For (290)

If billionaire Alki David is an honest man, the man who streaked in front of Barack Obama at the president’s rally today in Philadelphia will be paid $1 million for his stunt. The man who
performed today’s stunt, which captured the attention of the Drudge
Report , is 24-year-old Juan James Rodriguez, THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned..

Photo Credit: Joey "Boots" Bassolino

David is a billionaire shipping and bottling magnate who is known to carry out stunts, mainly by paying others to perform them.
"A WACKY billionaire has offered $1million (£638,700) to the first
person who streaks in front of US President Barack Obama. Loaded Alki
David has promised to pay out the cash — providing the streaker writes
the name of his website 'Battlecam' across their chest."

“When I see the video and it’s won’t be check [that Rodriguez receives], it will be cash,” David, reached by phone tonight, told THE WEEKLY STANDARD..

The requirements of the streaking stunt, David told me, are that the streaker must have been within “eye-shot and ear shot of the president, they have to scream the name ‘battlecam’ six times, and they have to be nude.”


Two men involved in the stunt, Glen Zolar and Joey “Boots” Bassolino, assured THE WEEKLY STANDARD that Rodriguez met the requirements.

Zolar, who spoke with me on the phone earlier tonight, is a moderator on Zolar was cruising the website when Rodriguez contacted him and asked whether he’d be able to
facilitate this stunt. Seeking personal gain – primarily, monetary gain –
Zolar agreed.

When asked how much he would get paid from Rodriguez’s payout, Zolar said, “I’d rather not disclose the figure, but it would definitely be more than $5,000 … and less than $25,000.”

Zolar says he has done freelance producing for the Howard Stern Show. Bassolino is a frequent guest on the show, which is well-known for conducting stunts just like the one carried out today in
Philadelphia. Zolar asked Bassolino to film the stunt this evening. The
two say it has been recorded but has not yet been broadcast on the
website. No payment has yet been made, and though it has not yet been
given David’s approval, it appears Rodriguez met all of David's

“I am on the record as saying that it needed to be done in a place where it’s legal to be nude,” David said. But “it’s a suggestion, not a rule.”

In that case, the requirements appear to have been met. .

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1O 9jabook/ facebook tips for long term thinking individuals
  1. Please let people know what you do. Opportunities come to those who present themselves to receive them. If I see examples of your fantastic art I
    might buy some or recommend you to who will.
  2. Do not write on facebook/9jabook when you are drunk, high or exhausted. (of course I’m not implying you ever get drunk or high so exhausted it isJ)
  3. Consider getting help or at least a second opinion when you decide to create and manage a facebook profile for business.
  4. Your personal profiles and business profiles do affect each other. You shouldn’t be a tattooed Mohawk sporting person in one and a spokesperson
    for nun’s habits in the other. Let’s say Id trust a tattooed Mohawk
    sporting person selling me the kind of clothes they actually wear.
  5. If you don’t feel comfortable having certain people on your friends list then don’t.
  6. Learn to let go. Vicious long running fights on 9jabook/facebook are draining and not a good look.
  7. Expand your real life network. Facebook is global. Enjoy perspectives from all over the world without buying a plane ticket or dreading a visa
  8. Be spontaneous but remember if it’s on the internet its forever.
  9. Relationship updates on highs and lows, quarrels with exes... NO
  10. For those who must share erotic pictures, videos via internet or even phones... DONT. It as good as walking on the streets nude
thanks to enhance academy for this writeup.


  1. Many prospective employers check facebook profiles before the interview. Would you want them to?

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I wonder who they are infecting with AIDS now !
The sordid "past" of Americans . even Nazi Mad doctor Josef Mengele would be amazed by the following Testament.
From 1946 to 1948, American public health doctors deliberately infected nearly 700 Guatemalans — prison inmates, mental patients and soldiers — with venereal diseases in what was meant as an effort to test the effectiveness of penicillin.

Bryce Vickmark for The New York Times
Photo:Susan M. Reverby, a Wellesley College professor, at home in Cambridge, Mass. Her work uncovered the Guatemala study.Dr Josef Mengele

American tax dollars, through the National Institutes of Health, even paid for syphilis-infected prostitutes to sleep with prisoners, since Guatemalan prisons allowed such visits. When the prostitutes did not succeed in infecting the men, some prisoners had the bacteria poured onto scrapes made on their penises, faces or arms, and in some cases it was injected by spinal puncture..

If the subjects contracted the disease, they were given antibiotics.

“However, whether everyone was then cured is not clear,” said Susan M. Reverby, the professor at Wellesley College who brought the experiments to light in a research paper that prompted American health officials to investigate.

The revelations were made public on Friday, when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius apologized to the government of Guatemala and the survivors and descendants of those infected. They called the experiments “clearly unethical.”

“Although these events occurred more than 64 years ago, we are outraged that such reprehensible research could have occurred under the guise of public health,” the secretaries said in a statement. “We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices.”

In a twist to the revelation, the public health doctor who led the experiment, John C. Cutler, would later have an important role in the Tuskegee study in which black American men with syphilis were deliberately left untreated for decades. Late in his own life, Dr. Cutler continued to defend the Tuskegee work.

His unpublished Guatemala work was unearthed recently in the archives of the University of Pittsburgh by Professor Reverby, a medical historian who has written two books about Tuskegee.

President Álvaro Colom of Guatemala, who first learned of the experiments on Thursday in a phone call from Mrs. Clinton, called them “hair-raising” and “crimes against humanity.” His government said it would cooperate with the American investigation and do its own.

The experiments are “a dark chapter in the history of medicine,” said Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health. Modern rules for federally financed research “absolutely prohibit” infecting people without their informed consent, Dr. Collins said.

Professor Reverby presented her findings about the Guatemalan experiments at a conference in January, but nobody took notice, she said in a telephone interview Friday. In June, she sent a draft of an article she was preparing for the January 2011 issue of the Journal of Policy History to Dr. David J. Sencer, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control. He prodded the government to investigate.

In the 1940s, Professor Reverby said, the United States Public Health Service “was deeply interested in whether penicillin could be used to prevent, not just cure, early syphilis infection, whether better blood tests for the disease could be established, what dosages of penicillin actually cured infection, and to understand the process of re-infection after cures.”

It had difficulties growing syphilis in the laboratory, and its tests on rabbits and chimpanzees told it little about how penicillin worked in humans.

In 1944, it injected prison “volunteers” at the Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary in Indiana with lab-grown gonorrhea, but found it hard to infect people that way.

In 1946, Dr. Cutler was asked to lead the Guatemala mission, which ended two years later, partly because of medical “gossip” about the work, Professor Reverby said, and partly because he was using so much penicillin, which was costly and in short supply.

Dr. Cutler would later join the study in Tuskegee, Ala., which had begun relatively innocuously in 1932 as an observation of how syphilis progressed in black male sharecroppers. In 1972, it was revealed that, even when early antibiotics were invented, doctors hid that fact from the men in order to keep studying them. Dr. Cutler, who died in 2003, defended the Tuskegee experiment in a 1993 documentary.

Deception was also used in Guatemala, Professor Reverby said. Dr. Thomas Parran, the former surgeon general who oversaw the start of Tuskegee, acknowledged that the Guatemala work could not be done domestically, and details were hidden from Guatemalan officials.

Professor Reverby said she found some of Dr. Cutler’s papers at the University of Pittsburgh, where he taught until 1985, while she was researching Dr. Parran.

“I’m sifting through them, and I find ‘Guatemala ... inoculation ...’ and I think ‘What the heck is this?’ And then it was ‘Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.’ My partner was with me, and I told him, ‘You aren’t going to believe this.’ ”

Fernando de la Cerda, minister counselor at the Guatemalan Embassy in Washington, said that Mrs. Clinton apologized to President Colom in her Thursday phone call. “We thank the United States for its transparency in telling us the facts,” he said.

Asked about the possibility of reparations for survivors or descendants, Mr. de la Cerda said that was still unclear.

The public response on the Web sites of Guatemalan news outlets was furious. One commenter, Cesar Duran, on the site of Prensa Libre wrote: “APOLOGIES ... please ... this is what has come to light, but what is still hidden? They should pay an indemnity to the state of Guatemala, not just apologize.”

