will not absolve you . The monies and properties recovered from these hoodlums in Corporate Suits should be used to subsidise bank workers that have been sacked .There must be some amelioration of some sort or else what are they to do until they "find" Jobs in the already saturated market ! ! ! Sanusi, We await your solutions,Looks like although Soludo had no solutions he at least did not put "San san" inside bank workers garri. Impress us once more as we no longer hear your voice anymore abi you are holding baba go slows hand in saudi or wherever you people are keeping him . Main Article by Next media While our nation’s circus show of shame went on in Abuja and Jeddah last week, another issue of relevance was playing out in the banking industry. And this was the aftermath of Central Bank governor Lamido Sanusi’s reforms of the banking sector. Sanusi’s hurricane might have swept through the banking sector, mowing down banks’ chief executives and directors, however, the real casualties are beginning to show, and they are the over 8,000 men and women bearing the brunt of the reforms through job loss. Oceanic Bank, Bank PHB Plc, UBA Plc, First Bank, GTB are laying off workers in response to the fall out from the reforms. It is, on the surface, easy ascribe the retrenchments in the banks on the Sanusi tsunami that took off in the middle of 2009, but the sacking of chief executives and directors was not the immediate cause. Long before the Sanusi putsch many senior bankers made quick money from brisk business in the confines of their offices and lived flamboyant lives comparable to those of celebrities of the entertainment world. Soon, it became clear that despite being a private-sector driven industry the principal actors in the banking business had abandoned all pretence at corporate governance and fiscal accountability, toying with depositors’ money by giving out questionable loans, managing a bloated workforce, doctoring their books to impress the public, and opening unserviceable branches. The result was an over-staffed industry, incurring huge salary bills every month, operational liabilities and losses in excess of N100 billion. In the light of all this, it is not inappropriate to view rationalisation of staff as an expected consequence, if banks are to rightly address this anomaly. The sacked workers are not employees of CBN in the first place and to disabuse the minds of critics that it did not order the retrenchments, the CBN issued a release stating, “... the Central Bank of Nigeria has never directed commercial banks to sack staff or rationalise branches as reported. Banks are private enterprises and the decision to engage or disengage staff is best left to the managements and boards of the institutions. These decisions are taken on the basis of business imperatives”. Nonetheless, our sympathy goes to the affected workers, many of whom are young people either just beginning to live life on their own or raising a family. Given the state of the nation’s economy, losing a well paying job in the bank is a predicament that many people will not take lightly. It is frustrating and depressing. What is being experienced in the industry now should serve as a lesson for future operations, and a pointer to the need for vigilance in monitoring and regulating the banking sector, to guard against the ugly practices that have become the norm in the industry. Chief amongst these are the questionable employment conditions of service for staff, characterised by the practice of ‘casualisation’ of workers and the abuse of female bank staff. Reports are rife to the effect that many banks, rather than properly recruit workers, resort to a cost-saving ad hoc arrangement of periodic hiring and dismissal. This is a practice that devalues the profession and contributes to the lowering of ethical standards of practice. In the same vein, female bank workers are faced with employment conditions that compromise their future plans. Oftentimes, their brief includes unrealistic targets that open them to unethical and immoral practices that compromise their dignity. We view these developments as part of the general corruption that compromised the banking sector where the rot started from the top. We urge the managements of our banks to exhaustively explore all avenues to ensure that the rationalisation is reduced to a barest minimum. One way to do this would be for the banks to reduce staff salaries, especially at senior levels. Some unjustifiable allowances of management staff would very easily pay the wages of significant numbers of persons further down the corporate ladder. Advertising, branding and sponsorship budgets, which ballooned irresponsibly during the consolidation era, as banks struggled to rebrand and reposition themselves within and beyond the country, should be curtailed, and the savings therefrom used to save jobs. We cannot afford to send such a huge number of educated and experienced persons into the job market. Before now, the virtual collapse of entire industries, like textiles and tyre manufacturing, rendered thousands of people jobless. We have to take every step possible to ensure that the banking industry does not complicate an already serious unemployment crisis. The cost of doing this will be nothing compared to the price we will have to pay for the alternative: flooding our streets with jobless professionals who are as desperate as they are savvy.
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Introduction by Abi John Balogun (weboga) & Paul Adams How many Bankers OR very well paid Bank Workers you know that have been sacked ? A banker is the guy that knows about banking ,The fellows that actually know what Profit & loss and Risk and Depositors funds as relating to interest means .A banker is not the guy that drives the MD to work or the guy that makes certain the MD hasa nice time on weekends and trips abroad ? Just because you wear a tie to work does not make you a banker .A banker is not the Guy that seats in the Tellers seat and takes a cheque from you and gives you back cash.O yes he may look real important but He aint no Banker ! or even the Nice lady that makes everyone queue up and still manages to get us to smile on cue whilst we wait for the sweet voice to say "Cashier numer X" ,That is a customer Service Representative that works in a Bank ! So why are the Bank Workers getting sacked instead of the Bankers ! Or does'nt the CBN have the right to put a stop to these Layoffs ? The Sacked bank MDs/CEOs can live on their stolen funds that the EFCC will never ever know about for their next Ten Lifetimes ! Cecilia Ibru is one of the Ibrus for crying out loud ! That Family is loaded ! Oceanic Bank is just a drop in the ocean of their Investments . Sanusi I believe has done some good but he has also done some HARM ! great harm in the final de terracing of the common man working in the Bank ! How