WILL (25)

12166298090?profile=originalwhat if my girl was called aharit instead of arit

My girl has always been my closest friend but not one day has she ever told me her

real name . She said her name is arit and many times i go Aight ? and she says Right

. Not one day has she dared to put it all together and say AHARIT !

I wondered why she would never tell me her real name . I wondered not for long as I

asked her to marry me . to which she immediately agreed . She had been waiting for

this for ages .

Now we are about to get married it is just a few days or even weeks away .

And I asked her for the last time What is your name Arit

And she said AHARIT and I looked at her and understood . AHA RIGHT !

He sold his birthright for a meal of porridge He ignored the 'Aharit' . That which

comes After . Show me Temptations and I will ask for the AHARIT .

Now we shall soon be together for ever even after the AHARIT !


Happy Valentine


Ephesians 4:2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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12166289061?profile=originalBy Henry Umoru
A Presidential aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar Wednesday warned that if the leadership of the Party and that of the country jettison the already existing zoning arrangement, it would amount to making violence change inevitable.

Speaking Wednesday at National Stakeholders’ Conference, 2010 at the Thisday Dome, Abuja, the former Vice President who noted that he was not praying that the political situation of the party and that of the country should get to the level of applying violent means to address the nation’s problems, also stressed that if the PDP fails to embrace reforms, it stands the risk of making itself irrelevant.

Meanwhile, Former Senate President, Iyorchia Ayu has called on Nigerians especially those from the South to put behind them those eras in the 1960s which produced coups and counter coups in the country, just as northerners became Heads of State during the periods.

According to Ayu, “North is not set out to dominate anybody. I want you to ignore the Nigerian history of 60’s that produced coups and counter coups with its leaders as northerners. It was not conspiratorial on the part of the Northern political leaders, it was accidental..

“When we had opportunity we, not only brought out President Obasanjo who was in prison for treason out, but the north made him President even when his immediate community rejected him. It was the highest show of solidarity by the North. The least our brothers from the south can do is to demonstrate and reciprocate the goodwill.”

Ayu who admitted that the task ahead them is ensuring that the Consensus Candidate for the north, Atiku Abubakar gets the party’s ticket as well as become the President of the country come next year, said, “we are trying to tell you that we have difficult task ahead of us. If you are not present here today, the consensus effort would have been a failure. But with your presence here today, Atiku ceases to be the Northern Consensus Candidate but the Consensus Candidate of Nigeria.”

The Conference which had as its theme, “Building Consensus for National Unity”, was convened by the Northern Political Leaders Forum, NPLF, the Igbo Political Forum, the Yoruba Redemption group and the South South Unity Forum.

Speaking further, Atiku said, “Our coming here is not about Atiku, it is about the peace, the unity and stability of Nigeria as exemplified by all the speakers who spoke to this audience today. Today is about building consensus for national unity. We have some elder statesmen on consensus building. It is about the rule of law, due process and standing for what is right.

“I am an instrument for realizing these value. I promise that by the grace of almighty God, we shall bring this country back to the part of honour. Before I end this short address let me send a message to our great party the PDP: if the PDP does not reform, it stands the risk of making itself irrelevant. Let me again send another message to the leadership of PDP that those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.”

Also in his remarks, former Senate President Ken Nnamani who warned that some leaders of the country were planning to put national unity to the burner, stressed that rotation and zoning which has become part of the nation’s history, was beyond the north, the PDP, adding that it has become a national challenge.

Nnamani who noted that Nigeria has a lot to learn from the process that brought out Atiku Abubakar, stressed that it showed high sense of humility and patriotism, just as he said that if the choice was from some parts of the country, there would have been series of court litigations now, adding that zoning must be adhered to against the backdrop that all political office holders were beneficiary of same process.

The former Senate President who called for the externalization of the Consensus candidate process, also called on Nigerians to disregard comments by the President General of Ohanenze Ndigbo, Ralph Uwachue, adding that as a country, we lack political will to implement agreements, adding that some politicians were over heating the polity for their gains, even as he said that there was tension in PDP because of plans to circumvent the rules.

Roll call

General Ibrahim Babangida, General Mohammed Aliyu Gusua, Atiku Abubakar, Former Chairman, Police Affairs Commission, Chief Simon Okeke, Dr. Iyorchia Ayu; Lawal Kaita; AVM Hamza Abdullahi; Deputy Governor of Kwara State, Ajia Chinyere Ogugua Agagbo; Funke Adedoyin; Professor Babalola Borishade; Alhaji Isa Ozi Salami, Professor A.T. Abubakar, Professor Sam Oyovbaire; Lawal Batagarawa; Saleh Hassan; Haruna Adamu and Saleh Hassan.

Others were former Deputy governor of Kogi, Patrick Adaba, Air Commodore Ibrahim Alkali, Farouk Bibi Farouk; Udenta Udenta; Professor Chukwuma Soludo, Professor Osita Ogbu; Mrs Titi Ajanaku, Chief Peter Biakpana; Oyewale Fashawe; Hassan Mohammed; Aboki Shuluwa; Saleh Jambo; Dr. Sam Egwu, Professor Chinwe Obaje, Professor A.B.C Nwosu; Kalu Idika Kalu; Ibrahim Kazuare; Senator Yushua Anka, Senator Hamman Bello, Dubem Onyia, Representative of Israeli Ambassador, among others.

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He knows he will Rock You !

To the teenagers and the teens at heart out there,For the teenage years can be years of confusion...

This is da game plan of the cool one, the disser of sorrows, the problem solver and he sure aint no revolver.

He raps daily, hear hear ! Yo Yo ! To all the people in the house !

Come to the waters dear children and learn from my place, I have seen all the tears that have run down your face.

I am with you, inside you, says the Lord, I say greater love has no man than to lay his life down for his friends ..Whichever way you like it you live and exist inside of me !

Yet, you call me your enemy, I died for you, I died for you and I screamed it out even down to the depths of Hell !

It is finished ! testeletsai ! Death has been defeated ! So Fear Not !

Fear not even terrorists because I died for them too ! They dont have to die anymore ! Tell them they dont have to ! How can you hate folks like that ? You cant ! You pity them and say My people blow themselves up for lack of Knowledge !

The way i love you, the way i cherish you the way, i want to be your homie and hang out ! Wow ! What in the world do you think prayer or meditating is ?

It is just another word for hanging out with the Lord your God and Dad ! Dad !

Yes that is who i want to be to you.

You think I am not cool ! I am the coolest guy you ever could know. You wanna party ? I throw the best parties, everyday ! ask the Angels we never need a reason to partie ,

Nah you say I wanna party now ! on earth on terra firma ? well check out da click club in london www.str8up.co.uk ! Its slamming next weekend ! send me an email if u need a light club close to you.

And then the music,You wont believe the kind of music that Gospel music has become ! heard of Nicole C mullen ? She rocks ! heard of Kirk Franklin ? O yeah Stomp !

You want to get high ! My my, heard of the Holy Spirit ! marechskateraalamushta ! Speak in tongues !

Ya want designer duds and digs wanna chav out ? In da book of revelation, am known to be dressed like this :

Rev 1:13-16

dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

Now that is some BLING BLING !

You think you cant be a christian ? Who is that ? That is not what my Father calls them .They became known as Christians first at Antioch, my Dad definitely had a name for them before this.

He calls them "Sons of God" and sisters no offence but in heaven there aint no males or females anyways .

All i want to hear from you is that you become a believer ! There is only one belief,one way.

That is all it takes, BELIEVE.

Then you are then called a Son or daughter of the Living God.beleif means many things it could mean "a complete resolution to leave ALL things to God, knowing truly, that you have let it be to God and nothing else matters ! and that the BLOOD of JESUS cleanses ALL sin"

For my Dad so loved you that he gave his only son .( Jesus ) That any dude that digs Jesus shall not get iced but live large forever .Dig !

John 3:16

Yet you say this and you think that and you ponder and wonder , My dear do you know I sustain everything by my words ! including you.

How long will you wait !

Choose life my homies, Choose Life, Choose the Son of God today and i will love you like no boyfriend or girlfriend has ever loved you.That is one promise am gonna keep for ever !

I love you guys bcos

You ROCK !


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The scandals unveiled by London’s Sunday Times and the Panorama, broadcast on BBC on Monday, cost England as it was beaten to the 2018 World Cup bid by Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Photo: FIFA President Sepp Blatter hands over the World Cup trophy to Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov (R) after the official announcement that Russia will host the 2018 World Cup on December 2 Photo: REUTERS

It was supposed to be a return to the “motherland of football” as Joseph Blatter, FIFA President, said on the podium moments before the envelope of the winning bid was passed to him. When the winning bid was announced, there were about eight Russians in the hall with the others in apparent shock. Russia won against all expectations but it could have been swung in their favour by the words of Putin, Russia’s President, who on Wednesday criticised England over the FIFA exposes. “I would like to note that recently we have watched with disappointment as an obvious campaign was being unleashed against members of the FIFA executive committee,” he said. “They are being smeared in dirt and compromised. I consider it as part of unscrupulous bit of competition in preparations for the selection of the host-country for the World Cup.”..

The politics of the 2018 bid

England was said to have had the best technical bid but Russia trumped all the stats by promising to inject over $10 billion to host the world. Russia will also be hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics. The Spain/Portugal bid President, Angel Villar Llona, in his presentation on Thursday said: “I love FIFA dearly but those I love the most are my colleagues in the Exco. Recently we have been criticised by many media outlets. Unfortunately for them, FIFA is a clean institution.” The defeat will be made more unpalatable as the England bid had been described by Blatter as being both excellent and remarkable. But it was not remarkable enough to be chosen. In revelations after FIFA’s members had voted in a secret ballot, it emerged that England did not make it to the second ballot.

Last minute attempts by Prime Minister, David Cameron, Prince William and David Beckham to persuade the football’s world governing body executive members came too late to douse the embarrassments suffered by these members by the revelations of the BBC and London Times. Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii, the two FIFA executive members named in cash-for vote scandal, had been suspended and fined some sums of money following the revelations by the London Times that both members were ready to sell their bidding votes to the highest bidders. There will be recriminations from the British press but many observers feel that England shot itself in the foot by being “undiplomatic.”

Qatar trumps the USA

Qatar became the smallest country to be awarded the hosting rights of a FIFA World Cup by snagging the 2022 World Cup. The Qatar bid committee used French football legend, Zinedine Zidane, as a goodwill ambassador and said in their presentation that the World Cup project of hosting the world in 2022 could help unify the region. There was also the promise to overcome overwhelming heat by air conditioning the stadia it will build. Sheikh Mohammad bin Hamad Al-Thani, Qatar’s bid chairman, sounding all exultant after the pronouncement said: “Thank you for believing in change, thank you for believing in expanding the game, thank you for giving Qatar a chance. We will not let you down. You will be proud of us, you will be proud of the Middle East and I promise you this.”

