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PH2010091102326.jpgNEW YORK: A US pastor, who had threatened to burn Quran, on Saturday said he never burn copies of the holy book, even if a mosque is built near ground zero in this America's commercial capital.

"We will definitely not burn the Quran, no," Pastor Terry Jones of Florida told NBC.

"Not today, not ever," he said when pressed whether his planned demonstration might happen at a later date.

He explained that it would not happen even if the Islamic center is built near ground zero, NBC reported.

"Even though we have not burned one Quran, we have gotten over 100 death threats," Jones said.

"We feel that God is telling us to stop, and we also hope that ... maybe that will open up the door to maybe be able to talk to the imam."

Jones had on Friday suspended his plans to burn copies of the Quran claiming that he received a pledge from a Florida Imam that the Islamic cultural center would be moved elsewhere.

However, the Imam refuted his claim and said the "deal" existed only in Jone's mind.

The pastor's threat to burn copies of the holy Quran had stirred outrage in Islamic world, with kings and presidents of Muslim nations joining hands to condemn his plans and asking US President Barack Obama to intervene to stop it.

Obama, on his part, said, the pastor's move could lead to "recruitment bonanza for al-Qaida."

In his Eid greetings, Obama said this year's Eid is also an occasion to reflect on the importance of religious tolerance and to recognise the positive role that religious communities of all faiths, including Muslims, have played in American life.

Non-Muslim nations have also condemned the pastor's plans. .

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SSS official, family murdered in Kano

Unknown assassins in the wee hours of Monday invaded the home of an official of the State Security Service killing him along with four members of his family.Photo:
The deceased, Garba Bello, was an operative of the State Security Service (SSS).
The official, identified as Garba Bello, was killed when the assassins forced their way into his home, situated in Kundila Gandu Estate, off Zoo Road, in Kano around 2am.

He was killed along with his wife, Habiba (40), while three of his children were strangulated. They were identified as Hafsat (16), Khalifa (14), and Murjatu (5).

Two of his sons, Bello (21), a student of Kano State University of Science and Technology, Wudil, and Farouk, escaped by jumping over the fence of the house.

Lucky survivors

Farouk, who sustained serious injuries, is being watched over by operatives of the SSS in a Kano hospital where he is receiving treatment.

Family sources told NEXT that Mr. Bello, who is an indigene of Jigawa State, was serving in the medical department of the SSS in Sokoto State. He was reported to have been ill for some time and was in Kano to take care of his health after he was granted a sick leave. He had planned to return to his Sokoto base this Saturday, before he met his untimely death.

Security sources said that earlier this year, while the deceased was away, persons suspected to be thieves broke into his house, which is a few metres away from a police outpost, and made away with all his valuables.

According to a neighbour, Aminu Sarki, he was with the deceased on Sunday by 5.30pm and he(the deceased) didn't complain of any threat to his life.

"I was shocked when I received a phone call this morning (Monday) while I was still on my bed that my good friend and members of his family have been murdered. I couldn't believe it because yesterday, I and my wife were with them and they didn't complain of anything," he said.

Another source said that the day before, the door to the deceased's home had to be forced open, after efforts to open it from inside failed. The deceased had to call on his neighbours to open it from outside.

He was later quoted to have said he suspected someone must have tampered with the door.

Kano State commissioner of police, Mohammed Gana, confirmed the incident, saying, "It is a clear case of an act of assassins. We were there this morning and preliminary investigation has indicated that it was not a robbery attack.

"Two of his children escaped from the hands of the assassins. We are going to interrogate them to find out whether they can give us any clue. Investigation is still on; and no arrest has been made yet," he said.
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Dagrin RIP .Terry G take am easy o !
Terry G just announced on twitter that he is ok after the accident, He just needs some rest.


I dey o. Thanks for all the love, God pass them, I wan go rest small!! Ginjah no go die. God guide us and One love my people! I appreciate
25 minutes ago


Was He Drunk or high on weed ? With the latest takeaway of our Top indigenous Rap Artist Dagrin by Car Accidents .Terry G almost joined the crew of posthumous talents.See Dagrin here

Word reaching us, is that Gabriel Amanyi, aka Terry G has been involved in a terrible auto accident and is critical condition.

The accident occured at about 3am saturday morning, when the singer/producer was on his way home from an outing with friends in Ikeja, Lagos. Apparently he ran into a road demarcation somewhere in Ogba.

According to eye witnesses, Terry G was the driver of the vehicle, and had other passengers with him who are also members of the House of Ginja. It is unclear the condition of other passengers, but Terry is currently undergoing treatment at an undisclosed hospital.

No word yet on where he’s being treated. His mobile phone is off, his BlackBerry inactive. And although his manager assures us ‘everything is under control’;

The car- A Toyota Camry – is now lying at the office of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA).

Please say a prayer for Terry G and other members of the House Of Ginja involved in the accident.

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The chinese looming forward Now No 2 but indications say not for long asthe Number 1 Spot is up for grabs any moment from now ! photo_1284261443586-1-1.jpg
Economists peddling dire warnings that the world's number one economy ison the brink of collapse, amid high rates of unemployment and aspiraling public deficit, are flourishing here.

The guru of this doomsday line of thinking may be economist NourielRoubini, thrust into the forefront after predicting the chaos wrought bythe subprime mortgage crisis and the collapse of the housing bubble.

"The US has run out of bullets," Roubini told an economic forum in Italyearlier this month. "Any shock at this point can tip you back intorecession."

But other economists, who have so far stayed out of the media limelight,are also proselytizing nightmarish visions of the future.

Boston University professor Laurence Kotlikoff, who warned as far backas the 1980s of the dangers of a public deficit, lent credence to suchdark predictions in an International Monetary Fund publication lastweek..

He unveiled a doomsday scenario -- which many dismiss as pure fantasy --of an economic clash between superpowers the United States and China,which holds more than 843 billion dollars of US Treasury bonds.

"A minor trade dispute between the United States and China could makesome people think that other people are going to sell US treasurybonds," he wrote in the IMF's Finance & Development review.

"That belief, coupled with major concern about inflation, could lead to asell-off of government bonds that causes the public to withdraw theirbank deposits and buy durable goods."

Kotlikoff warned such a move would spark a run on banks and money marketfunds as well as insurance companies as policy holders cash in theirsurrender values.

"In a short period of time, the Federal Reserve would have to printtrillions of dollars to cover its explicit and implicit guarantees. Allthat new money could produce strong inflation, perhaps hyperinflation,"he said.

"There are other less apocalyptic, perhaps more plausible, but stillquite unpleasant, scenarios that could result from multiple equilibria."

According to a poll by the StrategyOne Institute published Friday, some65 percent of Americans believe there will be a new recession.

And the view that America is on a decline seems rather well ingrained inmany people's minds supported by 65 percent of people questioned in aWall Street Journal/NBC poll published last week.

"It is true: Today's economic problems are structural, not cyclical," argued New York Times editorial writer David Brooks.

He said the United Sates is losing its world dominance much in the sameway the British Empire began to crumble more than a century ago.

"We are in the middle of yet another jobless recovery. Wages have beenlagging for decades. Our labor market woes are deep and intractable,"Brooks said.

Nobel Economics Prize winner Paul Krugman also voiced concern about thefate of the fragile economic recovery if voters return the Republicansto political power.

"It's hard to overstate how destructive the economic ideas offeredearlier this week by John Boehner, the House minority leader, would beif put into practice," he wrote in a recent editorial.

"Fewer jobs and bigger deficits -- the perfect combination."

The Wall Street Journal, usually more favorable to Boehner's call fortax cuts, ran a commentary from another Nobel Prize-winning economist --Vernon Smith -- that failed to provide much comfort for readers.

"This fact needs to be confronted: We are almost surely in for a long slog," Smith wrote.

And it seems such pessimism has even filtered into the IMF, which warnedon Friday that high levels of national debt and a still shaky financialsector threaten to derail the global economic recovery.

"The foreclosure backlog in US property markets is large and growing, inpart due to the recent expiration of the home buyer's tax credit. Whenrealized, this could further depress real estate prices."