many of the layabout CEOs,Regional Managers and other Managers that are looked upon as Demi Gods in the Banking industry have been sacked ? Who recommends the sack ? what is the criteria ? Is Bad Belly involved or Sexual harassment and all the Targets every banker is made to cough out monthly used ? Or are they sacking the lowly paid staff in large numbers so that they can keep earning their arm robber salaries ! Why not Publish the names and positions of these people sacked so we can see the cadre and functionality they have been rendering to their respective banks . The ground always suffers when Elephants are fighting ! The Bankers that engaged in unethical practices that put the Nation in this quagmire should be fished out and Sold into depositors funds slavery and made to work back their lossess ! What is a risk management Consultant and you earn a minimum of 2.5million Naira a month as salary .Yet you keep risking and losing money ! IT is like they have all these degrees,appelations and certifications for NOTHING ! Sanusi let it be on your head the families that will bear the brunt of these layoffs because solving one problem and creating another will not absolve you . The monies and properties recovered from these hoodlums in Corporate Suits should be used to subsidise bank workers that have been sacked .There must be some amelioration of some sort or else what are they to do until they "find" Jobs in the already saturated market ! ! ! Sanusi, We await your solutions,Looks like although Soludo had no solutions he at least did not put "San san" inside bank workers garri. Impress us once more as we no longer hear your voice anymore abi you are holding baba go slows hand in saudi or wherever you people are keeping him . Main Article by Next media While our nation’s circus show of shame went on in Abuja and Jeddah last week, another issue of relevance was playing out in the banking industry. And this was the aftermath of Central Bank governor Lamido Sanusi’s reforms of the banking sector. Sanusi’s hurricane might have swept through the banking sector, mowing down banks’ chief executives and directors, however, the real casualties are beginning to show, and they are the over 8,000 men and women bearing the brunt of the reforms through job loss. Oceanic Bank, Bank PHB Plc, UBA Plc, First Bank, GTB are laying off workers in response to the fall out from the reforms. It is, on the surface, easy ascribe the retrenchments in the banks on the Sanusi tsunami that took off in the middle of 2009, but the sacking of chief executives and directors was not the immediate cause. Long before the Sanusi putsch many senior bankers made quick money from brisk business in the confines of their offices and lived flamboyant lives comparable to those of celebrities of the entertainment world. Soon, it became clear that despite being a private-sector driven industry the principal actors in the banking business had abandoned all pretence at corporate governance and fiscal accountability, toying with depositors’ money by giving out questionable loans, managing a bloated workforce, doctoring their books to impress the public, and opening unserviceable branches. The result was an over-staffed industry, incurring huge salary bills every month, operational liabilities and losses in excess of N100 billion. In the light of all this, it is not inappropriate to view rationalisation of staff as an expected consequence, if banks are to rightly address this anomaly. The sacked workers are not employees of CBN in the first place and to disabuse the minds of critics that it did not order the retrenchments, the CBN issued a release stating, “... the Central Bank of Nigeria has never directed commercial banks to sack staff or rationalise branches as reported. Banks are private enterprises and the decision to engage or disengage staff is best left to the managements and boards of the institutions. These decisions are taken on the basis of business imperatives”. Nonetheless, our sympathy goes to the affected workers, many of whom are young people either just beginning to live life on their own or raising a family. Given the state of the nation’s economy, losing a well paying job in the bank is a predicament that many people will not take lightly. It is frustrating and depressing. What is being experienced in the industry now should serve as a lesson for future operations, and a pointer to the need for vigilance in monitoring and regulating the banking sector, to guard against the ugly practices that have become the norm in the industry. Chief amongst these are the questionable employment conditions of service for staff, characterised by the practice of ‘casualisation’ of workers and the abuse of female bank staff. Reports are rife to the effect that many banks, rather than properly recruit workers, resort to a cost-saving ad hoc arrangement of periodic hiring and dismissal. This is a practice that devalues the profession and contributes to the lowering of ethical standards of practice. In the same vein, female bank workers are faced with employment conditions that compromise their future plans. Oftentimes, their brief includes unrealistic targets that open them to unethical and immoral practices that compromise their dignity. We view these developments as part of the general corruption that compromised the banking sector where the rot started from the top. We urge the managements of our banks to exhaustively explore all avenues to ensure that the rationalisation is reduced to a barest minimum. One way to do this would be for the banks to reduce staff salaries, especially at senior levels. Some unjustifiable allowances of management staff would very easily pay the wages of significant numbers of persons further down the corporate ladder. Advertising, branding and sponsorship budgets, which ballooned irresponsibly during the consolidation era, as banks struggled to rebrand and reposition themselves within and beyond the country, should be curtailed, and the savings therefrom used to save jobs. We cannot afford to send such a huge number of educated and experienced persons into the job market. Before now, the virtual collapse of entire industries, like textiles and tyre manufacturing, rendered thousands of people jobless. We have to take every step possible to ensure that the banking industry does not complicate an already serious unemployment crisis. The cost of doing this will be nothing compared to the price we will have to pay for the alternative: flooding our streets with jobless professionals who are as desperate as they are savvy.
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You are messing with the Wrong Female !
Minister of Information and Communications, Prof Dora Akunyili, has rejected the explanation offered by Minister of Special Duties, Mr. Michael Aondoakaa, over the latter’s statement about her considered to be libellous.

