For (290)

sugary_sweets.jpg?width=234Yesterday was the first day of Lent, where Christians choose to commemorate the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness by giving up certain foods or drinks or abandoning bad habits.

Even for non-believers, Lent can be an ideal time to set a target and break a few habits which can be bad for your health.


You may think that three wine gum packs a week are a reasonable indulgence, but at 170 calories per pack, over 40 days of Lent you could give up 2900 calories.

Likewise, if you usually go through three packs of chewing gum weekly, giving your jaw a break over Lent would also spare you about 2900 calories.


If,  you have resolved to give up chocolate for Lent, good for you. The average sized Mars bar contains 230 calories (as well as 12g of fat) and a Snickers bar contains around 218 calories.

If you are in the habit of snacking on these twice a week, you will be saving about 2500 calories if you give these up for Lent. As for chocolate being good for boosting your mood? So are friends.


Gram for gram, alcohol is nearly equal to fat when it comes to calories; one  unit of alcohol contains eight grams of alcohol and 56 calories.

A medium glass of red wine (175ml) contains around 120 calories. If you give up your evening glass of wine, you would reduce your intake by around 840 calories per week or 4800 for the period of Lent.

Similarly, giving up a bottle of shine shine bobo and odeku (5%) after work, would save around 1750 calories a week and 10,000 calories for the period of Lent. You would also be doing your liver a favour!


Coincidentally, the first day of Lent is also a National No Smoking Day in some countries. If you smoke, the single best thing you can do is to quit. Smoking increases your risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke and cancer and causes around 120,000 deaths every year. It's also expensive.

It usually takes more than one attempt to kick the habit, but studies have shown that people are four times more likely to quit with support compared with those who go it alone. So contact your GP or practice nurse to get the support you need.


Not much of a sacrifice you might think. But calculate how much time you spend on Facebook. Many studies have linked "screen time" to an increased risk of heart disease and obesity. Instead of browsing on the internet, why not go for a walk?

Walking around 10,000 steps a day will burn off 300 to 400 calories, or up to 16,000 calories in total for Lent. It's good for the heart, helps with weight loss and can help lower your risk of cancer. It's also free.

Nollywood movies

we all know that nollywood movies are very addictive but we also know how many nollywood movies will end so giving it up for lent might just be what you need ! no mercy johnson for 40days !


you can also dump facebook for which is attempting to rebrain nigerian youth lol !

Happy lent !


readapted for a nigerian audience

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Ambrose Alli University Sex-For-Grades Update: Dr. Otubu Fired; Judith Okosun Suspended For Six Semesters

Dr. Peter Otubu and Judith Okosun

Judith Okosun, the 400-level Mechanical Engineering student at the centre of the July 2010 sex-for-grades scandal at the Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma, Edo State, has been suspended for six semesters.

In a report, THE NEWS said that Engr. Peter Otubu, the lecturer whose demand of sexual favours in exchange for good grades led to the crisis, was fired by the University, this was confirmed by the university authorities today. 

In July 2010, Saharareporters broke the story of the scandal.  Governor Adams Oshiomhole, who is the Visitor of the institution, immediately demanded an investigation and report. 

The university, which Ms. Okosun’s lawyer claimed to have been informed of the incident from the beginning, although its spokesman denied it, set up two committees.  The student was found guilty of “breaching her matriculation oath”.

Also, the university offers no guarantee that another randy lecturer will not be waiting with a new grading “system”, or to exact vengeance.

Dr. Otubu’s case was instructive according to the university vice chancellor who rendered an account of his past to the NEWS magazine, as stated here: “Professor Sam Uniamikogbo, the university’s Vice-Chancellor, explained why Judith was also sanctioned. “The student was aware of the university’s rules and regulations and once any student violates any of the rules, that student will be disciplined,’’ he told TheNEWS.  The rules, said the Vice-Chancellor, forbid students from taking laws into their own hands, as Judith seemed to have done. Uniamikogbo is, however, still shocked by the conduct of Otubu. Prior to the scandal, the V-C said, Otubu was considered chaste; having helped the university authorities bust a lecturer who habitually demanded sex from married undergraduates. ‘‘It was Otubu that we put on the case. The married woman was told to play along. Otubu helped us to arrest the lecturer at the hotel to which he had invited the woman. I could never have imagined that a man we thought was clean and a veritable role model would be involved in this kind of scandal,” Uniamikogbo said ruefully...

The university terminated Dr. Otubu’s appointment on October 26 2010.

A source at the university told SaharaReporters that Judith has gone to court to challenge her wrongful rustication from the university.

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Have you ever known someone who really trusts God? When I was an atheist, I had a good friend who prayed often. She would tell me every week about something she was trusting God to take care of. And every week I would see God do something unusual to answer her prayer. Do you know how difficult it is for an atheist to observe this week after week? After a while, "coincidence" begins to sound like a very weak argument.

So why would God answer my friend's prayers? The biggest reason is that she had a relationship with God. She wanted to follow God. And she actually listened to what he said. In her mind, God had the right to direct her in life, and she welcomed him doing just that! When she prayed for things, it was a natural part of her relationship with God. She felt very comfortable coming to God with her needs, her concerns, and whatever issues were current in her life. Furthermore, she was convinced, from what she read in the Bible, that God wanted her to rely on him like that.

She pretty much exhibited what this statement from the Bible says, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."1 "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer..."2

So, Why Doesn't God Answer Everyone's Prayers?

It may be because they don't have a relationship with God. They may know that God exists, and they might even worship God from time to time. But those who never seem to have their prayers answered probably don't have a relationship with him. Further, they have never received from God complete forgiveness for their sin. What does that have to do with it you ask? Here is an explanation. "Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God. Your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear."3

It's pretty natural to feel that separation from God. When people begin to ask God for something, what usually takes place? They begin with, "God, I really need your help with this problem..." And then there's a pause, followed by a restart... "I realize that I'm not a perfect person, that I actually have no right to ask you for this..." There's an awareness of personal sin and failure. And the person knows that it's not just them; that God is aware of it too. There's a feeling of, "Who am I kidding?" What they may not know is how they can receive God's forgiveness for all their sin. They might not know that they can come into a relationship with God so that God will hear them. This is the foundation for God answering your prayer.

How to Pray: The Foundation

You must first begin a relationship with God. Imagine some guy named Mike decides to ask the president of Princeton University (whom Mike doesn't even know) to co-sign a car loan for him. Mike would have zero chance of that happening. (We're assuming that the president of Princeton is not an idiot.) However, if that same president's daughter asked her dad to co-sign a car loan for her, it would be no problem. Relationship matters.

With God, when the person is actually a child of God, when the person belongs to God, he knows them and hears their prayers. Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."4

When it comes to God then, do you really know him and does he know you? Do you have a relationship with him that warrants God answering your prayers? Or is God pretty distant, pretty much just a concept in your life? If God is distant, or you're not sure that you know God, here is how you can begin a relationship with him right now: Getting Connected.

Will God Definitely Answer Your Prayer?

For those who do know him and rely on him, Jesus seems to be wildly generous in his offer: "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you."5 To "remain" in him and have his words remain in them means they conduct their lives aware of him, relying on him, listening to what he says. Then they're able to ask him whatever they want. Here is another qualifier: "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us -- whatever we ask -- we know that we have what we asked of him."6 God answers our prayers according to his will (and according to his wisdom, his love for us, his holiness, etc.).

Where we trip up is assuming we know God's will, because a certain thing makes sense to us! We assume that there is only one right "answer" to a specific prayer, assuming certainly THAT would be God's will. And this is where it gets tough. We live within the limits of time and limits of knowledge. We have only limited information about a situation and the implications of future action on that situation. God's understanding is unlimited. How an event plays out in the course of life or history is only something he knows. And he may have purposes far beyond what we could even imagine. So, God is not going to do something simply because we determine that it must be his will.

What Does It Take? What is God Inclined to Do?

Pages and pages could be filled about God's intentions toward us. The entire Bible is a description of the kind of relationship God wants us to experience with him and the kind of life he wants to give us. Here are just a few examples:

"...the Lord longs to be gracious to you. He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for [trust] him!"7 Did you catch that? Like someone rising out of his chair to come to your help, "He rises to show you compassion." "As for God, his way is perfect...He is a shield for all who take refuge in him."8 "The Lord delights in those who fear [reverence] him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."9

However, God's greatest display of his love and commitment to you is this: Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,"10which is what Jesus did for us. And so, "If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?"11

What about "Unanswered" Prayer?