This could lead to "disproportionate losses" for small and medium-sizedbanks, which could in turn "precipitate a loss of market confidence inthe recovery," the IMF warned.
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One of the most frustrating things in life is a slow computer.

Every few years, we buy an expensive new PC and love how fast it starts up, runs programs, and loads web sites. Inevitably, though it starts to slow down, until eventually we are pulling our hair out waiting for it to do routine tasks.

Why is this? It turns out the answer is actually quite simple and you don't even need to be "technical" to understand the causes and solutions.

The good news, it's not the computer hardware that's the problem. In most cases the hardware you have is perfectly capable of being restored to its original glory and kept in fast running condition with minimal effort.

Rather, the problem lies with changes that occur to the PC's software. The 2 most common causes of slowdown (along with easy solutions) are:

Registry errors - the most common problem

Every time you (or your kids) load a program, game or file, your PC's software registery is updated with new instructions needed to operate that item. However, when the item is removed, these instructions usually remain on your PC. Every time you run your computer it tries to execute these instructions but, because the related program can't be found, it causes a registry error. Your PC is doing a lot more work than it should be and the result is a significantly slower computer.

One of the best ways to manage this is with a neat little tool from a Seattle based company called the Advanced Registry Optimizer 2010 (ARO for short). This program scans, identifies and fixes registry errors - resulting in a computer that's a lot more like it was when you first bought it. On top of the amazing results it offers, it's so easy to install and use that it was recently awarded a coveted 4.5 star rating (out of 5) by CNET's editorial staff.

You can now get a free working version of the software which will quickly scan your entire PC and identify all of the registry errors that may be bogging it down. The free version eliminates the first 100 errors and if you have more errors that you want to clean-up or want to set the program to run on a regular basis (recommended) you can easily upgrade to the full version for just $29.95. After that registry errors will no longer be a problem.

To get the free version simply click here.

Spyware and viruses

Spyware and viruses are software programs that are loaded on your computer without your knowledge or permission. They have various purposes, including:

* Changing the default search engine in your browser
* Tracking your web surfing habits and showing you targeted advertising
* Using your email program to send out spam to other email addresses
* Stealing your personal information

Most spyware and viruses get onto our computers through files that we download from the internet or as attachments to emails. They tend to take up a lot of computing power and as a result will significantly slow down the computer.

The simple rule of thumb to follow is to never download any free software programs from companies you do not know and trust, especially screensavers, emoticons and the like. In addition, you should never open any attachment to an email unless you are 100% certain you know and trust the sender. In addition, make sure you have a good anti-virus / spyware removal software running at all times.

Follow the above advice and your PC should stay fast and safe.
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IBB "bribes" Journalists

Five months ago, a friend of mine, who edits a national daily, sent me a text message agreeing substantially with my column, ‘The Punch and the rest of us’, except the generalised conclusion that “all (journalists) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the profession”. There are still some journalists, he submits, who toe the narrow path of integrity. Of course I knew where he was coming from, but I also knew the context in which I had made that statement.

I revisit that statement in light of the stories spewing out of the political beat, specifically on the race for the 2011 presidential elections and how it affects the integrity of news.

As part of the effort to sell his candidature for the presidency, former military president, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) invited as many as 40 journalists to his Minna home on August 14 for an interview. I have heard questions asked about why he should invite journalists to his home instead of a public place if he didn’t have an ulterior motive, and why he should offer monetary gifts to the journalists in the name of paying for their transportation.

One news medium, which has championed this opposition in the open, is the online agency, Sahara Reporters. According to SR each of the journalists received N10 million for heeding Babangida’s call on his presidential ambition. That is N400 million just for one night’s interview from an aspirant yet to win his party’s nomination if it were true. But it was not. When some of the journalists complained about the fictional sum, SR changed the story on August 19, saying it was just “a paltry N250, 000 each”. Rather than admit its initial error SR simply said, “our accountants have told us that going by the number of 40 journalists in attendance, we are still around the same ballpark of N10 million”. So much for credible reporting!

Three days later, SR followed up with ‘IBB and his Rogue Journalists’, accusing the journalists of roguery and professional misconduct; roguery, because they collected money from two sources—their employers who presumably authorised and funded the trip and their news source, IBB; misconduct because it is unethical for them to demand/receive gratification from news sources for their services.

And on August 23 in ‘IBB Nocturnal Press Parley: Punch fires Editorial board Chairman’, SR stayed on top of the story by reporting that Adebolu Arowolo, editorial board chairman of the Punch, had lost his job for going on that trip without his management’s approval..

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“And my people shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free” “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the store house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing, that there would not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3 : 8 -10

The above quoted scripture is probably one of the most quoted in the bible.
Unfortunately, it is being quoted out of context and used as a weapon of mass intimidation, manipulation, extortion, oppression, cajolery and outright lies and deceit by some church leaders to collect 10 per cent of the gross income of their church members who have been hoodwinked into believing that they are doing God’s will.
Before I go into the details of this discourse, I want to state categorically that I am a God-loving, bible-believing Christian who has the fear of God in his heart. I am also not writing this article to undermine any church or pastor, but to let people realize the truth about tithes and remove the yoke placed by some pastors upon them. I also want to state categorically that I strongly believe in giving to the church for the sole purpose of propagating God’s work and the Christian ministry. I will continue to encourage all Christians to give their all to God as exemplified by the widow’s mite which Jesus Christ himself referred to in the bible.
Now, back to Malachi 3:8-10, the first question one should ask is who was this message directed at? The answer lies in the book of Numbers 18:25-28 which states that “The Lord commanded Moses to say to the Levites, when you receive from the Israelites the tithe that the Lord gives you as your possession, you must present a tenth of it as a special contribution to the Lord. This special contribution will be considered as the equivalent of the offering which the farmer makes of new grain and wine. In this way you would also present the special contribution which belongs to the Lord from all the tithes which you receive from the Israelites. You are to give this special contribution for the Lord to Aaron the priest.”

From the above, it is clear that it was the Levites that were directed to pay a tithe they collected from the Israelites to the priest who represents God and not the people of Israel. It was these Levites that were being referred to in the book of Malachi as those who rob God. A thorough study of the book of Malachi would reveal that in those days the Levites were collecting the tithe from the people of Israel and not remitting a tithe of it to the house of God, hence Malachi’s statement which is now being quoted out of context..

To understand what tithe really means one would have to understand the social reasons and cultural/religious setting within which it was situated. This concept of tithes was properly explained in the bible as stated in the laws of the tithe which can be found in the books of Leviticus 27:30-34, Numbers 18:25-31 and Deuteronomy 14:22-29. Upon reading these passages one would understand what tithes really mean, but unfortunately most pastors prefer to neglect these passages that tell us the true meaning of tithes and emphasize on Malachi 3:8-10 which was directed to the Levites of that time to remit the priest’s share of the tithes they collected to him. It is worthy of note that Malachi does not even define what tithe is and how it should be paid.

The definition of tithes, as practised today, was manufactured by modern day pastors to suit their purpose as it is completely in contrast with what is in the bible and it only seeks to manipulate Christians to believe that God requests 10 per cent of their gross income from them.
So what is tithe and why did God request that it be paid to the Levities? The answer can be found in the following passages: Leviticus 27:30-32 which states that “one tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit belongs to the Lord. If a man wishes to buy back any of it he must pay the standard price plus an additional 20 per cent. One in every ten domestic animal belongs to the Lord. When the animals are counted, every tenth one belongs to the Lord.” And Deuteronomy 26:12 which states that “every third year give the tithe, a tenth of your crops to the Levites, the foreigners, the orphans and the widows, so that in every community they will have all they need to eat.”

The above quoted passages clearly tell us what tithe is and the reason why God directed the people of Israel to pay tithes. It is very evident that it was a social arrangement for the less privileged in the Jewish society of that time. It was also meant to take care of the Levites because they had no land or property of their own (today, pastors are amongst the wealthiest property owners in Nigeria). This social arrangement is obviously not relevant to us today. It also states that every third year is the year of tithing, not the weekly/monthly tithes being extorted from church members today.