Prof Dora Akunyili

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A letter written by KOP Odidika, principal partner of Sower & Messuarius Solicitors, dated February 11, 2010, said that Aondoakaa’s explanation on the statement he made about Akunyili “begged the issue.”

The letter said that by saying, “what she is trying to do is self-seeking: let her go and confront herself with what happened in NAFDAC,” Aondoakaa obviously libelled Akunyili.

It said that ever since Aondoakaa made the statement, Akunyili has been inundated with telephone calls from people who think that there was something she did wrong when she was director general of the National Agency for Food, Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC).

Akunyili’s lawyers, therefore, demanded a clear apology from Aondoakaa, within seven days, to be published prominently in the media.

They said failure to do this would leave them with no alternative than to press charges against Aondoakaa. The letter, entitled: “Libellous publication against Prof Dora N. Akunyili,” reads: “We are the solicitors to Prof Dora N. Akunyili, on whose behalf and instruction we write to you in connection with the above subject matter. It is our instruction that you issued a statement, which was published on Monday the 8th of February 2010 in a widely circulating national newspaper, The Nation, wherein you said, inter alia: “Bringing the memo to Federal Executive Council is just to make herself an angel.

She wants to be seen as populist. Whatever she wants from it is still personal. None of the FEC members has disrespect to the Vice-President. As far as we are concerned, the VP is our leader and he is leading us. What she is trying to do is self-seeking: let her go and confront herself with what happened in NAFDAC”.

“Our client has been inundated with telephone calls and personal enquiries from numerous people about your said statement concerning the implication that she did something wrong while she was the Director General of NAFDAC. She duly informed you of these enquiries and demanded, by her letter to you, dated February 8, 2010, that you confirm the authenticity of the authorship of the statement and if confirmed to supply full particulars of your allegations of her misdeeds in NAFDAC to which you alluded.

“By your letter of February 9, 2010 addressed to our client, you admitted making the statement but most disingenuously tried to put a spin on an otherwise clear and unambiguous statement that has only one interpretation, to wit: that our client committed some untoward acts while at the helm of affairs in NAFDAC.

“There is no doubt that as a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, you are presumed to be conversant with not only legal matters but with English Language as well. Whilst one can concede your privilege to use any language, no matter how crude and unbecoming of a lawyer and public servant, in your private home and office, same should be tempered and civilized when describing and referring to another person.

“More regrettable is the fact that your libellous publication was against our client whose integrity has been unimpeachable. Her tenure at NAFDAC can accurately be described as the golden years of that establishment as no other head, whether prior to, or subsequent to her appointment, has achieved so much as to even merit comparison with her.

“Our client, therefore, finds it totally unacceptable that her peers and generality of Nigerians have begun to question her integrity and now consider her a disreputable person because of the statement you made. Your said letter of February 9, 2010, therefore, begs the issue.

“We hereby demand that you issue a clear apology to our client and cause the said apology to be published prominently in the media, including The Nation newspaper. Please take notice that unless this demand is met within seven days from the date hereof we shall commence legal proceedings, against you to compel obedience and seek financial compensation for the injury done to our client’s reputation.”

It will be recalled that Aondoakaa, in letter dated February 9, 2010 to Akunyili, said although he was misquoted, his statement was a compliment. His letter to Akunyili said: I wish to draw your attention to the above subject matter conveyed to me by your letter dated 8th February 2010.

“While much of the quoted words in your letter can rightly be ascribed to me, the impact of the last sentence to the effect that “…Let her go and confront herself with what happened in NAFDAC” was meant to be in the positive but was wrongly presented in the negative.

“The correct impact of the above words that the Hon Minister had already earned a reputation for herself while at NAFDAC and needs not seek to do more by embarking on the present course of action to the detriment of a resolution already adopted unanimously by members of the FEC.