Certainly people get sick, even die; financial problems are real, and all sorts of very difficult situations can come up. What then?

God tells us to give our concerns to him. Even as the situation remains dismal, "Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."12 The circumstances may look out of control, but they aren't. When the whole world seems to be falling apart, God can keep us together. This is when a person can be very grateful that they know God. "The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."13 God may provide solutions, resolutions to the problem WAY beyond what you imagined possible. Probably any Christian could list examples like this in their own lives. But if the circumstances do not improve, God can still give us his peace in the midst of it. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."14

It is at this point (when circumstances are still tough) that God asks us to continue to trust him -- to "walk by faith, not by sight" the Bible says. But it's not blind faith. It is based on the very character of God. A car traveling on the Golden Gate Bridge is fully supported by the integrity of the bridge. It doesn't matter what the driver may be feeling, or thinking about, or discussing with someone in the passenger seat. What gets the car safely to the other side is the integrity of the bridge, which the driver was willing to trust.

In the same way, God asks us to trust his integrity, his character...his compassion, love, wisdom, righteousness on our behalf. He says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."15 "Trust in him at all times, O people. Pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us."16

In Summary...How to Pray

God has offered to answer the prayers of his children (those who have received him into their lives and seek to follow him). He asks us to take any concerns to him in prayer and he will act upon it according to his will. As we deal with difficulties we are to cast our cares on him and receive from him a peace that defies the circumstances. The basis for our hope and faith is the character of God himself. The better we know him, the more apt we are to trust him...

For more on the character of God, please see "Who is God?" or other articles on this site. The reason for our prayers is God's character. The first prayer God answers is your prayer to begin a relationship with God.

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As Nigerian women join their counterparts the world over to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) today, the issue of gender inequality in the nation's polity remains on the front burner, waiting to be comprehensively addressed.

Interestingly, this year's edition marks the 100th anniversary of the Day, which traces its roots back to the second International Conference of Working Women held in Copenhagen in 1910. There, over 100 female delegates from 17 countries voted unanimously that every year, in every country, the same day should be observed to call attention to their needs.

The first IWD was therefore launched the following year in 1911, nearly a decade before women in the United States, the world's democracy symbol, would have the right to vote.

Since then, IWD has taken on a broader meaning for women all over the world. With the growing international women's movement, sustained by four United Nations women's conferences (Mexico City 1975, Copenhagen 1980, Nairobi 1985 and Beijing 1995), the Day now signifies a time to build support for women's rights and equality in a number of areas, including education, the economy and politics.

The theme for this year's celebration is "Equal Access to Education, Training, and Science and Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women."

But even as gender equality and empowerment of women are at the heart of many national and international commitments, including the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), not much progress has been made..



Women in Nigeria proudly show a hand-painted banner for peace (file photo).

Although some developing regions of the world may have reached, or are approaching gender parity in secondary school enrolment and youth literacy generally, there are still some major challenges for many countries.

In Nigeria, for instance, though the Child Rights Bill, aimed at domesticating the principles enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Union Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, suffered several setbacks before it was eventually passed into law in 2003, early marriage (before the age of 18) still persists in some parts of the country, along with the associated risks of adolescent childbearing.

Clearly, early marriage limits opportunities girls may have for education as their literacy rates, primary school completion, and secondary school enrolment are all lower than those for boys. This automatically limits the opportunities they have to effectively compete with their male counterparts in all facets of life as well as hinders their ability to even make decisions concerning their reproductive health.

If the occasion of the IWD, therefore, is to look back on past struggles and accomplishments, look forward to opportunities that await present and future generations of women, and continue to work for meaningful change, it is instructive to note that some issues that can advance women's rights, especially to participation in the political process are still missing in Nigeria as women are, largely, relegated to the background by the male dominated political class.

To some women groups, gender sensitivity, gender equality and equal rights between males and females, have never existed, particularly in some parts of the country.

Though over the last hundred years in Nigeria, some successes worth celebrating have been recorded, challenges still remain in the area of overcoming barriers to gender equality. A good number of women, for instance, are already making inroads in the corporate world, while some others have been appointed into political offices, yet some socio-cultural, political and religious factors hinder the full development of women.

Nigerian women have, indeed, continued to be underrepresented in governments and the political process as a whole.

This is in spite of government's commitment to implementation of various treaties at international, regional and national levels. In particular, Nigeria endorsed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA), which provides for the Affirmative Action Policy and the MDGs, and the National Gender Policy.

Despite these commitments and the numerical strength of women, they still occupy less than eight per cent of elective positions at all levels of governance.

Out of the about 469 members of the National Assembly, for example, only about 33 are women, constituting about seven per cent of the total number of federal lawmakers.

Nigeria does not boast of any past female president or vice president, and among the 36 state governors, there is no single woman. The best they have attained is the position of deputy governor of very few states.

This represents a systematic exclusion of about half the population of the country from mainstream political activities. Such exclusion fails the basic test of democracy and cannot facilitate Nigeria's achievement of its commitment to the MDGs.

We, therefore, ask the National Assembly to take urgent steps to speed up passage of long standing Bills on violence against women and domesticate the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Equal Opportunities' Bill and any other bills aimed at enforcing the rights of women.

On their part, the State Assemblies must ensure adoption of these bills when passed into law. More advocacy groups should also be formed to carry the message of equal access to the grassroots.

Although the 30 per cent affirmative action policy of the Beijing Declaration, which Nigeria endorsed, is yet to be fully implemented, we urge the Federal Government to take the National Gender Policy, which entrenches the affirmative action policy of 35 per cent representation of women in political, social and economic endeavours more seriously.

Gender inequality could be devastating, not only for women but also for the nation in general, because a society that marginalizes women is cutting its nose to spite its face.

Education of the girl child must be given serious attention for it is said that to educate a man is to educate an individual but to educate a woman is to educate a nation.

Government must ensure that all girls have free access to basic education and stiff penalties should be meted out to parents that fail to offer their children such opportunity. Government can afford free education if it adequately addresses the issue of corruption.

And if securing peace and social progress as well as the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require active participation, equality and development of women, then sidelining them would amount to shooting oneself on the foot, since nowhere in the world has anyone been found, effectively, clapping with one hand.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011


The Okoye family in Awgu Enugu State is battling to come to terms with what became of their son months after he left his home in Lagos for a prayer mission.

Peter Joseph Okoye who was last seen on November 21, 2010 could rightly be said to have just disappeared.



He is founder of Jesus the Man I Know Ministry and was to travel to his hometown in a week’s time before his disappearance to commence processes for his marriage. While Peter’s whereabouts remain a mystery his beloved fiancée, Ifunanya Umeh keeps waiting for the marriage.







The beginning of the gist is that Peter was allegedly sent to Ijebu Ode by a member of his ministry, Philip Enyabine to rescue a man struck by lightning.



In a petition to the Inspector General of Police, the family is alleging that Ifunanya was used as bait by his boss, Enyabine, to lure their brother to his waterloo. They claimed that the duo pricked by their sense of guilt, dramatically turned round to be the ones raising alarm about Peter, when the family still presumed that he was on one of his usual evangelical missions that sometimes kept him for days, except on Fridays.

Their story



Tracing his disappearance, his elder brother Uche, told Saturday Sun that his brother, an evangelist, spent little or no time in their house at 38 Osho Drive, Olodi, Apapa, Lagos. He recalled that on November 20, Sunday, Peter returned from a programme with a food flask supposedly from his fiancée. He told his brothers that his wife prepared a dish for him which he shared with his brother and friends. “Shortly after the meal he left for his usual work. Because of the demands of his ministry, nobody bothered to know whether he came back to the house or not. We became worried when on November 23 his fiancée, Ifunanya, called our sister, in Nsukka demanding to know if Peter was with her.”







Peter’s sibling wondered why Ifunaya who was a regular visitor at their home could call their sister in far away Nsukka. They immediately tried his mobile line to find he had switched off. They also called Ifunanya back to hear from her that Peter went to see one of the members of his ministry, Philip Enyiabine. The siblings visited Enyiabine, a familiar person to the family to know if he knew their brother’s whereabouts. Uche said Enyiabine told them that he sent Philip to rescue his friend who was struck by lightning at a monastery in Ijebu Ode.



“He said his friend was on his way to the east, when his vehicle broke down at Ore. He decided to go down to the Ijebu Ode monastery, where he was struck by lightning. He said he had spoken with Peter who confirmed to him he was at Ijebu Ode for the prayer and had promised to return as soon as possible.”