Another passage illustrates the true meaning of tithes properly and also states clearly that tithe is not money. Deuteronomy 14:22-29 says: “Set aside as tithe a tenth of all that your fields produce each year then go to the one place where the Lord your God has chosen to be worshiped and there in his presence eat the tithes of your grain, wine and olive oil and first born of your cattle and sheep. Do this so that you may learn to have reverence for the Lord your God always. If the place of worship is too far from your home for you to carry there the tithe of the produce that the Lord has blessed you with, then sell your produce and take the money with you to the one place of worship, spend it on whatever you want ,beef, lamb, wine, beer and there in the presence of the lord you and your family are to eat and enjoy yourselves. Do not neglect the Levites who live in your towns for they have no property of their own. At the end of every third year, bring the tithe of all your crops and store it in your towns. This is food for the Levites since they own no property and for the orphans, foreigners and widows who live in your towns. Do this and the lord your God would bless you in everything you do.”

From the above passage, it is very clear that tithe is not money and it is not the exclusive preserve of the Levites (church). It was a religious practice in those days to give reverence to God and to celebrate God in his place of worship. The Levites were only included for the main reason that they had no land of their own and that reason is not relevant in today’s society. Yet some pastors would tell you that you are cursed and would not go to heaven if you don’t give them 10 per cent of your gross income. All this hypocrisy would not have bothered me if all the money being collected was being used to propagate God’s work. But the truth as we all know today is that this money is being used to finance lavish, flamboyant and exotic lifestyle that is unbecoming of a man who truly claims to serve God, as a pastor who is expected to be meek and humble like our Lord Jesus Christ was.

As a concluding part to this article, I would want to refer us to the book of Hebrews, which was written to the early Christians. This provides irrefutable proof that Christians are not meant to pay tithes as the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ does not require it.
Hebrews 7:5, says: “And those descendants of Levites who are priests are commanded by the law to collect one tenth from the people of Israel, that is from their own countrymen even though their countrymen are also descendants of Abraham.”

From this verse, we can jump to verses 11-13 which say: “It was on the basis of the Levitical priesthood that the law was given to the people of Israel. Now, if the work of the Levitical priests had been perfect there would be no need for a different kind of priest to appear, one who is in the priestly order of Melchizedek not of Aaron. For when the priesthood is changed, there also has to be a change in the law. And our Lord of whom these things are said belonged to a different tribe of Judah and Moses did not mention his tribe when he spoke of priests.”
The above passage is self-explanatory and it states clearly that the practice of tithing has no place under the priestly order of our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, the passage suggests that the collection of tithes is belittling of the priestly order of our Lord Jesus Christ. It states that it is wrong for us as Christians to receive or pay tithes and is not relevant to us as Christians because we belong to a superior priestly order.

Once again, I would like to state that this article is not meant for us as Christians to revolt against the church or our pastors. It is just meant to establish the biblical truth about tithes and remove the yoke from people who labour to pay tithes–not required of them by God–while their pastors are living luxuriously. Today, many pastors see the church as their personal business and even fraudulent people are opening up churches so that they can have access to people’s tithes and use it for their personal comfort. I encourage all of us as Christians to remain vigilant and continue to serve God in truth and in faith to the glory of his holy name. Amen.

Another point of note is: how come out of the 613 biblical laws of Moses which were handed out to the people of Israel, it is only an adulterated version of the law of tithe that is still being practiced today, apart from the Ten Commandments? How come we are no longer required to offer burnt sacrifices? How come we no longer stone people to death for sinning? The truth is that only tithing was dug out of the laws of Moses because it presents material benefits to the collectors of tithes. Given that most Christians do not study their bibles and depend on their priests to guide them through, it was easy for pastors to pick a passage in the bible (Malachi 3 : 8-10),

quote it out of context and use it to manipulate the flock into parting with 10 per cent of their income. Furthermore, it is worthy of note that neither Jesus Christ nor any of the apostles ever preached about or collected tithe. In fact, in the bible, Jesus Christ only spoke about tithes in Luke 11:42 which states that: “But woe unto you Pharisees! For ye tithe mint and rue all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” Here we can see that Jesus Christ is rebuking the Pharisees for laying emphasis on tithes instead of the more important things of the spirit, like our pastors are doing today.
In Acts 15, we find outlined what the apostles all agreed was necessary for the newly converted Gentiles to practise, and by inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, tithing is conspicuously missing. Yet, what is one of the very first legislated duties taught to Gentile converts by the Church today? It is that they must tithe their annual salaries to the Church. Where did this unscriptural law of Christian tithing come from?

Notice this telling bit of history from the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1963, volume 22, page 253, ‘TITHES’). “Tithes in Christendom—The earliest authentic example of anything like a law of the State enforcing payment appears to occur in the capitularies [Ecclesiastes] of Charlemagne at the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century. Tithes were, by that enactment, to be applied to the maintenance of the bishop, clergy, the poor, and the fabric of the church. In the course of time the principle of payment of tithes was extended far beyond its original intention. Thus, they became transferable to laymen and saleable like ordinary property, despite the injunctions of the third Lateran Council; and they became payable out of sources of income [not just farming and herding, but other trades and occupations and salaries paid in the form of money] not originally tithable.”
The Catholic Church knows its own history. Here is how tithing got back into the Church after being absent for nearly five centuries:

“As the Church expanded and various institutions arose, it became necessary to make laws which would insure the proper and permanent support of the clergy. The payment of tithes was adopted from the Old Law… The earliest positive legislation on the subject seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and the [canons] of the Council of Macon in 585.”—The Catholic Encyclopaedia.

They “extended” their base of tithe collecting to eventually include all forms of income. All Christian scholars know that although money was in wide use in ancient Israel, it was never a titheable commodity. But modern pastors don’t want tithes of goats or oil or corn, they want money–cold, hard cash! God has a word to the “shepherds of the sheep”, and it is the very same message that He had for the Levites in the book of Malachi. And it is this:

“My people have been lost sheep, their shepherds have caused them to go astray” (Jer. 50:6).
Were Israelites aware that they were being led astray by their spiritual leaders? Not most, and neither are Christians today aware that they are being led astray by their spiritual leaders.
Oshobi is a businessman based in Lagos.

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The man who got a minor he allegedly impregnated, arrested and imprisoned for eight months, has been arrested by the police.

For over seven days, Nadum Nwitua, the man accused of impregnating Comfort Monday, the 17-year-old inmate, who had been incarcerated while pregnant at the Kirikiri Female Prison, Apapa, for eight months, over an alleged theft of N295,000, had evaded all attempts by federal and state government officials catching up with him.

Following the intervention of the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, through the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Social Development in effecting Ms Monday’s release, Mr Nwitua had gone underground. Witnesses said he only returns to his abode at 2 Owode Street, Abule Egba, at midnight and leaves before dawn. Subsequently, police officers attached to the governor’s office and Alausa police station, arrested him on August 20, at about 6am, as he made to leave his compound. He is accused of sexually abusing Ms Monday.

Denies the charge

Mr Nwitua denied ever having any sexual relations with Ms Monday. “I have never touched her,” he said. “I have being arrested for an offence I have no idea; when everyone knows she has a boyfriend, Kennedy, who must have impregnated her. Why has he not being arrested and brought here?.” He also denied being invited by any government agency to answer any of the allegations levied against him. But Lucas Koyejo, the Assistant Chief Legal Officer of the National Human Rights Commission, produced a letter of invitation addressed to Mr Nwitua, dated August 9, 2010, alleging assault, rape, trafficking, child labour and malicious prosecution of Ms Monday, which was signed and received by Mr Nwitua’s niece, Princess, on August 11. “In view of the seriousness of the above allegations, the commission hereby request for your response within seven days of your receipt of this letter in order to make a fair and just decision in this matter,” the letter read..