And in what could be a final word to the backlash that will definitely come forth after the England snub, Llona had this to say, “You have already heard enough slander in the media, the bidding process is clean regardless of what they say.” The world will converge in Russia in 2018. And as the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Igor Shuvalov, was handed the World Cup by Blatter, he celebrated by saying: “You have entrusted us with the FIFA World Cup for 2018 and I can promise, we all can promise, you will never regret it. Let us make history together.”

History will definitely be in the making as the Eastern European giants host the greatest single sport fiesta in the world while Qatar’s 1.7 million people prepare to welcome the world in 2022.

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Despite brutal questioning by a Senate select committee, Central Bank governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, yesterday stood by his comments that the National Assembly’s budget for overhead is 25.4% of the nation’s total..

Mr Sanusi withstood strong attempts to browbeat him into admitting that the figures were at least lower than that, or that he was misquoted by the media.

The public hearing convened by the Senate followed newspaper publications quoting the Central Bank governor as saying that the nation spends one-quarter of its funds on running the National Assembly, and a subsequent publication quoting the finance minster as saying he would cut the budgetary allocation to the assembly.

Mr Sanusi had at a lecture delivered at the eighth convocation of the Igbinedion University , Okada, Edo State, said 25% of the nation’s resources are spent on the lawmakers. This annoyed the Senators who ordered him to appear before them and defend his statement.

The Central Bank governor appeared on Wednesday before the Senate committee alongside the finance minister, Olusegun Aganga. However, unlike the finance minister who quickly dissociated himself from the statement that he intended cutting allocation to the assembly, Mr. Sanusi admitted saying that 25.4% of the nation’s overhead cost is spent on the National Assembly...

He held his grounds, backing his statements with records from other national dailies which quoted him correctly, and with statistics from the budget office.

Mr. Aganga who later assumed the role of an umpire told the Senators that the CBN governor’s figures were correct although they may appear wrong in another context.

The minister argued that overhead cost figures which include Service Wide Votes (money spent on maintenance of government facilities), are as legitimate those which do not include the votes.


Evidently angry, Iyiola Omisore (PDP Osun State) who led the Senate panel alleged that the CBN governor had chosen to deliberately incite Nigerians against the Assembly. He asked Mr. Aganga to state categorically whether Mr. Sanusi’s statement was right or wrong. The minister again said the statement depends on context or the way one chooses to use statistics.

Members of the Senate panel made up of four different committees could not hold back their rage against the unyielding CBN governor and frequently compared him to the more amenable finance minister, trying to coax him into some form of apology.

The Senators made no effort to hide their bias and blatantly refused to give any room to the Central Bank governor, to defend his figures and the context in which they were used.

Mr. Omisore pointedly told the harassed CBN governor at one point that the committee was not prepared to listen to him and that he must direct his responses through the finance minister. Mr Sanusi, however, occasionally barged in to make the point that his figures were right and that he got them from the director of budget’s office.

No apology

He said he would only apologise if the figures from the budget office were wrong. He insisted that, “Total Federal Government Overhead is over N500 billion and the Overhead of the National Assembly is N136.2 billion. This is exactly 25.1 per cent of total government overhead. I am quoting from the figure I got from the Budget Office. If you like, you can invite the Director-General of the Budget Office.’’ When told by Mr. Omisore, who is the Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriation, that the figure was wrong following a clarification by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Sanusi replied: “I don’t know where the minister got his figures.” To the calls on him to apologise, he said, “By my nature, if I do not believe that I am wrong, I do not apologise.” He urged the Senators to examine the context under which he made his statement which was actually in a lecture about factors that fuel inflationary trends.

Staking his job

After hours of fruitless attempts to get the CBN governor to admit wrongdoing and apologise to the Senators, the lawmakers seemed to deviate from the matter and begin to question the character of the governor and the annual budget of the CBN.

“We really need to be sure that the CBN governor has the character to stay in that office,” Heineken Lokpobiri (PDP Bayelsa State) said.

Other Senators took turns to tongue lash the CBN governor. They accused him of speaking too much and asked him questions like “do you enjoy your job? Do you feel like quitting?’’ And if he thinks democracy is too expensive.

“My name is Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, (my name is) not Central Bank Governor. I enjoy my job but if you want me to quit, I will honourably quit,” Mr Sanusi replied before a cheering crowd of spectators.

The unwavering Central Bank governor told the Senators that the survival of democracy is dependent on allowing people the freedom to speak. He added that he had always been involved in the fight for democracy way back to the time of June 12 and that even if the military takes over now, he will still fight them off.

The issue remained unresolved as both sides disagreed with each other’s figures. However, Mr. Omisore gave the CBN governor a stern warning not to use such figures in comments about the National Assembly anymore.

Mr. Sanusi is also expected to appear before the entire House of Representatives today to defend his statement.

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comment: for Naija men I think Science would have to look at one in one !

join our cheaters group here http://www.9jabook.com/group/naijacheaters

It might seem like the perfect get-out clause for those with a ­roving eye: some people just aren’t built to be faithful.

Scientists have found a gene that raises the odds of ­cheating on a partner.

They say that when a man or woman with the ‘love rat gene’ has an affair, they receive the same chemical rush as a gambler whose luck has changed or an alcoholic savouring a drink.The tendency to cheat could be down to a variant in a person's genes, a new study has found (picture posed by model)

Researchers quizzed 180 young men and women about their attitude towards relationships and tested them for a gene called DRD4, which affects levels of the brain chemical dopamine.

The tendency to cheat could be down to a variant in a person's genes, a new study has found (picture posed by model)

The one quarter or so with the ‘love rat’ version of the gene were more than twice as likely to be unfaithful. And when they did cheat, they had more one-night stands, the journal PLoS ONE reports.

Researcher Justin Garcia said: ‘What we found was that individuals with a certain variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to have a history of uncommitted sex, including one-night stands and acts of infidelity.

‘The motivation seems to stem from a system of pleasure and reward, which is where the release of dopamine comes in.

‘In cases of uncommitted sex, the risks are high, the rewards substantial and the motivation variable – all elements that ensure a dopamine “rush”.’

He added that his results suggest it is possible to feel committed to a partner, but still feel the need to cheat on them.

But those with a wandering eye cannot wholly blame their genes.

Mr Garcia, of the State University of New York, said: ‘The study doesn’t let transgressors off the hook. Not everyone with this ­genotype (genetic make-up) will have one-night stands or commit infidelity.’

Last month, scientists found that the same strain of the DRD4 gene can also make people have more liberal views.

Because the genetic variant drives people to seek out ‘novelty’, it can also make people more likely to seek out less conventional political views, the U.S. study found.

Those with the gene supposedly seek out other people’s points of view and are influenced by them far more than those without the gene.

In the U.S. this mean that people with the gene were more likely to have a liberal political viewpoint....

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Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged and will marry next year, Clarence House announced today.

William, 28, proposed during a holiday in Kenya last month after asking Kate's father for his daughter's hand.

The couple have been together for eight years and Kate had been dubbed 'Waity Katy' amid criticism that she hanging on for a proposal but now her wait is over.

The pair have been together for eight years and have recently been spending much of their time in north Wales where William is a search and rescue pilot.

Their wedding, scheduled for 2011, will be the biggest royal event since the wedding of William's mother and father in the 80s.

Clarence House said: 'The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton.

'The wedding will take place in the Spring or Summer of 2011, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course.

'Prince William and Miss Middleton became engaged in October during a private holiday in Kenya.

'Prince William has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton's father.

'Following the marriage, the couple will live in north Wales, where Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force.'It is claimed personnel at Westminster Abbey have been contacted about arranging a royal wedding in the second week of August. ...

David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband both said they were 'delighted' for the couple.

The Prime Minister was told of the engagement during the Cabinet meeting this morning and relayed it to ministers.

Earlier this month, the Daily Mail exclusively revealed Kate Middleton's parents were guests at a private shooting party on the Queen's Scottish estate.

The move was seen as highly symbolic and an indication that the middle-clas Middleton family were now firmly being welcomed into the royal fold.

It is now clear that Kate and William, who are both 28, were already engaged at the time of the visit to Birkhall, Prince Charles' private residence on the Balmoral estate.

The invitation to Mr Middleton, a former airline despatcher, and ex-air hostess Carole shows the royal family were keen to start off on the right foot as Kate edges to becoming a Princess.

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Meet the Top 7 of Glo Naija Sings – Find Out Who Is On TOP & Decide Who will EXIT this week

The new season of Glo Naija Sings is heating up!
Only 7 contestants are left in the competition and as the weeks go by, each contestant seems to be stepping up their game.
The theme of Sunday’s show was ‘Favourite Bands’, so all the contestants chose one song by their favourite duo or group and performed
for the Glo Naija Sings audience.

Before the performances began, the elimination took place – Shedrack was sent home as he had the lowest number of viewer votes last week.

The performances kicked off with Rasine. Rasine was rocking a pair of red leggings paired with a black and gold top with trimmings. She sang Westlife’s version of “You Raise Me Up”.

Up next were Da Brodas. The duo performed K-Ci & Jojo’s All My Life. Their performance was well received by the audience. Boma looked pretty in a knee-length draped blue dress and she sang “Stand Up For Love” by Destiny’s Child. Not sure if it was the song choice or
Boma, but this was one of our favourites that night.

Casey went for classic RnB and performed Shai’s “If I Ever Fall In Love”. Peace delivered a serene performance of Boyz II Men’s hit song “On Bended Knee” while Najite picked up the tempo when she sang En Vogue’s “Don’t Let Go” – her performance got the crowd quite excited as illustrated by one audience
member’s comment – “Najite, your energy performance was just intact“. The audience comments on Glo Naija Sings deserve their own show!

Ekeng closed the show with his rendition of Lighthouse Family’s “High”. Ekeng is one of our favourites on Glo Naija Sings and this is one of our favourite
songs, but the rearrangement of the track did not work well.

What were your thoughts on this episode?

View the videos, find out more about the final 7 and VOTE for your favorites below.
Age: 24
Hometown: Umoji
Biography: Peace has been singing since the age of 5, and entered Glo Naija Sings because the show is “a place for me to express what has been hidden in
me for so many years”.

Peace – Boyz II Men – “On Bended Knee”

Age: 17
Hometown: Abi
Biography: She’s always loved singing, but started in earnest about 3 and a halfyears ago. When she is singing, Rasine really feels connected to the

Rasine – “Raise You Up” by Westlife

Age: 23
Hometown: Sapele
Biography: She’s been singing from a young age and entered Glo Naija Sings becauseshe feels that she has something which the world has got to see and

Najite – En Vogue – “What’s It Gonna Be?”

Age: 27
Hometown: Calabar
Biography: Ekeng’s not sure when he started singing, but remembers his first stageperformance happening at the tender age of 9. When he’s on stage
singing, he says it feels “like heaven”.

Ekeng – Lighthouse Family – “High”

Da Brodas
Age: 14 & 20
Hometown: Ibaji
Biography: Jeff (14 yrs old) is the youngest finalist on Glo Naija Sings and willshare the stage with older brother Fred (20 yrs old), an undergraduate
student at K.S.U.

Da Brodas – All My Life by K-Ci & JoJo

Age: 27
Hometown: Warri
Biography: Casey is a student with a Diploma in Music from Nnamdi AzikiweUniversity. He is proud to be part of Glo Naija Sings because of the
platform and opportunity it has given him.