“Accept the assurances of my highest regards and consideration.”
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Are You Feeding Your Soul? Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? And I’m not talking about your physical body when I ask this question — I’m talking about your spiritual body. Has your soul been getting the nourishment it needs to grow in health and strength, or have you deprived it from the Word it so desperately needs? If what you see in the mirror doesn’t even begin to reflect what you know you can be, it’s time to make a change, time to dive into God’s Word and receive all the love and forgiveness He has been waiting to give you . . . a time to release your life into God’s hands. The Word tells us, But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT). You may not like what you see now, but just wait. Rely on God’s faithfulness and perfect timing and begin to make changes when God shows you it is necessary. And soon, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Look where God moved me from. Look what He saved me from. I stand blessed where I am all because of the transforming grace of God.” An Evangelistic Tool The following is an evangelistic tool. Feel free to use this tool to lead someone to the Savior. It can also be used in your church. Tony lead the members of our church through this process, and then commissioned them to offer the good news to those they come in contact with in the course of their day. This is one of our outreach programs for this year. OPENING QUESTION: Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can be sure you are on your way to heaven? Would you allow me to show you? I. First the Bad News a. The Problem: Every person is a sinner before a Holy God and unable to save themselves (Romans 3:10, 23). b. The Penalty: Every person is under the sentence of death and will be forever separated from God because of their sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23). I. Now the Good News a. The Provision: Through the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ, God has addressed the sin problem for us (Romans 5:8, 17-21). b. The Pardon: God offers a free pardon and eternal life to all who place faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10; 4:4-5). CLOSING QUESTION: Would you like to trust the Lord Jesus Christ right now as your personal Savior? PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead to save me. By transferring my total trust to You alone as my Savior, I now receive the forgiveness for my sins and the free gift of eternal life that You offered me.
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ABUJA- FOR three hours and three minutes yesterday, thousands of aggrieved Nigerians led by the Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, took to the streets in Abuja, the nation’s capital, to protest the French leave embarked upon by the ailing President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua since November 23, last year. Affordable A.d.ve.r.ti.sing LET THE WEB WORK 4 U ! http://www.9jabook.com call or email: info@systemini.net twitter:systemini linkedin:systemini tel +234-0806 495 0565,234-07083793511,234-07058888394 44-7894214683, They demanded, in unison, that he must either show up and live up to expectations, if indeed he is still alive and fit to continue in office as he is making Nigerians to believe or transfer powers without further delay to his Vice, Jonathan Goodluck, to avert total collapse of the Nigerian nation. They also registered their displeasure with members of the National Assembly over their reluctance to act even as they dismissed the cabinet members of President Yar’Adua as a bunch of liars, pseudo-colonialists and terrorists. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dimeji Bankole, who came out to address the angry protesters, yesterday, was not only booed but also disallowed from making any statement either in support or against the subject-matter of protest. Unlike what used to be the case during the dark days of the military, there was no single firing of gun or canister to disperse protesting Nigerians. In fact, dozens of mobile policemen carried in their lorries were seen dancing to the popular music of Idris Abdulkarim of ‘Nigeria jaga jaga, everything scatter scatter,’ and hailing the protesters. All through the period that the protest lasted, a combined team of men of the Nigeria Civil Defence and the Nigeria Mobile Police maintained security without allowing the hoodlums to hijack it. Although a dozen of hired pro-Yar’Adua government protesters carried placards bearing “we support Yar’Adua government,” their voices were drowned in the din of the noisy call for the resignation of President Yar’Adua. The mass rally which kicked off from the Unity Fountain opposite the popular Millenium Park close to Transcorp Hilton Hotels at about 9:45 a.m, had mobile security men taking their positions in and around the National Assembly and the road to NICON as early as 6:00 a.m. But they did not harass anyone. They seemed confused At exactly 9:45 am, the protesters had gathered in their thousands at the rendezvous waiting for a marching order from the convener of the rally. They did not move until Prof Wole Soyinka who was conceded to be the most important person addressed the aggrieved Nigerians on why the mass rally was holding. The septuagenarian, Prof Wole Soyinka, trekked alongside other leaders of the mass rally while radical Lagos lawyer Femi Falana was seen addressing and singing. Although they got to the open ground of the National Assembly where lawmakers and their visitors park cars at exactly 11:53am, the proper address did not start until 12:04pm when they recited the old national anthem. Leaders of the mass rally took turns to address the rally for just 44 minutes during which Speaker Bankole was booed and disallowed from addressing the aggrieved Nigerians. At 12:16 pm, Soyinka took to the podium. But there was so much noise that he threatened to walk out of the rally ground if they did not behave themselves. He said he expected them to be orderly and organized. The way he spoke angered some of the protesters who asked him to go if he wanted to go. When he eventually picked the microphone and blew air into it, there was a thunderous applause followed by graveyard silence. He said: “It seems to me that we have finally woken up from our long harmattan sleep and you are now getting into the spring of rebirth. I have a little information I have been asked to pass on to you as one of you. This is what they told me. I do not guarantee the veracity of it as it is supposed to have come from the Senate. And you all know what Senate is. The information I was given is that the Senate has now taken this matter to court. The matter of the President’s absence “I am passing that information to you so that we, here, are not accused of holding back information from those following us. That is the only reason why I am passing it on. You can weigh it for what it is worth. But if these people are caught in yet another lie, then the next demonstration will be bigger. The nation has been taken to ransom. The nation has been despised and treated with contempt. We have been treated as colonials, colonized all over again. This is what we call internal colonialism. We are all dignified beings. We deserve to know the truth, at