Different tune

At the Police State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti, Yaba, Mr Nwitua began to sang a different tune. He accused the Lagos State government of conspiring against him; and boasted that the charge of impregnating Ms Monday, if proven, would show he is a man. “Comfort was given to me by her father and brother for marriage,” he said. “I paid them about N25,000. Even if I impregnated her, am I not a man? So what crime have I done? All this allegations are just lies. Everybody that is a Yoruba is a liar. All you Yorubas are all liars.” Vure Kara, lawyer to Mr Nwitua, said his client was willing to undergo medical tests to confirm whether he is the father of the baby, adding if positive, he would have committed no crime since Ms Monday is above 16 years. “Our law is clear, once a person is within the age of 16 years, the issue of having intercourse with anybody is not a crime at all,” he said. “It is only if you have sexual intercourse with any person under 16 that it is a crime. So if that happens, it will be resolved. There is always a way about it..”

Not so easy

But indications are that Mr Nwitua, who has being detained over the weekend at Panti, will be charged to a family court. This would mean he will be tried under the Child Rights Law of Lagos State, thus ensuring a stiffer penalty. “It is a criminal matter and there are several allegations against him,” Mr Koyejo said. “First of all there is the allegation of rape because he forcefully had carnal knowledge of an underage under his care and the penalty for that under the Child Rights Act is life imprisonment.”

Ademola Adeniji-Adele, the Commissioner for Youth, Sports and Social Development, whose ministry took over Ms Monday’s welfare since August 17, said both mother and baby were doing fine. He said it would be left to the court to determine when a paternity test would be carried out. “The ministry’s obligation is to the girl and the child,” he said. “Everything other thing is being handled by the police and the court. Ours is to ensure abuse in any form in Lagos State is addressed. This is what we have done and the ministry is grateful to NEXT for bringing this girl’s case to the fore.”

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The scientist has claimed that no divine force was needed to explain why the Universe was formed..

In his latest book, The Grand Design, an extract of which is published in Eureka magazine in The Times, Hawking said: “Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist.”

He added: “It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going.”

In A Brief History of Time, Prof Hawking's most famous work, he did not dismiss the possibility that God had a hand in the creation of the world..

He wrote in the 1988 book: "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we should know the mind of God.”

In his new book he rejects Sir Isaac Newton's theory that the Universe did not spontaneously begin to form but was set in motion by God.

In June this year Prof Hawking told a Channel 4 series that he didn't believe that a "personal" God existed. He told Genius of Britain: "The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second. If you like, you can call the laws of science 'God', but it wouldn't be a personal God that you could meet, and ask questions."

Until his retirement last year Prof Hawking was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a post previously held by Newton.

The book, co-written by American physicist Leonard Mlodinow, is published on September 9.

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How to make a crocodile smile: Swim in a pool full of deadly salties with just a perspex cage for protection

Tourists to this unusual theme park are sure to get some holiday snaps with a difference.

Inspired by the popularity of cage shark-diving, a tourist attraction has opened that allows adrenalin junkies the chance to swim with killer crocodiles.

And, as these incredible pictures show, participants can get up close and personal with one of the worlds deadliest creatures.

Definitely no running, ducking bombing or petting in this pool: Face to face with one of the 125 stone monsters

Definitely no running, ducking bombing or petting in this pool: Face to face with one of the 125 stone monsters

All that separates thrill-seekers from the huge saltwater crocodiles is a five-inch thick perspex box that has, we are assured, undergone 'extensive' safety testing.

Fearless participants climb into the clear container - nicknamed the Cage of Death - which is suspended on a monorail track that runs above four crocodile enclosures.

Two grated doors lock into position on the top of the 10ft tall box which is then lowered into the water and comes to rest 2ft beneath the surface.

To ensure that the paying customers get their money's worth, chunks of meat are tied to the bottom of the cage. The crocodiles instantly drawn to it when it enters the water.

The results vary from the crocs 'eye-balling' the swimmer, rubbing against the cage or going into a full on 'aggressive attack' against it.

Snappy snaps: Holiday photos from this resort will be just a little different

Snappy snaps: Holiday photos from this resort will be just a little different

Customers pay about £100 to spend 20 minutes swimming alongside the crocs; the largest of the beasts measures a whopping 18ft and weighs over 125 stone,

One of the mighty reptiles at the Crocosaurus Cove park in Darwin, Australia, is named Burt. Film buffs might remember him from the first Crocodile Dundee movie - he's the one who nearly ate Linda Koslowski's character.

Sallie Gregory, spokeswoman for the park, said: 'Many people find the opportunity of getting to within a few inches from the jaws of these crocodiles exhilarating.'

'People often get activity ranging from an aggressive attack to a casual eye-balling and swim past where the crocs are so close that they rub against the cage.'

'Most of the women who take part say they are happy just to watch the crocodiles while guys tend to want the action and attack.'

Smile please: Two thrill-seeking tourists get up close and personal with one of the saltwater crocodiles at the Crocosaurus Cove park in Darwin, Australia

Smile please: Two thrill-seeking tourists get up close and personal with one of the saltwater crocodiles at the Crocosaurus Cove park in Darwin, Australia

She added: 'One of our directors who has extensive experience with crocodiles wanted a concept that allowed people to get up close to these ultimate predators in a safe environment.'

'The cage runs on a overhead monorail system, suspended over the enclosures and is lowered into up to four separate enclosures as part of the 20 minute experience.'

'The perspex is about 135mm thick and extensive testing in both the manufacturing and the way the crocodiles would react to the cage were carried out prior to the testing team entering the cage.'

The 'Cage Of Death' has been extensively tested for safety. With one of these prehistoric killers just inches away, one might hope so..

The 'Cage Of Death' has been extensively tested for safety. With one of these prehistoric killers just inches away, one might hope so..

'The top of the cage has two grated doors to stop anything entering the cage and a back up motor and separate chain operates to ensure that in the event of a malfunction, the cage can continue to operate.'

'The cage generally allows about two feet from the surface of the water though this can be adjusted if people are not strong swimmers and would prefer to keep their head above water.'

Among the crocodiles people can swim alongside are the mating pair of Houdini and Bess as well as Chopper, Denzel and of course movie star Burt.

But one of the most popular crocs is Wendell - he's the biggest and is named after muscular Australian rugby star Wendell Sailor.

Crocodile attacks in the wild are quite rare these days. However, during the Japanese army's retreat from Ramree Island in February 1945, saltwater crocodiles are thought to have been responsible for the deaths of 400 Japanese soldiers. .

British troops encircled the swampland through which the Japanese were retreating, resigning the Japanese to a night in a mangrove swamp which was home to thousands of saltwater crocodiles.

The Ramree crocodile attacks are listed as 'The Greatest Disaster Suffered from Animals' in The Guinness Book of Records

Saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptiles on the planet. Their main habitat is northern Australia and New Guinea, Indonesia and Borneo. They have been known to kill and eat horses, water buffalo, and even sharks as well as the occasional human.

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Once you go white you can't go broke or heart break !
Photo:Black & White couple, Oluchi, popular model, with her white husband. More Nigerian girls want to marry white men.
While some of these girls are undergraduates in various higher institutions of learning in the country, others are just trying to make ends meet.
Some of these white men are in Nigeria for greener pastures while others are called upon by companies operating in the country to take up jobs because of their technical know-how.

The girls often meet these men, a term used to describe Europeans, White Americans and Asians, in places like night clubs, bars, shopping malls and parties.

One of the girls, Osagie Ruth, confirmed that Nigerian girls prefer white men because they spend money without thinking twice. He also said they were more romantic.

Citing an instance, Ruth, who is excited about having white men as lovers, said she has vowed never to date any black man until when she is ready for marriage.

According to her, this vow became necessary after experiencing several heartbreaks with Nigerian men.

“Can you believe that the last one I dated was a married man with three kids? He never told me he was married until I almost got lynched by his wife who saw us while we were in the heat of passion in his supposed house.

“I would have been dead by now. The worst part of it was that he hardly gave me money for my upkeep and he monitored my daily activities as if I was in prison custody, yet I stayed in the relationship as I needed a man desperately,” she explained.

She said she was introduced into the “business” by a friend and since then she has “been living in the sweetest world.

“I now have a Honda car and a well furnished apartment.”

Another girl, who maintained anonymity said she prefers dating white men because “they are more understanding and they give us freedom to do a lot of things compared to their Nigerian counterparts.”

She said she could date other men and engage in other ventures that would fetch her money without the prying eyes of her white guys. But that is not the case with the Nigerian men, who she described as greedy and crooked in their love life.