All friends and allies were determined to help the Okoyes find their brother. To demonstrate his commitment, Enyabine, gave the team some money to travel to Ijebu Ode and its environs incase, Peter was involved in an accident. On November 26, the rescue team combed all prayer sites in Oyo and Ogun states and some of the monks on site told them that they did not see someone that fits their description of Peter who also was a regular visitor to the prayer mountains in the area. At the Ogun Monastery, the monk in-charge, told them that there was no incident of thunder strike in the area and called its Ijebu Ode branch that also affirmed that no one was struck. Back in Lagos they lodged a complaint with the police and Federal Road Safety Corp. Both told them they had no record involving their brother.







Back home and confused, the family kept on making frantic efforts to locate their brother, Pastors who claimed to have the spirit of vision visited them and promised to help them locate their brother. One of such persons was Peter’s assistant. But after sometime and search efforts, the family got threat calls from unknown persons warning them to stay off the effort and attempt to locate Peter or risk facing same fate.



However hope of finding Peter waxed on November 28 when the family received a call from a man who claimed to have abducted him. The caller demanded N5m ransom, but finally agreed to take N200,000 after much pleading to release him. Still determined to help the family find Peter, Enyabine also gave N100,000. They were directed to drop the money at a spot in Ajegunle, Lagos, which they did with the promise that Peter would be released the next day. They waited endlessly and Peter was not found nor released till now.




The matter took another dimension when the family discovered that Ifunanya was allegedly hiding some important information from them. After much pressure, she told the family that Enyabine had alleged that Peter made away with his money. Taken aback, the family wondered why Enyabine or Peter’s fiancée never told them of this development all this while.







They confronted Enyabine who confirmed that Peter defrauded him of N20 million.



“I asked him to explain to the entire family, how our brother who he never had any business with duped him of N20m. He told us that he kept money in a special room and Peter asked him to mix the money with some dollars and pray so the money will increase. And true to his words the money increased and he was advised to keep it in that room. He never suspected anything till Peter disappeared. They opened the house and discovered that all the money, about N5m was gone. At that point it became clear that Enyabine could know the whereabouts of our brother, so we reported the case to the police.”







He narrated further that: “I introduced my brother to Enyabine when he had problem in his business. Months after the introduction, his life changed and in appreciation, Enyabine gave him a brand new bus and a flat at Iyana Iba. He also employed his fiancée as personal assistant. It was after this discovery that I recalled that Peter had told us that he was offered money by some people to stop praying for Enyabine. Even if, our brother owes him, let him tell us where to find him and he will surely get his money back. Why did it take him 13 days to open up and accuse my brother of theft if there is no hidden agenda? We felt betrayed that a woman our brother is planning to marry would do this.”







All efforts to get across to Enyabine failed as his phone numbers where out of reach. Our finding is that he has since relocated to Abuja where the matter is being investigated. Ifunanya who was also indicted told Saturday Sun on phone that she was arrested and taken to Abuja for investigation. “I have been released and I know that my God will vindicate me.”

Police investigation



When the suspicion heightened, the Okoyes reported the matter to the Lagos State Criminal Investigation, Panti, and Enyabine and Ifunanya were arrested and interrogated. Not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, the family sought the transfer of the case to the Special Anti Robbery Squad, Adeniji Adele, Lagos.



The event however took a dramatic turn, when the suspect, Enyabine tired of harassment cried for justice and the Okoye brothers were arrested and transferred to Abuja where the Commissioner for Police, Special Investigation Unit is handling the case. At the time of filing this report Uche was still in detention for false accusation.







The Force Public Relations Officer, Olusola Amore told Saturday Sun that the police are investigating the matter to find out what became of Peter. He also said in response to Uche’s detention that in the course of investigation, both the accused and the complainant are relevant and the police cannot be used to intimidate any person when investigation has not shown that the accused is guilty.



He called on the Okoye family to be patient as the police would bring anyone involved in the sudden disappearance of Peter to face the wroth of the law.

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12166302084?profile=original12166302254?profile=originalInternational Women's Day (IWD), originally called12166302466?profile=original International Working Women’s Day is12166302656?profile=original marked on March 8 every year.[1] It is a major day of12166302488?profile=original global celebration of women. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general


Photos: Agbani,Akunyili,Asa, Genevieve,Chinamanda


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celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.
Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries, primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet bloc. In many regions, the day lost its political flavour, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day. In other regions, however, the original political and human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner.

March 8 marks the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, a celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women past and present that is observed around the world.

The first International Women's Day was held in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. Then, over a million men and women attended rallies to campaign for women's rights to work, vote and hold public office.

This year over 200 events are slated to occur in the U.S. alone.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will host the 2011 International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony with First Lady Michelle Obama. The awards annually recognize women across the globe who have shown exceptional fortitude in advocating for women's rights and empowerment -- often at great personal risk. This year's recipients include women whose occupations range from blogger to head of state.

"I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century," Clinton told Newsweek in a recent interview.

Though the road to gender equality may still be a long one, International Women's Day is an opportunity to meditate on how far women have already come. In honor of the event's centennial, The Guardian asked women of all ages, from 15 different countries across the world, to share the changes they've witnessed.

"I come from an ethnic Chinese family where the women went from bound feet to Rhodes scholar within four generations," said Regina Yau of Malaysia.

Airlines fly '100% female-operated' flights for Women's Day:

Air India and Air France are among the airlines flying "100% female-operated" flights today, efforts mean to commemorate International Women's Day.

Air India says it's flying 11 such flights, including on one of its ultra-long haul routes between New Delhi and Toronto.

The carrier has been flying since the 1980s, including one last year on its Mumbai-New York run. Also in 2010, Air India "operated a record 22 all-women's crew flights across domestic and international networks," according to India's Economic Times.

As for Air France, it says it is flying a female-only crew today on Air France Flight 188 from Paris Charles de Gaulle to Hong Kong.

Air France says in a press release that a "fully female" crew of 18 will operate the flight, "welcoming a crew made up of 3 female pilots and 15 air hostesses."



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International Women's Day: Case for Equal Access for Nigerian Women

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A police officer, Funke Jimoh, has sued the Nigeria Police Force and the Police Service Commission in a Federal High Court in Abuja, for allegedly violating her right to medical attention. According to an affidavit submitted by Ms. Jimoh in court, she was participating in a mandatory police cross country race training exercise at the Eleyele Police Training School in Ibadan, Oyo state, in July 2000, when she suffered a hip injury.

Her femoral head, which is the highest part of the bone between the hip and the knee joint, was damaged. She received treatment at a police clinic at the time. In February 2011, Ms. Jimoh claims that the injury flared up again, and she was referred from the clinic to University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, which advised her to seek medical treatment abroad to get a femoral head replacement. She wrote a letter through the commissioner of police, Oyo State, to the inspector-general of police to provide financial assistance for a surgical operation in Germany as recommended by UCH, but was surprised by the force’s response.

“To my utter dismay, instead of the defendants to accede to my request by providing financial assistance for my medical treatment abroad, the defendants on 16 August, 2004 discharged me from the force on medical grounds without any compensation whatsoever.”

The plaintiff also claimed that the House of Representatives Committee on Public Petitions, after an investigation, concluded in a report that she was wrongfully discharged from the force, and the committee passed a resolution for her reinstatement, along with the payment of her entitlements and the provision of adequate medical attention. So far, according to the plaintiff, the police has ignored the committee’s resolution...

Search for reinstatement

Ms. Jimoh is seeking a declaration from the court stating that the refusal of the defendants to provide medical treatment for the replacement of her femoral head, which was damaged while taking part in a police exercise, is illegal and unconstitutional according to Article 16 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights Ratification and Enforcement Act. She is also seeking a declaration stating that the refusal of the defendants to pay her salary and allowances from August 16, 2004 is illegal and unconstitutional. Other requests include an order directing the defendants to provide the plaintiff with medical treatment at the University Teaching Hospital/Clinic in Ulm, Germany, and an order directing the defendants to immediately effect the payment of all arrears owed to the plaintiff. The presiding judge, Abdul Kafarati, adjourned the matter until March 9 for hearing.

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Five students were killed and several others reportedly injured during a riot by students who wanted a share of the ₦15 million distributed by the Akwa Ibom State governor Godswill Akpabio. The tragedy occurred yesterday at the Government House Uyo and the Ibom Hall where undergraduate students and unemployed graduates gathered at the instance of the state governor.

The inability of some unemployed graduates, students of the University of Uyo, Uyo City Polytechnic and Akwa Ibom State College of Education to get a share of the money led to a stampede.