all times about our method of governance. “We are also qualified to say when we believe that those ‘elected leaders’ of this nation are deliberately dragging their feet over critical issues that concern us. Then the people must stop and then take to the street. This is normal in any democracy. A lot of you have followed some recent lectures of mine: one in Lagos; one in Abeokuta, and the third one here in Abuja on the occasion of the National Merit Award. Each time, I have observed the ritual ending. And that ending was enough of talking, let us march. Now today, you have shown me that you have been listening. And your leaders here obviously have been listening and they themselves have been using exactly the same language over a long period. So we are not talking here about certain individual efforts but certain issues must be addressed urgently. And if by miracle and believe me, I do pray and wish this might happen, if by miracle the missing president were to appear amongst us, hale and hearty, he will be confronted with the same charges that we are leveling against the government.” Hon Farouk Aliyu Adamu In his contribution, Adamu, said: “We are all Nigerians. Nobody should hoodwink you with where you come from. We are not ruled rightly. We are ruled by liars. We demand leadership that will come out and tell us the truth. In the last 50 days, one minister after the other will come out and lie. They said President Yar’Adua spoke on BBC. Do you know why we do not believe them? It is because PDP government said we shall get 6000 megawatts of electricity by December but we didn’t. Now, who will believe them? We will only believe them when we see President Yar’Adua here live. If you do not want Jonathan to lead, do not take the fuel and petroleum from the Ijaw people. If my brothers want to continue using the fuel, the diesel from the South South, then Jonathan should take over governance,” to which they shouted another deafening yes. Uche Onyegocha “Few years ago, when Obasanjo tried to impose himself on this country using his third term agenda, we fought him and we won. Today we have a criminal cabal that is holding this country to ransom. I want to remind you that it was the same criminal cabal that supported third term. As we defeated them that time, we will defeat them again. They are saying we are not a terrorist nation and I agreed with them. They have been holding us to ransom but that must end today and we must take a decision on the issue of a missing president. I thank you very much.” Buba Galadima “Today is christened a new birth for a new nation, that Nigerians of all works of life, that Nigerians of all tribes, that Nigerians of all religions have come together to discuss our country, this is how it should be and when we leave here, no body should wink you on the basis of religion or the basis of where you come from, the minimum we demand of those who said we voted them into power is transparency, constitutionalism, institutionalism and accountability.” Najatu Muhammed “The issue at stake is not that Yar’Adua has spoken on the BBC, the issue is that he has abdicated without leave, without permission, so this calls for his impeachment, the people at the National Assembly have no moral justification to be where they are today. Yar’Adua is paid by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, he is accountable to you and I, so he has no business staying for over fifty days without permission. Nigerians will also want to get the kind of medical treatment that Yar’Adua is getting, this is their money, so Nigerians, come out and say no to this rubbish enough is enough.” Pastor Tunde Bakare “Every one, east, north and south of our country should take these words home. The Presidency is not a birth right. The presidency is not a hereditary stool. The presidency is a constitutional office. President Yar’Adua is not fit to occupy that office. Therefore, Umaru Yar’Adua go home. Time has come for you to park your load, leave Nigeria alone and go home. This solemn assembly is not for the sake of Jonathan Goodluck, it is for the sake of good governance. The constitution that is imposed upon you stipulates in section 145 that if any one in the office of the president is leaving even for his leave not for sickness, he must transmit authority of that office to the vice president. It is that we have come to demand this afternoon, that the imposed constitution must be obeyed. Power vacuum is the latest affliction they have imposed on this nation and the entirety of the rest of us say no to power vacuum. Enough is enough! We would not allow them to handle the affairs of this country in a lopsided manner or as they like. We demand accurate governance, good governance, and what do I mean by that? Femi Falana “This is the beginning of our struggle. By next week we are going to inform you of the date when we are going to march all over Nigeria. On Friday, Nigerians in America, Nigerians in the United Kingdom are marching. We understand that the Senate met this morning and took a decision; as usual because this is a leadership built on lies. The Senate claimed that because some of us exercised our fundamental human rights, to go to court, they didn’t go to court, they said because some of us are in court because of their inaction, they are now exploiting our cases in court to abdicate their responsibility. Since they claim to be representing us in our different constituencies we must go and begin a process of making them to be accountable, of making them to be responsible, of making them to be responsive to the yearnings and aspirations of the Nigerian people.” It was at this point that Speaker Bankole came. The Speaker had emerged from an executive session of the Reps around 12:30 pm, made his way to the platform on the porch of the dome of the National Assembly amidst tight security. But his presence was not acknowledged, as the protesters who arrived the venue at 12.05 kept booing him as soon as they sighted him until Professor Soyinka took the microphone from Mrs. Naja’atu Mohammed – a foremost female activist from Kano State – who was addressing them, and announced that, “fellow compatriots, I understand that we have some visitors here among us We want to give him some few minutes to address us, fellow compatriots.” But the protesters in one chorus, thundered “Nooooooo!!!!!!” Again Soyinka asked that the Speaker be allowed to speak and he was visited with the same response. He now said, “We are democrats here. I am going to ask for the last time after which I will take a voice count”, he said. “Do we allow the Speaker to address us?” he asked and the answer was reverberating “Noooooooo!!!!!” “The ‘Nos’ (nays) have it” he said. Yar’Adua supporters hold counter-rally in Abuja Also yesterday, groups comprising mostly youths, converged at the Eagle Square, Abuja, with banners and posters of President Umaru Yar’Adua, chanting solidarity to his administration despite the mounting agitation from some quarters for his immediate resignation. Besides adorning the major roads along the federal secretariat with posters that read, “We support Yar’Adua” the group further strapped large banners in various strategic places, denouncing those that are calling for his removal and subsequent replacement as “anarchists.”
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Facebook or Satan's Playground?