“They prefer hiding you somewhere and doing it only in secret places with you for fear of being recognised by other people.

“But the white men are always proud to move around with you openly. They are proud of what they have even if we are only with them for money.”

Asked why she loves dating only white men, Philomena Okeke, an undergraduate, retorted: “Why I no go date them? Even if they look like albinos, it is a matter of closing my eyes when we are having fun. I begin to think of black people when it is happening.

“Though I hate them, I need their money. I have also had many heartbreaks from Nigerian men and I decided to give the whites a try. I have no regrets so far.”

P.M.NEWS also gathered from the girls that not all the white men are nice. The ones from Asian countries, India and Lebanon do not like to spend. According to some of the girls, men from these areas prefer paying peanuts after satisfying themselves.

“When dealing with people from these areas, we collect our money first. I am not an animashaun (meaning free giver in Yoruba)” one of the girls, who was seen hanging out with a white man in an eatery told P.M. NEWS.

However, some of the white men are said to be so happy with the ladies that they could go as far as buying houses and cars for them and sending them on vacation abroad.

Ijeoma, a 28-year old lady, who now has two kids for a white man residing in the country, agreed that the reasons for the preference varied.

According to her, “one thing that a black girl sees in a white guy is money in this part of the world because of poverty.

“For others, they want to be seen that they are powerful girls that can trap a white guy. Others want to have a white baby, get married and have security.

“Sometimes, a white guy in Africa might be having a hard time and the next thing on his mind is to go out and bang just any girl. You will find such guys mostly around bars, clubs, etc.

“Now, the girl in return wants a guy to sell her body too and get some few change and they talk, arrange to meet and he takes her to his place and they have sex. He pays her off and other times, there is a huge argument, the girl wants more money probably because she knows she will never see him again and instead of taking N5,000 she will demand for N50,000.

“These white guys also get better pay and remember, they are expatriates, and while their families are abroad, they need to have fun and they discovered that there are loads of loose girls here.

“The second type of girls that go for white guys want to be perceived as powerful, big girls. They travel with the white men, live high class life and have a good sex life. You see these girls driving powerful cars and living in high brow areas of the city.”
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FG move to avert future presidential embarrassment…. acquires three aircrafts

After the embarrassing incident in Ugandan, penultimate week, in which President Jonathan was left stranded, the Nigerian Government on Wednesday approved the purchase of three additional aircrafts for the Presidential Air Fleets (PAF) at a cost of
$150 million.

Dassault Aviation of France will supply two units of new Falcon 7x Aircrafts, while the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation of United States (US) will supply the Gulfstream G550.

Known as one of the most expensive/advanced Business jets. The Gulf Stream is like the Mercedes G55 of the skies see picture

At a briefing, after the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting, which was presided over by President Goodluck Jonathan, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, minister of information and communications, professor Dora Akunyili, said that negotiations at the instance of the president led to definite purchase agreement (DPA) signed in May 2010 for the acquisition of the aircrafts..

“The sum of N21 billion has been provided in the 2010 appropriation act for the outright purchase of the two Falcon 7x aircraft and the one unit G550 to be delivered as agreed in the contract”, she disclosed.Akunyuili put the cost of the two Falcon jets at $102 million while the Gulfstream cost $53 million brining the total cost of the three planes to $154 million.

She said that the committee which was set up to carryout the negotiations of the purchase of the aircrafts through screwed negotiations a rebate of $2.9 million on the two Falcon jets and $5.47 million on Gulfstream jet.

The first of the two Falcon jets will be delivered by the end of the fourth quarter of 2010 while the second Falcon and the Gulfstream jest will be delivered by the end of the second quarter of 2011.

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The last few weeks have been a nightmare for President Obama, in a summer of discontent in the United States which has deeply unsettled the ruling liberal elites, so much so that even the Left has begun to turn against the White House. While the anti-establishment Tea Party movement has gained significant ground and is now a rising and powerful political force to be reckoned with, many of the president’s own supporters as well as independents are rapidly losing faith in Barack Obama, with open warfare breaking out between the White House and the left-wing of the Democratic Party. While conservatism in America grows stronger by the day, the forces of liberalism are growing increasingly weaker and divided.

Against this backdrop, the president’s approval ratings have been sliding dramatically all summer, with the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll of US voters dropping to minus 22 points, the lowest point so far for Barack Obama since taking office. While just 24 per cent of American voters strongly approve of the president’s job performance, almost twice that number, 46 per cent, strongly disapprove. According to Rasmussen, 65 per cent of voters believe the United States is going down the wrong track, including 70 per cent of independents.


The RealClearPolitics average of polls now has President Obama at over 50 per cent disapproval, a remarkably high figure for a president just 18 months into his first term. Strikingly, the latest USA Today/Gallup survey has the President on just 41 per cent approval, with 53 per cent disapproving.

Related link: The Obama presidency increasingly resembles a modern-day Ancien Régime

There are an array of reasons behind the stunning decline and political fall of President Obama, chief among them fears over the current state of the US economy, with widespread concern over high levels of unemployment, the unstable housing market, and above all the towering budget deficit. Americans are increasingly rejecting President Obama’s big government solutions to America’s economic woes, which many fear will lead to the United States sharing the same fate as Greece.

Growing disillusionment with the Obama administration’s handling of the economy as well as health care and immigration has gone hand in hand with mounting unhappiness with the President’s aloof and imperial style of leadership, and a growing perception that he is out of touch with ordinary Americans, especially at a time of significant economic pain. Barack Obama’s striking absence of natural leadership ability (and blatant lack of experience) has played a big part in undermining his credibility with the US public, with his lacklustre handling of the Gulf oil spill coming under particularly intense fire.

On the national security and foreign policy front, President Obama has not fared any better. His leadership on the war in Afghanistan has been confused and at times lacking in conviction, and seemingly dictated by domestic political priorities rather than military and strategic goals. His overall foreign policy has been an appalling mess, with his flawed strategy of engagement of hostile regimes spectacularly backfiring. And as for the War on Terror, his administration has not even acknowledged it is fighting one.

Can it get any worse for President Obama? Undoubtedly yes. Here are 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in serious trouble, and why its prospects are unlikely to improve between now and the November mid-terms.

1. The Obama presidency is out of touch with the American people

In a previous post I noted how the Obama presidency increasingly resembles a modern-day Ancien Régime, extravagant, decaying and out of touch with ordinary Americans. The First Lady’s ill-conceived trip to Spain at a time of widespread economic hardship was symbolic of a White House that barely gives a second thought to public opinion on many issues, and frequently projects a distinctly elitist image. The “let them eat cake” approach didn’t play well over two centuries ago, and it won’t succeed today.

2. Most Americans don’t have confidence in the president’s leadership

This deficit of trust in Obama’s leadership is central to his decline. According to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, “nearly six in ten voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country”, and two thirds “say they are disillusioned with or angry about the way the federal government is working.” The poll showed that a staggering 58 per cent of Americans say they do not have confidence in the president’s decision-making, with just 42 per cent saying they do.

3. Obama fails to inspire

In contrast to the soaring rhetoric of his 2004 Convention speech in Boston which succeeded in impressing millions of television viewers at the time, America is no longer inspired by Barack Obama’s flat, monotonous and often dull presidential speeches and statements delivered via teleprompter. From his extraordinarily uninspiring Afghanistan speech at West Point to his flat State of the Union address, President Obama has failed to touch the heart of America. Even Jimmy Carter was more moving.

4. The United States is drowning in debt

The Congressional Budget Office Long-Term Budget Outlook offers a frightening picture of the scale of America’s national debt. Under its alternative fiscal scenario, the CBO projects that US debt could rise to 87 percent of GDP by 2020, 109 percent by 2025, and 185 percent in 2035. While much of Europe, led by Britain and Germany, are aggressively cutting their deficits, the Obama administration is actively growing America’s debt, and has no plan in place to avert a looming Greek-style financial crisis.

5. Obama’s Big Government message is falling flat

The relentless emphasis on bailouts and stimulus spending has done little to spur economic growth or create jobs, but has greatly advanced the power of the federal government in America. This is not an approach that is proving popular with the American public, and even most European governments have long ditched this tax and spend approach to saving their own economies.