Dr. Mark Siegler, director of the Maclean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago’s medical school, said he was stunned. “This is shocking,” Dr. Siegler said. “This is much worse than Tuskegee — at least those men were infected by natural means.”

He added: “It’s ironic — no, it’s worse than that, it’s appalling — that, at the same time as the United States was prosecuting Nazi doctors for crimes against humanity, the U.S. government was supporting research that placed human subjects at enormous risk.”

The Nuremberg trials of Nazi doctors who experimented on concentration camp inmates and prisoners led to a code of ethics, though it had no force of law. In the 1964 Helsinki Declaration, the medical associations of many countries adopted a code.

The Tuskegee scandal and the hearings into it conducted by Senator Edward M. Kennedy became the basis for the 1981 American laws governing research on human subjects, Dr. Siegler said.

It was preceded by other domestic scandals. From 1963 to 1966, researchers at the Willowbrook State School on Staten Island infected retarded children with hepatitis to test gamma globulin against it. And in 1963, elderly patients at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital were injected with live cancer cells to see if they caused tumors.
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Aba, the economic nerve centre of Abia State, is almost a ghost of itself with schools and banks closed, as the siege on the city and its adjoining local governments by kidnappers, continue. There is growing uncertainty over the early release of the 15 school children abducted on Monday on their way to school..

The Abia state Commissioner of Police, Jonathan Johnson, however, said the closure of banks was a panic measure that did not reflect the real security situation in the city, adding that there were enough security personnel posted to each of the banks in the city.

Throughout the metropolis, as well as the Ogbor hill and Umungasi areas of Aba, there is a near absence of school buses that usually run through the streets to pick school children, and the few that were seen were without pupils, as their parents were afraid of sending them to school. Virtually every private school in the city has voluntarily closed.

There were also no march past rehearsals in the schools that were open as was the case in most of the schools last week, in preparation for our nations golden jubilee celebration.

One of the proprietors of the schools visited, who closed her school yesterday, said it was sad that the government has shown no commensurate interest in the safety of the kids the same way they did when the four journalists were kidnapped. She expressed wonder that the government could not buy tracking equipment for the police since they know that kidnapping in Aba has become endemic and sophisticated, rather than engaging in an amnesty that will not work, as the kidnappers are mere criminals who might not embrace the programme.

“This amnesty thing will not work. These are armed robbers who are into kidnapping because it is an easier way of picking their millions without sweat,” she said.

Fighting talk

Meanwhile, the heavy presence of soldiers was noticed in Aba on Thursday, especially along the Port Harcourt Express Road, an indication that the government might possibly go on the offensive against the hoodlums.

In a broadcast to the state, the governor, Theodore Orji, assured the parents of the kidnapped children that his administration, in conjunction with the federal government, was doing everything in their power to ensure that the young victims are released quickly and safely to rejoin their parents, teachers and friends.

He emphasised that his government is determined to stop this trend of kidnapping in Abia State. “Despite attempts to build a theory of intentions around the incidents of kidnapping in Abia State, our view now is that these kidnappers are not reacting to any realistic issues that are of utmost importance to their societies or to the state,” he said.

“These kidnappers are mere gold diggers, whose resolution and trade ambition is to make easy money and to secure the betterment of themselves alone, and so the government will not allow a few disgruntled elements in criminal garb to hold the entire state hostage. Government has been challenged, and we have decided to take the utmost measure available to implement the might and weight of government’s forces.”

Meanwhile, the police have raided the camps of some suspected kidnappers in Ukwa West area of the state. However, the kidnappers had escaped before the arrival of the police.

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The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has apologised for causing the death of many people in the explosions which rocked the Federal capital yesterday.

In an email sent to journalists a moment ago, Jomo Gbomo, the spokesperson of the group, said the group "deeply regrets the avoidable loss of lives during our bomb attack in Abuja on Friday October 1, 2010. Our hearts go to the families of those killed who we know were sympathetic to our cause"..

The group said the failure of security forces to heed a warning it had given five days before the attack is responsible for the deaths

"The irresponsible attitude of the government security forces is to blame for the loss of lives. They were given 5 days prior notice which led to the harassment of Henry Okah on Thursday, September 30 in South Africa."

It also claimed that an hour before the attack, security forces were reminded of the impending violence but failed to act. It said the email received by journalists a few minutes before the explosions was sent only after the one to security agents.

"The security forces were also warned one full hour to the first bomb blast ahead of the general alert sent to the media and told to steer the public from all parked cars which was not done."

The group's claim of responsibility for the attacks is coming hours after President Goodluck Jonathan said they were not responsible and blamed the explosions on terrorists.

Mr. Jonathan told an ECOWAS gathering in Abuja today that ``What happened yesterday was a terrorist act and MEND was just used as a straw; MEND is not a terrorist group".

"The Niger Delta people are aware of the government's noble efforts to assuage the suffering and deprivation in that region," the President said.

"I am from the Niger Delta, my father's house is few metres from an oil-well, so nobody can claim to be a Niger Deltan than myself.

"It is erroneous to think that my people who have been agitating for good living will deliberately blow up the opportunity they have now".

In a related development, Henry Okah, an alleged leader of the militant group, was arrested by South African police today and is being questioned.

On Thursday, Interpol forces raided Mr Okah's home in South Africa but no action was taken against him. It is not clear yet if he will be charged following his latest arrest.

However, the group has exonerated him of involvement in Friday's bombings that killed at least 12 people and injured tens of others. "Okah has never been involved in any MEND operations but has always been blamed for every attack which is strange to us," the group said..

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Deputy gov = kidnapper Shocked and
Gov = ritualist Shocked Shocked

What hope for Abia?

•ACN governorship aspirant calls for emergency rule The Abia State government may soon arraign the impeached deputy governor of the state, Comrade Chris Akomas, for terrorism and kidnapping..

Akomas was invited to the Police headquarters in Umuahia, the state capital, last Friday, for questioning. He was interrogated for about four hours before he was allowed to leave. He was also invited on Monday.

It was gathered that he arrived the police headquarters about 4 p.m. on Monday and stayed till 10 p.m. before he was allowed to go and asked to return yesterday at 8 a.m.

A close source to Akomas told the Nigerian Compass in a telephone interview that he (Akomas) was advised not to report early to the police station yesterday because of the fear that he may be charged to court. He was rather advised to report late in the afternoon.

It was gathered that the government is alleging that Akomas have recruited hoodlums and kidnappers allegedly to destabilise the state.

It would be recalled that Akomas declared his intention to contest the governorship election in 2011 on the platform of the Progressives Peoples Alliance (PPA).

Meanwhile, an Action Congress of Nigerian (ACN) governorship aspirant, Prince Paul Ikonne, has called on the Federal Government to declare an energency rule in the state over the incessant killings, kidnapping, armed robbery, assault and despoiling of women in Aba and its environs.

Residents of Aba, the commercial nerve of the state, have been living under fear of insecurity and neglect of government. Business activities in the city have dwindled, as a result of the broad-day attack of kidnappers and hoodlums who operate in the full glare of the public and security operatives sent to the city.
Read more… can disclose that thousands of residents of the Federal Capital Territory were wounded in Abuja as they scrambled for free bags of rice imported by the First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan to boost her husband’s campaign.
But loyalists of the First Lady claimed that the rice was meant for distribution to widows under the Food Outreach Programme Initiative.

According to checks, the 2m Brazilian Premium Parboiled rice was shipped into the country by the First Lady.

The Outreach Programme, which was held at the International Conference Centre, was also attended by some wives of some state governors.The programme had gone far without hitch until it was time to distribute the 2m bags of rice which were brought to the venue in many trucks from Aso Rock.Upon sighting free rice, many hungry residents besieged the International Conference Centre to scramble for the free food.

Some of the residents scaled through barbed wires to get the ‘golden meal’ and in the ensuing melee, many of the scramblers were wounded.The most amusing was the case of policemen and Road Safety Corps members that abandoned their beats to join the fray for rice.