Casey – Shai – “If I Ever Fall In Love”

Age: 22
Hometown: Bonny
Biography: She started singing when she was a child and thinks that audiencesshould vote for her because she brings something fresh, new and exciting
to the show.

Boma – Destiny’s Child – “Standing Up For Love”

The Judges’ Comments

M-Net West:
Sundays at 21:00 CAT (from 19 September until 5 December)

M-Net East:
Sundays at 20:00 CAT (from 19 September until 5 December)

Sundays at Midnight CAT
Wednesdays at 22:30 CAT

Mondays and Thursdays at 19:00 CAT

Saturday and Sunday at 21:00 CAT

Nigeria is CAT -1
Remember: You are voting for the Glo Naija Sings contestant that you want to win!
Voting opens after the Sunday night show and closes on Thursdays at Midnight in Nigeria (01.00 CAT).

Tune in next Sunday to see how your favourite fared, only on M-Net.

Each week, lucky voters (SMS Voters only) stand the chance to win a Blackberry Bold, an iPod Touch and 10 Glo subscribers will have their
accounts recharged with 1000 Naira of airtime. Plus one lucky viewer
that votes via SMS also stands the chance to win a Toyota Corolla from
Glo at the end of the series, so vote now to get in line to win some
fabulous prizes!

There are four ways you can vote:

Via the Website
You can vote once per hour per registered email address. Voting on the website is free. Go to www.mnetafrica.com/naijasings

Via the Wapsite
Type www.mnetafrica.com/naijasings into your mobile browser and start voting. You can vote once per hour and voting via Wap is free.

Via Mobile:

In Nigeria: Text just THE NUMBER that corresponds to your favourite contestant to 33364.
NB: Mobile voting is exclusive to Glo subscribers and SMSes cost N50.

In the Benin Republic: Text just THE NUMBER that corresponds to your favourite contestant to 7099.
NB: Mobile voting is exclusive to Glo subscribers and SMSes cost 150 CFA.

Outside Nigeria and Benin: Text just THE NUMBER that corresponds to your favourite contestant to +2783142100400. This is open to all networks – international SMS rates apply.

You can vote up to 100 times per mobile number during each voting period.

The dedicated numbers for each contestant:
Boma – 1
Casey – 2
Da Brodas – 3
Ekeng – 4
Najite – 5
Peace – 8
Rasine – 9

Via MXit
Open your mobile phone’s browser and type in m.mxit.com to download MXit for free. Then locate MXit on your phone under the applications or
games section and register. Once in MXit, go to
Tradepost>Entertainment>MNET and then add the Naija Sings Voting

Voting on MXit is free and you can vote up to 10 times per voting period.........................................

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Banks May close as Workers begin strike today

Yet another dialogue between the presidency and leaders of the Nige..rian Labour Congress (NLC), to forestall a planned nationwide strike today, has been deadlocked.

President Goodluck Jonathan who rushed down from Lagos yesterday to lead a high level delegation of government officials to meet with the leaders of the NLC could however not convince the congressmen to abandon their planned agenda of embarking on a three day working strike, starting today.

The N.igeria Labour Congress (NLC) had threatened to embark on a three-day warning industrial action, starting from November 10, demanding an increment in their minimum wage.

According to the acting president of the NLC, Promise Adewusi, the strike action will still continue, while the body holds consultation with the respective organs involved in the congress.

“We have heard the message of Mr. President, we are going to go back to our organ and the only thing we can say now is that the strike is on until called off by the organ that instituted it” Mr Adewusi told eagerly waiting pressmen.

He added that the congress will meet with its body at 3pm today to convey the presidents’ message.

With talks scheduled for yesterday night between Goodluck Jonathan and labour officials, uncertainty seems to reign supreme in the financial sector, with bankers saying they will close shop if the strike went ahead today...

The Nigeri..an Labour Congress had issued a three-day ultimatum to go on a warning strike today over the federal government’s refusal to secure legislative backing for a new minimum wage for workers in the public service.

“The bank workers are union members and their unions are also members of the participating unions in the planned strike,” said Sunday Salako, assistant national president, Association of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions.

Bankers are, however, of the opinion that though there may be skeletal operations to keep ATMs and other things running, banks, customers, and the economy would be affected.

A banker at Intercontinental Bank said security is a strong issue that would put bank staff off, if the strike commenced.

“What would happen if they are attacked, who would take responsibility for that? That is why a lot people would keep away, though there has been no formal declaration. We would probably have to wait till 11:59 for confirmation,” he said.

A banker at First Bank said, “If the strike is real, then banks wouldn’t open for security reasons, but there would be skeletal activities. For instance, ATMs would work, and other minor activities,” he said.

Financial cost

The Intercontinental banker said he could not estimate the monetary loss to the banks during the strike.

“I can’t really say what this would cost the banking industry specifically or its corresponding effect on the economy, because in effect, it’s not as if the banks don’t want to render their services,” he added.

“There is no way it won’t hurt both banks and customers alike. For instance, taking only cheques as an example. No one would be able to drop cheques. You know, there are duties and charges for transactions, which would not be carried out if the strike actually begins,” he further said.

There was, however, no unusual surge of customers at banks randomly visited yesterday. Some customers said they do not believe that the strike would hold, while others said though they were aware, they have to make withdrawals. It is also risky for them to make large withdrawals in anticipation of the strike, because of the security state of the nation.

Setback on the economy

Akinbamidele Akintola, a research analyst at Renaissance Capital, an investment firm, said it is expected that the president would resolve the issue in due time.

“This is not positive, as it would cripple the entire system if we assume it would affect the banking sector, ports, airports, schools, oil and gas segment, transport, and a couple of other segments. We expect the government of President Jonathan to resolve the issue promptly with labour congress, as election campaigns and political activity pick up ahead of next 2011 elections.

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81% of Nigerians will vote next year

Eighty-one percent of eligible Nigerians are willing to vote in forthcoming elections, according to a poll released yesterday.

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‘Current Pulse of Nation’s Survey’ is conducted by Research and Marketing Services (RMS), an affiliate of TNS Global, a market research company and Gallup International’s representative in the country.

Adeola Tejumola, the CEO of the company, during a press briefing to announce the statistics, said the polls was centred on the forthcoming general elections because it is the most topical issue as the country celebrates its 50th Independence Day Anniversary..

‘More Nigerians will vote next year’

Mr. Tejumola said the reason for the high figure could probably be attributed to the “one man, one vote campaign”, or INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) administration suddenly improved, or just a reflection of the governance of the day.” “The challenges people raise concern for the most were the epileptic power supply, the increasing crime rate, coupled with the regular kidnapping going on, and corruption continues to rank high on the list,” he said. “For me, the fact that people are beginning to be aware that corruption is an issue, that they acknowledge that it does exist and the need to eradicate corruption in itself, is welcoming news.”

Another problem identified as major by the respondents, were low education quality and poor state of basic facilities.

Only 35 percent of the respondents were, however, confident that the forth coming elections will be free and fair, with half of the respondents expressing concerns about the success of the elections, in spite of the 81 percent willing to vote.

Aggrey Maposa, the company’s chief operating officer (COO), said the difference shows that people think the election process has improved, “though not yet perfect.” “Compared with the previous challenges that INEC used to have, people have seen improvements in the process of the elections. Even though, they understand that the process is not yet perfect, they are willing to vote and express their opinion,” he said.

‘Poor power is killing businesses’

Mr. Tejumola also said 81 percent of Nigeria’s eligible voters support President Goodluck Jonathan’s candidature in the race, noting that the polls was conducted before the presidential aspirants announced to run for office. “But it’s not just one-sided; if 81 percent are saying that President Jonathan should run, in the same report, 54 percent are saying they are not happy with the crime rate, 24 percent are saying that corruption is killing them, and 67 percent are saying that the epileptic power supply is killing their business,” he added.

The report also states that 63 percent of Nigerians will consider character in voting for a presidential candidate, while 33 percent would consider political affiliation. Thirty-one percent will consider political ideology and 27 percent will put the content of the manifesto ahead of other things. The poll also shows a slight popularity advantage for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), going into the next elections, while Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) and All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) had marginal drops in the number of respondents planning to vote for them.

Mr. Tejumola, however, advised presidential aspirants to consider Nigerians’ expectations going into the next elections. “Expectations of Nigerians include generation of employment opportunities, dependable electricity to drive national development, poverty eradication and free qualitative education, amongst others; a serious government would want to concentrate on doing these things for the people,” he said.

Mr. Tejumola also said the research was carried out by the company as “its Corporate Social Responsibility”, and promised that the company will continue to sample public opinion on “topical issues affecting the nation.”

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Research has consistently found that people who don't drink actually tend to die sooner than those who do. A newpaper suggests that abstainers' mortality rates are actually higher thanthose of heavy drinkers.

Even after controlling for many possible variables, such as socioeconomic status, level of physical activity, and number of closefriends, the researchers found that over a 20-year period, mortalityrates were highest for those who had never been drinkers.

One reason for this may be that low levels of ethanol in your bloodstream will prevent the formation of formaldehyde from dietarymethanol. In fact, ethanol is used as the preferred antidote foraccidental methanol poisoning in an emergency for this reason.

Time Magazine reports:

“The authors of the new paper are careful to note that even if drinking is associated with longer life, it can be dangerous: it canimpair your memory severely and it can lead to nonlethal falls and othermishaps”.


Dr. Mercola's Comments:
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This is not the first time we’ve been told that drinking alcohol is actually good for you. What’s surprising however, not to mentionpotentially troublesome, are the scientific claims that moderate andeven heavy drinking is beneficial – in this case, more beneficial for your longevity than abstaining from alcohol entirely!

It’s difficult to reconcile this claim with everything we already know about the devastating health effects of excessive alcoholconsumption and the fact that ethyl alcohol is neurotoxic..

However, I will offer one potential explanation for this oxymoron a bit later in this article.

Moderate Drinkers Live Longer than Non-Drinkers, Study Finds

According to the recent study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Research, epidemiological research suggests that moderate to high alcohol consumption is associated with areduced overall mortality risk compared to non- and light drinkers.

Their study included over 1,800 people, aged 55 to 65 when the study began. Sixty-nine percent of the participants were men. The subjectswere followed for 20 years.

Surprisingly, the group with the lowest mortality rate was moderate drinkers, who had one to three alcoholic drinks per day, followed by heavy drinkers, and then light drinkers, while non-drinkers had the highest mortality rate of them all.

The study states:

“Controlling only for age and gender, compared to moderate drinkers, abstainers had a more than 2 times increased mortality risk,heavy drinkers had 70% increased risk, and light drinkers had 23%increased risk.

A model controlling for former problem drinking status, existing health problems, and key sociodemographic and social-behavioral factors,as well as for age and gender, substantially reduced the mortalityeffect for abstainers compared to moderate drinkers.

However, even after adjusting for all covariates, abstainers and heavy drinkers continued to show increased mortality risks of 51 and45%, respectively, compared to moderate drinkers.”