Mr. Akpabio had announced a ₦10 million largesse for undergraduate students who were supposed to get their money at the Government House. His running mate in the gubernatorial election, Nsima Ekere, was billed to distribute the rest ₦5 million to unemployed graduates who converged at the Ibom Hall.

Trouble started with the rumour that organisers of the event have taken away ₦4 million out of the ₦10 million given to the students. After waiting for more than four hours for the remaining ₦6 million to be shared, the students started a protest.

The protest turned into a stampede as security agencies tried to remove them from the premises. In the ensuing scramble, gunshots were fired by the police and the protesting students responded by hurling stones at the police officers.

At Ibom Hall, a few fortunate unemployed graduates got ₦1,000 each but the rest had to run away when they heard the gunshots. Matters worsened when the protesting students were joined by others in the adjourning streets of Oron and Wellington Bassey road leading to sporadic shooting which extended into the night...jpeg&STREAMOID=YLRZZLAjEzj6x6Ti4mH5EC6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxR1k6zURj6_$r2suXEqEVOSnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-

During a telephone interview, Essien Udoma, the Student Union President of the University of Uyo, confirmed that they were invited by the state governor to collect ₦10 million but people under the aegis of Concerned Students for Gosdwill Akpabio, the organisers, made away with ₦4 million.

He said seven students comprising three each from the Akwa Ibom State College of Education and Uyo City Polytechnic, and one from the University of Uyo have been hospitalised in an undisclosed hospital. He refused to say how many were killed in the riots.

In what amounts to a reaction, the state government has banned all groups from gathering at the Government House for any reason. The commissioner for Information and Social Re-orientation, Aniekan Umanah, said any such rally should be taken to the PDP secretariat.



Is it still no sacrifice ? 

No sacrifice no sacrifice at all .....


its the heart of pdp letting people die  ....

"elton john"



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12166300474?profile=originalGoodluck Jonathan has been alleged to have given Solomon Lar Presidential Jet...quarters him in Aso Rock to spearhead Northern campaign.

Politician, Solomon Lars influence is on the rise.
He is presently listed as one of the closest allies of the President Goodluck Jonathan.
And the gains of this union are very obvious- The notable figure currently has one of the nation’s presidential Jets at his beck and call. And he is also a resident at Aso Rock, the seat of power.
According to a source ‘Solomon Lar now has a villa to himself where he holds and has practically turned into his home’
 Aside these, his home in Jos, Plateau state is described as a veritable venue for many street charactersto assuage their hunger.- in his absence.
The move which has reportedly greatly boosted his popularity in that part of the country is said to be based on patronage from the presidency.
In return for his current leverage, Solomon Lar is said to be championing the Presidents re-election Campaign in the north.
According to observers, the President is trying to cash in on Lar’s standing and goodwill in the north to gain popularity and acceptance with northerners.
Lar is said to be proving a worthy believer of Mr Jonathans dream with the wide spread consultations he has instituted and consistent discrediting of anti Jonathan campaigners in the region, including his friend, Adamu Ciroma...
Sources claim the president is happy with progress so far made with Solomon Lars effort and talks of upgrading resources at his disposal are said to be on.
President's spokesperson, Mr Ima Niboro did not respond when we sought his reaction on the development.
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12166300684?profile=originalThe glamorous lovers’ day celebration on Monday turned bloody at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) when gunmen killed two students. Daily Sun gathered that the clash was between two rival cult groups, namely, Black Axe and the Buccaneers,’ over a female student allegedly snatched by the Capone of the Black Axe for Valentine celebration.


The action of the Capone , the source said did not go down well with the other group leading to the clash.
A student who witnessed the shooting said besides the two cult members who were shot dead, about four others sustained injuries and were ferried out of the campus by their leaders to shield their identity.

The sources said the cult members who carried out the attack were not UNILAG students but members from another campus, adding that the attack was carried out in a commando style with sporadic shooting.
An undergraduate student of English Department told Daily Sun that the Buccaneers’ group attacked the Black Axe members while another student returning from the Mosque said those who carried out the killing were not from UNILAG because they did not cover their faces.

It was learnt that as soon the shooting started, students scampered for safety while others took cover behind the wall and under cars packed around, while others ran into the halls to avoid being hit by stray bullets. 
A senior lecturer who confirmed the killings said the university management had met to curtail any reprisal attack while security personnel had taken over the investigation of the deadly cult clash.
When Daily Sun visited the troubled institution yesterday, there was uneasy calm, as most staff and students rebuffed efforts made by the reporters to get their comments.

However, one of the students who resides at Sodeinde Hall, said there was sporadic gunshots outside the premises which caused panic everywhere. 
It was gathered that the crisis, which erupted when the students were at the peak of lovers’ day celebration, created stampede on the campus as people ran for safety.

One of the victims of the attack reportedly ran into Sodeinde Hall for help, from where he was taken to the hospital.
Although the Hall Master of Sodeinde Hall declined comments on the issue, one of the officials, who wouldn’t want his name published, said the attack could not be linked to any cult group. He said there was increasing speculation that the perpetrators of the attack could be fighting for love. Efforts made by Daily Sun our reporter to ascertain the identities of the victims were unsuccessful.
The news bulletin of the university, Information Flash (ISSN 08195540) also captured the incident, while assuring the staff and students of the university of adequate security.

“The attention of the universities authorities has been drawn to the incident which occurred in one of the Halls of Residence in the late hours of Monday, February 14, 2011 where two persons were reportedly injured in fracas. The university management has commenced investigation into the unusual incident, in particular at a time when preparation for the first semester examinations due to commence on February 21, 2011 are in top gear. Security has been intensified to ensure safety of life and property on campus. Law enforcement agents have been involved to assist the university in this respect,” it said. 
Daily Sun learnt that students are leaving the campus because of the fear of reprisal attack while some parents called their wards on phone to return home until the situation is brought under control. 

The Deputy Registrar Information of UNILAG, Mr. Dare Adebisi refused to pick his calls or replied to text message sent to his phone.
When the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Samuel Jinadu (DSP) was called thrice, he promised to contact the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in the area and did not call back as at the press time....

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12166300266?profile=originalA London woman who sent her teenage son to their native Nigeria because she disapproved of his lifestyle has been jailed for eight months, the BBC reported.

Edirin Onogeta-Idogun, 17, from Newham, flew from the UK to Nigeria last July.

His parents Lydia Erhire and John Idogun were issued with a court order to return the boy, who is believed to be with his father in Lagos.

When they failed to do so, Mrs Erhire was convicted at the Old Bailey of being in contempt of court.

Edirin was born in Nigeria but moved to London with his mother seven years ago.

He had been studying for his GCSEs and had been due to transfer to a college in Hackney to study business and media.

Last year he feared he may be taken to Nigeria and forced to marry against his will, his solicitors said, and a Forced Marriage Protection Order was issued on 8 July.

He attended school for the final time on 12 July and it is thought he flew to the African country about four days later.

The High Court ruled Edirin was a resident of England and was entitled to continue to live there.

Photo:Missing: Edirin Onogeta-Idogun, 17, claims he was beaten and forced to undergo exorcisms because his mother disapproved of his lifestyle

His removal from England was contrary to the protection order and he was at “significant risk” while in Nigeria, it decided.

The Boys Story:

The mother of a teenager who claims he was forced to undergo exorcism to purge him of his disobedience has been jailed.

Lydia Erhire has become the first person in the UK to be jailed under forced marriage laws after Edirin Onogeta-Idogun, 17, was sent to Nigeria on holiday and is still there.

He claims he has been subjected to beatings and religious-style ceremonies in the African country to get rid of his behaviour which his mother did not approve of.

Erhire is a devout Christian who had tried to instil a strong sense of discipline in her child and does not approve of his lifestyle, the court heard.

The 17-year-old is still being held against his will – and it is unclear exactly where he is, the High Court in London was told.

His mother was ordered to have her son brought back to Britain but she obstructed efforts and was jailed for eight months yesterday.

Edirin had flown out to Nigeria, where his father John Idogun is a special adviser to the governor of the Delta State, in July.

The teenager, from Newham, east London, was expected back in August to start a college course in Hackney.

He had been given a protection order under forced marriage laws by a judge last year and provided with emergency accommodation before he disappeared.

Mrs Justice Macur said: 'Edirin told his litigation team he had been forced or subjected to procedures which were meant to exorcise him from his disobedience to the will of his parents and to remove him from what they regarded as unsatisfactory friendships.'

In November, after a hearing before another judge, Mrs Erhire signed a letter instructing her sister to facilitate the return of Edirin from his Nigerian boarding school.