A woman at the ceremony, Mrs. Florence Daku, said: “It is really sad that our politics is turning into a different thing with our psyche being abused.“The show of shame at the Conference Centre has indicated that our leaders have nothing for us in 2011. They now find it convenient to throw rice at us.”Another Abuja resident, Milam Ahmadu Baba, said: “You can see my swollen eyes but I succeeded in getting a bag of rice. But my wife was not too lucky. We had to resuscitate her after fainting.”.

A highly-placed source said: “The Outreach Programme is designed to mobilize Nigerians, especially women, nationwide but it has backfired on the first day.“This is a challenge to us to go back to the drawing board to fine-tune the scheme.”

The Pictures below tells the story better.




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A Peoples Democratic Party presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has called for a debate, on the economy, among all the presidential aspirants on the economy.Photo Atiku ? this man looks like a Hitman sha

Abubakar, a former vice-President, made the call after submitting his nomination form at the PDP national secretariat on Tuesday in Abuja.

The Adamawa State- born politician said the economy should be the main issue in the 2011 election campaigns.

“The issue of economic recovery for Nigeria cannot be a matter of wishful thinking nor of rhetoric. It is a subject for rigorous analyses and provision of well-thought, viable, practicable and sustainable strategy,” he said.

Abubakar said that all aspirants must be able to tell Nigerians how they intended to confront the challenges of the economy and reposition it for the benefit of all at the shortest possible time.

He said, “Of all the aspirants that have declared interest in the presidential election, I consider myself the most qualified to address the daunting economic challenges facing the country.

“I am the only one who has successfully managed a business and you need extensive knowledge of the private sector to combine its potential with the authority of the public sector to address this challenge.”

The former vice-president said his approach to resolving the economic crisis in the country was contained in a 47-page Policy Document he presented on August 15, 2010 while announcing his intention to contest the 2011 presidential poll.

He said, “We are faced with a job crisis of monumental proportions. Unless we evolve strategies to dealing with the teeming population of young people churned out almost on a daily basis, we may risk the destruction of the next generation.

“If we fail to channel the energies of this huge population, they could be a potent force for instability and social unrest.”

Abubakar, however, stunned journalists when he said that he was not aware that the President had declared his intention to vie for the PDP ticket.

“I didn’t see it (declaration). Honestly, I didn’t watch it,” he said.

Twenty seven out of the 28 PDP governors were among thousands of people that attended Jonathan’s presidential declaration at the Eagle Square on Saturday in Abuja. The event was shown live by some public and private television stations nationwide.

On the reported move by some politicians to produce a consensus presidential candidate among the Northern aspirants, Abubakar said, “There is a process for the emergence of a consensus candidate in the North. It shows that North is even more united if “they” agree to bring out a consensus candidate.”

He also said he was not aware of the support that Jonathan was getting from the northern states.

Reacting to the challenge, the Presidential Adviser to Jonathan on National Assembly Matters, Senator Mohammed Abba-Aji, said the President was ready for such a debate.

“We are ready for it (debate) anytime. The President has talked about all the aspects of the economy when he declared. If they want more, we are ready for them,” he said.

Another aspirant, who is also the Kwara State Governor, Dr. Bukola Saraki, also expressed readiness for the debate.

“We are ready for the debate. That is what we have been calling for. Without such an issue-based debate, we will not be able to get the best candidate. Saraki is ready for it,” one of the governor’s aides, Mr. Billy Adedamola, said.
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Obinna Nsofor for CAF awards not Mikel Obi ! has specially learnt that Mikel Obi, who helped Chelsea regain the English Premier League crown last season, has failed to make a 17-man list of nominees for the 2010 CAF Player of the Year Award.

Rather it is compatriot Obinna Nsofor, who is at West Ham United on loan from Inter Milan of Italy, who made the list.

The last time a Nigerian won the continent’s biggest individual accolade was in 1999, when Nwankwo Kanu was picked as Africa’s top star. Kanu was also adjudged the continent’s foremost performer in 1996.

The list of nominees is dominated by players from Ghana and the Ivory Coast.

Chelsea ace Michael Essien leads the Ghanaian contingent which also includes Asamoah Gyan, Asamoah Kwadwo and Kevin-Prince Boateng.

Didier Drogba is one of four Ivorians being considered for the award, the others being Salomon Kalou, Gervinho and Kolo Toure.

The other nominees are Samuel Eto’o (Cameroon), Madjid Bougherra (Algeria), Steven Pienaar (South Africa), Mohamed Zidan (Egypt), Frederic Kanoute, Seydou Keita (Mali), Marouane Chamakh (Morocco) and Emmanuel Adebayor (Togo).

The list will be pruned later in the year. .

Madjid Bougherra (Rangers/Algeria)
Steven Pienaar (Everton/South Africa)
Samuel Eto’o (Inter Milan/Cameroon)
Kolo Habib Touré (Manchester City/Ivory Coast)
Didier Drogba (Chelsea/Ivory Coast)
Solomon Kalou (Chelsea/Ivory Coast)
Gervinho (Lille/Ivory Coast)
Mohamed Zidan (Dortmund/Egypt)
Michael Essien (Chelsea/Ghana)
Asamoah Gyan (Sunderland/Ghana)
Asamoah Kwadwo (Udinese/Ghana)
Prince Boateng (Milan AC/Ghana)
Frédéric Kanouté (FC Sévilla/Mali)
Seydou Keita (FC Barcelona/Mali)
Marouane Chamakh (Arsenal/Morocco)
Victor Nsofor Obinna (Inter Milan, on loan to West Ham/Nigeria)
Emmanuel Adebayor (Manchester City/Togo)
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what is Governor Orji Doing ? Any semblance of decent society left in Aba, the hitherto commercial nerve centre of South-Eastern Nigeria is gone, as Abia state of Nigeria speedily heads down the road to anarchy.
There is no longer gain-saying the fact that criminals and outlaws now have a comfortable run of the city of Aba. The crime-busters have repeatedly been busted by these hoodlums. While innocent residents of the city are now snapped up at will for ransom, policemen are being freely slain alongside, for fun.

Even the hunters, have now become the hunted in the Enyimba city of Aba. The city has totally gone out of control. And as the audacity of the crime lords of the city increase, they resort to more heart-rending atrocities which as usual go unchallenged.

Photo:Abia State kidnapping Governor Thoedore Orji ? Any realtion of Clifford Orji ?

Nigeria as a nation, on Monday took a nasty shock as fifteen pupils of Abayi International School, Aba, were on Monday morning abducted in their school bus in Aba, Abia State.

The driver of the school bus had picked the children at designated points and was on the way to school when the suspected kidnappers struck. A Toyota Camry saloon car overtook and blocked the bus and men brandishing guns alighted and ordered it to stop. gathered that as soon as the driver came down, the hoodlums collected his cell phone and ordered him to lie face down while they drove off with the pupils towards Etche in neighboring Rivers state of Nigeria. The abducted pupil are said to be within the nursery and primary school age.

Geoffrey Ogbonna, the Abia State Police Command spokesperson had earlier told newsmen that he was yet to get any official report on the incident while it was learnt that the kidnappers had already demanded a N20m ransom.

This sordid assault on decent society is unfortunately coming at a time the Abia State Government just issued a two-week ultimatum to kidnappers and other violent criminals in the state to surrender their weapons and be rehabilitated in an amnesty programme.

This not withstanding, not a few people are of the view that the Abia state government has failed. They argue that a government that cannot give any measure of protection to its tax-payers even its children population has irredeemably failed. One of such groups is the Network on Police Reform in Nigeria (NOPRIN).

The group is alarmed at the dimension that kidnapping and other violent crimes have taken in Abia State and maintains that the police and other security forces have, not just lost control, but have themselves become targets of unrelenting attacks by the hoodlums they are expected to checkmate. This, NOPRIN said is illustrated by daily reports about police officers being gunned down by hoodlums in Aba.

They gave instances with the incident of September 18, 2010 where two policemen were reported to have been shot dead by unknown gunmen at Umuafor Ukwu in Obingwa local government Area, the same area where four journalists and their driver were kidnapped on July 11, 2010.

Recently, also unknown gunmen were reported to have besieged a family in Aba, and ordered two little boys under gun point to have sex with their mother. The first boy, for refusing to comply, was shot dead in the presence of his mother. The poor woman had to prevail on her second son to do the bidding of the hoodlums to save his son’s and her own life. This the group described as sacrilege.