Time Magazine writes that “moderate alcohol use (especially when the beverage of choice isred wine) is thought to improve heart health, circulation andsociability.”

But is that enough to explain these findings?

I believe it’s unwise to ignore the big picture when it comes to health, and when it comes to alcohol, I’m just not convinced that thepotential benefits outweigh all the risks, particularly when it comes tohaving multiple drinks per day.

So I hope these latest findings will not be used as justification to further promote a dangerous and health-damaging habit that can easilylead to alcoholism.

The Health Hazards of Alcohol

Before we get into the potential benefits, it’s important to realize that alcohol is a neurotoxin that can poison your brain. It can alsodisrupt your hormonal balance, which could potentially explain why womendo not appear to reap the same health benefits from alcohol consumptionas men do.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, “moderate” consumption for women is just one drink per day, whereas“moderate” consumption for men is two drinks. Hence, women who consumetwo to three drinks a day will actually fall into the category of“heavy” drinkers.

Another important consideration is that wine or other alcoholic beverages will increase your insulin levels, which will eventually have a negative impact on your health. As I’ve stated on many previous occasions, insulin resistance is a hallmark of nearly every chronic disease there is.

Heavy drinkers also face increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cirrhosis of the liver.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, women who drink two or more drinks a day increase their risk of breast cancer by more than 40 percent!

Other types of cancer linked to excessive alcohol consumption include cancer of the:

  • Mouth, larynx and esophagus
  • Liver
  • Colon
  • Pancreas
  • Lungs

Alcohol consumption also inhibits your body’s natural stress response by reducing a key stress hormone, known as corticotropin-releasingfactor (CRF). CRF is produced by your hypothalamus and helps triggeryour body's reaction to stress.

If your stress response is impaired, your immune system will also be inhibited, which can have any number of health implications, from reducing your ability to fight infections to increasing your cancer risk.

Alcohol also clearly needs to be avoided during pregnancy.

Beyond Resveratrol – Explaining the Health Benefits of Alcohol

One of the most widely accepted health benefits of alcohol comes from resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine, which acts as a:

  • Cancer-preventing agent
  • Blood thinner
  • Vaso-expanding agent
  • Blood pressure lowering compound
  • Anti-aging chemical

But resveratrol cannot explain the health benefits ascribed to the moderate consumption of other types of alcohol (ethanol).

Interestingly, research into ethanol’s impact on dietary methanol may offer clues that could potentially rival the late breaking science into fructose and its devastating impact on health.

One possible explanation for why mortality rates are higher for non-drinkers may be that low levels of ethanol (alcohol) in yourbloodstream helps prevent the formation of formaldehyde from dietarymethanol. (In fact, ethanol is used as the preferred antidote foraccidental methanol poisoning in an emergency for this reason.)

What is dietary methanol and how could this possibly have ANY significance?

New Concern in Your Food: Wood Alcohol (Methanol)

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of naturally-occurring methanol, and the artificial sweetener aspartameconverts into methanol in your body.

Normally this is not a problem as the methanol is typically bound to pectin, and since your body has no enzyme to metabolize that bond it issimply excreted in your stool and none of the methanol is absorbed intoyour body.

However, the problem occurs when you can or bottle fruit- or vegetable juice, as the methanol tends to then dissociate from thepectin into free methanol, which you do absorb.

The methanol you absorb readily passes the blood brain barrier where it can be converted to form formaldehyde, which is a potent toxin thatactually causes most of the damage.

Why Ethanol May Protect You From Methanol

An exciting paper that delves into this topic is food scientist Woody Monte’s “Methanol: A chemical Trojan horse as the root of the inscrutable U,” published in the March, 2010 issue of Medical Hypotheses.

In it, he explains that:

Very low levels of ethanol in your bloodstream would substantively prevent all formaldehyde production from dietary methanolanywhere in the body.

Protection from formaldehyde production may account for the yet unexplained dose region of apparent improvement in the U-shapedcurve of alcohol consumption.

Epidemiologic studies show moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction, dementia,lupus, and other diseases of civilization.

Low doses of ethanol appear to provide a preventative measure against the causes of diseases of civilization.

Recent studies of individuals who consumed at least one alcoholic drink per day show subjects had an additional 86 percent reduction inrisk of myocardial infarction if they were genetically endowed with agenotype of ADH I that was 2.5 times slower to metabolize ethanol thanthe control.

These findings were ‘‘consistent with the hypothesis that a slower rate of clearance of alcohol enhances the beneficial effect ofmoderate alcohol consumption on the risk of cardiovascular disease.””

It is important to understand that the primary treatment for methanol poisoning in the emergency room is to give them ethanol, for thereasons described above.

The ethanol will preferentially be broken down before the methanol. The methanol then remains unmetabolized, and in its base form it isrelatively nontoxic. It’s becomes a problem when your body breaks itdown to formaldehyde.

So while your body is breaking down the ethanol it has enough time to breathe out the methanol unchanged in your lungs and excrete itunchanged in your urine.

A Little Alcohol Might Be Good, But More is Definitely Dangerous

As I mentioned earlier, if this theory is correct, it could rival the scientific findings on fructose in terms of importance, and couldexplain not only the health benefits of low-to moderate alcoholconsumption, but also how aspartame affects some people more negativelythan others.

It may still be too early to draw definitive conclusions, but the arguments are compelling and I’ll be following this line of researchwith great interest in the years to come.

In his paper, Dr. Monte continues to connect the dots and shows how greater alcohol consumption ceases to be beneficial at a certain point, and instead starts to take its toll on your health:

“A compelling explanation of the dose region of adverse effects of the U-shaped curve with high ethanol consumption, which shows increased risk of these same diseases, could be themechanism by which humans habituate to high consumption of ethanol.

The induction of the P450 hepatic microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system results in a considerably higher clearance rate of ethanol fromthe bloodstream for an extended period of time, thus accounting for moreconsumption leading to statistically less time of protection.

Small amounts of supplemental alcohol not sufficient to induce P450 might be expected to prolong the residence time and avoid gaps inthe protection afforded by ethanol in preventing methanol-placedformaldehyde. “

P450 is a class, or family, of liver enzymes whose main functions include catalyzing the metabolism of drugs and the oxidation of organicsubstances.

In simplistic terms, higher alcohol consumption sends this system into high gear, and starts clearing ethanol from your system.

Again, a simplified explanation for how you become a habitual drinker (which also tends to lead to drinking increasing amounts of alcohol) isthat the more you drink, the more efficient this ethanol-clearingsystem becomes, and you begin to be able to drink more before you noticethe effects of the alcohol.

What this all means is that in order for the alcohol to provide you with the health benefit of preventing formaldehyde formation, it must below enough to not activate the P450 system.

Hence you get a U-shaped curve, where low- to moderate alcohol consumption gives you increasing amounts of health benefits, until youreach the “threshold,” at which point the more you drink, the more harmit causes.

It’s important to realize that formaldehyde is a class 1 carcinogen and a mutagen, and in the form of methanol, it can easily be transportedthroughout your entire body and brain.

Wherever you have a lot of ADH1 (the enzyme metabolizes methanol to formaldehyde), such as in your brain, methanol can be particularlytroublesome.

But as long as there’s just enough ethanol in your system to keep the methanol moving along, without ever being metabolized to formaldehyde,no damage is caused.

It’s worth noting here also that the average person typically has some naturally-occurring ethanol in their system, as it is also created through the fermentation process in your gut.

However, the addition of small amounts of ethanol in the form of alcohol may be able to more fully prevent formaldehyde from forming,which could explain why low- to moderate alcohol consumption appears tobe even more healthful than total abstinence…

How Can You Get the Same Benefits Without Drinking Alcohol?

It is not my recommendation to start drinking alcohol or to use this information as a justification to continue drinking alcohol. I am notconvinced it is physiologically beneficial for you in the long run.

The purpose of running this article was to merely inform you of a recent appreciation of methanol toxicity, and how ethanol can interactwith it. If this theory is true then the primary benefit of usingethanol would be to prevent methanol from converting to formaldehyde.

So what is the main source of methanol in your diet?

Remember that fresh fruits and vegetables have it but it’s harmless if you eat them fresh, as the methanol is then bound to pectin andcannot dissociate and cause you harm.

They key is to avoid ALL canned (or bottled) fruit or vegetable juices as they will have free methanol. Another large source of freemethanol would be aspartame which is 11 percent methanol by weight.

So if this theory is correct, you would likely receive very little benefit from consuming ethanol if you just avoid canned fruits andvegetables and asparatame….....

Do You Drink Too Much?

It’s dangerous to place too much weight on recommendations that include imbibing alcohol on a regular basis. And even if you do takethat recommendations to heart, it’s important to remember that healthbenefits have ONLY been found in people who drink small amounts ofalcohol on a daily basis, NOT a week’s worth of alcohol over theweekend...

This fact also further strengthens the theory that the benefit is derived from having low amounts of ethanol circulating almostcontinuously, or at least regularly, through your system, keepingformaldehyde from forming and doing any damage.

Unfortunately, alcohol abuse is a major problem in most countries, so I certainly hope you will not use this information as an excuse to hitthe bottle every day.

Most alcohol misuse and abuse stems from deep emotional challenges. Addressing these issues at a deep level is imperative to avoid thenegative health consequences--both physical and mental--that inevitablyresult from excessive drinking.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can be helpful if this is an issue for you. This psychologicalacupressure technique is routinely used in my clinic and it works betterthan any other traditional or alternative method I am currently awareof.

However, if you try the technique yourself and find that you are not improving, consider consulting a trained EFT therapist to facilitate theprocess. You can find a list of qualified EFT practitioners near you atthis link. For more information, feel free to review Pat Carrington’s site TappingCentral.

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The Falconets class of 2010 have made history by beating the USA and qualifying for a first ever semi-final in any FIFA organised women's competition.

The team trailed from a USA goal in the 9th minute but equalised spectacularly through Helen Ukaonu in the 79th minute to drag the match into extra time which did not produce any more goals.

In the ensuing penalty kicks, USA captain, Christine Nairn lost the USA's first kick and Sydney Leroux blazed their fourth kick over the bar to hand the Nigerian girls' victory 5-3. They will meet Colombia in the semi-finals on Thursday, July 29, 2010..

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In the last election, his party had 74,059 votes... That is according to them, according to INEC. His plans to ensure the next election is different They rubbished the entire democratic process. They stifled the voice of opposition and eradicated any form of democracy that is a threat to them, as the political party in power. This is a very peculiar country, but one thing is very clear: the hand of the Almighty God has always being on this country. The hand that brought Obasanjo, Yar'Adua and Jonathan, that same hand will position Reverend Okotie and once that is done, you will know that our nationhood has evolved.

Why God would allow the (electoral) crises to persist

Because there is a word in the scripture that is called long suffering and he delays justice because of the poor that will suffer. If we break into hostilities, it is these rich men that will first abscond. So many times, the Lord is merciful because of we, the people; not because he wants to perpetuate those people in power, but because he is careful. The prophecy concerning the PDP has gone forth and they are going to fight each other and destroy each other because that is how evil is terminated. We can't fight them. They are too strong for us. So they most fight each other..