6. Obama’s support for socialised health care is a huge political mistake

In an extraordinary act of political Harakiri, President Obama leant his full support to the hugely controversial, unpopular and divisive health care reform bill, with a monstrous price tag of $940 billion, whose repeal is now supported by 55 per cent of likely US voters. As I wrote at the time of its passing, the legislation is “a great leap forward by the United States towards a European-style vision of universal health care, which will only lead to soaring costs, higher taxes, and a surge in red tape for small businesses. This reckless legislation dramatically expands the power of the state over the lives of individuals, and could not be further from the vision of America’s founding fathers.”

7. Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive

While much of the spilled oil in the Gulf has now been thankfully cleared up, the political damage for the White House will be long-lasting. Instead of showing real leadership on the matter by acing decisively and drawing upon offers of international support, the Obama administration settled on a more convenient strategy of relentlessly bashing an Anglo-American company while largely sitting on its hands. Significantly, a poll of Louisiana voters gave George W. Bush higher marks for his handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, with 62 percent disapproving of Obama’s performance on the Gulf oil spill.

8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration

It is hard to think of a single foreign policy success for the Obama administration, but there have been plenty of missteps which have weakened American global power as well as the standing of the United States. The surrender to Moscow on Third Site missile defence, the failure to aggressively stand up to Iran’s nuclear programme, the decision to side with ousted Marxists in Honduras, the slap in the face for Great Britain over the Falklands, have all contributed to the image of a US administration completely out of its depth in international affairs. The Obama administration’s high risk strategy of appeasing America’s enemies while kicking traditional US allies has only succeeded in weakening the United States while strengthening her adversaries.

9. President Obama is muddled and confused on national security

From the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the War on Terror, President Obama’s leadership has often been muddled and confused. On Afghanistan he rightly sent tens of thousands of additional troops to the battlefield. At the same time however he bizarrely announced a timetable for the withdrawal of US forces beginning in July 2011, handing the initiative to the Taliban. On Iraq he has announced an end to combat operations and the withdrawal of all but 50,000 troops despite a recent upsurge in terrorist violence and political instability, and without the Iraqi military and police ready to take over. In addition he has ditched the concept of a War on Terror, replacing it with an Overseas Contingency Operation, hardly the right message to send in the midst of a long-war against Al-Qaeda...

10. Obama doesn’t believe in American greatness

Barack Obama has made it clear that he doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism, and has made apologising for his country into an art form. In a speech to the United Nations last September he stated that “no one nation can or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold.” It is difficult to see how a US president who holds these views and does not even accept America’s greatness in history can actually lead the world’s only superpower with force and conviction.

There is a distinctly Titanic-like feel to the Obama presidency and it’s not hard to see why. The most left-wing president in modern American history has tried to force a highly interventionist, government-driven agenda that runs counter to the principles of free enterprise, individual freedom, and limited government that have made the United States the greatest power in the world, and the freest nation on earth.

This, combined with weak leadership both at home and abroad against the backdrop of tremendous economic uncertainty in an increasingly dangerous world, has contributed to a spectacular political collapse for a president once thought to be invincible. America at its core remains a deeply conservative nation, which cherishes its traditions and founding principles. President Obama is increasingly out of step with the American people, by advancing policies that undermine the United States as a global power, while undercutting America’s deep-seated love for freedom.

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The Curios Case of the Supermodel vs the Warlord

British supermodel, Naomi Campbell, testifying at the war crimes trial of former Liberian
President Charles Taylor, said on Thursday she was given a pouch containing diamonds while in South Africa in 1997.

"I saw a few stones, they were very small, dirty looking stones," she told the United Nations special court for Sierra Leone in The Hague, but added she was not sure who the diamonds were from, British Broadcasting Corporation reports.

Prosecutors summoned Campbell to support their allegations that Taylor received diamonds from rebels in Sierra Leone and used them to buy weapons during a 1997 trip to South Africa.

Taylor had denied the allegations as "nonsense."

He was charged with 11 counts of instigating murder, rape, mutilation, sexual slavery and conscription of child soldiers during wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone in which more than 250,000 people were killed.

He denies all the charges.

Campbell told the court she had been woken up by two men who knocked at her bedroom door and gave her a pouch, saying they said to her, "A gift for you." She then put the pouch beside her bed and opened it up the next morning.
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The Curious Case of the Warlord and the Supermodel Actress, agent set to challenge Campbell diamonds testimony
THE HAGUE — Supermodel Naomi Campbell's testimony at Charles Taylor's war crimes trial is likely to be challenged on Monday when a Hollywood film star and a modelling agent take the stand.
Both Mia Farrow and Carole White are liable to contradict Campbell when they take the stand at the "blood diamonds" trial of the former Liberian president at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in The Hague.
Court documents suggest that White will testify that Campbell knew in advance she would get diamonds from Taylor after a dinner in South Africa in 1997 -- and that she seemed disappointed with the "pebbles" she had received.
White recalled seeing two men at Campbell's room giving her "a scrubby piece of paper" containing about a half-dozen "small, greyish pebbles".
She will also testify that Campbell and Taylor were "mildly flirtatious" at the dinner -- an impression that Campbell denies -- and that she heard Taylor tell the 40-year-old supermodel that he was going to give her some diamonds.
White "heard Mr Taylor tell Ms Campbell that he was going to send her diamonds," according to notes of an interview that prosecutors conducted with White.
"It was arranged that he would send some men back with the gift."
According to White, the court documents added, Campbell "seemed excited about the diamonds and she kept talking about them".
Farrow, who also attended the dinner, has told prosecutors that Campbell had told her and other guests an "unforgettable story" the day after the event.
"She told us that she had been awakened in the night by knocking at her door, she opened the door to find two or three men, I do not recall how many, who presented her with a large diamond which they said was from Charles Taylor," says Farrow's statement.
Taylor, 62, is accused of receiving blood diamonds in return for arming rebels in Sierra Leone who murdered, raped and maimed civilians during a 1991-2001 civil war in the west African nation in which 120,000 died.
He denies the charges.
Prosecutors had subpoenaed Campbell in hopes of casting doubt on Taylor's credibility and to try to disprove his contention that he never possessed rough diamonds.
Campbell testified on Thursday that two unknown men had delivered to her room "dirty-looking stones" after a dinner she attended in South Africa, hosted by then president Nelson Mandela, at which she was seated next to Taylor.
"I saw a few stones in there. Very small, dirty-looking stones ... maybe three, two or three," she told the court.
At breakfast the next morning, she added, she told White -- founder of Premier Model Management in London and her agent at the time -- and Farrow about the gift, both of whom assumed the stones were diamonds.
"One of the two said 'that is obviously Charles Taylor' and I said 'yes I guess it was'," she told the court, adding that she later gave the stones to a representative of a Mandela charity.
Jeremy Ratcliffe, then head of the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, who Campbell said she gave the "dirty-looking stones" to, announced Friday that he had turned them over to police in South Africa for authentication.
"They are real diamonds, handed back to us now, and the investigation begins," said Musa Zondi, spokesman for the special investigations unit of the South African police on Saturday.
On whether Campbell would be questioned, Zondi said: "It would depend on the information we have and the information we still need. There is no cut and dried (that) this will happen or won't happen."
BLOOD DIAMOND MOVIE excerpt Short Sleeve or lonmg Sleeve Amputation.
PG rated Graphic Images of violence

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Forget candlelit dinners, bouquets of flowers and endless compliments.

The way to a woman’s heart lies in wearing a red shirt, it seems.

A chap becomes instantly more desirable to the opposite sex if he has on a scarlet shirt or crimson tie, research shows..

Even a pair of pillar-box red socks could do the trick. The finding could help explain the appeal of Tiger Woods, who sports the colour on the final day of a golf tournament.

And a red suit may have helped Muse singer Matt Bellamy

Photo:One of the photos used in the study, (with the faces in focus) which worked out that the men in red are seen as more attractive by women

catch the eye of actress Kate Hudson.