Facebook or Satan's Playground? I was talking to some friends at a party a few weeks ago when the hostess took me aside and asked me if I was on Twitter. On Twitter?!! The nerve! I threw my glass of soda in her face and told her I’ve never done drugs in my life. What an accusation! Later that day, my kids explained that Twitter was a social messaging site on the computer. They said there are similar sites called Facebook and My Space. The whole thought of someone communicating with others on a computer for social purposes seems ridiculous to me. If it was actually possible, wouldn’t it be awfully nerdy to sit at the computer talking to people you can’t see all day? Maybe shut-ins and hired assassins would have reason to do it, but certainly not teens or members of Generation X! And the claim that you can talk to lots of people simultaneously seems preposterous. Anyone who says you can type a message and hit one button to send it to over five people at a time is an outright liar. I’d stake my reputation on that – or so I thought. In the back of my mind, though, I knew I’d have to do some further investigating. I began my quest at the nursing home where our family volunteers. Millie, the wisest woman I know, lives there. She was celebrating her 95th birthday when I asked what she knows about social networking sites on the Internet. She told me that all social networking tools and websites are part of a satanic cult! Millie met President Calvin Coolidge in her youth, so I believe her. Millie’s words scared me. I don’t want to be involved with Satan! I don’t know about you guys, but in my family, we don’t even like Satan. In fact, we have a sign painted above the inside of our front door that says, “Live, laugh, love” and then, on the adjacent wall, another painted sign reads, “We hate Satan.” If Millie is right, our family was in danger. “Why did we buy the kids 13 computers this past Christmas?” I asked myself. But this wasn’t a time for regrets. It was a time for action. I invited my priest, Daniel, to dinner and asked him to bless our computers. He blessed them and doused them with holy water, rendering 11 of them useless and mistakenly electrocuting my son, whose hands were on one computer's plug and an electrical outlet at the time. Roberto was electrocuted only a little bit, but whined and cried like a school girl, despite still having full use of both legs. Both the priest and I told him to act like a man. Anyway, I am getting off track. I needed to investigate more in order to give you some advice. I advise from direct experience, not just hearsay. For example, when my sons were little, I didn’t just tell them not to cross the street without looking both ways -- I showed them what I meant. Without looking, I ran into the street in front of my house as my neighbors were driving home from work. Although I sustained severe injuries, it was worth it. My kids now had practical knowledge and, more importantly, they learned that they can trust whatever I say. My method is so effective that one son is 17 now and never crosses the street. Another son is 15, and he doesn’t even leave the house. Of course, he’s developed crazy fears about the outside world, but that’s probably due to the influence of public schooling. Anyway, the next step was for me to actually get on Facebook. I said a prayer and then created an account. I was armed with Bible passages to keep evil influences away. What I discovered will blow your mind. Facebook is an absolute delight! It turns out that Facebook isn’t a cult and Satan isn’t involved. The site is wonderful. I posted a status, and then people wrote back to me. I already have THREE friends, a testament to my immediate popularity. So I take back what I said earlier. I now fully endorse the site and feel confident that I can speak for President Coolidge in saying that if he were alive and used a computer with an Intel processor, he would endorse Facebook too. So go ahead and create an account, and search for me, Jackie Phillips. I’ve posted a picture of my dog on the account so that you’ll recognize that it’s me. Put in a friend request, and I’ll befriend you, if that is the correct technical term. As for Twitter and My Space, however, I have NOT tested those sites, so please DO NOT use them until further notice. I cannot assure you that they are Satan-free. My friends, Jill and Carole, have encouraged me to get on Twitter, which makes me distrust the site even more. You’re probably thoroughly confused now. Twitter . . . Facebook. . . which is ok? Let’s make this as simple as possible. Just remember the acronym FUP, which means Facebook is Undeniably Pleasant. Twitter and My Space, on the other hand, are “Potentially Satanic – Do Not Use” or PSDNU (pronounced “Sudnew” because the P is silent). FUP and PSDNU should help you keep these lessons organized. Have a great day and remember to think outside the blog. Jackie
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Jesus or Paul? It’s time to make a choice. I wonder what those who choose to follow Paul would call themselves. Since apparently, they aren’t ‘Christians’ by definition. Maybe Paulines. LOL. The following article was lifted from 234next.com. I just couldn’t resist re-posting it here to see what my readers have to say about it. Let’s go! Every Christian must decide whether s/he is a follower of Jesus or a follower of Paul. Don’t make the mistake of many in assuming the two are the same. For starters, take a look at the following discrepancies. Inconsistencies Jesus says children of God are born (Jn 3:3); but Paul says they are adopted (Rm 8:23). Jesus says God must be the only father of believers (Mt 23:9); but Paul says he (Paul) is the father of some believers (Phile 1:10; 1 Cor 4:15). Jesus says he is the only pastor and the only teacher (Jn 10:16; Mt 23:8); but Paul says there are many pastors and teachers (Eph 4:11; 1 Tim 2:7). Jesus says we should pray in private (Mt 6:5-6); but Paul says we should pray everywhere (1 Tim 2:8). Jesus says we should not eat food sacrificed to idols (Rev 2:14); but Paul says it does not matter if we do (Rm 14:14). Jesus himself was circumcised (Lk 2:21); but Paul says if we are circumcised we would be estranged from Christ (Gal 5:2-4). Jesus says we should not receive payment for preaching the gospel (Mt 10:8); but Paul says we should (1 Cor 9:11). Jesus asks us to baptise as we preach the gospel (Mt 28:19); but Paul dismisses the importance of baptism (1 Cor 1:17). Jesus says lying is of the devil (Jn 8:44); but Paul says God’s truth increased through the lies he told (Rm 3:7). Jesus says the word of God is truth (Jn 7:17); but Paul says the gospel can be preached with falsehood (Php 1:18). Jesus is against the use of deception (Jn 1:47); but Paul boasts of using deception (2 Cor 12:16). Jesus says we should love one another (Jn 13:34); but Paul wished some people would be castrated (Gal 5:12). Jesus says we should love our enemy in order to be like God (Mt 5:44-45); but Paul says we should love our enemy in order to pour coals of fire on his head (Rm 12:20). Jesus says we should not swear or curse (Mt 5:34-37; Lk 6:28); but Paul swears and curses (2 Cor 1:23; Gal 1:9). Jesus says God’s children don’t bear arms and don’t fight (Mt 26:52; Jn 18:36); but Paul says God’s ministers bear arms and use them (Rm 13:3-4). Jesus says we should disregard public opinion (Lk 6:26; Jn 15:18-19); but Paul actively courts public opinion (1 Cor 10:33; 1 Cor 9:20-22). Jesus says he who is acceptable to God will be hated by men (Jn 15:18-19; Lk 16:15); but Paul says he will be approved by men (Rm 14:18). Jesus says we should seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mt 6:33); but Paul says we should seek glory, honour and immortality (Rm 2:7). Jesus says the kingdom of God has been taken away from Israel (Mt 21:43); but Paul says all Israel will be saved (Rm 11:26). Jesus says only a few of those called will be chosen (Mt 22:14); but Paul says all those called will be chosen (Rm 11:29). Jesus says salvation is by works (Mt 7:21; Mt 21:28-31); but Paul says it is by grace (Eph 2:8-9). Jesus says he completed his God-given assignment (Jn 17:4; Jn 19:30); but Paul says he completed what Jesus failed to complete (Col 1:24). Jesus says our trespasses will be forgiven if we forgive others (Mt 6:14-15); but Paul says they have already been forgiven (Eph 1:7). Jesus says we will be justified by our own words (Mt 12:37); but Paul says we are justified by faith (Rm 3:28). Jesus says eternal life is very costly (Mt 19:29; Lk 14:28-33); but Paul says it is a free gift (Rm 6:23). Jesus says God is not the God of the dead (Lk 20:38); but Paul says he is (Rm 14:9). Jesus says the commandments give life (Mt 19:17); but Paul says they bring death (Rm 7:10). Jesus says all the commandments are summed up in two commandments (Mt 22:37-40); but Paul says they are summed up in one commandment (Rm 13:9; Gal 5:14). Jesus says we should beware of anyone who says the day is at hand (Lk 21:8); but Paul says the day is at hand (Rm 13:12). Jesus says Abel, Adam’s direct son, was righteous (Mt 23:35); but Paul says all Adam’s descendants are unrighteous (Rm 5:12/19; Rm 3:10). Jesus says none of the Pharisees kept the law (Jn 7:19); but Paul says he kept all the laws of Moses as a Pharisee (Php 3:5-6). Jesus says we should be like God (Mt 5:48); but Paul says we should be like him (Gal 4:12; Php 3:17). Whose report do you believe? I only believe the report of Jesus Christ.