His previous assertions that he would president in 2003 and 2007

That is what I'm saying, that my time will come. I already quoted Abraham Lincoln in the sense that I am so sure that it is a divine mandate. All I have to do is wait for the right time and not compromise my philosophy or compromise my faith and join a conglomerate of men and women who call themselves political parties, whereas they are just a conscription of men and women of anti-theatrical philosophies who have no ideological connectivity and their only common denominator is their desire to annex wealth. Because I believe in a Nigeria where truth reins; a fresh Nigeria which our party symbolises in F-Faith, R-Responsibility, E-Equality, S-Security and H-Hope. This is the philosophy upon which I have erected the citadel of my confidence because I believe only a fresh Nigerian can salvage this nation. All this cosmetic and superficial activity that are going on by the ruling party is a journey in futility. This will also drift us back to square one, which we have always been.

How soon the drift will happen

If we perpetuate a PDP government, which I think Nigeria cannot afford, we will be back to square one and that is a recipe for extinction. The party is incapacitated, ab initio. But the party has been ruling for 12 years I am aware and it was necessary for Nigerians to reach a point of self-examination and re-assessment of this slavery. Our leaders have betrayed us on a large scale and it takes a while to come to that realisation and global events, as seen in the angry youth protest in Abuja as Nigerians are recognising what they have to do without anybody galvanising them. It is an evolution. Mao Tse Tung once said if people no longer fear your power, it is because another power is on its way and that is what we are seeing here. I believe with all my heart that we are seeing the last vestiges of this oppressive leadership of the PDP. I believe our people are coming to a place where they are willing to make the necessary sacrifice to emancipate themselves and that the money politics that the PDP has played for so many years is gradually frittering out and there is going to be an implosion within the party that will totally fragment it to the extent that it will be totally powerless.

His silence when activists were protesting for rule of law

I do not know the kind of newspapers you read, but I made my opinion known and at some point in time, I called for an interim government to be installed so that the entire malady that surrounded the executive could be cleared and we will move on. The nation was inundated by the soap opera that transpired with incapacitation of late President Yar'Adua and even though we had urged the PDP to declare his whereabouts and be transparent, nobody paid attention and we did not want to sound insensitive with the fact that the president is incapacitated and be more interested in politics. So, the sentiment of it all was something that PDP capitalised on. But it was not because we were not quick to articulate our views on the impact.

How he intends to tackle problems such as corruption, unemployment and power

Let me put this in proper context; campaigns have not begun. What I just did was to articulate my desire to run for the office. We are not suppose to engage in any campaign until INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) says so. I can only give you observations that I have made concerning the things that I have seen in the country from a very constructive view-point. I believe the reason why corruption has been able to flourish is because there is an enabling environment. If you want to incapacitate those who participate in corruption, you will have to change the environment, not just engender punitive measures. It has to be juxtaposed with moral instruction for there to be meaningful change. For instance if you take a fish out of water, it cannot function; if you take an evil man into heaven, he cannot function, so there are certain mechanisms in government that make it possible for this charlatans to operate and until we dismantle this mechanism, corruption will (only) at best be tackled on the punitive level which is where you have the EFCC and all of those things. The 10 commandments didn't even save Israel, not to talk about EFCC saving Nigeria. We also need to understand that there is cooperation between these charlatans and those who are in the supervisory role; this is a major characteristic of the PDP as seen in the House of Representatives, where the speaker was indicted some months ago and we are right back at it. That is why I respect the former President, Olusegun Obasanjo, because he was bold enough to address that. When I become president, we will change the environment. If you go back a few years when Yar'Adua was installed as head of state, because they had nothing to offer, they came with a nominal seven point agenda with nothing on ground to corroborate the position. The laws of dialectical materialism by Karl Marx, which involve having a concept called the thesis, you find a concept that works against the thesis called the anti-thesis, then both of them synthesize together to form what is called synthesis which can be translated into chaos and this what PDP does. They create chaos, then they get a group within the party to oppose the chaos and then they resolve the problems within the two groups and synthesize the third position, which is where we are headed in the first place. So they create a problem and get a group of people to fight it, like when they created the Yar'Adua problem. They create that chaos and buy time using the diversionary tactics that makes people then think; oh this is an emergencey situation whilst they have nothing to offer. Government is not transparent in this country and they have refused to give room to the fourth estate (journalism) to do what they are mentally meant to do.

God and the presidential system

The whole concept of the presidential system comes from the bible, because God is our law-giver; that is how you get the legislature; God is our judge, so you have the judiciary; God is our King, you have the executive. That is how it was patterned and it was devised as a concept of government. We need a fourth concept that will articulate the plans on the purpose of the government to the people. That is how the press came about. The new Nigeria of our dreams that will soon transpire must be a government of integrity. It must understand that Nigeria is no longer a pariah nation, that we live in a millennium where the quest for innovation knows no frontiers and that we are no longer isolated in some dark continent. So, a Chris Okotie government will re-establish government in its true definition, where the people are a part of it and know what is going on.

His ability to build a structure that could win elections

If you take the government of this nation in tandem, maybe from the civil war, you will discover that there has always being a divine intervention at some point and recent events corroborate my saying. Look at former president, Olusegun Obasanjo who was out of government, incarcerated for a phantom coup, from where he became the president of Nigeria. He was not involved in any politics at that time, in terms of democratic process, but he became the head of state. The late Yar'Adua, relatively unknown with little or no quality pedigree more or less or his vice, Goodluck Jonathan, probably known regionally, not at on the national platform but today he is our President, because there is a divine intervention in the affairs of this country. That is why it imperative for a Chris Okotie to pontificate on the affairs of this country that identifies him as a credible aspirant for that office; so that when the opportunity presents itself, it will be easy to say this is the man.

Possibilities of merger with other political parties

Talks have already commenced and, in due time, we will unveil our strategy. The talks have always been on since as far back as the last two elections that I contested, where some political parties approached me because of my credibility. But I will not compromise my sense of purpose to give Nigerians the right leadership by jumping at people who do not share the same values as FRESH. Adherence to principles invokes respect, as all kind of overtures have come from different political parties with most of them having leaders who do not have the kind of intellectual capacity that is necessary for the kind of government they are trying to put in place. But I have stayed with my principle. I believe, just like Abraham Lincoln said, "I will study and wait."

What happens to his church if he becomes president

It will be bigger. When God was sending Jesus to the world, he wanted to make him the political leader of the world, not the spiritual leader. But for him to be the political leader, he had to take the sins of the world through his death. He will return as the governor, as stated in the bible, that will rule with the rod, as a political leader. By this procedure, God patterned Jesus to be a secular leader like Melchizedek during the time of Abraham, so that Jesus can become both a spiritual leader and a political leader. So, somebody like me, I am already a spiritual leader and I will be a political leader because earth was given to man to rule. Only a righteous government can exalt a nation.

Ethnicity and zoning formula in Nigerian political parties

We have gone beyond that. Zoning is a PDP mechanism and anybody clamouring for these issues cannot adduce evidence to substantiate that position. The best election in this country was won by a Muslim-Muslim ticket, that everyone across the nation voted for. Such clamour is a narrow perspective of politicians who are unable by any sweat of their imagination to acquire political recognition and so they think the only way they can is to polarize the polity along religious and ethnic divide. The process of galvanising ethnicity in political parties is anachronistic, because the experience we have disproves that philosophy. What Nigerians are looking for today is a credible candidate, irrespective of where he/she is from, because both the northerners and southerners will tell you that their leaders have betrayed them. Zoning is the business of the PDP; a gargantuan monstrosity and PDP is not Nigeria. I will run for the office of the president, irrespective of the fact that Mr. Jonathan is also from the South. The experience of his divorce and second marriage Entering the covenant of marriage is the highest possible level of spiritual responsibility anybody can assume, because it authenticates the mystery of the God head. I have found myself in a better place of understanding which gives a conscious of responsibility for this life.

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WASHINGTON – BP will set aside $20 billion to pay the victims of the massive oil spill in the Gulf, senior administration officials said Wednesday, a move made under pressure by the White House as the company copes with causing the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.

The independent fund will be led by lawyer Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw payments to families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In his current role, Feinberg is known as Obama's "pay czar," setting salary limits for companies getting the most aid from a $700 billion government bailout fund.

Obama was to announce the deal in a Rose Garden statement later Wednesday after wrapping up a meeting with BP executives at the White House.

The officials familiar with the details spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity before the announcement.

The still-unfolding disaster in the Gulf, as tens of thousands of gallons of oil continue to pour from the broken well daily, is jeopardizing the environment and ecosystems along with the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people across the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. Those affected ranged from fishermen to restaurateurs to oil rig workers idled by Obama's temporary halt to new deep-sea oil drilling.

BP spokesman Toby Odone declined to comment on the fund..

Several big questions remain unanswered, including when BP would start processing claims and paying people out of the fund; who and what would exactly be covered under the plan; how the White House and BP came up with a figure of $20 billion; and whether other involved companies will be required to chip in.

At $20 billion, the size of the fund is the same that was recommended by congressional Democrats.

BP has taken the brunt of criticism about the oil spill because it was the operator of the Deepwater Horizon rig that sunk. It also is a majority owner of the undersea well that has been spewing oil since the explosion.

But when the day of reckoning finally comes, it may not be the only one having to pay up. That's because Swiss-based Transocean Ltd. owned a majority interest in the rig. Anadarko Petroleum, based in The Woodlands, Texas, has a 25 percent non-operating interest in the well.

Feinberg ran the unprecedented $7 billion government compensation program for the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks. It was a job that lasted nearly three years as he decided how much compensation families of the victims should get, largely based on how much income they would have earned in a lifetime.

As pay czar, Feinberg has capped cash salaries at $500,000 this year for the vast majority of the top executives at the five major companies that received bailout funding: American International Group, GMAC Financial Services, Chrysler Financial, Chrysler and General Motors.

The selection of Feinberg was praised by Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York. "He did an amazingly good job in New York for the families of those lost on September 11 and received plaudits from all sides. I believe when Feinberg completes his mission here, the people in the Gulf will feel the same way," Schumer said in a statement.

The development came as Obama was meeting on his turf with top BP leaders to press the London-based oil giant to pay giant claims.

BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg, CEO Tony Hayward, and other officials walked slowly as a group from the Southwest Gate of the White House, climbing the steps leading to the West Wing.

Joining the president in the room were Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and the secretaries of energy, interior, commerce, homeland security and labor.

The meeting came the morning after Obama vowed to an angry nation that "we will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused."

The crisis began with a deep water well that blew out on April 20, killing 11 rig workers and triggering the spill.

Obama in his speech to the nation on Tuesday night backed creation of a fund administered by an independent trustee to pay damages and clean up costs associated with the spill.

For the president, the tough diplomacy with a few officials behind closed doors is a bookend to his attempt to reach millions at once. Using a delivery in which even the harshest words were uttered in subdued tones, Obama did not offer much in the way of new ideas or details in his speech. He mainly recapped the government's efforts, insisted once again that BP will be held to account and tried to tap the resilience of a nation in promising that "something better awaits."