According to a statement signed by Okechukwu Nwanguma, the Program Coordinator of NOPRIN, what is happening in Abia State, is merely a reflection of the quality of leadership in the state. Hear him: “No doubt, criminals have taken over the political space in the Southeast. Some State governors in the Southeast who came to power through a fraudulent electoral process have also hijacked the traditional institution by installing their fellow criminals as traditional rulers. These are the so-called traditional rulers who sponsor kidnapping and shield kidnappers in their communities. There is no political legitimacy. There is no governance. There is no morality. This explains why grown men could kidnap innocent minors for money. This is unconscionable!”

NOPRIN believes that the Abia state governor has completely lost control, either because he is complicit or he is incompetent. The group insists that the purpose of every legitimate government is the welfare and security of the people that any government that cannot protect lives and property is not worth the name.

“What is happening in Abia also portends a serious threat to the forthcoming 2011 general elections. This calls for the immediate and decisive intervention of the federal Government. NOPRIN hereby calls on President Goodluck Jonathan to declare a state of emergency in Abia State. A special security force must be deployed without further delay to smoke out these criminals and their sponsors, and restore public order and safety in Abia State”, Nwanguma said.

In a swift reaction to the kidnap of the children, President Goodluck Jonathan has condemned as utterly callous and cruel, the kidnapping of the 15 nursery and primary school pupils in Aba, the Abia state capital. In a statement signed by Ima Niboro, the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, President Jonathan has ordered the Inspector-General of Police and heads of other security agencies to take all necessary steps to rescue the abducted children and return them safely to their parents.

The President urged the parents and relatives of the children to remain calm and assured them that Government will do everything possible to apprehend the kidnappers and bring an end to the lawlessness in Aba, Abia state.

Meanwhile, banks in Aba had shut down since Monday following the security situation in the city and this is the fourth occasion banks in Aba have had to close down within the last two months for fear of armed attacks.

As the feeling of insecurity swells in the state, proprietors of nursery, primary and post-primary schools in the city are gearing up for a protest strike on Thursday with the intention of shutting down all the schools until reasonable measure of security returns to the city.

In a rel.ated development, medical doctors in Aba, under the aegis of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Aba branch, last week shut down both private and public health institutions in the city to protest the murder of one of their colleagues, Dr. Stanley Uche who was allegedly murdered by suspected kidnappers. This came on heel of the kidnap of two medical doctors last Wednesday. gathered that Dr. Uche of Christian Victory Hospital was killed last Monday while he was travelling to his village in Imo state for the burial of his sister.

In a communiqué signed by Dr. Godwin Uwaoma and Dr. Chris Mmachi, Chairman and Secretary of NMA respectively, they observed that no fewer than 20 medical doctors have been kidnapped in recent times regardless of the October 7 Amnesty deadline for kidnappers and other armed criminals in the state.
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Nuhu Ribadu Declares for President

Ribadu to run for presidency on ACN's platform

Nuhu Ribadu, the former Chairman of the Economic Financial Crimes Commission, has declared that he will contest for president on the platform of the Action Congress of Nigeria..

Mr Ribadu stated this today at his campaign office in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. He also announced that he will register with the ACN in his ward at Yola, the Adamawa State capital, "once the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) begins official party registrations." NEXT had exclusively reported, in July, that Mr Ribadu was likely to emerge the candidate of the ACN.

The party's national convention, to select its candidates for the various political offices ahead of the 2011 elections, is expected to commence next month. Mr Ribadu recently returned to the country from a self-imposed exile following his dismissal from the Nigerian Police Force, and arraignment before the Code of Tribunal for not declaring his assets while he was the chairman of the anti-corruption agency. The case has since being discontinued by the federal government; and the Police Force has also reversed his dismissal to retirement.
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Defrauding women searching for husbands

Ms James commenced her journey to the unknown when she responded to an advertisement that promised to help her in the choice of a life partner. However, by the time she realised what had hit her, she has lost millions of Naira, writes TOYOSI OGUNSEYE

L-R: Daniel Adebanjo, Adebayo Olalere, Sesan Ajibode and Babatunde Alausa

Lola James (not real name) was worried that her parents had refused to approve of her fiancé. She simply couldn��t understand why almost all the members of the family disliked him. She had done everything within her power to convince her parents to bless the union, to no avail..

As she thought about this matter that had been bothering her for months, she decided to read a soft-sell magazine (name withheld) to take her mind off her worries. When she got to page 18 of the magazine, she saw an advert with the title, ��Old woman with old power Mama Ijebu.��

The advert, which was full of grammatical errors, reads, "For your financial problem, love powder, do as I say, quick sales, favour soap, progress at work, for political appointments, love me only to stop your husband from extra marital affairs, win contracts, to receive money from relatives, home and abroad, loot winning, to win land cases and court cases, promised and fail, ill luck, to regain your husband or wife back, for you to marry the man/woman of your choice, protection against witches and wizards. We also cure fibroid, low sperm count, diabetes and stroke. Come and see the power of old."

Apart from two phone numbers on the advert, no traceable address was provided.

James became interested, especially when she read, "for you to marry the man/woman of your choice" part. She immediately called one of the numbers on the advert and spoke with an old woman who identified herself as Mama Ijebu. James told the old woman that her parents had refused to allow her marry the man of her choice. She was then instructed to pay N6,000 as consultancy fee into a bank account that was given to her by Mama Ijebu.

After confirming the payment, Mama Ijebu asked James for her residential address and sent her son to give her a black soap, which she was to use for three days. Mama Ijebu called James after three days and inquired if she had any dream. The lady told the herbalist that she did not have any dream while using the soap.

James said, "The old woman told me that I would need spiritual cleansing because my problems were deep. She asked me to go to Iyana-Ipaja Bridge, where I would meet her son who would take me to a river for the cleansing. When I got there, I met the young man that Mama Ijebu sent to my house with the black soap. He was holding a black polythene bag and he led me along a bush path to a flowing river. When we got there, he brought out a calabash and chanted some incantations. Then I heard a voice from the calabash that asked me to narrate my problems. I did, and I was asked to pay N100,000 for prayers to be a great woman."

That was the beginning of the scam that succeeded in making James to part with N3.6m. As the ritual progressed from one level to the other, she was either asked to put down money for the purchase of horses for rituals, or she was told to pay for an exercise aimed at chasing witches away from her. The syndicate sold all sorts of lies to get money from her.

She however did not know that Mama Ijebu was a con man until her fiancé, who suspected that something was amiss, raised an alarm. She said, "My fiancé noticed that I had become very secretive. One day, he looked through my phone contacts and saw Mama Ijebu��s number. He called her and was really shocked at the old woman��s voice. He asked me who she was and I lied that it was a former classmate of mine. He did not believe my story. Unknown to me, he had saved Mama Ijebu��s number on his phone and after some investigations, he discovered that I was being told lies. We then reported the matter to the Public Relations Office of the Lagos State Police Command."

A female police officer then called Mama Ijebu��s number and told her that she had a problem. The police woman was asked to pay N5,000 into another bank account, which she did. Mama Ijebu then sent someone with a parcel to her. That was how Daniel Adebanjo was arrested.

It was discovered through Adebanjo that Mama Ijebu is actually a man in his forties whose real name is Ishola Arowoya. Adebanjo told the police that he met Arowoya three years ago when he wanted to travel abroad. He said, "Arowoya collected N350,000 from me and promised that he would give me charms that would make the embassy to give me a visa. I did not get the visa or my money. It was when I was frequenting Arowoya��s house for my money that he sent me to three people, including the policewoman, to give them concoctions that he prepared for them."

Through Adebanjo, Babatunde Alausa, the man that played the role of Arowoya��s son, was also arrested. Alausa, 23-year-old furniture maker said, "I live at No. 8, Rafatu Street, Sasha, Lagos. I got to know Arowoya through my former boss, who was his friend. After my boss died, I started living with Arowoya in 2009 because I had nowhere to go. I knew he was always placing adverts in newspapers.