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I feel very fortunate that I met the perfect guy for me, but I have to admit that I do get really jealous of my single girlfriends when I hear about their dating adventures (even the bad ones!). Is that weird? When I was dating, I didn't fully appreciate that nervous energy you get before you meet someone new, and I miss it. Sometimes when my friends are giving me a play-by-play of their dating adventures, I wish I could trade places with them for just one night to experience that rush again. When I read about my girlfriends going on a date with her husband of eight years and feeling butterflies, I couldn't help but smile. That's the feeling I miss. Maybe I just need to make Ifeoma institute a monthly date night to let me experience that energy again! Do you ever feel jealous of your single girlfriends when they go on dates? Ever wish you could trade places with them, even for one night? Or are you thrilled that you met "the one" so that you never have to go on another date again? P.S. Who's your favorite fictional single gal? What's the sweetest thing a guy ever did for you on a first date? And what do you always do on or before a first date?
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Courtship is the traditional dating period before engagement and marriage. During a courtship couples date to get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement and marriage. Usually courtship is a public affair, done in public and with family approval. Stephanie Oforka: advertisementadvertisement
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It includes activities such as dating where couple go out together for dinner, movie, dance parties, picnic, shopping or general “hanging out”, along other activities. With all these activities in place, the question today is whether lengthy period of courtship guarantees a successful marriage? As usual Bridget Amaraegbu has all the answers. Read on: Successful marriage has no formula — Stephanie Oforka, MBGN Universe 08 Whether the period of courtship is long or short doesn’t really matter. What matters is that both parties are able to know themselves very well within the period of courtship. I think it is wrong for people to court for a short period as it may imply that the people involved are in a rush. This may lead to certain arguments in the future because they didn’t take time to study themselves. But courting for a long period does not also mean that the marriage will eventually be successful because we have actually seen people who courted for several years get divorced. Long period of courtship also has its advantages and disadvantages. One of those disadvantages include not having much respect for each other (in pidgin English, you can say it is see finish) because it gives the people involved the opportunity of knowing each other in and out. That is when you’ll find out that there is nothing any of them can tell each other anymore that will sound new. Sometimes too, long period of courtship has been responsible for a lot of break ups in relationships. What can you say about a situation where people court for seven years only for one party to discover that they’re no longer compatible and that becomes the end of the relationship. You know, I call that madness. Why did it have to take them so long to realise they’re not compatible. For Christ sake, it doesn’t have to take a decade before you can know that he or she is not good enough for you. Even three months is enough for you to start seeing symptoms of a bad relationship if you’re very observant. At that point you should have defined what you really want and if it’s not there, back out at that point instead of wasting several years in a relationship that won’t work out in the name of courtship. Some people have made several mistakes of marrying the wrong persons because even while they were courting, they saw some of those symptoms that indicates the marriage won’t work but they just thought it will get better. But I tell you that there are certain characters people have that can’t change. That is why you still see people who court for so long break up after sometime. Both those who courted for short and long period experience break ups so the solution is not with how long. Instead invite God to open your eyes to the right person he created for you because if you refuse to invite him, you’ll have problems. The only advantage with long courtship is that it helps you know your partner better than you would in a shorter period. Also remember that people pretend so you may only find out those qualities the person wants you to know in some cases no matter how long. I know that some people will want to refer us back to our forefathers who didn’t know what it meant to court a woman and yet they didn’t experience divorce. My sister such actions lead to a lot of polygamy, disunity and things like that and I don’t blame them at all. What else do you expect of a marriage where the parties involved never got to be friends not to talk of courting each other. Days have gone when such actions were applicable. Today it’s most appropriate for a man and woman who intends leaving together till death do them part to really get to know themselves well. That is not to say that there’s any particular formula to a successful marriage. What worked smoothly in the house of Mr A may not work for Mr B so don’t compare any two relationships together. Can guarantee success — Sapphire Obi, Actress I think I still prefer the long period of courtship despite the fact that it’s very possible for people to hide their bad character for a long time. I know very well that if you have to court someone for a short period, there are certain things you may not find out about that person. But with time, you’ll get to discover those things that he or she has been hiding. It’s even possible for the person to portray such character unconsciously not even taking cognisance of your presence when both of you are very close. By this time you should be able to capture certain about that person that you’re likely to cope with and those you can’t so I think that long courtship will go along way to guarantee success in marriage. Only God can guarantee success — Moses Efret, Actor I don’t think it’s wise for any courtship to last for too long or too short. The most important thing here is that you take time to know whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. If you think it must have a specific period, then two years may not even be enough. The major thing most people fail to realise is that it’s only God that can direct you to the right man or woman. Therefore it’s important that you invite him into that courtship because he has the final say. If you ask me how long people can court, I’ll say six months to one year is alright after which the relationship becomes suspicious so I don’t think the length of courtship can determine a successful marriage. Lengthy period not the solution — Sound Sultan, Musician The length of courtship is not where the issue lies because many times we have seen people who courted for several years still divorce after all. And amazingly some others who courted for short term live successfully. I think the most important thing is just for you to let God direct you and nothing more because if you to rely on your personal analysis , you may get it all wrong and at the end you still have to suffer break up. No guarantee to successful marriage — Djinee, Musician My dear, whether the period of courtship is long or short doesn’t matter. The fact remains that there is no guarantee to a successful marriage, unless God gives it to you. It’s possible for you to have known someone for several years without really knowing that person, people live in so much pretense. Over the years, research has shown that people can hide some ugly characters in them which they don’t want you to know about. So no matter how long you court such person, you’ll only get to see those ugly things after both of you are married. The fact that you’ve courted for a long time doesn’t mean you’ve known him or her in and out. If am allowed to choose from long and short term courtship, I’ll still prefer it a bit long because it gives you the opportunity to know your partner very well. Atleast it’ll give both of us the benefit of doubt that you’ve known each others families. Within this period, if any of us finds anything about ourselves that we may not be able to cope with, it’ll be better for us to forgo the relationship than get married and begin to have problems because of an issue that could have been avoided long time ago. Marriage is not a sympathetic institution so make sure you go into one that you must enjoy.
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Lami ...Asa or Ibiyemi ?