  • July 8, 2010 - Forced Marriage Protection Order issued as Lydia Erhire fears he is going to be sent to Nigeria for an arranged wedding
  • July 16 - Teenager is sent on holiday to Nigeria
  • August - he fails to return to London where he is due to start college
  • February 14, 2011 - his mother is jailed after being found guilty of contempt of court

But it later emerged that she had immediately sent another letter countermanding the demand.

In February, Edirin attempted to leave Nigeria but was intercepted by immigration officials and taken off his British Airways flight from Lagos.

Mrs Justice Macur ruled Mrs Erhire was not responsible for the February incident but had found she was complicit in November in ‘thwarting’ the court's efforts to have Edirin returned.

Members of the Urhobo tribe appeared before the court and said that his mother was concerned he would become involved in gangs.

The teenager was issued with a Forced Marriage Protection Order last July because he feared he was going to be sent to Nigeria for an arranged wedding.

Jailing the mother for contempt of court, the judge said: ‘I am not satisfied that she is truly remorseful for the imperilment of Edirin's welfare..

‘I am not satisfied that she has shown any indication of a willingness to co-operate on anything but her own terms.

‘The chronology has shown beyond peradventure that this woman only co-operates in the face of a prison sentence and then begrudgingly.’

She ordered that Mrs Erhire should be committed to Holloway Prison immediately for eight months, but said she would have the opportunity to apply to purge her contempt.

The student, who was due to study business and media after finishing his A-levels, came to Britain with his mother in 2004 and had settled in Newham.


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  • 'Unlicensed medical practitioner' sought for administering silicone injection which killed Claudia Aderotimi
  • Transgender woman suspect 'well known' in Philadelphia and believed to have had similar procedure during sex change
  • Tip off came after police raided home of 'fixer' in New Jersey who introduced student to 'doctor'
  • 20-year-old believed to have met surgeon on chat forum for people interested in plastic surgery
  • Injection was a ‘top up’ for previous procedure had in November

Detectives are hunting a transgender woman in connection with the death of a British student who died after a botched 'butt enhancement' operation.

Claudia Aderotimi, 20, is believed to have had the illegal procedure carried out by an unlicensed medical practioner in a hotel room in Philadelphia after meeting her in a plastic surgery chat room.

The transgender woman, in her 30s, had a similar procedure herself as part of a sex change operation to become a woman.

'Russian Roulette': Claudia Aderotimi, 20, is believed to have had silicone injected into her buttocks by an unlicensed medical practitioner

'Russian Roulette': Claudia Aderotimi, 20, is believed to have had silicone injected into her buttocks by an unlicensed medical practitioner


Sudden death: The London student had travelled to Philadelphia for a 'butt enhancement', which is illegal in the U.S. and UK

Sudden death: The London student had travelled to Philadelphia for a 'butt enhancement', which is illegal in the U.S. and UK

Police have established the identity of the suspect after raiding the home of a 'fixer' in New Jersey who had introduced the London-based student to the 'doctor'.

She is said to be well-known among the Africa-American community in Philadelphia, where 'butt enhancements' are popular.

A police source told the Evening Standard: 'There is a thriving trade in these sort of procedures and the injectors travel from state to state.'

Legitimate surgical techniques including silicone implants cost around £7,000, leading some to seek out cheaper injections. The procedure is illegal in the U.S. and UK.

If convicted, the suspect faces involuntary manslaughter charges which could lead to 10 years in jail.

Image conscious: Friends said Miss Aderotimi was desperate to obtain the perfect curvy figure and had been rejected from one Hip Hop video for wearing padded trousers
Image conscious: Friends said Miss Aderotimi was desperate to obtain the perfect curvy figure and had been rejected from one Hip Hop video for wearing padded trousers

Image conscious: Friends said Miss Aderotimi was desperate to obtain the perfect curvy figure and had been rejected from one Hip Hop video for wearing padded trousers


Aspiring dancer: Friends claimed Miss Aderotimi was the victim of social pressure to have a larger bottom

Aspiring dancer: Friends claimed Miss Aderotimi was the victim of social pressure to have a larger bottom

Miss Aderotimi have believed a 'bigger booty' would help her wish to appear in more music videos, according to her distraught friends.

The aspiring dancer - stagename Carmella London - was dropped from one shoot because directors discovered she had been wearing padded trousers to help enlarge her bottom.

Talent scout Tee Ali, who met the Thames Valley University student when she filmed a video, told The Sun: 'The problem was she didn't have no butt, and she wanted a butt.

'She went to audition for one video shoot wearing fake booty pants and she got all the attention.

'But when they found out it was fake she didn't get asked back.'

Miss Aderotimi developed chest pains and struggled for breath 12 hours after she had the illegal silicone injections at the budget hotel.

She was rushed to hospital, but could not be saved.

Aspirations: The student had hoped to become a Hip Hop star and had previously auditioned for parts in music videos

Aspirations: The student had hoped to become a Hip Hop star and had previously auditioned for parts in music videos


Victim: Claudia Aderotimi, 20, died of a heart attack after having buttock-enhancing injections
CARMELLA CLAUDIYAH also known as Claudia Aderotimi - A British student has died of a heart attack after travelling to the U.S. for an operation to give her more shapely buttocks.

Botched: The 20-year-old died after the silicone leaked into her bloodstream, resulting in heart failure

A preliminary examination found the silicone filler had leaked into her bloodstream, leading to heart failure.

Detectives are investigating whether she was treated with cheaper 'industrial' silicone, normally used as a sealant, rather than the medical-grade material used in breast implants.

It was not the first time she had undergone the procedure. She is believed to have been treated in November and the latest injection on Monday may have been a 'top-up'.

Bootylicious: Nicki Minaj has become almost as famous for her posterior as for her voice

Bootylicious: Nicki Minaj has become almost as famous for her posterior as for her voice

She had travelled from London to Philadelphia with three friends for the treatment, thought to have been an early present for her 21st birthday.

Buttock enhancement surgery is becoming popular in the U.S., among women who aspire to the shapely curves of Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and singer Nicki Minaj.

Minaj has become almost as famous for her posterior as for her voice, and rumours have spread across the web that the Massive Attack singer underwent surgery or uses pads to boost her bum, especially on urban gossip sites such as Bossip and She denies having had surgery.

The illusion of a larger backside has become increasingly more fashionable among young women since the rise of the 'Hip Hop Honey' phenomenon.

A bigger behind has become almost a prerequisite for any aspiring dancer wanting to make it on the music video scene.

But the hip hop industry has come under fire for objectifying women in music videos where dancers - or Hip Hop Honeys - chasing fame can often leave themselves open to financial and sexual exploitation.

And in their desperation to beat off the competition, many resort to surgery to get ahead.

'Top up' procedures are only legal when the silicone gel is contained and sealed within an implant. But illegal injections of the material are also widely available from unlicensed back-room medics.

Last night one expert said having a direct injection of silicone gel – long outlawed in the U.S. and Britain, even for breast surgery – is 'like playing Russian roulette'.

One of Miss Aderotimi's friends is said to have had the same procedure but survived. Experts warned the silicone could still prove lethal for her in the future if not removed.

Death: The woman died at the Hampton Inn in Philadelphia after having an injection in her buttocks

Death: The woman died at the Hampton Inn in Philadelphia after having an injection in her buttocks


Investigation: A Philadelphia detective leaves the hotel where Claudia Aderotimi was staying, clutching an envelope with mugshots inside

Investigation: A Philadelphia detective leaves the hotel where Claudia Aderotimi was staying, clutching an envelope with mugshots inside

Tragedy: One of Miss Aderotimi's friends also underwent a similar procedure, but survived

Tragedy: One of Miss Aderotimi's friends also underwent a similar procedure, but survived

Last night more than a dozen distraught friends and family gathered at Miss Aderotimi's home in Hackney, East London.

Her sister Vivian was in tears as she said: 'We found out on Tuesday. We're still in shock. We need to think about what we have to do.'

Miss Aderotimi's mother, a healthcare assistant at Homerton Hospital in East London, said she was too upset to speak about her daughter's death.

Miss Aderotimi had the buttock injections on Monday – thought to have cost around £1,300 – while her friend had the same procedure along with a hip enhancement treatment.

The 'doctor' who injected the silicone left soon after and was not there when Miss Aderotimi began complaining of chest pains.

Yesterday detectives raided the home of a woman they believed set up the illegal operation.

Computer files, emails and telephone records were seized from the house in Bergen County, New Jersey.