"In June this year, he sent me to give James a black soap in her house at Oshodi. After three days, he gave me a black effigy and asked me to meet James at Iyana-Ipaja. I took James to the river and the sound she was hearing from the calabash was Ikechukwu��s voice. Ikechukwu works with Arowoya. We connected a pipe from the other side of the river and it was I.K. that was speaking into the pipe, even though James thought that it was a god that was speaking. Arowoya was also in the bush, but James did not know. When we were in the bush, James asked the gods for long life and wealth. The first time, James withdrew N60,000 from an ATM for us. When she gave us the money, we showed her a ��Ghana-must-go�� bag that contained fake dollars and pound sterling. I.K. told her that she would need $1,000 and 1000 pounds to mix the money in the bag before she could take the bag away. I got N12,000 from the N60,000.

"The next time we saw her, she brought N350,000 to mix the money. She also paid N1.5m for us to purchase three horses for sacrifices. We told her that the three horses were necessary for the rituals that would make her family love her fiancé. We went to the abattoir and got the blood of cows, which we put in a calabash to deceive James that the blood belonged to the horses. Then, she paid another N500,000 for the ritual that will win the love of a lady in James family that hated her fiancé. In all, we collected N2.2m from her. On my part, I got N12,000, N35,000, N150,000, N75,000 and N70,000 respectively all the times James paid."

Alausa disclosed that Arowoya imitated the voice of an old woman by using a handkerchief to cover his mouth while speaking to his victims through the phone.

Two other suspects, Sesan Ajibode and Adebayo Olalere, were arrested when they went to the police station to secure Adebanjo��s bail. The police arrested them because Arowoya��s number was on Ajibode��s phone, while Olalere was suspected to be a member of the syndicate.

Ajibode denied knowing Arowoya. He said, "I don��t know Arowoya. It is Adebanjo that is my friend. His wife was the one that called me and said her husband was in detention. She also gave me Arowoya��s number and I saved it on my phone. I just came to the PPRO��s office to bail him."

Olalere also denied knowing Arowoya, "I don��t know him. I am a pastor and Adebanjo��s wife is a member of my church. That was why I came for his bail," he said.

The PPRO of the Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Frank Mba, said the crime was challenging because it affected the victim materially and psychologically. Mba, a superintendent of police, said such adverts were also in regular newspapers. "These adverts are not restricted to soft-sells alone. The media must join the police in fighting this crime by making it a matter of compulsion for every advert to carry a full office or residential address. The advert that James saw did not have a full address.

"The media can also come up with internal rules that are patterned towards knowing your customer. For example, photocopies of identity cards, driving license, utility bills of the address in the advert should be collected. Finally, media houses can insist on making the advertisers sign indemnity notes. These rules may not be applied strictly, especially for well-known companies; but they may be important if the advert raises questions or suspicions."

Mba also said that the police are after Arowoya.
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China Exim Bank and Government of Ghana signed a $10.4 billion concessionary loan for the development of a railway system from Kumasito Paga, Ghana’s Eastern Corridor roads network and other sectors of theeconomy.

Four billion dollars would go into the railways system, six billion dollars for ancillary energy infrastructure, education and sanitationamong others, and 400 million for the Eastern Corridor roads.

The President of China Exim Bank, Mr Li Rougu, signed for the Bank while Mr Fiifi Kwetey, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning,Mr Joe Gidisu, Minister for Transportation and Mr Dan Markin, Chairmanof the Ghana Railways Development Board, signed for Ghana..

The signing took place in Beijing, China, on the sidelines of the third of the five-day state visit of Ghana’s President John Evans AttaMills to China..

The loan, which would be payable in 20 years, would start rolling next year after approval by both Cabinet and Parliament of Ghana.

The facility is the second to be announced as a result of President Mills’ visit to China after an earlier one of more than three billiondollars from the China Development Bank for the development of Ghana’senergy sector and its ancillliaries.

The total facility so far clinched amounts close to 14 billion dollars, including a-$260 million package for expansion works projectand 150 million for Ghana’s e-governance project and a grant of 100million yuans.

The execution of the road and railways project is expected to open up the eastern, middle and the northern parts of Ghana for accelerateddevelopment.

The imitative also seeks to promote the exploitation of mineral deposits and the execution of the Savanna Accelerated DevelopmentProject meant to open up the Upper West, Upper East and Northern Regionstowards poverty reduction..

Source: GNA

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The Independent National Electoral Commission said yesterday that it will need more time to conduct next year’s elections. The Commission has for a while bemoaned the fact that the new electoral act does not give it adequate time to arrange for credible polls.Photo:Inec Boss

After a two-day retreat in Calabar, Cross River State, the commission said it shall explore legal ways to get the additional time it required. A statement by Paul Kaigama, the Commission’s secretary said, “Having examined the Commission’s detailed Action Plan for the voter registration and elections, the Retreat noted that the timeline for the implementation of this Plan is very tight.”

A plea for more time

He said, “Consequently, the commission shall endeavour to engage all the relevant stakeholders with a view to exploring all legal avenues for extension of time to enable the commission to deliver on the aspirations of Nigerians for a credible voters’ register and free, fair and credible elections.” Attahiru Jega, the commission’s chairman has repeatedly harped on the ardous task of conducting a vital voters’ registration exercise and general elections within six months of his taking office.

The task was made harder by the late release of approved funds by the federal government. President Goodluck Jonathan also took many weeks to assent to the new Electoral Act which the commission needs to conduct the election.

The commission appealed to all political parties to adhere to the Electoral Act and conduct their congresses and primaries within the law.

Barely six weeks to the commencement of the voters’ registration, as stipulated in the timetable released, the commission is yet to officially name the IT firms that are to provide the 120,000 units of Direct Data Capture Machines, needed for the exercise.

Mr. Jega’s aide, Kayode Idowu, told NEXT yesterday that the companies will be announced by the chairman “when the time is ripe,” further fuelling concerns about the ability of the body to conduct successful polls in the face of obvious time constraint.

At several fora, Mr. Jega himself has said the commission would prefer an extension of the election timetable, which is time-bound by the electoral law. The more time available to the commission, the better its chances of doing a good job, he had argued.

However, the commission said if it succeeds in getting more time, although it will affect key dates in the elections timetable, the inauguration date of May 29, 2011, will remain “sacrosanct”, the commission said.

In the other decisions arrived at the retreat, the commission urged the National Assembly to enact a law for the establishment of an Electoral Offences Tribunal, in the hope that “there is the need to severely punish electoral offenders to serve as deterrent to others.” The Commission also said it has developed a software which will be field-tested before the commencement of the voters’ registration, and vowed to ensure strict compliance to legal provisions governing the conduct of congresses, conventions and primaries by political parties.
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US removes Nigeria from drug list

The United States government yesterday removed Nigeria from the major drug list.

President obama said that Nigeria was a onetime drug trafficking focal point but that the country had taken a lot of drastic steps to make counternarcotics a top national security for the country. Photo: REUTERS

According to a statement released by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the US President, Barack Obama, said that this was the first time that Nigeria would be delisted from the drug majors list since 1991. The anti-narcotics agency stated that Mr Obama said that Nigeria was a onetime drug trafficking focal point but that the country had taken a lot of drastic steps to make counter narcotics a top national security for the country. He said that international data showed that there was a strengthening of illegal drug trafficking between Latin America and West Africa, especially via Brazil and Venezuela, with a considerable portion of illegal product destined for Europe.

According to the report, Nigeria, Brazil, and Paraguay were recently removed this year from the list because they no longer meet the criteria for the list according to US law. Reacting, Ahmadu Giade, the Chief Executive of the NDLEA, said that Nigeria had gotten a well deserved honour. He noted that the removal of Nigeria from the majors drug list was an endorsement of the collective efforts of the agency to combat drug traffickers with the aim of having a drug free society. According to him, the honour given to Nigeria by removing her from the drug list was as a product of dedication, transparency, hard work, and cordial working relationship between Nigeria and United States in controlling drug trafficking in the country.