Sounding like a blend between Naija soul singers Asa and Ibiyemi, Lami’s sound is soothing and provides a breath of fresh air for any contemporary music lover. Lami, real name Olamide Phillips Gbadamosi, is an upcoming Nigerian soul singer who says she has always known she wanted to do music: “I’ve realised who I was born to be and what my gift is,” she said. “God gave me this gift. I didn’t work to get it; but I’ve worked hard to make it relevant and unique.”Although her debut album, Intuition is in the works, anyone who listens to some of her singles like “Know” featuring M.I, “Nothing Do You” and “Ur Over Me” will almost immediately notice that her sound is eclectic, unique and blends well with the contemporary African flavour and classic soul music. She says of her debut album, “It will be a fusion of neo-soul, hip-hop and jazz.”Lami borrows from musical influences that range from sources as diverse as Lauryn Hill, Jill Scott, Kim Burell, Babyface, Kem, Tupac, Common and Jay-Z. She says music is a means of communicating the essence of life: “Music heals, music speaks; it teaches and guides. Music is more than words, more than notes and beats. It is life’s way of conversing with the human spirit.”Despite having a degree in Business Administration from the University of Kent at Canterbury, an MA in Strategic Management from the University of Nottingham, and an executive MBA from the Penn State University, Lami says that her passion for love and life and a need to express something that is larger than herself compelled her to take her musical journey to greater heights.X2 Whether Report: Her strength lies in the fact that most of her songs, although soft, can be grooved to. Her lyrics are also insightful, deep, relevant and meaningful; the type that anyone would love to listen to for relaxation purposes. Her experimentation with musical genres like Funk and Techno is a bit risky but all the same commendable.Forecast: Bright sunny days ahead with partly cloudy conditions.
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