The researchers showed women from around the world, including some Britons, pictures of a ‘moderately attractive’ man.

The photos had been doctored to show him wearing shirts of different colours or standing against several backgrounds.

Others were framed in various colours. A dash of red led to the man being viewed as more attractive and desirable. He was also seen as having a higher social status, the Journal of Experimental Psychology reported.

Researcher Andrew Elliot, of Rochester University in the U.S., said that red is associated with power, passion and fertility in the animal kingdom – and people are no different.

‘This suggests that women’s thoughts and feelings toward men are, at least in part, primitive,’ he said.

Photo2:The researchers also asked for women to rate men whose picture was framed in red and in white. The red-framed picture rated consistently higher in terms of attractiveness

‘The question “What do women want?” with regard to sexual attraction and desire has puzzled men and scholars for many years.

‘Our research suggests that the answer may be more provocative, than anticipated.’

Wearing red may also make a man feel more self-assured.

Dr Elliot added: ‘The red shirt that Tiger Woods adorns on the final day of golf tournaments likely provides him with a confidence-boosting reminder of his alpha status in the golf world as it simultaneously reminds his competitors they are probably facing another long day.’

Red is also associated with dominance on the football pitch, with previous research finding that teams wearing red strips win more matches.

Its association with dominance and aggression may enhance players’ game. Or perhaps red shirts are simply easier to see, improving their accuracy of passing.

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2.ATM Withdrawals Have one account for only Daily transactions of minimal amounts

Customers have expressed dissatisfaction in the manner in which some banks have been handling reported fraud cases on internet banking and Automated Teller Machines (ATM).

Tochukwu Onyiuke, a lawyer at Punuka Attorneys & Solicitors, said of the over 1,000 internet banking fraud and ATM scam cases his firm is handling, “none of the banks involved has shown genuine interest in rendering assistance to the victims.”

Mr. Onyiuke said many of these victims are customers of Intercontinental Bank, Bank PHB, and Union Bank.

Moses Adeogun, a postgraduate student in a university in the United Kingdom and an Intercontinental customer, recently narrated how he lost all his savings of N429, 000 in the bank to online fraud.

“On Tuesday, 27 July, I just discovered that all my savings at Intercontinental Bank to the tune of N429, 000 had been stolen through internet banking,” said Mr. Adeogun.

“I have two accounts at the bank, one is current and the other is savings. I have been using these two accounts since 2008. I activated internet banking on both of them so that I can have access to my accounts while I am away for studies,” Mr. Adeogun said.

He said, “It happened that I was trying to log into my account on 27 June; a Sunday night, but I couldn’t. So I kept on trying until the account was locked. I then sent a mail to the internet banking office that my access has been locked.. The following day, I got a message from the office that my account has been unlocked. That was on Monday, 28th of June.”

However, he said that on 4 July, somebody transferred N100, 000 from his account to another person’s account named Olufunmi Olusanya. Two days later, another N100, 000 was removed. It went on until the last N29, 000 was removed on the July 14.

Mr. Adeogun said while all these was happening, he didn’t receive any alert from the bank as he usually do on any transaction. He said he didn’t touch his account after it was unlocked until July 27 when he tried to confirm his statement of account after transferring money into it that he discovered all his money had gone. “I have mailed the bank severally since it happened but all I get from them is we are investigating. I was hoping that the matter would be resolved on time so that I can use my money. But as it stands, the bank is only dragging the issue,” he said.

Pushing blames

Experts say the perpetrator must have had access to Mr. Adeogun’s username, password and transaction code -the three details needed in internet banking -before money could be successfully transferred from his account.

Meanwhile, the victim said he never disclosed any of those information to anyone as “all these details are only known by me and the internet banking office.”

Findings revealed that the Olufunmi Olusanya’s account belongs to a female youth corps member. A transaction was made from Mr. Adeogun’s account to hers and she later withdrew the money through an ATM.

However, Mr. Onyiuke said how fraudsters managed to get into people’s accounts through internet banking is a question banks should answer since the position of law says “banks have a mandatory duty to protect customer’s fund.”

The legal practitioner said banks are to protect their customers’ money by ensuring that there is no manipulation on customers’ account or unauthorised withdrawal. “In the event that customer losses money, or occasions that the bank fails to protect the fund, the customer can bring a legal action of a breach of contract against the bank,” he said.

“Banks in Nigeria are fond of pushing blames to the customers even before investigating. Banks always claim that the customers compromised their passwords. But most times, we have discovered through investigations, that the claims were false,” said Mr. Onyiuke

Contacted over Mr Adeogun’s allegation, after several phone calls and electronic mails to the Intercontinental Bank went unreturned, Bridget Chinasa, a receptionist at the bank front office who tried to cover her name tag, said a reporter cannot speak to any official in the bank’s Corporate Communication office since no appointment was made. “Just keep trying the office number to book an appointment,” Ms. Chinasa said.

Suspicious move

Meanwhile, Mr. Adeogun said he suspects insider abuse. “I really believe that she (Ms. Olusanya) colluded with someone at the Internet banking office to get into my account for the reasons being that the person who unlocked my access on the 28th of June failed to attach his or her name,” he said, adding that “most times when I receive messages from the bank, there is usually the name of the sender attached to the message. But the message I got after unlocking my access just read: Good day, your account has been unlocked now. Thanks. Internet Banking Unit, Web Services/I-Mobile Dept., Intercontinental Bank Plc... Happy Customer Happy Bank.”

Another suspicious act, according to Mr. Adeogun, was that the perpetrator disabled the alert on his transaction so that he won’t get any message while the theft was going on. “All these can only be done by an insider with priority access,” he said.

Last October, at a consumer advocacy forum, Akeem Awe, a business man and a customer of Zenith Bank, also shared his experience on how he lost his savings of v1. 06 million to an ATM fraudster in less than 20 minutes, and how the bank failed to fully investigate the matter.

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Children of Generation Y..... Learn the genesis

The Silent Generation are people born before 1946.

The Baby Boomers are people born between 1946 and 1959.

Generation X are people born between 1960 and 1989.

Generation Y are people born between 1990 and now.

Why do we call the last one generation Y?
I did not know, but a cartoonist explains it eloquently
below...Learned something new today

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Forbes List billionaire, Alhaji Aliko Dangote has learnt that in indeed the law is no respecter of persons. For failure to show up in court today, as prescribed by a Lagos federal high court presided by Justice James Tsoho, the billionaire was declared WANTED

Delivering his ruling, Justice Tosho said that Alhaji Dangote, who stayed away from the court’s last deliberation, was in perpetual contempt of court and ordered him to be arrested and detained till October 26th. checks reveal that the once powerful Dangote has fled to Dubai, a country that has no extradition treaty with Nigeria. However, sources told that the court may enlist the services of Interpol, if necceasy, to execute its warrant.

Nevertheless, Aliko Dangote becoming a fugitive from Justice, will negatively impact Dangote Groups, as he must sign approvals above five thousand naira. said a company source.

It is recalled that Justice Lambo Akanbi had on March 12, 2010 , nullified the election of Dangote as the President and Chairman of the Council of NSE following an application by some shareholders of African Petroleum (AP).

The shareholders had argued then that after a court had on August 4, 2009 , ordered all the parties to maintain the status quo in a suit they instituted, challenging Dangote’s membership of the Council of NSE, the NSE went ahead and conducted its election on August 2009, where Dangote allegedly emerged president. An action that made the shareholders, in a form 49 (motion for committal) filed a suit against Dangote, Okereke-Onyiuke and Igbinosun, saying that the trio conspired by allowing Dangote to preside over the affairs of NSE despite the existence of the order.

At the court proceedings, counsel representing Dangote, Ricky Tarfa (SAN) had argued that before the court can consider the issue of contempt, it must first entertain a motion challenging its jurisdiction to entertain the case by citing the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Ebhodaghe and Okoye..

But in his response, Aniakor, counsel for the shareholders, flawed Tarfa’s argument, saying it was not the true position of the judgment of the apex court and urged the court to issue a warrant for the production of Dangote and Okereke-Onyiuke, who were absent in court.