The NDLEA is happy

“I appreciate President Barack Obama and Americans for this candid and credible assessment,” he said. “The removal speaks volumes concerning our impressive scorecard and determination to address the drug problem. Illicit trade in narcotics transcends national boundaries. Our foreign collaborators also have a way of monitoring most assiduous efforts. All exit entry points will remain invincible to drug criminals through effective drug interdiction.” The NDLEA boss also thanked President Goodluck Jonathan for his anti-drug policies, and other stakeholders for their unrelenting efforts. He promised that no drug baron or major drug trafficker would go unpunished in the country, adding that NDLEA was one of the best anti-drugs agencies in Africa and that the agency is prepared to make sacrifices to sustain and improve on its drug control performance “Our level of professionalism shall be further consolidated on the tripod of transparency, anti-corruption and respect for the rule of law,” he said. “It is a call to duty that demands higher commitment on our part. We shall continue to partner with the United States and other stakeholders. No stone will be left unturned in our quest for a drug free society.”

According to the agency, the 20 countries on the list this year are Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. A major drug-transit country is defined as a significant direct source of illicit narcotic or psychotropic drugs or other controlled substances significantly affecting the United States; or a country through which such drugs or substances are transported.
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Rosh Hashanah DAY !

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, literally "head of the year," Israeli: Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈʁoʃ haʃaˈna], Ashkenazic: ˈɾoʃ haʃːɔˈnɔh, Yiddish:[ˈrɔʃəˈʃɔnə]) is a Jewish holiday commonly referred to as the "Jewish New Year." It is observed on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar.[1] It is ordained in the Torah as "Zicaron Terua" ("a memorial with the blowing of horns"), in Leviticus 23:24. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), or Asseret Yemei Teshuva (Ten Days of Repentance) which are days specifically set aside to focus on repentance that conclude with the holiday of Yom Kippur.

Rosh Hashanah is the start of the civil year in the Hebrew calendar (one of four "new year" observances that define various legal "years" for different purposes as explained in the Mishnah and Talmud). It is the new year for people, animals, and legal contracts. The Mishnah also sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years and sabbatical (shmita) and jubilee (yovel) years. Jews believe Rosh Hashanah represents either analogically or literally the creation of the World, or Universe. However, according to one view in the Talmud, that of R. Eleazar, Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of man, which entails that five days earlier, the 25 of Elul, was the first day of creation of the Universe.[2]

The Mishnah, the core text of Judaism's oral Torah, contains the first known reference to Rosh Hashanah as the "day of judgment." In the Talmud tractate on Rosh Hashanah it states that three books of account are opened on Rosh Hashanah, wherein the fate of the wicked, the righteous, and those of an intermediate class are recorded. The names of the righteous are immediately inscribed in the book of life, and they are sealed "to live." The middle class are allowed a respite of ten days, until Yom Kippur, to repent and become righteous; the wicked are "blotted out of the book of the living."[3]

For secular Jews

It would happen each fall around the Jewish new year. At the very time when renewal was in the autumn air, Arnold Barnett, an engineer from Moorestown, would go into a mild funk. His wife eventually figured it out: He was less than enamored with high holiday synagogue services.

"He simply wasn't engaged by what went on inside our Reform synagogue, or with the traditional approach to Judaism," said Ellen, 70. "I knew he was struggling. So sometimes, I would just go to services alone."

Then last year, the Barnetts saw a small notice in a local Jewish newspaper about a recently formed group in South Jersey. "We went to a meeting that was focused on Jewish history," Arnold, 71, recalls, "and that was something I could relate to. It was much more appealing."

And so the Barnetts will celebrate Rosh Hashanah, which begins Wednesday at sundown, by meeting Sunday with like-minded members of South Jersey Secular Jews - a group of people who may or may not believe in God, but do believe in caring about the world and one another, respecting and understanding Jewish history, and celebrating a culture that has meaning and emotional pull.

"The most important aspect of secularism is the survival and continuity of the Jewish people," said Paul Shane, a native New Yorker now living in Philadelphia and married to the daughter of Holocaust survivors.

Shane, 75, a member of the more established Philadelphia Secular Jewish Organization, believes humans are responsible for what happens on Earth. The here and now is central, and actions speak louder than words.

That philosophy resembles traditional Judaism. But secular Jews and traditional Jews part company when it comes to accepting religious dogma.

If you're secular, God is optional. (Traditional Judaism has "God at its heart. That's not an option," said Rabbi Ethan Franzel of Main Line Reform Temple Beth Elohim in Wynnewood.) Also, life-cycle events are handled individually - for instance, there are no set burial or wedding traditions in secular Judaism.

Of course secularism, in which one adheres to cultural norms rather than religious ones, is hardly new. During the Renaissance, from 1450 to 1600, and the Enlightenment in the 18th century, many Jews shed the God-oriented elements of their Jewishness, according to Shane, a professor of social policy at Rutgers University in Newark. That shedding also continued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What's different today is that a growing number of secular Jews are finding one another, forming groups, and practicing the social responsibility Judaism requires - minus the synagogue.

Rifke Feinstein, executive director of the national Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations, says there are approximately 2,000 affiliated secular Jews in the United States. But because seculars typically are unaffiliated, and therefore uncounted, estimates for the entire American secular population range from 8,000 to 40,000.

In the Philadelphia area, there are six such organizations for secular Jews - including the five-year-old South Jersey Secular Jews - all under the local umbrella cooperative venture called Kehilla for Secular Jews.

For many people, discovering that such an organization exists has been a relief.

" 'I thought I was the only one!' is what people often express when they discover that they are not alone in their secular relationship to their Jewishness," said Larry Angert, 59, a member of 11-year-old Shir Shalom: A Havurah for Secular Jews. "The Jewish tent is big, and there's room for all of us in it."

Some local secular groups, like Philadelphia's Sholom Aleichem Club, which started in 1954, and Philadelphia Workmen's Circle, founded nationally in 1900 to aid Jewish immigrant workers and to promote Yiddish, have graying memberships. Bob Kleiner, 85, of Elkins Park, a retired sociology professor at Temple University, and his wife, Frances, a teacher of Yiddish, both long active in the secular movement, lament that younger people are not actively involved in these historic groups.

But the formation of new groups, such as South Jersey Secular Jews, is evidence the movement still has traction.

Credit Naomi Scher, 64, of Cherry Hill, whose children attended the Jewish Children's Folkshul, another Kehilla group, which is a parent-run cooperative held at Springside School in Philadelphia. About 100 children receive their Jewish education, not in a traditional Hebrew school but in classes that nourish social justice and individual responsibility. Bar and bat mitzvah aspirants undertake personally meaningful projects that they ultimately share with the entire Folkshul community.

Although Scher formed relationships with parents of her children's classmates, commuting to Philadelphia became burdensome once her children graduated, and in 2005, the retired social worker decided to start a secular group closer to home.

What began as a gathering of eight to 10 people now regularly attracts 30, meeting monthly with speakers who address social and political concerns, Scher said.

Deborah Chaiken, 74, of Palmyra is delighted to have a group close to home. "In the formal Jewish community, I felt that I didn't really have a voice. Here, I know that I do."

Dues are $25 a year, and participants are asked to bring food for potluck dinners. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill..

South Jersey Secular Jews members Cary and Bilha Hillebrand of Cherry Hill call the group a welcome addition to the local landscape. For Bilha, 54, the philosophy of the group is more in keeping with that of her native Israel, where the majority of the population leads a more secular lifestyle.

"We are not in any way antireligious," says Cary, 60. "We hold the belief that we are responsible for what happens to ourselves and to the world. And to us, that's the essence of what religion is, and should be."

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jpeg&STREAMOID=kfK5XKmGk3ZjtCLTV8gWrS6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxSihxxWis4gX__mt_3sgpPnwLkdkNm4NaK1iliY4aRX7GEabxkeoo57KN3LcI4Be79xyJSXHeyn6i9C8rc3E0xoX_kuXYWCUJRqviwH8FNPwULIcdFM9zupuYHBJc2ySZk-A 56-year-old man,/ John Oromoro, is in police custody for allegedly killing his pastor, Ben Ojinaka.