Emails from Miss Aderotimi arranging the procedure were among the material seized, but police said no formal arrests had yet been made.

Dr Rajiv Grover, president-elect of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, said: 'Buttock augmentation isn't a very commonly done procedure here, which is probably why these girls have resorted to going abroad.

'If correctly done, it involves implanting solid silicone implants into the buttock just like breast implants.

'The correct procedure would be done in a fully equipped, sterile surgical theatre in a hospital and the patient would be fully anaesthetised.'

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Stampede in Ibadan: Parents storm schools, withdraw pupils as the rumour mills went abuzz that Alao-Akala planned to use 200 people for rituals to obtain 2nd Term victory From YINKA FABOWALE and GBENGA ADESUYI, Ibadan 
Friday, February 11, 2011• It’s blackmail - Oyo Govt

There was pandemonium in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital as thousands of panic-stricken parents besieged public schools in the metropolis to withdraw their children, following rumours that some pupils died after eating meal allegedly poisoned but provided free by the Adebayo Alao-Akala government.
The poison scare was coming even as the rumour mills went abuzz that Governor Alao-Akala planned to use 200 people for fetish rituals to realize his second term ambition But the state government and the governor’s campaign organization, swiftly dismissed the reports, describing them as wicked lies and blackmail. Governor Alao-Akala’s Special Adviser on Communication, Dotun Oyelade, in a reaction, said the development was an attempt by political opponents to blackmail his principal as his administration does not run a free meal programme in schools.
He assured state residents of their safety.
Many public schools in the city had become empty by 100pm, after news made the round that some officials and politicians seeking elective offices in the state were distributing free food packs from government round the schools in the metropolis, of which some school children had died after eating thereof.
The food poison scare which hit the city about noon spread like wild fire, as anonymous callers made calls to parents and teachers in schools, warning them not to accept or allow their wards to partake of the meal.
Parents, including civil servants, market women and housewives stormed primary and secondary schools to withdraw their children and wards, on receiving the alarming messages.
But most school premises were scenes of chaos as hot arguments ensued between them and school authorities following the latter’s attempt to prevent the parents, who headed for the classrooms to pick the pupils. Hundreds of parents were sighted at Mokola,, Oniyanrin, Odo Iye, Oke Are, Opo Yeosa, Oje and other parts of Ibadan rushing to schools in the areas ostensibly to beat the arrival of the food distributors.
Similar situation played out in areas such as Oke Ado, Liberty road, NTC area, Molete, Sango, Ojoo, Mokola, Agodi gate,Old Ife road,Alakia,Challenge,Muslim/Odinjo area,Bodija,Basorun.
Some head teachers had to resorte to locking school gates, but this provoked serious protests and agitation by the teeming parents, some of who threatened to break the gates. Some even assaulted teachers.
The development caused security to be quickly beefed up with armed policemen stationed at strategic locations including Oniyanrin area to forestall break down of law and order.
Some of the parents vowed not to allow them back to school until the state government could publicly assure their safety.
A nursing mother met at St. Stephens Primary school,Oniyanrin, however told Daikly Sun that she had to go to the school and pick her seven year old daughter when she heard the rumours, declaring” You don’t take risks with politicians. I heard some pupils ate akara(baked beans) and died. They even said some disappeared after eating.,
So I had to rush here and pick my daughter.” Investigations at Adeoyo General Hospital, the University College Hospital (UCH) and some private hospitals located around Yemetu and Mokola areas of Ibadan , where some of the victims of the poisonous meal were said to have been taken, did not, however, reveal any reported case. Teachers declined comments on the development, but some at C and S New Eden Primary School Mokola were overheard saying they rexceived phone calls warning them not to receive the toxic food package from the Akala men.
But, Oyelade, assured residents of the state of their safety, describing the whole development as blackmail.
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A Senior Magistrate’s Court sitting at Karu, Abuja, was yesterday told how a 25-year-old carpenter, Godwin Aboye, got enticed with the appearance of a lady that stood in his front at a voters’ registration queue and discharged sperm on her dress.

Police prosecutor, Francis Udofia, told the court that on January 19, one Simi Maikasuwa of Karu village reported to the police that while she was on queue during the voters’ registration exercise at ECWA Church in the area, the accused brought out his male organ and pressed it against her buttocks and in the process released sperm thereby staining her cloth...12166299657?profile=original

The prosecutor said the accused confessed to the crime during police investigations and contravened Section 285 of the Penal Code...

When the charge was read to the accused, he pleaded guilty and pleaded for leniency, while the prosecutor asked the court to try him summarily.

Senior Magistrate Sharon Ishaya Godwin found the accused guilty of indecency and convicted him to 10 days imprisonment or to pay N1,000 as fine option.

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To enjoy cost effective internet, you need to activate an internet bundle for your internet browsing. If not you will be browsing at pay as you go, which is billed at per kb or per minute bases. Internet browsing on pay as you go is very expensive, so going for bundled internet access is recommended. Here we provide browsing activation codes for various internet bundles offered by networks in Nigeria. The aim is to provide easy access to Activation codes for internet browsing bundles across networks in Nigeria. To make it more useful, we also included the cost and data limit of the internet browsing bundles. You will also find info on checking your data balance.

Networks in Nigeria offer two forms of activation for their internet browsing bundles. One is the USSD method, where you dial a code ended with the hash key (#). Once you dial the code, you will receive a response if successful or unsuccessful. The second method involves sending a code to a number via SMS. You will receive an SMS if activation is successful. When using a modem, some come with software that makes it possible to activate browsing packages without any code, just click the button for the internet browsing bundle you are interested in on the software interface and it will be activated automatically...

Activation codes for Internet bundles in Nigeria

Here are activation codes for different internet browsing bundles in Nigeria. We focus on GSM networks as those are the ones we have activation codes for. If your CDMA network uses activation codes, you can share it via a comment.

Activation codes for Glo Internet bundles

Here are activation codes for Glo internet browsing bundles. Glo activation code involves sending an SMS containing a two-digit number to 127.

    * Glo Always Max (30 days) – N7,500 (6GB data limit) SMS 12 to 127
    * Glo Always Min (30 days) – N5,000 (1.5GB data limit) Send 11 to 127
    * Glo Always Micro (30 days) – N1,000 (150MB data limit) text 13 to 127
    * Glo Always Day (24 hours) – N500 (150MB data limit) send 10 to 127
    * Glo G300 (300 hours internet bundle) – N15,000 (4GB data limit) SMS 21 to 127
    * Glo G100 (100 hours internet bundle) – N6,000 (3GB data limit) send 20 to 127
    * Glo G Work (8am – 9pm) – N6,000 (3GB limit) send 31 to 127
    * Glo G Leisure (8pm – 9am + all day weekend) – N5,000 (3GB limit) SMS 30 to 127

To check your data balance, SMS info to 127.

Activation codes for MTN Internet browsing bundles

Here are activation codes for MTN internet browsing bundles. Like Glo, MTN activation code is done via SMS. However, in the case of MTN a three-digit number is used and 131 is the number to send the SMS to...

    * MTN Monthly for mobile, 100MB (24/7 30 days) - N1000 (text 106 to 131)
    * MTN Daily for mobile, 10MB (24 hours) - N100 (SMS 104 to 131)
    * MTN Weekly for mobile, 25MB (24/7, 7 days) - N500 (text 105 to 131)
    * MTN Daily Internet, 150MB (24 hours) - N500 (text 103 to 131)
    * MTN Monthly Internet, 5GB (24/7, 30 days) - N8,000 (text 101 to 131)
    * MTN Day Time Internet, 3GB (9am - 9pm, 30 days) - N6,000 (text 107 to 131)
    * MTN Night Internet, 3GB (9pm - 6am, 30 days) - N2,500 (text 102 to 131)
    * MTN Weekend, 3GB (9am Fri - 9pm Mon, 30 days) - N3,000 (text 108 to 131)

To check your data balance, SMS 2 to 131.

Activation codes for Airtel Internet bundles

Here are activation codes for Airtel (formally Zain) internet browsing bundles. Activation for Airtel internet is done via USSD.

    * Airtel Day Internet, 50MB, N500 – dial *141*712*3#
    * Airtel Lite, 100MB Internet, N1,000 – dial *141*712*4#
    * Airtel Plus, 1GB Internet, N5,000 – dial *141*712*1#
    * Airtel Max, 3GB Internet, N10,000 – dial *141*712*2#
    * Airtel Premium, 6GB, N15,000 – dial *141*712*5#

To check your data balance, dial *141*712*0#.