“The Supreme Court added a proviso to the judgment to the effect that in the event that if there was an application seeking to protect the integrity of the court and another one challenging the court’s jurisdiction, the court would have to first determine the one that had to do with its integrity.”

After reviewing all the arguments by both counsels, Justice Tsoho upheld Aniakor’s submissions, and held that the contempt proceedings must take precedent over any other application, being the one seeking to protect the integrity of the court.

In addition, the court has struck out the name of Ndi- Onyuike from the case.

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Former World Boxing Council (WBC) heavy weight champion, Samuel ‘the Nigerian nightmare’ Peter, is confident his upcoming fight against three times world heavyweight champion, Wladimir Klitschko, will not last the distance.

Peter, who lost his WBC crown to the older of the Klitschko brothers, Vitali, in Berlin, Germany, back in October 2008, had in September 2005 fought against Wladimir in an elimination bout for the International Boxing Federation (IBF) and International Boxing Organization (IBO) world titles.

The Nigerian, however, lost the bout on points, despite knocking Wladimir down on three separate occasions over the course of the 12 round contest.

That inherently makes the September 11 rematch in Germany one of the more interesting fights that can be made in the heavyweight division, especially since Wladimir has not been involved in a tough fight ever since their 2005 bout.

Five years in the making

It’s almost five years since Peter’s painful loss to Wladimir in Atlantic City and the Nigerian now has a chance to get back at the Ukrainian for inflicting what, back then, was his first career loss. He has promised his fans that “it’s going to be a short night” this time around.

“You are going to see a very good exciting fight this time around,” said Peter. “No bullshit, I’m ready. I’m ready to go. I know my fans are going to be really happy with me this time around because it’s going to be a short night.”

Following his loss to Vitali, Peter went on to suffer defeat at the hands of Eddie Chambers in March 2009, but returned with a bang afterwards by recording four straight wins, with the longest of them lasting just four rounds, against journeyman, Gabe Brown, in September 2009.

The underdog

Irrespective of that, Peter will be coming into the bout against Wladimir as the underdog. He, however, insisted he is not bothered by that.

“I like when people keep on thinking like that because some people, they are thinking with their legs,” he said.

“They are not thinking with their heads or brains. They don’t see what I see. They don’t know what I know. Let them keep on thinking. I love that,” added Peter, who then went ahead to boast that he would be prepared to give Wladimir the opportunity of fighting him all over again right after their upcoming rematch.

“Definitely,” exclaimed Peter. “Even that same night, they better be ready because it’s not going to be long. I would still beat him again that same night,” said Peter, who represented Nigeria at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

Wladimir, a gold medallist at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, hasn’t lost since his April 2004 loss to Lamon Brewster, and knocked out Chambers in his last title defence in March this year.

He, however, admitted in a recent interview that he will be prepared for the hardhitting Nigerian by the time they meet in Frankfurt next month.

“The first fight against Samuel was one of the hardest combats in my career. He is a hard puncher who developed further. I know what to expect at the 11th of September, but I will be prepared,” Wladimir said.

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Nollywood Actress, Uche Iwuji was getting engaged and headed for the altar.

News at our disposal have it that the actress has called it off with her soon to be husband.

Friends, fans and foes were excited for Uche when the news of her engagement broke out and Uche wouldnt stop flaunting her sparkling engagement ring.

Now Uche is back on the single club and she was heard saying she isnt searching. As to why she left her hearthrob, we learnt the dude wasnt meeting her expectations financially and so Uche walked off while she could

Shocked?…you are definitely not alone!

Probably spurred on by the commotion caused by the wande coal nude pictures,someone with wicked intentions has circulated this picture of the actress on facebook.

This looks like a younger uche iwuji but we are not so sure What do you think ?

Recent Interview with Uche

Playing sexy roles in films may be taking its toll on Nigeria top female movie star, Uche Iwuji. Having featured in about thirty films in her ten years acting career, the sensational actress, an undergraduate of Creative Art of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), told Showtime Celebrity that she has so far dated five men without winning their hearts for marriage.
“The sixth will be the final one” she declares.

How many movies have you starred in so far?
I have done close to thirty.

Could you name some of the titles?

I took part in Aristo, Passion And Pains, My Heart Desire, My Dream………..

And how long have you been in the industry?

Close to ten years now.

How did your acting career start?

I started acting in my church. From there I met Zeb Ejiro and I told him that I wanted to take acting as a career. He asked if I have acted before and I said yes, I have been doing it in my church. He then gave me a role to play and I played it to his satisfaction and that was how I started acting.

Which was your first film?

Tears In Heaven.

How did you feel appearing in a film for the very first time?

I was happy, It was an opportunity to act..

What is your real name?

My name is Uche Evelyn Iwuji.

Are you now married?


Is it because of your roles or career as a movie star that is making it difficult for you to get hooked?

Laughs…. I can’t really say. You know it’s really difficult because most of the guys I have met in the past pretend to fall in love. And immediately ask you to stop acting and all that. It’s a difficult task and it has been a problem for us.

Do you mean you can’t sacrifice your acting career for marriage when a man knocks on your door for marriage?

Yes, I can. I will do something else. I will put my head somewhere else and keep my marriage.

Are you thinking of marriage now?

Yes, I am thinking of marriage.

Do you have somebody on the line?

No, not for now. I used to have one but it ended and we packed it up. Since then, I have decided to keep to myself.

Was it because you weren’t ready to give up your acting career?

No. It didn’t happen like that. The relationship didn’t work out. That was it.

So, what is your next step?

Em…. I am in school now. I have decided to concentrate fully on my studies, after which, I may begin to think about marriage.

Which school are you attending?

The University of Lagos (UNILAG)

And what course are you studying?

Creative Art.

What level are you now?

300 level.

Do you still find time to act?

Occasionally yes, but the school time table is really taking more of my time.

Do you intend to take acting on full time after graduation?

I might if I don’t see my husband before then. If I see my husband, and he tells me to find something else to do, I will abide.

What kind of roles do you love to play in films?

Sexy roles, possessive roles, projecting role - any challenging role, in short.
In which of the films have you actually played sexy roles before?
Total Control and some others

What was it all about?

It was all about six girls searching for greener pasture. They have to do anything and everything to get there including going to bed with different men.

How has playing sexy roles affected you?

It has really affected me because the guys out there feels this girl is very hot (laughs) and they want to have you in bed.

They expect us to look like what we play in films, as a person in real life; ‘sex bloody’ and that is not possible because it’s just a movie and we are only playing a role. They hold on to their imagination and keep calling and wanting you to hook up and do it with them.

They want to see us in person in real life do it to them, so to say, which is not true about us. We have our discipline. It is only the God fearing ones that take you reasonable or think reasonably about you. They take you for what you are and tell you the truth.

The other men that just want to have you simply come around to flatter you and that is it.

It’s as if you work on men’s imagination a lot. Don’t you think this will make it difficult for you to fall in love?

I don’t even love again. It ended last year


I don’t see the need for it because when you decided to love someone and he ends up breaking your heart. What is the need? So I don’t love.

Don’t you have love in you?

No, I don’t have. So, I don’t give. It ended last year.

Do you mean to say you are taking your time?

Hmm... something like that.

Who is this guy that caused this damage to your love?

I don’t want to talk about him. I don’t want to remember him.

What kind of guy would you want to restore your love?

The man must be God fearing. He must go to church for me to love him.

Is that all?

Emm. That is the kind of person I want. A Church goer.

If he happens to be a whiteman and an unbeliever?

He just has to go to Church for me to love him. Obviously, not all whitemen or foreigners in Nigeria go to church but when you meet them and tell them about Church, they want to go with you and in the process end up giving their lives to God.

So you may prefer a White man now because a lot of your female colleagues are gunning for them?
Not really, but anyone that comes is okay by me. But he must go to Church. Even the Whiteman shows more love.

They are really crazy about love. They take you on tour and make you see things you often dreamt about. They do many things to make you feel that you are needed. But a black man especially a Nigerian, he wouldn’t take you to where you want to be. He keeps you there in the house and there is no time. There is not much time for the two of you to go out as lovers, like going for picnic, shopping, travelling, and doing things that really ignite love.

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