The incident happened on Sunday, September 19th at Jakande Estate, Ajangbadi. Mr Oromoro said the pastor of Jesus Power Ministry, Benjamin Ojinaka, 45, allegedly raped his 15-year-old daughter in July this year. He said he went to confront the pastor on the allegation that it was his daughter that lured him to have sex with him when a fight ensued between them that led to the pastor’s death. “I be tanker driver,” he said. “The thing wey happen na since more than one month ago. My daughter, wen be the last born of my fourteen children get marine spirit. Pastor Ben come say him fit deliver her. Na me and pastor na we form the church together, so na so pastor come dey carry her go for deliverance.”

Scandal and death

Mr Oromoro stated that his daughter was eventually delivered of the ‘spirits’ but he noticed she kept going back to church after the deliverance. “Later my daughter come refused to go church; after I ask her many times, she come confessed say pastor Ben rape her for inside my house one day during deliverance,” he said. “I come vex, go meet pastor. Him come tell me make I forgive am say na devil work, I vex but I come forgive pastor.” He said he then heard rumours of the pastor claiming that his daughter lured him to have sex with him. “When I hear say pastor dey tell people say na my daughter rape am, I come go him house on Sunday go ask am say why him dey spoil my daughter name,” he said. “Him tell me to get out from him house , I come vex, we come dey fight. Na so people for the compound come separate us. As pastor dey run go tell police, na so him fall down.”.

According to the wife of the deceased, Mr Ojinaka slumped after the fight and was rushed to a private hospital. “As him fall down, we pour water for him body but him no wake up,” said Mrs Ojinaka. “We carry am go private hospital and them refer us to General hospital for Badagry. When the doctor seem am for general hospital, them say pastor don die make we carry am go mortuary.” His corpse was subsequently taken to the mortuary at the General hospital, Isolo, Lagos.

Police officers from the Ilemba Hausa Police Station arrested Mr Oromoro and the case has been transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department at Panti, Yaba. Homicide detectives at Panti said investigation into the case has began. Frank Mba, the Lagos Police Command Spokesperson, advised resident to shun violence and embrace peace.

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Friday, September 17, 2010
Pretty Jennifer has been married to Stanley Jumbo since 1999. Few months after their wedding, Stanley returned to the United States where he has been staying for more than 10 years now. Stanley who claims to be a medical doctor in the US has not returned to his wife till date, neither has he communicated with childless Jennifer, who, despite pressures from friends and family members to remarry, has remained committed to her marital vows.

She is at the verge of giving up as her husband’s absence seems to be unending. Stanley, she has confirmed, is healthy but has no proof if he is in another relationship. Even her family members have given up on her. Do you think she’ll be making a mistake if she decides to give another relationship a shot? Should she keep waiting for him? What if he returns with another wife and children someday? All these and more are some of the questions bothering Jennifer, and as usual, we have been able to do justice on the subject.

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Move on and forget him …. Etcetera, Musician

In trying to wait for this spouse, there are certain things that should be ascertained. We need to know if he is alive or dead. We need to know if he’s in jail, healthy or if he is suffering from amnesia (a health condition that makes one forget everything about his past). I wouldn’t mind arranging a trip for my sister to go and make all these enquiries to know his true state. If it is confirmed that he’s alive and sound, then my sister will have to move on with her life.

I want you to understand that ten years is not the same as ten days. We’re talking about ten seasons here. It is very obvious that by this time, the man may have built another relationship and my sister cannot continue to wait for him. What if she continues to wait and in the process gets to the age of menopause? My sister becomes the fool because this guy may have fathered children somewhere.

The best thing to do is for her to move on in life. Don’t forget that every human being once in a while feels horny and I wouldn’t want my sister to flirt around while waiting for one guy who’s having a field day somewhere.

Remarry after 5yrs … Portia Yamahan,


Why on earth will I be waiting for a man who left me 10 years ago? What becomes of me if this man decides to remain abroad for the rest of his life? Any woman waiting for a man (husband) who’s been in-communicado for 10 years truly needs some kind of deliverance. Five to 10 years is too much a wait. I mean, even if she has no head, her family members should talk some sense into her, or maybe, she needs to go for medical check up to certify she’s okay. After three to five years of waiting, I should be able to decide what I want to do with my life. I can’t wait forever. I’ll surely start a new relationship and remarry in due time because it is obvious that he doesn’t remember I still exist. Even if we communicate and he still doesn’t come back in about 10 years, I won’t continue waiting for him, especially where there’s no child from the relationship. At least, the child would have served as my consolation prize. What on earth should we be discussing on phone? No, my dear phone calls will not do.

Wait if you love him … Yinka Davies, Entertainer

The first question any woman in this condition must answer is whether she’s still in love with the man or not. And if she’s able to tell herself the truth, she’ll know whether to continue or not. If he’s not been communicating with her but she’s still in love with him, she can keep waiting.

I’ve seen a woman who waited for 18 years and another one who waited for 25 years and later got their husbands back. In marriage, no other person has a right to come between the parties involved. If she’s been able to survive all these years, then I can’t advise her to quit now. She’s the only one that can make up her mind on what she really wants because she has to follow her instinct. We can only pray for her to be able to take the right decision because some of these things happen in a way that we cannot explain.

Seek the face of God … Tiwa, Artiste

If I were in her shoes, I would just keep praying and fasting for it. When things like this happens, the only thing that is appropriate for us to do is to keep seeking the face of God.

I know that most of our men can’t wait for their women in matters like this but we should not judge with that because we are different from them. We are more emotional and soft and there are certain things men can take emotionally that we can’t absorb.
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Virtual Private Server(VPS) gives users a virtual dedicated environment. A virtual private server, as name suggests, is a method of partitioning a physical server computer into multiple servers such that each appears as an. Each virtual server can run its own full-fledged operating system, and each server can be independently rebooted. Unlike VPS in dedicated hosting the client leases an entire physical server not shared with anyone.

Simply put, a VPS simulates a private server in that you, the site owner, can deploy whatever software you want or need to continue growing an e-biz. This isn’t possible with shared hosting plans which limit you to the software options offered by the hosting company, thus limiting the database, checkout and other software you use.

Over the past four years a quiet revolution has been taking place in the hosting industry. Virtual Private Servers have been steadily changing the hosting landscape. The trend below gives some idea..


If you can identify with any of these statements, VPS might be right for you:

  • “I can’t afford a dedicated server, but I need many of the features of dedicated hosting, such as installing a specific operating system and software.”
  • “I know what I’m doing and need full root access.”
  • “I don’t feel comfortable hosting on the same system as thousands of other websites.”
  • “I need more system resources, like CPU and RAM, than low-cost shared hosting can provide.”
  • “I know how to implement exactly what I need on the server, and I need the administrative power to get it done.”
  • “I need to run programs on the server that are not allowed or supported by shared web hosting providers.”

From OpenVZ Wiki

Although I am somewhat of a new user to the container world I thought I'd write a short article giving an overview of why use container instead of dedicated servers for those of you who are involved in the hosting business or people thinking about leasing a container server. Here I will address misconceptions I had about container and talk about how my perspective on container is changing.

Who am I? This article originally written by Marc Perkel - a new container user - expressing my overview of OpenVZ from my perspective as a new user talking to other new users about my experience in learning this new environment. I am not an OpenVZ expert and I want to write this while I'm still new to OpenVZ so I can express my view from a new user's perspective. If you are just reading about container for the first time I am not that far ahead of you. This article is an attempt by me to give back a little to those who created this free software and give you new people an overview of the big picture as I learn this myself.; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: 100% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">



[edit]Why use Virtual Private Servers instead of Dedicated Servers

Like many of you when I first heard of the idea of container I pictured it is some small lame server that is sold to 12 year olds trying to start hosting companies on the cheap. It had never quite caught my attention until I decided I needed a remote name server and all I needed was enough of a server to run bind, but didn't want to buy a dedicated box just to do that. So I got a container based on Virtuozzo for $80/year and it worked great.

In the process however I started understanding the container concept and it became apparent that this is more than just a tool to create little servers. The way I see it container can replace dedicated servers in many situations in a data center and do a better job than dedicated. You can actually give the customer more horsepower and better hosting than selling them a small dedicated box. (Of course big customers will still need their own server.)