Activation codes for Etisalat Internet browsing bundles

Here are activation codes for Etisalat internet browsing bundles. Like Airtel, Etisalat's activation code is done via USSD.

    * Etisalat Flex 100MB Internet, N1,000 - *229*2*1#
    * Etisalat Flex 500MB Internet, N3,000 – *229*2*2#
    * Etisalat Flex 3GB Internet, N10,000 – *229*2*3#
    * Etisalat Daily Internet, N500 – *229*3*1#
    * Etisalat Night and weekend, N5,000 – *229*3*3#

To check your data balance, dial *228#.

That is the activation code. Hope you find it useful. Feel free to notify us of errors via comment. You can also notify us of activation codes for internet browsing bundles for other networks not included here.

Related Topics:

    * Cost of Internet Browsing Report, November 2010
    * Cheap Internet Browsing bundles in Nigeria
    * Value for Money Internet browsing bundles in Nigeria
    * MTN 100MB internet browsing bundle
    * Glo 150MB internet browsing bundle
    * MultiLinks internet browsing bundles
    * Etisalat 500MB internet browsing bundle
    * Glo 3G plus: pre-paid internet browsing packages
    * Breaking free from MTN free internet browsing cheats
    * MTN Night Browsing bundle
    * Airtel internet browsing bundles
    * Etisalat internet browsing bundles
    * Glo 3G plus: HSDPA high speed internet browsing

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The new salary structure for civil servants in Lagos State, South West Nigeria, promised by Governor Babatunde Fashola in his budget speech, has been unveiled, with the minimum wage pegged at N18,780.48.


Gov. Babatunde Raji Fashola

According to the details available to P.M. News this morning, Governor Fashola did not just keep his promise, he has offered government workers in the state, more money than the Federal Government has offered its own workers. For starters, Lagos has pegged its minimum wage some hundreds of Naira above the Federal minimum of N18,000, which many indigent states will not be able to afford.

With the new jumbo wage increase, a full director in the civil service on level 17 will now earn N4.17 million minimum and N4.5 million maximum annually. The director level is the highest for career civil servants. The salary of permanent secretaries, who are political appointees is not revealed in the new structure. But informed sources said they are already earning far above the maximum being offered to the directors.

The state government said last week that it would make the new package known to civil servants and the public this week.

It is now confirmed that the state government will pay N18,780.48 monthly as the new minimum wage for the lowest cadre in the civil service and a maximum of N19,599.80 monthly when the lower staff reaches the fourth step instead of the N7,500 previously being earned by the lowest cadre.

The new minimum wage is over 100 per cent increase in the salaries of civil servants.

The new package takes effect from last month. Since the old package was what was paid civil servants last month, the balance would be paid along with this month’s salaries.

The new wage increase has triggered joy among civil servants who had for long been groaning under the burden of poor salaries, with the attendant consequence of corruption and poor attitude to work.

Mrs. Ulelu Smart, a staff of the Ministry of Rural Development said she was happy about the new salary structure for workers, adding that she came to the civil service at the right time.

Another staff who worked with the Radio Lagos, Eko FM, who craved anonymity, told P.M.NEWS that Fashola had done well for increasing their take home pay, adding that it was a step in the right direction.

Also, a staffer of the Ministry of Information and Strategy was very happy that his salary had been increased and commended the state governor for the gesture.

A female secretary attached to the Office of the Chief of staff said at level 6, her monthly take home pay was N16,000, but with the new increase, she would now enjoy working in the civil service.Under the new scale, her new salary will be between N27,000 and N30,000..

For university graduates, the entry point has now been increased, from about N20-22,000 to N54-58,000.

In the current budget, Lagos plans to spend N120 billion on overhead costs. It is not clear whether the new structure will jack up the entire recurrent expenditure estimate of N198 billion. The Fashola government plans to spend N252 billion on capital expenditure and raise a bond of N60 billion to finance some of its capital projects....

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Buhari picks Bakare for CPC VP

12166207275?profile=originalThe presidential candidate of the Congress for
Progressive Change (CPC), Gen Muhamadu Buhari has picked fiery preacher; Pastor Gbolahan Babatunde Bakare as his running mate for the 2011 presidential election as the deadline for nomination of
candidates expires today....

The frontline runner for the highest political office in the land hinged his choice on the need to put the best feet forward in what promises to be a decisive political challenge for the soul of Nigeria. "We have seen the uncommon enthusiasm of our people to register to vote in spite of the many challenges of the exercise, that speaks to their desire to do what Tunisians and Egyptians are doing on the streets through the ballot box in April.

There is a compelling need to give them a ticket that will make all their sacrifices worth the while and that is what we have done” he said. 

General Buhari also condemns the wave of serial violence in Borno,Plateau and other parts of the country which have left casualties in it's trail and with the Federal Gov
ernment appearing totally helpless. 

"It is sad that these dastardly acts are taking place without any coordinated response from the government to guarantee the safety of lives and property. 

A responsible leadership must not agonize over the virtual breakdown of security in parts of the country, it must organize the security system to deal with the situation first and create the atmosphere for social justice to flourish to end the conditions that make citizens to let loose against each other". 

While condoling with the Borno State Government and people as well as all those who have lost loved ones in these pockets of violence, General Buhari sues for peace among all Nigerians and called on the government to sit up and bring an end to this palpable state of insecurity. 

On the unfounded allegation by Jigawa State Governor, Alhaji Sule Lamido that his supporters are responsible for a hate text message circulating after the PDP primaries,Geneneral Buhari said it is regrettable that some
people can't appreciate that certain offices require a high degree of responsibility in utterances. 

"What evidence has he got to say that the text came from any of my supporters? Has he gone to the service providers and they told him the text originated from a phone traceable to anyone who is my supporter? I condemn any attempt to spread hate among Nigerians but I suspect this may be a mischief from our opponents who cannot face issues but dwell only on weeping up emotions.And it may appear that the governor may be aware of those behind this hatchet job" 

General Buhari added that he has never been involved in the zoning debate because the Federal Republic of Nigeria with all the people within no matter how they talk to God is his constituency."Those who don't want the progress of our people have spent fortunes over the years to raise silly propaganda about me.I have been around for some years and vie challenged them to bring out one person I ever discriminated against based on faith but they are
yet to take up the challenge. They should continue to tell lies about me just as I will continue to tell the truths about them" He insisted that the weapons that worked for them in the past will not produce this time around. 

"We will force them to discuss issues. They must explain why poverty has increased from 45 per cent in 1999 to 76 percent in 2011 in spite of unprecedented revenue under the PDP Government. Nigerians want to know how we got to a situation where 98 per cent of our children now fail NECO examinations whereas we had 54 per cent pass in WAEC examinations in 1999.The Global Financial Integrity recently reported that an average of $15b left the shores of Nigeria in illicit transfers in the eight years it surveyed under PDP rule" 

Yinka Odumakin

Spokesperson to General Buhari
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12166298090?profile=originalwhat if my girl was called aharit instead of arit

My girl has always been my closest friend but not one day has she ever told me her

real name . She said her name is arit and many times i go Aight ? and she says Right

. Not one day has she dared to put it all together and say AHARIT !

I wondered why she would never tell me her real name . I wondered not for long as I

asked her to marry me . to which she immediately agreed . She had been waiting for

this for ages .

Now we are about to get married it is just a few days or even weeks away .

And I asked her for the last time What is your name Arit

And she said AHARIT and I looked at her and understood . AHA RIGHT !

He sold his birthright for a meal of porridge He ignored the 'Aharit' . That which

comes After . Show me Temptations and I will ask for the AHARIT .

Now we shall soon be together for ever even after the AHARIT !


Happy Valentine


Ephesians 4:2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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UNILAG 'beggar' student graduates, begs for job



Against all odds, a beggar who gained admission to the University of Lagos in 2006, Mr. Abdulsalam Idowu, was part of the 8,209 students that graduated from the university last Wednesday. SEGUN OLUGBILE, who covered the event, chronicles the academic sojourn of the beggar, who has also begun a law programme in the university.






For two days last week, the University of Lagos was thrown into a festive mood with the conferment of various degrees and diploma certificates on 8, 209 students. Though 119 of the graduating students, including Segun Alawode, who emerged as the best graduating student, passed out with first class degrees, Idowu Abdulsalam, who graduated with a second class lower degree in Political Science, was the most celebrated.

Idowu, formerly a beggar, had secured admission to the university in 2006 with no hope of completing the programme. On the day he got the admission, he had just N39,000 in savings, the money he made from his begging business. But he exhausted this on the first semester registration. With no parent to turn to, Idowu had planned to continue his alms begging business to raise money to continue his education. But fortunes smiled on him after some compassionate Nigerians and organisations decided to sponsor him after reading his story in The PUNCH.