Obama's forceful tone about BP's behavior shows how far matters have deteriorated. The White House once had described BP as an essential partner in plugging the crude oil spewing from the broken well beneath nearly a mile of water. Now Obama says BP has threatened to destroy a whole way of life.

An Associated Press-GfK poll released Tuesday showed 52 percent now disapprove of Obama's handling of the oil spill, up significantly from last month. Most people — 56 percent — think the government's actions in response to the disaster really haven't had any impact on the situation.

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"I'm spiritual but not religious."

A Tree and Its Fruit

15“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

It's a trendy phrase people often use to describe their belief that they don't need organized religion to live a life of faith.

But for Jesuit priest James Martin, the phrase also hints at something else: egotism.

"Being spiritual but not religious can lead to complacency and self-centeredness," says Martin, an editor at America, a national Catholic magazine based in New York City. "If it's just you and God in your room, and a religious community makes no demands on you, why help the poor?"

Religious debates erupt over everything from doctrine to fashion. Martin has jumped into a running debate over the "I'm spiritual but not religious" phrase.Photo:Being "spiritual but not religious" means you do not need a church or a community, some say. A beach will do.


The "I'm spiritual but not religious" community is growing so much that one pastor compared it to a movement. In a 2009 survey by the research firm LifeWay Christian Resources, 72 percent of millennials (18- to 29-year-olds) said they're "more spiritual than religious." The phrase is now so commonplace that it's spawned its own acronym ("I'm SBNR") and Facebook page: SBNR.org.

But what exactly does being "spiritual but not religious" mean, and could there be hidden dangers in living such a life?

Did you choose "Burger King Spirituality"?

Heather Cariou, a New York City-based author who calls herself spiritual instead of religious, doesn't think so. She's adopted a spirituality that blends Buddhism, Judaism and other beliefs.

"I don't need to define myself to any community by putting myself in a box labeled Baptist, or Catholic, or Muslim," she says. "When I die, I believe all my accounting will be done to God, and that when I enter the eternal realm, I will not walk though a door with a label on it."

People seem not to have the time nor the energy or interest to delve deeply into any one faith or religious tradition.

--June-Ann Greeley, theology professor



The Roman Catholic Church

BJ Gallagher, a Huffington Post blogger who writes about spirituality, says she's SBNR because organized religion inevitably degenerates into tussles over power, ego and money.

Gallagher tells a parable to illustrate her point:

"God and the devil were walking down a path one day when God spotted something sparkling by the side of the path. He picked it up and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Ah, Truth," he said.

"Here, give it to me," the devil said. "I'll organize it."

Gallagher says there's nothing wrong with people blending insights from different faith traditions to create what she calls a "Burger King Spirituality -- have it your way."

She disputes the notion that spiritual people shun being accountable to a community.

"Twelve-step people have a brilliant spiritual community that avoids all the pitfalls of organized religion," says Gallagher, author of "The Best Way Out is Always Through."

"Each recovering addict has a 'god of our own understanding,' and there are no priests or intermediaries between you and your god. It's a spiritual community that works.''

Nazli Ekim, who works in public relations in New York City, says calling herself spiritual instead of religious is her way of taking responsibility for herself.

Ekim was born in a Muslim family and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. She prayed to Allah every night, until she was 13 and had to take religion classes in high school.Then one day, she says she had to take charge of her own beliefs.

"I had this revelation that I bow to no one, and I've been spiritually a much happier person," says Ekim, who describers herself now as a Taoist, a religious practice from ancient China that emphasizes the unity of humanity and the universe.

"I make my own mistakes and take responsibility for them. I've lied, cheated, hurt people -- sometimes on purpose. Did I ever think I will burn in hell for all eternity? I didn't. Did I feel bad and made up for my mistakes? I certainly did, but not out of fear of God."

Going on a spiritual walkabout

The debate over being spiritual rather than religious is not just about semantics. It's about survival.

Numerous surveys show the number of Americans who do not identify themselves as religious has been increasing and likely will continue to grow.

A 2008 survey conducted by Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, dubbed these Americans who don't identify with any religion as "Nones."

"I don't need to define myself in a box labeled Baptist, or Catholic, or Muslim."

--Heather Cariou, a spiritual but not religious seeker

Seminaries, churches, mosques and other institutions will struggle for survival if they don't somehow convince future generations that being religious isn't so bad after all, religion scholars warn.

Jennifer Walters, dean of religious life at Smith College in Massachusetts, says there's a lot of good in old-time religion.

Religious communities excel at caring for members in difficult times, encouraging members to serve others and teaching religious practices that have been tested and wrestled with for centuries, Walters says.

"Hymn-singing, forms of prayer and worship, teachings about social justice and forgiveness -- all these things are valuable elements of religious wisdom," Walters says. "Piecing it together by yourself can be done, but with great difficulty."

Being a spiritual Lone Ranger fits the tenor of our times, says June-Ann Greeley, a theology and philosophy professor.

"Religion demands that we accord to human existence some absolutes and eternal truths, and in a post-modern culture, that becomes all but impossible," says Greeley, who teaches at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut.

It's much easier for "spiritual" people to go on "spiritual walkabouts," Greeley says.

"People seem not to have the time nor the energy or interest to delve deeply into any one faith or religious tradition," Greeley says. "So they move through, collecting ideas and practices and tenets that most appeal to the self, but making no connections to groups or communities."

Being spiritual instead of religious may sound sophisticated, but the choice may ultimately come down to pettiness, says Martin, the Jesuit priest, who writes about the phrase in his book, "The Jesuit Guide to (Almost Everything)."

"Religion is hard," he says. "Sometimes it's just too much work. People don't feel like it. I have better things to do with my time. It's plain old laziness."

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Soon we will love to CALL THE POLICE in NAIJA !

About two years after it stripped former anti-corruption czar, Nuhu Ribadu, of his police rank and dismissed him from service, the Police Service Commission, PSC, the agency with authority for employment, discipline, and posting of senior officers reversed itself yesterday.

In a letter dated 24 May 2010 and addressed to the Inspector General of Police, the PSC said Mr. Ribadu has been reabsorbed into the police in his full ranks of Assistant Inspector General, AIG, with effect from December 2008, adding however that he would immediately proceed on retirement from the police.

*Rank Stripping

In a July 2008 move, the PSC stripped 140 officers including Mr. Ribadu of their ranks claiming they earned undue promotion under the Obasanjo administration. Mr. Ribadu headed to court to challenge the move prompting the police authorities to fire him for insubordination in December of that year.

The police claimed he breached official process by going to court without official clearance as stipulated by the Police Act.
In a preliminary ruling on the case last year, Justice Adamu Bello slammed the police and said the provisions of the Police Act that require the aggrieved officer to take permission from the police authority before seeking legal redress were inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution.

Mr. Bello held that, by coming to court without the express permission from the police authority, Mr. Ribadu only exercised his discretionary right, as the provision does not make it mandatory for him to get the approval of his employers before seeking redress in a court of law.

*Police Act undermines individual liberty

"It would have been fool-hardy for. Mr. Ribadu to seek and await the approval from the authority as such approval may never come," Mr. Bello said. "To say that Mr. Ribadu must seek the approval of the police authority before instituting the action in court is inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution. Regulations 347 of the Police Act is inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution and is therefore void on the strength of this inconsistency."

The PSC letter reabsorbing Mr. Ribadu letter, signed by the permanent secretary of the agency, did not give reasons for the volte face but NEXT sources in the police reasoned that it was a result of an awareness in police circles that the December 2008 punitive measures lacked merit, amounted to a persecution, and was anyway going to fail in the current legal battle.

*Conspiracy Against Ribadu

Sources at the Force headquarters told NEXT in Abuja that the news came with shock and anxiety for many in the velvet rank of the police who were thought to have orchestrated Mr. Ribadu's exit in what was generally thought to be a malicious power play.
PSC Chairman, Parry Osayande, announced the demotion of Mr. Ribadu while the current Inspector General of Police, Ogbona Onovo, headed a disciplinary committee set up to try Mr. Ribadu. He never appeared before the committee because he had challenged the police in court.

This was later used against him in the PSC's definition of insubordination. With the restoration of Ribadu as an AIG, the former anti-corruption Czar is now entitled to pension and would receive all his entitlements and outstanding allowances due him as the period he was out of office.

*Asset Declaration Case

Early this month, the federal government discontinued the trial of Mr. Ribadu at the Code of Conduct Tribunal where he was facing charges for not declaring his assets while he was the chairman of the
anti-corruption agency.

Following Mr. Ribadu's controversial removal from office, and subsequent dramatic dismissal from the Nigeria Police Force, the former attorney general, Michael Aondoakaa, filed charges against Mr. Ribadu, accusing him of failing to declare his assets while he was the EFCC chairman. Mr. Ribadu, who has always denied the allegations, told journalists that his asset declaration forms were, "submitted on assumption of office in March 2003, and my exit from office in December 2008.

"I assert that there is no substance to this case; that my assets were declared. How could I have been confirmed for my position in 2003 if I did not submit an asset declaration form to the Senate, as all officers needing Senate confirmation are obligated to do?" he asked. He said the charges were trumped up basically to smear his name and persecute him because he had crossed some influential people while in office.

*Cleared from Watch-List

Last week the Nigeria's office of the International Police (INTERPOL), formally notified security and immigration agencies that Mr Ribadu has been removed from its security watch list, following the withdrawal of the charges against him by the Nigerian government. "I refer to the watch-listing of the above named person watch-listed for some specific acts. The charges against him have been withdrawn. The watch-listing has accordingly been cancelled," Mr. Nwodibo Ekechukwu, the Interpol anchor man, said in the notice.

*Doctorate Degree

Meanwhile, the Babcock University in Ogun State has chosen Mr Ribadu as a recipient of its honorary doctorate degree in law [Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa]. The formal ceremony for the award is scheduled for the University's convocation ceremony to be held in Ilishan, Ogun on June 6, 2010. In a letter sent to Mr. Ribadu by the President and Vice Chancellor of the University, Kayode Makinde, the university said the award was in recognition of Mr Ribadu's "loyal breeding", "lofty aim" and "resolute courage" as well as what it called his, "fierce stance against corruption in the face of sponsored disgrace and certain death that has resulted into positive changes and global acclaim hitherto considered impossible"

Mr. Ribadu, was removed from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) which he headed from 2003 to 2007, under controversial circumstances, escaped from the country and was declared wanted by the Nigeria police on November 20, 2009, after being accused of not declaring his assets as the chairman of the ant-graft agency.