I don't own a data center business myself but I have a friend who does and I colo several servers there. He has several racks of some old Celeron boxes with 512 mgs of ram and one or two 80 gig drives depending on if the customer has any concept of backups, which most of them don't. I'm looking at the racks of Celerons and P4s thinking that each rack could be consolidated into a single modern server and that the customers would actually have a better server than the one they are on now. And the cost saving is tremendous.

[edit]Advantages of container

Most small dedicated servers are a waste of resources. People buy bigger servers than they need and the excess capacity is wasted. These servers take both space and power which is expensive in a data center and you have hardware costs associated with each server that you have to recoup. People often don't do any backups so after several years the hard drive fails and they lose everything. And it's your fault for not backing them up in the first place.

Imagine a rack of 16 Celeron boxes with 80 gig drives being replaced by a Dual Core Athlox X2 with 8 gigs of ram and 4 500gb SATA 2 drives running in a raid 10 configuration. (Writing this in Feb of 2007 for future historians who will read this and laugh at the old days when computers had just gigabytes.) The above server would cost about $2000 to build and only take 2U of space and use far less power than the 16 machines that are being replaced.

Note that I'm suggesting in this example only a 16 to 1 consolidation. Everyone has the same amount of ram. In reality the consolidation is many times higher because most of those using the Celerons are not using all the memory. Many are using only 1/5 of what they have and a lot of that is used by the individual kernels running. In OpenVZ there is one kernel for everyone.

Note also that many of these servers have idle time where the processor is doing nothing and they have lots of extra hard drive space that isn't being used. By consolidating these systems the free resources are combined allowing you to run many more logical servers that each have more resources than the individual servers.

On a dedicated computer the user is stuck with an old slow 32 bit processor, a limited amount of ram, and an old slow hard drive with no backups. In a container that same user is running on a shared dual core 64 bit CPU sharing 8 gigs of ram with fast modern large hard drives with raid backup. That is a significant improvement over having their own dedicated box. So this is a better deal for the customer.

[edit]Administration Advantages

If a customer needs you to fix something on their dedicated server you have to either know the root password or take the server down and boot from a rescue CD to get in and fix it. You also can't access the customer's files without logging in to their server as root. In a container you as host can enter their server at any time without a password. (Keeping the host environment very secure of course.) That allows you to do maintenance without having to look up the person's root password.

[edit]Ease of Setup

Setup couldn't be easier as compared to building a dedicated server. All you have to do is type a few commands and the new virtual server is ready to go. You can have the customer running while you are still on the phone taking the order. A dedicated box requires setup, installation, and often has to be scheduled. This involves cost and time. container is ready instantly and easily. Any distro you want with all the latest updates installed. When a customer places an order they want it now. With container you can deliver it now.

[edit]Backup Advantages

Additionally you can access the customers files directly from the host environment. This allows you to run rsync scripts to back up all the virtual servers to external storage or backup servers without the customer being aware that you are doing sophisticated backups. Then when the customer calls you up in a panic and says, "I totally screwed up my server and deleted a bunch of files by accident. Can you get it back?" You can magically restore their lost data and you are forever their hero.

[edit]IP Allocation Advantages

Tired of allocating 4 IP addresses just to give the customer 1 usable? Or giving them 8 so they have 5 usable and most of them only use one? How inefficient is that? With OpenVZ you can allocate IP addresses individually so that if a customer only needs one IP then they get only 1 IP. But if they need 9 IP addresses you can give them exactly 9 of them. They can call you up and say I need one more IP and you can give it to them in seconds. On a dedicated server if you gave them a /29 vlan and they are using all 5 IPs and they need another one - that is a huge hassle.

[edit]Disk Space Allocation

On dedicated servers you have to install a big hard drive that is mostly wasted. If the customer wants backups then it's two hard drives. In OpenVZ you just allocate space in the raid array based on what the customer actually needs and they only use the space that they use rather than what's allocated. The "allocation" is really just a software limit and that is a line in a text file that you can instantly change the moment the customer needs more space. On a dedicatd box if the customer needs a bigger drive then it's a trip to the data center with a new drive and a few hours time to copy everything over and replacing the drive, not to mention the down time.

[edit]Memory Upgrades

Memory upgrades are as easy as hard drive upgrades. Just one command than the user has more ram. But what if the server is full and you don't have any more ram? No problem. Just copy the user's container (virtual environment) over to another physical server with rsync and start them up there. In only a few minutes you've migrated them to a new box and they are up and running.


Suppose a customer just needs a bigger server. Migration is easy in the container environment because the container is consistent between servers. You just copy over the files and start it up. You don't have to build a new server, install an OS, copy it all over, and then mess with it for an hour getting everything to work.

[edit]Emergency Procedures

Let's say that a server fries. With container and good backups you have more options. You can copy the backup of the container onto another server and restore it as of the last (nightly) backup. (I'm a backup freak - but it pays.) That gets the customers up instantly if they need that while a tech can go down there and fix the server with less pressure. This give you more options when bad things happen.

[edit]Load Balancing

OpenVZ allows you to migrate servers live from one physical server to another. I haven't yet done that but I have done a shutdown, copy, and restart of the container on another server and it's so easy to do that. So suppose you have a server that's a little crowded and some user starts hogging some resources. No problem. You just move a few users to another box and problem solved. This could probably be done automatically with some well configured cluster and I would love it if someone wrote a wiki page telling us how to do it.

[edit]Protecting your Customers

Since you are managing the host system you can create IP filters and port blocking policies that help keep users from exploiting you or keep hackers from exploiting your users. Instead of a separate box that is all theirs you have them in a more managed shell allowing you to keep the inexperienced out of trouble. This provides them with a service that watched it more closely allowing them to do their own thing, but keeping you closer by to keep them out of trouble.


The cost savings are rather obvious. An entire rack compressed into one or two computers. Picture the space and power savings. The greenhouse gas not being generated by the power you're not using. The number of computers that you are not buying. The hours you are saving in setup time and administrative time. When it comes to saving money this is definitely a winner. You can take that extra money and pass some on to customers and keep some extra for yourself.

[edit]The Down Side

Any time you add another layer then you have another layer of things that can go wrong. It takes some learning to understand the process and there is the possibility that one person can screw up the system for everyone. As virtualization develops it will get better. OpenVZ is very stable in that it is far less intrusive than other virtualization methods. It is limited to Linux only so BSD and Windows users will have to do something else.


I believe that container represents the future of computing. The space, power, and cost savings are too great to ignore. I see data centers that are massive clusters running tens of thousands of logical servers that transparently migrate around the physical resources and are up 100% of the time. Customers no longer will have to deal with issues of backups the way they have to now, and it will simplify the hosting process. I think that every data center should be looking into virtualization technology now with the idea that you are going to be doing this and it's time to at least start thinking about it and exploring it with an eye towards the future.

I have to say that my view of container has radically changed and that I now see this as a solution not just for people wanting little servers but for most everyone who is looking for dedicated service. container is a different way of looking at the computing world and it takes some significant mental adjustment and education to grasp the big picture.

[edit]container Hosting Providers

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Dagrin RIP .Terry G take am easy o !
Terry G just announced on twitter that he is ok after the accident, He just needs some rest.


I dey o. Thanks for all the love, God pass them, I wan go rest small!! Ginjah no go die. God guide us and One love my people! I appreciate
25 minutes ago


Was He Drunk or high on weed ? With the latest takeaway of our Top indigenous Rap Artist Dagrin by Car Accidents .Terry G almost joined the crew of posthumous talents.See Dagrin here

Word reaching us, is that Gabriel Amanyi, aka Terry G has been involved in a terrible auto accident and is critical condition.

The accident occured at about 3am saturday morning, when the singer/producer was on his way home from an outing with friends in Ikeja, Lagos. Apparently he ran into a road demarcation somewhere in Ogba.

According to eye witnesses, Terry G was the driver of the vehicle, and had other passengers with him who are also members of the House of Ginja. It is unclear the condition of other passengers, but Terry is currently undergoing treatment at an undisclosed hospital.

No word yet on where he’s being treated. His mobile phone is off, his BlackBerry inactive. And although his manager assures us ‘everything is under control’;

The car- A Toyota Camry – is now lying at the office of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA).

Please say a prayer for Terry G and other members of the House Of Ginja involved in the accident.

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