Born into a poor, polygamous family, Idowu lost his mother at the age of three years. An attack of malaria left him crippled shortly after. He could not complete his secondary school education because of his inability to pay his school fees. With nobody willing to employ him, he took to begging. He sat for the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination O'Level as a beggar and passed after two attempts. He also gained admission to UNILAG as a beggar and so it was with glee that Idowu graduated on Wednesday. Idowu, who crawled to UNILAG in 2006, rode high on a tricycle amidst encomiums and cheers from colleagues and the university authorities during the convocation.

The 31 -year-old man, who has also started his law programme, in a chat with our correspondent after the convocation, said he was grateful to God, The Punch and many Nigerians who had helped to make his dream a reality.

"When I came to UNILAG, I had no mother, but God gave me compassionate mothers such as Justice Ajumogobia, Alhaja Osonaike, Alhaja Fowosere, Alhaja S.O Yusuf, Mrs. Comfort Obi and wife of the Kwara State Governor, Mrs. Toyin Bukola- Saraki.

"When I came to UNILAG, I had a very poor polygamous father, but God gave me very rich and responsible fathers such as Mr. Peace Emokaro, Pastor Adewuyi, Alhaji Olajobi, Prof. Oye Ibidapo-Obe, Prof. Tolu Odugbemi and the current Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Tokunbo Sofoluwe.

"When I came to UNILAG, I was moving around with the aid of a local skateboard, but God used organisations such as Nasrul-Lahi-L-Fatih Society of Nigeria, UNILAG Muslim Community, the Christian Community, Young Men Christian Association and some churches to give me walking aids and money.

"When I came to UNILAG, I had no voice but The PUNCH gave me a voice and here I am today, the yesterday's beggar has become a university graduate. I thank all the people God has used to help me thus far," he said poetically.

Asked how he intended to pay his way through the four-year law programme he had just started, Idowu went spiritual, saying that God that saw him through the first degree would not abandon him.

He, however, added that he would search for employment to help himself.

"Yes, I have thought about the challenges. However, I believe that God who has seen me through many difficult challenges before now will make a way for me. But I will plead with Nigerians and government to please give me a job so that I can help myself," he said.

But did he have any regret while on campus for his first degree, Idowu said no...

"I didn't have personal regret, the only thing I don't enjoy is seeing touts, street boys and hustlers, who saw me while I was begging on the streets of Lagos and who still refused to have a rethink. I wonder why they still continue to live like that. Only two of the street boys have changed. They are now students of UNILAG and they have made me their mentor," he said.

One of his mentees, Lukman Lawal, who is now a 200 Level Economics student, said Idowu's story motivated him to abandon the street for education.

"He is wise and inspiring. I knew him when he was begging and I was shocked when I saw his picture and his story on the front page of PUNCH one day in 2006. I went to see him afterwards, and he advised me that if he could make GCE and university admission that I could make it, too. I took to his counsel and today I'm in 200 Level. He's a worthy mentor," he said.

Idowu, who came all alone to the convocation ground, said he had no regret that none of his relations accompanied him.

"Yes, I can see that a lot of my colleagues came with their parents. I'm not bothered by this. My mother is dead and my father is too poor to come to Lagos from Adamawa where he does menial job. I have long overcome this because I have been living a lonely life since I lost my mother at a very tender age," he said.

He advised the nation's youths to shun criminality and acts capable of destroying their future.

"I want to advise youths to desist from criminality. Criminality is not the way out of poverty; it's only a fast lane to self-destruction. They should know that 70 per cent of Nigerians are poor; therefore, if they continue to engage in crime, the victims of their criminality are largely going to be those battling with poverty too. So, they should stop embarking on vices and set developmental targets for themselves, be focused and determined to realise their ambitions," he said.

Some of his colleagues, including Audu Okaala Nathaniel, Willams Nuatin, Chinaza Akabuogu and Adenike Ogunleye described Idowu as determined, focused and a brilliant motivator.

Akabuogu, however, added that Idowu was not just brilliant, he was also a non-conformist. "When you discuss issues with him, he always flows against popular views. Maybe, he does that intentionally but Kabasa (that is Idowu's popular name among his course mates) is intelligent and logical in his presentation of issues. He argues with facts and lecturers used his story to challenge us in class. I love him for his never-say-die spirit. He's my man any day," he said.

Also, the VC of UNILAG, Prof. Sofoluwe, had while addressing the press on the activities lined up for the convocation, said that the institution was encouraged by the graduating students' performance particularly Idowu and other physically-challenged students for their determination and will to succeed.

He pledged the university's determination to do more to enhance the welfare of the physically-challenged on the campus. Sofoluwe also commended the students for their peaceful conduct, which he noted, was responsible for the harmony on the campus.

But the convocation was not about Idowu alone, other students who distinguished themselves were also celebrated during the ceremony.

The graduates included Adedapo Aladegbaye, who obtained a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.74 out of a possible 5.0 to get a rare first class degree in the Department of Mass Communication, and Austin Andem, who obtained a first class in the Department of English.

Aladegbaye, 24, was said to be the second graduate after popular columnist, Dr. Olatunji Dare, to have passed out with a first class degree from the MASSCOMM department since it was established in 1966.

The Akure, Ondo State born young man in a chat with our correspondent, said that he did not set out to make a first class.

He said, "We were told during our first year that first class degree was a rarity in the department. But I just set my mind at making a good grade. It was when we got to 300 Level that I woke up to the reality that I could make a first class because my CGPA was within the first class range."

Aladegbaye's dream was nearly truncated when his father died in the first semester of his 400 Level.

But rather than allowing this setback to affect his studies, he was further propelled to make a first class. At the end of his degree programme, he made it in style beating his closest rival who obtained a CGPA of 3.98 to the second position.

Aladegbaye had shown signs of his brilliance when he


graduated from Government College, Ibadan, Oyo State, with eight As and a B3 in the 2002 WASSCE.

He, however, called on the university authorities to invest more in the purchase of relevant books to libraries in the institution.

He also faulted the process whereby lecturers were made to develop curriculum for their courses. This, he said, should be done by a body of experts.

He applauded his colleagues and lecturers, including Dr. Remi Ologbenla, Dr. Okoye and Dr. Ben Nwabueze for helping him to make history.

Also, Andem, 46, who obtained a CGPA of 4.64 out of a possible 5.0, was also applauded for his academic performance.

Born in Uyo, in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Andem had graduated from the Government College, Victoria Island, Lagos in 1982. Andem later moved to Federal Polytechnic, Idah, Kogi State and the Nigerian Institute of Journalism for his certificate and diploma programmes in journalism.

In a chat with our correspondent after the ceremony, Andem said his desire to understand English informed his decision to study the language at the university.

Before he went to the university, Andem said he got a scholarship to read cartography at the Federal School of Surveying Oyo, Oyo State, where he graduated with a distinction in 1989.

"My love for journalism led me to the Federal Polytechnic, Idah and the Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Lagos. I had a stint with the Voice of Nigeria as a student on attachment. From there I got involved on a part time basis with DBN TV, MITV, Crime Fighters television programme and Superscreen Television where I present the Campos Square programme on weekends. I still edit the Business Update Newspaper till date," the father of one said.

He hopes to pursue a postgraduate programme if a scholarship he is pursuing at a foreign university sails through.

At the event, some distinguished lecturers and the Proprietor, Crescent University, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Prince Bola Ajibola (SAN) were honoured by the university.

While Ajibola was conferred with the honorary doctorate degree (Honorius causal) in Laws, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at the Prof. Giwa Osato-Osagie, was given the Distinguished Professor award for his contributions to the development of fertility in women.

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Ibinabo Fiberesima fights for prisoners

12166215474?profile=originalIbinabo Fiberesima fights for prisoners.. been there done that now lets help !

Prisoners prayer : God pls bring more celebrities ... amen.

Actress Ibinabo Fiberesima who’s since moved on with her life after her traumatic experience has returned to the Kirikiri maximum prison to extend a hand of help to the prisoners.

The actress, was in a Lagos High court during the week to demand for justice for two prisoners whom she said have been standing trial for the past five years without any evidence to persecute their cases.

Ibinabo, disclosed that she is working with a team of lawyers who are assisting her in pursuing this noble course. Already, according to her, she has succeeded in setting about two other prisoners free, as she hopes to set more prisoners free in future. - Vanguard Newspaper
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