*Returning Soon

Presidency sources said at the weekend that Mr. Ribadu is expected to resume "in a matter of weeks" in Abuja. As part of his remit, Mr. Ribadu will be the presidential anchorman supervising the broad anti-corruption platform of the country which includes his former agency, the EFCC; the ICPC; the Code of Conduct Bureau and other related agencies. Mr. Ribadu is, at the moment, winding up a plum fellowship at the Centre for Global Development (CGD), a think tank in Washington D.C. dedicated to international issues of development.
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* Police, APCs deployed on the streets VP nominee and Kaduna State governor, Namadi Sambo advertisement * How Sambo won Jonathan The choice of Governor Mohammed Namadi Sambo of Kaduna State by President Goodluck Jonathan as his nominee for the vice presidential slot has sparked tension in Kaduna, prompting the police to deploy troops and Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) to the streets yesterday. Sunday Vanguard can also report that the president’s choice of Alhaji Sambo, an architect, is a product of the president’s personal interaction with, and knowledge of, the governor from their time as members of the committee on power set up by the late President Umaru Yar’Adua. Some Islamic clerics and youths are said to be ones engineering the tension. Their grievance, it was gathered in Kaduna, was not much about Alhaji Sambo but the fact that the affairs of the state will now be run by a Christian and the current deputy governor, Mr. Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa. Mr. Yakowa is from the predominantly Christian Southern Kaduna. Some imams were said to have openly complained about the development.. On Friday some text messages began to articulate in the state one of which said: ‘Suhanallah, this means that the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has won. Their agenda of taking over Kaduna and Nigeria has succeeded. “Namadi is also not a prominent Muslim. Appointing him shows clearly that the Obasanjo agenda of shifting power to the Christians in both Kaduna and Nigeria is fast becoming a reality. “All Muslims need to rise in prayers and in tigfar so that Allah in His infinite mercies may change this arrangement and put these enemies of Muslims and Islam to shame.” The police reacted promptly be deploying men to the streets on Friday ahead of the Jumat prayers. Policemen drove around the flash point in their APCs. The state Police Commissioner, Alhaji Tambari Yabo Mohammed, also held a meeting with Divisional Police Officers (DPOs) in the state yesterday and reportedly directed them to ensure that there was no breakdown of law and order in their areas. Besides, Muslim and Christian leaders in the state were mandated to educate their followers on democratic principles. SOKAPU, NDPF, NANS welcome his choice But the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU), the Northern Democratic Peoples Forum (NDPF) and the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) hailed Gov. Sambo’s choice. “The nomination of Sambo as vice president will certainly be of greater benefit to the generality of the Nigerian populace as he is a detribalized fellow, who believes in the corporate and peaceful co-existence of all Nigerians, irrespective of their religious or ethnic affiliations”, the NDPF said, while SOKAPU “rejoiced with the new Vice Presidential designate, Arc. Mohammed Namadi Sambo by President Goodluck Jonathan,” adding that Sambo was not only a “suitable replacement but a worthy honour to the union and Kaduna state”. SOKAPU National President, Professor Haruna Ishaya Nock who spoke for the union said, “We are rejoicing with Arc Namadi Sambo and it is a welcome development because our state have been recognized in the federation. This is a good omen and would bring about more other development to the Reacting to the development, the Kaduna state Police Spokesman, Deputy Superintendent, Aminu Lawal in an interview said, “the Commissioner of Police just finished security meeting with all Divisional Police Officers throughout the state, and he charged them to brace up and tighten up security vigilance in their respective areas. “We are on top of security and trouble makers have no place here I can tell you. Kaduna state is intact and peaceful and no threat to security exists. “Our men would go back and continue working with other stakeholders to strengthen security in their areas. We don’t want any record of breach and we are ready. People should go about their normal activities”. All is well — KDSG The state Commissioner for Information and Home Affairs, Alhaji Saidu Adamu said:, “There is no tension whatsoever in Kaduna state, everything is going fine and you can see. “It is just the handiwork of detractors who wish the state bad but there is nothing like that in the Kaduna. “The government of Kaduna state is actually happy that this is happening to us in Kaduna state, because we all know that the Governor never wanted this appointment, all he has been saying is that he wants God to grant him the ability to go back for a second term as the Governor of the state to make sure that he completes most of the projects he has started, so each time you even speak to him about being the Vice President he never liked it. “He wanted to stay in Kaduna and complete the good job he started, but you see when God is doing his own thing he does not consult anybody. “God had already prepared him for the Vice Presidency, so even when our governor was working tirelessly to see that Senator Makarfi becomes the Vice President, little did he know that in God’s mind he has already started with him. “And that was why President Goodluck Jonathan decided to pick him as the constitution has provided. “Whoever is saying that Sambo scuttled Makarfi’s bid to be Vice President actually does not believe in God. Namadi has been lobbying for Makarfi. It is the President that has the sole right to nominate anybody he feels that he is comfortable to work with him, so he feels comfortable to work with Namadi as Vice President”. On the expected takeover of leadership in the state by the Deputy Governor, Mr.Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa, Adamu further said that, “the constitution is clear about this; the deputy governor will automatically become the governor, if the Governor is sworn in as the Vice President. “Development is coming to our state; creating more environments for our people. That is the thinking of God and nobody can change that. “It a normal issue without contest and if anybody thinks otherwise then he is ignorant of the constitution. “Unless if the constitution is changed today, it is very clear and we have no other reason than to comply with the constitution. As long as the constitution is there we have no choice than to act according to it. Why Jonathan settled for him Meanwhile, Sunday Vanguard gathered that President Jonathan settled for Governor Sambo on the strength of the existing relationship between them that began when they both met and served in the late President Umaru Yar’Adua’s committee on power. The relationship, according to a source familiar with them, is “one based on trust, confidence and mutual respect. Sunday Vanguard can also reveal that President Jonathan decided to consult as widely as possible so that whoever he settled for would be seen as the “product of wide consultations in the country”. However, it was also gathered that at no time did he ask for a group nominee as was done by the Senate, House of Representatives and the Governors’ Forum. A Presidency source told Sunday Vanguard “President Jonathan never requested any nominee from the Senate or the House of Representatives or the Governors’ Forum”. Nevertheless, he kept it open and consulted as widely as possible. On the involvement of former President Olusegun Obasanjo in the nomination process, the source said; “in truth, President Jonathan deferred to the former President but there was never a time that guarantees were made or given on the matter. “However, what many could not understand was that Jonathan and Sambo had struck a relationship which was nurtured into something wonderful. “While both men were on the committee on power which the late President Umaru Yar’Adua instituted, they worked together and the trust was built. “During the work of the committee on power, Governor Sambo and then Vice President Jonathan forged a relationship that was based on trust and understanding. “The trust was built so much so that there were times when the Vice President would not approve anything except Governor Sambo had vetted the bills as appropriate. “I think Jonathan also saw in Sambo a man who did not put pecuniary and primordial interests ahead of national interests and national developmental goals and objectives.”, a source who has followed both men closely told Sunday Vanguard last Friday. Sunday Vanguard also gathered that when Jonathan visited Kaduna State during the KADA Games, the national sports festival hosted by the state, Jonathan was so impressed with the calisthenics that he requested from Sambo that “the people involved in the demonstrations should be brought to the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja, for the Under-16 World Cup. For the Vice President to have made such a request relates to the level of confidence he has in the man. And it is mutual. “Even while some hawks were pushing Jonathan to do certain things while Yar’Adua was not around, good counsel from some quarters prevailed and you can guess from where”, adding, “Governor Sambo had made up his mind that if God Almighty was going to do something, why should human beings be the one rushing for it as if they could make it possible and, therefore, did not bother himself or show keen interest”
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What Do You Do As A Woman If Your Husband Cheats continously ?

What do you do as a woman if your husband is a serial cheat and there are children involved? The question was put to me but I was stumped and I didnt have an answer.

1.Do you immediately divorce him?

2.Do you get your own back and start having affairs of your own?

3.Do you become a nervous, miserable wreck?

4.Do you pretend that it isn't happening & face the children instead?

5.Castrate Him ?

or any other other solution?

As far as I'm concerned, aside from the death of a loved one, there is no greater trauma than to find out your 'significant other' has been seeing someone else.

In light of the aforementioned, and in particular due to the current media frenzy detailing the astonishing, alleged/supposed 'double life' debacle of Tiger Woods -I am re-printing here (with some tweaking) one of my most popular articles while, simultaneously, one by one his so-called mistresses seem to keep coming out of the proverbial woodwork to spill the beans on their liaisons. The victims in this tragedy are the children, and his wife, who never asked to be thrust into the national spotlight and dissected under a microscope and humiliated. Here, then, is one of my most-read and most-requested articles on the subject of 'serial cheaters'.

My personal opinion of married men who cheat is -- to kick them to the curb - the sooner the better. Of course, you have other options if you feel that you cannot live without the lying cheat.

These men have issues - deep-seated issues. These issues are not going to go away in a month or two. Sure, they got caught and now they are on their best behavior. But, how long will it last? until you start feeling comfortable - and look the other way -- then, one day - whammo...you're back to where you started from. The phone rings - the person on the other end just listens to you while you say 'hello'. No response. You finally hang up....wondering. Then, you quickly dismiss it. To ponder it too long might bring back unpleasant feelings and memories.

I was involved with two of these 'serial' cheaters in my life. I don't miss the pain of being in those negative, destructive relationships one iota. Yes, they made me wiser - they also made me older - in the respect that I wasted many years of my life on each one, thinking, or hoping, one day they would change. I realize in hindsight they were both deficient in a main ingredient needed as a building block in a relationship -- values. They were deficient in character, good character. They did not have the value system that I did. In my book, lying, cheating, manipulation and deception are not qualities you want to see in your 'significant other'.


sorry for cheats is not the hardest words as they are usually ready and willing to sorry and they always sound like they mean it !
No one wants to date someone who is a serial cheater. How do you know if someone is willing to cheat on you though? A number of different signs may indicate that someone has cheated many, many times in the past. Here are some of the common characteristics of serial cheaters.


Cheating in Past Relationships

If someone has cheated in a previous relationship, this may be a sign that they are a serial cheater. While there are some people who cheat once and never cheat again, the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater” is generally true in most cases. When you know that the person you are dating has cheated once or more, then you should know to be cautious when entering a relationship with them. Even if the person has not admitted to cheating, it is likely that you will still hear rumors about them that may or may not be true.

Lots of Short Relationships

Some serial cheaters remain in one long relationship with someone who they frequently cheat on. This is not always the case, however. Many serial cheaters have a lot of very short relationships. The best way to find out is to ask the person how many relationships they have been in. Also keep in mind that you will want to ask what the length of their longest relationship was. If the relationship was only a few months long, this may indicate that they do not have success in this department and it very well could be because they are a serial cheater.

Words and Actions

It is often easy to spot a serial cheater based on their words and actions. Anyone who makes themselves seem like the perfect person to get into a relationship with may be trying too hard. When someone is a really great person, they will not give you more complements than necessary or talk about a perfect future with you. If the person that you are seeing is insisting that you become sexually involved after one or two dates, this is also something that may indicate that they have been around the block more times than you can count.

Friends and Family

When you begin seeing someone, it is very common to not meet any of their friends or family members right away. Once the relationship is made official, it is very unusual to not be introduced to anyone that the guy or girl you are seeing knows. If you almost feel as though you are being kept hidden, it could be because you really are. Be sure to bring it up and if the person becomes defensive, it could be a sign that the person is really a serial cheater.

These are just a few of the signs that may indicate that someone is a serial cheater. The most important thing to keep in mind is that if someone has been willing to cheat in the past, they are also willing to cheat on you. Even though you may feel like you’re special or different, the truth is that you probably aren’t. Spotting a serial cheater early on will help prevent you from being the next brokenhearted victim.

Women, remember, knowledge is power! Stay empowered - stay healthy.

Hope to hear from you!
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Oscars : Who will win tonight ?

By Terfa Tilley-Gyado as culled from next

The 82nd annual Academy Awards ceremony takes place tonight at the Kodak Centre in Los Angeles. Here are my tips on some of the likely winners.

BEST PICTURE: In a novel format, 10 films will slug it out for best picture this year as opposed to the previous shortlist of five. It is perhaps the only reason why the overly allegorical District 9 and the quirky A Serious Man, tiptoed their way into this year's list. In reality, however, just like in other years, the fight is usually between a couple of films. This year it will be surprising if The Hurt Locker or Avatar don't pick up the award. I think Avatar will polarise the judges which will hand an advantage to The Hurt Locker.


Prediction: The Hurt Locker (Dir. Kathryn Bigelow).

BEST DIRECTOR: The Academy has often pulled a fast one in this category by handing the Oscar to the unofficial runner-up in the Best Picture category. This year, however, I suspect that Kathryn Bigelow will pick up both awards for The Hurt Locker, a stunning commentary on modern warfare. It eschews the preachiness and piety of recent war flicks and should ensure Ms. Bigelow's triumph over her ex-husband, James Cameron, for Avatar.

If she does, she will make history as the first woman to take home the Best Director statuette. Honourable mention goes to Lee Daniels for the gritty Precious, which was made on a shoestring budget; and Tarantino, who reminded the world of his anarchic talent in Inglourious Basterds.

BEST ACTOR: In any other year, George Clooney would be favourite for his role in Up in the Air. However, Jeff Bridges has swept up all the major awards in this category thus far and the Academy is likely to fall in line.

Prediction: Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart).

BEST ACTRESS: Gabourey Sidibe was streets ahead in the reckoning for her brilliant performance in the eponymous Precious. However, she is up against a couple of Hollywood heavyweights, Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep, not to mention one of its most endearing leading ladies, Sandra Bullock. It's a tough call but Bullock appears to have found favour in the preceding awards.

Prediction: Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side).

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Matt Damon's nomination for Invictus is a curious one here. It is a characteristically solid performance but his contribution in the film is largely insignificant. That notwithstanding, there appears to be just one winner here. Anyone who saw Christopher Waltz' near-perfect job in Inglourious Basterds witnessed a career-defining performance.

Prediction: Christopher Waltz (Inglourious Basterds).

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: This is another shoe-in and it will be a grave injustice if Mo'Nique does not pick up the award for Precious. Her portrayal of an abusive mother is genuinely haunting and disturbing. You end up completely detesting the character, which is a testament to the levels of energy Mo'Nique brought into the role.

Prediction: Mo'Nique (Precious).

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Oshiomhole vs Anenih: The final battle

Friday, March 5, 2010
These are intriguing times in Edo. The state has been on tenterhooks since last Monday when the House of Assembly broke into two along party lines following the removal of the Speaker, Hon Zakawanu Garuba and his deputy Levis Aigbogun on February 22.

Oshiomhole and Anenih


What was designed to be a normal sitting of the House on that day after a three weeks recess snowballed into a free for all between Action Congress(AC) and Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) legislators. The crisis was unprecedented in the current Assembly where sources said members had worked harmoniously irrespective of their parties.

It would be noted that at the inauguration of the current Assembly, PDP had 16 members against AC’s eight. Consequently, PDP naturally produced the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and the Majority Leader. But over time, through the instrumentality of Appeal Court judgment and two bye- elections, the PDP lost four seats to the AC bringing their number at par with the PDP.

Bouyed by the equality of their members with that of the PDP and the defection of the PDP member representing Esan West Constituency Bright Omokhodion, into its fold, the AC moved to change the House leadership that fateful day. Sensing trouble, Garuba quickly adjourned the sitting sine die. After the fight in the hallowed chamber of the House, the 13 AC legislators reconvened and suspended Garuba, his Deputy and Okiye from the House and elected Hon Peter Aliu, Estako East as Speaker pro-tempore. The AC 13 were to later elect Omokhodion and its Minority Leader, Paul Ohanbamu and Philip Sahaibu (Estako West 2) as Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Majority Leader respectively. This was after they had secured a court injunction to restrain Garuba and Aigbogun from parading themselves as Speaker and Deputy respectively.

But the 11 PDP legislators would have none of that. They insist that Garuba remains the Speaker. To them, the AC did not have the required two-thirds majority to change the House leadership.

Today, the state has two Speakers. Garuba, who regards his impeachment as a nullity and Hon Bright Omokhodion, who was elected by the 13 Action Congress (AC) 40 hours after the crisis started. Garuba said he had adjourned the House sine die, and that he is the only person that would reconvene the House. Consequently, he said whatever the AC legislators are doing is illegal.

However, Omokhodion has assumed control of the House, and the state government has already recognised him. For a start, he has cleared three commissioner-nominees presented to the House by the governor, and passed the controversial State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB).

The Assembly crisis is unprecedented. This is the first time an impeachment attempt is snowballing into a parallel leadership in the House. Since 1999 when the present political dispensation started, three Speakers had been removed. First it was Hon Thomas Okosun. Then, Friday Itulah and David Iyoha. What then is responsible for current impasse.

The controversy

The controversy on the state of affairs in the House is whether or not Garuba was validly removed or not. The PDP continues to insist that the AC legislators did not have the 16 members, which is the two-thirds majority of the House, required to effect a leadership change while the state government and the AC say the change of leadership in the House stands.

The PDP leader in the House, Hon Frank Okiye, told Daily Sun that the AC legislators never had the constitutionally prescribed two-thirds majority to effect a leadership change in the House. Besides, he said there was no petition against Garuba and his Deputy, and that the mace used by the 13 AC legislators to elect a speaker pro-tempore was borrowed from the nearby Oredo Local Government Council.

“ The House is still intact. All they are doing is scrambling for survival. What gives legitimacy is two-thirds majority. They don’t even have a petiton. Why didn’t they flash the petition. Usually before there is an impeachment, there is usually a petition, that is available to everybody. Even you, I am sure you have not seen the petition,” he stated.

The lawmaker who said the root cause of the House crisis “ is greed for power and disrespect for the rule of law” accused the Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole of fanning the embers of discord in the House. Specifically, Okiye said key government officials were present in the House the day the crisis started.

“You can see the hands, the head and face of the Edo State governor. The SSG led the police team. The Chief of Staff led the thugs. EDSG vehicles were used in carrying thugs to the House that day. Edo State government was visible on that day. When you watch the clip you see the special adviser to the governor on legislative matters supervising the kangaroo sitting.

“We were told that they went to Oredo to borrow a mace. The Clerk said he was made to swear in the Speaker pro-tempore under duress,” he added. But the Parliamentary Liaison Officer to the governor, Hon Omon Ezomon, disagrees. He told Daily Sun that he is aware that the AC legislators got 16 signatures in the petition to remove Garuba. Consequently, the action stands. His words: “Having gotten two-thirds majority, their action is legitimate. 16 signatures were gotten to remove the Speaker . He has been impeached. He has been impeached. Democracy is a game of numbers”.

However, he said if the PDP caucus is not satisfied with the action of their AC counterparts , they should go to court. Ezomon, who was a deputy speaker of the House denied that the governor has a hand in the crisis. He said that the SSG, Mr Pally Iriase, was nowhere near the Assembly when the crisis erupted in the House. As for the Chief of Staff, Mr Osarodion Ogie, Ezomon said he merely went there to watch the drama like any other citizen of the state.

“ They are trying to find a scapegoat for their wahala. The SSG was not even within the vicinity. The Chief of Staff heard what was happening, and went there to see like every other person

“My advice to Zakawanu is to accept what has happened in good faith .I don’t think there is any problem. The former speaker should allow peace to reign,” the former Deputy Speaker stated.

Oshiomhole’s past battles with the Assembly

The relationship between the governor and the House has been that of cat and mouse. Not a few believe that the unfolding drama in the Assembly is a fall-out of that frosty relationship. The first friction between Oshiomhole and the House was about the legality of the actions performed by former Governor Osunbor. The governor on assumption of office had held that every action taken by his predecesor was a nullity.

This is because, in his view, since the former senator was not validly elected, his actions as governor had no force in law. In that spirit, the governor had during a visit to the Edo City Transport Service (ECTS) ordered the sack of some of the workers employed by the Osunbor administration. Exasperated by the governor’s action, the House summoned the Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Iriase to appear before it to explain the rationale behind the action of the government. At the end of the day, the House succeeded in getting the government to reverse itself on the sacked ECTS workers.

There was also the controversy of the 2009 budget. But the most protracted of the face-off between the Assembly and the Governor was over the refusal of the House to screen the latter’s nominees into the SUBEB. The governor on assumption of office had sacked members of the board, who were appointed by the Osunbor administration. The House refused to clear the new nominees, on the ground that the sacked board members had gone to court to challenge their sack.

The Anenih/Oshiomhole angle

On the surface, the crisis in the House appears an ordinary face off between the PDP legislators and their counterparts in the opposition AC. But those in the know say the crisis is the final battle in the political supremacy tussle between Oshiohmole and the Chairman Nigeria Ports Authority, and PDP leader, Chief Anthony Anenih. The duo, it would be noted, have been at each other’s jugular in the last couple of months over who is the authentic political leader in the state.

Oshiomhole at the flag-off of his campaign for the governorship in early 2007 at the Urhokpota Hall in Benin City vowed to tackle head-on the problem of godfatherism. Eliminating godfatherism in the state was a polite way of saying he would retire Anenih, who has playing a dominant role in the politics of the state from politics.

In the ensuing tussle, Oshiomhole has recorded one victory after another against the former minister of works. Apart from getting PDP leaders and about seven council bosses elected on the platform of the party in the state to defect to the AC, the governor had won two Assembly re-run election against the PDP in recent times. Consequently, analysts say the move by the AC legislators to take over the leadership of the House last Monday is to finally rout out Anenih from political reckoning in the state.

Other matters

Even if the removal of Garuba stands, one issue which the PDP may not allow to lie low is the issue of the defection of Omokhodion. Already, Garuba had declared his seat vacant before the crisis started. He said he acted in accordance with section 109(g) of the constitution.

Section 109 (g) of the 1999 Constitution states that a member of an Assembly shall vacate his seat in the House if “ being a person whose election to the House was sponsored by a political party, he becomes a member of another political party before the expiration of the period for which that House was elected: Provided that his membership of the latter political party is not as a result of a division in the political party of which he was previously a member or of a merger of two or more political parties or faction by one of which he was previously sponsored.”

Those in the know said the PDP is prepared to pursue the Omokhodion case to its logical conclusion.

Conclusion. Who then is the authentic Speaker ? Rt Hon Zakawanu Garuba or Hon Bright Omokhodion? Only time would tell.
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